AboutDlg About Par AddNewTorrentDialog Category: Kategoreja: Start torrent Suokt atsasyuteišonu Skip hash check Izlaist maiseituojkoda puorbaudi Torrent Management Mode: Torrenta puorvaļdis režims: Content layout: Satvora izlikaliejums: Original Create subfolder Radeit zamapvuoci Don't create subfolder Naradeit zamapvuoci Manual Rūkvaļde Automatic Automatiskuo Metadata received Files checked Stop condition: None CategoryFilterModel All Vysys Uncategorized Bez kategorejas CategoryFilterWidget Add category... Pīlikt kategoreju... Remove category Nūjimt kategoreju Remove unused categories Nūjimt nalītuotas kategorejas Resume torrents Aizsuokt torrentus Pause torrents Nūstuodeit torrentus New Category Jauna kategoreja Edit category... Lobuot kategoreju... Remove torrents HttpServer Exit qBittorrent Aiztaiseit qBittorrent Only one link per line Pa vīnai saitai katrā aiļā Global upload rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Golvonai kūpeigā nūsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežai juoir leluokai par 0 voi arī nūgrīztai. Global download rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Golvonai kūpeigā atsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežai juoir leluokai par 0 voi arī nūgrīztai. Alternative upload rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Aļternativai kūpeigā nūsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežai juoir leluokai par 0 voi arī nūgrīztai. Alternative download rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Aļternativai kūpeigā atsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežai juoir leluokai par 0 voi arī nūgrīztai. Maximum active downloads must be greater than -1. Kūpejam aktivuo atsasyuteišonas torrentu skaitam juoir leluokam par -1. Maximum active uploads must be greater than -1. Kūpejam aktivuo nūsasyuteišonas torrentu skaitam juoir leluokam par -1. Maximum active torrents must be greater than -1. Kūpejam aktivuo torrentu skaitam juoir leluokam par -1. Maximum number of connections limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Kūpejam salaidumu skaitam juoir leluokam par 0 voi nikaidam. Maximum number of connections per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Kūpejam salaidumu skaitam uz vīnu torrentu juoir leluokam par 0 voi nikaidam. Maximum number of upload slots per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Kūpejam nūsasyuteišonas slotu skaitam uz vīnu torrentu juoir leluokam par 0 voi nikaidam. Unable to save program preferences, qBittorrent is probably unreachable. Nāisadevās saglabuot īstatejumus, varams, ka qBittorrent navā dasnēdzuoms. Unknown Nazynoms Share ratio limit must be between 0 and 9998. Kūplītuošonas reitinga rūbēžai juoir nu 0 da 9998. Seeding time limit must be between 0 and 525600 minutes. Nūsasyuteišonas laika rūbēžai juoir nu 0 da 525600 mynotu. The port used for the Web UI must be between 1 and 65535. Portam priekš Tuolvaļdis panela (Web UI) juoir nu 1 da 65535. Unable to log in, qBittorrent is probably unreachable. Dasaslēgšuonās naīsadevās, varams, ka qBittorrent navā dasnēdzuoms. Invalid Username or Password. Napareizs slāgvuords voi paroļs Username Lītuotuojs Password Paroļs Login Dasaslāgt Apply Apstyprynuot Add Pīlikt Upload Torrents Upload torrent files to qBittorent using WebUI Dalikt torrentus Save files to location: Izglobuot failus ite: Cookie: Glabiņs: More information Vaira dazynuošonys Information about certificates Inpormaceja par sertifikatim Set location Puormeit failu izglobuošonys vītu Limit upload rate Aprūbežuot nūsasyuteišonas reitingu Limit download rate Aprūbežuot atsasyuteišonas reitingu Rename torrent Puorsaukt torrentu Monday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Pyrmūdīnem Tuesday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Ūtardīnem Wednesday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Trešdīnem Thursday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Catūrtdīnem Friday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Pīktdīnem Saturday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Sastdīnem Sunday Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ... Svātdīnem Logout Izīt Download Torrents from their URLs or Magnet links Atsasyuteit torrentus nū teiklavītuom voi Magnetsaitym Upload local torrent Dalikt torrentus Save Izglobuot qBittorrent client is not reachable qBittorrent navā dasnēdzuoms Global number of upload slots limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. Kūpejam nūsasyuteišonas slotu skaitam juoir leluokam par 0 voi nikaidam. Invalid category name:\nPlease do not use any special characters in the category name. Nadereiga kategorejas pasauka:\nLyudzu nalītuot specialuos simbolus. Unable to create category Nāisadevās radeit kategoreju Upload rate threshold must be greater than 0. Edit Lobuot Free space: %1 Breivas vītas: %1 Torrent inactivity timer must be greater than 0. Torrenta stibniešonys skaiteklim jauoir leluokam par 0. Saving Management Saglabuošonas puorvoļds Download rate threshold must be greater than 0. qBittorrent has been shutdown qBittorrent tika nūgrīzts Open documentation Skaiteit dokumentaceju Register to handle magnet links... Īgrīzt atspaidu magnetsaitym... Unable to add peers. Please ensure you are adhering to the IP:port format. Nāisadevās pīlikt kūplītuotuojus. Īsatycynīs, ka pareizi īvoduoji IP:ports. JavaScript Required! You must enable JavaScript for the Web UI to work properly Vajadzeigs JavaScript! Īgrīzt Javascript, lai Tuolvaļdis panelis (Web UI) dorbuotuos pareizi Name cannot be empty Pasauku navar pamest tukšu Name is unchanged Pasauka navā puormeita Failed to update name Puorsaukšona nāisadevās OK Lobi The port used for incoming connections must be between 0 and 65535. Portam priekš atīmūšim salaidumim juoir nu 0 leidz 65535. Original author Programmas radeituojs Are you sure you want to remove the selected torrents from the transfer list? MainWindow Edit Lobuot Tools Reiki File Fails Help Paleigs View Vierīņs Options... Nūstatejumi... Resume Aizsuokt Top Toolbar Viersejuo reikšveitra Status Bar Statusa jūsta Speed in Title Bar Dreizums pasaukys šveitrā Donate! Pazīduot! Resume All Aizsuokt vysys Statistics Statistika About Par Pause Nūstateit Pause All Nūstuodeit vysys Add Torrent File... Dalikt torrentu failus... Documentation Dokumentaceja Add Torrent Link... Dalikt torrentu saitys... Yes Nui No Global Upload Speed Limit Kūpeigā nūsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežs Global Download Speed Limit Kūpeigā atsasyuteišonas dreizuma rūbežs Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? Voi drūši zini, ka gribi nūgrīzt qBittorrent? [D: %1, U: %2] qBittorrent %3 D = Download; U = Upload; %3 is qBittorrent version [A: %1, N: %2] qBittorrent %3 Alternative speed limits Aļternativie dreizumi Search Engine Maklātivs Filter torrent list... Meklēt torrentu sarokstā... Search Maklātivs Transfers Torrenti Move up in the queue Puorceļt augstuok sarokstā Move Up Queue Puorceļt augstuok sarokstā Bottom of Queue Puorceļt saroksta zamoškā Move to the bottom of the queue Puorceļt saroksta zamoškā Top of Queue Puorceļt saroksta viersā Move Down Queue Puorceļt zamuok sarokstā Move down in the queue Puorceļt zamuok sarokstā Move to the top of the queue Puorceļt saroksta viersā Your browser does not support this feature To use this feature, the WebUI needs to be accessed over HTTPS Connection status: Firewalled Škārsteikla salaiduma statuss: Aiz guņsīnys Connection status: Connected Škārsteikla salaiduma statuss: Salaists Alternative speed limits: Off Aļternativie dreizumi: Nā Download speed icon Atsasyuteišonas dreizuma atvaigs Connection status Škārsteikla salaiduma statuss Alternative speed limits: On Aļternativie dreizumi: Nui Upload speed icon Nūsasyuteišonas dreizums atvaigs Connection status: Disconnected Škārsteikla salaiduma statuss: Navā salaists RSS Reader RSS laseituojs RSS RSS Filters Sidebar Cancel Remove Would you like to resume all torrents? Would you like to pause all torrents? OptionsDialog Options Nūstatejumi Downloads Atsasyuteišonas Connection Salaidums Speed Dreizums BitTorrent BitTorrent Web UI Tuolvaļde Language Volūda User Interface Language: Sadures volūda: Email notification upon download completion IP Filtering Schedule the use of alternative rate limits Īstateit laiku Aļternativuo kūpeiguo dreizumu lītuošonai Torrent Queueing Torrentu saroksts Automatically add these trackers to new downloads: Automatiski pīlikt šūs trakerus pi jaunīm torrentīm: Web User Interface (Remote control) Tuolvaļdis sadurs (Web UI) IP address: IP adress: Server domains: Servera domeni: Use HTTPS instead of HTTP HTTP vītā lītuot HTTPS Bypass authentication for clients on localhost Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets Update my dynamic domain name Atjaunynuot muna dinamiskuo domena pasauku Keep incomplete torrents in: Izglobuot nadabeigtuos torrentus ite: Copy .torrent files to: Radeit .torrent failu puorspīdumu ite: Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to: Radeit .torrent failu puorspīdumu dabeigtīm torrentīm ite: Pre-allocate disk space for all files Laiceigi puordrūsynuot vītu uz diska jaunīm failīm Append .!qB extension to incomplete files Dalikt .!qB golaini nadabeigtīm failīm Automatically add torrents from: SMTP server: SMTP servers: This server requires a secure connection (SSL) Authentication Username: Lītuotuojs: Password: Paroļs: TCP and μTP TCP i μTP Listening Port Port used for incoming connections: Ports priekš atīmūšim salaidumim: Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router Connections Limits Salaidumu skaita rūbežas Maximum number of connections per torrent: Salaidumu skaits uz vīnu torrentu: Global maximum number of connections: Kūpeigais salaidumu skaits: Maximum number of upload slots per torrent: Nūsasyuteišonas slotu skaits uz vīnu torrentu: Global maximum number of upload slots: Kūpeigais nūsasyuteišonas slotu skaits: Proxy Server Vidinīkservers Type: Lītuot: (None) (Nivīnu) SOCKS4 SOCKS4 SOCKS5 SOCKS5 HTTP HTTP Host: Saiminīks: Port: Ports: Use proxy for peer connections Lītuot vidinīkserveri kūplītuotuoju salaidumim Use proxy only for torrents Lītuot vidinīkserveri tikai torrentim Filter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b): Fiļtrys vīta (.dat, .p2p, .p2b): Manually banned IP addresses... Nūblokētās IP adresas... Apply to trackers Lītuot trakerym Global Rate Limits Golvonais kūpeigā dreizuma rūbežs Upload: Nūsasyuteišona: Download: Atsasyuteišona: Alternative Rate Limits Aļternativais kūpeigā dreizuma rūbežs From: from (time1 to time2) Nu: To: time1 to time2 Iz: When: Kod: Every day Kas dīnys Weekdays Dorbadīnās Weekends Nedeļgolās Rate Limits Settings Dreizuma rūbežs īstatejumi Apply rate limit to transport overhead Apply rate limit to µTP protocol Privacy Privatums Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers Īgrīzt DHT (nacentralizātū teiklu), lai atrastu vēļ vaira kūplītuotuoju Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers Īgrīzt Datu Meitu kūplītuotuoju vydā (PeX), lai atrastu vēļ vaira kūplītuotuoju Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers Īgrīzt Vītejuo kūplītuotuoju mekliešonu, lai atrastu vēļ vaira kūplītuotuoju Encryption mode: Require encryption Disable encryption Enable anonymous mode Īgrīzt anonimū režimu Maximum active downloads: Kūpegais aktivuo atsasyuteišonu skaits: Maximum active uploads: Kūpegais aktivuo nūsasyuteišonu skaits: Maximum active torrents: Kūpegais aktivuo torrentu skaits: Do not count slow torrents in these limits Najimt vārā lānuos torrentus then tod Use UPnP / NAT-PMP to forward the port from my router Certificate: Sertifikats: Key: Atslāgs: Register Registrētīs Domain name: Domena pasauka: Supported parameters (case sensitive): %N: Torrent name %N: Torrenta pasauka %L: Category %L: Kategoreja %F: Content path (same as root path for multifile torrent) %R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path) %D: Save path %D: Izglobuošonas vīta %C: Number of files %C: Failu skaits %Z: Torrent size (bytes) %Z: Torrenta lelums (baitos) %T: Current tracker %T: Niulejais trakeris Tip: Encapsulate parameter with quotation marks to avoid text being cut off at whitespace (e.g., "%N") The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. The Web UI password must be at least 6 characters long. minutes mynotu KiB/s KiB/s Enable clickjacking protection Īgrīzt apsardzeibu pret clickjacking Enable Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection Īgrīzt apsardzeibu pret Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Delete .torrent files afterwards Download rate threshold: Upload rate threshold: Change current password Puormeit niulejuo paroli Automatic Automatiskuo Use alternative Web UI Lītuot cytu tuolvaļdis paneļa saduri Default Save Path: Nūklusiejuma izglobuošonys vīta: The alternative Web UI files location cannot be blank. Do not start the download automatically Nasuokt atsasyuteišonu automatiski Switch torrent to Manual Mode When Torrent Category changed: Relocate affected torrents Apply rate limit to peers on LAN 0 means unlimited 0 nūzeimē naaprūbežuots Relocate torrent Puorceļt torrentu When Default Save Path changed: Enable Host header validation Security Drūsums When Category Save Path changed: seconds sekuņdes Switch affected torrents to Manual Mode Files location: Failu vīta: Manual Rūkvaļde Torrent inactivity timer: Torrenta stibniešonys skaiteklis: Default Torrent Management Mode: Nūklusiejuma Torrenta puorvaļdis režims: When adding a torrent Info: The password is saved unencrypted μTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm: Upload rate based %G: Tags (separated by comma) %G: Byrkas (atdaleitas ar komatu) Socket backlog size: Enable super seeding for torrent Īgrīzt super-nūsasyuteišonu Prefer TCP Dūt pyrmaileibu TCP Outstanding memory when checking torrents: Anti-leech When ratio reaches When seeding time reaches Allow multiple connections from the same IP address: Atļaut nazcik salaidumus nu vīnas IP adress: File pool size: Any interface Automatiski Always announce to all tiers: Vysod atjaunynuot datus ar vysim trakeriem vysuos grupās: Embedded tracker port: Īmontāta trakera ports: Fastest upload Dreižuokā nūsasyuteišona Pause torrent Nūstuodeit torrentu Remove torrent and its files Nūjimt torrentu i failus qBittorrent Section qBittorent izdola Send buffer watermark factor: libtorrent Section libtorrent izdola Outgoing ports (Min) [0: Disabled]: Izīmūšie porti (Min) [0: Nūgrīzts] Recheck torrents on completion: Atkuortuotai puorsavērt torrentus piec atsasyuteišonas dabeigšonas: Allow encryption Send upload piece suggestions: Enable embedded tracker: Īgrīzt īmontātuo trakeri: Remove torrent Nūjimt torrentu Outgoing ports (Max) [0: Disabled]: Izīmūšie porti (Max) [0: Nūgrīzts]: Asynchronous I/O threads: s s Send buffer watermark: Peer proportional (throttles TCP) Fixed slots Advanced Papyldvareibas min myn Upload choking algorithm: Seeding Limits Nūsasyuteišonas rūbežas KiB KiB Round-robin Upload slots behavior: MiB MiB Send buffer low watermark: Save resume data interval: Progresa datu izglobuošonas iņtervals: Always announce to all trackers in a tier: Vysod atjaunynuot datus ar vysim trakeriem grupā: Session timeout: Resolve peer countries: Ruodeit kūplītuotuoju vaļsteibas: ban for: nūlīgt dativi uz: Stop tracker timeout: Ban client after consecutive failures: Enable cookie Secure flag (requires HTTPS) Īgrīzt glabiņu Secure flag (vajadzeigs HTTPS) UPnP lease duration [0: Permanent lease]: Header: value pairs, one per line Add custom HTTP headers Filters: Fiļtri: Enable fetching RSS feeds Īgrīzt RSS laseituoju Hashing threads (requires libtorrent >= 2.0): Coalesce reads & writes (requires libtorrent < 2.0): Peer turnover threshold percentage: RSS Torrent Auto Downloader RSS Automatiskys torrentu atsasyuteituojs RSS RSS Network interface: Škārsteikla sadurs: RSS Reader RSS laseituojs Edit auto downloading rules... Labuot RSS Automatiskys atsasyuteišonys īstatejumus... Download REPACK/PROPER episodes Atsasyuteit REPACK/PROPER epizodes Feeds refresh interval: Īrokstu atsvīžeišonas iņtervals: Peer turnover disconnect percentage: Maximum number of articles per feed: Īrokstu skaits uz vīnu kanalu: min myn Peer turnover disconnect interval: Optional IP address to bind to: Dasaisteit papyldoma IP adresi: Disallow connection to peers on privileged ports: Enable auto downloading of RSS torrents Īgrīzt RSS Automatiskuo atsasyuteišonu RSS Smart Episode Filter RSS Gudrais epizozu fiļtrys Disk cache (requires libtorrent < 2.0): Cītdiska vydatguods (vajadzeigs libtorrent < 2.0): Disk cache expiry interval (requires libtorrent < 2.0): Cītdiska vydatguoda dereiguma iņtervals (vajadzeigs libtorrent < 2.0): Validate HTTPS tracker certificate: Peer connection protocol: Kūplītuotuoju salaidumu protokols: Torrent content layout: Torrenta satvora izlikaliejums: Create subfolder Radeit zamapvuoci Original Don't create subfolder Naradeit zamapvuoci Type of service (ToS) for connections to peers Outgoing connections per second: Random Navuošai %K: Torrent ID %K: Torrenta ID Reannounce to all trackers when IP or port changed: Trusted proxies list: Enable reverse proxy support %J: Info hash v2 %J: Maiseituojkods v2 %I: Info hash v1 %J: Maiseituojkods v1 IP address reported to trackers (requires restart): IP adress kū paviesteit trakeriem (vajadzeigs restarts): Set to 0 to let your system pick an unused port Server-side request forgery (SSRF) mitigation: Disk queue size: Log performance warnings Maximum outstanding requests to a single peer: Max active checking torrents: Memory mapped files Default POSIX-compliant This option is less effective on Linux Disk IO type (libtorrent >= 2.0; requires restart): Write-through (requires libtorrent >= 2.0.6) It controls the internal state update interval which in turn will affect UI updates Disk IO read mode: Disable OS cache Disk IO write mode: Use piece extent affinity: Max concurrent HTTP announces: Enable OS cache Refresh interval: Physical memory (RAM) usage limit (applied if libtorrent >= 2.0): ms Excluded file names Support internationalized domain name (IDN): Run external program on torrent finished Whitelist for filtering HTTP Host header values. In order to defend against DNS rebinding attack, you should put in domain names used by WebUI server. Use ';' to split multiple entries. Can use wildcard '*'. Run external program on torrent added HTTPS certificate should not be empty Specify reverse proxy IPs (or subnets, e.g. in order to use forwarded client address (X-Forwarded-For header). Use ';' to split multiple entries. HTTPS key should not be empty Run external program Files checked Enable port forwarding for embedded tracker: If checked, hostname lookups are done via the proxy. Use proxy for hostname lookup Metadata received Torrent stop condition: None Example:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40 PeerListWidget IP IP Port Ports Flags Karūgi Connection Salaidums: Client i.e.: Client application Aplikaceja Progress i.e: % downloaded Progress Down Speed i.e: Download speed Atsasyuteišonas dreizums Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Nūsasyuteišonas dreizums Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded Atsasyuteiti Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded Nūsasyuteiti Relevance i.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't. Kūplītuotuoja progress Files i.e. files that are being downloaded right now Faili Ban peer permanently Nūblokēt kūplītuotuoju Are you sure you want to permanently ban the selected peers? Copy IP:port Puorspīst IP i portu Country/Region Vaļsteiba/Apgabaļs Add peers... Peer ID Client PropListDelegate Normal Normal (priority) Norma High High (priority) Augsta Maximum Maximum (priority) Pošaugstā Mixed Maiseits Do not download Naatsasyuteit PropTabBar General Vyscaureigi Trackers Trakeri Peers Kūplītuotuoji HTTP Sources HTTP olūti Content Satvors: PropertiesWidget Downloaded: Atsasyuteiti: Transfer Kūplītuošanas dati Time Active: Time (duration) the torrent is active (not paused) Aktivs jau: ETA: Palykušais syuteišonys laiks: Uploaded: Nūsasyuteiti: Seeds: Devieji: Download Speed: Atsasyuteišonas dreizums: Upload Speed: Nūsasyuteišonas dreizums: Peers: Jāmuoji: Download Limit: Atsasyuteišonas limits: Upload Limit: Nūsasyuteišonas limits: Wasted: Izsvīsti: Connections: Salaidumi: Information Inpormaceja Comment: Komentars: Share Ratio: Kūplītuošonas reitings: Reannounce In: Kontakts ar trakeri piec: Last Seen Complete: Pādejū reizi kūplītuots: Total Size: Kūpeigais lelums: Pieces: Dalenis: Created By: Darynuots ar: Added On: Dalaists: Completed On: Dabeidza: Created On: Darynuots: Save Path: Izglobuošonas vīta: Never Nikod %1 x %2 (have %3) (torrent pieces) eg 152 x 4MB (have 25) %1 x %2 (atsasyuteiti %3) %1 (%2 this session) %1 (%2 itymā sesejā) %1 (%2 max) %1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 max) %1 (%2 maks.) %1 (%2 total) %1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 total) %1 (%2 kūpā) %1 (%2 avg.) %1 and %2 are speed rates, e.g. 200KiB/s (100KiB/s avg.) %1 (%2 videjais) Download limit: Atsasyuteišonas limits: Upload limit: Nūsasyuteišonas limits: Priority Prioritets Filter files... Meklēt failuos... Rename... Puorsaukt... %1 (seeded for %2) %1 (daleits %2) Info Hash v2: Maiseituojkods v2: Info Hash v1: Maiseituojkods v1: N/A Navā zynoms Progress: Progress ScanFoldersModel Monitored Folder Override Save Location Monitored folder Default save location Nūklusiejuma izglobuošonys vīta Other... Cytuo... Type folder here Īvoduot apvuoci SpeedLimitDialog KiB/s KiB/s StatsDialog Statistics Statistika User statistics Lītuotuoja statistika Cache statistics Vydatguoda statistika Read cache hits: Average time in queue: Connected peers: Daliktie kūplītuotuoji: All-time share ratio: Kūpeigais kūplītuošonas reitings: All-time download: Kūpeigais atsasyuteišonas daudzums: Session waste: Izsvīsts itymā sesejā: All-time upload: Kūpeigais nūsasyuteišonas daudzums: Total buffer size: Kūpeigais bufera lelums: Performance statistics Dorbuotnuma statistika Queued I/O jobs: I/O darbeibys rindā: Write cache overload: Read cache overload: Total queued size: Kūpeigais rindas lelums: StatusBar DHT: %1 nodes DHT: %1 serveri StatusFilterWidget All (0) this is for the status filter Vysi (0) Downloading (0) Atsasyutē (0) Seeding (0) Nūsasyuta (0) Completed (0) Dabeigti (0) Resumed (0) Aizsuoktie (0) Paused (0) Nūstuodeiti (0) Active (0) Aktivi (0) Inactive (0) Naaktivi (0) Errored (0) Klaideigai (0) All (%1) Vysi (%1) Downloading (%1) Atsasyutē (%1) Seeding (%1) Nūsasyuta (%1) Completed (%1) Dabeigti (%1) Paused (%1) Nūstuodeiti (%1) Resumed (%1) Aizsuoktie (%1) Active (%1) Aktivi (%1) Inactive (%1) Naaktivi (%1) Errored (%1) Klaideigai (%1) Stalled Uploading (%1) Nūstuojūšuos Nūsasyuteišonas (%1) Stalled Downloading (%1) Nūstuojūšuos Atsasyuteišonas (%1) Stalled Downloading (0) Nūstuojūšuos Atsasyuteišonas (0) Stalled (0) Nūstuojūšīs (0) Stalled Uploading (0) Nūstuojūšuos Nūsasyuteišonas (0) Stalled (%1) Nūstuojūšīs (%1) Checking (%1) Puorbaud (%1) Checking (0) Puorbaud (0) TorrentContentModel TransferListModel Name i.e: torrent name Pasauka Size i.e: torrent size Lelums Done % Done Dabeigti Status Torrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused) Statuss Seeds i.e. full sources (often untranslated) Devieji Peers i.e. partial sources (often untranslated) Jāmuoji Down Speed i.e: Download speed Atsasyuteišonas dreizums Up Speed i.e: Upload speed Nūsasyuteišonas dreizums Ratio Share ratio Reitings ETA i.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time left Palyk. syuteišonys laiks Category Kategoreja Tags Byrkas Added On Torrent was added to transfer list on 01/01/2010 08:00 Dalaists Completed On Torrent was completed on 01/01/2010 08:00 Dabeidza Tracker Trakers Down Limit i.e: Download limit Atsasyuteišonas limits Up Limit i.e: Upload limit Nūsasyuteišonas limits Downloaded Amount of data downloaded (e.g. in MB) Atsasyuteiti Uploaded Amount of data uploaded (e.g. in MB) Nūsasyuteiti Session Download Amount of data downloaded since program open (e.g. in MB) Atsasyuteiti itymā sesejā Session Upload Amount of data uploaded since program open (e.g. in MB) Nūsasyuteiti itymā sesejā Remaining Amount of data left to download (e.g. in MB) Palics Time Active Time (duration) the torrent is active (not paused) Aktivs jau Save path Torrent save path Izglobuošonas vīta Completed Amount of data completed (e.g. in MB) Dabeigti Ratio Limit Upload share ratio limit Reitinga limits Last Seen Complete Indicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/whole Pādejū reizi dabeigts Last Activity Time passed since a chunk was downloaded/uploaded Pādejū reizi kūplītuots Total Size i.e. Size including unwanted data Kūpeigais lelums Availability Daīmamums TrackerListWidget URL Adress Status Statuss Peers Kūplītuotuoji Message Viestejums Tracker URL: Trakera adress: Updating... Atjaunynuojas... Working Lobs Disabled Atslēgts Not contacted yet Vēļ navā salaists N/A Navā atrasta Seeds Devieji Not working Nalobs Copy tracker URL Puorspīst trakera adresi Edit tracker URL... Lobuot trakera adresi... Tracker editing Trakeru lobuošona Leeches Jāmuoji Remove tracker Nūjimt trakeri Remaining Palics Availability Daīmamums Tier Grupa Download Priority Atsasyuteišonas prioritets Name Pasauka Progress Progress Total Size Times Downloaded Add trackers... TrackersAdditionDialog List of trackers to add (one per line): Saroksts ar trakeriem kurus dalikt (pa vīnam katrā aiļā): Add trackers TransferListDelegate %1 ago e.g.: 1h 20m ago pyrma %1 Paused Nūstuodeits Completed Dabeidza Moving Puorceļ [F] Seeding [P] Nūsasyuteišona Seeding Nūsasyuta Queued Rindā Errored Klaideigai [F] Downloading [P] Atsasyuteišona Downloading metadata Atsasyutē metadatus Checking Puorbaud Missing Files Tryukst faili Queued for checking Rindā iz puorbaud Downloading Atsasyutē Checking resume data Puorbaud progresa datus Stalled Nūstuojīs %1 (seeded for %2) %1 (daleits %2) [F] Downloading metadata [P] Atsasyutē metadatus TransferListFiltersWidget Status Statuss Categories Kategorejas Tags Byrkas Trackers Trakeri TransferListWidget Torrent Download Speed Limiting Torrenta atsasyuteišonas dreizuma aprūbežuošona Torrent Upload Speed Limiting Torrenta nūsasyuteišonas dreizuma aprūbežuošona Rename Puorsaukt Resume Resume/start the torrent Aizsuokt Force Resume Force Resume/start the torrent Dastateiga aizsuoksona Pause Pause the torrent Nūstateit Limit share ratio... Aprūbežuot kūplītuošonas reitingu... Limit upload rate... Aprūbežuot nūsasyuteišonas dreizumu... Limit download rate... Aprūbežuot atsasyuteišonas dreizumu... Move up i.e. move up in the queue Puorceļt augstuok Move down i.e. Move down in the queue Puorceļt zamuok Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue Puorceļt saroksta viersā Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue Puorceļt saroksta zamoškā Set location... Puormeit failu izglobuošonys vītu... Download first and last pieces first Paprīšķu atsasyuteit pyrmuos i pādejuos dalenis Automatic Torrent Management Automatisks torrentu puorvaļds Category Kategoreja New... New category... Jauna... Reset Reset category Atstateit Force recheck Dastateiga puorvēre Super seeding mode Super nūsasyuteišonas režims Rename... Puorsaukt... Download in sequential order Atsasyuteit saksteiguo parādā New Category Jauna kategoreja Location Vīta New name Jauna pasauka Set location Puormeit izglobuošonys vītu Force reannounce Dastateigs kontakts Edit Category Lobuot kategoreju Save path Izglobuošonas vīta Comma-separated tags: Atdaleit byrkas ar komatu: Add Tags Pīlikt byrkas Tags Byrkas Magnet link Magnetsaita Remove All Nūjimt vysys Name Pasauka Copy Puorspīst Queue Sarokstā Add... Pīlikt byrku... Info hash v1 Maiseituojkods v1 Info hash v2 Maiseituojkods v2 Torrent ID Torrenta ID Export .torrent Remove UpDownRatioDialog Torrent Upload/Download Ratio Limiting Torrenta Nūsasyuteišonas/Atsasyuteišonas reitinga aprūbežuošona Use global share limit Lītuot globaluos īstatejumus Set no share limit Nav rūbežs Set share limit to Reitinga rūbežs ratio reitings minutes mynotu about confirmDeletionDlg Also permanently delete the files Remove torrent(s) downloadFromURL Download from URLs Atsasyuteit nu saita Download Atsasyuteit Add Torrent Links Dalikt torrentu saitys misc B bytes B KiB kibibytes (1024 bytes) KiB MiB mebibytes (1024 kibibytes) MiB GiB gibibytes (1024 mibibytes) GiB TiB tebibytes (1024 gibibytes) TiB PiB pebibytes (1024 tebibytes) PiB EiB exbibytes (1024 pebibytes) EiB /s per second /s %1h %2m e.g: 3hours 5minutes %1st %2m %1d %2h e.g: 2days 10hours %1d %2st Unknown Unknown (size) Nazynoms < 1m < 1 minute < 1m %1m e.g: 10minutes %1m %1y %2d %1g %2d TorrentsController Save path is empty Izglobuošonas vīta ir tukša PluginSourceDlg Cancel Atsaukt Plugin path: Dapylda vīta: URL or local directory Teiklavīta voi vīta datorī Install plugin Iņstalēt dapyldu Ok Apstyprynuot SearchEngineWidget Seeds: Devieji: All plugins Vysi dapyldi Size: Lelums: Stop Puortraukt Search Meklēt Search plugins... Maklātivu dapyldi... All categories Vysys kategorejas Search in: Meklēt: Filter Meklēt rezultatūs Torrent names only Tik torrentu pasaukuos Only enabled Īgrīztī dapyldi out of nu Everywhere Vysur Warning Viereibu Increase window width to display additional filters to leidz Results showing Click the "Search plugins..." button at the bottom right of the window to install some. There aren't any search plugins installed. PluginSelectDlg Uninstall Atiņstalēt Install new plugin Iņstalēt jaunu dapyldu You can get new search engine plugins here: Jaunus maklātiva dapyldus var dabuot ite: Close Aiztaiseit Installed search plugins: Iņstalēti dapyldi: Enabled Īgrīzts Warning: Be sure to comply with your country's copyright laws when downloading torrents from any of these search engines. Check for updates Meklēt atjaunynuojumus Search plugins Maklātivu dapyldi SearchResultsTable Name Pasauka Size Lelums Leechers Jāmuoji Search engine Maklātivs Seeders Devieji SearchPluginsTable Name Pasauka Url Teiklavīta Enabled Īgrīzts Version Verseja Yes Nui No PeersAdditionDialog Cancel Atsaukt Add Peers Dalikt kūplītuotuojus List of peers to add (one IP per line): Saroksts ar kūplītuotuojīm kurus dalikt (pa vīnam katrā aiļā): Ok Apstyprynuot Format: IPv4:port / [IPv6]:port Formats: IPv4:ports / [IPv6]:ports TagFilterWidget New Tag Jauna byrka Add tag... Pīlikt byrku... Tag: Byrka: Pause torrents Nūstuodeit torrentus Resume torrents Aizsuokt torrentus Remove unused tags Nūjimt nalītuotas byrkas Invalid tag name Nadereiga byrkas pasauka Remove tag Nūjimt byrku Remove torrents TagFilterModel All Vysys Untagged Bez byrkas AboutDialog Bug Tracker: Par klaidom: About Par Forum: Forums: E-mail: E-posts: Current maintainer Niulejais saiminīks Home Page: Sātyslopa: Greece Grekeja Special Thanks Cīši paļdis An advanced BitTorrent client programmed in C++, based on Qt toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar. Izraisteita BitTorrent aplikaceja programeta C++ volūdā iz Qt toolkit i libtorrent-rasterbar bazas. Name: Vuords: About qBittorrent Par qBittorrent License Liceņceja Translators Puorvārsuoji qBittorrent was built with the following libraries: qBittorrent tika sastateits lītojūt ituos bibliotekas Nationality: Piļsuoneiba: Software Used Programatura The free IP to Country Lite database by DB-IP is used for resolving the countries of peers. The database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Authors Autori France Praņceja qBittorrent Mascot qBittorrent icon OptionDialog All addresses Vysas adresas All IPv6 addresses Vysas IPv6 adresas All IPv4 addresses Vysas IPv4 adresas SearchJobWidget Copy Puorspīst Download Atsasyuteit Name Pasauka Description page URL Aprakstejuma teiklavīta Open description page Atdareit aprakstejuma teiklavītu Download link Atsasyuteišonys saita TorrentContentTreeView Renaming Puorsaukšona New name: Jauna pasauka: RSSWidget Date: Data: Please choose a new name for this RSS feed Please choose a folder name Lyudzu izalaseit apvuoča pasauku New feed name: Jauna kanala pasauka: Update all Delete Iztreit RSS Downloader... RSS atsasyuteituojs Mark items read Update all feeds Copy feed URL Puorspīst kanāla adresi Torrents: (double-click to download) Open news URL Atkluot teiklavītu Rename... Puorsaukt... Feed URL: Kanala adress New folder... Jauns apvuocis... New subscription Dalikt kanalu Update Folder name: Apvuoča pasauka: Please type a RSS feed URL Lyudzu īvoduot RSS kanala adresi Fetching of RSS feeds is disabled now! You can enable it in application settings. RSS laseituojs ir izslēgts! Jius tū varāt īslēgt programys īstatejumuos. Deletion confirmation Apstyprynuot iztreišonu Are you sure you want to delete the selected RSS feeds? Voi drūši zini, ka gribi nūteireit izalaseituos RSS kanalus? New subscription... Dalikt kanalu... Download torrent Atsasyuteit torrentu AutomatedRssDownloader Download Rules Atsasyuteišonas fiļtris Matching RSS Articles Fiļtra dabuotie rezultati * to match zero or more of any characters will match all articles. Episode filter rules: Epizozu filtrys: Auto downloading of RSS torrents is disabled now! You can enable it in application settings. RSS automatiskais atsasyuteituojs ir izslēgts! Jius tū varāt īslēgt programys īstatejumuos. Rule Definition Fiļtru koņfiguraceja Save to: Izglobuot ite: Use Regular Expressions Lītuot Reguļaras izsaceibas New rule name Jauna fiļtra pasauka Filter must end with semicolon Filtri vajag dabeigt ar komatpunkti ? to match any single character Matches articles based on episode filter. Meklej rezultatus piec epizozu fiļtra. Assign Category: Daškiert kategoreju: Regex mode: use Perl-compatible regular expressions | is used as OR operator Clear downloaded episodes Whitespaces count as AND operators (all words, any order) An expression with an empty %1 clause (e.g. %2) Example: Pīvadums: Add new rule... Pīlikt jaunu fiļtri... Are you sure you want to clear the list of downloaded episodes for the selected rule? Must Contain: Īlikt: Infinite range: <b>1x25-;</b> matches episodes 25 and upward of season one, and all episodes of later seasons Parametris: <b>1x25-;</b> atlaseis vysas sezonas i epizodes, suokot ar 1. sezonas 25. epizodi. Save to a Different Directory Izglobuot cytā apvuocī Must Not Contain: Naīlikt: Single number: <b>1x25;</b> matches episode 25 of season one Parametris: <b>1x25;</b> atlaseis tik 1. sezonys 25. epizodi Three range types for episodes are supported: Filtrym lītojami 3 parametri: Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules? Use global settings Lītuot globaluos īstatejumus Normal range: <b>1x25-40;</b> matches episodes 25 through 40 of season one Parametris: <b>1x25-40;</b> atlaseis tik 1. sezonys epizodes, nū 25. leidz 40. Please type the new rule name Lyudzu Īvoduot jauna fiļtra pasauku Rule renaming Fiļtra puorsaukšona Always Vysod Episode number is a mandatory positive value Epizodys numurs navar byut negativs will match 2, 5, 8 through 15, 30 and onward episodes of season one filtrys atlaseis 2., 5., nū 8. leidz 15., 30. i tuoluokās pirmous sezonys epizozes. Rule deletion confirmation Apstyprynuot iztreišonu Last Match: %1 days ago Pādejī rezultati: pyrms %1 dīnu Episode Filter: Epizozu filtrys: Rss Downloader RSS atsasyuteituojs Season number is a mandatory non-zero value Sezonys numurs navar byut 0 Never Nikod Apply Rule to Feeds: Damāruot filtrys itim kanalim days dīnu Use Smart Episode Filter Lītuot Gudro epizozu fiļtry If word order is important use * instead of whitespace. Add Paused: Dalikt nūstuodeitu: Please type the name of the new download rule. Lyudzu Īvoduot jauna fiļtra pasauku. Wildcard mode: you can use will exclude all articles. Delete rule Iztreit fiļtri Ignore Subsequent Matches for (0 to Disable) Izlaist fiļtra rezultatus uz (0 atslēgt) Rename rule... Puorsaukt fiļtri Last Match: Unknown Pādejī rezultati: nav Clear downloaded episodes... Smart Episode Filter will check the episode number to prevent downloading of duplicates. Supports the formats: S01E01, 1x1, 2017.12.31 and 31.12.2017 (Date formats also support - as a separator) Gudrais epizozu filtrys izraudzeis epizozu numerus, lai nūgrīztu divkuorteigu atsasyuteišonu. Formats: S01E01, 1x1, 2017.12.31 i 31.12.2017 (Datam škiramsimbola "." vītā var lītuot arī "-") Torrent content layout: Torrenta satvora izlikaliejums: Create subfolder Radeit zamapvuoci Original Don't create subfolder Naradeit zamapvuoci TrackerFiltersList Resume torrents Aizsuokt torrentus All (%1) Vysi (%1) Trackerless (%1) Bez trakera (%1) Pause torrents Nūstuodeit torrentus Remove torrents FeedListWidget RSS feeds RSS kanali Unread