mirror of https://github.com/DarklightGames/io_scene_psk_psa.git synced 2024-11-28 00:20:48 +01:00

217 lines
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from typing import Optional
from bpy.types import Armature, Bone, Action, PoseBone
from .data import *
from ..shared.helpers import *
class PsaBuildSequence:
class NlaState:
def __init__(self):
self.action: Optional[Action] = None
self.frame_start: int = 0
self.frame_end: int = 0
def __init__(self):
self.name: str = ''
self.nla_state: PsaBuildSequence.NlaState = PsaBuildSequence.NlaState()
self.compression_ratio: float = 1.0
self.key_quota: int = 0
self.fps: float = 30.0
class PsaBuildOptions:
def __init__(self):
self.animation_data: Optional[AnimData] = None
self.sequences: List[PsaBuildSequence] = []
self.bone_filter_mode: str = 'ALL'
self.bone_collection_indices: List[int] = []
self.should_enforce_bone_name_restrictions: bool = False
self.sequence_name_prefix: str = ''
self.sequence_name_suffix: str = ''
self.root_motion: bool = False
def _get_pose_bone_location_and_rotation(pose_bone: PoseBone, armature_object: Object, options: PsaBuildOptions):
if pose_bone.parent is not None:
pose_bone_matrix = pose_bone.matrix
pose_bone_parent_matrix = pose_bone.parent.matrix
pose_bone_matrix = pose_bone_parent_matrix.inverted() @ pose_bone_matrix
if options.root_motion:
# Get the bone's pose matrix, taking the armature object's world matrix into account.
pose_bone_matrix = armature_object.matrix_world @ pose_bone.matrix
# Use the bind pose matrix for the root bone.
pose_bone_matrix = pose_bone.matrix
location = pose_bone_matrix.to_translation()
rotation = pose_bone_matrix.to_quaternion().normalized()
if pose_bone.parent is not None:
return location, rotation
def build_psa(context: bpy.types.Context, options: PsaBuildOptions) -> Psa:
active_object = context.view_layer.objects.active
psa = Psa()
armature_object = active_object
armature_data = typing.cast(Armature, armature_object.data)
bones: List[Bone] = list(iter(armature_data.bones))
# The order of the armature bones and the pose bones is not guaranteed to be the same.
# As a result, we need to reconstruct the list of pose bones in the same order as the
# armature bones.
bone_names = [x.name for x in bones]
pose_bones = [(bone_names.index(bone.name), bone) for bone in armature_object.pose.bones]
pose_bones.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
pose_bones = [x[1] for x in pose_bones]
# Get a list of all the bone indices and instigator bones for the bone filter settings.
export_bone_names = get_export_bone_names(armature_object, options.bone_filter_mode, options.bone_collection_indices)
bone_indices = [bone_names.index(x) for x in export_bone_names]
# Make the bone lists contain only the bones that are going to be exported.
bones = [bones[bone_index] for bone_index in bone_indices]
pose_bones = [pose_bones[bone_index] for bone_index in bone_indices]
# No bones are going to be exported.
if len(bones) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('No bones available for export')
# Check that all bone names are valid.
if options.should_enforce_bone_name_restrictions:
check_bone_names(map(lambda bone: bone.name, bones))
# Build list of PSA bones.
for bone in bones:
psa_bone = Psa.Bone()
psa_bone.name = bytes(bone.name, encoding='windows-1252')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise RuntimeError(f'Bone name "{bone.name}" contains characters that cannot be encoded in the Windows-1252 codepage')
parent_index = bones.index(bone.parent)
psa_bone.parent_index = parent_index
psa.bones[parent_index].children_count += 1
except ValueError:
psa_bone.parent_index = 0
if bone.parent is not None:
rotation = bone.matrix.to_quaternion().conjugated()
inverse_parent_rotation = bone.parent.matrix.to_quaternion().inverted()
parent_head = inverse_parent_rotation @ bone.parent.head
parent_tail = inverse_parent_rotation @ bone.parent.tail
location = (parent_tail - parent_head) + bone.head
armature_local_matrix = armature_object.matrix_local
location = armature_local_matrix @ bone.head
bone_rotation = bone.matrix.to_quaternion().conjugated()
local_rotation = armature_local_matrix.to_3x3().to_quaternion().conjugated()
rotation = bone_rotation @ local_rotation
psa_bone.location.x = location.x
psa_bone.location.y = location.y
psa_bone.location.z = location.z
psa_bone.rotation.x = rotation.x
psa_bone.rotation.y = rotation.y
psa_bone.rotation.z = rotation.z
psa_bone.rotation.w = rotation.w
# Add prefixes and suffices to the names of the export sequences and strip whitespace.
for export_sequence in options.sequences:
export_sequence.name = f'{options.sequence_name_prefix}{export_sequence.name}{options.sequence_name_suffix}'
export_sequence.name = export_sequence.name.strip()
# Save the current action and frame so that we can restore the state once we are done.
saved_frame_current = context.scene.frame_current
saved_action = options.animation_data.action
# Now build the PSA sequences.
# We actually alter the timeline frame and simply record the resultant pose bone matrices.
frame_start_index = 0
context.window_manager.progress_begin(0, len(options.sequences))
for export_sequence_index, export_sequence in enumerate(options.sequences):
# Link the action to the animation data and update view layer.
options.animation_data.action = export_sequence.nla_state.action
frame_start = export_sequence.nla_state.frame_start
frame_end = export_sequence.nla_state.frame_end
# Calculate the frame step based on the compression factor.
frame_extents = abs(frame_end - frame_start)
frame_count_raw = frame_extents + 1
frame_count = max(export_sequence.key_quota, int(frame_count_raw * export_sequence.compression_ratio))
frame_step = frame_extents / (frame_count - 1)
except ZeroDivisionError:
frame_step = 0.0
sequence_duration = frame_count_raw / export_sequence.fps
# If this is a reverse sequence, we need to reverse the frame step.
if frame_start > frame_end:
frame_step = -frame_step
psa_sequence = Psa.Sequence()
psa_sequence.name = bytes(export_sequence.name, encoding='windows-1252')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise RuntimeError(f'Sequence name "{export_sequence.name}" contains characters that cannot be encoded in the Windows-1252 codepage')
psa_sequence.frame_count = frame_count
psa_sequence.frame_start_index = frame_start_index
psa_sequence.fps = frame_count / sequence_duration
psa_sequence.bone_count = len(pose_bones)
psa_sequence.track_time = frame_count
psa_sequence.key_reduction = 1.0
frame = float(frame_start)
for _ in range(frame_count):
context.scene.frame_set(frame=int(frame), subframe=frame % 1.0)
for pose_bone in pose_bones:
location, rotation = _get_pose_bone_location_and_rotation(pose_bone, armature_object, options)
key = Psa.Key()
key.location.x = location.x
key.location.y = location.y
key.location.z = location.z
key.rotation.x = rotation.x
key.rotation.y = rotation.y
key.rotation.z = rotation.z
key.rotation.w = rotation.w
key.time = 1.0 / psa_sequence.fps
frame += frame_step
frame_start_index += frame_count
psa.sequences[export_sequence.name] = psa_sequence
# Restore the previous action & frame.
options.animation_data.action = saved_action
return psa