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<title>{{ site_name }} - {{ page_description }}</title>
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<title>{{ site_name }}</title>
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Sadly the jinja template engine is not very flexible - it doesn't support
regular expressions out-of-the-box. Since there might be a slash at the
end of the repository name, we just do a string comparison and kill it.
{% if repo_name == 'GitHub' and repo_url %}
{% set repo_id = repo_url | replace('https://github.com/', '') %}
{% if repo_id[-1:] == '/' %}
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This is a nasty hack that checks whether the content contains a
h1 headline. If it does, the variable h1 is set to true. This is
necessary for correctly rendering the table of contents which is
embedded into the navigation and the actual headline.
{% set h1 = "\x3ch1 id=" in content %}
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<div class="drawer">
{% include "drawer.html" %}
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<article class="article">
<div class="wrapper">
<!-- Headline -->
{% if not h1 %}
{% if page_title %}
<h1>{{ page_title }}</h1>
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<h1>{{ site_name }}</h1>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Article content -->
{{ content }}
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<aside class="copyright" role="note">
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ga('send', 'event', 'outbound', action, item.href);
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