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-### 1 - Introduction
-!!! danger "Important - Read Carefully"
- This guide is created and maintained by volunteers. If you encounter
- any errors in the guide or have trouble with any of the steps, please
- [join the two-torial discord](https://discord.gg/cZRUmEPK78) and let
- us know in the appropriate section.
- The guide is organized by numbered chapters which can be accessed from
- the right sidebar. Each chapter contains collapsible sections with
- the following labels and colors:
- !!! note "Mandatory - Must Read and Follow Steps Exactly"
- !!! question "Optional - Can Skip Steps"
- !!! example "Decide - Choose ONLY ONE from the Group"
- !!! tip "Info - Extra Information and Notes"
- !!! danger "Important - Read Carefully"
-### Coming Soon
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-### 1 - Introduction
-!!! danger "Important - Read Carefully"
- This guide is created and maintained by volunteers. If you encounter
- any errors in the guide or have trouble with any of the steps, please
- [join the two-torial discord](https://discord.gg/cZRUmEPK78) and let
- us know in the appropriate section.
- The guide is organized by numbered chapters which can be accessed from
- the right sidebar. Each chapter contains collapsible sections with
- the following labels and colors:
- !!! note "Mandatory - Must Read and Follow Steps Exactly"
- !!! question "Optional - Can Skip Steps"
- !!! example "Decide - Choose ONLY ONE from the Group"
- !!! tip "Info - Extra Information and Notes"
- !!! danger "Important - Read Carefully"
-### 2 - Downloads
-!!! danger "This guide assumes you are starting with clean unmodified data"
- Packages that are already Modified or Patched are difficult to debug
- and may not work with the steps in this guide.
-??? note "**Find the Following:**"
- - Maimai DX Buddies SDEZ 1.40
- - Unpacked / Decrypted Files
- - ICF Files
- - (optional) English Patch
- - (optional) Option Files
- - (optional) Mega Omnimix
- !!! danger "The above are version specific. Do not mix files across different versions.
If you are coming from a previous version of MAIMAI:"
- Create a new folder for the game and start from scratch.
- MAIMAI **DOES NOT** like being extracted over old data!
- !!! danger "The 1.41 update is NOT recommended."
-??? note "**Download the Following:**"
- - [Dniel97 segatools.zip 2024-06-30](https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Dniel97/segatools/releases/tag/2024-06-30)
- - [Visual C++ Redistributable Runtime](https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist/releases/latest)
-### 3 - Preparing Data
-??? note "**Folder Structure**"
- !!! danger "There are currently issues with running game data in the `E:\` or `Y:\` drive.
Please extract the data into other drives."
- After downloading and extracting your data, make sure your files
- are not set to `Read-only`.
- - Right click the folder containing your data, then click on
- `Properties`.
- - In the `General` tab go down to `Attributes`, untick `Read-only`
- and click `Apply`.
- - A popup will appear, select `Apply changes to this folder, subfolder
- and files`and press `OK`.
- - Finally, click `OK` again to exit out of properties.
- Extract Maimai DX Buddies. The root directory file structure is as
- follows:
- Rename `Option` to `option`. Create empty folders `appdata` and `amfs`
- in the root directory:
- The `App` folder should have a file structure as follows.
- ??? danger "If your data doesn't look like this:"
- If extra files are present next to your folders, such as
- executables, scripts, etc.. **This most likely means your
- data was tampered with and we strongly recommend getting
- new data from somewhere else.**
-??? note "**Installing ICFs**"
- Install Configuration Files (ICFs) tell the game what version it is.
- **Without this your game cannot go online!**
- If your `amfs` folder already has files named `ICF1` and `ICF2`, skip
- this step.
- Otherwise, obtain a copy of SDEZ_1.40.icf and rename to `ICF1`
- **without any file extensions**. Create a copy of ICF1 and rename the
- copy to ICF2. Place both files in the `amfs` folder.
- ??? tip "Showing File Extensions"
- By default, file extensions on Windows are hidden. Enable them
- by navigating to the `View` tab in File Explorer and select
- `File name extensions`.
- ??? tip "Creating ICF Files"
- It is also possible to create (encode) the 1.40 ICF files
- using the [icf-reader project](https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/beerpsi/icf-reader/releases)
- and the following json:
- ```
- [
- {
- "type": "System",
- "id": "ACA",
- "version": "80.01.01",
- "required_system_version": "80.01.01",
- "datetime": "2021-11-10T13:45:11",
- "is_prerelease": false
- },
- {
- "type": "App",
- "id": "SDEZ",
- "version": "1.40.00",
- "required_system_version": "80.01.01",
- "datetime": "2023-08-02T13:00:07",
- "is_prerelease": false
- }
- ]
- ```
- ```
- ./icf-reader.exe [input_json] [output_ICF]
- ```
-??? note "**Installing Unprotected Executables**"
- MAIMAI executables are protected and will not run on a regular
- computer.
- Obtained unprotected (also called `unpacked` or `decrypted` by the
- community) copies of `Sinmai.exe`, `amdaemon.exe`, and the folder
- `Sinmai_Data` with the modified dll's for your game version.
- Copy the files and folder into the `App\Package` folder. Agree to overwrite
- files.
-??? question "**Installing English Patch**"
- The patch should contain a `Sinmai_Data` folder. Copy the contents
- into the game's `Sinmai_Data` and agree to overwrite files.
-??? question "**Installing Option Data**"
- MAIMAI content updates are distributed through option folders instead
- of patching the base game. They are named `A???`, with each `?`
- being a number. Custom options distributed by the community might use
- different letters instead such as `H???`, to distinguish them from
- official ones.
- **Place options folders `A???` / `H???` inside the `option` folder**
-### 4 - Configuring the Game
-??? note "Installing Segatools"
- - Extract [segatools.zip](https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Dniel97/segatools/releases/tag/2024-06-30)
- - Inside segatools, extract `mai2.zip` which should contain the following
- contents:
- - Place the above `mai2` contents inside the `App\Package` folder.
-??? note "Configuring Segatools"
- Since there is no graphical configuration tool for segatools, you
- will have to edit the configuration file by hand. It is found in
- `App\Package\segatools.ini`.
- It is recommended that you follow along using a text editor with
- syntax highlighting such as [Notepad++](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/).
- If you've been matching the file structure as described in the
- [Preparing data](#3-preparing-data) section, you can fill in this
- section with the values below:
- ```ini
- [vfs]
- amfs=../../amfs
- option=../../option
- appdata=../../appdata
- ```
- ```ini
- [dns]
- default=YOUR_IPv4_Address
- ```
- ??? tip "Finding IPv4 Address"
- Open a command promt. Type `ipconfig` and look for the IPv4
- address. Place those digits here otherwise you will get stuck
- on the DNS(LAN) check.
- ```ini
- [gpio]
- freeplay=1
- ```
- !!! danger "All other settings are config specific - Leave for now"
-??? note "Configuring Patches"
- The unprotected files call upon a configuration file to load various
- patches for the game:
- - **mai2.ini** - if using english patch
- - **maimaiDX.ini** - if **not** using english patch
- Create the appropriate file inside the `App\Package` folder with the
- following contents:
- ```ini
- [AM]
- Target=0
- IgnoreError=1
- DummyTouchPanel=1
- DummyLED=1
- DummyCodeCamera=1
- DummyPhotoCamera=1
- [Patches]
- EnablePatchLog=0
- EnableLoadAssetSupportPng=0
- EnablePickImageToCamera=0
- EnableSkipInformationDialog=0
- EnableSkipRegionalDiscover=0
- EnableSinglePlayer=1
- EnableRemoveNetworkEncryption=1
- [Sound]
- Sound8Ch=0
- [Debug]
- Debug=1
- SinglePlayer=1
- MaxTrack=3
- AllOpen=1
- ```
- ??? tip "More Configuration Options"
- The following have been present in various .ini files and may
- or may not work with a specific version. Many of these have
- already been moved into segatools and are no longer used:
- ```ini
- [AM]
- Target=0 // for hardware/cabinet targeting
- IgnoreError=1 // ignores errors instead of crashing
- // the following are to fake hardware so that the game runs
- DummyTouchPanel=1
- DummyLED=1
- DummyCodeCamera=1
- DummyPhotoCamera=1
- [Sound]
- Sound8Ch=0 // changing to 1 causes no sound
- [aime]
- enable=1 // seems to be the same as segatools aime enable
- [Patches]
- EnablePatchLog=1 // writes to dppatchlog.log
- EnableLoadAssetSupportPng=0 // for reading custom jackets
- EnablePickImagetoCamera=0 // for setting avatar from file
- // the following are self explanatory
- EnableSkipInformationDialog=1
- EnableSkipRegionalDiscover=1
- EnableSinglePlayer=1
- EnableRemoveNetworkEncryption=1
- [Debug]
- Debug=1 // enables these options
- SinglePlayer=1 // game defaults to 2 player
- // automatically unlock the following
- AllOpen=1
- AllMap=1
- AllCollection=1
- AllChara=1
- EventOverride=1 // ???
- MaxTrack=6 // number of tracks to play during normal mode (default 3)
- MusicSelectTime=65535 // not working
- Creative=1 // ???
- ```
-??? note "Configuring Aime Card"
- !!! danger "If you have a card reader - disconnect it for now."
- Follow these steps even if you have a card reader.
- Create a file named `aime.txt` inside `App\Package\DEVICE` and type
- in your 20-digit access code if you already have one, or make one up
- if you don't. If you're making one up, the access code **MUST NOT**
- start with a 3.
-### 5 - Guest Mode Test
-!!! danger "These steps are required, otherwise your game will not run."
-??? note "VCRedist"
- - Download and install the latest [VCRedist](https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist/releases/latest) (`VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe`)
- - Restart the computer
-??? note "Fixing OpenSSL on Intel 10th Gen and newer CPUs"
- If you have an Intel 10th Gen CPU or newer, right click
- `App\bin\start.bat`, select `Edit`, and add the highlighted line to
- the top of the file.
- ```batch hl_lines="2"
- @echo off
- set OPENSSL_ia32cap=:~0x20000000
- pushd %~dp0
- ...
- ```
-??? note "Test Launch"
- !!! danger "If you are not using the English Patch"
- The menu items follow the same order in either language
- Double click `start.bat` in the `App\Package` folder. If everything
- is setup properly, there will be three windows. The cmd windows should
- show the following:
- The other window `AM Daemon` can be ignored.
- The last window is Sinmai.exe which goes through a sequence of
- checks. The first is the data check which also ensures the program
- is running on appropriate hardware (make sure Target=0 in mai2.ini):
- The next check is for the aime reader which segatools is emulating:
- Afterwards the game checks the network:
- The last check is on the hardware at which point the game should
- be stuck on `Searching for Servers`:
- To fix this, press the `F1` key on the keyboard to enter the service
- menu:
- Navigate to `GAME SETTINGS` using the following keys:
- | Control | Keyboard |
- |---------|----------|
- | UP | W |
- | DOWN | C |
- | SELECT | F1 |
- Then change the `LOCAL MATCHING SETTING` to `OFF`
- Make sure to `EXIT` on both menus to save the settings. Once you
- are back in the menu press `ESC` to quit and close all windows
- related to the game.
- Relaunch `start.bat`. The game should now boot (make sure to allow
- Sinmai.exe to communicate on local networks) in `Guest Mode` and can
- be navigated with the following:
- | Controller | Keyboard |
- |------------|----------|
- | Button 1 | W |
- | Button 2 | E |
- | Button 3 | D |
- | Button 4 | C |
- | Button 5 | X |
- | Button 6 | Z |
- | Button 7 | A |
- | Button 8 | Q |
- | Service | F1 |
- | Quit | ESC |
-### 6 - Connecting to a Network
-!!! danger "Please choose ONE of the three options"
- **Remote** - easier to setup but scores may be deleted at anytime
- **Artemis** - completely local
- **AquaDX** - **TODO**
-??? example "Remote (Online Network)"
- Head to the `[dns]` section inside `segatools.ini`. Set `default` to
- the address provided by your network. **Do not add `http://` or
- `https://` to the address!**
- ```ini
- [dns]
- default=network.example
- ```
- Then, head to the `[keychip]` section and set `id` to the keychip ID
- provided by your network host:
- ```ini
- [keychip]
- ```
-??? example "Artemis (Local Network)"
- ??? note "Install Tools"
- - Install [Python 3.11](https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.11.7/python-3.11.7-amd64.exe)
- and `Add Python to PATH` when the option is presented.
- !!! danger "Only use python 3.8 - 3.11 (3.12 will not work)"
- - Download and install [MariaDB](https://mariadb.org/download/)
- with default settings. Set a password (`YOUR_DB_PASSWORD`)
- and remember it.
- - Download and install [DBeaver](https://dbeaver.io/download/)
- with default settings.
- ??? note "Setup Database"
- Open DBeaver and connect to MariaDB database with
- Install drivers if prompted.
- Click the `SQL Editor` dropdown and click `Open SQL Console`.
- Paste the following into the console (replace
- ```
- GRANT Alter,Create,Delete,Drop,Index,Insert,References,Select,Update ON aime.* TO 'aime'@'localhost';
- ```
- Click the top line then click the small orange right-facing
- triangle to run. Make sure there are no errors. Click the
- next line and run. Click the last line and run:
- If you expand localhost on the left, you should see the new
- Database `aime` and the new User `aime@localhost`:
- Lastly click the `File` dropdown then `Save` then exit.
- ??? note "Configure Artemis"
- - Download [Hay1tsme Artemis](https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Hay1tsme/artemis)
- (tested with master branch commit 31ca45fc68)
- - Open a command line and navigate to the extracted artemis
- folder. Run the following:
- ```
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- ```
- and ensure there are no errors.
- - Copy the folder `example_config` and rename to `config`
- - Enter `config` and open `core.yaml` in an editor.
- - Replace `server: listen_address` with ``
- - Replace `server: hostname` with `YOUR_IPv4_Address`
- - Replace `title: reboot_start_time` with `6:59`
- - Replace `database: password` with `YOUR_DB_PASSWORD`
- - Replace `aimedb: listen_address` with ``
- - Replace `aimedb: key` with `KEY` (FIND THE KEY)
- ??? tip "Finding IPv4 Address"
- Open a command promt. Type `ipconfig` and look for the IPv4
- address. Place those digits here otherwise you will get stuck
- on the DNS(LAN) check.
- ??? note "Create Database Tables"
- Open a command line and navigate to the extracted artemis
- folder. Run the following:
- ```
- python dbutils.py create
- ```
- Next import the songs and options into the database:
- ```
- python read.py --game SDEZ --version 21 --binfolder /path/to/Sinmai_Data/StreamingAssets --optfolder /path/to/root/option/folder
- ```
- After a successfuly import, we can check that database
- tables are up-to-date:
- ```
- python dbutils.py upgrade
- ```
- We can now test by running:
- ```
- python index.py
- ```
- Start the game (start.bat) and it should now connect. To
- verify, hold down `ENTER` at the start screen and it should
- read the aime card in `DEVICES\aime.txt`.
- ??? tip "Autostart Artemis"
- Open `run` and type `shell:startup`. This will open
- the location of startup programs. Create `artemis.bat`
- in this folder and copy the following:
- ```
- @echo off
- cd {Path to artemis}
- start /min cmd /c "python index.py"
- ```
- When you restart the PC, artemis will run
- automatically.
-??? example "AquaDX"
- **TODO** - someone experienced with AquaDX needs to write this section
-### 7 - Further Configuration
-!!! tip "Input methods and controllers are covered in the [Controllers](controllers.md) page."
-!!! tip "Have any other issues?"
- Check out the [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md) and [Error Codes](../../../errorcodes/sega.md) pages.
diff --git a/docs/games/maimai/buddies/troubleshooting.md b/docs/games/maimai/buddies/troubleshooting.md
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+++ /dev/null
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-### 1 - Introduction
-!!! danger "Important - Read Carefully"
- This guide is created and maintained by volunteers. If you encounter
- any errors in the guide or have trouble with any of the steps, please
- [join the two-torial discord](https://discord.gg/cZRUmEPK78) and let
- us know in the appropriate section.
- The guide is organized by numbered chapters which can be accessed from
- the right sidebar. Each chapter contains collapsible sections with
- the following labels and colors:
- !!! note "Mandatory - Must Read and Follow Steps Exactly"
- !!! question "Optional - Can Skip Steps"
- !!! example "Decide - Choose ONLY ONE from the Group"
- !!! tip "Info - Extra Information and Notes"
- !!! danger "Important - Read Carefully"
-### Coming Soon
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new file mode 100644
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+# maimai DX BUDDiES
+### Coming Soon
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20678c3
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+# maimai DX BUDDiES
+!!! danger "Please make sure you downloaded your data from an appropriate source.
This guide is unable to troubleshoot any problems related to bad or poorly managed data."
+!!! danger "If you're coming from a previous version of maimai DX"
+ Create a new folder for the game and start from scratch.
+ maimai DX **DOES NOT** like being extracted over old data!
+### Preparing data
+!!! danger "There are currently issues with running game data in the `E:\` or `Y:\` drive.
Please extract the data into other drives."
+!!! tip ""
+ After downloading and extracting your data, we need to make sure your files
+ are not set to `Read-only`.
+ - Right click the folder containing your data, then click on `Properties`.
+ - In the `General` tab go down to `Attributes`, untick `Read-only` and click `Apply`.
+ - A popup will appear, select `Apply changes to this folder, subfolder and files`and press `OK`.
+ - Finally, click `OK` again to exit out of properties.
+ You should end up with a file structure as follows.
+ Create two new empty folders named `appdata` and `amfs` (and the folder `option` if not present) next to them as shown below:
+ The `App` folder should have a file structure as follows.
+??? warning "If your data doesn't look like this"
+ If your data looks like the third image:
+ - Create an `App` folder and move all files and folders from the image inside of it.
+ - Create empty folders named `amfs`, `Option` and `AppData` next to the `App` folder.
+ If extra files are present next to your folders, such as executables, scripts, etc..
+ **remove them. This also means your data was tampered with and we strongly recommend
+ getting new data from somewhere else.**
+#### Installing ICFs
+!!! tip ""
+ Install Configuration Files (ICFs) tell the game what version it is.
+ **Without this your game cannot go online!**
+ If your `amfs` folder already has files`ICF1` and `ICF2`, skip this step.
+ Otherwise, obtain copies of `ICF1` for your game version and place it in
+ the `amfs` folder. If it is named something else, rename it to exactly
+ `ICF1` **without any file extensions.** `ICF2` is a copy of `ICF1`.
+??? info "Showing File Extensions"
+ By default, file extensions on Windows are hidden. Enable them by navigating to
+ the `View` tab in File Explorer and select `File name extensions`.
+#### Installing Unprotected Executables
+!!! tip ""
+ maimai DX executables are protected and will not run on a regular computer.
+ Obtained unprotected (also called "unpacked" or "decrypted" by the community)
+ copies of the following files and the associated configuration file:
+ - amdaemon.exe
+ - Sinmai.exe
+ - Sinmai_Data/Plugins/amdaemon_api.dll
+ - Sinmai_Data/Plugins/Cake.dll
+ - Sinmai_Data/Managed/AMDaemon.NET.dll
+ - Sinmai_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
+ - mai2.ini or maimaiDX.ini
+ Copy the files and folders into the `App/Package` folder of your game data. Agree to overwrite
+ when asked.
+ !!! Warning "Assembly-CSharp Notes"
+ `Assembly-CSharp.dll` **must** match your game version. All others can be
+ reused from other game versions. If these were not provided with your data,
+ join the [Discord](https://discord.gg/cZRUmEPK78) for assistance.
+ `Assembly-CSharp.dll` **must** also contain `mai2.ini` or `maimaiDX.ini`. These configuration
+ files are specific to the unprotected `Assembly-CSharp.dll`. If your package does not
+ contain a configuration file, please create one with the following to bypass hardware
+ checks on game startup:
+ ```ini
+ [AM]
+ Target=0
+ IgnoreError=1
+ DummyTouchPanel=1
+ DummyLED=1
+ DummyCodeCamera=1
+ DummyPhotoCamera=1
+ [Sound]
+ Sound8Ch=0
+ [Patches]
+ EnablePatchLog=1
+ ```
+ !!! tip "If the assembly supports it, `App/Package/dpPatchLog.log` lists supported patches after the first run. Otherwise see [Custom Mods](#custom-mods)"
+### Installing Segatools
+!!! tip ""
+ - Head over to [segatools releases](https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Dniel97/segatools/releases/latest)
+ and download the latest `segatools.zip`. **Do not download the source code.**
+ - Extracting the archive should give you a few more zip files. Find `mai2.zip`
+ and extract it to the `App/Package` folder in your game data.
+ You should now have a few more files inside the `App/Package` folder, as highlighted:
+### Configuring Segatools
+!!! tip ""
+ Since there is no graphical configuration tool for segatools, you will have to edit the
+ configuration file by hand. It is found in `App/Package/segatools.ini`.
+ It is recommended that you follow along using a text editor with syntax highlighting such as [Notepad++](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/).
+ Each following sub-section will correspond to a section in `segatools.ini`. If any
+ section is not mentioned, you can skip them.
+!!! warning
+ If a key already exists in the section, delete everything after `=` and replace it with your
+ setting. Do not add another key. Example:
+ ```ini
+ [system]
+ dipsw2=1
+ dipsw2=1 ; WRONG!
+ ```
+#### `[vfs]`
+!!! tip ""
+ If you've been matching the file structure as described in the [Preparing data](#preparing-data)
+ section, you can fill in this section with the values below:
+ ```ini
+ [vfs]
+ amfs=../../amfs
+ option=../../option
+ appdata=../../appdata
+ ```
+#### `[dns]`
+!!! tip ""
+ Game will not pass checks unless you modify the dns:
+ ```ini
+ [dns]
+ default=YOUR_IPv4_ADDRESS
+ ```
+ ??? tip "Finding Your IPv4 Address"
+ Open a command promt. Type `ipconfig` and look for the IPv4 Address.
+ Place those digits here otherwise you will get stuck on the DNS(LAN) check.
+### Pre-launch requirements
+!!! info "These steps are required, otherwise your game won't run."
+#### VCRedist & DirectX
+!!! tip ""
+ - Download and install the latest [VCRedist](https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist/releases/latest) (`VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe`)
+ - Download and install the [DirectX End-User Runtimes](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109)
+#### Audio
+!!! tip ""
+ - Right-click on the volume setting in your taskbar and select `Sounds`.
+ - Navigate to the `Playback` tab, right click on your default audio device, and click on `Properties`.
+ - Go to the `Advanced` tab.
+ - Check both boxes under `Exclusive Mode`.
+ - Open the `Default Format` dropdown.
+ - Pick either `16 bit, 48000Hz (DVD Quality)` or `24 bit, 48000Hz (Studio Quality)`, click `Apply`, then `OK`.
+#### Fixing OpenSSL on Intel 10th Gen and newer CPUs
+!!! tip ""
+ If you have an Intel 10th Gen CPU or newer, right click `App/Package/start.bat`, select `Edit`, and add the
+ highlighted line to the top of the file.
+ ```batch hl_lines="2"
+ @echo off
+ set OPENSSL_ia32cap=:~0x20000000
+ pushd %~dp0
+ ...
+ ```
+### Test Launch
+!!! danger "If you have any issues running the game, refer to the [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md) page."
+!!! warning "Please Disconnect any Hardware including Controllers or Card Readers at this time."
+!!! tip
+ Without an English patch, the service menu will be in Japanese. If you don't know Japanese, [Google Lens](https://lens.google/)
+ is a handy tool for navigating this menu.
+#### Game Settings
+!!! tip ""
+ If you've followed all instructions correctly, you are ready to launch the game!
+ Start the game by running `App/Package/start.bat`. You should see a terminal pop-up with the following:
+ Another window titled `Sinmai` is the actual game. It should pause on `Search for Distribution Servers`:
+!!! tip ""
+ Use the following keyboard controls `F1` = `Test/Enter` and `c` = `down` to do the following:
+ - Press `F1` to enter the service menu
+ - Press `c` a few times to navigate to `Game Settings` or `ゲーム設定` as shown below:
+ - Press `F1` to enter the menu. Press `c` to navigate to the top option and toggle to `OFF` using `F1`. You should see the following:
+ - Press `ESC` to exit. Close all associated windows including `CMD`, `AMDaemon`, and `Sinmai`. Relaunch with `start.bat` and the game should boot into guest mode.
+### Connecting to a Network
+!!! danger "Please choose one of the two solutions, not both!"
+??? tip "Remote (Online Network)"
+ Head to the `[dns]` section inside `segatools.ini`. Set `default` to the address
+ provided by your network. **Do not add `http://` or `https://` to the address!**
+ ```ini
+ [dns]
+ default=network.example
+ ```
+ Then, head to the `[keychip]` section and set `id` to the keychip ID provided by your network:
+ ```ini
+ [keychip]
+ ```
+ Finally, you need a card number. Create a file named `aime.txt` inside `App/Package/DEVICE` and type in
+ your 20-digit access code if you already have one, or make one up if you don't. If you're making one
+ up, the access code **MUST NOT** start with a 3.
+??? tip "Local (ARTEMiS/AquaDX)"
+ Both of these options require non-trivial setup. Refer to the official guides for [ARTEMiS](https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Hay1tsme/artemis/src/branch/develop/docs/INSTALL_WINDOWS.md)
+ and [AquaDX](https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX?tab=readme-ov-file#usage-v1-developmental-preview)
+ to set up a local server.
+### Further Configuration
+#### Updating the Base Game
+!!! tip ""
+ Extract your patch's files to your existing data in a way that matches its
+ file structure. Agree to overwrite files if necessary.
+ !!! Warning "Only update if an unencrypted `Assembly-CSharp.dll` is available"
+#### Installing Option Data
+!!! tip ""
+ maimai DX content updates are distributed through option folders instead of patching
+ the base game. They are named with a letter followed by three numbers. Each release
+ increments the letter (ie. BUDDiES is `H???` and BUDDiES+ is `I???`).
+ Extract any options you've downloaded into the `option` folder. You should end up with
+ a file structure as follows. **Do not be worried if you have fewer or more option folders.**
+ !!! warning "Do not mix option data between versions"
+#### Custom Mods
+!!! tip ""
+ !!! danger "Please use BepInEx to load all mods including MelonLoader and MonoMods"
+ Mods have historically been hardcoded into the unprotected `Assembly-CSharp.dll` which the user can
+ enable/disable with the `mai2.ini` or `maimaiDX.ini` configuration. The modern approach is to use
+ BepInEx to load custom mods without hardmodding the Assembly-CSharp file.
+ To enable BepInEx, download the [BepInEx stable release](https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx/releases/latest),
+ extract the BepInEx folder to the `App/Package` folder, and modify `segatools.ini` with the following:
+ ```ini
+ [unity]
+ enable=1
+ targetAssembly=BepInEx\core\BepInEx.Preloader.dll
+ ```
+ - BepInEx: place mods in `BepInEx/Plugins`
+ - Melonloader: use [BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader](https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader/releases/latest) UnityMono-BepInEx5. Place mods in `MLLoader/Mods`
+ - MonoMods: use [BepInEx.MonoMod.Loader](https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.MonoMod.Loader/releases/latest). Place mods in `BepInEx/monomod`
+ !!! warning "Some maimai DX mods are only compatible with BepInEx 5.4.22"
+### Controllers and Troubleshooting
+!!! info "Input methods and controllers are covered in the [Controllers](controllers.md) page."
+!!! warning "Have any other issues?"
+ Check out the [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md) and [Error Codes](../../../errorcodes/sega.md) pages.
diff --git a/docs/games/maimaidx/buddies/troubleshooting.md b/docs/games/maimaidx/buddies/troubleshooting.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8207287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/games/maimaidx/buddies/troubleshooting.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# maimai DX BUDDiES
+### Coming Soon
diff --git a/docs/img/maimai/buddies/setup_aime.png b/docs/img/maimai/buddies/setup_aime.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 08c262c..0000000
Binary files a/docs/img/maimai/buddies/setup_aime.png and /dev/null differ
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index 28fa56a..0000000
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index 7aef53e..0000000
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index f145cd0..0000000
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index 018e1b6..0000000
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index 9cb9750..0000000
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index 79e392d..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1c2140a..0000000
Binary files a/docs/img/maimai/buddies/setup_segatools.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index e8fdb1d..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8a8abf5..0000000
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index 4fd1c5b..0000000
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index cd6c20e..0000000
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index 4d9d9e0..0000000
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index 805606a..0000000
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similarity index 100%
rename from docs/img/maimai/buddies/buddies.png
rename to docs/img/maimaidx/buddies.png
diff --git a/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/access_code.png b/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/access_code.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74bf007
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/access_code.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..555dfd7
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/appdir.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8aea75
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/audio.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59507f9
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/cmd.png differ
diff --git a/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/distribution_servers_check.png b/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/distribution_servers_check.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d02233f
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/distribution_servers_check.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8f5af7
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..942748d
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91bbe95
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/rootdir2.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f39b06
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/segatools.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c57d1a1
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/maimaidx/setup/service_game_settings.png differ
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index de4bcfb..6edcc4d 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ nav:
- "Game Setup": "games/chunithmluminous/setup.md"
- "Controllers": "games/chunithmluminous/controllers.md"
- "Troubleshooting": "games/chunithmluminous/troubleshooting.md"
- - "MAIMAI":
- - "BUDDIES":
- - "Game Setup": "games/maimai/buddies/setup.md"
- - "Controllers": "games/maimai/buddies/controllers.md"
- - "Troubleshooting": "games/maimai/buddies/troubleshooting.md"
+ - "maimai DX":
+ - "BUDDiES":
+ - "Game Setup": "games/maimaidx/buddies/setup.md"
+ - "Controllers": "games/maimaidx/buddies/controllers.md"
+ - "Troubleshooting": "games/maimaidx/buddies/troubleshooting.md"
- "Taiko no Tatsujin":
- "Nijiiro":