# Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. import logging import os import re import requests import sys from collections import defaultdict from hashlib import md5 from io import BytesIO from mkdocs.commands.build import DuplicateFilter from mkdocs.config.base import Config from mkdocs.config import config_options as opt from mkdocs.plugins import BasePlugin from shutil import copyfile from tempfile import TemporaryFile from zipfile import ZipFile try: from cairosvg import svg2png from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont dependencies = True except ImportError: dependencies = False # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration scheme class SocialPluginConfig(Config): enabled = opt.Type(bool, default = True) cache_dir = opt.Type(str, default = ".cache/plugin/social") # Options for social cards cards = opt.Type(bool, default = True) cards_dir = opt.Type(str, default = "assets/images/social") cards_color = opt.Type(dict, default = {}) cards_font = opt.Optional(opt.Type(str)) # Social plugin class SocialPlugin(BasePlugin[SocialPluginConfig]): # Retrieve configuration def on_config(self, config): self.color = colors.get("indigo") if not self.config["cards"]: return # Check if required dependencies are installed if not dependencies: log.error( "Required dependencies of \"social\" plugin not found. " "Install with: pip install pillow cairosvg" ) sys.exit() # Ensure presence of cache directory self.cache = self.config["cache_dir"] if not os.path.isdir(self.cache): os.makedirs(self.cache) # Retrieve palette from theme configuration theme = config["theme"] if "palette" in theme: palette = theme["palette"] # Use first palette, if multiple are defined if isinstance(palette, list): palette = palette[0] # Set colors according to palette if "primary" in palette and palette["primary"]: primary = palette["primary"].replace(" ", "-") self.color = colors.get(primary, self.color) # Retrieve color overrides self.color = { **self.color, **self.config["cards_color"] } # Retrieve logo and font self.logo = self._load_logo(config) self.font = self._load_font(config) # Create social cards def on_page_markdown(self, markdown, page, config, files): if not self.config["cards"]: return # Resolve image directory directory = self.config["cards_dir"] file, _ = os.path.splitext(page.file.src_path) # Resolve path of image path = "{}.png".format(os.path.join( config["site_dir"], directory, file )) # Resolve path of image directory directory = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) # Compute site name site_name = config.get("site_name") # Compute page title and description title = page.meta.get("title", page.title) description = config.get("site_description") or "" if "description" in page.meta: description = page.meta["description"] # Generate social card if not in cache - TODO: values from mkdocs.yml hash = md5("".join([ site_name, str(title), description ]).encode("utf-8")) file = os.path.join(self.cache, f"{hash.hexdigest()}.png") if not os.path.isfile(file): image = self._render_card(site_name, title, description) image.save(file) # Copy file from cache copyfile(file, path) # Inject meta tags into page meta = page.meta.get("meta", []) page.meta["meta"] = meta + self._generate_meta(page, config) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Render social card def _render_card(self, site_name, title, description): logo = self.logo # Render background and logo image = self._render_card_background((1200, 630), self.color["fill"]) image.alpha_composite( logo.resize((144, int(144 * logo.height / logo.width))), (1200 - 228, 64 - 4) ) # Render site name font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font["Bold"], 36) image.alpha_composite( self._render_text((826, 48), font, site_name, 1, 20), (64 + 4, 64) ) # Render page title font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font["Bold"], 92) image.alpha_composite( self._render_text((826, 328), font, title, 3, 30), (64, 160) ) # Render page description font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font["Regular"], 28) image.alpha_composite( self._render_text((826, 80), font, description, 2, 14), (64 + 4, 512) ) # Return social card image return image # Render social card background def _render_card_background(self, size, fill): return Image.new(mode = "RGBA", size = size, color = fill) # Render social card text def _render_text(self, size, font, text, lmax, spacing = 0): lines, words = [], [] # Remove remnant HTML tags text = re.sub(r"(<[^>]+>)", "", text) # Create temporary image image = Image.new(mode = "RGBA", size = size) # Retrieve y-offset of textbox to correct for spacing yoffset = 0 # Create drawing context and split text into lines context = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for word in text.split(" "): combine = " ".join(words + [word]) textbox = context.textbbox((0, 0), combine, font = font) yoffset = textbox[1] if not words or textbox[2] <= image.width: words.append(word) else: lines.append(words) words = [word] # # Balance words on last line - TODO: overflows when broken word is too long # if len(lines) > 0: # prev = len(" ".join(lines[-1])) # last = len(" ".join(words))# # print(last, prev) # # Heuristic: try to find a good ratio # if last / prev < 0.6: # words.insert(0, lines[-1].pop()) # Join words for each line and create image lines.append(words) lines = [" ".join(line) for line in lines] image = Image.new(mode = "RGBA", size = size) # Create drawing context and split text into lines context = ImageDraw.Draw(image) context.text( (0, spacing / 2 - yoffset), "\n".join(lines[:lmax]), font = font, fill = self.color["text"], spacing = spacing - yoffset ) # Return text image return image # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate meta tags def _generate_meta(self, page, config): directory = self.config["cards_dir"] file, _ = os.path.splitext(page.file.src_path) # Compute page title title = page.meta.get("title", page.title) if not page.is_homepage: title = f"{title} - {config.get('site_name')}" # Compute page description description = config.get("site_description") if "description" in page.meta: description = page.meta["description"] # Resolve image URL url = "{}.png".format(os.path.join( config.get("site_url"), directory, file )) # Ensure forward slashes url = url.replace(os.path.sep, "/") # Return meta tags return [ # Meta tags for Open Graph { "property": "og:type", "content": "website" }, { "property": "og:title", "content": title }, { "property": "og:description", "content": description }, { "property": "og:image", "content": url }, { "property": "og:image:type", "content": "image/png" }, { "property": "og:image:width", "content": "1200" }, { "property": "og:image:height", "content": "630" }, { "property": "og:url", "content": page.canonical_url }, # Meta tags for Twitter { "name": "twitter:card", "content": "summary_large_image" }, # { "name": "twitter:site", "content": user }, # { "name": "twitter:creator", "content": user }, { "name": "twitter:title", "content": title }, { "name": "twitter:description", "content": description }, { "name": "twitter:image", "content": url } ] # Retrieve logo image or icon def _load_logo(self, config): theme = config.get("theme") # Handle images (precedence over icons) if "logo" in theme: _, extension = os.path.splitext(theme["logo"]) # Load SVG and convert to PNG path = os.path.join(config["docs_dir"], theme["logo"]) if extension == ".svg": return self._load_logo_svg(path) # Load PNG, JPEG, etc. return Image.open(path).convert("RGBA") # Handle icons logo = "material/library" icon = theme["icon"] or {} if "logo" in icon and icon["logo"]: logo = icon["logo"] # Resolve path of package base = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "../.." )) # Load icon data and fill with color path = f"{base}/.icons/{logo}.svg" return self._load_logo_svg(path, self.color["text"]) # Load SVG file and convert to PNG def _load_logo_svg(self, path, fill = None): file = BytesIO() data = open(path).read() # Fill with color, if given if fill: data = data.replace("