2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< style >
#searchPattern {
width: 300px;
line-height: 2em;
padding: 1px 5px 1px 2em;
background-image: url("images/edit-find.svg");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 1.5em;
background-position: left;
#categorySelect {
width: 150px;
#pluginsSelect {
width: 150px;
#startSearchButton {
width: 90px;
#searchResultsNoPlugins {
2023-06-27 20:40:25 -03:00
height: calc(100% - 180px);
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
#searchResultsNoPlugins table {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
#searchResultsFilters {
height: 30px;
overflow: auto;
#searchInNameFilter {
width: 150px;
margin-right: 20px;
#searchMaxSizeFilter {
width: 4em;
#manageSearchPlugins {
float: right;
#searchResultsGranularFilters {
display: none;
#searchResultsGranularFiltersWarning {
vertical-align: bottom;
margin-left: 10px;
@media (min-width: 1060px) {
#searchResultsGranularFilters {
display: inline-block;
#searchResultsGranularFiltersWarning {
display: none;
#searchPattern {
width: 500px;
< / style >
< div id = "searchResults" >
< div style = "overflow: hidden; height: 70px;" >
< div style = "margin: 20px 0; height: 30px;" >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
< input type = "text" id = "searchPattern" class = "searchInputField" placeholder = "Search" autocorrect = "off" autocapitalize = "none" / >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< select id = "categorySelect" class = "searchInputField" onchange = "qBittorrent.Search.categorySelected()" > < / select >
< select id = "pluginsSelect" class = "searchInputField" onchange = "qBittorrent.Search.pluginSelected()" > < / select >
2023-06-27 21:13:10 -03:00
< button class = "button" id = "startSearchButton" class = "searchInputField" onclick = "qBittorrent.Search.startStopSearch()" > Search< / button >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "searchResultsNoPlugins" >
< table >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
There aren't any search plugins installed.
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< br / >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
Click the "Search plugins..." button at the bottom right of the window to install some.
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< span > < / span >
< / div >
< div id = "searchResultsFilters" >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
< input type = "text" id = "searchInNameFilter" placeholder = "Filter" autocorrect = "off" autocapitalize = "none" / >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
2022-11-30 15:41:50 -05:00
< span > Results < span id = "numSearchResultsVisible" class = "numSearchResults" > 0< / span > out of < span id = "numSearchResultsTotal" class = "numSearchResults" > 0< / span > ):< / span >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< div style = "display: inline-block; float: right;" >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
< label for = "searchInTorrentName" style = "margin-left: 15px;" > Search in:< / label >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< select id = "searchInTorrentName" onchange = "qBittorrent.Search.searchInTorrentName()" >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
< option value = "names" > Torrent names only< / option >
< option value = "everywhere" > Everywhere< / option >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< / select >
2022-11-30 15:20:11 -05:00
< img id = "searchResultsGranularFiltersWarning" src = "images/dialog-warning.svg" title = "Increase window width to display additional filters" alt = "Warning" width = "24" height = "24" >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< div id = "searchResultsGranularFilters" >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
< span style = "margin-left: 15px;" > Seeds:< / span >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< input type = "number" min = "0" max = "1000" id = "searchMinSeedsFilter" value = "0" onchange = "qBittorrent.Search.searchSeedsFilterChanged()" >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
< span > to< / span >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< input type = "number" min = "0" max = "1000" id = "searchMaxSeedsFilter" value = "0" onchange = "qBittorrent.Search.searchSeedsFilterChanged()" >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
< span style = "margin-left: 15px;" > Size:< / span >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< input type = "number" min = "0" max = "1000" step = ".01" value = "0.00" id = "searchMinSizeFilter" onchange = "qBittorrent.Search.searchSizeFilterChanged()" >
< select id = "searchMinSizePrefix" onchange = "qBittorrent.Search.searchSizeFilterPrefixChanged()" >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
< option value = "0" > B< / option >
< option value = "1" > KiB< / option >
< option value = "2" selected > MiB< / option >
< option value = "3" > GiB< / option >
< option value = "4" > TiB< / option >
< option value = "5" > PiB< / option >
< option value = "6" > EiB< / option >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< / select >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
< span > to< / span >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< input type = "number" min = "0" max = "1000" step = ".01" value = "0.00" id = "searchMaxSizeFilter" onchange = "qBittorrent.Search.searchSizeFilterChanged()" >
< select id = "searchMaxSizePrefix" onchange = "qBittorrent.Search.searchSizeFilterPrefixChanged()" >
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
< option value = "0" > B< / option >
< option value = "1" > KiB< / option >
< option value = "2" selected > MiB< / option >
< option value = "3" > GiB< / option >
< option value = "4" > TiB< / option >
< option value = "5" > PiB< / option >
< option value = "6" > EiB< / option >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "searchResultsTableContainer" >
< div id = "searchResultsTableFixedHeaderDiv" class = "dynamicTableFixedHeaderDiv" >
< table class = "dynamicTable unselectable" style = "position:relative;" >
< thead >
< tr class = "dynamicTableHeader" > < / tr >
< / thead >
< / table >
< / div >
< div id = "searchResultsTableDiv" class = "dynamicTableDiv" >
< table class = "dynamicTable unselectable" >
< thead >
< tr class = "dynamicTableHeader" > < / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody > < / tbody >
< / table >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-06-27 20:40:25 -03:00
< div style = "height: 30px; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px;" >
2023-06-18 23:33:26 -03:00
< button class = "button" id = "manageSearchPlugins" onclick = "qBittorrent.Search.manageSearchPlugins()" > Search plugins...< / button >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< / div >
< / div >
< ul id = "searchResultsTableMenu" class = "contextMenu" >
2022-11-30 15:41:50 -05:00
< li > < a href = "#Download" > < img src = "images/downloading.svg" alt = "Download" / > Download< / a > < / li >
< li class = "separator" > < a href = "#OpenDescriptionUrl" > < img src = "images/application-url.svg" alt = "Open description page" / > Open description page< / a > < / li >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< li >
2022-11-30 15:41:50 -05:00
< a href = "#" class = "arrow-right" > < img src = "images/edit-copy.svg" alt = "Copy" / > Copy< / a >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< ul >
2022-11-30 15:41:50 -05:00
< li > < a href = "#" id = "copySearchTorrentName" class = "copySearchDataToClipboard" > < img src = "images/name.svg" alt = "Name" / > Name< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#" id = "copySearchTorrentDownloadLink" class = "copySearchDataToClipboard" > < img src = "images/insert-link.svg" alt = "Download link" / > Download link< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#" id = "copySearchTorrentDescriptionUrl" class = "copySearchDataToClipboard" > < img src = "images/application-url.svg" alt = "Description page URL" / > Description page URL< / a > < / li >
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
< / ul >
< / li >
< / ul >
< script >
'use strict';
if (window.qBittorrent === undefined) {
window.qBittorrent = {};
window.qBittorrent.Search = (function() {
const exports = function() {
return {
startStopSearch: startStopSearch,
manageSearchPlugins: manageSearchPlugins,
searchPlugins: searchPlugins,
searchText: searchText,
searchSeedsFilter: searchSeedsFilter,
searchSizeFilter: searchSizeFilter,
init: init,
getPlugin: getPlugin,
searchInTorrentName: searchInTorrentName,
categorySelected: categorySelected,
pluginSelected: pluginSelected,
searchSeedsFilterChanged: searchSeedsFilterChanged,
searchSizeFilterChanged: searchSizeFilterChanged,
searchSizeFilterPrefixChanged: searchSizeFilterPrefixChanged
let searchResultsTable;
let loadSearchResultsTimer;
let loadSearchPluginsTimer;
let searchResultsRowId = 0;
let searchRunning = false;
let requestCount = 0;
const searchPlugins = [];
let prevSearchPluginsResponse;
const searchText = {
pattern: "",
filterPattern: ""
const searchSeedsFilter = {
min: 0,
max: 0
const searchSizeFilter = {
min: 0.00,
minUnit: 2, // B = 0, KiB = 1, MiB = 2, GiB = 3, TiB = 4, PiB = 5, EiB = 6
max: 0.00,
maxUnit: 3
let prevNameFilterValue;
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
let selectedCategory = "All categories";
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
let selectedPlugin = "all";
let prevSelectedPlugin;
let activeSearchId = null;
const init = function() {
// load "Search in" preference from local storage
$('searchInTorrentName').set('value', (LocalPreferences.get('search_in_filter') === "names") ? "names" : "everywhere");
const searchResultsTableContextMenu = new window.qBittorrent.ContextMenu.ContextMenu({
targets: '.searchTableRow',
menu: 'searchResultsTableMenu',
actions: {
Download: downloadSearchTorrent,
OpenDescriptionUrl: openSearchTorrentDescriptionUrl
offsets: {
x: -15,
y: -53
searchResultsTable = new window.qBittorrent.DynamicTable.SearchResultsTable();
searchResultsTable.setup('searchResultsTableDiv', 'searchResultsTableFixedHeaderDiv', searchResultsTableContextMenu);
let searchInNameFilterTimer = null;
// listen for changes to searchInNameFilter
$('searchInNameFilter').addEvent('input', function() {
const value = $('searchInNameFilter').get("value");
if (value !== prevNameFilterValue) {
prevNameFilterValue = value;
searchInNameFilterTimer = setTimeout(function() {
searchText.filterPattern = value;
}, 400);
new Keyboard({
defaultEventType: 'keydown',
events: {
'Enter': function(e) {
// accept enter key as a click
new Event(e).stop();
const elem = e.event.srcElement;
if (elem.className.contains("searchInputField")) {
switch (elem.id) {
case "manageSearchPlugins":
const startSearch = function(pattern, category, plugins) {
$('numSearchResultsVisible').set('html', searchResultsTable.getFilteredAndSortedRows().length);
$('numSearchResultsTotal').set('html', searchResultsTable.getRowIds().length);
searchResultsRowId = 0;
requestCount = 0;
const url = new URI('api/v2/search/start');
new Request.JSON({
url: url,
noCache: true,
method: 'post',
data: {
pattern: pattern,
category: category,
plugins: plugins
onSuccess: function(response) {
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
$('startSearchButton').set('text', 'Stop');
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
searchRunning = true;
activeSearchId = response.id;
const stopSearch = function() {
const url = new URI('api/v2/search/stop');
new Request({
url: url,
noCache: true,
method: 'post',
data: {
id: activeSearchId
onSuccess: function(response) {
const startStopSearch = function() {
if (!searchRunning || !activeSearchId) {
const pattern = $('searchPattern').getProperty('value').trim();
let category = $('categorySelect').getProperty('value');
const plugins = $('pluginsSelect').getProperty('value');
if (!pattern || !category || !plugins)
searchText.pattern = pattern;
startSearch(pattern, category, plugins);
else {
const openSearchTorrentDescriptionUrl = function() {
searchResultsTable.selectedRowsIds().each(function(rowId) {
window.open(searchResultsTable.rows.get(rowId).full_data.descrLink, "_blank");
const copySearchTorrentName = function() {
const names = [];
searchResultsTable.selectedRowsIds().each(function(rowId) {
return names.join("\n");
const copySearchTorrentDownloadLink = function() {
const urls = [];
searchResultsTable.selectedRowsIds().each(function(rowId) {
return urls.join("\n");
const copySearchTorrentDescriptionUrl = function() {
const urls = [];
searchResultsTable.selectedRowsIds().each(function(rowId) {
return urls.join("\n");
const downloadSearchTorrent = function() {
const urls = [];
searchResultsTable.selectedRowsIds().each(function(rowId) {
// only proceed if at least 1 row was selected
if (!urls.length)
const manageSearchPlugins = function() {
const id = 'searchPlugins';
if (!$(id))
new MochaUI.Window({
id: id,
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
title: "Search plugins",
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
loadMethod: 'xhr',
contentURL: 'views/searchplugins.html',
scrollbars: false,
maximizable: false,
paddingVertical: 0,
paddingHorizontal: 0,
width: loadWindowWidth(id, 600),
height: loadWindowHeight(id, 360),
onResize: function() {
onBeforeBuild: function() {
onClose: function() {
const loadSearchPlugins = function() {
loadSearchPluginsTimer = loadSearchPlugins.delay(2000);
const categorySelected = function() {
selectedCategory = $("categorySelect").get("value");
const pluginSelected = function() {
selectedPlugin = $("pluginsSelect").get("value");
if (selectedPlugin !== prevSelectedPlugin) {
prevSelectedPlugin = selectedPlugin;
const reselectCategory = function() {
for (let i = 0; i < $("categorySelect").options.length; ++i)
if ($("categorySelect").options[i].get("value") === selectedCategory)
$("categorySelect").options[i].selected = true;
const reselectPlugin = function() {
for (let i = 0; i < $("pluginsSelect").options.length; ++i)
if ($("pluginsSelect").options[i].get("value") === selectedPlugin)
$("pluginsSelect").options[i].selected = true;
const resetSearchState = function() {
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
$('startSearchButton').set('text', 'Search');
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
searchResultsRowId = 0;
searchRunning = false;
activeSearchId = null;
const getSearchCategories = function() {
const populateCategorySelect = function(categories) {
const categoryHtml = [];
categories.each(function(category) {
const option = new Element("option");
option.set("value", category.id);
option.set("html", category.name);
// first category is "All Categories"
if (categoryHtml.length > 1) {
// add separator
const option = new Element("option");
option.set("disabled", true);
option.set("html", "──────────");
categoryHtml.splice(1, 0, option.outerHTML);
$('categorySelect').set('html', categoryHtml.join(""));
const selectedPlugin = $('pluginsSelect').get("value");
if ((selectedPlugin === "all") || (selectedPlugin === "enabled")) {
const uniqueCategories = {};
for (const plugin of searchPlugins) {
if ((selectedPlugin === "enabled") & & !plugin.enabled)
for (const category of plugin.supportedCategories) {
if (uniqueCategories[category.id] === undefined) {
uniqueCategories[category.id] = category;
// we must sort the ids to maintain consistent order.
const categories = Object.keys(uniqueCategories).sort().map(id => uniqueCategories[id]);
else {
const plugin = getPlugin(selectedPlugin);
const plugins = (plugin === null) ? [] : plugin.supportedCategories;
const getPlugins = function() {
new Request.JSON({
url: new URI('api/v2/search/plugins'),
noCache: true,
method: 'get',
onSuccess: function(response) {
if (response !== prevSearchPluginsResponse) {
prevSearchPluginsResponse = response;
searchPlugins.length = 0;
response.forEach(function(plugin) {
const pluginsHtml = [];
2022-11-30 13:49:48 -05:00
pluginsHtml.push('< option value = "enabled" > Only enabled< / option > ');
pluginsHtml.push('< option value = "all" > All plugins< / option > ');
2022-10-18 22:39:32 -04:00
const searchPluginsEmpty = (searchPlugins.length === 0);
if (searchPluginsEmpty) {
$('searchResultsNoPlugins').style.display = "block";
$('searchResultsFilters').style.display = "none";
$('searchResultsTableContainer').style.display = "none";
else {
$('searchResultsNoPlugins').style.display = "none";
$('searchResultsFilters').style.display = "block";
$('searchResultsTableContainer').style.display = "block";
// sort plugins alphabetically
const allPlugins = searchPlugins.sort(function(pluginA, pluginB) {
const a = pluginA.fullName.toLowerCase();
const b = pluginB.fullName.toLowerCase();
if (a < b )
return -1;
if (a > b)
return 1;
return 0;
allPlugins.each(function(plugin) {
if (plugin.enabled === true)
pluginsHtml.push("< option value = '" + window.qBittorrent.Misc.escapeHtml(plugin.name) + "' > " + window.qBittorrent.Misc.escapeHtml(plugin.fullName) + "< / option > ");
if (pluginsHtml.length > 2)
pluginsHtml.splice(2, 0, "< option disabled > ──────────< / option > ");
$('pluginsSelect').set('html', pluginsHtml.join(""));
$('searchPattern').setProperty('disabled', searchPluginsEmpty);
$('categorySelect').setProperty('disabled', searchPluginsEmpty);
$('pluginsSelect').setProperty('disabled', searchPluginsEmpty);
$('startSearchButton').setProperty('disabled', searchPluginsEmpty);
if (window.qBittorrent.SearchPlugins !== undefined)
const getPlugin = function(name) {
for (let i = 0; i < searchPlugins.length ; + + i )
if (searchPlugins[i].name === name)
return searchPlugins[i];
return null;
const searchInTorrentName = function() {
if ($('searchInTorrentName').get('value') === "names")
LocalPreferences.set('search_in_filter', "names");
LocalPreferences.set('search_in_filter', "everywhere");
const resetFilters = function() {
// reset filters
$('searchMinSeedsFilter').set('value', '0');
$('searchMaxSeedsFilter').set('value', '0');
$('searchMinSizeFilter').set('value', '0.00');
$('searchMinSizePrefix').set('value', '2'); // MiB
$('searchMaxSizeFilter').set('value', '0.00');
$('searchMaxSizePrefix').set('value', '3'); // GiB
const searchSeedsFilterChanged = function() {
searchSeedsFilter.min = $('searchMinSeedsFilter').get('value');
searchSeedsFilter.max = $('searchMaxSeedsFilter').get('value');
const searchSizeFilterChanged = function() {
searchSizeFilter.min = $('searchMinSizeFilter').get('value');
searchSizeFilter.minUnit = $('searchMinSizePrefix').get('value');
searchSizeFilter.max = $('searchMaxSizeFilter').get('value');
searchSizeFilter.maxUnit = $('searchMaxSizePrefix').get('value');
const searchSizeFilterPrefixChanged = function() {
if (($('searchMinSizeFilter').get('value') != 0) || ($('searchMaxSizeFilter').get('value') != 0))
const searchFilterChanged = function() {
$('numSearchResultsVisible').set('html', searchResultsTable.getFilteredAndSortedRows().length);
const setupSearchTableEvents = function(enable) {
if (enable)
$$(".searchTableRow").each(function(target) {
target.addEventListener('dblclick', downloadSearchTorrent, false);
$$(".searchTableRow").each(function(target) {
target.removeEventListener('dblclick', downloadSearchTorrent, false);
const loadSearchResultsData = function() {
const maxResults = 500;
const url = new URI('api/v2/search/results');
new Request.JSON({
url: url,
noCache: true,
method: 'get',
data: {
id: activeSearchId,
limit: maxResults,
offset: searchResultsRowId
onFailure: function(response) {
if (response.status === 400) {
// bad params. search id is invalid
else {
loadSearchResultsTimer = loadSearchResultsData.delay(3000);
onSuccess: function(response) {
$('error_div').set('html', '');
// check if user stopped the search prior to receiving the response
if (!searchRunning) {
searchResultsRowId = 0;
if (response) {
if (response.results) {
const results = response.results;
for (let i = 0; i < results.length ; + + i ) {
const result = results[i];
const row = {
rowId: searchResultsRowId,
descrLink: result.descrLink,
fileName: result.fileName,
fileSize: result.fileSize,
fileUrl: result.fileUrl,
nbLeechers: result.nbLeechers,
nbSeeders: result.nbSeeders,
siteUrl: result.siteUrl,
$('numSearchResultsVisible').set('html', searchResultsTable.getFilteredAndSortedRows().length);
$('numSearchResultsTotal').set('html', searchResultsTable.getRowIds().length);
if ((response.status === "Stopped") & & (searchResultsRowId >= response.total)) {
let timeout = 1000;
if (requestCount > 30)
timeout = 3000;
else if (requestCount > 10)
timeout = 2000;
loadSearchResultsTimer = loadSearchResultsData.delay(timeout);
const updateSearchResultsData = function() {
loadSearchResultsTimer = loadSearchResultsData.delay(500);
new ClipboardJS('.copySearchDataToClipboard', {
text: function(trigger) {
switch (trigger.id) {
case "copySearchTorrentName":
return copySearchTorrentName();
case "copySearchTorrentDownloadLink":
return copySearchTorrentDownloadLink();
case "copySearchTorrentDescriptionUrl":
return copySearchTorrentDescriptionUrl();
return "";
return exports();
< / script >