AboutDlgAboutTentangAddNewTorrentDialogCategory:Kategori:Start torrentJalankan torrentSkip hash checkLewati pengecekan hashTorrent Management Mode:Mode Pengelolaan Torrent:Content layout:Tata letak konten:OriginalOrisinalCreate subfolderBuat subfolderDon't create subfolderJangan buat subfolderManualAutomaticCategoryFilterModelAllSemuaUncategorizedTak BerkategoriCategoryFilterWidgetAdd category...Tambah kategori...Remove categoryBuang kategoriRemove unused categoriesBuang kategori yang tidak digunakanResume torrentsLanjutkan torrentPause torrentsJeda torrentDelete torrentsHapus torrentNew CategoryKategori BaruEdit category...Sunting kategori...Remove torrentsHttpServerExit qBittorrentKeluar qBittorrentOnly one link per lineHanya satu tautan per barisGlobal upload rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Batas laju unggah global harus lebih besar dari 0 atau nonaktif.Global download rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Batas laju unduh global harus lebih besar dari 0 atau nonaktif.Alternative upload rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Batas laju unggah alternatif harus lebih besar dari 0 atau nonaktif.Alternative download rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Batas laju unduh alternatif harus lebih besar dari 0 atau nonaktif.Maximum active downloads must be greater than -1.Unduhan aktif maksimum harus lebih besar dari -1.Maximum active uploads must be greater than -1.Unggahan aktif maksimum harus lebih besar dari -1.Maximum active torrents must be greater than -1.Torrent aktif maksimum harus lebih besar dari -1.Maximum number of connections limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Jumlah maksimum batas koneksi harus lebih besar dari 0 atau nonaktif.Maximum number of connections per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Jumlah maksimum batas koneksi per torrent harus lebih besar dari 0 atau nonaktif.Maximum number of upload slots per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Jumlah maksimum batas slot unggah per torrent harus lebih besar dari 0 atau nonaktif.Unable to save program preferences, qBittorrent is probably unreachable.Tidak bisa menyimpan preferensi program, qBittorrent mungkin tidak terjangkau.UnknownTidak diketahuiShare ratio limit must be between 0 and 9998.Batas rasio berbagi harus antara 0 dan 9998.Seeding time limit must be between 0 and 525600 minutes.Batasan waktu seeding harus antara 0 dan 525600 menit.The port used for the Web UI must be between 1 and 65535.Port yang digunakan untuk Web UI harus antara 1 dan 65535.Unable to log in, qBittorrent is probably unreachable.Tidak bisa masuk, qBittorrent mungkin tidak terjangkau.Invalid Username or Password.Nama Pengguna atau Sandi tidak valid.UsernameNama penggunaPasswordSandiLoginMasukApplyTerapkanAddTambahUpload TorrentsUpload torrent files to qBittorent using WebUIUnggah TorrentSave files to location:Simpan berkas ke lokasi:Cookie:Kuki:More informationInformasi lainnyaInformation about certificatesInformasi tentang sertifikatSet locationTetapkan lokasiLimit upload rateBatasi laju unggahLimit download rateBatasi laju unduhRename torrentUbah nama torrentMondaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...SeninTuesdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...SelasaWednesdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...RabuThursdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...KamisFridaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...JumatSaturdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...SabtuSundaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...MingguLogoutKeluarDownload Torrents from their URLs or Magnet linksUnduh Torrent dari URL atau tautan Magnet-nyaUpload local torrentUnggah torrent lokalSaveSimpanqBittorrent client is not reachableKlien qBittorrent tidak terjangkauGlobal number of upload slots limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Batas jumlah slot unggah harus lebih besar dari 0 atau dinonaktifkan.Invalid category name:\nPlease do not use any special characters in the category name.Nama kategori tidak valid:\nJangan gunakan karakter spesial dalam nama kategori.Unable to create categoryTidak bisa membuat kategoriUpload rate threshold must be greater than 0.EditSuntingFree space: %1Ruang kosong: %1Torrent inactivity timer must be greater than 0.Waktu tidak aktif torrent harus lebih besar dari 0.Saving ManagementManajemen PenyimpananDownload rate threshold must be greater than 0.qBittorrent has been shutdownqBittorrent telah ditutupOpen documentationBuka dokumentasiRegister to handle magnet links...Daftarkan untuk menangani tautan magnet...Unable to add peers. Please ensure you are adhering to the IP:port format.JavaScript Required! You must enable JavaScript for the Web UI to work properlyMembutuhkan JavaScript! Anda harus mengaktifkan JavaScript agar UI Web berfungsi dengan baikName cannot be emptyNama tidak boleh kosongName is unchangedNama tidak berubahFailed to update nameGagal memperbarui namaOKOKEThe port used for incoming connections must be between 0 and 65535.Original authorAre you sure you want to remove the selected torrents from the transfer list?MainWindowEditSuntingToolsPerkakasFileBerkasHelpBantuanViewTampilanOptions...Opsi...ResumeLanjutkanTop ToolbarBilah Alat AtasStatus BarBilah StatusSpeed in Title BarKecepatan di Bilah JudulDonate!Donasi!Resume AllLanjutkan SemuaStatisticsStatistikAboutTentangPauseTangguhkanDeleteHapusPause AllJeda SemuaAdd Torrent File...Tambah Berkas Torrent...DocumentationDokumentasiAdd Torrent Link...Tambah Tautan Torrent...YesIyaNoTidakGlobal Upload Speed LimitBatas Kecepatan Unggah GlobalGlobal Download Speed LimitBatas Kecepatan Unduh GlobalAre you sure you want to quit qBittorrent?Apakah Anda yakin ingin keluar dari qBittorrent?[D: %1, U: %2] qBittorrent %3D = Download; U = Upload; %3 is qBittorrent version[D: %1, U: %2] qBittorrent %3Alternative speed limitsBatas kecepatan alternatifSearch EngineMesin PencariFilter torrent list...Filter daftar torrent...SearchCariTransfersTransferMove up in the queuePindah ke atas di dalam antreanMove Up QueuePindah Antrean ke AtasBottom of QueueDasar dari AntreanMove to the bottom of the queuePindah ke antrean paling bawahTop of QueuePuncak dari AntreanMove Down QueuePindah Antrean ke BawahMove down in the queuePindah ke bawah di dalam antreanMove to the top of the queuePindah ke antrean paling atasYour browser does not support this featurePeramban Anda tidak mendukung fitur iniTo use this feature, the WebUI needs to be accessed over HTTPSUntuk menggunakan fitur ini, WebUI harus diakses melalui HTTPSConnection status: FirewalledConnection status: ConnectedStatus koneksi: TersambungAlternative speed limits: OffBatas kecepatan alternatif: NonaktifDownload speed iconIkon kecepatan unduhConnection statusStatus koneksiAlternative speed limits: OnBatas kecepatan alternatif: AktifUpload speed iconIkon kecepatan unggahConnection status: DisconnectedStatus koneksi: TerputusRSS ReaderPembaca RSSRSSRSSFilters SidebarCancelRemoveOptionsDialogOptionsOpsiDownloadsUnduhanConnectionKoneksiSpeedKecepatanBitTorrentBitTorrentWeb UIWeb UILanguageBahasaUser Interface Language:Bahasa Antarmuka Pengguna:Email notification upon download completionNotifikasi surel saat unduhan selesaiRun external program on torrent completionJalankan program eksternal saat torrent selesaiIP FilteringPenyaringan IPSchedule the use of alternative rate limitsJadwalkan penggunaan batas laju alternatifTorrent QueueingAntrean TorrentAutomatically add these trackers to new downloads:Otomatis tambahkan tracker berikut ke unduhan baru:Web User Interface (Remote control)Antarmuka Pengguna Web (Pengendali jarak jauh)IP address:Alamat IP:Server domains:Domain server:Use HTTPS instead of HTTPGunakan HTTPSBypass authentication for clients on localhostLewati otentikasi untuk aplikasi di localhostBypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnetsLewati otentikasi untuk klien dalam daftar putih IP subnetUpdate my dynamic domain nameKeep incomplete torrents in:Biarkan torrent belum selesai di:Copy .torrent files to:Salin berkas .torrent ke:Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to:Salin berkas .torrent untuk menyelesaikan unduhan ke:Pre-allocate disk space for all filesPre-alokasi ruang disk untuk semua berkasAppend .!qB extension to incomplete filesTambahkan ekstensi .!qB ke berkas yang belum selesaiAutomatically add torrents from:Otomatis menambahkan torrent dari:SMTP server:Server SMTP:This server requires a secure connection (SSL)Server ini membutuhkan sambungan aman (SSL)AuthenticationOtentikasiUsername:Nama pengguna:Password:Sandi:TCP and μTPTCP dan μTPListening PortMemperhatikan portPort used for incoming connections:Port yang digunakan untuk sambungan masuk:Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my routerGunakan penerusan port UPnP / NAT-PMP dari router sayaConnections LimitsBatasan SambunganMaximum number of connections per torrent:Jumlah maksimum sambungan per torrent:Global maximum number of connections:Jumlah maksimum sambungan global:Maximum number of upload slots per torrent:Jumlah maksimum slot unggah per torrent:Global maximum number of upload slots:Jumlah maksimum slot unggah global:Proxy ServerServer ProksiType:Tipe:(None)(Nihil)SOCKS4SOCKS4SOCKS5SOCKS5HTTPHTTPHost:Host:Port:Port:Use proxy for peer connectionsGunakan proksi untuk koneksi sejawatUse proxy only for torrentsGunakan proksi hanya untuk torrentFilter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b):Jalur filter (.dat, .p2p, .p2b):Manually banned IP addresses...Secara manual mencekal alamat IP...Apply to trackersTerapkan ke pelacakGlobal Rate LimitsBatas Laju GlobalUpload:Unggah:Download:Unduh:Alternative Rate LimitsBatas Laju AlternatifFrom:from (time1 to time2)Dari:To:time1 to time2Ke:When:Kapan:Every daySetiap hariWeekdaysHari kerjaWeekendsAkhir pekanRate Limits SettingsPengaturan Batas LajuApply rate limit to transport overheadTentukan nilai batas untuk transport diatasApply rate limit to µTP protocolTerapkan batas laju ke protokol µTPPrivacyPrivasiEnable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peersAktifkan DHT (jaringan terdesentralisasi) untuk menemukan lebih banyak rekananEnable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peersAktifkan Pertukaran Rekanan (PeX) untuk menemukan lebih banyak rekananEnable Local Peer Discovery to find more peersAktifkan Pencarian Rekan Lokal untuk menemukan lebih banyak rekananEncryption mode:Mode enkripsi:Require encryptionEnkripsi wajibDisable encryptionEnkripsi nonaktifEnable anonymous modeAktifkan mode anonimMaximum active downloads:Unduhan aktif maksimum:Maximum active uploads:Unggahan aktif maksimum:Maximum active torrents:Torrent aktif maksimum:Do not count slow torrents in these limitsJangan hitung torrent lambat dari limit inithenlaluUse UPnP / NAT-PMP to forward the port from my routerGunakan UPnP / NAT-PMP untuk meneruskan port dari router sayaCertificate:Sertifikat:Key:Kunci:RegisterDaftarDomain name:Nama domain:Supported parameters (case sensitive):Parameter yang didukung (sensitif besar kecil huruf):%N: Torrent name%N: Nama torrent%L: Category%L: Kategori%F: Content path (same as root path for multifile torrent)%F: Jalur konten (sama dengan jalur root untuk torrent multi-berkas)%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)%R: Jalur root (jalur subdirektori torrent pertama)%D: Save path%D: Jalur simpan%C: Number of files%C: Jumlah berkas%Z: Torrent size (bytes)%Z: Ukuran torrent (bita)%T: Current tracker%T: Pelacak saat iniTip: Encapsulate parameter with quotation marks to avoid text being cut off at whitespace (e.g., "%N")Tip: Merangkum parameter dengan tanda kutipan untuk menghindari teks terpotong di ruang putih (m.s., "%N")The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long.Panjang nama pengguna Web UI minimal harus 3 karakter.The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long.Password Web UI harus setidaknya 6 karakter atau lebih.minutesmenitKiB/sKiB/sEnable clickjacking protectionAktifkan proteksi clickjackingEnable Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protectionAktifkan proteksi Pemalsuan Permintaan Lintas-Situs (CSRF)Delete .torrent files afterwardsDownload rate threshold:Nilai ambang unduh:Upload rate threshold:Nilai ambang unggah:Change current passwordUbah sandi saat iniAutomaticOtomatisUse alternative Web UIGunakan UI Web alternatifDefault Save Path:Jalur Penyimpanan Baku:The alternative Web UI files location cannot be blank.Lokasi berkas UI Web tidak boleh kosong.Do not start the download automaticallyJangan mulai mengunduh secara otomatisSwitch torrent to Manual ModePindahkan torrent ke Mode ManualWhen Torrent Category changed:Ketika Kategori Torrent diubah:Relocate affected torrentsCari-ulang torrent berpengaruhApply rate limit to peers on LANTerapkan batas laju ke rekanan pada LAN0 means unlimitedRelocate torrentCari-ulang torrentWhen Default Save Path changed:Saat tempat penyimpanan biasa dirubah:Enable Host header validationSecurityKeamananWhen Category Save Path changed:secondsSwitch affected torrents to Manual ModeGanti torrent berpengaruh ke Mode ManualFiles location:Lokasi berkas:ManualManualTorrent inactivity timer:Durasi torrent tanpa aktifitas:Default Torrent Management Mode:Mode Baku Pengelolaan Torrent:When adding a torrentKetika menambahkan torrentInfo: The password is saved unencryptedInfo: Sandi disimpan tanpa enkripsiμTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm:Upload rate based%G: Tags (separated by comma)Socket backlog size:Enable super seeding for torrentAktifkan berbagi super untuk torrentPrefer TCPOutstanding memory when checking torrents:Anti-leechWhen ratio reachesSaat rasio telah tercapaiWhen seeding time reachesSaat waktu berbagi telah tercapaiAllow multiple connections from the same IP address:File pool size:Any interfaceAlways announce to all tiers:Embedded tracker port:Fastest uploadUnggahan tercepatPause torrentJeda torrentRemove torrent and its filesBuang torrent dan berkasnyaqBittorrent SectionBagian qBittorrentSend buffer watermark factor:libtorrent SectionBagian libtorrentOutgoing ports (Min) [0: Disabled]:Recheck torrents on completion:Allow encryptionIzinkan enkripsiSend upload piece suggestions:Enable embedded tracker:Remove torrentBuang torrentOutgoing ports (Max) [0: Disabled]:Asynchronous I/O threads:sSend buffer watermark:Peer proportional (throttles TCP)Fixed slotsAdvancedTingkat LanjutminminUpload choking algorithm:Seeding LimitsBatasan BerbagiKiBKiBRound-robinUpload slots behavior:MiBMiBSend buffer low watermark:Save resume data interval:Always announce to all trackers in a tier:Session timeout:Waktu habis sesi:Resolve peer countries:ban for:diblokir karena:Stop tracker timeout:Ban client after consecutive failures:Enable cookie Secure flag (requires HTTPS)Aktifkan tanda kuki Aman (membutuhkan HTTPS)UPnP lease duration [0: Permanent lease]:Header: value pairs, one per lineAdd custom HTTP headersTambahkan kustom HTTP headersFilters:Filter:Enable fetching RSS feedsAktifkan pengambilan umpan RSSHashing threads (requires libtorrent >= 2.0):Coalesce reads & writes (requires libtorrent < 2.0):Peer turnover threshold percentage:RSS Torrent Auto DownloaderRSS Torrent Unggah OtomatisRSSRSSNetwork interface:RSS ReaderPembaca RSSEdit auto downloading rules...Sunting aturan pengunduhan otomatis...Download REPACK/PROPER episodesUnduh episode REPACK/PROPERFeeds refresh interval:Interval penyegaran umpan:Peer turnover disconnect percentage:Maximum number of articles per feed:Jumlah maksimum artikel per umpan: minminPeer turnover disconnect interval:Optional IP address to bind to:Disallow connection to peers on privileged ports:Enable auto downloading of RSS torrentsAktifkan pengunduhan otomatis RSS torrentRSS Smart Episode FilterDisk cache (requires libtorrent < 2.0):Disk cache expiry interval (requires libtorrent < 2.0):Validate HTTPS tracker certificate:Peer connection protocol:Protokol koneksi rekanan:Torrent content layout:Tata letak konten torrent:Create subfolderBuat subfolderOriginalAsliDon't create subfolderJangan buat subfolderType of service (ToS) for connections to peersOutgoing connections per second:RandomAcak%K: Torrent IDReannounce to all trackers when IP or port changed:Trusted proxies list:Daftar proxy terpercaya:Enable reverse proxy support%J: Info hash v2%I: Info hash v1IP address reported to trackers (requires restart):Set to 0 to let your system pick an unused portServer-side request forgery (SSRF) mitigation:Disk queue size:Log performance warningsMaximum outstanding requests to a single peer:Max active checking torrents:Memory mapped filesDefaultPOSIX-compliantThis option is less effective on LinuxDisk IO type (libtorrent >= 2.0; requires restart):Write-through (requires libtorrent >= 2.0.6)It controls the internal state update interval which in turn will affect UI updatesDisk IO read mode:Disable OS cacheDisk IO write mode:Use piece extent affinity:Max concurrent HTTP announces:Enable OS cacheRefresh interval:Physical memory (RAM) usage limit (applied if libtorrent >= 2.0):msExcluded file namesSupport internationalized domain name (IDN):Run external program on torrent finishedWhitelist for filtering HTTP Host header values.
In order to defend against DNS rebinding attack,
you should put in domain names used by WebUI server.
Use ';' to split multiple entries. Can use wildcard '*'.Run external program on torrent addedHTTPS certificate should not be emptySpecify reverse proxy IPs (or subnets, e.g. in order to use forwarded client address (X-Forwarded-For header). Use ';' to split multiple entries.HTTPS key should not be emptyRun external programPeerListWidgetIPIPPortPortFlagsBenderaConnectionKoneksiClienti.e.: Client applicationKlienProgressi.e: % downloadedProgresDown Speedi.e: Download speedKecepatan UnduhUp Speedi.e: Upload speedKecepatan UnggahDownloadedi.e: total data downloadedTerunduhUploadedi.e: total data uploadedTerunggahRelevancei.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't.RelevansiFilesi.e. files that are being downloaded right nowBerkasBan peer permanentlyBlokir rekanan secara permanenAre you sure you want to permanently ban the selected peers?Apakah Anda yakin ingin memblokir secara permanen rekanan yang dipilih?Copy IP:portSalin IP:portCountry/RegionNegara/WilayahAdd peers...PropListDelegateNormalNormal (priority)NormalHighHigh (priority)TinggiMaximumMaximum (priority)MaksimumMixedDo not downloadPropTabBarGeneralUmumTrackersPelacakPeersRekananHTTP SourcesSumber HTTPContentIsiPropertiesWidgetDownloaded:Terunduh:TransferTransferTime Active:Time (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)Lama Aktif:ETA:ETA:Uploaded:Terunggah:Seeds:Pembibitan:Download Speed:Kecepatan Unduh:Upload Speed:Kecepatan Unggah:Peers:Rekanan:Download Limit:Batas Unduh:Upload Limit:Batas Unggah:Wasted:Terbuang:Connections:Koneksi:InformationInformasiComment:Komentar:Share Ratio:Rasio Berbagi:Reannounce In:Umumkan Ulang Dalam:Last Seen Complete:Komplet Terlihat Terakhir:Total Size:Total Ukuran:Pieces:Bagian:Created By:Dibuat Oleh:Added On:Ditambahkan Pada:Completed On:Komplet Pada:Created On:Dibuat Pada:Save Path:Jalur Simpan:NeverJangan Pernah%1 x %2 (have %3)(torrent pieces) eg 152 x 4MB (have 25)%1 x %2 (memiliki %3)%1 (%2 this session)%1 (%2 sesi ini)%1 (%2 max)%1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 max)%1 (%2 maks)%1 (%2 total)%1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 total)%1 (%2 total)%1 (%2 avg.)%1 and %2 are speed rates, e.g. 200KiB/s (100KiB/s avg.)%1 (%2 rerata.)Download limit:Upload limit:Batas mengunggah:PriorityPrioritasFilter files...Filter berkas...Rename...Ubah nama...%1 (seeded for %2)Info Hash v2:Informasi Hash v2:Info Hash v1:N/AT/AProgress:Progres:ScanFoldersModelMonitored FolderPantau folderOverride Save LocationBatalkan Lokasi Menyimpan:Monitored folderPantau folderDefault save locationTempat penyimpanan biasaOther...Lainnya...Type folder hereTulis folder di siniSpeedLimitDialogKiB/sKiB/sStatsDialogStatisticsStatistikUser statisticsStatistik pengguna:Cache statisticsStatistik tembolokRead cache hits:Baca cache hits:Average time in queue:Rata-rata waktu dalam antrian:Connected peers:Sejawat tersambung:All-time share ratio:Ratio waktu-semua pembagian:All-time download:Semua-waktu unduh:Session waste:Sesi terbuang:All-time upload:Semua-waktu unggah:Total buffer size:Total ukuran buffer:Performance statisticsStatistik performaQueued I/O jobs:Pekerjaan I/O yang diantrekan:Write cache overload:Lewahbeban penulisan tembolok:Read cache overload:Lewahbeban pembacaan tembolok:Total queued size:Total ukuran yang diantrekan:StatusBarDHT: %1 nodesDHT: %1 jalinanStatusFilterWidgetAll (0)this is for the status filterSemua (0)Downloading (0)Mengunduh (0)Seeding (0)Pembibitan (0)Completed (0)Komplet (0)Resumed (0)Dilanjutkan (0)Paused (0)Ditangguhkan (0)Active (0)Aktif (0)Inactive (0)Tidak aktif (0)Errored (0)Galat (0)All (%1)Semua (%1)Downloading (%1)Mengunduh (%1)Seeding (%1)Pembibitan (%1)Completed (%1)Komplet (%1)Paused (%1)Ditangguhkan (%1)Resumed (%1)Dilanjutkan (%1)Active (%1)Aktif (%1)Inactive (%1)Tidak aktif (%1)Errored (%1)Galat (%1)Stalled Uploading (%1)Pengunggahan terhenti (%1)Stalled Downloading (%1)Pengunduhan terhenti (%1)Stalled Downloading (0)Pengunduhan terhenti (0)Stalled (0)Terhenti (0)Stalled Uploading (0)Pengunggahan terhenti (0)Stalled (%1)Terhenti (%1)Checking (%1)Memeriksa (%1)Checking (0)Memeriksa (0)TorrentContentModelTransferListModelNamei.e: torrent nameNamaSizei.e: torrent sizeUkuranDone% DoneSelesaiStatusTorrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused)StatusSeedsi.e. full sources (often untranslated)PembibitanPeersi.e. partial sources (often untranslated)RekananDown Speedi.e: Download speedKecepatan UnduhUp Speedi.e: Upload speedKecepatan UnggahRatioShare ratioRasioETAi.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time leftETACategoryKategoriTagsTagAdded OnTorrent was added to transfer list on 01/01/2010 08:00Ditambahkan PadaCompleted OnTorrent was completed on 01/01/2010 08:00Komplet PadaTrackerPelacakDown Limiti.e: Download limitBatas UnduhUp Limiti.e: Upload limitBatas UnggahDownloadedAmount of data downloaded (e.g. in MB)TerunduhUploadedAmount of data uploaded (e.g. in MB)DiunggahSession DownloadAmount of data downloaded since program open (e.g. in MB)Sesi UnduhSession UploadAmount of data uploaded since program open (e.g. in MB)Sesi UnggahRemainingAmount of data left to download (e.g. in MB)SisaTime ActiveTime (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)Lama AktifSave pathTorrent save pathJalur simpanCompletedAmount of data completed (e.g. in MB)KompletRatio LimitUpload share ratio limitBatas RasioLast Seen CompleteIndicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/wholeKomplet Terlihat TerakhirLast ActivityTime passed since a chunk was downloaded/uploadedAktivitas TerakhirTotal Sizei.e. Size including unwanted dataTotal UkuranAvailabilityKetersediaanTrackerListWidgetURLURLStatusStatusPeersRekananMessagePesanTracker URL:URL Pencari:Updating...Membarui...WorkingBerjalanDisabledNonaktifNot contacted yetBelum terhubungN/AN/ASeedsBenihNot workingTak berjalanCopy tracker URLSalin URL pencariAdd a new tracker...Tambahkan pencari baru...Edit tracker URL...Ubah URL pelacak...Tracker editingPengubahan PencariLeechesRemove trackerHapus pencariRemainingSisaAvailabilityKetersediaanTierTingkatanDownload PriorityPrioritas pengunduhanNameNamaProgressPerkembanganTotal SizeTotal UkuranTimes DownloadedAdd trackers...TrackersAdditionDialogTrackers addition dialogDialog penambahan pelacakList of trackers to add (one per line):Daftar pelacak untuk ditambahkan (satu per baris):Add trackersTransferListDelegate%1 agoe.g.: 1h 20m ago%1 yang laluPausedDitangguhkanCompletedKompletMoving[F] SeedingSeedingQueuedErrored[F] DownloadingDownloading metadataCheckingMissing FilesBerkas HilangQueued for checkingDownloadingMengunduhChecking resume dataStalled%1 (seeded for %2)[F] Downloading metadataTransferListFiltersWidgetStatusStatusCategoriesKategori-kategoriTagsTagTrackersPelacakTransferListWidgetTorrent Download Speed LimitingPembatasan Kecepatan Unduh TorrentTorrent Upload Speed LimitingPembatasan Kecepatan Unggah TorrentRenameUbah namaResumeResume/start the torrentLanjutkanForce ResumeForce Resume/start the torrentPaksa LanjutkanPausePause the torrentTangguhkanDeleteDelete the torrentHapusLimit share ratio...Batasi rasio berbagi...Limit upload rate...Batasi rasio unggah...Limit download rate...Batasi laju unduh...Move upi.e. move up in the queuePindahkan ke atasMove downi.e. Move down in the queuePindahkan ke bawahMove to topi.e. Move to top of the queuePindahkan ke puncakMove to bottomi.e. Move to bottom of the queuePindahkan ke dasarSet location...Tetapkan lokasi...Download first and last pieces firstUnduh bagian-bagian pertama dan akhir terlebih dahuluAutomatic Torrent ManagementManajemen Torrent OtomatisCategoryKategoriNew...New category...Baru ....ResetReset categorySetel ulangForce recheckPaksa periksa ulangSuper seeding modeMode pembibitan superRename...Ubah nama...Download in sequential orderUnduh berurutanNew CategoryKategori BaruLocationLokasiNew nameNama BaruSet locationAtur lokasiForce reannouncePaksa umumkan ulangEdit CategorySunting KategoriSave pathComma-separated tags:Koma-pemisah tag:Add TagsTambah TagTagsTagMagnet linkTautan magnetRemove AllNameNamaCopySalinQueueAntrianAdd...Info hash v1Informasi hash v1Info hash v2Informasi hash v2Torrent IDID TorrentExport .torrentRemoveUpDownRatioDialogTorrent Upload/Download Ratio LimitingPembatasan Rasio Unggah/Unduh TorrentUse global share limitGunakan batas berbagi globalSet no share limitAtur tiada limit bagiSet share limit toAtur limit bagi keratiorasiominutesmenitaboutconfirmDeletionDlgDeletion confirmationHapus konfirmasiDeletion confirmation - qBittorrentKonfirmasi penghapusan - qBittorrentAlso permanently delete the filesRemove torrent(s)downloadFromURLDownload from URLsUnduh dari URLDownloadUnduhAdd Torrent LinksmiscBbytesBKiBkibibytes (1024 bytes)KiBMiBmebibytes (1024 kibibytes)MiBGiBgibibytes (1024 mibibytes)GiBTiBtebibytes (1024 gibibytes)TiBPiBpebibytes (1024 tebibytes)PiBEiBexbibytes (1024 pebibytes)EiB/sper second/s%1h %2me.g: 3hours 5minutes%1j %2m%1d %2he.g: 2days 10hours%1h %2jUnknownUnknown (size)Tidak diketahui< 1m< 1 minute< 1m%1me.g: 10minutes%1m%1y %2dTorrentsControllerSave path is emptyJalur penyimpanan kosongPluginSourceDlgCancelPlugin path:URL or local directoryInstall pluginOkSearchEngineWidgetSeeds:All pluginsSize:StopSearchSearch plugins...All categoriesSearch in:FilterTorrent names onlyOnly enabledout ofEverywhereWarningIncrease window width to display additional filterstoResultsshowingClick the "Search plugins..." button at the bottom right of the window to install some.There aren't any search plugins 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You can enable it in application settings.Mengambil masukkan RSS dinonaktifkan sekarang! Anda dapat mengaktifkan di pengaturan aplikasi.Deletion confirmationKonfirmasi penghapusanAre you sure you want to delete the selected RSS feeds?Anda yakin ingin menghapus masukkan terpilih RSS?New subscription...Langganan baru...Download torrentUnduh torrentAutomatedRssDownloaderDownload RulesAturan UnduhanMatching RSS ArticlesArtikel RSS yang Cocok* to match zero or more of any characters* untuk sesuai nol atau lebih dari karakter apapun will match all articles.akan sesuai semua pasal.Episode filter rules: Aturan filter episode:Auto downloading of RSS torrents is disabled now! You can enable it in application settings.Pengunduhan otomatis RSS torrent dinonaktifkan! Anda bisa mengaktifkannya dalam pengaturan aplikasi.Rule DefinitionDefinisi AturanSave to:Simpan ke:Use Regular ExpressionsGunakan Ekpresi RegulerNew rule nameNama aturan baruFilter must end with semicolonFilter harus diakhiri dengan titik-koma? to match any single character? untuk mencocokkan semua jenis karakter tunggalMatches articles based on episode filter.Artikel yang cocok berdasarkan filter episode.Assign Category:Tetapkan kategori:Regex mode: use Perl-compatible regular expressionsMode regex: gunakan ekspresi reguler yang kompatibel dengan Perl| is used as OR operator| digunakan sebagai operator ORClear downloaded episodesKosongkan daftar episode yang diunduhWhitespaces count as AND operators (all words, any order)Ruang putih terhitung sebagai operator DAN (semua kata, urutan apapun)An expression with an empty %1 clause (e.g. %2)Example: Contoh:Add new rule...Tambah aturan baru...Are you sure you want to clear the list of downloaded episodes for the selected rule?Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengosongkan daftar episode yang diunduh untuk aturan yang dipilih?Must Contain:Harus Memuat:Infinite range: <b>1x25-;</b> matches episodes 25 and upward of season one, and all episodes of later seasonsBarisan tak terbatas:<b>1x25-;</b>sesuai episode 25 dan ke atas dari sesi satu, dan semua dari episode nantiSave to a Different DirectorySimpan ke Direktori BerbedaMust Not Contain:Tidak Boleh Memuat:Single number: <b>1x25;</b> matches episode 25 of season oneNomor tunggal: <b>1x25;</ b> cocok dengan episode 25 dari musim pertamaThree range types for episodes are supported: Tiga jenis rentang untuk episode yang didukung:Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules?Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus aturan unduh yang dipilih?Use global settingsGunakan pengaturan globalNormal range: <b>1x25-40;</b> matches episodes 25 through 40 of season oneRentang normal: <b>1x25-40;</b> cocok dengan episode 25 sampai 40 dari musim pertamaPlease type the new rule nameMohon ketik nama aturan baruRule renamingMenamai ulang aturanAlwaysSelaluEpisode number is a mandatory positive valueNomor episode ialah wajib nilai positif will match 2, 5, 8 through 15, 30 and onward episodes of season oneRule deletion confirmationKonfirmasi penghapusan aturanLast Match: %1 days agoCocok Terakhir: %1 hari yang laluEpisode Filter:Filter Episode:Rss DownloaderSeason number is a mandatory non-zero valueNomor musim wajib bernilai bukan nolNeverJangan PernahApply Rule to Feeds:Terapkan Aturan ke Umpan: dayshariUse Smart Episode FilterGunakan Smart Episode FilterIf word order is important use * instead of whitespace.Jika urutan kata sangat penting gunakan * daripada ruang putih.Add Paused:Tambah Jeda:Please type the name of the new download rule.Mohon ketik nama dari aturan unduh baru.Wildcard mode: you can useMode wildcard: Anda bisa menggunakan will exclude all articles.akan tiadakan semua pasal.Delete ruleHapus aturanIgnore Subsequent Matches for (0 to Disable)Rename rule...Ubah nama aturan...Last Match: UnknownCocok Terakhir: Tidak DiketahuiClear downloaded episodes...Kosongkan daftar episode yang diunduh...Smart Episode Filter will check the episode number to prevent downloading of duplicates.
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