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+# beatmania IIDX 32 Pinky Crush
+!!! danger "Please make sure you downloaded your data from an appropriate source.
This guide is unable to troubleshoot any problems related to bad or poorly managed data."
+### Standard & Lightning modes
+!!! warning "Lightning mode requires a 120hz capable monitor."
+!!! tip ""
+ To make use of the Lightning Mode, which unlocks the subscreen and 120FPS, we need to go to the `contents\prop` folder and edit the `ea3-config.xml` file.
+ We're interested in these lines:
+ ```xml
+ J
+ E
+ A
+ 2024100900
+ ```
+ This is the line that determines if the game will run in Standard (60 FPS) or Lightning (120 FPS) mode.
+ ```xml
+ E
+ ```
+ - ^^`E`^^ for Standard (LDJ-012, LDJ, 60hz)
+ - ^^`D`^^ for Lightning (LDJ-010, TDJ, 120hz)
+### Changing the game's language
+!!! tip ""
+ This is done in-game before card-in by pressing your `EFFECT` key.
+### More about ea3-config.xml
+!!! tip ""
+ The `ea3-config.xml` file is located inside the `prop` folder.
+ Below is an explanation on what different sections of this file do.
+ The following lines change the PCBID and HARDID that your system reports to your e-amusement server.
+ There is ^^**no need to manually change this**^^ as `spice2x` will do it for us.
+ ```xml
+ 00010203040506070809
+ 00010203040506070809
+ ```
+ The following line determines what version of the game you are running.
+ ^^**You should never change this**^^. It should always say `LDJ`.
+ ```xml
+ ```
+ The following line determines the game's region.
+ ^^**You should never change this**^^. As you can change the language in-game.
+ ```xml
+ J
+ ```
+ ^^**You should never change this**^^. It should always say `A` for Epolis.
+ ```xml
+ A
+ ```
+ The following line determines your datecode.
+ ^^**Always keep it up to date**^^ with your game's current version.
+ ```xml
+ 2024100900
+ ```
+ The following line determine what remote service URL `spice2x` is supposed to connect to.
+ There is ^^**no need to manually change this**^^ as `spice2x` will do it for us.
+ ```xml
+ http://localhost:8083
+ ```
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa047d1
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+++ b/docs/games/iidx32/setup.md
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+# beatmania IIDX 32 Pinky Crush
+!!! danger "Please make sure you downloaded your data from an appropriate source.
This guide is unable to troubleshoot any problems related to bad or poorly managed data."
+### About data
+!!! info "The full game should be around 100gb while updates are only around 2-5gb in size."
+!!! info "Standard (LDJ) / Lightning (TDJ)"
+ Please keep the following in mind as you're going through this guide.
+ IIDX's codename is `LDJ`. For `IIDX 32 Pinky Crush` this would be either:
+ - `LDJ-010` *(TDJ, Lightning cab, 120 FPS)*
+ - `LDJ-012` *(LDJ, Standard cab, 60 FPS)*
+ The main difference between `010` and `012` is the game's main `.dll` file, `bm2dx.dll`.
+ This changes which features the game offers, and which conditions the game expects to run under.
+ - **TDJ** expects a `120hz` compatible monitor for its main screen, and a second `60hz` touchscreen compatible monitor called a subscreen. The second monitor isn't mandatory, we can get around that using spice2x.
+ - **LDJ** expects `60hz` monitor for its main screen, and no subscreen.
+ We'll be using the terms **TDJ** for **Lightning**, and **LDJ** for **Standard** throughout the guide.
+!!! danger "If you're coming from IIDX 30 Resident"
+ You'll want to [update your data](#updating-data) **from** `LDJ-003` **to** `LDJ-010` **or** `LDJ-012` **FIRST** then follow this guide as normal.
+### Preparing data
+!!! tip ""
+ After downloading and extracting your data, we need to make sure your files aren't set to `Read-only`.
+ - Right click the folder containing your data, then click on `Properties`.
+ - In the `General` tab go down to `Attributes`, untick `Read-only` and click `Apply`.
+ - A popup will appear, select `Apply changes to this folder, subfolder and files` and press `OK`.
+ - Finally, click `OK` again to exit out of properties.
+ You should end up with a file structure with a few folders only, as follows.
+??? warning "If your data doesn't look like this"
+ If you're missing the `modules` folder and instead have bunch of `.dll` files next to your folders:
+ - Create a `modules` folder.
+ - Move all `.dll` files inside of it so you end up with a structure as shown above.
+ If extra files are present next to your folders, such as executables, scripts, etc.. **remove them**.
+ **This also means your data was tampered with and we strongly recommend getting new data from somewhere else.**
+!!! info "If you don't need to update your data, you can skip over to the [Installing Spice2x](#installing-spice2x) section."
+### Updating data
+??? danger "Please make sure you're using the right update for your current data."
+ As we've seen in the [About data](#about-data) section, the main difference between `LDJ` and `TDJ` is the `bm2dx.dll` file.
+ When updating from a previous version to the next, our current `.dll` will be overwritten.
+ Knowing that, patches re-uploaded by the community tend to be named `LDJ-DATECODE-to-LDJ-010/012-DATECODE`.
+ **Note**: If updating from `IIDX 30 Resident`, it will be `LDJ-003-DATECODE-to-LDJ-010/012-DATECODE`.
+ For example `LDJ-2024082600-to-LDJ-010-2024100900`.
+ - `2024082600` being your current data's version, no matter if it's using a TDJ or LDJ `.dll` file.
+ - `2024100900` being the version you would arrive at.
+ - `010` meaning you would end up with a `TDJ` *(Lightning Cab)* `bm2dx.dll` file.
+!!! tip ""
+ - Extract your patch's files to your existing data in a way that matches its file structure. Agree to overwrite files if necessary.
+ - Open `prop\ea3-config.xml` in a text editor and find the following lines near the top.
+ ```xml
+ J
+ E
+ A
+ 2024100900
+ ```
+ On the line with `` the letter needs to match your data type:
+ - ^^`E`^^ for Standard (LDJ-012, LDJ, 60hz)
+ - ^^`D`^^ for Lightning (LDJ-010, TDJ, 120hz)
+ Replace the letter accordingly if necessary.
+ On the line with `` the datecode needs to match your new version.
+ - If that's already the case then great! Don't touch anything.
+ - If it instead corresponds to our pre-patch datecode, replace it with the new one.
+ Now save the file.
+### Installing Spice2x
+!!! tip ""
+ - Head over to [spice2x.github.io](https://spice2x.github.io) and download the latest release.
+ - Extract the `spice64.exe` and `spicecfg.exe` files from the archive to your game's directory.
+### Configuring Spice2x
+!!! info "Open `spicecfg.exe`, each following sub-section corresponds to a tab at the top."
+#### Buttons
+!!! tip ""
+ Click on `Bind` then press the key you want associated with the action.
+ With your controller and/or keyboard plugged in, configure your keys for:
+ - **Maintenance**: `Service, Test`
+ - **P1 Game buttons**: `1 to 7, Start, EFFECT, VEFX`
+ - **P1 Keypad**: `Keypad Insert Card`
+ **Only if** you're using LDJ:
+ - **P1 Keypad**: `1 to 9`
+ **Only if** you're playing using a keyboard:
+ - **Turntable**: `TT+, TT-` **and optionally** `TT+/-` which alternates between `TT+` and `TT-` on each press.
+#### Analogs (controller/cab only)
+!!! tip ""
+ With a controller rather than binding buttons to `TT+` and `TT-`, you need to:
+ - For Turntable P1, click `Bind`.
+ - In `Device`, pick your controller.
+ - In `Control`, pick whichever one corresponds to the turntable.
+ - Turn your turntable ensuring that the Preview turns along with it.
+ - Click `Close`, leaving the rest of the settings alone.
+#### Overlay
+!!! tip ""
+ Modifying buttons in this section is not required but you are free to change what you want.
+ Click on `Bind` then press the key you want associated with the action.
+#### Lights (controller/cab only)
+!!! tip ""
+ Your controller might support having its lights controlled by the game through spice2x.
+ If it does, here's how you may link different actions to your lights:
+ - Click `Bind`.
+ - In `Device`, pick your controller.
+ - In `Light Control`, select the corresponding light.
+ - Click `Close`.
+ - Repeat for your other lights.
+#### Cards
+!!! info "Covered in the [Connecting to a network](#connecting-to-a-network) section."
+#### Patches
+!!! info "Go through the [Spice2x Patching](../../extras/patchsp2x.md) page to import patches."
+ There are **many** patches available for IIDX.
+ We will only bring up the ones we think could be genuinely useful.
+!!! danger "As a general rule of thumb, if you're not sure what a patch does or you're not absolutely certain you need it, leave it alone, regardless of recommendations below."
+??? tip "General patches"
+ | Patch | Recommendation | Description |
+ |-----------------------------------------------|---------------- |-------------|
+ | Standard/Menu Timer Freeze | Either | Freezes the timer in all non-premium environments. |
+ | Premium Free Timer Freeze | Either | Freezes the timer in Premium Free mode. |
+ | Cursor Lock | Either | In song select, always returns to the previously selected song. |
+ | CS-style Song Start Delay | Either | At the start of a song, holding Start will pause it until you release it. |
+ | Increase Game Volume | Either | Ignores in-game settings and keeps the volume at a maximum, helpful for `TDJ` which tends to be quiet. |
+ | Hide all bottom text | Either | Hides text at the bottom of the screen such as `Credits` or `Paseli`. |
+ | Force LDJ Mode | OFF | Starts the game in LDJ (012) mode when using a TDJ (010) `.dll` file. **Please just use the proper `.dll` file instead of forcing the other mode.** |
+ | Force Audio Output Mode | WASAPI | Forces the game to output the game using a specific method (WASAPI/ASIO). **This can potentially fix desync or crashing issues in recent updates.** |
+#### API
+!!! warning "Leave everything at default unless you know what you're doing."
+#### Options
+!!! info "If you don't know what an option does, hover over the question mark at the very left."
+!!! danger "Be very careful changing options you don't understand as it may cause issues."
+!!! tip "Required"
+ | Category | Option | Parameter | Setting |
+ |---------------|-----------------------|-------------------|---------|
+ | Game Options | IIDX Disable Cameras | -iidxdisablecams | ON |
+ | Network | EA Service URL | -url | Covered in [Connecting to a network](#connecting-to-a-network) |
+!!! warning "Required For TDJ"
+ | Category | Option | Parameter | Setting |
+ |---------------|-----------------------|-------------------|---------|
+ | Game Options | IIDX TDJ Mode | -iidxtdj | ON |
+ **If you only have a single 120hz monitor**, and not another 60hz touchscreen:
+ | Category | Option | Parameter | Setting |
+ |-------------------|-------------------------------|-----------------------------------|---------|
+ | Graphics (common) | Only Use One Monitor | -graphics-force-single-adapter | ON |
+!!! tip "Highly Recommended for NVIDIA users ONLY"
+ | Category | Option | Parameter | Setting |
+ |-------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------| |
+ | Graphics (common) | NVIDIA profile optimization | -nvprofile | ON |
+#### Advanced & Development
+!!! warning "Leave everything at default unless you know what you're doing."
+### Connecting to a network
+!!! danger "Please choose one of the two solutions, not both!"
+??? tip "Remote (Online Network)"
+ Open `spicecfg.exe` and head to the `Options` tab.
+ In the `Network` category, set the following settings:
+ - `EA Service URL` to the URL provided by your network.
+ - `PCBID` to the PCBID provided by your network.
+ Next you need a card number.
+ If you don't already have one, generate one in the `Cards` tab.
+ To keep your card number safe, create a new `.txt` file with ONLY it inside.
+ Once that's done, head to the `Cards` tab, for `Player 1` click `Open...` and point to your text file.
+??? tip "Local e-amuse Emulator (Asphyxia)"
+ This is covered in the [Asphyxia CORE](../../extras/asphyxia.md) page.
+### Pre-launch requirements
+!!! info "These steps are required, otherwise your game won't run."
+#### VCRedist & DirectX
+!!! tip ""
+ - Download and install the latest [VCRedist](https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist/releases/latest) (`VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe`)
+ - Download and install the [DirectX End-User Runtimes](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109)
+#### Audio
+!!! tip ""
+ - Open `spicecfg.exe`.
+ - At the very top, click on `Shortcuts` then `Audio Playback Devices`.
+ - In the popup window, right click on your default audio device, and click on `Properties`.
+ - Go to the `Advanced` tab.
+ - Check both boxes under `Exclusive Mode`.
+ - Open the `Default Format` dropdown.
+ - Pick the `24 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality)` option and click `Apply` then `OK`. `24 bit, 48000 Hz` is also acceptable as spice2x will handle it.
+#### Standard / Lightning / Language settings
+!!! info "Read through the [Extra Information](extras.md) page and edit your `prop\ea3-config.xml` file if necessary."
+### First launch
+!!! danger "If you have any issues running the game, refer to the [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md) page."
+!!! tip ""
+ If you've followed all instructions correctly, you're now finally ready to launch the game!
+ **First plug your controller if you have one** and run `spice64.exe`, press `Yes` when it asks for elevated privileges.
+ If it's your first time running the game, you'll immediately be greeted with this screen.
+!!! tip ""
+ Press your `Test` key to initialize the backup data, a message will pop up stating it's been initialized.
+ Next, you'll get another error.
+!!! tip ""
+ Let the game run for a bit until the monitor check is complete and you should be taken to the service menu.
+!!! tip ""
+ Instructions on how to navigate the menu are shown at the bottom of the screen.
+ - Press `1` and `2` to go up and down.
+ - Press `6` to select/execute.
+ Start by going up to `CLOCK`.
+!!! tip ""
+ Here, simply select `SAVE AND EXIT` and the clock will be set.
+ You'll be back in the service menu.
+!!! tip ""
+!!! tip ""
+ We will need to set a shop name.
+ - Name your shop to whatever you'd like. Instructions on how to navigate are at the bottom of the screen.
+ - Go to `EXIT` then `SAVE AND EXIT`.
+!!! tip ""
+ Select `GAME MODE`.
+ You're all done! The game should load up properly now.
+### Carding in
+!!! info "Before carding in, you have the option of changing the game's language by pressing your `EFFECT` key."
+??? tip "For LDJ (Standard)"
+ LDJ should accept keypad number binds:
+ - Press your `Keypad Insert Card` button.
+ - Enter your code using your keypad binds.
+??? tip "For TDJ (Lightning)"
+ TDJ will ignore keypad number binds, you need to:
+ - Press your `Keypad Insert Card` button.
+ - Press your `Toggle Sub Screen` overlay button *(PgUp by default)* to bring up the sub screen.
+ - Enter your code by clicking on the subscreen's keypad.
+ - If your code is accepted, you may now close the overlay.
+### Troubleshooting
+!!! warning "Have any other issue?"
+ Check out the [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md) and [Error Codes](../../errorcodes/bemani.md) pages.
+ For any more game-specific information, check out [Extra Information](extras.md).
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+# beatmania IIDX 32 Pinky Crush
+!!! danger "Please make sure you downloaded your data from an appropriate source.
This guide is unable to troubleshoot any problems related to bad or poorly managed data."
+### My game crashes on launch!
+!!! tip ""
+ Could be due to **many** things. The most common of which is you need to patch the DLL for your game with `Force Audio Output Mode` set to `WASAPI` or `ASIO`.
+ Also see the audio section in the [setup guide](setup.md#audio).
+### My game is running too slow/fast / Game gets stuck / Monitor error at boot / Error 5-1503-0043
+!!! tip ""
+ Potential causes:
+ 1. The game could be running over/under its required refresh rate (60 for LDJ, 120 for TDJ)
+ To solve this, make sure v-sync isn't disabled in your graphics card's settings.
+ For NVIDIA users, enable `NVIDIA profile optimization (-nvprofile)` in the `Options` tab.
+ 2. It could be that your computer's performance isn't good enough to keep a steady framerate.
+### I'm having performance issues / my FPS fluctates!
+!!! tip ""
+ If you're having performance issues of some kind, spice2x's [PC optimization](https://github.com/spice2x/spice2x.github.io/wiki/PC-optimization) guide is worth looking at.
+ If none of that works, your PC probably isn't good enough to run the game, sorry.
+### Unable to login / Eamuse error / Network error
+!!! tip ""
+ Get the proper Asphyxia plugin from our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/cZRUmEPK78) in the #iidx channel > Resources post.
+ Make sure you didn't enable `-smartea` in spicecfg's options.
+### How do I set my offset?
+!!! tip ""
+ Play through a chart you're comfortable with.
+ If you're getting too many `Fast`, increase your offset `(+)`.
+ If you're getting too many `Slow`, decrease your offset `(-)`.
+### My inputs aren't working / I can't get past error messages!
+!!! tip ""
+ If **none** of your inputs are working, try updating [spice2x](https://spice2x.github.io/), you can also try using the beta versions if the stable releases don't work for you.
+### My game audio is super quiet!
+!!! tip ""
+ When using `TDJ mode` the audio is very quiet by default. To mitigate this, you can use the `Increase Game Volume` patch.
+### When I run the game all other audio is gone!
+!!! tip ""
+ IIDX uses [WASAPI exclusive mode](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/coreaudio/exclusive-mode-streams) for audio to get better audio latency.
+ Unlike former versions of the games which used [DirectSound](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DirectSound).
+ You can use the `Shared Mode WASAPI` patch to hear other apps while the game is running, at the cost of some audio latency.
+### I'm not getting any audio, or my audio is completely wrecked and I'm using an External Dac!
+!!! tip ""
+ Many setups have found some difficulty with audio due to various equipment being used. Consider using the `Shared Mode WASAPI` patch.
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@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ nav:
- "Game Setup": "games/iidx31/setup.md"
- "Extra Information": "games/iidx31/extras.md"
- "Troubleshooting": "games/iidx31/troubleshooting.md"
+ - "IIDX 32 Pinky Crush":
+ - "Game Setup": "games/iidx32/setup.md"
+ - "Extra Information": "games/iidx32/extras.md"
+ - "Troubleshooting": "games/iidx32/troubleshooting.md"
- "SDVX":
- "First Time Setup": "games/sdvx4/setup.md"