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# Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Martin Donath <martin.donath@squidfunk.com>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import yaml
from babel.dates import format_date
from datetime import datetime
from mkdocs.config.defaults import MkDocsConfig
from mkdocs.exceptions import PluginError
from mkdocs.plugins import BasePlugin, event_priority
from mkdocs.structure import StructureItem
from mkdocs.structure.files import File, Files, InclusionLevel
from mkdocs.structure.nav import Navigation, Section
from mkdocs.structure.pages import Page
from mkdocs.utils import get_relative_url
from paginate import Page as Pagination
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from yaml import SafeLoader
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from .author import Authors
from .config import BlogConfig
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from .readtime import readtime
from .structure import Archive, Category, Excerpt, Post, View
from .templates import url_filter
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Classes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Blog plugin
class BlogPlugin(BasePlugin[BlogConfig]):
supports_multiple_instances = True
# Initialize plugin
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Initialize incremental builds
self.is_serve = False
self.is_dirty = False
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# Initialize temporary directory
self.temp_dir = mkdtemp()
# Determine whether we're serving the site
def on_startup(self, *, command, dirty):
self.is_serve = command == "serve"
self.is_dirty = dirty
# Initialize authors and set defaults
def on_config(self, config):
if not self.config.enabled:
# Initialize entrypoint
self.blog: View
# Initialize and resolve authors, if enabled
if self.config.authors:
self.authors = self._resolve_authors(config)
# Initialize table of contents settings
if not isinstance(self.config.archive_toc, bool):
self.config.archive_toc = self.config.blog_toc
if not isinstance(self.config.categories_toc, bool):
self.config.categories_toc = self.config.blog_toc
# By default, drafts are rendered when the documentation is served,
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# but not when it is built, for a better user experience
if self.is_serve and self.config.draft_on_serve:
self.config.draft = True
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# Resolve and load posts and generate views (run later) - we want to allow
# other plugins to add generated posts or views, so we run this plugin as
# late as possible. We also need to remove the posts from the navigation
# before navigation is constructed, as the entrypoint should be considered
# to be the active page for each post. The URLs of posts are computed before
# Markdown processing, so that when linking to and from posts, behavior is
# exactly the same as with regular documentation pages. We create all pages
# related to posts as part of this plugin, so we control the entire process.
def on_files(self, files, *, config):
if not self.config.enabled:
# Resolve path to entrypoint and site directory
root = posixpath.normpath(self.config.blog_dir)
site = config.site_dir
# Compute path to posts directory
path = self.config.post_dir.format(blog = root)
path = posixpath.normpath(path)
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# Adjust destination paths for media files
for file in files.media_files():
if not file.src_uri.startswith(path):
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# We need to adjust destination paths for assets to remove the
# purely functional posts directory prefix when building
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file.dest_uri = file.dest_uri.replace(path, root)
file.abs_dest_path = os.path.join(site, file.dest_path)
file.url = file.url.replace(path, root)
# Resolve entrypoint and posts sorted by descending date - if the posts
# directory or entrypoint do not exist, they are automatically created
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self.blog = self._resolve(files, config)
self.blog.posts = sorted(
self._resolve_posts(files, config),
key = lambda post: post.config.date.created,
reverse = True
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# Temporarily remove posts from navigation
for post in self.blog.posts:
post.file.inclusion = InclusionLevel.EXCLUDED
# Generate views for archive
if self.config.archive:
views = self._generate_archive(config, files)
# Generate views for categories
if self.config.categories:
views = self._generate_categories(config, files)
# Generate pages for views
if self.config.pagination:
for view in self._resolve_views(self.blog):
for page in self._generate_pages(view, config, files):
page.file.inclusion = InclusionLevel.EXCLUDED
# Ensure that entrypoint is always included in navigation
self.blog.file.inclusion = InclusionLevel.INCLUDED
# Attach posts and views to navigation (run later) - again, we allow other
# plugins to alter the navigation before we start to attach posts and views
# generated by this plugin at the correct locations in the navigation. Also,
# we make sure to correct links to the parent and siblings of each page.
def on_nav(self, nav, *, config, files):
if not self.config.enabled:
# Hack: since MkDocs will always create a page for the entrypoint even
# though we already created it in `on_files`, we must replace the page
# that MkDocs created with the entrypoint we already have on our hands.
# Hopefully, this hack can be removed soon - see https://t.ly/9nehI
page = self.blog.file.page
self._attach_at(page.parent, page, self.blog)
2023-09-03 12:55:11 +02:00
# Hack: update page instances in navigation - this can also be removed
# once an already open pull request is merged - see https://t.ly/9C_Kz
for page in [self.blog, *self.blog.posts, *self.blog.views]:
assert isinstance(page, Page)
# Check if the page that we generated is identical to the page that
# is associated with the file - if it is, we're good
temp = page.file.page
if not temp or temp == page:
# If not, MkDocs overwrote our page with a new instance, which we
# need to replace with the one we generated
page.file.page = page
for items in [self._resolve_siblings(page, nav), nav.pages]:
items[items.index(temp)] = page
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# Attach posts to entrypoint without adding them to the navigation, so
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# that the entrypoint is considered to be the active page for each post
self._attach(self.blog, [None, *reversed(self.blog.posts), None])
for post in self.blog.posts:
post.file.inclusion = InclusionLevel.NOT_IN_NAV
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Revert temporary exclusion of views from navigation
for view in self._resolve_views(self.blog):
for page in view.pages:
page.file.inclusion = InclusionLevel.INCLUDED
# Attach views for archive
if self.config.archive:
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title = self._translate(self.config.archive_name, config)
views = [_ for _ in self.blog.views if isinstance(_, Archive)]
# Attach and link views for archive
self._attach_to(self.blog, Section(title, views), nav)
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# Attach views for categories
if self.config.categories:
title = self._translate(self.config.categories_name, config)
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views = [_ for _ in self.blog.views if isinstance(_, Category)]
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# Attach and link views for categories, if any
if views:
self._attach_to(self.blog, Section(title, views), nav)
# Attach pages for views
if self.config.pagination:
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for view in self._resolve_views(self.blog):
for at in range(1, len(view.pages)):
self._attach_at(view.parent, view, view.pages[at])
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# Replace source file system path
view.pages[at].file.src_uri = view.file.src_uri
view.pages[at].file.abs_src_path = view.file.abs_src_path
# Prepare post for rendering (run later) - allow other plugins to alter
# the contents or metadata of a post before it is rendered and make sure
# that the post includes a separator, which is essential for rendering
# excerpts that should be included in views
def on_page_markdown(self, markdown, *, page, config, files):
if not self.config.enabled:
# Skip if page is not a post managed by this instance - this plugin has
# support for multiple instances, which is why this check is necessary
if page not in self.blog.posts:
if not self.config.pagination:
# We set the contents of the view to its title if pagination should
# not keep the content of the original view on paginated views
if not self.config.pagination_keep_content:
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view = self._resolve_original(page)
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if view in self._resolve_views(self.blog):
# If the current view is paginated, use the rendered title
# of the original view in case the author set the title in
# the page's contents, or it would be overridden with the
# one set in mkdocs.yml, leading to inconsistent headings
assert isinstance(view, View)
if view != page:
name = view._title_from_render or view.title
return f"# {name}"
# Nothing more to be done for views
# Extract and assign authors to post, if enabled
if self.config.authors:
for name in page.config.authors:
if name not in self.authors:
raise PluginError(f"Couldn't find author '{name}'")
# Append to list of authors
# Extract settings for excerpts
separator = self.config.post_excerpt_separator
max_authors = self.config.post_excerpt_max_authors
max_categories = self.config.post_excerpt_max_categories
# Ensure presence of separator and throw, if its absent and required -
# we append the separator to the end of the contents of the post, if it
# is not already present, so we can remove footnotes or other content
# from the excerpt without affecting the content of the excerpt
if separator not in page.markdown:
2023-08-23 15:15:11 +02:00
path = page.file.src_path
if self.config.post_excerpt == "required":
raise PluginError(
f"Couldn't find '{separator}' separator in '{path}'"
page.markdown += f"\n\n{separator}"
# Create excerpt for post and inherit authors and categories - excerpts
# can contain a subset of the authors and categories of the post
page.excerpt = Excerpt(page, config, files)
page.excerpt.authors = page.authors[:max_authors]
page.excerpt.categories = page.categories[:max_categories]
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# Process posts
def on_page_content(self, html, *, page, config, files):
if not self.config.enabled:
# Skip if page is not a post managed by this instance - this plugin has
# support for multiple instances, which is why this check is necessary
if page not in self.blog.posts:
# Compute readtime of post, if enabled and not explicitly set
if self.config.post_readtime:
words_per_minute = self.config.post_readtime_words_per_minute
if not page.config.readtime:
page.config.readtime = readtime(html, words_per_minute)
# Register template filters for plugin
def on_env(self, env, *, config, files):
if not self.config.enabled:
# Filter for formatting dates related to posts
def date_filter(date: datetime):
return self._format_date_for_post(date, config)
# Register custom template filters
env.filters["date"] = date_filter
env.filters["url"] = url_filter
# Prepare view for rendering (run latest) - views are rendered last, as we
# need to mutate the navigation to account for pagination. The main problem
# is that we need to replace the view in the navigation, because otherwise
# the view would not be considered active.
def on_page_context(self, context, *, page, config, nav):
if not self.config.enabled:
# Skip if page is not a view managed by this instance - this plugin has
# support for multiple instances, which is why this check is necessary
2023-09-02 18:13:55 +02:00
view = self._resolve_original(page)
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
if view not in self._resolve_views(self.blog):
# If the current view is paginated, replace and rewire it - the current
# view temporarily becomes the main view, and is reset after rendering
assert isinstance(view, View)
if view != page:
prev = view.pages[view.pages.index(page) - 1]
# Replace previous page with current page
items = self._resolve_siblings(view, nav)
items[items.index(prev)] = page
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# Render excerpts and prepare pagination
posts, pagination = self._render(page)
# Render pagination links
def pager(args: object):
return pagination.pager(
format = self.config.pagination_format,
show_if_single_page = self.config.pagination_if_single_page,
# Assign posts and pagination to context
context["posts"] = posts
context["pagination"] = pager if pagination else None
# After rendering a paginated view, replace the URL of the paginated view
# with the URL of the original view - since we need to replace the original
# view with a paginated view in `on_page_context` for correct resolution of
# the active state, we must fix the paginated view URLs after rendering
def on_post_page(self, output, *, page, config):
if not self.config.enabled:
# Skip if page is not a view managed by this instance - this plugin has
# support for multiple instances, which is why this check is necessary
view = self._resolve_original(page)
if view not in self._resolve_views(self.blog):
# If the current view is paginated, replace the URL of the paginated
# view with the URL of the original view - see https://t.ly/Yeh-P
assert isinstance(view, View)
if view != page:
page.file.url = view.file.url
# Remove temporary directory on shutdown
def on_shutdown(self):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check if the given post is excluded
def _is_excluded(self, post: Post):
if self.config.draft:
return False
# If a post was not explicitly marked or unmarked as draft, and the
# date should be taken into account, we automatically mark it as draft
# if the publishing date is in the future. This, of course, is opt-in
# and must be explicitly enabled by the author.
if not isinstance(post.config.draft, bool):
if self.config.draft_if_future_date:
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return post.config.date.created > datetime.now()
# Post might be a draft
return bool(post.config.draft)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Resolve entrypoint - the entrypoint of the blog must have been created
# if it did not exist before, and hosts all posts sorted by descending date
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def _resolve(self, files: Files, config: MkDocsConfig):
path = os.path.join(self.config.blog_dir, "index.md")
path = os.path.normpath(path)
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Create entrypoint, if it does not exist - note that the entrypoint is
# created in the docs directory, not in the temporary directory
docs = os.path.relpath(config.docs_dir)
name = os.path.join(docs, path)
if not os.path.isfile(name):
file = self._path_to_file(path, config, temp = False)
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# Create file in docs directory
self._save_to_file(file.abs_src_path, "# Blog\n\n")
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Create and return entrypoint
file = files.get_file_from_path(path)
return View(None, file, config)
# Resolve post - the caller must make sure that the given file points to an
# actual post (and not a page), or behavior might be unpredictable
def _resolve_post(self, file: File, config: MkDocsConfig):
post = Post(file, config)
# Compute path and create a temporary file for path resolution
path = self._format_path_for_post(post, config)
temp = self._path_to_file(path, config, temp = False)
# Replace destination file system path and URL
file.dest_uri = temp.dest_uri
file.abs_dest_path = temp.abs_dest_path
file.url = temp.url
# Replace canonical URL and return post
return post
# Resolve posts from directory - traverse all documentation pages and filter
# and yield those that are located in the posts directory
def _resolve_posts(self, files: Files, config: MkDocsConfig):
path = self.config.post_dir.format(blog = self.config.blog_dir)
path = os.path.normpath(path)
# Create posts directory, if it does not exist
docs = os.path.relpath(config.docs_dir)
name = os.path.join(docs, path)
if not os.path.isdir(name):
os.makedirs(name, exist_ok = True)
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Filter posts from pages
for file in files.documentation_pages():
if not file.src_path.startswith(path):
# Resolve post - in order to determine whether a post should be
# excluded, we must load it and analyze its metadata. All posts
# marked as drafts are excluded, except for when the author has
# configured drafts to be included in the navigation.
post = self._resolve_post(file, config)
if not self._is_excluded(post):
yield post
# Resolve authors - check if there's an authors file at the configured
# location, and if one was found, load and validate it
def _resolve_authors(self, config: MkDocsConfig):
path = self.config.authors_file.format(blog = self.config.blog_dir)
path = os.path.normpath(path)
2023-08-23 16:02:43 +02:00
# Resolve path relative to docs directory
docs = os.path.relpath(config.docs_dir)
file = os.path.join(docs, path)
2023-08-23 16:02:43 +02:00
# If the authors file does not exist, return here
config: Authors = Authors()
if not os.path.isfile(file):
2023-08-23 16:02:43 +02:00
return config.authors
# Open file and parse as YAML
with open(file, encoding = "utf-8") as f:
2023-08-23 16:02:43 +02:00
config.config_file_path = os.path.abspath(file)
config.load_dict(yaml.load(f, SafeLoader) or {})
# The authors file could not be loaded because of a syntax error,
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# which we display to the author with a nice error message
except Exception as e:
raise PluginError(
f"Error reading authors file '{path}' in '{docs}':\n"
# Validate authors and throw if errors occurred
errors, warnings = config.validate()
if not config.authors and warnings:
f"Action required: the format of the authors file changed.\n"
f"All authors must now be located under the 'authors' key.\n"
f"Please adjust '{file}' to match:\n"
f" squidfunk:\n"
f" avatar: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/932156\n"
f" description: Creator\n"
f" name: Martin Donath\n"
for _, w in warnings:
for _, e in errors:
raise PluginError(
f"Error reading authors file '{path}' in '{docs}':\n"
# Return authors
return config.authors
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Resolve views of the given view in pre-order
def _resolve_views(self, view: View):
yield view
# Resolve views recursively
for page in view.views:
for next in self._resolve_views(page):
assert isinstance(next, View)
yield next
# Resolve siblings of a navigation item
def _resolve_siblings(self, item: StructureItem, nav: Navigation):
if isinstance(item.parent, Section):
return item.parent.children
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return nav.items
2023-09-02 18:13:55 +02:00
# Resolve original page or view (e.g. for paginated views)
def _resolve_original(self, page: Page):
if isinstance(page, View):
return page.pages[0]
return page
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate views for archive - analyze posts and generate the necessary
# views, taking the date format provided by the author into account
def _generate_archive(self, config: MkDocsConfig, files: Files):
for post in self.blog.posts:
date = post.config.date.created
# Compute name and path of archive view
name = self._format_date_for_archive(date, config)
path = self._format_path_for_archive(post, config)
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# Create file for view, if it does not exist
file = files.get_file_from_path(path)
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if not file or self.temp_dir not in file.abs_src_path:
file = self._path_to_file(path, config)
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# Create file in temporary directory
self._save_to_file(file.abs_src_path, f"# {name}")
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Create and yield view - we don't explicitly set the title of
# the view, so authors can override them in the page's content
if not isinstance(file.page, Archive):
yield Archive(None, file, config)
# Assign post to archive
assert isinstance(file.page, Archive)
# Generate views for categories - analyze posts and generate the necessary
# views, taking the allowed categories as set by the author into account
def _generate_categories(self, config: MkDocsConfig, files: Files):
for post in self.blog.posts:
for name in post.config.categories:
path = self._format_path_for_category(name)
# Ensure category is in non-empty allow list
categories = self.config.categories_allowed or [name]
if name not in categories:
docs = os.path.relpath(config.docs_dir)
path = os.path.relpath(post.file.abs_src_path, docs)
raise PluginError(
f"Error reading categories of post '{path}' in "
f"'{docs}': category '{name}' not in allow list"
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Create file for view, if it does not exist
file = files.get_file_from_path(path)
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
if not file or self.temp_dir not in file.abs_src_path:
file = self._path_to_file(path, config)
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# Create file in temporary directory
self._save_to_file(file.abs_src_path, f"# {name}")
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Create and yield view - we don't explicitly set the title of
# the view, so authors can override them in the page's content
if not isinstance(file.page, Category):
yield Category(None, file, config)
# Assign post to category and vice versa
assert isinstance(file.page, Category)
# Generate pages for pagination - analyze view and generate the necessary
# pages, creating a chain of views for simple rendering and replacement
def _generate_pages(self, view: View, config: MkDocsConfig, files: Files):
yield view
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Compute base path for pagination - if the given view is an index file,
# we need to pop the file name from the base so it's not part of the URL
base, _ = posixpath.splitext(view.file.src_uri)
if view.file.name == "index":
base = posixpath.dirname(base)
# Compute pagination boundaries and create pages - pages are internally
# handled as copies of a view, as they map to the same source location
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step = self.config.pagination_per_page
for at in range(step, len(view.posts), step):
path = self._format_path_for_pagination(base, 1 + at // step)
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# Create file for view, if it does not exist
file = files.get_file_from_path(path)
if not file or self.temp_dir not in file.abs_src_path:
file = self._path_to_file(path, config)
# Create view and attach to previous page
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if not isinstance(file.page, View):
yield View(None, file, config)
# Assign pages and posts to view
assert isinstance(file.page, View)
file.page.pages = view.pages
file.page.posts = view.posts
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Attach a list of pages to each other and to the given parent item without
# explicitly adding them to the navigation, which can be done by the caller
def _attach(self, parent: StructureItem, pages: list[Page]):
for tail, page, head in zip(pages, pages[1:], pages[2:]):
# Link page to parent and siblings
page.parent = parent
page.previous_page = tail
page.next_page = head
# If the page is a view, we know that we generated it and need to
# link its siblings back to the view
if isinstance(page, View):
2023-09-02 18:13:55 +02:00
view = self._resolve_original(page)
if tail: tail.next_page = view
if head: head.previous_page = view
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Attach a page to the given parent and link it to the previous and next
# page of the given host - this is exclusively used for paginated views
def _attach_at(self, parent: StructureItem, host: Page, page: Page):
self._attach(parent, [host.previous_page, page, host.next_page])
# Attach a section as a sibling to the given view, make sure it's pages are
# part of the navigation, and ensure all pages are linked correctly
def _attach_to(self, view: View, section: Section, nav: Navigation):
section.parent = view.parent
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Resolve siblings, which are the children of the parent section, or
# the top-level list of navigation items if the view is at the root of
# the project, and append the given section to it. It's currently not
# possible to chose the position of a section.
items = self._resolve_siblings(view, nav)
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Find last sibling that is a page, skipping sections, as we need to
# append the given section after all other pages
tail = next(item for item in reversed(items) if isinstance(item, Page))
head = tail.next_page
# Attach section to navigation and pages to each other
self._attach(section, [tail, *section.children, head])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Render excerpts and pagination for the given view
def _render(self, view: View):
posts, pagination = view.posts, None
# Create pagination, if enabled
if self.config.pagination:
at = view.pages.index(view)
# Compute pagination boundaries
step = self.config.pagination_per_page
p, q = at * step, at * step + step
# Extract posts in pagination boundaries
posts = view.posts[p:q]
pagination = self._render_pagination(view, (p, q))
# Render excerpts for selected posts
posts = [
self._render_post(post.excerpt, view)
2023-08-27 12:56:28 +02:00
for post in posts if post.excerpt
# Return posts and pagination
return posts, pagination
# Render excerpt in the context of the given view
def _render_post(self, excerpt: Excerpt, view: View):
excerpt.render(view, self.config.post_excerpt_separator)
# Determine whether to add posts to the table of contents of the view -
# note that those settings can be changed individually for each type of
# view, which is why we need to check the type of view and the table of
# contents setting for that type of view
toc = self.config.blog_toc
if isinstance(view, Archive):
toc = self.config.archive_toc
if isinstance(view, Category):
toc = self.config.categories_toc
# Attach top-level table of contents item to view if it should be added
# and both, the view and excerpt contain table of contents items
if toc and excerpt.toc.items and view.toc.items:
# Return excerpt
return excerpt
# Create pagination for the given view and range
def _render_pagination(self, view: View, range: tuple[int, int]):
p, q = range
# Create URL from the given page to another page
def url_maker(n: int):
return get_relative_url(view.pages[n - 1].url, view.url)
# Return pagination
return Pagination(
view.posts, page = q // (q - p),
items_per_page = q - p,
url_maker = url_maker
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Format path for post
def _format_path_for_post(self, post: Post, config: MkDocsConfig):
categories = post.config.categories[:self.config.post_url_max_categories]
categories = [self._slugify_category(name) for name in categories]
# Replace placeholders in format string
date = post.config.date.created
path = self.config.post_url_format.format(
categories = "/".join(categories),
date = self._format_date_for_post_url(date, config),
file = post.file.name,
slug = post.config.slug or self._slugify_post(post)
# Normalize path and strip slashes at the beginning and end
path = posixpath.normpath(path.strip("/"))
return posixpath.join(self.config.blog_dir, f"{path}.md")
# Format path for archive
def _format_path_for_archive(self, post: Post, config: MkDocsConfig):
date = post.config.date.created
path = self.config.archive_url_format.format(
date = self._format_date_for_archive_url(date, config)
# Normalize path and strip slashes at the beginning and end
path = posixpath.normpath(path.strip("/"))
return posixpath.join(self.config.blog_dir, f"{path}.md")
# Format path for category
def _format_path_for_category(self, name: str):
path = self.config.categories_url_format.format(
slug = self._slugify_category(name)
# Normalize path and strip slashes at the beginning and end
path = posixpath.normpath(path.strip("/"))
return posixpath.join(self.config.blog_dir, f"{path}.md")
# Format path for pagination
def _format_path_for_pagination(self, base: str, page: int):
path = self.config.pagination_url_format.format(
page = page
# Normalize path and strip slashes at the beginning and end
path = posixpath.normpath(path.strip("/"))
return posixpath.join(base, f"{path}.md")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Format date
def _format_date(self, date: datetime, format: str, config: MkDocsConfig):
locale = config.theme["language"]
return format_date(date, format = format, locale = locale)
# Format date for post
def _format_date_for_post(self, date: datetime, config: MkDocsConfig):
format = self.config.post_date_format
return self._format_date(date, format, config)
# Format date for post URL
def _format_date_for_post_url(self, date: datetime, config: MkDocsConfig):
format = self.config.post_url_date_format
return self._format_date(date, format, config)
# Format date for archive
def _format_date_for_archive(self, date: datetime, config: MkDocsConfig):
format = self.config.archive_date_format
return self._format_date(date, format, config)
# Format date for archive URL
def _format_date_for_archive_url(self, date: datetime, config: MkDocsConfig):
format = self.config.archive_url_date_format
return self._format_date(date, format, config)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Slugify post title
def _slugify_post(self, post: Post):
separator = self.config.post_slugify_separator
return self.config.post_slugify(post.title, separator)
# Slugify category
def _slugify_category(self, name: str):
separator = self.config.categories_slugify_separator
return self.config.categories_slugify(name, separator)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a file for the given path, which must point to a valid source file,
# either inside the temporary directory or the docs directory
def _path_to_file(self, path: str, config: MkDocsConfig, *, temp = True):
assert path.endswith(".md")
file = File(
config.docs_dir if not temp else self.temp_dir,
# Hack: mark file as generated, so other plugins don't think it's part
# of the file system. This is more or less a new quasi-standard that
# still needs to be adopted by MkDocs, and was introduced by the
# git-revision-date-localized-plugin - see https://bit.ly/3ZUmdBx
if temp:
file.generated_by = "material/blog"
# Return file
return file
2023-08-30 15:27:40 +02:00
# Create a file with the given content on disk
def _save_to_file(self, path: str, content: str):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok = True)
with open(path, "w") as f:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Translate the placeholder referenced by the given key
def _translate(self, key: str, config: MkDocsConfig) -> str:
env = config.theme.get_env()
template = env.get_template(
"partials/language.html", globals = { "config": config }
# Translate placeholder
return template.module.t(key)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Data
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up logging
log = logging.getLogger("mkdocs.material.blog")