from typing import Optional, List import bmesh import bpy import numpy as np from bpy.types import VertexGroup from mathutils import Quaternion, Vector, Matrix from .data import Psk from .properties import poly_flags_to_triangle_type_and_bit_flags from ..shared.helpers import rgb_to_srgb, is_bdk_addon_loaded class PskImportOptions: def __init__(self): = '' self.should_import_mesh = True self.should_reuse_materials = True self.should_import_vertex_colors = True self.vertex_color_space = 'SRGB' self.should_import_vertex_normals = True self.should_import_extra_uvs = True self.should_import_skeleton = True self.should_import_shape_keys = True self.bone_length = 1.0 self.should_import_materials = True self.scale = 1.0 class ImportBone: ''' Intermediate bone type for the purpose of construction. ''' def __init__(self, index: int, psk_bone: Psk.Bone): self.index: int = index self.psk_bone: Psk.Bone = psk_bone self.parent: Optional[ImportBone] = None self.local_rotation: Quaternion = Quaternion() self.local_translation: Vector = Vector() self.world_rotation_matrix: Matrix = Matrix() self.world_matrix: Matrix = Matrix() self.vertex_group = None self.original_rotation: Quaternion = Quaternion() self.original_location: Vector = Vector() self.post_rotation: Quaternion = Quaternion() class PskImportResult: def __init__(self): self.warnings: List[str] = [] def import_psk(psk: Psk, context, options: PskImportOptions) -> PskImportResult: result = PskImportResult() armature_object = None mesh_object = None if options.should_import_skeleton: # ARMATURE armature_data = armature_object =, armature_data) armature_object.show_in_front = True try: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') except: pass armature_object.select_set(state=True) = armature_object bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') import_bones = [] for bone_index, psk_bone in enumerate(psk.bones): import_bone = ImportBone(bone_index, psk_bone) psk_bone.parent_index = max(0, psk_bone.parent_index) import_bone.local_rotation = Quaternion(tuple(psk_bone.rotation)) import_bone.local_translation = Vector(tuple(psk_bone.location)) if psk_bone.parent_index == 0 and bone_index == 0: import_bone.world_rotation_matrix = import_bone.local_rotation.to_matrix() import_bone.world_matrix = Matrix.Translation(import_bone.local_translation) import_bones.append(import_bone) for bone_index, bone in enumerate(import_bones): if bone.psk_bone.parent_index == 0 and bone_index == 0: continue parent = import_bones[bone.psk_bone.parent_index] bone.parent = parent bone.world_matrix = parent.world_rotation_matrix.to_4x4() translation = bone.local_translation.copy() translation.rotate(parent.world_rotation_matrix) bone.world_matrix.translation = parent.world_matrix.translation + translation bone.world_rotation_matrix = bone.local_rotation.conjugated().to_matrix() bone.world_rotation_matrix.rotate(parent.world_rotation_matrix) for import_bone in import_bones: bone_name ='utf-8') edit_bone = if import_bone.parent is not None: edit_bone.parent = armature_data.edit_bones[import_bone.psk_bone.parent_index] else: import_bone.local_rotation.conjugate() edit_bone.tail = Vector((0.0, options.bone_length, 0.0)) edit_bone_matrix = import_bone.local_rotation.conjugated() edit_bone_matrix.rotate(import_bone.world_matrix) edit_bone_matrix = edit_bone_matrix.to_matrix().to_4x4() edit_bone_matrix.translation = import_bone.world_matrix.translation edit_bone.matrix = edit_bone_matrix # MESH if options.should_import_mesh: mesh_data = mesh_object =, mesh_data) # MATERIALS if options.should_import_materials: for material_index, psk_material in enumerate(psk.materials): material_name ='utf-8') material = None if options.should_reuse_materials and material_name in # Material already exists, just re-use it. material =[material_name] elif is_bdk_addon_loaded() and psk.has_material_references: # Material does not yet exist, and we have the BDK addon installed. # Attempt to load it using BDK addon's operator. material_reference = psk.material_references[material_index] if material_reference and bpy.ops.bdk.link_material(reference=material_reference) == {'FINISHED'}: material =[material_name] else: # Just create a blank material. material = mesh_triangle_type, mesh_triangle_bit_flags = poly_flags_to_triangle_type_and_bit_flags(psk_material.poly_flags) material.psk.mesh_triangle_type = mesh_triangle_type material.psk.mesh_triangle_bit_flags = mesh_triangle_bit_flags material.use_nodes = True mesh_data.materials.append(material) bm = # VERTICES for point in psk.points: bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() # FACES invalid_face_indices = set() for face_index, face in enumerate(psk.faces): point_indices = map(lambda i: psk.wedges[i].point_index, reversed(face.wedge_indices)) points = [bm.verts[i] for i in point_indices] try: bm_face = bm_face.material_index = face.material_index except ValueError: # This happens for two reasons: # 1. Two or more of the face's points are the same. (i.e, point indices of [0, 0, 1]) # 2. The face is a duplicate of another face. (i.e., point indices of [0, 1, 2] and [0, 1, 2]) invalid_face_indices.add(face_index) # TODO: Handle invalid faces better. if len(invalid_face_indices) > 0: result.warnings.append(f'Discarded {len(invalid_face_indices)} invalid face(s).') bm.to_mesh(mesh_data) # TEXTURE COORDINATES uv_layer_data_index = 0 uv_layer ='UVMap') for face_index, face in enumerate(psk.faces): if face_index in invalid_face_indices: continue face_wedges = [psk.wedges[i] for i in reversed(face.wedge_indices)] for wedge in face_wedges:[uv_layer_data_index].uv = wedge.u, 1.0 - wedge.v uv_layer_data_index += 1 # EXTRA UVS if psk.has_extra_uvs and options.should_import_extra_uvs: extra_uv_channel_count = int(len(psk.extra_uvs) / len(psk.wedges)) wedge_index_offset = 0 for extra_uv_index in range(extra_uv_channel_count): uv_layer_data_index = 0 uv_layer ='EXTRAUV{extra_uv_index}') for face_index, face in enumerate(psk.faces): if face_index in invalid_face_indices: continue for wedge_index in reversed(face.wedge_indices): u, v = psk.extra_uvs[wedge_index_offset + wedge_index][uv_layer_data_index].uv = u, 1.0 - v uv_layer_data_index += 1 wedge_index_offset += len(psk.wedges) # VERTEX COLORS if psk.has_vertex_colors and options.should_import_vertex_colors: # Convert vertex colors to sRGB if necessary. psk_vertex_colors = np.zeros((len(psk.vertex_colors), 4)) for vertex_color_index in range(len(psk.vertex_colors)): psk_vertex_colors[vertex_color_index,:] = psk.vertex_colors[vertex_color_index].normalized() match options.vertex_color_space: case 'SRGBA': for i in range(psk_vertex_colors.shape[0]): psk_vertex_colors[i, :3] = tuple(map(lambda x: rgb_to_srgb(x), psk_vertex_colors[i, :3])) case _: pass # Map the PSK vertex colors to the face corners. face_count = len(psk.faces) - len(invalid_face_indices) face_corner_colors = np.full((face_count * 3, 4), 1.0) face_corner_color_index = 0 for face_index, face in enumerate(psk.faces): if face_index in invalid_face_indices: continue for wedge_index in reversed(face.wedge_indices): face_corner_colors[face_corner_color_index] = psk_vertex_colors[wedge_index] face_corner_color_index += 1 # Create the vertex color attribute. face_corner_color_attribute ='VERTEXCOLOR', type='FLOAT_COLOR', domain='CORNER')'color', face_corner_colors.flatten()) # VERTEX NORMALS if psk.has_vertex_normals and options.should_import_vertex_normals: mesh_data.polygons.foreach_set('use_smooth', [True] * len(mesh_data.polygons)) normals = [] for vertex_normal in psk.vertex_normals: normals.append(tuple(vertex_normal)) mesh_data.normals_split_custom_set_from_vertices(normals) else: mesh_data.shade_smooth() bm.normal_update() # WEIGHTS # Get a list of all bones that have weights associated with them. vertex_group_bone_indices = set(map(lambda weight: weight.bone_index, psk.weights)) vertex_groups: List[Optional[VertexGroup]] = [None] * len(psk.bones) for bone_index, psk_bone in map(lambda x: (x, psk.bones[x]), vertex_group_bone_indices): vertex_groups[bone_index] ='windows-1252')) for weight in psk.weights: vertex_groups[weight.bone_index].add((weight.point_index,), weight.weight, 'ADD') # MORPHS (SHAPE KEYS) if options.should_import_shape_keys: morph_data_iterator = iter(psk.morph_data) if psk.has_morph_data: mesh_object.shape_key_add(name='MORPH_BASE', from_mix=False) for morph_info in psk.morph_infos: shape_key = mesh_object.shape_key_add('windows-1252'), from_mix=False) for _ in range(morph_info.vertex_count): morph_data = next(morph_data_iterator) x, y, z = morph_data.position_delta[morph_data.point_index].co += Vector((x, -y, z)) # Add armature modifier to our mesh object. if options.should_import_skeleton: armature_modifier ='Armature', type='ARMATURE') armature_modifier.object = armature_object mesh_object.parent = armature_object root_object = armature_object if options.should_import_skeleton else mesh_object root_object.scale = (options.scale, options.scale, options.scale) try: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') except: pass return result