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First Time Setup
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First Time Setup
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Common Problems/Tips
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IIDX 13 DistorteD
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IIDX 13 DistorteD
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First Time Setup
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First Time Setup
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< a href = "../../iidx14/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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First Time Setup
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Common Problems/Tips
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First Time Setup
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Common Problems/Tips
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IIDX 26 Rootage
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IIDX 26 Rootage
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First Time Setup
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Common Problems/Tips
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First Time Setup
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Common Problems/Tips
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Lightning Mode Specifics
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Game Setup
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Extra Information
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Game Setup
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Extra Information
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First Time Setup
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Common Problems/Tips
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First Time Setup
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Common Problems/Tips
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Game Setup
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Extra Information
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Pop' n
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Pop' n
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Pop' n Usaneko
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Pop' n Usaneko
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< a href = "../../popnusaneko/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
< / span >
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< a href = "../../popnusaneko/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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Pop' n Peace
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Pop' n Peace
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< a href = "../../popnpeace/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
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< a href = "../../popnpeace/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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HELLO Pop' n
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HELLO Pop' n
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< a href = "../../hellopopn/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
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< a href = "../../hellopopn/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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< a href = "../../ddrace/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
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< li class = "md-nav__item" >
< a href = "../../ddrace/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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Jubeat Clan
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Jubeat Clan
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< a href = "../../jubeatclan/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
< / span >
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< a href = "../../jubeatclan/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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< a href = "../../gitamatixx/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li class = "md-nav__item" >
< a href = "../../gitamatixx/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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< a href = "../../exchain/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
< span class = "md-ellipsis" >
First Time Setup
< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li class = "md-nav__item" >
< a href = "../../exchain/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
< span class = "md-ellipsis" >
Common Problems/Tips
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< / ul >
< / nav >
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Reflec Beat
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Reflec Beat
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Reflec Beat: Reflesia
< / span >
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Reflec Beat: Reflesia
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< a href = "../../reflesia/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
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< a href = "../../reflesia/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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Nostalgia FORTE
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Nostalgia FORTE
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< a href = "../../nostforte/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
< / span >
< / a >
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< li class = "md-nav__item" >
< a href = "../../nostforte/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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Nostalgia Op.2
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Nostalgia Op.2
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< a href = "../../nostop2/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
< / span >
< / a >
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< a href = "../../nostop2/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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BeatStream アニムトライヴ
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BeatStream アニムトライヴ
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< a href = "../../beatstreamfinal/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li class = "md-nav__item" >
< a href = "../../beatstreamfinal/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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MÚSECA 1+1/2
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MÚSECA 1+1/2
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< a href = "../../musecafinal/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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First Time Setup
< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li class = "md-nav__item" >
< a href = "../../musecafinal/problems/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Common Problems/Tips
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First Time Setup
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< / label >
< a href = "./" class = "md-nav__link md-nav__link--active" >
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First Time Setup
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Table of contents
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Getting Started
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< a href = "#verifying-your-game-data" class = "md-nav__link" >
< span class = "md-ellipsis" >
Verifying your Game Data
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< / a >
< / li >
< li class = "md-nav__item" >
< a href = "#setting-up-the-game-data" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Setting Up the Game Data
< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li class = "md-nav__item" >
< a href = "#installing-segatools" class = "md-nav__link" >
< span class = "md-ellipsis" >
Installing segatools
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< li class = "md-nav__item" >
< a href = "#configuring-segatoolsini" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Configuring segatools.ini
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< a href = "#service-menu-settings" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Service Menu settings
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< a href = "#further-configuration" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Further Configuration
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< a href = "../controllers/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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< / span >
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Common Problems/Tips
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< a href = "../../chunithmluminous/setup/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Game Setup
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< a href = "../../chunithmluminous/controllers/" class = "md-nav__link" >
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Getting Started
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Installing segatools
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Configuring segatools.ini
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< h1 id = "chunithm-sun-plus" > CHUNITHM SUN PLUS< / h1 >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/sunplus.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition danger" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Warning:< / p >
< p > Please make sure your data is from an appropriate source and unmodified before proceeding, this guide is unable to troubleshoot any problems related to bad or poorly managed data.< / p >
< p > If you obtained data from a torrent file, make sure you're not seeding the data before proceeding as well.< / p >
< p > This guide will use < a href = "https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Dniel97/segatools/releases" > Dniel97's segatools< / a > , which is a fork of segatools that gets regular updates and will be needed to get the game running.< / p >
< / div >
< h3 id = "getting-started" > Getting Started< / h3 >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Before we even touch the game, there are some prerequisites we should install to minimise issues.< / p >
< p > First off we should make sure our < a href = "https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist" > Microsoft Visual C++ Runtimes< / a > are up to date.< / p >
< p > Grab the latest version of the AIO installer from the < a href = "https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist/releases" > releases tab< / a > . Make sure to get the version that installs both x86 and x64 versions.< / p >
< p > Run the downloaded < code > VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe< / code > and press next. The installer will proceed to download and install the required files. This may take some time.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/AIO_finished.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Next we should make sure we have all the required DirectX files.< / p >
< p > Download the DirectX Redist (June 2010) from the < a href = "https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=8109" > Microsoft Website< / a > .< / p >
< p > Run the downloaded < code > directx_Jun2010_redist.exe< / code > and accept the License Agreement. You will be asked to pick a location to extract the installer too, it's recommended you create a new folder somewhere as it will extract a lot of files.< / p >
< p > Go to the folder you extracted the installer to, find the < code > DXSETUP.exe< / code > and run it. Accept the License Agreement and start the installation. Once it's complete, press Finish.< / p >
< p > You can delete the folder you extracted the installer to once the install is complete.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/redist_finished.png" > < / p >
< h3 id = "verifying-your-game-data" > Verifying your Game Data< / h3 >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > SEGA games are generally distributed as a base game folder and sequential update folders. For SUN PLUS, this will be a base < code > SDHD 2.15.00< / code > and an < code > SDHD 2.16.00< / code > update.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/1.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > The base game folder should contain an < code > amfs< / code > , < code > App< / code > and < code > Option< / code > folder.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/2.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > The update folder should only contain an < code > App< / code > folder.< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "admonition note" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Other Data Formats:< / p >
< p > SEGA data is also commonly distributed as single < code > .app< / code > and < code > .opt< / code > files. These files are useful for archival purposes, but are not required to run the game. Always download the unpacked data for home use.< / p >
< / div >
< h3 id = "setting-up-the-game-data" > Setting Up the Game Data< / h3 >
< div class = "admonition danger" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Warning:< / p >
< p > segatools is currently unable to be run from the < code > E:\< / code > drive. Please ensure your data is setup on another drive letter.< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Choose a location for your game data, for example, < code > C:\CHUNITHMSUNPLUS\< / code > .< br / >
Copy/move the < code > amfs< / code > , < code > App< / code > and < code > Option< / code > folders from < code > CHUNITHM SUN PLUS (SDHD 2.15.00)< / code > to this new folder.< br / >
Copy the < code > App< / code > folder from < code > CHUNITHM SUN PLUS (SDHD 2.16.00)< / code > to your new game folder. When asked, choose to replace the existing files with the newly copied files.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/replace.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Next we need to replace the protected executables with copies that will run on a regular PC.< br / >
Obtain unpacked copies of < code > chusanApp.exe< / code > and < code > amdaemon.exe< / code > . If these weren't provided with your data, join the < a href = "https://discord.gg/cZRUmEPK78" > Discord< / a > for assistance.< br / >
Copy < code > chusanApp.exe< / code > and < code > amdaemon.exe< / code > to the < code > App\bin\< / code > folder of your game data. When asked, overwrite the existing files.< / p >
< / div >
< h3 id = "installing-segatools" > Installing segatools< / h3 >
< div class = "admonition note" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > segatools:< / p >
< p > < code > segatools< / code > is a loader and hardware emulator for SEGA arcade games. It will allow us to launch the game, as well as configure inputs and network settings. More information can be found at the < a href = "https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Dniel97/segatools" > segatools gitea page< / a > .< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Download the latest version of segatools from < a href = "https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Dniel97/segatools/releases" > the release tab< / a > of the segatools page. This will be a file named < code > segatools.zip< / code > . < br / >
As segatools supports many games, the < code > segatools.zip< / code > file will contain several more zip files. For CHUNITHM SUN PLUS, we will need to open the < code > chusan.zip< / code > .< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/chusanzip.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Copy the files from < code > chusan.zip< / code > to your < code > App/bin< / code > folder.< br / >
Here is how your < code > App/bin< / code > folder should look after everything has been copied correctly.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/appbincomplete.png" > < / p >
< h3 id = "configuring-segatoolsini" > Configuring segatools.ini< / h3 >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > The configuration information for segatools is all stored within < code > segatools.ini< / code > .< br / >
Open up < code > segatools.ini< / code > with a text editor of your choice. We'll be using < a href = "https://notepad-plus-plus.org/" > Notepad++< / a > .< br / >
< code > segatools.ini< / code > is separated into several sections, indicated by the section name in < code > [square brackets]< / code > .< br / >
Most options will have comments describing their function and how to configure them. We will go over the most important ones below. < / p >
< / div >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > The < code > [vfs]< / code > section contains paths to important game files. You can use either relative or absolute paths, however if your path name has spaces in it, you must wrap the path in "quotations marks". < / p >
< p > < code > amfs=< / code > should point to the < code > amfs< / code > folder, which should be in the root of your game folder. This folder should contain an ICF1 file.< br / >
< code > option=< / code > should point to the < code > Option< / code > folder, which contains game data update folders, with A< strong > XXX< / strong > names. This should also be in the root of your game folder, next to < code > amfs< / code > .< br / >
< code > appdata=< / code > is a new folder created for the games appdata. You can either create a folder somewhere to point this too, or simply enter < code > appdata=appdata< / code > to have a folder created within your < code > App/bin< / code > folder.< / p >
< p > The example image below was created with a base game folder of < code > C:\CHUNITHMSUNPLUS\< / code > .< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/vfs.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > The < code > [dns]< / code > section is for connecting to a server, however this will also need to be changed for offline play. In most cases this will be set to your local IPv4 Address.< br / >
Open your Command Prompt from the start menu, and type < code > ipconfig< / code > .< br / >
Find the line that says < code > IPv4 Address. . . .< / code > and copy the address. This will normally be in the format of < strong > 192.168.x.x< / strong > , though this may vary.< br / >
Replace < code >< / code > with the IP address you copied from Command Prompt.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/dns.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > The < code > [gpio]< / code > section is where we can change between 60 FPS and 120 FPS.< br / >
For 60 FPS, leave the settings as they are.< br / >
For 120 FPS, change < code > dipsw2< / code > and < code > dipsw3< / code > from < code > 1< / code > to < code > 0< / code > .< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/gpio.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Save and close < code > segatools.ini< / code > . < / p >
< p > Before we can test the game offline, we need to open < code > config_hook.json< / code > in a text editor, and replace its content with the following:
< div class = "language-json highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span id = "__span-0-1" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-1" name = "__codelineno-0-1" href = "#__codelineno-0-1" > < / a > < span class = "p" > {< / span >
< / span > < span id = "__span-0-2" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-2" name = "__codelineno-0-2" href = "#__codelineno-0-2" > < / a > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "nt" > " allnet_auth" < / span > < span class = "p" > :< / span > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "p" > {< / span >
< / span > < span id = "__span-0-3" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-3" name = "__codelineno-0-3" href = "#__codelineno-0-3" > < / a > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "nt" > " type" < / span > < span class = "p" > :< / span > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "s2" > " 1.0" < / span >
< / span > < span id = "__span-0-4" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-4" name = "__codelineno-0-4" href = "#__codelineno-0-4" > < / a > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "p" > },< / span >
< / span > < span id = "__span-0-5" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-5" name = "__codelineno-0-5" href = "#__codelineno-0-5" > < / a > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "nt" > " allnet_accounting" < / span > < span class = "p" > :< / span > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "p" > {< / span >
< / span > < span id = "__span-0-6" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-6" name = "__codelineno-0-6" href = "#__codelineno-0-6" > < / a > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "nt" > " enable" < / span > < span class = "p" > :< / span > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "kc" > false< / span >
< / span > < span id = "__span-0-7" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-7" name = "__codelineno-0-7" href = "#__codelineno-0-7" > < / a > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "p" > },< / span >
< / span > < span id = "__span-0-8" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-8" name = "__codelineno-0-8" href = "#__codelineno-0-8" > < / a > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "nt" > " emoney" < / span > < span class = "p" > :< / span > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "p" > {< / span >
< / span > < span id = "__span-0-9" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-9" name = "__codelineno-0-9" href = "#__codelineno-0-9" > < / a > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "nt" > " enable" < / span > < span class = "p" > :< / span > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "kc" > false< / span >
< / span > < span id = "__span-0-10" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-10" name = "__codelineno-0-10" href = "#__codelineno-0-10" > < / a > < span class = "w" > < / span > < span class = "p" > }< / span >
< / span > < span id = "__span-0-11" > < a id = "__codelineno-0-11" name = "__codelineno-0-11" href = "#__codelineno-0-11" > < / a > < span class = "p" > }< / span >
< / span > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
This is only needed to boot the game in offline mode, as any correctly configured server should handle the default settings properly.< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "admonition danger" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Intel 10th Gen and higher:< / p >
< p > If your PC has a 10th Gen or newer Intel CPU, there is one last step before running the game.
Due to an < a href = "https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/troubleshooting/openssl-sha-crash-bug-requires-application-update.html" > issue with OpenSSL< / a > , AMDaemon will fail to launch without the following changes.< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Find the < code > start.bat< / code > file in your games bin folder, and open it with a text editor.< br / >
At the very top of the file, above the < code > @echo off< / code > line, add the following.
< div class = "language-bat highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span id = "__span-1-1" > < a id = "__codelineno-1-1" name = "__codelineno-1-1" href = "#__codelineno-1-1" > < / a > < span class = "k" > set< / span > < span class = "nv" > OPENSSL_ia32cap< / span > < span class = "p" > =< / span > :~0x20000000
< / span > < / code > < / pre > < / div >
Save and close < code > start.bat< / code > .< / p >
< / div >
< h3 id = "service-menu-settings" > Service Menu settings< / h3 >
< div class = "admonition note" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Service Menu:< / p >
< p > Without an English patch the Service Menu will be in Japanese. < a href = "https://lens.google/" > Google Lens< / a > is a very handy tool for navigating this menu.< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > We are now ready to test our game setup.< br / >
Start the game by launching < code > start.bat< / code > from the games < code > App/bin< / code > folder.< br / >
Let the game load until it gets to the following screen.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/asettings.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Press < code > F1< / code > on your keyboard to enter the Service Menu (< code > 1< / code > on older versions of segatools).< br / >
Use < code > D< / code > and < code > F< / code > to navigate the menu, and < code > L< / code > to select an option. < / p >
< p > Navigate to < code > Game Settings< / code > , the 4th option from the top.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/gamesettings.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Select the second option, < code > reference machine settings< / code > and toggle this setting to < code > reference machine< / code > , as shown below.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/reference.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Select the last option from the menu, to return to the previous menu.< br / >
Once back to the main Service Menu, select the 10th option in the list, < code > closing setting< / code > .< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/closingsetting.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Select the second option, < code > hour< / code > , and toggle with < code > L< / code > until the option < code > all time< / code > is selected.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/alltime.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > Select the last option from the menu to return to the previous menu, and then select the last option of the main menu to save your settings and continue booting the game. < / p >
< p > If you get stuck at a < code > Waiting for Distribution Server< / code > message, shown below, close the game and relaunch. This is caused by dipswitch settings not setting themselves correctly the very first time the game is launched.< / p >
< / div >
< p > < img src = "/img/chunithmsunplus/distserver.png" > < / p >
< div class = "admonition tip" >
< p > If everything has been set up correctly, you should now be at the game's Attract Screen.< br / >
< code > F2< / code > and < code > F3< / code > will let you insert service/coin credits (< code > 1< / code > and < code > 2< / code > on older versions of segatools).
Now that we know the game is working, we can move on to configuring controllers and network access.< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "admonition note" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Dipswitch Settings:< / p >
< p > The dipswitch settings, < code > dipsw1< / code > , < code > dipsw2< / code > and < code > dipsw3< / code > , are not set the very first time you run the game, as some system files still need to be created. If the game is running at the wrong frame rate, you may need to exit and re-open the game for these settings to apply.< / p >
< / div >
< h3 id = "further-configuration" > Further Configuration< / h3 >
< div class = "admonition note" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Controllers:< / p >
< p > As there are several different input methods, each with different setup procedures, these will be covered in the < a href = "../controllers/" > Controllers< / a > section.< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "admonition note" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Networks:< / p >
< p > Local Network options will be covered in the < a href = "../networks/" > Networks< / a > section.< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "admonition warning" >
< p class = "admonition-title" > Have any other errors?< / p >
< p > Check out the < a href = "../problems/" > Common Problems/Tips< / a > and < a href = "../../../errorcodes/sega/" > Error Codes< / a > section.< / p >
< / div >
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