AboutDlg About O programu AddNewTorrentDialog Category: Kategorija: Start torrent Začni torrent Skip hash check Preskoči preverjanje zgoščene vrednosti Torrent Management Mode: Način upravljanja torrenta: Content layout: Struktura vsebine: Original Izvirnik Create subfolder Ustvari podmapo Don't create subfolder Ne ustvari podmape Manual Ročni Automatic Samodejni Metadata received Files checked Stop condition: None CategoryFilterModel All Vse Uncategorized Nekategorizirani CategoryFilterWidget Add category... Dodaj kategorijo ... Remove category Odstrani kategorijo Remove unused categories Odstrani neuporabljene kategorije Resume torrents Nadaljuj torrente Pause torrents Ustavi torrente New Category Nova kategorija Edit category... Uredi kategorijo ... Remove torrents Odstrani torrente HttpServer Exit qBittorrent Zapri qBittorrent Only one link per line Samo ena povezava na vrstico Global upload rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Splošna omejitev razmerja pošiljanja mora biti večja od 0 ali onemogočena. Global download rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Splošna omejitev razmerja prejema mora biti večja od 0 ali onemogočena. Alternative upload rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Nadomestna omejitev razmerja pošiljanja mora biti večja od 0 ali onemogočena. Alternative download rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Nadomestna omejitev razmerja prejema mora biti večja od 0 ali onemogočena. Maximum active downloads must be greater than -1. Največje število dejavnih prejemov mora biti večje od -1. Maximum active uploads must be greater than -1. Največje število dejavnih pošiljanj mora biti večje od -1. Maximum active torrents must be greater than -1. Največje število dejavnih torrentov mora biti večje od -1. Maximum number of connections limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Največje število povezav mora biti večje od 0 ali onemogočeno. Maximum number of connections per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Največje število povezav na torrent mora biti večje od 0 ali onemogočeno. Maximum number of upload slots per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Največje število povezav za pošiljanje na torrent mora biti večje od 0 ali onemogočeno. Unable to save program preferences, qBittorrent is probably unreachable. Ni mogoče shraniti možnosti programa, qBittorrent je verjetno nedosegljiv. Unknown Neznano Share ratio limit must be between 0 and 9998. Omejitev razmerja izmenjave mora biti med 0 in 9998. Seeding time limit must be between 0 and 525600 minutes. Omejitev časa sejanja mora biti med 0 525600 minut. The port used for the Web UI must be between 1 and 65535. Vrata uporabljena za spletni vmesnik morajo biti med 1 in 65535. Unable to log in, qBittorrent is probably unreachable. Prijava ni mogoča, qBittorrent je verjetno nedosegljiv. Invalid Username or Password. Neveljavno uporabniško ime ali geslo. Username Uporabniško ime Password Geslo Login Prijava Apply Uveljavi Add Dodaj Upload Torrents Upload torrent files to qBittorent using WebUI Pošlji torrente Save files to location: Shrani datoteke v: Cookie: Piškotek: More information Več podrobnosti Information about certificates Podrobnosti o potrdilih Set location Nastavi lokacijo Limit upload rate Omejitev razmerja pošiljanja Limit download rate Omejitev razmerja prejemanja Rename torrent Preimenuj torrent Monday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Ponedeljek Tuesday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Torek Wednesday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Sreda Thursday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Četrtek Friday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Petek Saturday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Sobota Sunday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Nedelja Logout Odjava Download Torrents from their URLs or Magnet links Prejmi torrente preko URL ali magnetne povezave. Upload local torrent Pošlji krajevni torrent Save Shrani qBittorrent client is not reachable Odjemalec qBittorrent ni dosegljiv Global number of upload slots limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Invalid category name:\nPlease do not use any special characters in the category name. Unable to create category Upload rate threshold must be greater than 0. Edit Uredi Free space: %1 Nezaseden prostor: %1 Torrent inactivity timer must be greater than 0. Saving Management Download rate threshold must be greater than 0. qBittorrent has been shutdown Open documentation Register to handle magnet links... Unable to add peers. Please ensure you are adhering to the IP:port format. JavaScript Required! You must enable JavaScript for the Web UI to work properly Zahtevan JavaScript! Za uspešno delovanje spletnega uporabniškega vmesnika (Web UI) je potrebno omogočiti JavaScript. Name cannot be empty Ime ne sme biti prazno Name is unchanged Ime je nespremenjeno Failed to update name Imena ni bilo mogoče spremeniti. OK OK The port used for incoming connections must be between 0 and 65535. Vrata, uporabljena za dohodne povezave, morajo biti med 0 in 65535. Original author Are you sure you want to remove the selected torrents from the transfer list? MainWindow Edit Uredi Tools Orodja File Datoteka Help Pomoč View Pogled Options... Možnosti ... Resume Nadaljuj Top Toolbar Zgornja orodna vrstica Status Bar Vrstica stanja Speed in Title Bar Hitrost v naslovni vrstici Donate! Podari! Resume All Nadaljuj vse Statistics Statistika About O programu Pause Premor Pause All Premor vseh Add Torrent File... Dodaj datoteko torrent ... Documentation Dokumentacija Add Torrent Link... Dodaj torrent povezavo Yes Da No Ne Global Upload Speed Limit Splošna omejitev hitrosti pošiljanja Global Download Speed Limit Splošna omejitev hitrosti prejemanja Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Ali ste prepričani, da želite zapreti qBittorrent? [D: %1, U: %2] qBittorrent %3 D = Download; U = Upload; %3 is qBittorrent version [Pr: %1, Po: %2] qBittorrent %3 Alternative speed limits Search Engine Filter torrent list... Filtriraj seznam torrenta ... Search Iskanje Transfers Prenosi Move up in the queue Premakni gor v čakalni vrsti Move Up Queue Premakni gor v vrsti Bottom of Queue Dno čakalne vrste Move to the bottom of the queue Premakni na dno čakalne vrste Top of Queue Vrh čakalne vrste Move Down Queue Premakni dol v vrsti Move down in the queue Premakni na dno čakalne vrste Move to the top of the queue Premakni na vrh čakalne vrste Your browser does not support this feature To use this feature, the WebUI needs to be accessed over HTTPS Connection status: Firewalled Connection status: Connected Alternative speed limits: Off Download speed icon Connection status Alternative speed limits: On Upload speed icon Connection status: Disconnected RSS Reader RSS RSS Filters Sidebar Stranska vrstica s filtri Cancel Remove Would you like to resume all torrents? Would you like to pause all torrents? OptionsDialog Options Možnosti Downloads Prejemi Connection Povezava Speed Hitrost BitTorrent BitTorrent Web UI Spletni vmesnik Language Jezik User Interface Language: Jezik uporabniškega vmesnika: Email notification upon download completion Pošlji e-poštno obvestilo ob zaključku prejema IP Filtering Filtriranje IP Schedule the use of alternative rate limits Načrtujte uporabo nadomestnih omejitev hitrosti Torrent Queueing Čakalna vrsta torrentov Automatically add these trackers to new downloads: Samodejno dodaj te sledilnike novim prenosom: Web User Interface (Remote control) Spletni uporabniški vmesnik (Oddaljen nadzor) IP address: IP naslov: Server domains: Domene strežnika: Use HTTPS instead of HTTP Uporabi HTTPS namesto HTTP Bypass authentication for clients on localhost Obidi overitev za odjemalce na lokalnem gostitelju Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets Obidi overitev za odjemalce na seznamu dovoljenih IP podmrež Update my dynamic domain name Posodobi moje dinamično ime domene Keep incomplete torrents in: Hrani nedokončane torrente v: Copy .torrent files to: Kopiraj datoteke .torrent v: Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to: Za zaključene prejeme kopiraj datoteke .torrent v: Pre-allocate disk space for all files Predhodno dodeli prostor na disku za vse datoteke Append .!qB extension to incomplete files Dodaj pripono .!qB nedokončanim datotekam Automatically add torrents from: Samodejno dodaj torrente iz: SMTP server: Strežnik SMTP: This server requires a secure connection (SSL) Ta strežnik zahteva varno povezavo (SSL) Authentication Overitev Username: Uporabniško ime: Password: Geslo: TCP and μTP TCP in μTP Listening Port Vrata za poslušanje Port used for incoming connections: Uporabljena vrata za dohodne povezave: Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router Uporabi UPnP / NAT-PMP posredovanje vrat od mojega usmerjevalnika Connections Limits Omejitve povezav Maximum number of connections per torrent: Najvišje število povezav na torrent: Global maximum number of connections: Najvišje splošno število povezav: Maximum number of upload slots per torrent: Najvišje število povezav za pošiljanje na torrent: Global maximum number of upload slots: Najvišje splošno število povezav za pošiljanje na torrent: Proxy Server Posredniški strežnik Type: Tip: (None) (Brez) SOCKS4 SOCKS4 SOCKS5 SOCKS5 HTTP HTTP Host: Gostitelj: Port: Vrata: Use proxy for peer connections Uporabi posredniški strežnik za povezave s soležniki Use proxy only for torrents Uporabi posredniški strežnik le za torrente Filter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b): Pot filtra (.dat, .p2p, .p2b): Manually banned IP addresses... Ročno izločeni IP naslovi... Apply to trackers Uveljavi pri sledilcih Global Rate Limits Splošne omejitve hitrosti Upload: Pošiljanje: Download: Prejem: Alternative Rate Limits Nadomestne omejitve hitrosti From: from (time1 to time2) Od: To: time1 to time2 Do: When: Kdaj: Every day Vsak dan Weekdays Med tednom Weekends Vikendi Rate Limits Settings Nastavitve omejitev hitrosti Apply rate limit to transport overhead Uveljavi omejitev razmerja v slepi prenos Apply rate limit to µTP protocol Uveljavi omejitve hitrosti za µTP protokol Privacy Zasebnost Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers Omogočite DHT (decentralizirano omrežje) da najdete več soležnikov Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers Omogočite Izmenjavo soležnikov (PeX) da najdete več soležnikov Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers Omogočite odkrivanje krajevnih soležnikov za iskanje več soležnikov Encryption mode: Način šifriranja: Require encryption Zahtevaj šifriranje Disable encryption Onemogoči šifriranje Enable anonymous mode Omogoči anonimni način Maximum active downloads: Največ dejavnih prejemov: Maximum active uploads: Največ dejavnih pošiljanj: Maximum active torrents: Največ dejavnih torrentov: Do not count slow torrents in these limits V teh omejitvah ne štej počasnih torrentov then nato Use UPnP / NAT-PMP to forward the port from my router Uporabi UPnP / NAT-PMP za posredovanje vrat od mojega usmerjevalnika Certificate: Potrdilo: Key: Ključ: Register Vpis Domain name: Ime domene: Supported parameters (case sensitive): Podprti parametri (razlikovanje velikosti črk): %N: Torrent name %N: Ime torrenta %L: Category %L: Kategorija %F: Content path (same as root path for multifile torrent) %F: Pot vsebine (enaka kot korenska pot za večdatotečni torrent) %R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path) %R: Korenska pot (pot podmape prvega torrenta) %D: Save path %D: Mesto za shranjevanje %C: Number of files %C: Število datotek %Z: Torrent size (bytes) %Z: Velikost torrenta (bajti) %T: Current tracker %T: Trenutni sledilnik Tip: Encapsulate parameter with quotation marks to avoid text being cut off at whitespace (e.g., "%N") Namig: Postavi parameter med narekovaje da se izogneš prelomu teksta na presledku (npr., "%N") The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Uporabniško ime za spletni vmesnik mora vsebovati vsaj 3 znake. The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. Geslo za spletni vmesnik mora vsebovati vsaj 6 znakov. minutes minut KiB/s KiB/s Enable clickjacking protection Omogoči zaščito proti ugrabitvi klikov (clickjacking). Enable Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection Omogoči zaščito pred ponarejanjem spletnih zahtev (CSRF) Delete .torrent files afterwards Download rate threshold: Omejitev hitrosti prejemanja: Upload rate threshold: Omejitev hitrosti pošiljanja: Change current password Spremeni trenutno geslo Automatic Samodejni Use alternative Web UI Uporabi alternativni spletni vmesnik Default Save Path: Privzeta pot za shranjevanje: The alternative Web UI files location cannot be blank. Do not start the download automatically Ne začni prejema samodejno Switch torrent to Manual Mode Preklopi torrent na Ročni Način When Torrent Category changed: Ko je kategorija torrenta spremenjena: Relocate affected torrents Premakni dotične torrente Apply rate limit to peers on LAN Uveljavi omejitve hitrosti za soležnike na krajevnem omrežju 0 means unlimited Relocate torrent Premakni torrent When Default Save Path changed: Ko je privzeta pot za shranjevanje spremenjena: Enable Host header validation Security Varnost When Category Save Path changed: Ko se pot za shranjevanje kategorije spremeni: seconds Switch affected torrents to Manual Mode Preklopi dotične torrente na Ročni Način Files location: Mesto datotek: Manual Ročni Torrent inactivity timer: Časovnik nedejavnosti torrenta: Default Torrent Management Mode: Privzet Način Upravljanja Torrentov: When adding a torrent Ob dodajanju torrenta Info: The password is saved unencrypted Obvestilo: Geslo je shranjeno nešifrirano μTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm: Upload rate based %G: Tags (separated by comma) %G: Oznake (ločene z vejico) Socket backlog size: Enable super seeding for torrent Omogoči super sejanje za torrent Prefer TCP Outstanding memory when checking torrents: Anti-leech When ratio reaches Ko razmerje doseže When seeding time reaches Ko trajanje sejanja doseže Allow multiple connections from the same IP address: File pool size: Any interface Always announce to all tiers: Embedded tracker port: Fastest upload Pause torrent Začasno ustavi torrent Remove torrent and its files Odstrani torrent in njegove datoteke qBittorrent Section Send buffer watermark factor: libtorrent Section Outgoing ports (Min) [0: Disabled]: Recheck torrents on completion: Allow encryption Dovoli šifriranje Send upload piece suggestions: Enable embedded tracker: Remove torrent Odstrani torrent Outgoing ports (Max) [0: Disabled]: Asynchronous I/O threads: s Send buffer watermark: Peer proportional (throttles TCP) Fixed slots Advanced Napredno min Upload choking algorithm: Seeding Limits Omejitve sejanja KiB Round-robin Upload slots behavior: MiB Send buffer low watermark: Save resume data interval: Always announce to all trackers in a tier: Session timeout: Opustitev seje Resolve peer countries: ban for: Izobčitev zaradi: Stop tracker timeout: Ban client after consecutive failures: Izobčitev klienta po zaporednih neuspelih poskusih: Enable cookie Secure flag (requires HTTPS) UPnP lease duration [0: Permanent lease]: Header: value pairs, one per line Glava: pari vrednosti, en na vrstico Add custom HTTP headers Dodaj glave HTTP po meri Filters: Filtri: Enable fetching RSS feeds Omogoči pridobivanje RSS virov Hashing threads (requires libtorrent >= 2.0): Coalesce reads & writes (requires libtorrent < 2.0): Peer turnover threshold percentage: RSS Torrent Auto Downloader Samodejni prejemnik RSS torrentov RSS RSS Network interface: RSS Reader Bralnik RSS Edit auto downloading rules... Uredi pravila samodejnega prejema... Download REPACK/PROPER episodes Prenesi REPACK/PROPER epizode Feeds refresh interval: Interval osveževanja virov: Peer turnover disconnect percentage: Maximum number of articles per feed: Največje število člankov na vir: min min Peer turnover disconnect interval: Optional IP address to bind to: Disallow connection to peers on privileged ports: Enable auto downloading of RSS torrents Omogoči samodejni prejem RSS torrentov RSS Smart Episode Filter RSS Pametni filter epizod Disk cache (requires libtorrent < 2.0): Disk cache expiry interval (requires libtorrent < 2.0): Validate HTTPS tracker certificate: Peer connection protocol: Protokol za povezavo s soležniki: Torrent content layout: Postavitev vsebine torrenta: Create subfolder Ustvari podmapo Original Izvirno Don't create subfolder Ne ustvari podmape Type of service (ToS) for connections to peers Outgoing connections per second: Random Naključna %K: Torrent ID Reannounce to all trackers when IP or port changed: Trusted proxies list: Seznam zaupanja vrednih posrednikov: Enable reverse proxy support %J: Info hash v2 %I: Info hash v1 IP address reported to trackers (requires restart): Set to 0 to let your system pick an unused port Nastavite na 0, da prepustite sistemu izbiro neuporabljenih vrat Server-side request forgery (SSRF) mitigation: Disk queue size: Log performance warnings Beleži opozorila o učinkovitosti delovanja Maximum outstanding requests to a single peer: Max active checking torrents: Memory mapped files Default POSIX-compliant This option is less effective on Linux Disk IO type (libtorrent >= 2.0; requires restart): Write-through (requires libtorrent >= 2.0.6) It controls the internal state update interval which in turn will affect UI updates Disk IO read mode: Disable OS cache Disk IO write mode: Use piece extent affinity: Max concurrent HTTP announces: Enable OS cache Refresh interval: Physical memory (RAM) usage limit (applied if libtorrent >= 2.0): ms Excluded file names Izvzeta imena datotek Support internationalized domain name (IDN): Run external program on torrent finished Whitelist for filtering HTTP Host header values. In order to defend against DNS rebinding attack, you should put in domain names used by WebUI server. Use ';' to split multiple entries. Can use wildcard '*'. Seznam dovoljenj za filtriranje vrednosti HTTP Glave gostitelja. Da se obraniš pred napadom DNS povezovanja, vstavi imena domen, ki jih uporablja WebUI strežnik. Uporabi ';' da razčleniš vnose. Lahko uporbiš nadomestni znak '*'. Run external program on torrent added HTTPS certificate should not be empty Specify reverse proxy IPs (or subnets, e.g. in order to use forwarded client address (X-Forwarded-For header). Use ';' to split multiple entries. HTTPS key should not be empty Run external program Zaženi zunanji program Files checked Enable port forwarding for embedded tracker: If checked, hostname lookups are done via the proxy. Use proxy for hostname lookup Metadata received Torrent stop condition: None Example:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40 PeerListWidget IP IP Port Vrata Flags Zastavice Connection Povezava Client i.e.: Client application Odjemalec Progress i.e: % downloaded Napredek Down Speed i.e: Download speed Hitrost prejema Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Hitrost pošiljanja Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Prejeto Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Poslano Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Pomembnost Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Datoteke Ban peer permanently Trajno izobči soležnika Are you sure you want to permanently ban the selected peers? Ali ste prepričani, da želite trajno izobčiti izbrane soležnike? Copy IP:port Kopiraj IP: vrata Country/Region Država/Regija Add peers... Dodaj soležnike ... Peer ID Client PropListDelegate Normal Normal (priority) Normalna High High (priority) Visoka Maximum Maximum (priority) Najvišja Mixed Mešano Do not download PropTabBar General Splošno Trackers Sledilniki Peers Soležniki HTTP Sources Viri HTTP Content Vsebina PropertiesWidget Downloaded: Prejeto: Transfer Prenos Time Active: Time (duration) the torrent is active (not paused) Čas delovanja: ETA: Preostal čas: Uploaded: Poslano: Seeds: Semena: Download Speed: Hitrost prejema: Upload Speed: Hitrost pošiljanja: Peers: Soležniki: Download Limit: Omejitev prejema: Upload Limit: Omejitev pošiljanja: Wasted: Zavrženo: Connections: Povezave: Information Podrobnosti Comment: Komentar: Share Ratio: Deli razmerje: Reannounce In: Ponovno objavi čez: Last Seen Complete: Nazadnje videno v celoti: Total Size: Skupna velikost: Pieces: Kosov: Created By: Ustvarjeno od: Added On: Dodano: Completed On: Zaključeno: Created On: Ustvarjeno: Save Path: Mesto: Never Nikoli %1 x %2 (have %3) (torrent pieces) eg 152 x 4MB (have 25) %1 x %2 (ima %3) %1 (%2 this session) %1(%2 to sejo) %1 (%2 max) %1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 max) %1(%2 max) %1 (%2 total) %1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 total) %1(%2 skupno) %1 (%2 avg.) %1 and %2 are speed rates, e.g. 200KiB/s (100KiB/s avg.) %1(%2 povpr.) Download limit: Upload limit: Priority Prednost Filter files... Filtriraj datoteke ... Rename... Preimenuj ... %1 (seeded for %2) Info Hash v2: Razpršilo v2: Info Hash v1: Razpršilo v1: N/A / Progress: Napredek: ScanFoldersModel Monitored Folder Nadzorovana mapa Override Save Location Prepiši mesto shranjevanja Monitored folder Nadzorovana mapa Default save location Privzeto mesto za shranjevanje Other... Drugo... Type folder here SpeedLimitDialog KiB/s KiB/s StatsDialog Statistics Statistika User statistics Statistika uporabnika Cache statistics Statistika predpomnilnika Read cache hits: Zadetki branja predpomnilnika: Average time in queue: Povprečen čas v čakalni vrsti: Connected peers: Povezanih soležnikov: All-time share ratio: Razmerje izmenjave vseh časov: All-time download: Prenos vseh časov: Session waste: Zavrženo v seji: All-time upload: Poslano vseh časov: Total buffer size: Skupna velikost medpomnilnika: Performance statistics Statistika zmogljivosti Queued I/O jobs: Posli I/O v čakalni vrsti: Write cache overload: Preobremenitev pisanja predpomnilnika: Read cache overload: Preobremenitev branja predpomnilnika: Total queued size: Skupna velikost v čakalni vrsti: StatusBar DHT: %1 nodes DHT: %1 vozlišč StatusFilterWidget All (0) this is for the status filter Vsi (0) Downloading (0) Prejemanje (0) Seeding (0) Sejanje (0) Completed (0) Končano (0) Resumed (0) Se nadaljuje (0) Paused (0) V premoru (0) Active (0) Dejavno (0) Inactive (0) Nedejavno (0) Errored (0) Napaka (0) All (%1) Vsi (%1) Downloading (%1) Prejemanje (%1) Seeding (%1) Sejanje (%1) Completed (%1) Končano (%1) Paused (%1) V premoru (%1) Resumed (%1) Se nadaljuje (%1) Active (%1) Dejavno (%1) Inactive (%1) Nedejavno (%1) Errored (%1) Napaka (%1) Stalled Uploading (%1) Zastoj nalaganja (%1) Stalled Downloading (%1) Zastoj prejemanja (%1) Stalled Downloading (0) Zastoj prejemanja (0) Stalled (0) Zastoj (0) Stalled Uploading (0) Zastoj nalaganja (0) Stalled (%1) Zastoj (%1) Checking (%1) Preverjanje (%1) Checking (0) Preverjanje (0) TorrentContentModel TransferListModel Name i.e: torrent name Ime Size i.e: torrent size Velikost Done % Done Končano Status Torrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused) Stanje Seeds i.e. full sources (often untranslated) Semena Peers i.e. partial sources (often untranslated) Soležniki Down Speed i.e: Download speed Hitrost prejema Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Hitrost pošiljanja Ratio Share ratio Razmerje ETA i.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time left Preostali čas Category Kategorija Tags Oznake Added On Torrent was added to transfer list on 01/01/2010 08:00 Dodano Completed On Torrent was completed on 01/01/2010 08:00 Končano Tracker Sledilnik Down Limit i.e: Download limit Omejitev prejemanja Up Limit i.e: Upload limit Omejitev pošiljanja Downloaded Amount of data downloaded (e.g. in MB) Prejeto Uploaded Amount of data uploaded (e.g. in MB) Poslano Session Download Amount of data downloaded since program open (e.g. in MB) Prejeto v seji Session Upload Amount of data uploaded since program open (e.g. in MB) Poslano v seji Remaining Amount of data left to download (e.g. in MB) Preostalo Time Active Time (duration) the torrent is active (not paused) Čas delovanja Save path Torrent save path Mesto Completed Amount of data completed (e.g. in MB) Končano Ratio Limit Upload share ratio limit Omejitev razmerja Last Seen Complete Indicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/whole Nazadnje videno v celoti Last Activity Time passed since a chunk was downloaded/uploaded Zadnja dejavnost Total Size i.e. Size including unwanted data Skupna velikost Availability TrackerListWidget URL URL Status Stanje Peers Soležniki Message Sporočilo Tracker URL: URL sledilnika: Updating... Posodabljanje ... Working Deluje Disabled Onemogočen Not contacted yet Še ni bilo stika N/A N/A Seeds Semena Not working Ne deluje Copy tracker URL Kopiraj URL sledilnika Edit tracker URL... Uredi URL sledilnika ... Tracker editing Urejanje sledilnika Leeches Pijavke Remove tracker Odstrani sledilnik Remaining Availability Tier Stopnja Download Priority Name Progress Total Size Times Downloaded Število prejemov Add trackers... Dodaj sledilnike ... TrackersAdditionDialog List of trackers to add (one per line): Seznam sledilnikov za dodajanje (en na vrstico): Add trackers Dodaj sledilnike TransferListDelegate %1 ago e.g.: 1h 20m ago %1 nazaj Paused V premoru Completed Končano Moving [F] Seeding Seeding Queued Errored [F] Downloading Downloading metadata Checking Missing Files Mankajoče Datoteke Queued for checking Downloading Prejemanje Checking resume data Stalled %1 (seeded for %2) [F] Downloading metadata TransferListFiltersWidget Status Stanje Categories Kategorije Tags Oznake Trackers Sledilniki TransferListWidget Torrent Download Speed Limiting Omejitev hitrosti prejemanja torrenta Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Omejitev hitrosti pošiljanja torrenta Rename Preimenuj Resume Resume/start the torrent Nadaljuj Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Prisili nadaljevanje Pause Pause the torrent Premor Limit share ratio... Omeji razmerje izmenjave ... Limit upload rate... Omejitev razmerja pošiljanja ... Limit download rate... Omejitev razmerja prejemanja ... Move up i.e. move up in the queue Premakni navzgor Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Premakni navzdol Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Premakni na vrh Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Premakni na dno Set location... Nastavi mesto ... Download first and last pieces first Prejemanje najprej prvih in zadnjih kosov Automatic Torrent Management Samodejno Upravljanje Torrenta Category Kategorija New... New category... Nova... Reset Reset category Ponastavi Force recheck Prisili ponovno preverjanje Super seeding mode Način super sejanja Rename... Preimenuj... Download in sequential order Prejemanje v zaporednem vrstnem redu New Category Nova kategorija: Location New name Novo ime: Set location Force reannounce Prisili ponovno sporočanje Edit Category Save path Comma-separated tags: Z vejico ločene oznake: Add Tags Dodaj oznake Tags Oznake Magnet link Magnetna povezava Remove All Name Naziv Copy Kopiraj Queue Čakalna vrsta Add... Info hash v1 Info hash v2 Torrent ID ID torrenta Export .torrent Remove UpDownRatioDialog Torrent Upload/Download Ratio Limiting Omejevanje torrent razmerja pošiljanja/prejemanja Use global share limit Uporabi splošno omejitev izmanjave Set no share limit Ne nastavi omejitve izmenjave Set share limit to Nastavi omejitev deljenja na ratio razmerje minutes minut about confirmDeletionDlg Also permanently delete the files Remove torrent(s) downloadFromURL Download from URLs Prejemi z URLjev Download Prenesi Add Torrent Links misc B bytes B KiB kibibytes (1024 bytes) KiB MiB mebibytes (1024 kibibytes) MiB GiB gibibytes (1024 mibibytes) GiB TiB tebibytes (1024 gibibytes) TiB PiB pebibytes (1024 tebibytes) PiB EiB exbibytes (1024 pebibytes) EiB /s per second /s %1h %2m e.g: 3hours 5minutes %1h %2m %1d %2h e.g: 2days 10hours %1d %2h Unknown Unknown (size) Neznano < 1m < 1 minute < 1m %1m e.g: 10minutes %1m %1y %2d TorrentsController Save path is empty PluginSourceDlg Cancel Plugin path: URL or local directory Install plugin Ok SearchEngineWidget Seeds: All plugins Size: Stop Search Search plugins... All categories Search in: Filter Torrent names only Only enabled out of Everywhere Warning Increase window width to display additional filters to Results showing Click the "Search plugins..." button at the bottom right of the window to install some. There aren't any search plugins installed. PluginSelectDlg Uninstall Odstrani Install new plugin You can get new search engine plugins here: Close Zapri Installed search plugins: Nameščeni vstavki iskanja: Enabled Omogočeno Warning: Be sure to comply with your country's copyright laws when downloading torrents from any of these search engines. Opozorilo: Prepričajte se, da upoštevate zakonodajo o avtorskih pravicah vaše države, ko prenašate torrente s katerega koli od teh iskalnikov. Check for updates Preveri za posodobitve Search plugins Vstavki iskanja SearchResultsTable Name Size Leechers Search engine Seeders SearchPluginsTable Name Url Enabled Version Yes No PeersAdditionDialog Cancel Add Peers Dodaj soležnike List of peers to add (one IP per line): Seznam soležnikov za dodajanje (en IP na vrstico) Ok Format: IPv4:port / [IPv6]:port Oblika: IPv4:vrata / [IPv6]:vrata TagFilterWidget New Tag Nova oznaka Add tag... Dodaj oznako ... Tag: Oznaka: Pause torrents Ustavi torrente Resume torrents Nadaljuj torrente Remove unused tags Odstrani neuporabljene oznake Invalid tag name Neveljavno ime oznake Remove tag Odstrani oznako Remove torrents Odstrani torrente TagFilterModel All Vse Untagged Neoznačeno AboutDialog Bug Tracker: Sledilnik hroščev: About O programu Forum: Forum: E-mail: E-pošta: Current maintainer Trenutni vzdrževalec Home Page: Domača stran: Greece Grčija Special Thanks Posebna zahvala An advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C++, based on Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar. Napreden odjemalec BitTorrent, programiran v C++, temelji na zbirki orodij Qt in libtorrent-rasterbar. Name: Ime: About qBittorrent O programu qBittorent License Licenca Translators Prevajalci qBittorrent was built with the following libraries: qBittorent je bil ustvarjen s sledečimi knjižnicami: Nationality: Državljanstvo: Software Used Uporabljena programska oprema The free IP to Country Lite database by DB-IP is used for resolving the countries of peers. The database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Za določanje držav soležnikov se uporablja brezplačna baza podatkov IP to Country Lite ponudnika DB-IP. Baza podatkov je na voljo pod licenco Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Authors Avtorji France Francija qBittorrent Mascot qBittorrent icon OptionDialog All addresses All IPv6 addresses All IPv4 addresses SearchJobWidget Copy Kopiraj Download Prejem Name Ime Description page URL URL strani z opisom Open description page Odpri stran z opisom Download link Povezava za prejem TorrentContentTreeView Renaming Preimenovanje New name: Novo ime: RSSWidget Date: Datum: Please choose a new name for this RSS feed Izberite novo ime za ta vir RSS Please choose a folder name Izberite ime mape New feed name: Novo ime vira: Update all Posodobi vse Delete Odstrani RSS Downloader... Prejemalnik RSS ... Mark items read Označi predmete kot prebrane Update all feeds Posodobi vse vire Copy feed URL Kopiraj URL vira Torrents: (double-click to download) Torrenti: (dvojni klik za prejem) Open news URL Odpri URL novic Rename... Preimenuj ... Feed URL: Vir URL: New folder... Nova mapa ... New subscription Nova naročnina Update Posodobi Folder name: Ime mape: Please type a RSS feed URL Vpišite URL vira RSS Fetching of RSS feeds is disabled now! You can enable it in application settings. Pridobivanje RSS virov je zdaj onemogočeno! Omgočite ga lahko v nastavitvah aplikacije. Deletion confirmation Potrditev odstranjevanja Are you sure you want to delete the selected RSS feeds? Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane vire RSS? New subscription... Nova naročnina ... Download torrent Prejmi torrent AutomatedRssDownloader Download Rules Pravila prenosov Matching RSS Articles Ujemajoči RSS članki * to match zero or more of any characters * za ujemanje nič ali več znakov will match all articles. se bo ujemal z vsemi članki. Episode filter rules: Filter pravila epizod: Auto downloading of RSS torrents is disabled now! You can enable it in application settings. Samodejni prenos RSS torentov je zdaj onemogočen! Omgočite ga lahko v nastavitvah aplikacije. Rule Definition Definicija pravila Save to: Shrani v: Use Regular Expressions Uporabi splošne izraze New rule name Ime novega pravila Filter must end with semicolon Filter se mora končati z pomišljajem ? to match any single character ? za ujemanje s katerimkoli znakom Matches articles based on episode filter. Prilagodi članke na podlagi filtra epizod. Assign Category: Določi kategorijo: Regex mode: use Perl-compatible regular expressions Način regularnega izraza: uporabite Perlu kompatibilne regularne izraze | is used as OR operator | deluje kot ALI funkcija Clear downloaded episodes Počisti prenesene epizode Whitespaces count as AND operators (all words, any order) Presledki delujejo kot IN funkcije (vse besede, kakršen koli red) An expression with an empty %1 clause (e.g. %2) Example: Primer: Add new rule... Dodaj novo pravilo ... Are you sure you want to clear the list of downloaded episodes for the selected rule? Ali ste prepričani da želite počistiti seznam prenesenih epizod za izbrano pravilo? Must Contain: Mora vsebovati: Infinite range: <b>1x25-;</b> matches episodes 25 and upward of season one, and all episodes of later seasons Neskončen razpon: <b>1x25-;</b> ustreza epizodam 25 in naprej sezone 1 in vsem epizodam kasnejših sezon Save to a Different Directory Shrani v drugo mapo Must Not Contain: Ne sme vsebovati: Single number: <b>1x25;</b> matches episode 25 of season one Sama številka: <b>1x25;</b> ustreza epizodi 25 sezone 1 Three range types for episodes are supported: Tri vrste epizod so podprte: Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules? Ali ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti izbrana pravila za prejem? Use global settings Uporabi splošne nastavitve Normal range: <b>1x25-40;</b> matches episodes 25 through 40 of season one Normalen razpon: <b>1x25-40;</b> ustreza epizodam 25 do 40 sezone 1 Please type the new rule name Vpišite novo ime pravila Rule renaming Preimenovanje pravila Always Vedno Episode number is a mandatory positive value Številka sezone je obvezno vrednost večja od 0 will match 2, 5, 8 through 15, 30 and onward episodes of season one Rule deletion confirmation Potrditev odstranitev pravila Last Match: %1 days ago Zadnje ujemanje: pred %1 dnevi Episode Filter: Filter epizod: Rss Downloader Season number is a mandatory non-zero value Številka sezone je obvezno vrednost večja od 0 Never Nikoli Apply Rule to Feeds: Uveljavi pravilo za vire: days dni Use Smart Episode Filter Uporabi pametni filter epizod If word order is important use * instead of whitespace. Če je vrstni red besed pomemben uporabi * namesto presledka. Add Paused: Dodaj torrente v premoru: Please type the name of the new download rule. Prosim vpiši ime novega pravila prenosov. Wildcard mode: you can use Način nadomestnega znaka: lahko uporabite will exclude all articles. bo izločil vse članke. Delete rule Odstrani pravilo Ignore Subsequent Matches for (0 to Disable) Prezri nadaljnja ujemanja za (0 = onemogoči) Rename rule... Preimenuj pravilo ... Last Match: Unknown Zadnje ujemanje: Neznano Clear downloaded episodes... Počisti prenesene epizode... Smart Episode Filter will check the episode number to prevent downloading of duplicates. Supports the formats: S01E01, 1x1, 2017.12.31 and 31.12.2017 (Date formats also support - as a separator) Pametni filter za epizode bo preveril številko epizode v izogibu prejemanja dvojnikov. Podprti formati: S01E01, 1x1, 2017.12.31 and 31.12.2017 (Formati datume so tudi podprti z "-" kot ločilnikom) Torrent content layout: Postavitev vsebine torrenta: Create subfolder Ustvari podmapo Original Izvirno Don't create subfolder Ne ustvari podmape TrackerFiltersList Resume torrents Nadaljuj torrente All (%1) Trackerless (%1) Brez sledilnika (%1) Pause torrents Premor torrentov Remove torrents Odstrani torrente FeedListWidget RSS feeds Viri RSS Unread Neprebrano