# Contributing Material for MkDocs is an actively maintained and constantly improved project that caters to a diverse user base with varying backgrounds and needs. In order to effectively address the needs of all our users, evaluate requests, and fix bugs, a lot of work from us maintainers is required. ## How to contribute We have invested quite a lot of time in creating better templates for our [issue tracker], optimizing the processes for our users to report bugs, request features or changes, contribute to the project or exchange with our community. This section of the documentation explains each process. [issue tracker]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/issues ### Creating an issue
- :material-bug:{ .lg .middle } __Something is not working?__ --- Report a bug in Material for MkDocs by creating an issue and a reproduction [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Report a bug][report a bug] - :material-file-document:{ .lg .middle } __Missing information in our docs?__ --- Report missing information or potential inconsistencies in our documentation [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Report a docs issue][report a docs issue] - :material-lightbulb-on:{ .lg .middle } __Want to submit an idea?__ --- Propose a change or feature request or suggest an improvement [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Request a change][request a change] - :material-chat-question:{ .lg .middle } __Have a question or need help?__ --- Ask questions on our discussion board and get in touch with our community [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Ask as question][ask a question]
[report a bug]: reporting-a-bug.md [report a docs issue]: reporting-a-docs-issue.md [request a change]: requesting-a-change.md [ask a question]: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/discussions