# Contributing *You may help the community by contributing patches.* ## How? **Fork** the project, **add/modify** files, propose a **Pull Request** and we'll get to it asap. **Important Note:** When adding a new game version, add it to the [List of supported games](SUPPORTED.md) using the existing format, we won't merge your PR until you do. Once a pull request is merged, patches will be available within minutes at `https://sp2x.two-torial.xyz/` ## JSON Naming **Spice2x patches have one json file per game version**. It needs to be **[named in a very specific way](https://github.com/spice2x/spice2x.github.io/wiki/patches.json-specification#pe-identifier)** to be recognized by the [Spice2x 'Import from URL'](https://github.com/spice2x/spice2x.github.io/wiki/Patching-DLLs-(hex-edits)#importing-patches-from-a-url) feature. A python [peinfo.py](https://github.com/akitakedits/peinfo) script is available to help you figure that name out for your provided game's dll file. Check out [peinfo's README](https://github.com/akitakedits/peinfo/blob/main/README.md) for more information. ## Converting web to json (spice2x) patches Right now **this has to be done manually**, however we plan on having tooling available to make this easier. Look at the files respective structures (html and json) and try to figure it out yourself. ## Porting spice2x patches It is possible to port patches from **one version of a game to another**. A python [port_sp2x_patches.py](https://github.com/akitakedits/port_sp2x_patches) script is available to help you through some of that work. However it will **not be able to port all patches** and it will **not always be 100% accurate**, **false positives can occur**. Porting patches the script cannot, or fixing false positives will have to be done manually.