/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Martin Donath * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import { minify as minhtml } from "html-minifier-terser" import * as path from "path" import { EMPTY, concat, defer, map, merge, mergeMap, of, reduce, scan, startWith, switchMap, toArray, zip } from "rxjs" import { optimize } from "svgo" import { IconSearchIndex } from "_/components" import { base, read, resolve, watch, write } from "./_" import { copyAll } from "./copy" import { transformScript, transformStyle } from "./transform" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper types * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Twemoji icon */ interface TwemojiIcon { unicode: string /* Unicode code point */ } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper functions * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Replace file extension * * @param file - File * @param extension - New extension * * @returns File with new extension */ function ext(file: string, extension: string): string { return file.replace(path.extname(file), extension) } /** * Optimize SVG data * * This function will just pass-through non-SVG data, which makes the pipeline * much simpler, as we can reuse it for the license texts. * * @param data - SVG data * * @returns Minified SVG data */ function minsvg(data: string): string { if (!data.startsWith("<")) return data /* Optimize SVG */ const result = optimize(data, { plugins: [ { name: "preset-default", params: { overrides: { removeViewBox: false } } }, { name: "removeDimensions" } ] }) /* Return minified SVG */ return result.data } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Tasks * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copy all assets */ const assets$ = concat( /* Copy Material Design icons */ ...["*.svg", "../LICENSE"] .map(pattern => copyAll(pattern, { from: "node_modules/@mdi/svg/svg", to: `${base}/templates/.icons/material`, transform: async data => minsvg(data) })), /* Copy GitHub octicons */ ...["*.svg", "../../LICENSE"] .map(pattern => copyAll(pattern, { from: "node_modules/@primer/octicons/build/svg", to: `${base}/templates/.icons/octicons`, transform: async data => minsvg(data) })), /* Copy FontAwesome icons */ ...["**/*.svg", "../LICENSE.txt"] .map(pattern => copyAll(pattern, { from: "node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/svgs", to: `${base}/templates/.icons/fontawesome`, transform: async data => minsvg(data) })), /* Copy Simple icons */ ...["**/*.svg", "../LICENSE.md"] .map(pattern => copyAll(pattern, { from: "node_modules/simple-icons/icons", to: `${base}/templates/.icons/simple`, transform: async data => minsvg(data) })), /* Copy Lunr.js search stemmers and segmenters */ ...["min/*.js", "tinyseg.js", "wordcut.js"] .map(pattern => copyAll(pattern, { from: "node_modules/lunr-languages", to: `${base}/templates/assets/javascripts/lunr` })), /* Copy images and configurations */ ...["**/*.{jpg,png,svg,yml}"] .map(pattern => copyAll(pattern, { from: "src", to: base })) ) /* Copy plugins and extensions */ const sources$ = copyAll("**/*.py", { from: "src", to: base, watch: process.argv.includes("--watch"), transform: async (data, name) => { if (path.basename(name) === "__init__.py") { const metadata = require("../../package.json") return data.replace("$md-version$", metadata.version) } else { return data } } }) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Transform styles */ const stylesheets$ = resolve("**/[!_]*.scss", { cwd: "src" }) .pipe( mergeMap(file => zip( of(ext(file, ".css").replace(/(overrides|templates)\//, "")), transformStyle({ from: `src/${file}`, to: ext(`${base}/${file}`, ".css") })) ) ) /* Transform scripts */ const javascripts$ = resolve("**/{custom,bundle,search}.ts", { cwd: "src" }) .pipe( mergeMap(file => zip( of(ext(file, ".js").replace(/(overrides|templates)\//, "")), transformScript({ from: `src/${file}`, to: ext(`${base}/${file}`, ".js") })) ) ) /* Compute manifest */ const manifest$ = merge( ...Object.entries({ "**/*.scss": stylesheets$, "**/*.ts*": javascripts$ }) .map(([pattern, observable$]) => ( defer(() => process.argv.includes("--watch") ? watch(pattern, { cwd: "src" }) : EMPTY ) .pipe( startWith("*"), switchMap(() => observable$.pipe(toArray())) ) )) ) .pipe( scan((prev, mapping) => ( mapping.reduce((next, [key, value]) => ( next.set(key, value.replace( new RegExp(`${base}\\/(overrides|templates)\\/`), "" )) ), prev) ), new Map()), ) /* Transform templates */ const templates$ = manifest$ .pipe( switchMap(manifest => copyAll("**/*.html", { from: "src", to: base, watch: process.argv.includes("--watch"), transform: async data => { const metadata = require("../../package.json") const banner = "{#-\n" + " This file was automatically generated - do not edit\n" + "-#}\n" /* If necessary, apply manifest */ if (process.argv.includes("--optimize")) for (const [key, value] of manifest) data = data.replace( new RegExp(`('|")${key}\\1`, "g"), `$1${value}$1` ) /* Normalize line feeds and minify HTML */ const html = data.replace(/\r\n/gm, "\n") return banner + await minhtml(html, { collapseBooleanAttributes: true, includeAutoGeneratedTags: false, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true, removeComments: true, removeScriptTypeAttributes: true, removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true }) .then(html => html /* Remove empty lines without collapsing everything */ .replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, "") /* Write theme version into template */ .replace("$md-name$", metadata.name) .replace("$md-version$", metadata.version) ) } })) ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Compute icon mappings */ const icons$ = defer(() => resolve("**/*.svg", { cwd: `${base}/templates/.icons` })) .pipe( reduce((index, file) => index.set( file.replace(/\.svg$/, "").replace(/\//g, "-"), file ), new Map()) ) /* Compute emoji mappings (based on Twemoji) */ const emojis$ = defer(() => resolve("venv/**/twemoji_db.py")) .pipe( switchMap(file => read(file)), map(data => { const [, payload] = data.match(/^emoji = ({.*})$.alias/ms)! return Object.entries(JSON.parse(payload)) .reduce((index, [name, { unicode }]) => index.set( name.replace(/(^:|:$)/g, ""), `${unicode}.svg` ), new Map()) }) ) /* Build search index for icons and emojis */ const index$ = zip(icons$, emojis$) .pipe( map(([icons, emojis]) => { const cdn = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com" return { icons: { base: `${cdn}/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/master/material/templates/.icons/`, data: Object.fromEntries(icons) }, emojis: { base: `${cdn}/twitter/twemoji/master/assets/svg/`, data: Object.fromEntries(emojis) } } as IconSearchIndex }), switchMap(data => write( `${base}/overrides/assets/javascripts/iconsearch_index.json`, JSON.stringify(data) )) ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Build schema */ const schema$ = merge( /* Compute fonts schema */ defer(() => import("google-fonts-complete")) .pipe( map(({ default: fonts }) => Object.keys(fonts)), map(fonts => ({ "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema", "title": "Google Fonts", "markdownDescription": "https://fonts.google.com/", "type": "string", "oneOf": fonts.map(font => ({ "title": font, "markdownDescription": `https://fonts.google.com/specimen/${ font.replace(/\s+/g, "+") }`, "const": font, })) })), switchMap(data => write( "docs/schema/assets/fonts.json", JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2) )) ), /* Compute icons schema */ icons$ .pipe( map(icons => [...icons.values()]), map(icons => ({ "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema", "title": "Icon", "markdownDescription": [ "https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material", "reference/icons-emojis/#search" ].join("/"), "type": "string", "enum": icons.map(icon => icon.replace(".svg", "")) })), switchMap(data => write( "docs/schema/assets/icons.json", JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2) )) ) ) /* Build overrides */ const overrides$ = process.argv.includes("--all") ? merge(index$, schema$) : EMPTY /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Program * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Assemble pipeline */ const build$ = process.argv.includes("--dirty") ? merge(templates$, sources$) : concat(assets$, merge(templates$, sources$, overrides$)) /* Let's get rolling */ build$.subscribe()