While many languages are read `ltr` (left-to-right), Material for MkDocs also
supports `rtl` (right-to-left) directionality which is deduced from the selected
language, but can also be set with:
``` yaml
direction: rtl
### Color palette
The Material Design [color palette][12] comes with 20 hues, all of which are
included with Material for MkDocs. Primary and accent colors can be set from
the project root's `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
primary: indigo
accent: indigo
If the colors are set with these configuration options, an additional CSS file
that includes the hues of the color palette is automatically included and linked
from the template. If you want to define a custom color (e.g. your brand color),
see the [customization guide][13].
[12]: http://www.materialui.co/colors
[13]: customization.md
#### Primary color
> Default: `indigo`
Click on a color name to change the primary color of the theme:
#### Accent color
> Default: `indigo`
Click on a color name to change the accent color of the theme:
### Fonts
> Default: `Roboto` and `Roboto Mono`
The [Roboto font family][14] is the default font included with the theme,
specifically the regular sans-serif type for text and the `monospaced` type for
code. Both fonts are loaded from [Google Fonts][15] and can be changed to any
valid webfont, like for example the [Ubuntu font family][16]:
``` yaml
text: Ubuntu
code: Ubuntu Mono
The text font will be loaded in weights 400 and **700**, the `monospaced` font
in regular weight. If you want to load fonts from other destinations or don't
want to use Google Fonts for data privacy reasons, just set `font` to `false`:
``` yaml
font: false
[14]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto
[15]: https://fonts.google.com
[16]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Ubuntu
### Icons
> Default: `material/library` and `fontawesome/brands/git-alt`
Material for MkDocs uses icons in several places. Currently, the following icons
can be changed from `mkdocs.yml`: the logo icon, the repository icon and the
[social link icons][17]. While the social link icons are tied to the respective
entries, the other icons can be changed by referencing a valid path (without the
trailing `.svg`) relative to the `.icons` folder which comes with the theme:
``` yaml
logo: material/library
repo: fontawesome/brands/git-alt
All icons are directly inlined as `*.svg` files, so no further requests will be
made. Icon sets which are bundled with Material for MkDocs:
* [Material Design icons][18]: 3.8k icons
* [FontAwesome icons][19]: 1.5k icons
* [GitHub octicons][20]: 200 icons
[17]: #adding-social-links
[18]: https://material.io/resources/icons/
[19]: https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free
[20]: https://octicons.github.com/
### Logo
> Default: icon set through `theme.icon.logo`
If you want to replace the icon in the header (screen) and drawer (mobile)
with your brand's logo, you can place an image file in your `docs` folder
and use the following option in `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
logo: images/logo.svg
Ideally, the image should be a square with a minimum resolution of 96x96, leave
some room towards the edges and be composed of high contrast areas on a
transparent ground, as it will be placed on the colored header and drawer.
### Favicon
> Default: `assets/images/favicon.png`
The default favicon can be changed with:
``` yaml
favicon: images/favicon.png
## Extras
### Adding a source repository
To include a link to the repository of your project within your documentation,
set the following variables via your project's `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
repo_name: squidfunk/mkdocs-material
repo_url: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material
The name of the repository will be rendered next to the search bar on big
screens and as part of the main navigation drawer on smaller screen sizes.
Additionally, for GitHub and GitLab, the number of stars and forks is shown.
Note that the repository icon can be explicitly set through `theme.icon.repo`.
!!! question "Why is there an edit button at the top of every article?"
If the `repo_url` is set to a GitHub or BitBucket repository, and the
`repo_name` is set to *GitHub* or *BitBucket* (implied by default), an
edit button will appear at the top of every article. This is the automatic
behavior that MkDocs implements. See the [MkDocs documentation][21] on more
guidance regarding the `edit_uri` attribute, which defines whether the edit
button is shown or not.
[21]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#edit_uri
### Adding social links
Social accounts can be linked in the footer of the documentation using the
[icons][22] which are bundled with the theme. Note that each `icon` must point
to a valid path (without the trailing `.svg`) relative to the `.icons` folder
which comes with the theme:
``` yaml
- icon: fontawesome/brands/github-alt
link: https://github.com/squidfunk
- icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter
link: https://twitter.com/squidfunk
- icon: fontawesome/brands/linkedin
link: https://linkedin.com/in/squidfunk
[22]: #icons
### Adding a Web App Manifest
A [Web App Manifest][23] is a simple JSON file that tells the browser about your
web application and how it should behave when installed on the user's mobile
device or desktop. You can specify such a manifest in `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
manifest: manifest.webmanifest
[23]: https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/web-app-manifest/
## Integrations
### Google Analytics
MkDocs makes it easy to integrate site tracking with Google Analytics. Besides
basic page views, site search is tracked to better understand how people use
your documentation. Google Analytics can be activated with:
``` yaml
- auto
### Disqus
Material for MkDocs is integrated with [Disqus][24], so if you want to add a
comments section to your documentation set the shortname of your Disqus project
in `mkdocs.yml`:
``` yaml
disqus: your-shortname
The comments section is inserted on *every page, except the index page*. The
necessary JavaScript is automatically included.
!!! warning "Requirements"
Note that `site_url` must be set in `mkdocs.yml` for the Disqus integration
to load properly.
Disqus can also be enabled or disabled for specific pages using [Metadata][25].
[24]: https://disqus.com
[25]: extensions/metadata.md#disqus
## Extensions
[Markdown][3] comes with several very useful extensions, the following of which
are not enabled by default but highly recommended, so enabling them should
definitely be a good idea:
``` yaml
- admonition
- codehilite:
guess_lang: false
- toc:
permalink: true
See the following list of extensions supported by Material for MkDocs including
some more information on configuration and usage:
* [Admonition][26]
* [Codehilite][27]
* [Footnotes][28]
* [Metadata][29]
* [Permalinks][30]
* [PyMdown Extensions][31]
[26]: extensions/admonition.md
[27]: extensions/codehilite.md
[28]: extensions/footnotes.md
[29]: extensions/metadata.md
[30]: extensions/permalinks.md
[31]: extensions/pymdown.md
## Plugins
MkDocs' plugin architecture makes it possible to add pre- or post-processing
steps that sit between the theme and your documentation. For more information,
see the following list of plugins tested and supported by Material for MkDocs
including more information regarding installation and usage:
* [Search][32] (enabled by default)
* [Minification][33]
* [Revision date][34]
For further reference, the MkDocs wiki contains a list of all
[available plugins][35].
[32]: plugins/search.md
[33]: plugins/minification.md
[34]: plugins/revision-date.md
[35]: https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/wiki/MkDocs-Plugins