2020-06-23 02:32:07 +02:00
using Gtk ;
using LibHac ;
using LibHac.Common ;
using LibHac.FsSystem.NcaUtils ;
using LibHac.Fs ;
using LibHac.FsSystem ;
using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration ;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging ;
using Ryujinx.HLE.FileSystem ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Text ;
using GUI = Gtk . Builder . ObjectAttribute ;
using JsonHelper = Ryujinx . Common . Utilities . JsonHelper ;
namespace Ryujinx.Ui
public class DlcWindow : Window
private readonly VirtualFileSystem _virtualFileSystem ;
private readonly string _titleId ;
private readonly string _dlcJsonPath ;
private readonly List < DlcContainer > _dlcContainerList ;
#pragma warning disable CS0649 , IDE0044
[GUI] Label _baseTitleInfoLabel ;
[GUI] TreeView _dlcTreeView ;
[GUI] TreeSelection _dlcTreeSelection ;
#pragma warning restore CS0649 , IDE0044
public DlcWindow ( string titleId , string titleName , VirtualFileSystem virtualFileSystem ) : this ( new Builder ( "Ryujinx.Ui.DlcWindow.glade" ) , titleId , titleName , virtualFileSystem ) { }
private DlcWindow ( Builder builder , string titleId , string titleName , VirtualFileSystem virtualFileSystem ) : base ( builder . GetObject ( "_dlcWindow" ) . Handle )
builder . Autoconnect ( this ) ;
_titleId = titleId ;
_virtualFileSystem = virtualFileSystem ;
_dlcJsonPath = System . IO . Path . Combine ( virtualFileSystem . GetBasePath ( ) , "games" , _titleId , "dlc.json" ) ;
_baseTitleInfoLabel . Text = $"DLC Available for {titleName} [{titleId.ToUpper()}]" ;
_dlcContainerList = JsonHelper . DeserializeFromFile < List < DlcContainer > > ( _dlcJsonPath ) ;
_dlcContainerList = new List < DlcContainer > ( ) ;
_dlcTreeView . Model = new TreeStore (
typeof ( bool ) ,
typeof ( string ) ,
typeof ( string ) ) ;
CellRendererToggle enableToggle = new CellRendererToggle ( ) ;
enableToggle . Toggled + = ( sender , args ) = >
_dlcTreeView . Model . GetIter ( out TreeIter treeIter , new TreePath ( args . Path ) ) ;
bool newValue = ! ( bool ) _dlcTreeView . Model . GetValue ( treeIter , 0 ) ;
_dlcTreeView . Model . SetValue ( treeIter , 0 , newValue ) ;
if ( _dlcTreeView . Model . IterChildren ( out TreeIter childIter , treeIter ) )
_dlcTreeView . Model . SetValue ( childIter , 0 , newValue ) ;
while ( _dlcTreeView . Model . IterNext ( ref childIter ) ) ;
} ;
_dlcTreeView . AppendColumn ( "Enabled" , enableToggle , "active" , 0 ) ;
_dlcTreeView . AppendColumn ( "TitleId" , new CellRendererText ( ) , "text" , 1 ) ;
_dlcTreeView . AppendColumn ( "Path" , new CellRendererText ( ) , "text" , 2 ) ;
foreach ( DlcContainer dlcContainer in _dlcContainerList )
TreeIter parentIter = ( ( TreeStore ) _dlcTreeView . Model ) . AppendValues ( false , "" , dlcContainer . Path ) ;
using FileStream containerFile = File . OpenRead ( dlcContainer . Path ) ;
PartitionFileSystem pfs = new PartitionFileSystem ( containerFile . AsStorage ( ) ) ;
_virtualFileSystem . ImportTickets ( pfs ) ;
foreach ( DlcNca dlcNca in dlcContainer . DlcNcaList )
pfs . OpenFile ( out IFile ncaFile , dlcNca . Path . ToU8Span ( ) , OpenMode . Read ) . ThrowIfFailure ( ) ;
Nca nca = TryCreateNca ( ncaFile . AsStorage ( ) , dlcContainer . Path ) ;
if ( nca ! = null )
( ( TreeStore ) _dlcTreeView . Model ) . AppendValues ( parentIter , dlcNca . Enabled , nca . Header . TitleId . ToString ( "X16" ) , dlcNca . Path ) ;
private Nca TryCreateNca ( IStorage ncaStorage , string containerPath )
return new Nca ( _virtualFileSystem . KeySet , ncaStorage ) ;
catch ( InvalidDataException exception )
2020-08-04 01:32:53 +02:00
Logger . Error ? . Print ( LogClass . Application , $"{exception.Message}. Errored File: {containerPath}" ) ;
2020-06-23 02:32:07 +02:00
GtkDialog . CreateInfoDialog ( "Ryujinx - Error" , "Add DLC Failed!" , "The NCA header content type check has failed. This is usually because the header key is incorrect or missing." ) ;
catch ( MissingKeyException exception )
2020-08-04 01:32:53 +02:00
Logger . Error ? . Print ( LogClass . Application , $"Your key set is missing a key with the name: {exception.Name}. Errored File: {containerPath}" ) ;
2020-06-23 02:32:07 +02:00
GtkDialog . CreateInfoDialog ( "Ryujinx - Error" , "Add DLC Failed!" , $"Your key set is missing a key with the name: {exception.Name}" ) ;
return null ;
private void AddButton_Clicked ( object sender , EventArgs args )
FileChooserDialog fileChooser = new FileChooserDialog ( "Select DLC files" , this , FileChooserAction . Open , "Cancel" , ResponseType . Cancel , "Add" , ResponseType . Accept )
SelectMultiple = true ,
Filter = new FileFilter ( )
} ;
fileChooser . SetPosition ( WindowPosition . Center ) ;
fileChooser . Filter . AddPattern ( "*.nsp" ) ;
if ( fileChooser . Run ( ) = = ( int ) ResponseType . Accept )
foreach ( string containerPath in fileChooser . Filenames )
if ( ! File . Exists ( containerPath ) )
return ;
using ( FileStream containerFile = File . OpenRead ( containerPath ) )
PartitionFileSystem pfs = new PartitionFileSystem ( containerFile . AsStorage ( ) ) ;
bool containsDlc = false ;
_virtualFileSystem . ImportTickets ( pfs ) ;
TreeIter ? parentIter = null ;
foreach ( DirectoryEntryEx fileEntry in pfs . EnumerateEntries ( "/" , "*.nca" ) )
pfs . OpenFile ( out IFile ncaFile , fileEntry . FullPath . ToU8Span ( ) , OpenMode . Read ) . ThrowIfFailure ( ) ;
Nca nca = TryCreateNca ( ncaFile . AsStorage ( ) , containerPath ) ;
if ( nca = = null ) continue ;
if ( nca . Header . ContentType = = NcaContentType . PublicData )
if ( ( nca . Header . TitleId & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFE000 ) . ToString ( "x16" ) ! = _titleId )
break ;
parentIter ? ? = ( ( TreeStore ) _dlcTreeView . Model ) . AppendValues ( true , "" , containerPath ) ;
( ( TreeStore ) _dlcTreeView . Model ) . AppendValues ( parentIter . Value , true , nca . Header . TitleId . ToString ( "X16" ) , fileEntry . FullPath ) ;
containsDlc = true ;
if ( ! containsDlc )
GtkDialog . CreateErrorDialog ( "The specified file does not contain a DLC for the selected title!" ) ;
fileChooser . Dispose ( ) ;
private void RemoveButton_Clicked ( object sender , EventArgs args )
if ( _dlcTreeSelection . GetSelected ( out ITreeModel treeModel , out TreeIter treeIter ) )
if ( _dlcTreeView . Model . IterParent ( out TreeIter parentIter , treeIter ) & & _dlcTreeView . Model . IterNChildren ( parentIter ) < = 1 )
( ( TreeStore ) treeModel ) . Remove ( ref parentIter ) ;
( ( TreeStore ) treeModel ) . Remove ( ref treeIter ) ;
private void SaveButton_Clicked ( object sender , EventArgs args )
_dlcContainerList . Clear ( ) ;
if ( _dlcTreeView . Model . GetIterFirst ( out TreeIter parentIter ) )
if ( _dlcTreeView . Model . IterChildren ( out TreeIter childIter , parentIter ) )
DlcContainer dlcContainer = new DlcContainer
Path = ( string ) _dlcTreeView . Model . GetValue ( parentIter , 2 ) ,
DlcNcaList = new List < DlcNca > ( )
} ;
dlcContainer . DlcNcaList . Add ( new DlcNca
Enabled = ( bool ) _dlcTreeView . Model . GetValue ( childIter , 0 ) ,
TitleId = Convert . ToUInt64 ( _dlcTreeView . Model . GetValue ( childIter , 1 ) . ToString ( ) , 16 ) ,
Path = ( string ) _dlcTreeView . Model . GetValue ( childIter , 2 )
} ) ;
while ( _dlcTreeView . Model . IterNext ( ref childIter ) ) ;
_dlcContainerList . Add ( dlcContainer ) ;
while ( _dlcTreeView . Model . IterNext ( ref parentIter ) ) ;
using ( FileStream dlcJsonStream = File . Create ( _dlcJsonPath , 4096 , FileOptions . WriteThrough ) )
dlcJsonStream . Write ( Encoding . UTF8 . GetBytes ( JsonHelper . Serialize ( _dlcContainerList , true ) ) ) ;
Dispose ( ) ;
private void CancelButton_Clicked ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Dispose ( ) ;