Unicode, case-sensitive reference setting causes error below.
yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: expected a mapping node, but found scalar
Update related sections in the documentation to address this issue.
Newer Python-Markdown has `slugify_unicode` built-in, so this
- toc:
slugify: !!python/name:markdown.extensions.toc.slugify_unicode
also works for case-insensitive use cases.
Fixes: ee1e675da613 ("Update slug reference")
* Use Babel's `format_datetime`, not `format_date`
I am using MkDocs-Material 9.5.15 and Babel 2.14.0. When setting the config value `blog.post_date_format: "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"`, the blog plugin crashes during compilation with the error "date objects have no hour field".
I believe this is occurring because the plugin provides a `datetime` to `babel.dates.format_date`, which upcasts it to a plain, timeless, `date`. Making this change to use `babel.dates.format_datetime` instead resolved the error and demonstrated expected behavior.
While I recognize that it is likely uncommon for a blog to want to include sub-date timestamps in any of these fields, I believe that the current documentation,
> The format string must adhere to babel's pattern syntax and should not contain whitespace
implies that _any_ of Babel's pattern markers are acceptable here. I would consider
> The format string must adhere to Babel's pattern syntax for calendar dates and should not contain whitespace
to also be a sufficient fix for this case.
Thank you for your effort in creating this project; it has been a wonderful benefit to my team, and this is the first minor problem we've had in months of using it.
* Make the change in src/, not material/
Added more information to platform file
Added processed directory indicator
Changed slash removal in resolved patterns
Changed regex match function to search to support subprojects
Constrained dynamic patterns to the root
Reverted build assets gathering dc808ca90a
Reverted info.gitignore file 79129d5cde