AboutDlgAboutParAddNewTorrentDialogCategory:Kategoreja:Start torrentSuokt atsasyuteišonuSkip hash checkIzlaist maiseituojkoda puorbaudiTorrent Management Mode:Torrenta puorvaļdis režims:Content layout:Satvora izlikaliejums:OriginalCreate subfolderRadeit zamapvuociDon't create subfolderNaradeit zamapvuociManualRūkvaļdeAutomaticAutomatiskuoMetadata receivedFiles checkedStop condition:NoneCategoryFilterModelAllVysysUncategorizedBez kategorejasCategoryFilterWidgetAdd category...Pīlikt kategoreju...Remove categoryNūjimt kategorejuRemove unused categoriesNūjimt nalītuotas kategorejasResume torrentsAizsuokt torrentusPause torrentsNūstuodeit torrentusNew CategoryJauna kategorejaEdit category...Lobuot kategoreju...Remove torrentsHttpServerExit qBittorrentAiztaiseit qBittorrentOnly one link per linePa vīnai saitai katrā aiļāGlobal upload rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Golvonai kūpeigā nūsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežai juoir leluokai par 0 voi arī nūgrīztai. Global download rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Golvonai kūpeigā atsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežai juoir leluokai par 0 voi arī nūgrīztai. Alternative upload rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Aļternativai kūpeigā nūsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežai juoir leluokai par 0 voi arī nūgrīztai. Alternative download rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Aļternativai kūpeigā atsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežai juoir leluokai par 0 voi arī nūgrīztai. Maximum active downloads must be greater than -1.Kūpejam aktivuo atsasyuteišonas torrentu skaitam juoir leluokam par -1.Maximum active uploads must be greater than -1.Kūpejam aktivuo nūsasyuteišonas torrentu skaitam juoir leluokam par -1.Maximum active torrents must be greater than -1.Kūpejam aktivuo torrentu skaitam juoir leluokam par -1.Maximum number of connections limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Kūpejam salaidumu skaitam juoir leluokam par 0 voi nikaidam.Maximum number of connections per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Kūpejam salaidumu skaitam uz vīnu torrentu juoir leluokam par 0 voi nikaidam.Maximum number of upload slots per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Kūpejam nūsasyuteišonas slotu skaitam uz vīnu torrentu juoir leluokam par 0 voi nikaidam.Unable to save program preferences, qBittorrent is probably unreachable.Nāisadevās saglabuot īstatejumus, varams, ka qBittorrent navā dasnēdzuoms.UnknownNazynomsShare ratio limit must be between 0 and 9998.Kūplītuošonas reitinga rūbēžai juoir nu 0 da 9998.Seeding time limit must be between 0 and 525600 minutes.Nūsasyuteišonas laika rūbēžai juoir nu 0 da 525600 mynotu.The port used for the Web UI must be between 1 and 65535.Portam priekš Tuolvaļdis panela (Web UI) juoir nu 1 da 65535.Unable to log in, qBittorrent is probably unreachable.Dasaslēgšuonās naīsadevās, varams, ka qBittorrent navā dasnēdzuoms.Invalid Username or Password.Napareizs slāgvuords voi paroļsUsernameLītuotuojsPasswordParoļsLoginDasaslāgtApplyApstyprynuotAddPīliktUpload TorrentsUpload torrent files to qBittorent using WebUIDalikt torrentusSave files to location:Izglobuot failus ite:Cookie:Glabiņs:More informationVaira dazynuošonysInformation about certificatesInpormaceja par sertifikatimSet locationPuormeit failu izglobuošonys vītuLimit upload rateAprūbežuot nūsasyuteišonas reitinguLimit download rateAprūbežuot atsasyuteišonas reitinguRename torrentPuorsaukt torrentuMondaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...PyrmūdīnemTuesdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...ŪtardīnemWednesdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...TrešdīnemThursdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...CatūrtdīnemFridaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...PīktdīnemSaturdaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...SastdīnemSundaySchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...SvātdīnemLogoutIzītDownload Torrents from their URLs or Magnet linksAtsasyuteit torrentus nū teiklavītuom voi MagnetsaitymUpload local torrentDalikt torrentusSaveIzglobuotqBittorrent client is not reachableqBittorrent navā dasnēdzuomsGlobal number of upload slots limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Kūpejam nūsasyuteišonas slotu skaitam juoir leluokam par 0 voi nikaidam.Invalid category name:\nPlease do not use any special characters in the category name.Nadereiga kategorejas pasauka:\nLyudzu nalītuot specialuos simbolus.Unable to create categoryNāisadevās radeit kategorejuUpload rate threshold must be greater than 0.EditLobuotFree space: %1Breivas vītas: %1Torrent inactivity timer must be greater than 0.Torrenta stibniešonys skaiteklim jauoir leluokam par 0.Saving ManagementSaglabuošonas puorvoļdsDownload rate threshold must be greater than 0.qBittorrent has been shutdownqBittorrent tika nūgrīztsOpen documentationSkaiteit dokumentacejuRegister to handle magnet links...Īgrīzt atspaidu magnetsaitym...Unable to add peers. Please ensure you are adhering to the IP:port format.Nāisadevās pīlikt kūplītuotuojus. Īsatycynīs, ka pareizi īvoduoji IP:ports.JavaScript Required! You must enable JavaScript for the Web UI to work properlyVajadzeigs JavaScript! Īgrīzt Javascript, lai Tuolvaļdis panelis (Web UI) dorbuotuos pareiziName cannot be emptyPasauku navar pamest tukšuName is unchangedPasauka navā puormeitaFailed to update namePuorsaukšona nāisadevāsOKLobiThe port used for incoming connections must be between 0 and 65535.Portam priekš atīmūšim salaidumim juoir nu 0 leidz 65535.Original authorProgrammas radeituojsAre you sure you want to remove the selected torrents from the transfer list?MainWindowEditLobuotToolsReikiFileFailsHelpPaleigsViewVierīņsOptions...Nūstatejumi...ResumeAizsuoktTop ToolbarViersejuo reikšveitraStatus BarStatusa jūstaSpeed in Title BarDreizums pasaukys šveitrāDonate!Pazīduot!Resume AllAizsuokt vysysStatisticsStatistikaAboutParPauseNūstateitPause AllNūstuodeit vysysAdd Torrent File...Dalikt torrentu failus...DocumentationDokumentacejaAdd Torrent Link...Dalikt torrentu saitys...YesNuiNoNāGlobal Upload Speed LimitKūpeigā nūsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežsGlobal Download Speed LimitKūpeigā atsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežsAre you sure you want to quit qBittorrent?Voi drūši zini, ka gribi nūgrīzt qBittorrent?[D: %1, U: %2] qBittorrent %3D = Download; U = Upload; %3 is qBittorrent version[A: %1, N: %2] qBittorrent %3Alternative speed limitsAļternativie dreizumiSearch EngineMaklātivsFilter torrent list...Meklēt torrentu sarokstā...SearchMaklātivsTransfersTorrentiMove up in the queuePuorceļt augstuok sarokstāMove Up QueuePuorceļt augstuok sarokstāBottom of QueuePuorceļt saroksta zamoškāMove to the bottom of the queuePuorceļt saroksta zamoškāTop of QueuePuorceļt saroksta viersāMove Down QueuePuorceļt zamuok sarokstāMove down in the queuePuorceļt zamuok sarokstāMove to the top of the queuePuorceļt saroksta viersāYour browser does not support this featureTo use this feature, the WebUI needs to be accessed over HTTPSConnection status: FirewalledŠkārsteikla salaiduma statuss: Aiz guņsīnysConnection status: ConnectedŠkārsteikla salaiduma statuss: SalaistsAlternative speed limits: OffAļternativie dreizumi: NāDownload speed iconAtsasyuteišonas dreizuma atvaigsConnection statusŠkārsteikla salaiduma statussAlternative speed limits: OnAļternativie dreizumi: NuiUpload speed iconNūsasyuteišonas dreizums atvaigsConnection status: DisconnectedŠkārsteikla salaiduma statuss: Navā salaistsRSS ReaderRSS laseituojsRSSRSSFilters SidebarCancelRemoveWould you like to resume all torrents?Would you like to pause all torrents?OptionsDialogOptionsNūstatejumiDownloadsAtsasyuteišonasConnectionSalaidumsSpeedDreizumsBitTorrentBitTorrentWeb UITuolvaļdeLanguageVolūdaUser Interface Language:Sadures volūda:Email notification upon download completionIP FilteringSchedule the use of alternative rate limitsĪstateit laiku Aļternativuo kūpeiguo dreizumu lītuošonaiTorrent QueueingTorrentu sarokstsAutomatically add these trackers to new downloads:Automatiski pīlikt šūs trakerus pi jaunīm torrentīm:Web User Interface (Remote control)Tuolvaļdis sadurs (Web UI)IP address:IP adress:Server domains:Servera domeni:Use HTTPS instead of HTTPHTTP vītā lītuot HTTPSBypass authentication for clients on localhostBypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnetsUpdate my dynamic domain nameAtjaunynuot muna dinamiskuo domena pasaukuKeep incomplete torrents in:Izglobuot nadabeigtuos torrentus ite:Copy .torrent files to:Radeit .torrent failu puorspīdumu ite:Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to:Radeit .torrent failu puorspīdumu dabeigtīm torrentīm ite:Pre-allocate disk space for all filesLaiceigi puordrūsynuot vītu uz diska jaunīm failīmAppend .!qB extension to incomplete filesDalikt .!qB golaini nadabeigtīm failīmAutomatically add torrents from:SMTP server:SMTP servers:This server requires a secure connection (SSL)AuthenticationUsername:Lītuotuojs:Password:Paroļs:TCP and μTPTCP i μTPListening PortPort used for incoming connections:Ports priekš atīmūšim salaidumim:Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my routerConnections LimitsSalaidumu skaita rūbežasMaximum number of connections per torrent:Salaidumu skaits uz vīnu torrentu:Global maximum number of connections:Kūpeigais salaidumu skaits:Maximum number of upload slots per torrent:Nūsasyuteišonas slotu skaits uz vīnu torrentu:Global maximum number of upload slots:Kūpeigais nūsasyuteišonas slotu skaits:Proxy ServerVidinīkserversType:Lītuot:(None)(Nivīnu)SOCKS4SOCKS4SOCKS5SOCKS5HTTPHTTPHost:Saiminīks:Port:Ports:Use proxy for peer connectionsLītuot vidinīkserveri kūplītuotuoju salaidumimUse proxy only for torrentsLītuot vidinīkserveri tikai torrentimFilter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b):Fiļtrys vīta (.dat, .p2p, .p2b):Manually banned IP addresses...Nūblokētās IP adresas...Apply to trackersLītuot trakerymGlobal Rate LimitsGolvonais kūpeigā dreizuma rūbežsUpload:Nūsasyuteišona:Download:Atsasyuteišona:Alternative Rate LimitsAļternativais kūpeigā dreizuma rūbežsFrom:from (time1 to time2)Nu:To:time1 to time2Iz:When:Kod:Every dayKas dīnysWeekdaysDorbadīnāsWeekendsNedeļgolāsRate Limits SettingsDreizuma rūbežs īstatejumiApply rate limit to transport overheadApply rate limit to µTP protocolPrivacyPrivatumsEnable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peersĪgrīzt DHT (nacentralizātū teiklu), lai atrastu vēļ vaira kūplītuotuojuEnable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peersĪgrīzt Datu Meitu kūplītuotuoju vydā (PeX), lai atrastu vēļ vaira kūplītuotuojuEnable Local Peer Discovery to find more peersĪgrīzt Vītejuo kūplītuotuoju mekliešonu, lai atrastu vēļ vaira kūplītuotuojuEncryption mode:Require encryptionDisable encryptionEnable anonymous modeĪgrīzt anonimū režimuMaximum active downloads:Kūpegais aktivuo atsasyuteišonu skaits:Maximum active uploads:Kūpegais aktivuo nūsasyuteišonu skaits:Maximum active torrents:Kūpegais aktivuo torrentu skaits:Do not count slow torrents in these limitsNajimt vārā lānuos torrentusthentodUse UPnP / NAT-PMP to forward the port from my routerCertificate:Sertifikats:Key:Atslāgs:RegisterRegistrētīsDomain name:Domena pasauka:Supported parameters (case sensitive):%N: Torrent name%N: Torrenta pasauka%L: Category%L: Kategoreja%F: Content path (same as root path for multifile torrent)%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)%D: Save path%D: Izglobuošonas vīta%C: Number of files%C: Failu skaits%Z: Torrent size (bytes)%Z: Torrenta lelums (baitos)%T: Current tracker%T: Niulejais trakerisTip: Encapsulate parameter with quotation marks to avoid text being cut off at whitespace (e.g., "%N")The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long.The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long.minutesmynotuKiB/s KiB/sEnable clickjacking protectionĪgrīzt apsardzeibu pret clickjackingEnable Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protectionĪgrīzt apsardzeibu pret Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)Delete .torrent files afterwardsDownload rate threshold:Upload rate threshold:Change current passwordPuormeit niulejuo paroliAutomaticAutomatiskuoUse alternative Web UILītuot cytu tuolvaļdis paneļa saduriDefault Save Path:Nūklusiejuma izglobuošonys vīta:The alternative Web UI files location cannot be blank.Do not start the download automaticallyNasuokt atsasyuteišonu automatiskiSwitch torrent to Manual ModeWhen Torrent Category changed:Relocate affected torrentsApply rate limit to peers on LAN0 means unlimited0 nūzeimē naaprūbežuotsRelocate torrentPuorceļt torrentuWhen Default Save Path changed:Enable Host header validationSecurityDrūsumsWhen Category Save Path changed:secondssekuņdesSwitch affected torrents to Manual ModeFiles location:Failu vīta:ManualRūkvaļdeTorrent inactivity timer:Torrenta stibniešonys skaiteklis:Default Torrent Management Mode:Nūklusiejuma Torrenta puorvaļdis režims:When adding a torrentInfo: The password is saved unencryptedμTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm:Upload rate based%G: Tags (separated by comma)%G: Byrkas (atdaleitas ar komatu)Socket backlog size:Enable super seeding for torrentĪgrīzt super-nūsasyuteišonuPrefer TCPDūt pyrmaileibu TCPOutstanding memory when checking torrents:Anti-leechWhen ratio reachesWhen seeding time reachesAllow multiple connections from the same IP address:Atļaut nazcik salaidumus nu vīnas IP adress:File pool size:Any interfaceAutomatiskiAlways announce to all tiers:Vysod atjaunynuot datus ar vysim trakeriem vysuos grupās:Embedded tracker port:Īmontāta trakera ports:Fastest uploadDreižuokā nūsasyuteišonaPause torrentNūstuodeit torrentuRemove torrent and its filesNūjimt torrentu i failusqBittorrent SectionqBittorent izdolaSend buffer watermark factor:libtorrent Sectionlibtorrent izdolaOutgoing ports (Min) [0: Disabled]:Izīmūšie porti (Min) [0: Nūgrīzts]Recheck torrents on completion:Atkuortuotai puorsavērt torrentus piec atsasyuteišonas dabeigšonas:Allow encryptionSend upload piece suggestions:Enable embedded tracker:Īgrīzt īmontātuo trakeri:Remove torrentNūjimt torrentuOutgoing ports (Max) [0: Disabled]:Izīmūšie porti (Max) [0: Nūgrīzts]:Asynchronous I/O threads:ssSend buffer watermark:Peer proportional (throttles TCP)Fixed slotsAdvancedPapyldvareibasminmynUpload choking algorithm:Seeding LimitsNūsasyuteišonas rūbežasKiBKiBRound-robinUpload slots behavior:MiBMiBSend buffer low watermark:Save resume data interval:Progresa datu izglobuošonas iņtervals:Always announce to all trackers in a tier:Vysod atjaunynuot datus ar vysim trakeriem grupā:Session timeout:Resolve peer countries:Ruodeit kūplītuotuoju vaļsteibas:ban for:nūlīgt dativi uz:Stop tracker timeout:Ban client after consecutive failures:Enable cookie Secure flag (requires HTTPS)Īgrīzt glabiņu Secure flag (vajadzeigs HTTPS)UPnP lease duration [0: Permanent lease]:Header: value pairs, one per lineAdd custom HTTP headersFilters:Fiļtri:Enable fetching RSS feedsĪgrīzt RSS laseituojuHashing threads (requires libtorrent >= 2.0):Coalesce reads & writes (requires libtorrent < 2.0):Peer turnover threshold percentage:RSS Torrent Auto DownloaderRSS Automatiskys torrentu atsasyuteituojsRSSRSSNetwork interface:Škārsteikla sadurs:RSS ReaderRSS laseituojsEdit auto downloading rules...Labuot RSS Automatiskys atsasyuteišonys īstatejumus...Download REPACK/PROPER episodesAtsasyuteit REPACK/PROPER epizodesFeeds refresh interval:Īrokstu atsvīžeišonas iņtervals:Peer turnover disconnect percentage:Maximum number of articles per feed:Īrokstu skaits uz vīnu kanalu: minmynPeer turnover disconnect interval:Optional IP address to bind to:Dasaisteit papyldoma IP adresi:Disallow connection to peers on privileged ports:Enable auto downloading of RSS torrentsĪgrīzt RSS Automatiskuo atsasyuteišonuRSS Smart Episode FilterRSS Gudrais epizozu fiļtrysDisk cache (requires libtorrent < 2.0):Cītdiska vydatguods (vajadzeigs libtorrent < 2.0):Disk cache expiry interval (requires libtorrent < 2.0):Cītdiska vydatguoda dereiguma iņtervals (vajadzeigs libtorrent < 2.0):Validate HTTPS tracker certificate:Peer connection protocol:Kūplītuotuoju salaidumu protokols:Torrent content layout:Torrenta satvora izlikaliejums:Create subfolderRadeit zamapvuociOriginalDon't create subfolderNaradeit zamapvuociType of service (ToS) for connections to peersOutgoing connections per second:RandomNavuošai%K: Torrent ID%K: Torrenta IDReannounce to all trackers when IP or port changed:Trusted proxies list:Enable reverse proxy support%J: Info hash v2%J: Maiseituojkods v2%I: Info hash v1%J: Maiseituojkods v1IP address reported to trackers (requires restart):IP adress kū paviesteit trakeriem (vajadzeigs restarts):Set to 0 to let your system pick an unused portServer-side request forgery (SSRF) mitigation:Disk queue size:Log performance warningsMaximum outstanding requests to a single peer:Max active checking torrents:Memory mapped filesDefaultPOSIX-compliantThis option is less effective on LinuxDisk IO type (libtorrent >= 2.0; requires restart):Write-through (requires libtorrent >= 2.0.6)It controls the internal state update interval which in turn will affect UI updatesDisk IO read mode:Disable OS cacheDisk IO write mode:Use piece extent affinity:Max concurrent HTTP announces:Enable OS cacheRefresh interval:Physical memory (RAM) usage limit (applied if libtorrent >= 2.0):msExcluded file namesSupport internationalized domain name (IDN):Run external program on torrent finishedWhitelist for filtering HTTP Host header values.
In order to defend against DNS rebinding attack,
you should put in domain names used by WebUI server.
Use ';' to split multiple entries. Can use wildcard '*'.Run external program on torrent addedHTTPS certificate should not be emptySpecify reverse proxy IPs (or subnets, e.g. in order to use forwarded client address (X-Forwarded-For header). Use ';' to split multiple entries.HTTPS key should not be emptyRun external programFiles checkedEnable port forwarding for embedded tracker:If checked, hostname lookups are done via the proxy.Use proxy for hostname lookupMetadata receivedTorrent stop condition:NoneExample:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40PeerListWidgetIPIPPortPortsFlagsKarūgiConnectionSalaidums:Clienti.e.: Client applicationAplikacejaProgressi.e: % downloadedProgressDown Speedi.e: Download speedAtsasyuteišonas dreizumsUp Speedi.e: Upload speedNūsasyuteišonas dreizumsDownloadedi.e: total data downloadedAtsasyuteitiUploadedi.e: total data uploadedNūsasyuteitiRelevancei.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't.Kūplītuotuoja progressFilesi.e. files that are being downloaded right nowFailiBan peer permanentlyNūblokēt kūplītuotuojuAre you sure you want to permanently ban the selected peers?Copy IP:portPuorspīst IP i portuCountry/RegionVaļsteiba/ApgabaļsAdd peers...Peer ID ClientPropListDelegateNormalNormal (priority)NormaHighHigh (priority)AugstaMaximumMaximum (priority)PošaugstāMixedMaiseitsDo not downloadNaatsasyuteitPropTabBarGeneralVyscaureigiTrackersTrakeriPeersKūplītuotuojiHTTP SourcesHTTP olūtiContentSatvors:PropertiesWidgetDownloaded:Atsasyuteiti:TransferKūplītuošanas datiTime Active:Time (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)Aktivs jau:ETA:Palykušais syuteišonys laiks:Uploaded:Nūsasyuteiti:Seeds:Devieji:Download Speed:Atsasyuteišonas dreizums:Upload Speed:Nūsasyuteišonas dreizums:Peers:Jāmuoji:Download Limit:Atsasyuteišonas limits:Upload Limit:Nūsasyuteišonas limits:Wasted:Izsvīsti:Connections:Salaidumi:InformationInpormacejaComment:Komentars:Share Ratio:Kūplītuošonas reitings:Reannounce In:Kontakts ar trakeri piec:Last Seen Complete:Pādejū reizi kūplītuots:Total Size:Kūpeigais lelums:Pieces:Dalenis:Created By:Darynuots ar:Added On:Dalaists:Completed On:Dabeidza:Created On:Darynuots:Save Path:Izglobuošonas vīta:NeverNikod%1 x %2 (have %3)(torrent pieces) eg 152 x 4MB (have 25)%1 x %2 (atsasyuteiti %3)%1 (%2 this session)%1 (%2 itymā sesejā)%1 (%2 max)%1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 max)%1 (%2 maks.)%1 (%2 total)%1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 total)%1 (%2 kūpā)%1 (%2 avg.)%1 and %2 are speed rates, e.g. 200KiB/s (100KiB/s avg.)%1 (%2 videjais)Download limit:Atsasyuteišonas limits:Upload limit:Nūsasyuteišonas limits:PriorityPrioritetsFilter files...Meklēt failuos...Rename...Puorsaukt...%1 (seeded for %2)%1 (daleits %2)Info Hash v2:Maiseituojkods v2:Info Hash v1:Maiseituojkods v1:N/ANavā zynomsProgress:ProgressScanFoldersModelMonitored FolderOverride Save LocationMonitored folderDefault save locationNūklusiejuma izglobuošonys vītaOther...Cytuo...Type folder hereĪvoduot apvuociSpeedLimitDialogKiB/s KiB/sStatsDialogStatisticsStatistikaUser statisticsLītuotuoja statistikaCache statisticsVydatguoda statistikaRead cache hits:Average time in queue:Connected peers:Daliktie kūplītuotuoji:All-time share ratio:Kūpeigais kūplītuošonas reitings:All-time download:Kūpeigais atsasyuteišonas daudzums:Session waste:Izsvīsts itymā sesejā:All-time upload:Kūpeigais nūsasyuteišonas daudzums:Total buffer size:Kūpeigais bufera lelums:Performance statisticsDorbuotnuma statistikaQueued I/O jobs:I/O darbeibys rindā:Write cache overload:Read cache overload:Total queued size:Kūpeigais rindas lelums:StatusBarDHT: %1 nodesDHT: %1 serveriStatusFilterWidgetAll (0)this is for the status filterVysi (0)Downloading (0)Atsasyutē (0)Seeding (0)Nūsasyuta (0)Completed (0)Dabeigti (0)Resumed (0)Aizsuoktie (0)Paused (0)Nūstuodeiti (0)Active (0)Aktivi (0)Inactive (0)Naaktivi (0)Errored (0)Klaideigai (0)All (%1)Vysi (%1)Downloading (%1)Atsasyutē (%1)Seeding (%1)Nūsasyuta (%1)Completed (%1)Dabeigti (%1)Paused (%1)Nūstuodeiti (%1)Resumed (%1)Aizsuoktie (%1)Active (%1)Aktivi (%1)Inactive (%1)Naaktivi (%1)Errored (%1)Klaideigai (%1)Stalled Uploading (%1)Nūstuojūšuos Nūsasyuteišonas (%1)Stalled Downloading (%1)Nūstuojūšuos Atsasyuteišonas (%1)Stalled Downloading (0)Nūstuojūšuos Atsasyuteišonas (0)Stalled (0)Nūstuojūšīs (0)Stalled Uploading (0)Nūstuojūšuos Nūsasyuteišonas (0)Stalled (%1)Nūstuojūšīs (%1)Checking (%1)Puorbaud (%1)Checking (0)Puorbaud (0)TorrentContentModelTransferListModelNamei.e: torrent namePasaukaSizei.e: torrent sizeLelumsDone% DoneDabeigtiStatusTorrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused)StatussSeedsi.e. full sources (often untranslated)DeviejiPeersi.e. partial sources (often untranslated)JāmuojiDown Speedi.e: Download speedAtsasyuteišonas dreizumsUp Speedi.e: Upload speedNūsasyuteišonas dreizumsRatioShare ratioReitingsETAi.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time leftPalyk. syuteišonys laiksCategoryKategorejaTagsByrkasAdded OnTorrent was added to transfer list on 01/01/2010 08:00DalaistsCompleted OnTorrent was completed on 01/01/2010 08:00DabeidzaTrackerTrakersDown Limiti.e: Download limitAtsasyuteišonas limitsUp Limiti.e: Upload limitNūsasyuteišonas limitsDownloadedAmount of data downloaded (e.g. in MB)AtsasyuteitiUploadedAmount of data uploaded (e.g. in MB)NūsasyuteitiSession DownloadAmount of data downloaded since program open (e.g. in MB)Atsasyuteiti itymā sesejāSession UploadAmount of data uploaded since program open (e.g. in MB)Nūsasyuteiti itymā sesejāRemainingAmount of data left to download (e.g. in MB)PalicsTime ActiveTime (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)Aktivs jauSave pathTorrent save pathIzglobuošonas vītaCompletedAmount of data completed (e.g. in MB)DabeigtiRatio LimitUpload share ratio limitReitinga limitsLast Seen CompleteIndicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/wholePādejū reizi dabeigtsLast ActivityTime passed since a chunk was downloaded/uploadedPādejū reizi kūplītuotsTotal Sizei.e. Size including unwanted dataKūpeigais lelumsAvailabilityDaīmamumsTrackerListWidgetURLAdressStatusStatussPeersKūplītuotuojiMessageViestejumsTracker URL:Trakera adress:Updating...Atjaunynuojas...WorkingLobsDisabledAtslēgtsNot contacted yetVēļ navā salaistsN/ANavā atrastaSeedsDeviejiNot workingNalobsCopy tracker URLPuorspīst trakera adresiEdit tracker URL...Lobuot trakera adresi...Tracker editingTrakeru lobuošonaLeechesJāmuojiRemove trackerNūjimt trakeriRemainingPalicsAvailabilityDaīmamumsTierGrupaDownload PriorityAtsasyuteišonas prioritetsNamePasaukaProgressProgressTotal SizeTimes DownloadedAdd trackers...TrackersAdditionDialogList of trackers to add (one per line):Saroksts ar trakeriem kurus dalikt (pa vīnam katrā aiļā): Add trackersTransferListDelegate%1 agoe.g.: 1h 20m agopyrma %1PausedNūstuodeitsCompletedDabeidzaMovingPuorceļ[F] Seeding[P] NūsasyuteišonaSeedingNūsasyutaQueuedRindāErroredKlaideigai[F] Downloading[P] AtsasyuteišonaDownloading metadataAtsasyutē metadatusCheckingPuorbaudMissing FilesTryukst failiQueued for checkingRindā iz puorbaudDownloadingAtsasyutēChecking resume dataPuorbaud progresa datusStalledNūstuojīs%1 (seeded for %2)%1 (daleits %2)[F] Downloading metadata[P] Atsasyutē metadatusTransferListFiltersWidgetStatusStatussCategoriesKategorejasTagsByrkasTrackersTrakeriTransferListWidgetTorrent Download Speed LimitingTorrenta atsasyuteišonas dreizuma aprūbežuošonaTorrent Upload Speed LimitingTorrenta nūsasyuteišonas dreizuma aprūbežuošonaRenamePuorsauktResumeResume/start the torrentAizsuoktForce ResumeForce Resume/start the torrentDastateiga aizsuoksonaPausePause the torrentNūstateitLimit share ratio...Aprūbežuot kūplītuošonas reitingu...Limit upload rate...Aprūbežuot nūsasyuteišonas dreizumu...Limit download rate...Aprūbežuot atsasyuteišonas dreizumu...Move upi.e. move up in the queuePuorceļt augstuokMove downi.e. Move down in the queuePuorceļt zamuokMove to topi.e. Move to top of the queuePuorceļt saroksta viersāMove to bottomi.e. Move to bottom of the queuePuorceļt saroksta zamoškāSet location...Puormeit failu izglobuošonys vītu...Download first and last pieces firstPaprīšķu atsasyuteit pyrmuos i pādejuos dalenisAutomatic Torrent ManagementAutomatisks torrentu puorvaļdsCategoryKategorejaNew...New category...Jauna...ResetReset categoryAtstateitForce recheckDastateiga puorvēreSuper seeding modeSuper nūsasyuteišonas režimsRename...Puorsaukt...Download in sequential orderAtsasyuteit saksteiguo parādāNew CategoryJauna kategorejaLocationVītaNew nameJauna pasaukaSet locationPuormeit izglobuošonys vītuForce reannounceDastateigs kontaktsEdit CategoryLobuot kategorejuSave pathIzglobuošonas vītaComma-separated tags:Atdaleit byrkas ar komatu:Add TagsPīlikt byrkasTagsByrkasMagnet linkMagnetsaitaRemove AllNūjimt vysysNamePasaukaCopyPuorspīstQueueSarokstāAdd...Pīlikt byrku...Info hash 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The database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseAuthorsAutoriFrancePraņcejaqBittorrent MascotqBittorrent iconOptionDialogAll addressesVysas adresasAll IPv6 addressesVysas IPv6 adresasAll IPv4 addressesVysas IPv4 adresasSearchJobWidgetCopyPuorspīstDownloadAtsasyuteitNamePasaukaDescription page URLAprakstejuma teiklavītaOpen description pageAtdareit aprakstejuma teiklavītuDownload linkAtsasyuteišonys saitaTorrentContentTreeViewRenamingPuorsaukšonaNew name:Jauna pasauka:RSSWidgetDate: Data:Please choose a new name for this RSS feedPlease choose a folder nameLyudzu izalaseit apvuoča pasaukuNew feed name:Jauna kanala pasauka:Update allDeleteIztreitRSS Downloader...RSS atsasyuteituojsMark items readUpdate all feedsCopy feed URLPuorspīst kanāla adresiTorrents: (double-click to download)Open news URLAtkluot teiklavītuRename...Puorsaukt...Feed URL:Kanala adressNew folder...Jauns apvuocis...New subscriptionDalikt kanaluUpdateFolder name:Apvuoča pasauka:Please type a RSS feed URLLyudzu īvoduot RSS kanala adresiFetching of RSS feeds is disabled now! You can enable it in application settings.RSS laseituojs ir izslēgts! Jius tū varāt īslēgt programys īstatejumuos.Deletion confirmationApstyprynuot iztreišonuAre you sure you want to delete the selected RSS feeds?Voi drūši zini, ka gribi nūteireit izalaseituos RSS kanalus?New subscription...Dalikt kanalu...Download torrentAtsasyuteit torrentuAutomatedRssDownloaderDownload RulesAtsasyuteišonas fiļtrisMatching RSS ArticlesFiļtra dabuotie rezultati* to match zero or more of any characters will match all articles.Episode filter rules: Epizozu filtrys:Auto downloading of RSS torrents is disabled now! You can enable it in application settings.RSS automatiskais atsasyuteituojs ir izslēgts! Jius tū varāt īslēgt programys īstatejumuos.Rule DefinitionFiļtru koņfiguracejaSave to:Izglobuot ite:Use Regular ExpressionsLītuot Reguļaras izsaceibasNew rule nameJauna fiļtra pasaukaFilter must end with semicolonFiltri vajag dabeigt ar komatpunkti? to match any single characterMatches articles based on episode filter.Meklej rezultatus piec epizozu fiļtra.Assign Category:Daškiert kategoreju:Regex mode: use Perl-compatible regular expressions| is used as OR operatorClear downloaded episodesWhitespaces count as AND operators (all words, any order)An expression with an empty %1 clause (e.g. %2)Example: Pīvadums:Add new rule...Pīlikt jaunu fiļtri...Are you sure you want to clear the list of downloaded episodes for the selected rule?Must Contain:Īlikt:Infinite range: <b>1x25-;</b> matches episodes 25 and upward of season one, and all episodes of later seasonsParametris: <b>1x25-;</b> atlaseis vysas sezonas i epizodes, suokot ar 1. sezonas 25. epizodi.Save to a Different DirectoryIzglobuot cytā apvuocīMust Not Contain:Naīlikt:Single number: <b>1x25;</b> matches episode 25 of season oneParametris: <b>1x25;</b> atlaseis tik 1. sezonys 25. epizodiThree range types for episodes are supported: Filtrym lītojami 3 parametri:Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules?Use global settingsLītuot globaluos īstatejumusNormal range: <b>1x25-40;</b> matches episodes 25 through 40 of season oneParametris: <b>1x25-40;</b> atlaseis tik 1. sezonys epizodes, nū 25. leidz 40.Please type the new rule nameLyudzu Īvoduot jauna fiļtra pasaukuRule renamingFiļtra puorsaukšonaAlwaysVysodEpisode number is a mandatory positive valueEpizodys numurs navar byut negativs will match 2, 5, 8 through 15, 30 and onward episodes of season onefiltrys atlaseis 2., 5., nū 8. leidz 15., 30. i tuoluokās pirmous sezonys epizozes. Rule deletion confirmationApstyprynuot iztreišonuLast Match: %1 days agoPādejī rezultati: pyrms %1 dīnuEpisode Filter:Epizozu filtrys:Rss DownloaderRSS atsasyuteituojsSeason number is a mandatory non-zero valueSezonys numurs navar byut 0NeverNikodApply Rule to Feeds:Damāruot filtrys itim kanalim daysdīnuUse Smart Episode FilterLītuot Gudro epizozu fiļtryIf word order is important use * instead of whitespace.Add Paused:Dalikt nūstuodeitu:Please type the name of the new download rule.Lyudzu Īvoduot jauna fiļtra pasauku.Wildcard mode: you can use will exclude all articles.Delete ruleIztreit fiļtriIgnore Subsequent Matches for (0 to Disable)Izlaist fiļtra rezultatus uz (0 atslēgt)Rename rule...Puorsaukt fiļtriLast Match: UnknownPādejī rezultati: navClear downloaded episodes...Smart Episode Filter will check the episode number to prevent downloading of duplicates.
Supports the formats: S01E01, 1x1, 2017.12.31 and 31.12.2017 (Date formats also support - as a separator)Gudrais epizozu filtrys izraudzeis epizozu numerus, lai nūgrīztu divkuorteigu atsasyuteišonu.
Formats: S01E01, 1x1, 2017.12.31 i 31.12.2017 (Datam škiramsimbola "." vītā var lītuot arī "-")Torrent content layout:Torrenta satvora izlikaliejums:Create subfolderRadeit zamapvuociOriginalDon't create subfolderNaradeit zamapvuociTrackerFiltersListResume torrentsAizsuokt torrentusAll (%1)Vysi (%1)Trackerless (%1)Bez trakera (%1)Pause torrentsNūstuodeit torrentusRemove torrentsFeedListWidgetRSS feedsRSS kanaliUnread