2021-04-23 22:26:31 +02:00
using Gtk ;
2023-03-17 13:14:50 +01:00
using Ryujinx.Common.Memory ;
2021-04-23 22:26:31 +02:00
using Ryujinx.HLE.FileSystem ;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Account.Acc ;
2022-05-15 13:30:15 +02:00
using Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Configuration ;
2021-04-23 22:26:31 +02:00
using Ryujinx.Ui.Widgets ;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp ;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
2022-03-22 20:46:16 +01:00
using Image = SixLabors . ImageSharp . Image ;
2021-04-23 22:26:31 +02:00
using UserId = Ryujinx . HLE . HOS . Services . Account . Acc . UserId ;
namespace Ryujinx.Ui.Windows
public partial class UserProfilesManagerWindow : Window
private const uint MaxProfileNameLength = 0x20 ;
private readonly AccountManager _accountManager ;
private readonly ContentManager _contentManager ;
private byte [ ] _bufferImageProfile ;
private string _tempNewProfileName ;
private Gdk . RGBA _selectedColor ;
private ManualResetEvent _avatarsPreloadingEvent = new ManualResetEvent ( false ) ;
public UserProfilesManagerWindow ( AccountManager accountManager , ContentManager contentManager , VirtualFileSystem virtualFileSystem ) : base ( $"Ryujinx {Program.Version} - Manage User Profiles" )
2022-05-15 13:30:15 +02:00
Icon = new Gdk . Pixbuf ( Assembly . GetAssembly ( typeof ( ConfigurationState ) ) , "Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Resources.Logo_Ryujinx.png" ) ;
2021-04-23 22:26:31 +02:00
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
_selectedColor . Red = 0.212 ;
_selectedColor . Green = 0.843 ;
_selectedColor . Blue = 0.718 ;
_selectedColor . Alpha = 1 ;
_accountManager = accountManager ;
_contentManager = contentManager ;
CellRendererToggle userSelectedToggle = new CellRendererToggle ( ) ;
userSelectedToggle . Toggled + = UserSelectedToggle_Toggled ;
// NOTE: Uncomment following line when multiple selection of user profiles is supported.
//_usersTreeView.AppendColumn("Selected", userSelectedToggle, "active", 0);
_usersTreeView . AppendColumn ( "User Icon" , new CellRendererPixbuf ( ) , "pixbuf" , 1 ) ;
_usersTreeView . AppendColumn ( "User Info" , new CellRendererText ( ) , "text" , 2 , "background-rgba" , 3 ) ;
_tableStore . SetSortColumnId ( 0 , SortType . Descending ) ;
RefreshList ( ) ;
if ( _contentManager . GetCurrentFirmwareVersion ( ) ! = null )
Task . Run ( ( ) = >
AvatarWindow . PreloadAvatars ( contentManager , virtualFileSystem ) ;
_avatarsPreloadingEvent . Set ( ) ;
} ) ;
public void RefreshList ( )
_tableStore . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( UserProfile userProfile in _accountManager . GetAllUsers ( ) )
_tableStore . AppendValues ( userProfile . AccountState = = AccountState . Open , new Gdk . Pixbuf ( userProfile . Image , 96 , 96 ) , $"{userProfile.Name}\n{userProfile.UserId}" , Gdk . RGBA . Zero ) ;
if ( userProfile . AccountState = = AccountState . Open )
_selectedUserImage . Pixbuf = new Gdk . Pixbuf ( userProfile . Image , 96 , 96 ) ;
_selectedUserIdLabel . Text = userProfile . UserId . ToString ( ) ;
_selectedUserNameEntry . Text = userProfile . Name ;
_deleteButton . Sensitive = userProfile . UserId ! = AccountManager . DefaultUserId ;
_usersTreeView . Model . GetIterFirst ( out TreeIter firstIter ) ;
_tableStore . SetValue ( firstIter , 3 , _selectedColor ) ;
// Events
private void UsersTreeView_Activated ( object o , RowActivatedArgs args )
SelectUserTreeView ( ) ;
private void UserSelectedToggle_Toggled ( object o , ToggledArgs args )
SelectUserTreeView ( ) ;
private void SelectUserTreeView ( )
// Get selected item informations.
_usersTreeView . Selection . GetSelected ( out TreeIter selectedIter ) ;
Gdk . Pixbuf userPicture = ( Gdk . Pixbuf ) _tableStore . GetValue ( selectedIter , 1 ) ;
string userName = _tableStore . GetValue ( selectedIter , 2 ) . ToString ( ) . Split ( "\n" ) [ 0 ] ;
string userId = _tableStore . GetValue ( selectedIter , 2 ) . ToString ( ) . Split ( "\n" ) [ 1 ] ;
// Unselect the first user.
_usersTreeView . Model . GetIterFirst ( out TreeIter firstIter ) ;
_tableStore . SetValue ( firstIter , 0 , false ) ;
_tableStore . SetValue ( firstIter , 3 , Gdk . RGBA . Zero ) ;
// Set new informations.
_tableStore . SetValue ( selectedIter , 0 , true ) ;
_selectedUserImage . Pixbuf = userPicture ;
_selectedUserNameEntry . Text = userName ;
_selectedUserIdLabel . Text = userId ;
_saveProfileNameButton . Sensitive = false ;
// Open the selected one.
_accountManager . OpenUser ( new UserId ( userId ) ) ;
_deleteButton . Sensitive = userId ! = AccountManager . DefaultUserId . ToString ( ) ;
_tableStore . SetValue ( selectedIter , 3 , _selectedColor ) ;
private void SelectedUserNameEntry_KeyReleaseEvent ( object o , KeyReleaseEventArgs args )
if ( _saveProfileNameButton . Sensitive = = false )
_saveProfileNameButton . Sensitive = true ;
private void AddButton_Pressed ( object sender , EventArgs e )
_tempNewProfileName = GtkDialog . CreateInputDialog ( this , "Choose the Profile Name" , "Please Enter a Profile Name" , MaxProfileNameLength ) ;
if ( _tempNewProfileName ! = "" )
SelectProfileImage ( true ) ;
if ( _bufferImageProfile ! = null )
AddUser ( ) ;
private void DeleteButton_Pressed ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( GtkDialog . CreateChoiceDialog ( "Delete User Profile" , "Are you sure you want to delete the profile ?" , "Deleting this profile will also delete all associated save data." ) )
_accountManager . DeleteUser ( GetSelectedUserId ( ) ) ;
RefreshList ( ) ;
private void EditProfileNameButton_Pressed ( object sender , EventArgs e )
_saveProfileNameButton . Sensitive = false ;
_accountManager . SetUserName ( GetSelectedUserId ( ) , _selectedUserNameEntry . Text ) ;
RefreshList ( ) ;
private void ProcessProfileImage ( byte [ ] buffer )
using ( Image image = Image . Load ( buffer ) )
image . Mutate ( x = > x . Resize ( 256 , 256 ) ) ;
2023-03-17 13:14:50 +01:00
using ( MemoryStream streamJpg = MemoryStreamManager . Shared . GetStream ( ) )
2021-04-23 22:26:31 +02:00
image . SaveAsJpeg ( streamJpg ) ;
_bufferImageProfile = streamJpg . ToArray ( ) ;
private void ProfileImageFileChooser ( )
2021-09-14 23:52:08 +02:00
FileChooserNative fileChooser = new FileChooserNative ( "Import Custom Profile Image" , this , FileChooserAction . Open , "Import" , "Cancel" )
2021-04-23 22:26:31 +02:00
2021-09-14 23:52:08 +02:00
SelectMultiple = false
2021-04-23 22:26:31 +02:00
} ;
2021-09-14 23:52:08 +02:00
FileFilter filter = new FileFilter ( )
Name = "Custom Profile Images"
} ;
filter . AddPattern ( "*.jpg" ) ;
filter . AddPattern ( "*.jpeg" ) ;
filter . AddPattern ( "*.png" ) ;
filter . AddPattern ( "*.bmp" ) ;
fileChooser . AddFilter ( filter ) ;
2021-04-23 22:26:31 +02:00
if ( fileChooser . Run ( ) = = ( int ) ResponseType . Accept )
ProcessProfileImage ( File . ReadAllBytes ( fileChooser . Filename ) ) ;
fileChooser . Dispose ( ) ;
private void SelectProfileImage ( bool newUser = false )
if ( _contentManager . GetCurrentFirmwareVersion ( ) = = null )
ProfileImageFileChooser ( ) ;
Dictionary < int , string > buttons = new Dictionary < int , string > ( )
{ 0 , "Import Image File" } ,
{ 1 , "Select Firmware Avatar" }
} ;
ResponseType responseDialog = GtkDialog . CreateCustomDialog ( "Profile Image Selection" ,
"Choose a Profile Image" ,
"You may import a custom profile image, or select an avatar from the system firmware." ,
buttons , MessageType . Question ) ;
if ( responseDialog = = 0 )
ProfileImageFileChooser ( ) ;
else if ( responseDialog = = ( ResponseType ) 1 )
AvatarWindow avatarWindow = new AvatarWindow ( )
NewUser = newUser
} ;
avatarWindow . DeleteEvent + = AvatarWindow_DeleteEvent ;
avatarWindow . SetSizeRequest ( ( int ) ( avatarWindow . DefaultWidth * Program . WindowScaleFactor ) , ( int ) ( avatarWindow . DefaultHeight * Program . WindowScaleFactor ) ) ;
avatarWindow . Show ( ) ;
private void ChangeProfileImageButton_Pressed ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( _contentManager . GetCurrentFirmwareVersion ( ) ! = null )
_avatarsPreloadingEvent . WaitOne ( ) ;
SelectProfileImage ( ) ;
if ( _bufferImageProfile ! = null )
SetUserImage ( ) ;
private void AvatarWindow_DeleteEvent ( object sender , DeleteEventArgs args )
_bufferImageProfile = ( ( AvatarWindow ) sender ) . SelectedProfileImage ;
if ( _bufferImageProfile ! = null )
if ( ( ( AvatarWindow ) sender ) . NewUser )
AddUser ( ) ;
SetUserImage ( ) ;
private void AddUser ( )
_accountManager . AddUser ( _tempNewProfileName , _bufferImageProfile ) ;
_bufferImageProfile = null ;
_tempNewProfileName = "" ;
RefreshList ( ) ;
private void SetUserImage ( )
_accountManager . SetUserImage ( GetSelectedUserId ( ) , _bufferImageProfile ) ;
_bufferImageProfile = null ;
RefreshList ( ) ;
private UserId GetSelectedUserId ( )
if ( _usersTreeView . Model . GetIterFirst ( out TreeIter iter ) )
if ( ( bool ) _tableStore . GetValue ( iter , 0 ) )
break ;
while ( _usersTreeView . Model . IterNext ( ref iter ) ) ;
return new UserId ( _tableStore . GetValue ( iter , 2 ) . ToString ( ) . Split ( "\n" ) [ 1 ] ) ;
private void CloseButton_Pressed ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Close ( ) ;