# Custom .gitignore-like file # # The difference is that those are regex patterns, which will be compared # against directory and file names case-sensitively. The plugin uses the # external https://pypi.org/project/regex/ module. # # Additional remarks for pattern creation: # - The compared paths will be always in POSIX format. # - Each directory path will have a / at the end to allow to distinguish them # from files. # - Patterns for dynamic or custom paths like Virtual Environments (venv) or # build site directories are created during plugin runtime. # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files # Python cache directory .*__pycache__/ # macOS .*\.DS_Store # .dotfiles in the root directory ^/\.[^/]+$ # Generated files and folders ^/.*\.zip # Allow .github or .devcontainer directories # Exclude .cache files and folders # Exclude known IDE directories .*\.cache/? ^/\.vscode/ ^/\.vs/ ^/\.idea/