# # gui.py # # By Ross Ridge # Public Domain # """Graphical user-interface for mymc.""" _SCCS_ID = "@(#) mymc gui.py 1.9 23/07/06 19:35:21\n" import os import sys import struct from io import BytesIO import time from functools import partial # Work around a problem with mixing wx and py2exe if os.name == "nt" and hasattr(sys, "setdefaultencoding"): sys.setdefaultencoding("mbcs") import wx import ps2mc import ps2save import guires try: import ctypes import mymcicon D3DXVECTOR3 = mymcicon.D3DXVECTOR3 D3DXVECTOR4 = mymcicon.D3DXVECTOR4 D3DXVECTOR4_ARRAY3 = mymcicon.D3DXVECTOR4_ARRAY3 def mkvec4arr3(l): return D3DXVECTOR4_ARRAY3(*[D3DXVECTOR4(*vec) for vec in l]) except ImportError: mymcicon = None lighting_none = {"lighting": False, "vertex_diffuse": False, "alt_lighting": False, "light_dirs": [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "light_colours": [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "ambient": [0, 0, 0, 0]} lighting_diffuse = {"lighting": False, "vertex_diffuse": True, "alt_lighting": False, "light_dirs": [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "light_colours": [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "ambient": [0, 0, 0, 0]} lighting_icon = {"lighting": True, "vertex_diffuse": True, "alt_lighting": False, "light_dirs": [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "light_colours": [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "ambient": [0, 0, 0, 0]} lighting_alternate = {"lighting": True, "vertex_diffuse": True, "alt_lighting": True, "light_dirs": [[1, -1, 2, 0], [-1, 1, -2, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]], "light_colours": [[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1]], "ambient": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1]} lighting_alternate2 = {"lighting": True, "vertex_diffuse": False, "alt_lighting": True, "light_dirs": [[1, -1, 2, 0], [-1, 1, -2, 0], [0, 4, 1, 0]], "light_colours": [[0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1], [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1], [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1]], "ambient": [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1]} camera_default = [0, 4, -8] camera_high = [0, 7, -6] camera_near = [0, 3, -6] camera_flat = [0, 2, -7.5] def get_dialog_units(win): return win.ConvertDialogToPixels((1, 1))[0] def single_title(title): """Convert the two parts of an icon.sys title into one string.""" title = title[0] + " " + title[1] return u" ".join(title.split()) def _get_icon_resource_as_images(name): ico = guires.resources[name] images = [] f = BytesIO(ico) count = struct.unpack("= size[0] and sz[1] >= size[1]: if ((best_size[0] < size[0] or best_size[1] < size[1]) or sz[0] * sz[1] < best_size[0] * best_size[1]): best = img best_size = sz elif sz[0] * sz[1] > best_size[0] * best_size[1]: best = img best_size = sz img = best.Rescale(size[0], size[1], wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH) return wx.Bitmap(img) class dirlist_control(wx.ListCtrl): """Lists all the save files in a memory card image.""" def __init__(self, parent, evt_focus, evt_select, config): self.config = config self.selected = set() self.evt_select = evt_select wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, style = wx.LC_REPORT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_COL_CLICK, self.evt_col_click) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED, evt_focus) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.evt_item_selected) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED, self.evt_item_deselected) def _update_dirtable(self, mc, dir): self.dirtable = table = [] enc = "utf-8" if self.config.get_ascii(): enc = "ascii" for ent in dir: if not ps2mc.mode_is_dir(ent[0]): continue dirname = "/" + ent[8] s = mc.get_icon_sys(dirname) if s == None: continue a = ps2save.unpack_icon_sys(s) size = mc.dir_size(dirname) title = ps2save.icon_sys_title(a, encoding = enc) table.append((ent, s, size, title)) def update_dirtable(self, mc): self.dirtable = [] if mc == None: return dir = mc.dir_open("/") try: self._update_dirtable(mc, dir) finally: dir.close() def get_dir_name(self, i): return self.dirtable[i][0][8] def get_dir_title(self, i): return self.dirtable[i][3] def get_dir_size(self, i): return self.dirtable[i][2] def get_dir_modified(self, i): m = list(self.dirtable[i][0][6]) m.reverse() return m def sort_items(self, key): def cmp(i1, i2): a1 = key(i1) a2 = key(i2) if a1 < a2: return -1 if a1 > a2: return 1 return 0 self.SortItems(cmp) def evt_col_click(self, event): col = event.GetColumn() if col == 0: key = self.get_dir_name elif col == 1: key = self.get_dir_size elif col == 2: key = self.get_dir_modified elif col == 3: key = self.get_dir_title self.sort_items(key) return def evt_item_selected(self, event): self.selected.add(event.GetData()) self.evt_select(event) def evt_item_deselected(self, event): self.selected.discard(event.GetData()) self.evt_select(event) def update(self, mc): """Update the ListCtrl according to the contents of the memory card image.""" self.ClearAll() self.selected = set() self.InsertColumn(0, "Directory") self.InsertColumn(1, "Size") self.InsertColumn(2, "Modified") self.InsertColumn(3, "Description") li = self.GetColumn(1) li.SetAlign(wx.LIST_FORMAT_RIGHT) li.SetText("Size") self.SetColumn(1, li) self.update_dirtable(mc) empty = (len(self.dirtable) == 0) self.Enable(not empty) if empty: return for (i, a) in enumerate(self.dirtable): (ent, icon_sys, size, title) = a li = self.InsertItem(i, ent[8]) self.SetItem(li, 1, "%dK" % (size / 1024)) m = ent[6] self.SetItem(li, 2, ("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d" % (m[5], m[4], m[3], m[2], m[1]))) self.SetItem(li, 3, single_title(title)) self.SetItemData(li, i) du = get_dialog_units(self) for i in range(4): self.SetColumnWidth(i, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE) self.SetColumnWidth(i, self.GetColumnWidth(i) + du) self.sort_items(self.get_dir_name) class icon_window(wx.Window): """Displays a save file's 3D icon. Windows only. The rendering of the 3D icon is handled by C++ code in the mymcicon DLL which subclasses this window. This class mainly handles configuration options that affect how the 3D icon is displayed. """ ID_CMD_ANIMATE = 201 ID_CMD_LIGHT_NONE = 202 ID_CMD_LIGHT_ICON = 203 ID_CMD_LIGHT_ALT1 = 204 ID_CMD_LIGHT_ALT2 = 205 ID_CMD_CAMERA_FLAT = 206 ID_CMD_CAMERA_DEFAULT = 207 ID_CMD_CAMERA_NEAR = 209 ID_CMD_CAMERA_HIGH = 210 light_options = {ID_CMD_LIGHT_NONE: lighting_none, ID_CMD_LIGHT_ICON: lighting_icon, ID_CMD_LIGHT_ALT1: lighting_alternate, ID_CMD_LIGHT_ALT2: lighting_alternate2} camera_options = {ID_CMD_CAMERA_FLAT: camera_flat, ID_CMD_CAMERA_DEFAULT: camera_default, ID_CMD_CAMERA_NEAR: camera_near, ID_CMD_CAMERA_HIGH: camera_high} def append_menu_options(self, win, menu): menu.AppendCheckItem(icon_window.ID_CMD_ANIMATE, "Animate Icons") menu.AppendSeparator() menu.AppendRadioItem(icon_window.ID_CMD_LIGHT_NONE, "Lighting Off") menu.AppendRadioItem(icon_window.ID_CMD_LIGHT_ICON, "Icon Lighting") menu.AppendRadioItem(icon_window.ID_CMD_LIGHT_ALT1, "Alternate Lighting") menu.AppendRadioItem(icon_window.ID_CMD_LIGHT_ALT2, "Alternate Lighting 2") menu.AppendSeparator() menu.AppendRadioItem(icon_window.ID_CMD_CAMERA_FLAT, "Camera Flat") menu.AppendRadioItem(icon_window.ID_CMD_CAMERA_DEFAULT, "Camera Default") menu.AppendRadioItem(icon_window.ID_CMD_CAMERA_NEAR, "Camera Near") menu.AppendRadioItem(icon_window.ID_CMD_CAMERA_HIGH, "Camera High") bind_menu = partial(win.Bind, wx.EVT_MENU) bind_menu(self.evt_menu_animate, None, icon_window.ID_CMD_ANIMATE) bind_menu_light = partial(bind_menu, self.evt_menu_light, None) bind_menu_light(icon_window.ID_CMD_LIGHT_NONE) bind_menu_light(icon_window.ID_CMD_LIGHT_ICON) bind_menu_light(icon_window.ID_CMD_LIGHT_ALT1) bind_menu_light(icon_window.ID_CMD_LIGHT_ALT2) bind_menu_camera = partial(bind_menu, self.evt_menu_camera, None) bind_menu_camera(icon_window.ID_CMD_CAMERA_FLAT) bind_menu_camera(icon_window.ID_CMD_CAMERA_DEFAULT) bind_menu_camera(icon_window.ID_CMD_CAMERA_NEAR) bind_menu_camera(icon_window.ID_CMD_CAMERA_HIGH) def __init__(self, parent, focus): self.failed = False wx.Window.__init__(self, parent) if mymcicon == None: self.failed = True return r = mymcicon.init_icon_renderer(focus.GetHandle(), self.GetHandle()) if r == -1: print("init_icon_renderer failed") self.failed = True return self.config = config = mymcicon.icon_config() config.animate = True self.menu = wx.Menu() self.append_menu_options(self, self.menu) self.set_lighting(self.ID_CMD_LIGHT_ALT2) self.set_camera(self.ID_CMD_CAMERA_DEFAULT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.evt_context_menu) def __del__(self): if mymcicon != None: mymcicon.delete_icon_renderer() def update_menu(self, menu): """Update the content menu according to the current config.""" menu.Check(icon_window.ID_CMD_ANIMATE, self.config.animate) menu.Check(self.lighting_id, True) menu.Check(self.camera_id, True) def load_icon(self, icon_sys, icon): """Pass the raw icon data to the support DLL for display.""" if self.failed: return if icon_sys == None or icon == None: r = mymcicon.load_icon(None, 0, None, 0) else: r = mymcicon.load_icon(icon_sys, len(icon_sys), icon, len(icon)) if r != 0: print("load_icon", r) self.failed = True def _set_lighting(self, lighting, vertex_diffuse, alt_lighting, light_dirs, light_colours, ambient): if self.failed: return config = self.config config.lighting = lighting config.vertex_diffuse = vertex_diffuse config.alt_lighting = alt_lighting config.light_dirs = mkvec4arr3(light_dirs) config.light_colours = mkvec4arr3(light_colours) config.ambient = D3DXVECTOR4(*ambient) if mymcicon.set_config(config) == -1: self.failed = True def set_lighting(self, id): self.lighting_id = id self._set_lighting(**self.light_options[id]) def set_animate(self, animate): if self.failed: return self.config.animate = animate if mymcicon.set_config(self.config) == -1: self.failed = True def _set_camera(self, camera): if self.failed: return self.config.camera = mymcicon.D3DXVECTOR3(*camera) if mymcicon.set_config(self.config) == -1: self.failed = True def set_camera(self, id): self.camera_id = id self._set_camera(self.camera_options[id]) def evt_context_menu(self, event): self.update_menu(self.menu) self.PopupMenu(self.menu) def evt_menu_animate(self, event): self.set_animate(not self.config.animate) def evt_menu_light(self, event): self.set_lighting(event.GetId()) def evt_menu_camera(self, event): self.set_camera(event.GetId()) class gui_config(wx.Config): """A class for holding the persistant configuration state.""" memcard_dir = "Memory Card Directory" savefile_dir = "Save File Directory" ascii = "ASCII Descriptions" def __init__(self): wx.Config.__init__(self, "mymc", "Ross Ridge", style = wx.CONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE) def get_memcard_dir(self, default = None): return self.Read(gui_config.memcard_dir, default) def set_memcard_dir(self, value): return self.Write(gui_config.memcard_dir, value) def get_savefile_dir(self, default = None): return self.Read(gui_config.savefile_dir, default) def set_savefile_dir(self, value): return self.Write(gui_config.savefile_dir, value) def get_ascii(self, default = False): return bool(self.ReadInt(gui_config.ascii, int(bool(default)))) def set_ascii(self, value): return self.WriteInt(gui_config.ascii, int(bool(value))) def add_tool(toolbar, id, label, ico): tbsize = toolbar.GetToolBitmapSize() bmp = get_icon_resource_bmp(ico, tbsize) return toolbar.AddTool(id, label, bmp, shortHelp = label) class gui_frame(wx.Frame): """The main top level window.""" ID_CMD_EXIT = wx.ID_EXIT ID_CMD_OPEN = wx.ID_OPEN ID_CMD_EXPORT = 103 ID_CMD_IMPORT = 104 ID_CMD_DELETE = wx.ID_DELETE ID_CMD_ASCII = 106 def message_box(self, message, caption = "mymc", style = wx.OK, x = -1, y = -1): return wx.MessageBox(message, caption, style, self, x, y) def error_box(self, msg): return self.message_box(msg, "Error", wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) def mc_error(self, value, filename = None): """Display a message box for EnvironmentError exeception.""" if filename == None: filename = getattr(value, "filename") if filename == None: filename = self.mcname if filename == None: filename = "???" strerror = getattr(value, "strerror", None) if strerror == None: strerror = "unknown error" return self.error_box(filename + ": " + strerror) def __init__(self, parent, title, mcname = None): self.f = None self.mc = None self.mcname = None self.icon_win = None size = (750, 350) if mymcicon == None: size = (500, 350) wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, title, size = size) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.evt_close) self.config = gui_config() self.title = title self.SetIcons(get_icon_resource("mc4.ico")) bind_menu = (lambda handler, id: self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, handler, None, id)) bind_menu(self.evt_cmd_exit, self.ID_CMD_EXIT) bind_menu(self.evt_cmd_open, self.ID_CMD_OPEN) bind_menu(self.evt_cmd_export, self.ID_CMD_EXPORT) bind_menu(self.evt_cmd_import, self.ID_CMD_IMPORT) bind_menu(self.evt_cmd_delete, self.ID_CMD_DELETE) bind_menu(self.evt_cmd_ascii, self.ID_CMD_ASCII, ) filemenu = wx.Menu() filemenu.Append(self.ID_CMD_OPEN, "&Open...", "Opens an existing PS2 memory card image.") filemenu.AppendSeparator() self.export_menu_item = filemenu.Append( self.ID_CMD_EXPORT, "&Export...", "Export a save file from this image.") self.import_menu_item = filemenu.Append( self.ID_CMD_IMPORT, "&Import...", "Import a save file into this image.") self.delete_menu_item = filemenu.Append( self.ID_CMD_DELETE, "&Delete") filemenu.AppendSeparator() filemenu.Append(self.ID_CMD_EXIT, "E&xit") optionmenu = wx.Menu() self.ascii_menu_item = optionmenu.AppendCheckItem( self.ID_CMD_ASCII, "&ASCII Descriptions", "Show descriptions in ASCII instead of Shift-JIS") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU_OPEN, self.evt_menu_open); self.CreateToolBar(wx.TB_HORIZONTAL) self.toolbar = toolbar = self.GetToolBar() tbsize = (32, 32) toolbar.SetToolBitmapSize(tbsize) add_tool(toolbar, self.ID_CMD_OPEN, "Open", "mc2.ico") toolbar.AddSeparator() add_tool(toolbar, self.ID_CMD_IMPORT, "Import", "mc5b.ico") add_tool(toolbar, self.ID_CMD_EXPORT, "Export", "mc6a.ico") toolbar.Realize() self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(2, style = wx.STB_SIZEGRIP) self.statusbar.SetStatusWidths([-2, -1]) panel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY, (0, 0)) self.dirlist = dirlist_control(panel, self.evt_dirlist_item_focused, self.evt_dirlist_select, self.config) if mcname != None: self.open_mc(mcname) else: self.refresh() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(self.dirlist, 2, wx.EXPAND) sizer.AddSpacer(5) icon_win = None if mymcicon != None: icon_win = icon_window(panel, self) if icon_win.failed: icon_win.Destroy() icon_win = None self.icon_win = icon_win if icon_win == None: self.info1 = None self.info2 = None else: self.icon_menu = icon_menu = wx.Menu() icon_win.append_menu_options(self, icon_menu) optionmenu.AppendSubMenu(icon_menu, "Icon Window") title_style = wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE self.info1 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "", style = title_style) self.info2 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "", style = title_style) # self.info3 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "") info_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) info_sizer.Add(self.info1, 0, wx.EXPAND) info_sizer.Add(self.info2, 0, wx.EXPAND) # info_sizer.Add(self.info3, 0, wx.EXPAND) info_sizer.AddSpacer(5) info_sizer.Add(icon_win, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(info_sizer, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border = 5) menubar = wx.MenuBar() menubar.Append(filemenu, "&File") menubar.Append(optionmenu, "&Options") self.SetMenuBar(menubar) panel.SetSizer(sizer) panel.SetAutoLayout(True) sizer.Fit(panel) self.Show(True) if self.mc == None: self.evt_cmd_open() def _close_mc(self): if self.mc != None: try: self.mc.close() except EnvironmentError as e: self.mc_error(e) self.mc = None if self.f != None: try: self.f.close() except EnvironmentError as e: self.mc_error(e) self.f = None self.mcname = None def refresh(self): try: self.dirlist.update(self.mc) except EnvironmentError as e: self.mc_error(e) self._close_mc() self.dirlist.update(None) mc = self.mc self.toolbar.EnableTool(self.ID_CMD_IMPORT, mc != None) self.toolbar.EnableTool(self.ID_CMD_EXPORT, False) if mc == None: status = "No memory card image" else: free = mc.get_free_space() / 1024 limit = mc.get_allocatable_space() / 1024 status = "%dK of %dK free" % (free, limit) self.statusbar.SetStatusText(status, 1) def open_mc(self, filename): self._close_mc() self.statusbar.SetStatusText("", 1) if self.icon_win != None: self.icon_win.load_icon(None, None) f = None try: f = open(filename, "r+b") mc = ps2mc.ps2mc(f) except EnvironmentError as e: if f != None: f.close() self.mc_error(e, filename) self.SetTitle(self.title) self.refresh() return self.f = f self.mc = mc self.mcname = filename self.SetTitle(filename + " - " + self.title) self.refresh() def evt_menu_open(self, event): self.import_menu_item.Enable(self.mc != None) selected = self.mc != None and len(self.dirlist.selected) > 0 self.export_menu_item.Enable(selected) self.delete_menu_item.Enable(selected) self.ascii_menu_item.Check(self.config.get_ascii()) if self.icon_win != None: self.icon_win.update_menu(self.icon_menu) def evt_dirlist_item_focused(self, event): if self.icon_win == None: return mc = self.mc i = event.GetData() (ent, icon_sys, size, title) = self.dirlist.dirtable[i] self.info1.SetLabel(title[0]) self.info2.SetLabel(title[1]) a = ps2save.unpack_icon_sys(icon_sys) try: mc.chdir("/" + ent[8]) f = mc.open(a[15], "rb") try: icon = f.read() finally: f.close() except EnvironmentError as e: print("icon failed to load", e) self.icon_win.load_icon(None, None) return self.icon_win.load_icon(icon_sys, icon) def evt_dirlist_select(self, event): self.toolbar.EnableTool(self.ID_CMD_IMPORT, self.mc != None) self.toolbar.EnableTool(self.ID_CMD_EXPORT, len(self.dirlist.selected) > 0) def evt_cmd_open(self, event = None): fn = wx.FileSelector("Open Memory Card Image", self.config.get_memcard_dir(""), "Mcd001.ps2", "ps2", "*.ps2", wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | wx.FD_OPEN, self) if fn == "": return self.open_mc(fn) if self.mc != None: dirname = os.path.dirname(fn) if os.path.isabs(dirname): self.config.set_memcard_dir(dirname) def evt_cmd_export(self, event): mc = self.mc if mc == None: return selected = self.dirlist.selected dirtable = self.dirlist.dirtable sfiles = [] for i in selected: dirname = dirtable[i][0][8] try: sf = mc.export_save_file("/" + dirname) longname = ps2save.make_longname(dirname, sf) sfiles.append((dirname, sf, longname)) except EnvironmentError as e: self.mc_error(e.dirname) if len(sfiles) == 0: return dir = self.config.get_savefile_dir("") if len(selected) == 1: (dirname, sf, longname) = sfiles[0] fn = wx.FileSelector("Export " + dirname, dir, longname, "psu", "EMS save file (.psu)|*.psu" "|MAXDrive save file (.max)" "|*.max", (wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT | wx.FD_SAVE), self) if fn == "": return try: f = open(fn, "wb") try: if fn.endswith(".max"): sf.save_max_drive(f) else: sf.save_ems(f) finally: f.close() except EnvironmentError as e: self.mc_error(e, fn) return dir = os.path.dirname(fn) if os.path.isabs(dir): self.config.set_savefile_dir(dir) self.message_box("Exported " + fn + " successfully.") return dir = wx.DirSelector("Export Save Files", dir, parent = self) if dir == "": return count = 0 for (dirname, sf, longname) in sfiles: fn = os.path.join(dir, longname) + ".psu" try: f = open(fn, "wb") sf.save_ems(f) f.close() count += 1 except EnvironmentError as e: self.mc_error(e, fn) if count > 0: if os.path.isabs(dir): self.config.set_savefile_dir(dir) self.message_box("Exported %d file(s) successfully." % count) def _do_import(self, fn): sf = ps2save.ps2_save_file() f = open(fn, "rb") try: ft = ps2save.detect_file_type(f) f.seek(0) if ft == "max": sf.load_max_drive(f) elif ft == "psu": sf.load_ems(f) elif ft == "cbs": sf.load_codebreaker(f) elif ft == "sps": sf.load_sharkport(f) elif ft == "npo": self.error_box(fn + ": nPort saves" " are not supported.") return else: self.error_box(fn + ": Save file format not" " recognized.") return finally: f.close() if not self.mc.import_save_file(sf, True): self.error_box(fn + ": Save file already present.") def evt_cmd_import(self, event): if self.mc == None: return dir = self.config.get_savefile_dir("") fd = wx.FileDialog(self, "Import Save File", dir, wildcard = ("PS2 save files" " (.cbs;.psu;.max;.sps;.xps)" "|*.cbs;*.psu;*.max;*.sps;*.xps" "|All files|*.*"), style = (wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_MULTIPLE | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST)) if fd == None: return r = fd.ShowModal() if r == wx.ID_CANCEL: return success = None for fn in fd.GetPaths(): try: self._do_import(fn) success = fn except EnvironmentError as e: self.mc_error(e, fn) if success != None: dir = os.path.dirname(success) if os.path.isabs(dir): self.config.set_savefile_dir(dir) self.refresh() def evt_cmd_delete(self, event): mc = self.mc if mc == None: return selected = self.dirlist.selected dirtable = self.dirlist.dirtable dirnames = [dirtable[i][0][8] for i in selected] if len(selected) == 1: title = dirtable[list(selected)[0]][3] s = dirnames[0] + " (" + single_title(title) + ")" else: s = ", ".join(dirnames) if len(s) > 200: s = s[:200] + "..." r = self.message_box("Are you sure you want to delete " + s + "?", "Delete Save File Confirmation", wx.YES_NO) if r != wx.YES: return for dn in dirnames: try: mc.rmdir("/" + dn) except EnvironmentError as e: self.mc_error(e, dn) mc.check() self.refresh() def evt_cmd_ascii(self, event): self.config.set_ascii(not self.config.get_ascii()) self.refresh() def evt_cmd_exit(self, event): self.Close(True) def evt_close(self, event): self._close_mc() self.Destroy() def run(filename = None): """Display a GUI for working with memory card images.""" wx_app = wx.App() frame = gui_frame(None, "mymc", filename) return wx_app.MainLoop() if __name__ == "__main__": import gc gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_LEAK) run("test.ps2") gc.collect() for o in gc.garbage: print() print(o) if type(o) == ps2mc.ps2mc_file: for m in dir(o): print(m, getattr(o, m)) # while True: # for o in gc.garbage: # if type(o) == ps2mc.ps2mc_file: # for m in dir(o): # if getattr(o, m) == None: # continue # if (m == "__del__" # or m == "__class__" # or m == "__dict__" # or m == "__weakref__"): # continue # print(m) # setattr(o, m, None) # o = None # break # break # del gc.garbage[:] # gc.collect()