2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
using Gtk ;
2020-07-04 00:16:49 +01:00
using Ryujinx.Audio ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
using Ryujinx.Configuration ;
2020-07-04 00:16:49 +01:00
using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration.Hid ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
using Ryujinx.Configuration.System ;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Time.TimeZone ;
using Ryujinx.HLE.FileSystem ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Reflection ;
2020-07-21 04:33:23 +01:00
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
2020-07-04 00:16:49 +01:00
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
using GUI = Gtk . Builder . ObjectAttribute ;
namespace Ryujinx.Ui
public class SettingsWindow : Window
private static ListStore _gameDirsBoxStore ;
private static VirtualFileSystem _virtualFileSystem ;
private long _systemTimeOffset ;
#pragma warning disable CS0649 , IDE0044
[GUI] CheckButton _errorLogToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _warningLogToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _infoLogToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _stubLogToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _debugLogToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _fileLogToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _guestLogToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _fsAccessLogToggle ;
[GUI] Adjustment _fsLogSpinAdjustment ;
[GUI] CheckButton _dockedModeToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _discordToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _vSyncToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _multiSchedToggle ;
2020-06-16 20:28:02 +02:00
[GUI] CheckButton _ptcToggle ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
[GUI] CheckButton _fsicToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _ignoreToggle ;
[GUI] CheckButton _directKeyboardAccess ;
[GUI] ComboBoxText _systemLanguageSelect ;
[GUI] ComboBoxText _systemRegionSelect ;
[GUI] ComboBoxText _systemTimeZoneSelect ;
2020-07-04 00:16:49 +01:00
[GUI] ComboBoxText _audioBackendSelect ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
[GUI] SpinButton _systemTimeYearSpin ;
[GUI] SpinButton _systemTimeMonthSpin ;
[GUI] SpinButton _systemTimeDaySpin ;
[GUI] SpinButton _systemTimeHourSpin ;
[GUI] SpinButton _systemTimeMinuteSpin ;
[GUI] Adjustment _systemTimeYearSpinAdjustment ;
[GUI] Adjustment _systemTimeMonthSpinAdjustment ;
[GUI] Adjustment _systemTimeDaySpinAdjustment ;
[GUI] Adjustment _systemTimeHourSpinAdjustment ;
[GUI] Adjustment _systemTimeMinuteSpinAdjustment ;
[GUI] CheckButton _custThemeToggle ;
[GUI] Entry _custThemePath ;
[GUI] ToggleButton _browseThemePath ;
[GUI] Label _custThemePathLabel ;
[GUI] TreeView _gameDirsBox ;
[GUI] Entry _addGameDirBox ;
[GUI] Entry _graphicsShadersDumpPath ;
[GUI] ComboBoxText _anisotropy ;
2020-07-07 03:41:07 +01:00
[GUI] ComboBoxText _resScaleCombo ;
[GUI] Entry _resScaleText ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
[GUI] ToggleButton _configureController1 ;
[GUI] ToggleButton _configureController2 ;
[GUI] ToggleButton _configureController3 ;
[GUI] ToggleButton _configureController4 ;
[GUI] ToggleButton _configureController5 ;
[GUI] ToggleButton _configureController6 ;
[GUI] ToggleButton _configureController7 ;
[GUI] ToggleButton _configureController8 ;
[GUI] ToggleButton _configureControllerH ;
#pragma warning restore CS0649 , IDE0044
public SettingsWindow ( VirtualFileSystem virtualFileSystem , HLE . FileSystem . Content . ContentManager contentManager ) : this ( new Builder ( "Ryujinx.Ui.SettingsWindow.glade" ) , virtualFileSystem , contentManager ) { }
private SettingsWindow ( Builder builder , VirtualFileSystem virtualFileSystem , HLE . FileSystem . Content . ContentManager contentManager ) : base ( builder . GetObject ( "_settingsWin" ) . Handle )
builder . Autoconnect ( this ) ;
this . Icon = new Gdk . Pixbuf ( Assembly . GetExecutingAssembly ( ) , "Ryujinx.Ui.assets.Icon.png" ) ;
_virtualFileSystem = virtualFileSystem ;
//Bind Events
_configureController1 . Pressed + = ( sender , args ) = > ConfigureController_Pressed ( sender , args , PlayerIndex . Player1 ) ;
_configureController2 . Pressed + = ( sender , args ) = > ConfigureController_Pressed ( sender , args , PlayerIndex . Player2 ) ;
_configureController3 . Pressed + = ( sender , args ) = > ConfigureController_Pressed ( sender , args , PlayerIndex . Player3 ) ;
_configureController4 . Pressed + = ( sender , args ) = > ConfigureController_Pressed ( sender , args , PlayerIndex . Player4 ) ;
_configureController5 . Pressed + = ( sender , args ) = > ConfigureController_Pressed ( sender , args , PlayerIndex . Player5 ) ;
_configureController6 . Pressed + = ( sender , args ) = > ConfigureController_Pressed ( sender , args , PlayerIndex . Player6 ) ;
_configureController7 . Pressed + = ( sender , args ) = > ConfigureController_Pressed ( sender , args , PlayerIndex . Player7 ) ;
_configureController8 . Pressed + = ( sender , args ) = > ConfigureController_Pressed ( sender , args , PlayerIndex . Player8 ) ;
_configureControllerH . Pressed + = ( sender , args ) = > ConfigureController_Pressed ( sender , args , PlayerIndex . Handheld ) ;
2020-07-07 03:41:07 +01:00
_resScaleCombo . Changed + = ( sender , args ) = > _resScaleText . Visible = _resScaleCombo . ActiveId = = "-1" ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
//Setup Currents
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableFileLog )
_fileLogToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableError )
_errorLogToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableWarn )
_warningLogToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableInfo )
_infoLogToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableStub )
_stubLogToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableDebug )
_debugLogToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableGuest )
_guestLogToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableFsAccessLog )
_fsAccessLogToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . System . EnableDockedMode )
_dockedModeToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . EnableDiscordIntegration )
_discordToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . EnableVsync )
_vSyncToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . System . EnableMulticoreScheduling )
_multiSchedToggle . Click ( ) ;
2020-06-16 20:28:02 +02:00
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . System . EnablePtc )
_ptcToggle . Click ( ) ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . System . EnableFsIntegrityChecks )
_fsicToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . System . IgnoreMissingServices )
_ignoreToggle . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Hid . EnableKeyboard )
_directKeyboardAccess . Click ( ) ;
if ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Ui . EnableCustomTheme )
_custThemeToggle . Click ( ) ;
TimeZoneContentManager timeZoneContentManager = new TimeZoneContentManager ( ) ;
timeZoneContentManager . InitializeInstance ( virtualFileSystem , contentManager , LibHac . FsSystem . IntegrityCheckLevel . None ) ;
List < string > locationNames = timeZoneContentManager . LocationNameCache . ToList ( ) ;
locationNames . Sort ( ) ;
foreach ( string locationName in locationNames )
_systemTimeZoneSelect . Append ( locationName , locationName ) ;
2020-07-21 04:33:23 +01:00
Task . Run ( ( ) = >
if ( SoundIoAudioOut . IsSupported )
Application . Invoke ( delegate
_audioBackendSelect . Append ( AudioBackend . SoundIo . ToString ( ) , "SoundIO" ) ;
} ) ;
if ( OpenALAudioOut . IsSupported )
Application . Invoke ( delegate
_audioBackendSelect . Append ( AudioBackend . OpenAl . ToString ( ) , "OpenAL" ) ;
} ) ;
Application . Invoke ( delegate
_audioBackendSelect . SetActiveId ( ConfigurationState . Instance . System . AudioBackend . Value . ToString ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-04 00:16:49 +01:00
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
_systemLanguageSelect . SetActiveId ( ConfigurationState . Instance . System . Language . Value . ToString ( ) ) ;
_systemRegionSelect . SetActiveId ( ConfigurationState . Instance . System . Region . Value . ToString ( ) ) ;
_systemTimeZoneSelect . SetActiveId ( timeZoneContentManager . SanityCheckDeviceLocationName ( ) ) ;
2020-07-07 03:41:07 +01:00
_resScaleCombo . SetActiveId ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . ResScale . Value . ToString ( ) ) ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
_anisotropy . SetActiveId ( ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . MaxAnisotropy . Value . ToString ( ) ) ;
_custThemePath . Buffer . Text = ConfigurationState . Instance . Ui . CustomThemePath ;
2020-07-07 03:41:07 +01:00
_resScaleText . Buffer . Text = ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . ResScaleCustom . Value . ToString ( ) ;
_resScaleText . Visible = _resScaleCombo . ActiveId = = "-1" ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
_graphicsShadersDumpPath . Buffer . Text = ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . ShadersDumpPath ;
_fsLogSpinAdjustment . Value = ConfigurationState . Instance . System . FsGlobalAccessLogMode ;
_systemTimeOffset = ConfigurationState . Instance . System . SystemTimeOffset ;
_gameDirsBox . AppendColumn ( "" , new CellRendererText ( ) , "text" , 0 ) ;
_gameDirsBoxStore = new ListStore ( typeof ( string ) ) ;
_gameDirsBox . Model = _gameDirsBoxStore ;
foreach ( string gameDir in ConfigurationState . Instance . Ui . GameDirs . Value )
_gameDirsBoxStore . AppendValues ( gameDir ) ;
if ( _custThemeToggle . Active = = false )
_custThemePath . Sensitive = false ;
_custThemePathLabel . Sensitive = false ;
_browseThemePath . Sensitive = false ;
//Setup system time spinners
UpdateSystemTimeSpinners ( ) ;
private void UpdateSystemTimeSpinners ( )
//Bind system time events
_systemTimeYearSpin . ValueChanged - = SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ;
_systemTimeMonthSpin . ValueChanged - = SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ;
_systemTimeDaySpin . ValueChanged - = SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ;
_systemTimeHourSpin . ValueChanged - = SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ;
_systemTimeMinuteSpin . ValueChanged - = SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ;
//Apply actual system time + SystemTimeOffset to system time spin buttons
DateTime systemTime = DateTime . Now . AddSeconds ( _systemTimeOffset ) ;
_systemTimeYearSpinAdjustment . Value = systemTime . Year ;
_systemTimeMonthSpinAdjustment . Value = systemTime . Month ;
_systemTimeDaySpinAdjustment . Value = systemTime . Day ;
_systemTimeHourSpinAdjustment . Value = systemTime . Hour ;
_systemTimeMinuteSpinAdjustment . Value = systemTime . Minute ;
//Format spin buttons text to include leading zeros
_systemTimeYearSpin . Text = systemTime . Year . ToString ( "0000" ) ;
_systemTimeMonthSpin . Text = systemTime . Month . ToString ( "00" ) ;
_systemTimeDaySpin . Text = systemTime . Day . ToString ( "00" ) ;
_systemTimeHourSpin . Text = systemTime . Hour . ToString ( "00" ) ;
_systemTimeMinuteSpin . Text = systemTime . Minute . ToString ( "00" ) ;
//Bind system time events
_systemTimeYearSpin . ValueChanged + = SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ;
_systemTimeMonthSpin . ValueChanged + = SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ;
_systemTimeDaySpin . ValueChanged + = SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ;
_systemTimeHourSpin . ValueChanged + = SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ;
_systemTimeMinuteSpin . ValueChanged + = SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ;
private void SystemTimeSpin_ValueChanged ( Object sender , EventArgs e )
int year = _systemTimeYearSpin . ValueAsInt ;
int month = _systemTimeMonthSpin . ValueAsInt ;
int day = _systemTimeDaySpin . ValueAsInt ;
int hour = _systemTimeHourSpin . ValueAsInt ;
int minute = _systemTimeMinuteSpin . ValueAsInt ;
if ( ! DateTime . TryParse ( year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute , out DateTime newTime ) )
UpdateSystemTimeSpinners ( ) ;
return ;
newTime = newTime . AddSeconds ( DateTime . Now . Second ) . AddMilliseconds ( DateTime . Now . Millisecond ) ;
long systemTimeOffset = ( long ) Math . Ceiling ( ( newTime - DateTime . Now ) . TotalMinutes ) * 60L ;
if ( _systemTimeOffset ! = systemTimeOffset )
_systemTimeOffset = systemTimeOffset ;
UpdateSystemTimeSpinners ( ) ;
private void AddDir_Pressed ( object sender , EventArgs args )
if ( Directory . Exists ( _addGameDirBox . Buffer . Text ) )
_gameDirsBoxStore . AppendValues ( _addGameDirBox . Buffer . Text ) ;
2020-07-04 00:57:03 +02:00
FileChooserDialog fileChooser = new FileChooserDialog ( "Choose the game directory to add to the list" , this , FileChooserAction . SelectFolder , "Cancel" , ResponseType . Cancel , "Add" , ResponseType . Accept )
SelectMultiple = true
} ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
if ( fileChooser . Run ( ) = = ( int ) ResponseType . Accept )
2020-07-04 00:57:03 +02:00
foreach ( string directory in fileChooser . Filenames )
bool directoryAdded = false ;
if ( _gameDirsBoxStore . GetIterFirst ( out TreeIter treeIter ) )
if ( directory . Equals ( ( string ) _gameDirsBoxStore . GetValue ( treeIter , 0 ) ) )
directoryAdded = true ;
break ;
} while ( _gameDirsBoxStore . IterNext ( ref treeIter ) ) ;
if ( ! directoryAdded )
_gameDirsBoxStore . AppendValues ( directory ) ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
fileChooser . Dispose ( ) ;
_addGameDirBox . Buffer . Text = "" ;
( ( ToggleButton ) sender ) . SetStateFlags ( 0 , true ) ;
private void RemoveDir_Pressed ( object sender , EventArgs args )
TreeSelection selection = _gameDirsBox . Selection ;
if ( selection . GetSelected ( out TreeIter treeIter ) )
_gameDirsBoxStore . Remove ( ref treeIter ) ;
( ( ToggleButton ) sender ) . SetStateFlags ( 0 , true ) ;
private void CustThemeToggle_Activated ( object sender , EventArgs args )
_custThemePath . Sensitive = _custThemeToggle . Active ;
_custThemePathLabel . Sensitive = _custThemeToggle . Active ;
_browseThemePath . Sensitive = _custThemeToggle . Active ;
private void BrowseThemeDir_Pressed ( object sender , EventArgs args )
FileChooserDialog fileChooser = new FileChooserDialog ( "Choose the theme to load" , this , FileChooserAction . Open , "Cancel" , ResponseType . Cancel , "Select" , ResponseType . Accept ) ;
fileChooser . Filter = new FileFilter ( ) ;
fileChooser . Filter . AddPattern ( "*.css" ) ;
if ( fileChooser . Run ( ) = = ( int ) ResponseType . Accept )
_custThemePath . Buffer . Text = fileChooser . Filename ;
fileChooser . Dispose ( ) ;
_browseThemePath . SetStateFlags ( 0 , true ) ;
private void OpenLogsFolder_Pressed ( object sender , EventArgs args )
string logPath = System . IO . Path . Combine ( AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory , "Logs" ) ;
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo ( logPath ) ;
directory . Create ( ) ;
Process . Start ( new ProcessStartInfo ( )
FileName = logPath ,
UseShellExecute = true ,
Verb = "open"
} ) ;
private void ConfigureController_Pressed ( object sender , EventArgs args , PlayerIndex playerIndex )
( ( ToggleButton ) sender ) . SetStateFlags ( 0 , true ) ;
ControllerWindow controllerWin = new ControllerWindow ( playerIndex , _virtualFileSystem ) ;
controllerWin . Show ( ) ;
private void SaveToggle_Activated ( object sender , EventArgs args )
List < string > gameDirs = new List < string > ( ) ;
_gameDirsBoxStore . GetIterFirst ( out TreeIter treeIter ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _gameDirsBoxStore . IterNChildren ( ) ; i + + )
gameDirs . Add ( ( string ) _gameDirsBoxStore . GetValue ( treeIter , 0 ) ) ;
_gameDirsBoxStore . IterNext ( ref treeIter ) ;
2020-07-07 03:41:07 +01:00
float resScaleCustom ;
if ( ! float . TryParse ( _resScaleText . Buffer . Text , out resScaleCustom ) | | resScaleCustom < = 0.0f )
resScaleCustom = 1.0f ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableError . Value = _errorLogToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableWarn . Value = _warningLogToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableInfo . Value = _infoLogToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableStub . Value = _stubLogToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableDebug . Value = _debugLogToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableGuest . Value = _guestLogToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableFsAccessLog . Value = _fsAccessLogToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Logger . EnableFileLog . Value = _fileLogToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . EnableDockedMode . Value = _dockedModeToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . EnableDiscordIntegration . Value = _discordToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . EnableVsync . Value = _vSyncToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . EnableMulticoreScheduling . Value = _multiSchedToggle . Active ;
2020-06-16 20:28:02 +02:00
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . EnablePtc . Value = _ptcToggle . Active ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . EnableFsIntegrityChecks . Value = _fsicToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . IgnoreMissingServices . Value = _ignoreToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Hid . EnableKeyboard . Value = _directKeyboardAccess . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Ui . EnableCustomTheme . Value = _custThemeToggle . Active ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . Language . Value = Enum . Parse < Language > ( _systemLanguageSelect . ActiveId ) ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . Region . Value = Enum . Parse < Configuration . System . Region > ( _systemRegionSelect . ActiveId ) ;
2020-07-04 00:16:49 +01:00
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . AudioBackend . Value = Enum . Parse < AudioBackend > ( _audioBackendSelect . ActiveId ) ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . TimeZone . Value = _systemTimeZoneSelect . ActiveId ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . SystemTimeOffset . Value = _systemTimeOffset ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Ui . CustomThemePath . Value = _custThemePath . Buffer . Text ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . ShadersDumpPath . Value = _graphicsShadersDumpPath . Buffer . Text ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Ui . GameDirs . Value = gameDirs ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . System . FsGlobalAccessLogMode . Value = ( int ) _fsLogSpinAdjustment . Value ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . MaxAnisotropy . Value = float . Parse ( _anisotropy . ActiveId ) ;
2020-07-07 03:41:07 +01:00
ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . ResScale . Value = int . Parse ( _resScaleCombo . ActiveId ) ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . ResScaleCustom . Value = resScaleCustom ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
MainWindow . SaveConfig ( ) ;
2020-07-07 03:41:07 +01:00
MainWindow . UpdateGraphicsConfig ( ) ;
2020-05-03 03:00:53 +01:00
MainWindow . ApplyTheme ( ) ;
Dispose ( ) ;
private void CloseToggle_Activated ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Dispose ( ) ;
2020-07-04 00:57:03 +02:00