mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:54:08 +01:00
This replacement is meant to be done with the original identified byteOffset, not the one assigned later on by the below conditionals (that already has the constant offset added, for instance). This fixes videos being pixelated in Xenoblade 3, and other regressions that might have happened since #3847.
409 lines
14 KiB
409 lines
14 KiB
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.GlobalMemory;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation.Optimizations
static class GlobalToStorage
public static void RunPass(BasicBlock block, ShaderConfig config)
int sbStart = GetStorageBaseCbOffset(config.Stage);
int sbEnd = sbStart + StorageDescsSize;
for (LinkedListNode<INode> node = block.Operations.First; node != null; node = node.Next)
if (!(node.Value is Operation operation))
if (UsesGlobalMemory(operation.Inst))
Operand source = operation.GetSource(0);
int storageIndex = SearchForStorageBase(block, source, sbStart, sbEnd);
if (storageIndex >= 0)
// Storage buffers are implemented using global memory access.
// If we know from where the base address of the access is loaded,
// we can guess which storage buffer it is accessing.
// We can then replace the global memory access with a storage
// buffer access.
node = ReplaceGlobalWithStorage(block, node, config, storageIndex);
else if (config.Stage == ShaderStage.Compute && operation.Inst == Instruction.LoadGlobal)
// Here we effectively try to replace a LDG instruction with LDC.
// The hardware only supports a limited amount of constant buffers
// so NVN "emulates" more constant buffers using global memory access.
// Here we try to replace the global access back to a constant buffer
// load.
storageIndex = SearchForStorageBase(block, source, UbeBaseOffset, UbeBaseOffset + UbeDescsSize);
if (storageIndex >= 0)
node = ReplaceLdgWithLdc(node, config, storageIndex);
private static LinkedListNode<INode> ReplaceGlobalWithStorage(BasicBlock block, LinkedListNode<INode> node, ShaderConfig config, int storageIndex)
Operation operation = (Operation)node.Value;
bool isAtomic = operation.Inst.IsAtomic();
bool isStg16Or8 = operation.Inst == Instruction.StoreGlobal16 || operation.Inst == Instruction.StoreGlobal8;
bool isWrite = isAtomic || operation.Inst == Instruction.StoreGlobal || isStg16Or8;
config.SetUsedStorageBuffer(storageIndex, isWrite);
Operand[] sources = new Operand[operation.SourcesCount];
sources[0] = Const(storageIndex);
sources[1] = GetStorageOffset(block, node, config, storageIndex, operation.GetSource(0), isStg16Or8);
for (int index = 2; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++)
sources[index] = operation.GetSource(index);
Operation storageOp;
if (isAtomic)
Instruction inst = (operation.Inst & ~Instruction.MrMask) | Instruction.MrStorage;
storageOp = new Operation(inst, operation.Dest, sources);
else if (operation.Inst == Instruction.LoadGlobal)
storageOp = new Operation(Instruction.LoadStorage, operation.Dest, sources);
Instruction storeInst = operation.Inst switch
Instruction.StoreGlobal16 => Instruction.StoreStorage16,
Instruction.StoreGlobal8 => Instruction.StoreStorage8,
_ => Instruction.StoreStorage
storageOp = new Operation(storeInst, null, sources);
for (int index = 0; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++)
operation.SetSource(index, null);
LinkedListNode<INode> oldNode = node;
node = node.List.AddBefore(node, storageOp);
return node;
private static Operand GetStorageOffset(
BasicBlock block,
LinkedListNode<INode> node,
ShaderConfig config,
int storageIndex,
Operand addrLow,
bool isStg16Or8)
int baseAddressCbOffset = GetStorageCbOffset(config.Stage, storageIndex);
bool storageAligned = !(config.GpuAccessor.QueryHasUnalignedStorageBuffer() || config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostStorageBufferOffsetAlignment() > Constants.StorageAlignment);
(Operand byteOffset, int constantOffset) = storageAligned ?
GetStorageOffset(block, Utils.FindLastOperation(addrLow, block), baseAddressCbOffset) :
(null, 0);
if (byteOffset != null)
ReplaceAddressAlignment(node.List, addrLow, byteOffset, constantOffset);
if (byteOffset == null)
Operand baseAddrLow = Cbuf(0, baseAddressCbOffset);
Operand baseAddrTrunc = Local();
Operand alignMask = Const(-config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostStorageBufferOffsetAlignment());
Operation andOp = new Operation(Instruction.BitwiseAnd, baseAddrTrunc, baseAddrLow, alignMask);
node.List.AddBefore(node, andOp);
Operand offset = Local();
Operation subOp = new Operation(Instruction.Subtract, offset, addrLow, baseAddrTrunc);
node.List.AddBefore(node, subOp);
byteOffset = offset;
else if (constantOffset != 0)
Operand offset = Local();
Operation addOp = new Operation(Instruction.Add, offset, byteOffset, Const(constantOffset));
node.List.AddBefore(node, addOp);
byteOffset = offset;
if (isStg16Or8)
return byteOffset;
Operand wordOffset = Local();
Operation shrOp = new Operation(Instruction.ShiftRightU32, wordOffset, byteOffset, Const(2));
node.List.AddBefore(node, shrOp);
return wordOffset;
private static bool IsCb0Offset(Operand operand, int offset)
return operand.Type == OperandType.ConstantBuffer && operand.GetCbufSlot() == 0 && operand.GetCbufOffset() == offset;
private static void ReplaceAddressAlignment(LinkedList<INode> list, Operand address, Operand byteOffset, int constantOffset)
// When we emit 16/8-bit LDG, we add extra code to determine the address alignment.
// Eliminate the storage buffer base address from this too, leaving only the byte offset.
foreach (INode useNode in address.UseOps)
if (useNode is Operation op && op.Inst == Instruction.BitwiseAnd)
Operand src1 = op.GetSource(0);
Operand src2 = op.GetSource(1);
int addressIndex = -1;
if (src1 == address && src2.Type == OperandType.Constant && src2.Value == 3)
addressIndex = 0;
else if (src2 == address && src1.Type == OperandType.Constant && src1.Value == 3)
addressIndex = 1;
if (addressIndex != -1)
LinkedListNode<INode> node = list.Find(op);
// Add offset calculation before the use. Needs to be on the same block.
if (node != null)
Operand offset = Local();
Operation addOp = new Operation(Instruction.Add, offset, byteOffset, Const(constantOffset));
list.AddBefore(node, addOp);
op.SetSource(addressIndex, offset);
private static (Operand, int) GetStorageOffset(BasicBlock block, Operand address, int baseAddressCbOffset)
if (IsCb0Offset(address, baseAddressCbOffset))
// Direct offset: zero.
return (Const(0), 0);
(address, int constantOffset) = GetStorageConstantOffset(block, address);
address = Utils.FindLastOperation(address, block);
if (IsCb0Offset(address, baseAddressCbOffset))
// Only constant offset
return (Const(0), constantOffset);
if (!(address.AsgOp is Operation offsetAdd) || offsetAdd.Inst != Instruction.Add)
return (null, 0);
Operand src1 = offsetAdd.GetSource(0);
Operand src2 = Utils.FindLastOperation(offsetAdd.GetSource(1), block);
if (IsCb0Offset(src2, baseAddressCbOffset))
return (src1, constantOffset);
else if (IsCb0Offset(src1, baseAddressCbOffset))
return (src2, constantOffset);
return (null, 0);
private static (Operand, int) GetStorageConstantOffset(BasicBlock block, Operand address)
if (!(address.AsgOp is Operation offsetAdd) || offsetAdd.Inst != Instruction.Add)
return (address, 0);
Operand src1 = offsetAdd.GetSource(0);
Operand src2 = offsetAdd.GetSource(1);
if (src2.Type != OperandType.Constant)
return (address, 0);
return (src1, src2.Value);
private static LinkedListNode<INode> ReplaceLdgWithLdc(LinkedListNode<INode> node, ShaderConfig config, int storageIndex)
Operation operation = (Operation)node.Value;
Operand GetCbufOffset()
Operand addrLow = operation.GetSource(0);
Operand baseAddrLow = Cbuf(0, UbeBaseOffset + storageIndex * StorageDescSize);
Operand baseAddrTrunc = Local();
Operand alignMask = Const(-config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostStorageBufferOffsetAlignment());
Operation andOp = new Operation(Instruction.BitwiseAnd, baseAddrTrunc, baseAddrLow, alignMask);
node.List.AddBefore(node, andOp);
Operand byteOffset = Local();
Operand wordOffset = Local();
Operation subOp = new Operation(Instruction.Subtract, byteOffset, addrLow, baseAddrTrunc);
Operation shrOp = new Operation(Instruction.ShiftRightU32, wordOffset, byteOffset, Const(2));
node.List.AddBefore(node, subOp);
node.List.AddBefore(node, shrOp);
return wordOffset;
Operand[] sources = new Operand[operation.SourcesCount];
int cbSlot = UbeFirstCbuf + storageIndex;
sources[0] = Const(cbSlot);
sources[1] = GetCbufOffset();
for (int index = 2; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++)
sources[index] = operation.GetSource(index);
Operation ldcOp = new Operation(Instruction.LoadConstant, operation.Dest, sources);
for (int index = 0; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++)
operation.SetSource(index, null);
LinkedListNode<INode> oldNode = node;
node = node.List.AddBefore(node, ldcOp);
return node;
private static int SearchForStorageBase(BasicBlock block, Operand globalAddress, int sbStart, int sbEnd)
globalAddress = Utils.FindLastOperation(globalAddress, block);
if (globalAddress.Type == OperandType.ConstantBuffer)
return GetStorageIndex(globalAddress, sbStart, sbEnd);
Operation operation = globalAddress.AsgOp as Operation;
if (operation == null || operation.Inst != Instruction.Add)
return -1;
Operand src1 = operation.GetSource(0);
Operand src2 = operation.GetSource(1);
if ((src1.Type == OperandType.LocalVariable && src2.Type == OperandType.Constant) ||
(src2.Type == OperandType.LocalVariable && src1.Type == OperandType.Constant))
if (src1.Type == OperandType.LocalVariable)
operation = Utils.FindLastOperation(src1, block).AsgOp as Operation;
operation = Utils.FindLastOperation(src2, block).AsgOp as Operation;
if (operation == null || operation.Inst != Instruction.Add)
return -1;
for (int index = 0; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++)
Operand source = operation.GetSource(index);
int storageIndex = GetStorageIndex(source, sbStart, sbEnd);
if (storageIndex != -1)
return storageIndex;
return -1;
private static int GetStorageIndex(Operand operand, int sbStart, int sbEnd)
if (operand.Type == OperandType.ConstantBuffer)
int slot = operand.GetCbufSlot();
int offset = operand.GetCbufOffset();
if (slot == 0 && offset >= sbStart && offset < sbEnd)
int storageIndex = (offset - sbStart) / StorageDescSize;
return storageIndex;
return -1;
} |