import typing from typing import List, Optional import bpy import numpy as np from bpy.types import FCurve, Object, Context from mathutils import Vector, Quaternion from .config import PsaConfig, REMOVE_TRACK_LOCATION, REMOVE_TRACK_ROTATION from .data import Psa from .reader import PsaReader class PsaImportOptions(object): def __init__(self): self.should_use_fake_user = False self.should_stash = False self.sequence_names = [] self.should_overwrite = False self.should_write_keyframes = True self.should_write_metadata = True self.action_name_prefix = '' self.should_convert_to_samples = False self.bone_mapping_mode = 'CASE_INSENSITIVE' self.fps_source = 'SEQUENCE' self.fps_custom: float = 30.0 self.should_use_config_file = True self.psa_config: PsaConfig = PsaConfig() class ImportBone(object): def __init__(self, psa_bone: Psa.Bone): self.psa_bone: Psa.Bone = psa_bone self.parent: Optional[ImportBone] = None self.armature_bone = None self.pose_bone = None self.original_location: Vector = Vector() self.original_rotation: Quaternion = Quaternion() self.post_rotation: Quaternion = Quaternion() self.fcurves: List[FCurve] = [] def _calculate_fcurve_data(import_bone: ImportBone, key_data: typing.Iterable[float]): # Convert world-space transforms to local-space transforms. key_rotation = Quaternion(key_data[0:4]) key_location = Vector(key_data[4:]) q = import_bone.post_rotation.copy() q.rotate(import_bone.original_rotation) rotation = q q = import_bone.post_rotation.copy() if import_bone.parent is None: q.rotate(key_rotation.conjugated()) else: q.rotate(key_rotation) rotation.rotate(q.conjugated()) location = key_location - import_bone.original_location location.rotate(import_bone.post_rotation.conjugated()) return rotation.w, rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, location.x, location.y, location.z class PsaImportResult: def __init__(self): self.warnings: List[str] = [] def _get_armature_bone_index_for_psa_bone(psa_bone_name: str, armature_bone_names: List[str], bone_mapping_mode: str = 'EXACT') -> Optional[int]: """ @param psa_bone_name: The name of the PSA bone. @param armature_bone_names: The names of the bones in the armature. @param bone_mapping_mode: One of 'EXACT' or 'CASE_INSENSITIVE'. @return: The index of the armature bone that corresponds to the given PSA bone, or None if no such bone exists. """ for armature_bone_index, armature_bone_name in enumerate(armature_bone_names): if bone_mapping_mode == 'CASE_INSENSITIVE': if armature_bone_name.lower() == psa_bone_name.lower(): return armature_bone_index else: if armature_bone_name == psa_bone_name: return armature_bone_index return None def _get_sample_frame_times(source_frame_count: int, frame_step: float) -> typing.Iterable[float]: # TODO: for correctness, we should also emit the target frame time as well (because the last frame can be a # fractional frame). time = 0.0 while time < source_frame_count - 1: yield time time += frame_step yield source_frame_count - 1 def _resample_sequence_data_matrix(sequence_data_matrix: np.ndarray, frame_step: float = 1.0) -> np.ndarray: """ Resamples the sequence data matrix to the target frame count. @param sequence_data_matrix: FxBx7 matrix where F is the number of frames, B is the number of bones, and X is the number of data elements per bone. @param frame_step: The step between frames in the resampled sequence. @return: The resampled sequence data matrix, or sequence_data_matrix if no resampling is necessary. """ if frame_step == 1.0: # No resampling is necessary. return sequence_data_matrix source_frame_count, bone_count = sequence_data_matrix.shape[:2] sample_frame_times = list(_get_sample_frame_times(source_frame_count, frame_step)) target_frame_count = len(sample_frame_times) resampled_sequence_data_matrix = np.zeros((target_frame_count, bone_count, 7), dtype=float) for sample_frame_index, sample_frame_time in enumerate(sample_frame_times): frame_index = int(sample_frame_time) if sample_frame_time % 1.0 == 0.0: # Sample time has no fractional part, so just copy the frame. resampled_sequence_data_matrix[sample_frame_index, :, :] = sequence_data_matrix[frame_index, :, :] else: # Sample time has a fractional part, so interpolate between two frames. next_frame_index = frame_index + 1 for bone_index in range(bone_count): source_frame_1_data = sequence_data_matrix[frame_index, bone_index, :] source_frame_2_data = sequence_data_matrix[next_frame_index, bone_index, :] factor = sample_frame_time - frame_index q = Quaternion((source_frame_1_data[:4])).slerp(Quaternion((source_frame_2_data[:4])), factor) q.normalize() l = Vector(source_frame_1_data[4:]).lerp(Vector(source_frame_2_data[4:]), factor) resampled_sequence_data_matrix[sample_frame_index, bone_index, :] = q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z, l.x, l.y, l.z return resampled_sequence_data_matrix def import_psa(context: Context, psa_reader: PsaReader, armature_object: Object, options: PsaImportOptions) -> PsaImportResult: result = PsaImportResult() sequences = [psa_reader.sequences[x] for x in options.sequence_names] armature_data = typing.cast(bpy.types.Armature, # Create an index mapping from bones in the PSA to bones in the target armature. psa_to_armature_bone_indices = {} armature_to_psa_bone_indices = {} armature_bone_names = [ for x in armature_data.bones] psa_bone_names = [] duplicate_mappings = [] for psa_bone_index, psa_bone in enumerate(psa_reader.bones): psa_bone_name: str ='windows-1252') armature_bone_index = _get_armature_bone_index_for_psa_bone(psa_bone_name, armature_bone_names, options.bone_mapping_mode) if armature_bone_index is not None: # Ensure that no other PSA bone has been mapped to this armature bone yet. if armature_bone_index not in armature_to_psa_bone_indices: psa_to_armature_bone_indices[psa_bone_index] = armature_bone_index armature_to_psa_bone_indices[armature_bone_index] = psa_bone_index else: # This armature bone has already been mapped to a PSA bone. duplicate_mappings.append((psa_bone_index, armature_bone_index, armature_to_psa_bone_indices[armature_bone_index])) psa_bone_names.append(armature_bone_names[armature_bone_index]) else: psa_bone_names.append(psa_bone_name) # Warn about duplicate bone mappings. if len(duplicate_mappings) > 0: for (psa_bone_index, armature_bone_index, mapped_psa_bone_index) in duplicate_mappings: psa_bone_name = psa_bone_names[psa_bone_index] armature_bone_name = armature_bone_names[armature_bone_index] mapped_psa_bone_name = psa_bone_names[mapped_psa_bone_index] result.warnings.append(f'PSA bone {psa_bone_index} ({psa_bone_name}) could not be mapped to armature bone {armature_bone_index} ({armature_bone_name}) because the armature bone is already mapped to PSA bone {mapped_psa_bone_index} ({mapped_psa_bone_name})') # Report if there are missing bones in the target armature. missing_bone_names = set(psa_bone_names).difference(set(armature_bone_names)) if len(missing_bone_names) > 0: result.warnings.append( f'The armature \'{}\' is missing {len(missing_bone_names)} bones that exist in ' 'the PSA:\n' + str(list(sorted(missing_bone_names))) ) del armature_bone_names # Create intermediate bone data for import operations. import_bones = [] psa_bone_names_to_import_bones = dict() for (psa_bone_index, psa_bone), psa_bone_name in zip(enumerate(psa_reader.bones), psa_bone_names): if psa_bone_index not in psa_to_armature_bone_indices: # PSA bone does not map to armature bone, skip it and leave an empty bone in its place. import_bones.append(None) continue import_bone = ImportBone(psa_bone) import_bone.armature_bone = armature_data.bones[psa_bone_name] import_bone.pose_bone = armature_object.pose.bones[psa_bone_name] psa_bone_names_to_import_bones[psa_bone_name] = import_bone import_bones.append(import_bone) bones_with_missing_parents = [] for import_bone in filter(lambda x: x is not None, import_bones): armature_bone = import_bone.armature_bone has_parent = armature_bone.parent is not None if has_parent: if in psa_bone_names: import_bone.parent = psa_bone_names_to_import_bones[] else: # Add a warning if the parent bone is not in the PSA. bones_with_missing_parents.append(armature_bone) # Calculate the original location & rotation of each bone (in world-space maybe?) if has_parent: import_bone.original_location = armature_bone.matrix_local.translation - armature_bone.parent.matrix_local.translation import_bone.original_location.rotate(armature_bone.parent.matrix_local.to_quaternion().conjugated()) import_bone.original_rotation = armature_bone.matrix_local.to_quaternion() import_bone.original_rotation.rotate(armature_bone.parent.matrix_local.to_quaternion().conjugated()) import_bone.original_rotation.conjugate() else: import_bone.original_location = armature_bone.matrix_local.translation.copy() import_bone.original_rotation = armature_bone.matrix_local.to_quaternion().conjugated() import_bone.post_rotation = import_bone.original_rotation.conjugated() # Warn about bones with missing parents. if len(bones_with_missing_parents) > 0: count = len(bones_with_missing_parents) message = f'{count} bone(s) have parents that are not present in the PSA:\n' + str([ for x in bones_with_missing_parents]) result.warnings.append(message) context.window_manager.progress_begin(0, len(sequences)) # Create and populate the data for new sequences. actions = [] for sequence_index, sequence in enumerate(sequences): # Add the action. sequence_name ='windows-1252') action_name = options.action_name_prefix + sequence_name # Get the bone track flags for this sequence, or an empty dictionary if none exist. sequence_bone_track_flags = dict() if sequence_name in options.psa_config.sequence_bone_flags.keys(): sequence_bone_track_flags = options.psa_config.sequence_bone_flags[sequence_name] if options.should_overwrite and action_name in action =[action_name] else: action = # Calculate the target FPS. match options.fps_source: case 'CUSTOM': target_fps = options.fps_custom case 'SCENE': target_fps = context.scene.render.fps case 'SEQUENCE': target_fps = sequence.fps case _: raise ValueError(f'Unknown FPS source: {options.fps_source}') if options.should_write_keyframes: # Remove existing f-curves. action.fcurves.clear() # Create f-curves for the rotation and location of each bone. for psa_bone_index, armature_bone_index in psa_to_armature_bone_indices.items(): bone_track_flags = sequence_bone_track_flags.get(psa_bone_index, 0) import_bone = import_bones[psa_bone_index] pose_bone = import_bone.pose_bone rotation_data_path = pose_bone.path_from_id('rotation_quaternion') location_data_path = pose_bone.path_from_id('location') add_rotation_fcurves = (bone_track_flags & REMOVE_TRACK_ROTATION) == 0 add_location_fcurves = (bone_track_flags & REMOVE_TRACK_LOCATION) == 0 import_bone.fcurves = [, index=0, if add_rotation_fcurves else None, # Qw, index=1, if add_rotation_fcurves else None, # Qx, index=2, if add_rotation_fcurves else None, # Qy, index=3, if add_rotation_fcurves else None, # Qz, index=0, if add_location_fcurves else None, # Lx, index=1, if add_location_fcurves else None, # Ly, index=2, if add_location_fcurves else None, # Lz ] # Read the sequence data matrix from the PSA. sequence_data_matrix = psa_reader.read_sequence_data_matrix(sequence_name) # Convert the sequence's data from world-space to local-space. for bone_index, import_bone in enumerate(import_bones): if import_bone is None: continue for frame_index in range(sequence.frame_count): # This bone has writeable keyframes for this frame. key_data = sequence_data_matrix[frame_index, bone_index] # Calculate the local-space key data for the bone. sequence_data_matrix[frame_index, bone_index] = _calculate_fcurve_data(import_bone, key_data) # Resample the sequence data to the target FPS. # If the target frame count is the same as the source frame count, this will be a no-op. resampled_sequence_data_matrix = _resample_sequence_data_matrix(sequence_data_matrix, frame_step=sequence.fps / target_fps) # Write the keyframes out. # Note that the f-curve data consists of alternating time and value data. target_frame_count = resampled_sequence_data_matrix.shape[0] fcurve_data = np.zeros(2 * target_frame_count, dtype=float) fcurve_data[0::2] = range(0, target_frame_count) for bone_index, import_bone in enumerate(import_bones): if import_bone is None: continue for fcurve_index, fcurve in enumerate(import_bone.fcurves): if fcurve is None: continue fcurve_data[1::2] = resampled_sequence_data_matrix[:, bone_index, fcurve_index] fcurve.keyframe_points.add(target_frame_count) fcurve.keyframe_points.foreach_set('co', fcurve_data) for fcurve_keyframe in fcurve.keyframe_points: fcurve_keyframe.interpolation = 'LINEAR' if options.should_convert_to_samples: # Bake the curve to samples. for fcurve in action.fcurves: fcurve.convert_to_samples(start=0, end=sequence.frame_count) # Write meta-data. if options.should_write_metadata: action.psa_export.fps = target_fps action.use_fake_user = options.should_use_fake_user actions.append(action) context.window_manager.progress_update(sequence_index) # If the user specifies, store the new animations as strips on a non-contributing NLA track. if options.should_stash: if armature_object.animation_data is None: armature_object.animation_data_create() for action in actions: nla_track = = nla_track.mute = True, start=0, action=action) context.window_manager.progress_end() return result