2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
/ *
* Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent .
* Copyright ( C ) 2008 Christophe Dumez < chris @ qbittorrent . org >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
* of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
* In addition , as a special exception , the copyright holders give permission to
* link this program with the OpenSSL project ' s "OpenSSL" library ( or with
* modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library ) ,
* and distribute the linked executables . You must obey the GNU General Public
* License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL" . If you
* modify file ( s ) , you may extend this exception to your version of the file ( s ) ,
* but you are not obligated to do so . If you do not wish to do so , delete this
* exception statement from your version .
* /
/ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Notes : Here is where you define your windows and the events that open them .
If you are not using links to run Mocha methods you can remove this function .
If you need to add link events to links within windows you are creating , do
it in the onContentLoaded function of the new window .
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - * /
'use strict' ;
const LocalPreferences = new window . qBittorrent . LocalPreferences . LocalPreferencesClass ( ) ;
let saveWindowSize = function ( ) { } ;
let loadWindowWidth = function ( ) { } ;
let loadWindowHeight = function ( ) { } ;
let showDownloadPage = function ( ) { } ;
let globalUploadLimitFN = function ( ) { } ;
let uploadLimitFN = function ( ) { } ;
let shareRatioFN = function ( ) { } ;
let toggleSequentialDownloadFN = function ( ) { } ;
let toggleFirstLastPiecePrioFN = function ( ) { } ;
let setSuperSeedingFN = function ( ) { } ;
let setForceStartFN = function ( ) { } ;
let globalDownloadLimitFN = function ( ) { } ;
let StatisticsLinkFN = function ( ) { } ;
let downloadLimitFN = function ( ) { } ;
let deleteFN = function ( ) { } ;
let pauseFN = function ( ) { } ;
let startFN = function ( ) { } ;
let autoTorrentManagementFN = function ( ) { } ;
let recheckFN = function ( ) { } ;
let reannounceFN = function ( ) { } ;
let setLocationFN = function ( ) { } ;
let renameFN = function ( ) { } ;
2023-07-18 11:58:05 -04:00
let renameFilesFN = function ( ) { } ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
let torrentNewCategoryFN = function ( ) { } ;
let torrentSetCategoryFN = function ( ) { } ;
let createCategoryFN = function ( ) { } ;
2023-07-18 11:58:05 -04:00
let createSubcategoryFN = function ( ) { } ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
let editCategoryFN = function ( ) { } ;
let removeCategoryFN = function ( ) { } ;
let deleteUnusedCategoriesFN = function ( ) { } ;
let startTorrentsByCategoryFN = function ( ) { } ;
let pauseTorrentsByCategoryFN = function ( ) { } ;
let deleteTorrentsByCategoryFN = function ( ) { } ;
let torrentAddTagsFN = function ( ) { } ;
let torrentSetTagsFN = function ( ) { } ;
let torrentRemoveAllTagsFN = function ( ) { } ;
let createTagFN = function ( ) { } ;
let removeTagFN = function ( ) { } ;
let deleteUnusedTagsFN = function ( ) { } ;
let startTorrentsByTagFN = function ( ) { } ;
let pauseTorrentsByTagFN = function ( ) { } ;
let deleteTorrentsByTagFN = function ( ) { } ;
let resumeTorrentsByTrackerFN = function ( ) { } ;
let pauseTorrentsByTrackerFN = function ( ) { } ;
let deleteTorrentsByTrackerFN = function ( ) { } ;
let copyNameFN = function ( ) { } ;
let copyInfohashFN = function ( policy ) { } ;
let copyMagnetLinkFN = function ( ) { } ;
let copyIdFN = function ( ) { } ;
2024-01-07 17:04:03 -05:00
let copyCommentFN = function ( ) { } ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
let setQueuePositionFN = function ( ) { } ;
let exportTorrentFN = function ( ) { } ;
const initializeWindows = function ( ) {
saveWindowSize = function ( windowId ) {
const size = $ ( windowId ) . getSize ( ) ;
LocalPreferences . set ( 'window_' + windowId + '_width' , size . x ) ;
LocalPreferences . set ( 'window_' + windowId + '_height' , size . y ) ;
} ;
loadWindowWidth = function ( windowId , defaultValue ) {
return LocalPreferences . get ( 'window_' + windowId + '_width' , defaultValue ) ;
} ;
loadWindowHeight = function ( windowId , defaultValue ) {
return LocalPreferences . get ( 'window_' + windowId + '_height' , defaultValue ) ;
} ;
function addClickEvent ( el , fn ) {
[ 'Link' , 'Button' ] . each ( function ( item ) {
if ( $ ( el + item ) ) {
$ ( el + item ) . addEvent ( 'click' , fn ) ;
} ) ;
addClickEvent ( 'download' , function ( e ) {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
showDownloadPage ( ) ;
} ) ;
showDownloadPage = function ( urls ) {
const id = 'downloadPage' ;
let contentUri = new URI ( 'download.html' ) ;
if ( urls && ( urls . length > 0 ) ) {
contentUri . setData ( "urls" , urls . map ( encodeURIComponent ) . join ( "|" ) ) ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : id ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Download from URLs" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : contentUri . toString ( ) ,
addClass : 'windowFrame' , // fixes iframe scrolling on iOS Safari
scrollbars : true ,
maximizable : false ,
closable : true ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : loadWindowWidth ( id , 500 ) ,
height : loadWindowHeight ( id , 600 ) ,
onResize : function ( ) {
saveWindowSize ( id ) ;
} ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
addClickEvent ( 'preferences' , function ( e ) {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
const id = 'preferencesPage' ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : id ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Options" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'xhr' ,
toolbar : true ,
contentURL : new URI ( "views/preferences.html" ) . toString ( ) ,
require : {
css : [ 'css/Tabs.css' ]
} ,
toolbarURL : 'views/preferencesToolbar.html' ,
maximizable : false ,
closable : true ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : loadWindowWidth ( id , 700 ) ,
height : loadWindowHeight ( id , 600 ) ,
onResize : function ( ) {
saveWindowSize ( id ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
addClickEvent ( 'upload' , function ( e ) {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
const id = 'uploadPage' ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : id ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Upload local torrent" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "upload.html" ) . toString ( ) ,
addClass : 'windowFrame' , // fixes iframe scrolling on iOS Safari
scrollbars : true ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : loadWindowWidth ( id , 500 ) ,
height : loadWindowHeight ( id , 460 ) ,
onResize : function ( ) {
saveWindowSize ( id ) ;
} ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ) ;
globalUploadLimitFN = function ( ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'uploadLimitPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Global Upload Speed Limit" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "uploadlimit.html" ) . setData ( "hashes" , "global" ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : false ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 424 ,
height : 80
} ) ;
} ;
uploadLimitFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'uploadLimitPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Torrent Upload Speed Limiting" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "uploadlimit.html" ) . setData ( "hashes" , hashes . join ( "|" ) ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : false ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 424 ,
height : 80
} ) ;
} ;
shareRatioFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
let shareRatio = null ;
let torrentsHaveSameShareRatio = true ;
// check if all selected torrents have same share ratio
for ( let i = 0 ; i < hashes . length ; ++ i ) {
const hash = hashes [ i ] ;
const row = torrentsTable . rows [ hash ] . full _data ;
2023-07-18 11:58:05 -04:00
const origValues = row . ratio _limit + "|" + row . seeding _time _limit + "|" + row . inactive _seeding _time _limit + "|"
+ row . max _ratio + "|" + row . max _seeding _time + "|" + row . max _inactive _seeding _time ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
// initialize value
if ( shareRatio === null )
shareRatio = origValues ;
if ( origValues !== shareRatio ) {
torrentsHaveSameShareRatio = false ;
break ;
// if all torrents have same share ratio, display that share ratio. else use the default
const orig = torrentsHaveSameShareRatio ? shareRatio : "" ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'shareRatioPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Torrent Upload/Download Ratio Limiting" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "shareratio.html" ) . setData ( "hashes" , hashes . join ( "|" ) ) . setData ( "orig" , orig ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 424 ,
height : 175
} ) ;
} ;
toggleSequentialDownloadFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/toggleSequentialDownload' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
toggleFirstLastPiecePrioFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/toggleFirstLastPiecePrio' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
setSuperSeedingFN = function ( val ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/setSuperSeeding' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
value : val ,
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
setForceStartFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/setForceStart' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
value : 'true' ,
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
globalDownloadLimitFN = function ( ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'downloadLimitPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Global Download Speed Limit" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "downloadlimit.html" ) . setData ( "hashes" , "global" ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : false ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 424 ,
height : 80
} ) ;
} ;
StatisticsLinkFN = function ( ) {
const id = 'statisticspage' ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : id ,
2024-01-07 17:04:03 -05:00
title : 'Statistics]' ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'xhr' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "views/statistics.html" ) . toString ( ) ,
maximizable : false ,
padding : 10 ,
width : loadWindowWidth ( id , 275 ) ,
height : loadWindowHeight ( id , 370 ) ,
onResize : function ( ) {
saveWindowSize ( id ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
downloadLimitFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'downloadLimitPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Torrent Download Speed Limiting" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "downloadlimit.html" ) . setData ( "hashes" , hashes . join ( "|" ) ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : false ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 424 ,
height : 80
} ) ;
} ;
deleteFN = function ( deleteFiles = false ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'confirmDeletionPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Remove torrent(s)" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "confirmdeletion.html" ) . setData ( "hashes" , hashes . join ( "|" ) ) . setData ( "deleteFiles" , deleteFiles ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : false ,
maximizable : false ,
padding : 10 ,
width : 424 ,
height : 140
} ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
addClickEvent ( 'delete' , function ( e ) {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
deleteFN ( ) ;
} ) ;
pauseFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/pause' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
startFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/resume' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
autoTorrentManagementFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
let enable = false ;
hashes . each ( function ( hash , index ) {
const row = torrentsTable . rows [ hash ] ;
if ( ! row . full _data . auto _tmm )
enable = true ;
} ) ;
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/setAutoManagement' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" ) ,
enable : enable
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
recheckFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/recheck' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" ) ,
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
reannounceFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/reannounce' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" ) ,
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
setLocationFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
const hash = hashes [ 0 ] ;
const row = torrentsTable . rows [ hash ] ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'setLocationPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Set location" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "setlocation.html" ) . setData ( "hashes" , hashes . join ( '|' ) ) . setData ( "path" , encodeURIComponent ( row . full _data . save _path ) ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : true ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 400 ,
height : 130
} ) ;
} ;
renameFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length == 1 ) {
const hash = hashes [ 0 ] ;
const row = torrentsTable . rows [ hash ] ;
if ( row ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'renamePage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Rename" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "rename.html" ) . setData ( "hash" , hash ) . setData ( "name" , row . full _data . name ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : true ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 400 ,
height : 100
} ) ;
} ;
2023-07-18 11:58:05 -04:00
renameFilesFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length == 1 ) {
const hash = hashes [ 0 ] ;
const row = torrentsTable . rows [ hash ] ;
if ( row ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'multiRenamePage' ,
title : "Renaming" ,
data : { hash : hash , selectedRows : [ ] } ,
loadMethod : 'xhr' ,
contentURL : 'rename_files.html' ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : true ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 800 ,
height : 420 ,
resizeLimit : { 'x' : [ 800 ] , 'y' : [ 420 ] }
} ) ;
} ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
torrentNewCategoryFN = function ( ) {
const action = "set" ;
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'newCategoryPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "New Category" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "newcategory.html" ) . setData ( "action" , action ) . setData ( "hashes" , hashes . join ( '|' ) ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : true ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 400 ,
height : 150
} ) ;
} ;
torrentSetCategoryFN = function ( categoryHash ) {
let categoryName = '' ;
if ( categoryHash != 0 )
categoryName = category _list [ categoryHash ] . name ;
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/setCategory' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" ) ,
category : categoryName
} ) . send ( ) ;
} ;
createCategoryFN = function ( ) {
const action = "create" ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'newCategoryPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "New Category" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "newcategory.html" ) . setData ( "action" , action ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : true ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 400 ,
height : 150
} ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
2023-07-18 11:58:05 -04:00
createSubcategoryFN = function ( categoryHash ) {
const action = "createSubcategory" ;
const categoryName = category _list [ categoryHash ] . name + "/" ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'newSubcategoryPage' ,
title : "New Category" ,
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "newcategory.html" ) . setData ( "action" , action ) . setData ( "categoryName" , categoryName ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : true ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 400 ,
height : 150
} ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
editCategoryFN = function ( categoryHash ) {
const action = "edit" ;
const categoryName = category _list [ categoryHash ] . name ;
const savePath = category _list [ categoryHash ] . savePath ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'editCategoryPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Edit Category" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( 'newcategory.html' ) . setData ( "action" , action ) . setData ( "categoryName" , categoryName ) . setData ( "savePath" , savePath ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : true ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 400 ,
height : 150
} ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
removeCategoryFN = function ( categoryHash ) {
const categoryName = category _list [ categoryHash ] . name ;
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/removeCategories' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
categories : categoryName
} ) . send ( ) ;
setCategoryFilter ( CATEGORIES _ALL ) ;
} ;
deleteUnusedCategoriesFN = function ( ) {
const categories = [ ] ;
for ( const hash in category _list ) {
if ( torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsNumber ( 'all' , hash , TAGS _ALL , TRACKERS _ALL ) === 0 )
categories . push ( category _list [ hash ] . name ) ;
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/removeCategories' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
categories : categories . join ( '\n' )
} ) . send ( ) ;
setCategoryFilter ( CATEGORIES _ALL ) ;
} ;
startTorrentsByCategoryFN = function ( categoryHash ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , categoryHash , TAGS _ALL , TRACKERS _ALL ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/resume' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
pauseTorrentsByCategoryFN = function ( categoryHash ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , categoryHash , TAGS _ALL , TRACKERS _ALL ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/pause' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
deleteTorrentsByCategoryFN = function ( categoryHash ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , categoryHash , TAGS _ALL , TRACKERS _ALL ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'confirmDeletionPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Remove torrent(s)" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "confirmdeletion.html" ) . setData ( "hashes" , hashes . join ( "|" ) ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : false ,
maximizable : false ,
padding : 10 ,
width : 424 ,
height : 140
} ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
torrentAddTagsFN = function ( ) {
const action = "set" ;
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'newTagPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Add Tags" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "newtag.html" ) . setData ( "action" , action ) . setData ( "hashes" , hashes . join ( "|" ) ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : true ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 250 ,
height : 100
} ) ;
} ;
torrentSetTagsFN = function ( tagHash , isSet ) {
const tagName = ( ( tagHash === '0' ) ? '' : tagList [ tagHash ] . name ) ;
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : ( isSet ? 'api/v2/torrents/addTags' : 'api/v2/torrents/removeTags' ) ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" ) ,
tags : tagName ,
} ) . send ( ) ;
} ;
torrentRemoveAllTagsFN = function ( ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : ( 'api/v2/torrents/removeTags' ) ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" ) ,
} ) . send ( ) ;
} ;
createTagFN = function ( ) {
const action = "create" ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'newTagPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "New Tag" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "newtag.html" ) . setData ( "action" , action ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : true ,
maximizable : false ,
paddingVertical : 0 ,
paddingHorizontal : 0 ,
width : 250 ,
height : 100
} ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
removeTagFN = function ( tagHash ) {
const tagName = tagList [ tagHash ] . name ;
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/deleteTags' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
tags : tagName
} ) . send ( ) ;
setTagFilter ( TAGS _ALL ) ;
} ;
deleteUnusedTagsFN = function ( ) {
const tags = [ ] ;
for ( const hash in tagList ) {
if ( torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsNumber ( 'all' , CATEGORIES _ALL , hash , TRACKERS _ALL ) === 0 )
tags . push ( tagList [ hash ] . name ) ;
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/deleteTags' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
tags : tags . join ( ',' )
} ) . send ( ) ;
setTagFilter ( TAGS _ALL ) ;
} ;
startTorrentsByTagFN = function ( tagHash ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , CATEGORIES _ALL , tagHash , TRACKERS _ALL ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/resume' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
pauseTorrentsByTagFN = function ( tagHash ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , CATEGORIES _ALL , tagHash , TRACKERS _ALL ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/pause' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
deleteTorrentsByTagFN = function ( tagHash ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , CATEGORIES _ALL , tagHash , TRACKERS _ALL ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'confirmDeletionPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Remove torrent(s)" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "confirmdeletion.html" ) . setData ( "hashes" , hashes . join ( "|" ) ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : false ,
maximizable : false ,
padding : 10 ,
width : 424 ,
height : 140
} ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
resumeTorrentsByTrackerFN = function ( trackerHash ) {
const trackerHashInt = Number . parseInt ( trackerHash , 10 ) ;
let hashes = [ ] ;
switch ( trackerHashInt ) {
hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , CATEGORIES _ALL , TAGS _ALL , TRACKERS _ALL ) ;
break ;
hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , CATEGORIES _ALL , TAGS _ALL , TRACKERS _TRACKERLESS ) ;
break ;
default :
hashes = trackerList . get ( trackerHashInt ) . torrents ;
break ;
if ( hashes . length > 0 ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/resume' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
pauseTorrentsByTrackerFN = function ( trackerHash ) {
const trackerHashInt = Number . parseInt ( trackerHash , 10 ) ;
let hashes = [ ] ;
switch ( trackerHashInt ) {
hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , CATEGORIES _ALL , TAGS _ALL , TRACKERS _ALL ) ;
break ;
hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , CATEGORIES _ALL , TAGS _ALL , TRACKERS _TRACKERLESS ) ;
break ;
default :
hashes = trackerList . get ( trackerHashInt ) . torrents ;
break ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/pause' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
deleteTorrentsByTrackerFN = function ( trackerHash ) {
const trackerHashInt = Number . parseInt ( trackerHash , 10 ) ;
let hashes = [ ] ;
switch ( trackerHashInt ) {
hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , CATEGORIES _ALL , TAGS _ALL , TRACKERS _ALL ) ;
break ;
hashes = torrentsTable . getFilteredTorrentsHashes ( 'all' , CATEGORIES _ALL , TAGS _ALL , TRACKERS _TRACKERLESS ) ;
break ;
default :
hashes = trackerList . get ( trackerHashInt ) . torrents ;
break ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : 'confirmDeletionPage' ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : "Remove torrent(s)" ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'iframe' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "confirmdeletion.html" ) . setData ( "hashes" , hashes . join ( "|" ) ) . toString ( ) ,
scrollbars : false ,
resizable : false ,
maximizable : false ,
padding : 10 ,
width : 424 ,
height : 140 ,
onCloseComplete : function ( ) {
updateMainData ( ) ;
setTrackerFilter ( TRACKERS _ALL ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
copyNameFN = function ( ) {
const selectedRows = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
const names = [ ] ;
if ( selectedRows . length > 0 ) {
const rows = torrentsTable . getFilteredAndSortedRows ( ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < selectedRows . length ; ++ i ) {
const hash = selectedRows [ i ] ;
names . push ( rows [ hash ] . full _data . name ) ;
return names . join ( "\n" ) ;
} ;
copyInfohashFN = function ( policy ) {
const selectedRows = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
const infohashes = [ ] ;
if ( selectedRows . length > 0 ) {
const rows = torrentsTable . getFilteredAndSortedRows ( ) ;
switch ( policy ) {
case 1 :
for ( const id of selectedRows ) {
const infohash = rows [ id ] . full _data . infohash _v1 ;
if ( infohash !== "" )
infohashes . push ( infohash ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
for ( const id of selectedRows ) {
const infohash = rows [ id ] . full _data . infohash _v2 ;
if ( infohash !== "" )
infohashes . push ( infohash ) ;
break ;
return infohashes . join ( "\n" ) ;
} ;
copyMagnetLinkFN = function ( ) {
const selectedRows = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
const magnets = [ ] ;
if ( selectedRows . length > 0 ) {
const rows = torrentsTable . getFilteredAndSortedRows ( ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < selectedRows . length ; ++ i ) {
const hash = selectedRows [ i ] ;
magnets . push ( rows [ hash ] . full _data . magnet _uri ) ;
return magnets . join ( "\n" ) ;
} ;
copyIdFN = function ( ) {
return torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) . join ( "\n" ) ;
} ;
2024-01-07 17:04:03 -05:00
copyCommentFN = function ( ) {
const selectedRows = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
const comments = [ ] ;
if ( selectedRows . length > 0 ) {
const rows = torrentsTable . getFilteredAndSortedRows ( ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < selectedRows . length ; ++ i ) {
const hash = selectedRows [ i ] ;
const comment = rows [ hash ] . full _data . comment ;
if ( comment && ( comment !== "" ) )
comments . push ( comment ) ;
return comments . join ( "\n---------\n" ) ;
} ;
2023-07-18 11:58:05 -04:00
exportTorrentFN = async function ( ) {
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
for ( const hash of hashes ) {
const row = torrentsTable . rows . get ( hash ) ;
if ( ! row )
2023-07-18 11:58:05 -04:00
continue ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
const name = row . full _data . name ;
const url = new URI ( "api/v2/torrents/export" ) ;
url . setData ( "hash" , hash ) ;
// download response to file
const element = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
element . setAttribute ( "href" , url ) ;
2023-07-18 11:58:05 -04:00
element . setAttribute ( "download" , ( name + ".torrent" ) ) ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
document . body . appendChild ( element ) ;
element . click ( ) ;
document . body . removeChild ( element ) ;
2023-07-18 11:58:05 -04:00
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53560991/automatic-file-downloads-limited-to-10-files-on-chrome-browser
await window . qBittorrent . Misc . sleep ( 200 ) ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
} ;
2022-11-29 09:38:24 -05:00
addClickEvent ( 'pauseAll' , ( e ) => {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
if ( confirm ( 'Would you like to pause all torrents?' ) ) {
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
new Request ( {
2022-11-29 09:38:24 -05:00
url : 'api/v2/torrents/pause' ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : "all"
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
2022-11-29 09:38:24 -05:00
} ) ;
addClickEvent ( 'resumeAll' , ( e ) => {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
if ( confirm ( 'Would you like to resume all torrents?' ) ) {
2022-11-29 09:38:24 -05:00
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/resume' ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : "all"
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
} ) ;
[ 'pause' , 'resume' , 'recheck' ] . each ( function ( item ) {
addClickEvent ( item , function ( e ) {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
hashes . each ( function ( hash , index ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/' + item ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hash
} ) . send ( ) ;
} ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
[ 'decreasePrio' , 'increasePrio' , 'topPrio' , 'bottomPrio' ] . each ( function ( item ) {
addClickEvent ( item , function ( e ) {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
setQueuePositionFN ( item ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
setQueuePositionFN = function ( cmd ) {
const hashes = torrentsTable . selectedRowsIds ( ) ;
if ( hashes . length ) {
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/torrents/' + cmd ,
method : 'post' ,
data : {
hashes : hashes . join ( "|" )
} ) . send ( ) ;
updateMainData ( ) ;
} ;
addClickEvent ( 'about' , function ( e ) {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
const id = 'aboutpage' ;
new MochaUI . Window ( {
id : id ,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title : 'About qBittorrent' ,
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod : 'xhr' ,
contentURL : new URI ( "views/about.html" ) . toString ( ) ,
require : {
css : [ 'css/Tabs.css' ]
} ,
toolbar : true ,
toolbarURL : 'views/aboutToolbar.html' ,
padding : 10 ,
width : loadWindowWidth ( id , 550 ) ,
height : loadWindowHeight ( id , 360 ) ,
onResize : function ( ) {
saveWindowSize ( id ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
addClickEvent ( 'logout' , function ( e ) {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/auth/logout' ,
method : 'post' ,
onSuccess : function ( ) {
window . location . reload ( true ) ;
} ) . send ( ) ;
} ) ;
addClickEvent ( 'shutdown' , function ( e ) {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
if ( confirm ( 'Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent?' ) ) {
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
new Request ( {
url : 'api/v2/app/shutdown' ,
method : 'post' ,
onSuccess : function ( ) {
2023-08-07 21:37:10 -04:00
document . write ( '<!doctype html><html lang="${LANG}"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>qBittorrent has been shutdown</title></head><body> <h1 style="text-align: center;">qBittorrent has been shutdown</h1></body></html>' ) ;
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
document . close ( ) ;
stop ( ) ;
} ) . send ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Deactivate menu header links
$$ ( 'a.returnFalse' ) . each ( function ( el ) {
el . addEvent ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
new Event ( e ) . stop ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;