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# Python Markdown
Material for MkDocs supports a large number of [Python Markdown] extensions,
which is part of what makes it so attractive for technical writing. Following
is a list of all supported extensions, linking to the relevant sections of the
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reference for what features they need to be enabled.
[Python Markdown]: https://python-markdown.github.io/
## Supported extensions
The following extensions are all supported by Material for MkDocs and therefore
_strongly recommended_. See the [overview][Extensions] page for a minimal and
recommended configuration.
[Extensions]: index.md
### Abbreviations
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][Abbreviations] ·
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[:octicons-tag-24: 1.0.0 ... present][Abbreviations support]
The [Abbreviations] extension adds the ability to add a small tooltip to an
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element, by wrapping it with an `abbr` tag. Only plain text (no markup) is
supported. Enable it via `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
- abbr
No configuration options are available. See reference for usage:
- [Adding abbreviations]
- [Adding a glossary]
[Abbreviations]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/abbreviations/
[Abbreviations support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/1.0.0
[Adding abbreviations]: ../../reference/abbreviations.md#adding-abbreviations
[Adding a glossary]: ../../reference/abbreviations.md#adding-a-glossary
### Admonition
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][Admonition] ·
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[:octicons-tag-24: 0.1.0 ... present][Admonition support]
The [Admonition] extension adds support for admonitions, more commonly known as
_call-outs_, which can be defined in Markdown by using a simple syntax. Enable
it via `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
- admonition
No configuration options are available. See reference for usage:
- [Adding admonitions]
- [Changing the title]
- [Removing the title]
- [Supported types]
[Admonition]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/admonition/
[Admonition support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/0.1.0
[Adding admonitions]: ../../reference/admonitions.md#usage
[Changing the title]: ../../reference/admonitions.md#changing-the-title
[Removing the title]: ../../reference/admonitions.md#removing-the-title
[Supported types]: ../../reference/admonitions.md#supported-types
### Attribute Lists
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][Attribute Lists] ·
2021-10-03 14:54:22 +02:00
[:octicons-tag-24: 0.1.0 ... present][Attribute Lists support]
The [Attribute Lists] extension allows to add HTML attributes and CSS classes
to [almost every][Attribute Lists limitations] Markdown inline- and block-level
element with a special syntax. Enable it via `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
- attr_list
No configuration options are available. See reference for usage:
- [Adding buttons]
- [Adding icons with colors]
- [Image alignment]
- [Image lazy-loading]
[Attribute Lists]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/attr_list/
[Attribute Lists support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/0.1.0
[Attribute Lists limitations]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/attr_list/#limitations
[Adding buttons]: ../../reference/buttons.md#adding-buttons
[Adding icons with colors]: ../../reference/buttons.md#with-colors
[Image alignment]: ../../reference/images.md#image-alignment
[Image lazy-loading]: ../../reference/images.md#image-lazy-loading
### Definition Lists
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][Definition Lists] ·
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[:octicons-tag-24: 1.1.0 ... present][Definition Lists support]
The [Definition Lists] extension adds the ability to add definition lists (more
commonly known as [description lists] `dl` in HTML) via Markdown to a
document. Enable it via `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
- def_list
No configuration options are available. See reference for usage:
- [Using definition lists]
[Definition Lists]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/definition_lists/
[Definition Lists support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/1.1.0
[description lists]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/dl
[Using definition lists]: ../../reference/lists.md#using-definition-lists
### Footnotes
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][Footnotes] ·
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[:octicons-tag-24: 1.0.0 ... present][Footnotes support]
The [Footnotes] extension allows to define footnotes inline with the content,
which are then rendered after the Markdown content of a document. Enable it
via `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
- footnotes
No configuration options are supported. See reference for usage:
- [Adding footnote references]
- [Adding footnote content]
[Footnotes]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/footnotes/
[Footnotes support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/1.0.0
[Adding footnote references]: ../../reference/footnotes.md#adding-footnote-references
[Adding footnote content]: ../../reference/footnotes.md#adding-footnote-content
### Metadata
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][Metadata] ·
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[:octicons-tag-24: 1.0.0 ... present][Metadata support]
The [Metadata] extension adds the ability to attach arbitrary key-value pairs
to a document via front matter written in YAML syntax before the Markdown. It
can be enabled via `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
- meta
No configuration options are available. See reference for usage:
- [Setting the page title]
- [Setting the page description]
- [Hiding the sidebars]
- [Adding tags]
[Metadata]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/meta_data/
[Metadata support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/1.0.0
[Setting the page title]: ../../reference/meta-tags.md#setting-the-page-title
[Setting the page description]: ../../reference/meta-tags.md#setting-the-page-description
[Hiding the sidebars]: ../../setup/setting-up-navigation.md#hiding-the-sidebars
[Adding tags]: ../../setup/setting-up-tags.md#adding-tags
### Markdown in HTML
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][Markdown in HTML] ·
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[:octicons-tag-24: 0.1.0 ... present][Markdown in HTML support]
The [Markdown in HTML] extension allows the author to write Markdown inside of
HTML, which is useful for wrapping Markdown with custom markup. Enable it via
``` yaml
- md_in_html
> By default, Markdown ignores any content within a raw HTML block-level
> element. With the `md_in_html` extension enabled, the content of a raw HTML
> block-level element can be parsed as Markdown by including a markdown
> attribute on the opening tag. The markdown attribute will be stripped from
> the output, while all other attributes will be preserved.
No configuration options are available. See reference for usage:
- [Image captions]
[Markdown in HTML]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/md_in_html/
[Markdown in HTML support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/0.1.0
[Image captions]: ../../reference/images.md#image-captions
### Table of Contents
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][Table of Contents] ·
2021-10-03 14:54:22 +02:00
[:octicons-tag-24: 0.1.0 ... present][Table of Contents support]
The [Table of Contents] extension automatically generates a table of contents
from a document, which Material for MkDocs will render as part of the resulting
page. Enable it via `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
- toc:
permalink: true
The following configuration options are supported:
`permalink`{ #permalink }
: :octicons-milestone-24: Default: `false` This option adds an anchor link
containing the paragraph symbol `¶` or another custom symbol at the end of
each headline, exactly like on the page you're currently viewing, which
Material for MkDocs will make appear on hover:
=== "¶"
``` yaml
- toc:
permalink: true
=== "⚓︎"
``` yaml
- toc:
permalink: ⚓︎
`slugify`{ #slugify }
: :octicons-milestone-24: Default: `headerid.slugify` This option allows for
customization of the slug function. For some languages, the default may not
produce good and readable identifiers consider using another slug function
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like for example those from [Python Markdown Extensions][Slugs]:
=== "Unicode"
``` yaml
- toc:
slugify: !!python/name:pymdownx.slugs.uslugify
=== "Unicode, case-sensitive"
``` yaml
- toc:
slugify: !!python/name:pymdownx.slugs.uslugify_cased
`toc_depth`{ #toc_depth }
: :octicons-milestone-24: Default: `6` Define the range of levels to be
included in the table of contents. This may be useful for project
documentation with deeply structured headings to decrease the length of the
table of contents, or to remove the table of contents altogether:
=== "Hide levels 4-6"
``` yaml
- toc:
toc_depth: 3
=== "Hide table of contents"
``` yaml
- toc:
toc_depth: 0
The other configuration options of this extension are not officially supported
by Material for MkDocs, so they may yield unexpected results. Use them at your
own risk.
[Table of Contents]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/toc/
[Table of Contents support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/0.1.0
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[Slugs]: https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/extras/slugs/
### Tables
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][Tables] ·
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[:octicons-tag-24: 0.1.0 ... present][Tables support]
The [Tables] extension adds the ability to create tables in Markdown by using a
simple syntax. Enable it via `mkdocs.yml` (albeit it should be enabled by
``` yaml
- tables
No configuration options are available. See reference for usage:
- [Using data tables]
- [Column alignment]
[Tables]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/tables/
[Tables support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/0.1.0
[Using data tables]: ../../reference/data-tables.md#using-data-tables
[Column alignment]: ../../reference/data-tables.md#column-alignment
## Superseded extensions
The following [Python Markdown] extensions are not (or might not be) supported
anymore, and are therefore not recommended for use. Instead, the alternatives
should be considered.
### Fenced Code Blocks
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][Fenced Code Blocks] ·
2021-10-03 14:54:22 +02:00
[:octicons-tag-24: 0.1.0 ... present][Fenced Code Blocks support]
Superseded by [SuperFences]. This extension might still work, but the
[SuperFences] extension is superior in many ways, as it allows for arbitrary
nesting, and therefore strongly recommended.
[Fenced Code Blocks]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/fenced_code_blocks/
[Fenced Code Blocks support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/0.1.0
[SuperFences]: https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/extensions/superfences/
### CodeHilite
[:octicons-workflow-24: Extension][CodeHilite] ·
2021-10-03 14:54:22 +02:00
[:octicons-tag-24: 0.1.0 ... 5.5.14][CodeHilite support]
Superseded by [Highlight]. Support for CodeHilite was dropped in version 6.0.0,
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as [Highlight] has a better integration with other essential extensions like
[SuperFences] and [InlineHilite].
[CodeHilite]: https://python-markdown.github.io/extensions/code_hilite/
[CodeHilite support]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/releases/tag/0.1.0
[Highlight]: https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/extensions/superfences/
[InlineHilite]: https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/extensions/inlinehilite/