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synced 2025-03-03 08:46:31 +01:00
* Implement mii:u and mii:e entirely Co-authored-by: AcK77 <Acoustik666@gmail.com> This commit implement the mii service accurately. This is based on Ac_k work but was polished and updated to 7.x. Please note that the following calls are partially implemented: - Convert: Used to convert from old console format (Wii/Wii U/3ds) - Import and Export: this is shouldn't be accesible in production mode. * Remove some debug leftovers * Make it possible to load an arbitrary mii database from a Switch * Address gdk's comments * Reduce visibility of all the Mii code * Address Ac_K's comments * Remove the StructLayout of DatabaseSessionMetadata * Add a missing line return in DatabaseSessionMetadata * Misc fixes and style changes * Fix some issues from last commit * Fix database server metadata UpdateCounter in MarkDirty (Thanks Moose for the catch) * MountCounter should only be incremented when no error is reported * Fix FixDatabase Co-authored-by: Alex Barney <thealexbarney@gmail.com>
424 lines
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424 lines
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using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Ipc;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Mii.Types;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Mii.StaticService
abstract class IDatabaseService : IpcService
// IsUpdated(SourceFlag flag) -> bool
public ResultCode IsUpdated(ServiceCtx context)
SourceFlag flag = (SourceFlag)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
return ResultCode.Success;
// IsFullDatabase() -> bool
public ResultCode IsFullDatabase(ServiceCtx context)
return ResultCode.Success;
// GetCount(SourceFlag flag) -> u32
public ResultCode GetCount(ServiceCtx context)
SourceFlag flag = (SourceFlag)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
return ResultCode.Success;
// Get(SourceFlag flag) -> (s32 count, buffer<nn::mii::CharInfoRawElement, 6>)
public ResultCode Get(ServiceCtx context)
SourceFlag flag = (SourceFlag)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
IpcBuffDesc outputBuffer = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0];
Span<CharInfoElement> elementsSpan = CreateSpanFromBuffer<CharInfoElement>(context, outputBuffer, true);
ResultCode result = Get(flag, out int count, elementsSpan);
elementsSpan = elementsSpan.Slice(0, count);
WriteSpanToBuffer(context, outputBuffer, elementsSpan);
return result;
// Get1(SourceFlag flag) -> (s32 count, buffer<nn::mii::CharInfo, 6>)
public ResultCode Get1(ServiceCtx context)
SourceFlag flag = (SourceFlag)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
IpcBuffDesc outputBuffer = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0];
Span<CharInfo> elementsSpan = CreateSpanFromBuffer<CharInfo>(context, outputBuffer, true);
ResultCode result = Get1(flag, out int count, elementsSpan);
elementsSpan = elementsSpan.Slice(0, count);
WriteSpanToBuffer(context, outputBuffer, elementsSpan);
return result;
// UpdateLatest(nn::mii::CharInfo old_char_info, SourceFlag flag) -> nn::mii::CharInfo
public ResultCode UpdateLatest(ServiceCtx context)
CharInfo oldCharInfo = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<CharInfo>();
SourceFlag flag = (SourceFlag)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
ResultCode result = UpdateLatest(oldCharInfo, flag, out CharInfo newCharInfo);
return result;
// BuildRandom(Age age, Gender gender, Race race) -> nn::mii::CharInfo
public ResultCode BuildRandom(ServiceCtx context)
Age age = (Age)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
Gender gender = (Gender)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
Race race = (Race)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
ResultCode result = BuildRandom(age, gender, race, out CharInfo charInfo);
return result;
// BuildDefault(u32 index) -> nn::mii::CharInfoRaw
public ResultCode BuildDefault(ServiceCtx context)
uint index = context.RequestData.ReadUInt32();
ResultCode result = BuildDefault(index, out CharInfo charInfo);
return result;
// Get2(SourceFlag flag) -> (u32 count, buffer<nn::mii::StoreDataElement, 6>)
public ResultCode Get2(ServiceCtx context)
SourceFlag flag = (SourceFlag)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
IpcBuffDesc outputBuffer = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0];
Span<StoreDataElement> elementsSpan = CreateSpanFromBuffer<StoreDataElement>(context, outputBuffer, true);
ResultCode result = Get2(flag, out int count, elementsSpan);
elementsSpan = elementsSpan.Slice(0, count);
WriteSpanToBuffer(context, outputBuffer, elementsSpan);
return result;
// Get3(SourceFlag flag) -> (u32 count, buffer<nn::mii::StoreData, 6>)
public ResultCode Get3(ServiceCtx context)
SourceFlag flag = (SourceFlag)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
IpcBuffDesc outputBuffer = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0];
Span<StoreData> elementsSpan = CreateSpanFromBuffer<StoreData>(context, outputBuffer, true);
ResultCode result = Get3(flag, out int count, elementsSpan);
elementsSpan = elementsSpan.Slice(0, count);
WriteSpanToBuffer(context, outputBuffer, elementsSpan);
return result;
// UpdateLatest1(nn::mii::StoreData old_store_data, SourceFlag flag) -> nn::mii::StoreData
public ResultCode UpdateLatest1(ServiceCtx context)
StoreData oldStoreData = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<StoreData>();
SourceFlag flag = (SourceFlag)context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
ResultCode result = UpdateLatest1(oldStoreData, flag, out StoreData newStoreData);
return result;
// FindIndex(nn::mii::CreateId create_id, bool is_special) -> s32
public ResultCode FindIndex(ServiceCtx context)
CreateId createId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<CreateId>();
bool isSpecial = context.RequestData.ReadBoolean();
ResultCode result = FindIndex(createId, isSpecial, out int index);
return result;
// Move(nn::mii::CreateId create_id, s32 new_index)
public ResultCode Move(ServiceCtx context)
CreateId createId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<CreateId>();
int newIndex = context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
return Move(createId, newIndex);
// AddOrReplace(nn::mii::StoreData store_data)
public ResultCode AddOrReplace(ServiceCtx context)
StoreData storeData = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<StoreData>();
return AddOrReplace(storeData);
// Delete(nn::mii::CreateId create_id)
public ResultCode Delete(ServiceCtx context)
CreateId createId = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<CreateId>();
return Delete(createId);
// DestroyFile()
public ResultCode DestroyFile(ServiceCtx context)
return DestroyFile();
// DeleteFile()
public ResultCode DeleteFile(ServiceCtx context)
return DeleteFile();
// Format()
public ResultCode Format(ServiceCtx context)
return Format();
// Import(buffer<bytes, 5>)
public ResultCode Import(ServiceCtx context)
ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = CreateByteSpanFromBuffer(context, context.Request.SendBuff[0], false);
return Import(data);
// Export() -> buffer<bytes, 6>
public ResultCode Export(ServiceCtx context)
IpcBuffDesc outputBuffer = context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0];
Span<byte> data = CreateByteSpanFromBuffer(context, outputBuffer, true);
ResultCode result = Export(data);
context.Memory.WriteBytes(outputBuffer.Position, data.ToArray());
return result;
// IsBrokenDatabaseWithClearFlag() -> bool
public ResultCode IsBrokenDatabaseWithClearFlag(ServiceCtx context)
ResultCode result = IsBrokenDatabaseWithClearFlag(out bool isBrokenDatabase);
return result;
// GetIndex(nn::mii::CharInfo char_info) -> s32
public ResultCode GetIndex(ServiceCtx context)
CharInfo charInfo = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<CharInfo>();
ResultCode result = GetIndex(charInfo, out int index);
return result;
[Command(22)] // 5.0.0+
// SetInterfaceVersion(u32 version)
public ResultCode SetInterfaceVersion(ServiceCtx context)
uint interfaceVersion = context.RequestData.ReadUInt32();
return ResultCode.Success;
[Command(23)] // 5.0.0+
// Convert(nn::mii::Ver3StoreData ver3_store_data) -> nn::mii::CharInfo
public ResultCode Convert(ServiceCtx context)
Ver3StoreData ver3StoreData = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<Ver3StoreData>();
ResultCode result = Convert(ver3StoreData, out CharInfo charInfo);
return result;
[Command(24)] // 7.0.0+
// ConvertCoreDataToCharInfo(nn::mii::CoreData core_data) -> nn::mii::CharInfo
public ResultCode ConvertCoreDataToCharInfo(ServiceCtx context)
CoreData coreData = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<CoreData>();
ResultCode result = ConvertCoreDataToCharInfo(coreData, out CharInfo charInfo);
return result;
[Command(25)] // 7.0.0+
// ConvertCharInfoToCoreData(nn::mii::CharInfo char_info) -> nn::mii::CoreData
public ResultCode ConvertCharInfoToCoreData(ServiceCtx context)
CharInfo charInfo = context.RequestData.ReadStruct<CharInfo>();
ResultCode result = ConvertCharInfoToCoreData(charInfo, out CoreData coreData);
return result;
private Span<byte> CreateByteSpanFromBuffer(ServiceCtx context, IpcBuffDesc ipcBuff, bool isOutput)
byte[] rawData;
if (isOutput)
rawData = new byte[ipcBuff.Size];
rawData = context.Memory.ReadBytes(ipcBuff.Position, ipcBuff.Size);
return new Span<byte>(rawData);
private Span<T> CreateSpanFromBuffer<T>(ServiceCtx context, IpcBuffDesc ipcBuff, bool isOutput) where T: unmanaged
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, T>(CreateByteSpanFromBuffer(context, ipcBuff, isOutput));
private void WriteSpanToBuffer<T>(ServiceCtx context, IpcBuffDesc ipcBuff, Span<T> span) where T: unmanaged
Span<byte> rawData = MemoryMarshal.Cast<T, byte>(span);
context.Memory.WriteBytes(ipcBuff.Position, rawData.ToArray());
protected abstract bool IsUpdated(SourceFlag flag);
protected abstract bool IsFullDatabase();
protected abstract uint GetCount(SourceFlag flag);
protected abstract ResultCode Get(SourceFlag flag, out int count, Span<CharInfoElement> elements);
protected abstract ResultCode Get1(SourceFlag flag, out int count, Span<CharInfo> elements);
protected abstract ResultCode UpdateLatest(CharInfo oldCharInfo, SourceFlag flag, out CharInfo newCharInfo);
protected abstract ResultCode BuildRandom(Age age, Gender gender, Race race, out CharInfo charInfo);
protected abstract ResultCode BuildDefault(uint index, out CharInfo charInfo);
protected abstract ResultCode Get2(SourceFlag flag, out int count, Span<StoreDataElement> elements);
protected abstract ResultCode Get3(SourceFlag flag, out int count, Span<StoreData> elements);
protected abstract ResultCode UpdateLatest1(StoreData oldStoreData, SourceFlag flag, out StoreData newStoreData);
protected abstract ResultCode FindIndex(CreateId createId, bool isSpecial, out int index);
protected abstract ResultCode Move(CreateId createId, int newIndex);
protected abstract ResultCode AddOrReplace(StoreData storeData);
protected abstract ResultCode Delete(CreateId createId);
protected abstract ResultCode DestroyFile();
protected abstract ResultCode DeleteFile();
protected abstract ResultCode Format();
protected abstract ResultCode Import(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data);
protected abstract ResultCode Export(Span<byte> data);
protected abstract ResultCode IsBrokenDatabaseWithClearFlag(out bool isBrokenDatabase);
protected abstract ResultCode GetIndex(CharInfo charInfo, out int index);
protected abstract void SetInterfaceVersion(uint interfaceVersion);
protected abstract ResultCode Convert(Ver3StoreData ver3StoreData, out CharInfo charInfo);
protected abstract ResultCode ConvertCoreDataToCharInfo(CoreData coreData, out CharInfo charInfo);
protected abstract ResultCode ConvertCharInfoToCoreData(CharInfo charInfo, out CoreData coreData);