# Awesome pages The [mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin][1] omits the need to specify all pages in the `nav` entry of `mkdocs.yml` and gives you control over page visibility, titles and order on a directory level. !!! success "Bundled with the official Docker image" This plugin is already installed for your convenience when you use the official [Docker image][2], so the installation step can be skipped. Read the [getting started guide][3] to get up and running with Docker. [1]: https://github.com/lukasgeiter/mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin/ [2]: https://hub.docker.com/r/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/ [3]: ../getting-started.md#with-docker-recommended ## Installation Install the plugin using `pip`: ``` sh pip install mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin ``` ## Configuration Add the following lines to `mkdocs.yml`: ``` yaml plugins: - search # necessary for search to work - awesome-pages ``` ## Usage If the `nav` entry in `mkdocs.yml` is omitted, MkDocs will automatically include all pages in a specific order. This plugin allows for more fine-grained control on a per-directory basis. In order to configure behavior for a specific directory, create a YAML file named `.pages` in it and set one of the following options. ### Setting a directory title The directory title, which is shown as part of the navigation, can be set with: ``` yaml title: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ``` ### Changing the order of pages The order of pages and subsections can be configured with: ``` yaml arrange: - page-1.md - page-2.md - subdirectory ``` ### Excluding a directory A directory can be hidden (i.e. excluded) with: ``` yaml hide: true ``` ### Collapsing single-page directories Directories which contain a single page can be collapsed with: ``` yaml collapse: true ```