[ { "gameCode": "M39", "version": "2024-02-19", "lastUpdated": "2024-07-02 23:19:38", "source": "https://sp2x.two-torial.xyz/" }, { "name": "E: Drive Fix", "description": "Fix crash caused by no E: drive", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 2208124, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "653A2F", "dataEnabled": "646576" } ] }, { "name": "HDMI Audio Fix", "description": "", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 1236188, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "85C07596", "dataEnabled": "90909090" } ] }, { "name": "Prevent Windows volume change on boot", "description": "If your volume gets forced to max, turn this on", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 1247456, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "83", "dataEnabled": "C3" } ] }, { "name": "Boot to Event Mode", "description": "", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 1043024, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "8B00C3CC", "dataEnabled": "31C040C3" } ] }, { "name": "Remove Timer", "description": "", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 878492, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "0F85", "dataEnabled": "90E9" } ] }, { "name": "Skip Menu and Long Note Tutorials", "description": "", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 161483, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "74", "dataEnabled": "EB" }, { "offset": 161447, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "75", "dataEnabled": "EB" }, { "offset": 512081, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "75", "dataEnabled": "EB" } ] }, { "name": "Unlock All Songs", "description": "", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 1006140, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "74", "dataEnabled": "EB" }, { "offset": 974498, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "7413", "dataEnabled": "9090" } ] }, { "name": "Unlock EX Charts", "description": "", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 3000512, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "80", "dataEnabled": "00" }, { "offset": 2947536, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "80", "dataEnabled": "00" } ] }, { "name": "Unlock Deco Parts", "description": "", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 974655, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "7522", "dataEnabled": "9090" } ] }, { "name": "Unlock Characters", "description": "", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 945786, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "74", "dataEnabled": "EB" } ] }, { "name": "Premium Free", "description": "Score buffer never resets, use offline", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 1099968, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "FE460E", "dataEnabled": "909090" }, { "offset": 1099978, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "75", "dataEnabled": "EB" }, { "offset": 1123128, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "773E", "dataEnabled": "EB07" } ] }, { "name": "Autoplay", "description": "", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 804814, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "0F8408010000", "dataEnabled": "909090909090" }, { "offset": 805048, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "7453", "dataEnabled": "9090" } ] }, { "name": "Replace COLOR CHECK test menu with debug CHARA VIEWER", "description": "Press service button to exit", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 2169852, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "434F4C4F5220434845434B0043", "dataEnabled": "43484152412056494557455200" }, { "offset": 153634, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "AC0000", "dataEnabled": "B0340C" }, { "offset": 153664, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "DCFEFFFF", "dataEnabled": "0CF30800" } ] }, { "name": "Replace SCREEN CHECK test menu with debug MUSIC INFO CHECKER", "description": "Press service button to exit", "gameCode": "M39", "type": "memory", "patches": [ { "offset": 2172400, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "53435245454E20434845434B", "dataEnabled": "4D5553494320494E464F0000" }, { "offset": 153266, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "8C0000", "dataEnabled": "B0340C" }, { "offset": 153296, "dllName": "popn22.dll", "dataDisabled": "FCFEFFFF", "dataEnabled": "1C210900" } ] } ]