# Adding a git repository If your documentation is related to source code, Material for MkDocs provides the ability to display information to the project's repository as part of the static site, including stars and forks. Furthermore, the [date of last update and creation], as well as [contributors] can be shown. ## Configuration ### Repository In order to display a link to the repository of your project as part of your documentation, set [`repo_url`][repo_url] in `mkdocs.yml` to the public URL of your repository, e.g.: ``` yaml repo_url: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material ``` The link to the repository will be rendered next to the search bar on big screens and as part of the main navigation drawer on smaller screen sizes. Additionally, for public repositories hosted on [GitHub] or [GitLab], the latest release tag[^1], as well as the number of stars and forks, are automatically requested and rendered. [^1]: Unfortunately, GitHub only provides an API endpoint to obtain the [latest release] - not the latest tag. Thus, make sure to [create a release] (not pre-release) for the latest tag you want to display next to the number of stars and forks. For GitLab, although it is possible to get a [list of tags sorted by update time], the [equivalent API endpoint] is used. So, make sure you also [create a release for GitLab repositories]. [repo_url]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#repo_url [latest release]: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/releases#get-the-latest-release [create a release]: https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository#creating-a-release [list of tags sorted by update time]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/tags.html#list-project-repository-tags [equivalent API endpoint]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/releases/#get-the-latest-release [create a release for GitLab repositories]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/releases/#create-a-release #### Repository name MkDocs will infer the source provider by examining the URL and try to set the _repository name_ automatically. If you wish to customize the name, set [`repo_name`][repo_name] in `mkdocs.yml`: ``` yaml repo_name: squidfunk/mkdocs-material ``` [repo_name]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#repo_name #### Repository icon While the default repository icon is a generic git icon, it can be set to any icon bundled with the theme by referencing a valid icon path in `mkdocs.yml`: ``` yaml theme: icon: repo: fontawesome/brands/git-alt # (1)! ``` 1. Enter a few keywords to find the perfect icon using our [icon search] and click on the shortcode to copy it to your clipboard:
    Some popular choices: - :fontawesome-brands-git: – `fontawesome/brands/git` - :fontawesome-brands-git-alt: – `fontawesome/brands/git-alt` - :fontawesome-brands-github: – `fontawesome/brands/github` - :fontawesome-brands-github-alt: – `fontawesome/brands/github-alt` - :fontawesome-brands-gitlab: – `fontawesome/brands/gitlab` - :fontawesome-brands-gitkraken: – `fontawesome/brands/gitkraken` - :fontawesome-brands-bitbucket: – `fontawesome/brands/bitbucket` - :fontawesome-solid-trash: – `fontawesome/solid/trash` [icon search]: ../reference/icons-emojis.md#search #### Code actions If the [repository URL] points to a valid [GitHub], [GitLab] or [Bitbucket] repository, [MkDocs] provides a setting called [`edit_uri`][edit_uri], which resolves to the subfolder where your documentation is hosted. If your default branch is called `main`, change the setting to: ``` yaml edit_uri: edit/main/docs/ ``` After making sure that `edit_uri` is correctly configured, buttons for code actions can be added. Two types of code actions are supported: `edit` and `view` (GitHub only): === ":material-file-edit-outline: Edit this page" ``` yaml theme: features: - content.action.edit ``` === ":material-file-eye-outline: View source of this page" ``` yaml theme: features: - content.action.view ``` The icon of the edit and view buttons can be changed with the following lines: ``` yaml theme: icon: edit: material/pencil # (1)! view: material/eye ``` 1. Enter a few keywords to find the perfect icon using our [icon search] and click on the shortcode to copy it to your clipboard:
      [repository URL]: #repository [GitHub]: https://github.com/ [GitLab]: https://about.gitlab.com/ [Bitbucket]: https://bitbucket.org/ [MkDocs]: https://www.mkdocs.org [edit_uri]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#edit_uri ### Revisioning The following plugins are fully integrated with Material for MkDocs, allowing for showing the [date of last update and creation] of a document, as well as links to all [contributors] or [authors] involved. [date of last update and creation]: #document-dates [contributors]: #document-contributors [authors]: #document-authors #### Document dates The [git-revision-date-localized] plugin adds support for adding the date of last update and creation of a document at the bottom of each page. Install it with `pip`: ``` pip install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin ``` Then, add the following lines to `mkdocs.yml`: ``` yaml plugins: - git-revision-date-localized: enable_creation_date: true ``` The following configuration options are supported: : This option specifies whether the plugin is enabled when building your project. If you want to switch the plugin off, e.g. for local builds, use an [environment variable]: ``` yaml plugins: - git-revision-date-localized: enabled: !ENV [CI, false] ``` : The format of the date to be displayed. Valid values are `date`, `datetime`, `iso_date`, `iso_datetime` and `timeago`: ``` yaml plugins: - git-revision-date-localized: type: date ``` : Enables the display of the creation date of the file associated with the page next to the last updated date at the bottom of the page: ``` yaml plugins: - git-revision-date-localized: enable_creation_date: true ``` !!! note "When using build environments" If you are deploying through a CI system, you might need to adjust your CI settings when fetching the code. For more information, see [git-revision-date-localized]. : Enables falling back to the time when `mkdocs build` was executed. Can be used as a fallback when the build is performed outside of a git repository: ``` yaml plugins: - git-revision-date-localized: fallback_to_build_date: true ``` The other configuration options of this extension are not officially supported by Material for MkDocs, which is why they may yield unexpected results. Use them at your own risk. [git-revision-date-localized]: https://github.com/timvink/mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin #### Document contributors The [git-committers][^2] plugin renders the GitHub avatars of all contributors, linking to their GitHub profiles at the bottom of each page. As always, it can be installed with `pip`: [^2]: We currently recommend using a fork of the [git-committers] plugin, as it contains many improvements that have not yet been merged back into the original plugin. See byrnereese/mkdocs-git-committers-plugin#12 for more information. ``` pip install mkdocs-git-committers-plugin-2 ``` Then, add the following lines to `mkdocs.yml`: ``` yaml plugins: - git-committers: repository: squidfunk/mkdocs-material branch: main ``` The following configuration options are supported: : This option specifies whether the plugin is enabled when building your project. If you want to switch the plugin off, e.g. for local builds, use an [environment variable]: ``` yaml plugins: - git-committers: enabled: !ENV [CI, false] ``` : This property must be set to the slug of the repository that contains your documentation. The slug must follow the pattern `/`: ``` yaml plugins: - git-committers: repository: squidfunk/mkdocs-material ``` : This property should be set to the branch of the repository from which to retrieve the contributors. To use the `main` branch: ``` yaml plugins: - git-committers: branch: main ``` The other configuration options of this extension are not officially supported by Material for MkDocs, which is why they may yield unexpected results. Use them at your own risk. [Insiders]: ../insiders/index.md [git-committers]: https://github.com/ojacques/mkdocs-git-committers-plugin-2 [environment variable]: https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#environment-variables [rate limits]: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/overview/resources-in-the-rest-api#rate-limiting #### Document authors The [git-authors] plugin is a lightweight alternative to the [git-committers] plugin and extracts the authors of a document from git to display them at the bottom of each page. Material for MkDocs offers deep integration for [git-authors]. This means the [customized overrides](https://timvink.github.io/mkdocs-git-authors-plugin/usage.html#mkdocs-material-theme) are not necessary, and additional styling (such as nice icons) are added. Simply install it with `pip`: ``` pip install mkdocs-git-authors-plugin ``` Then, add the following lines to `mkdocs.yml`: ``` yaml plugins: - git-authors ``` [git-authors]: https://github.com/timvink/mkdocs-git-authors-plugin/