# Material for MkDocs ## Beautiful documentation Material is a theme for [MkDocs][], an excellent static site generator geared towards project documentation. It is built using Google's [material design][] guidelines, full responsive, optimized for touch and pointer devices as well as all sorts of screen sizes. Material is very lightweight – it is built from scratch using Javascript and CSS that weighs less than 30kb (minified, gzipped and excluding Google Fonts and Analytics). Yet, it is highly customizable and degrades gracefully in older browsers. ## Quick start Install with `pip`: ``` sh pip install mkdocs-material ``` Add the following line to your `mkdocs.yml`: ``` yaml theme: 'material' ``` ## Features - Beautiful, readable and very user-friendly design based on Google's material design guidelines, packed in a full responsive template with a well-defined and [easily customizable color palette][], great typography, as well as a beautiful search interface and footer. - Well-tested and optimized Javascript and CSS including a cross-browser fixed/sticky header, a drawer that even works without Javascript using the [checkbox hack][] with fallbacks, responsive tables that scroll when the screen is too small and well-defined print styles. - Extra configuration options like a [project logo][], links to the authors [GitHub and Twitter accounts][], display of the amount of stars the project has on GitHub and [Google Analytics integration][]. - Easily [extendable and customizable][] due to a well-designed asset pipeline built on-top of [Gulp][] with `npm` and `bower` and modular and abstracted style definitions built with [SASS][]. - Web application capability on iOS – when the page is saved to the homescreen, it behaves and looks like a native application. See the [getting started guide](getting-started.md) for instructions how to get it up and running. [MkDocs]: http://www.mkdocs.org [material design]: https://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design [checkbox hack]: http://tutorialzine.com/2015/08/quick-tip-css-only-dropdowns-with-the-checkbox-hack/ [project logo]: getting-started.md#adding-a-logo [easily customizable color palette]: getting-started.md#changing-the-color-palette [GitHub and Twitter accounts]: getting-started.md#adding-a-github-and-twitter-account [Google Analytics integration]: getting-started.md#google-analytics-integration [extendable and customizable]: customization.md [Gulp]: http://gulpjs.com [SASS]: http://sass-lang.com