site_name: copyright: two-torial Team site_description: Arcade Games Troubleshooting Guide site_author: two-torial Team repo_url: repo_name: GitHub nav: - Home: - Games: - BEMANI: - 'IIDX': - 'IIDX 9th style': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx9/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx9/' - 'IIDX 10th style': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx10/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx10/' - 'IIDX 11 IIDX RED': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx11/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx11/' - 'IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx12/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx12/' - 'IIDX 13 DistorteD': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx13/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx13/' - 'IIDX 14 GOLD': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx14/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx14/' - 'IIDX 24 SINOBUZ': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx24/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx24/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/iidx24/' - 'IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx25/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx25/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/iidx25/' - 'IIDX 26 Rootage': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx26/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx26/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/iidx26/' - 'IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx27/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx27/' - 'Lightning Mode Specifics': 'games/iidx27/' - 'IIDX 30 RESIDENT': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx30/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx30/' - 'Lightning Mode (TDJ)': 'games/iidx30/' - 'IIDX 31 EPOLIS': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/iidx31/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/iidx31/' - 'Lightning Mode (TDJ)': 'games/iidx31/' - 'SDVX': - 'SDVX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/sdvx4/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/sdvx4/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/sdvx4/' - 'SDVX VIVID WAVE': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/sdvx5/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/sdvx5/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/sdvx5/' - 'SDVX EXCEED GEAR': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/sdvx6/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/sdvx6/' - 'Valkyrie Model': 'games/sdvx6/' - 'Pop'n': - 'Pop'n Usaneko': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/popnusaneko/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/popnusaneko/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/popnusaneko/' - 'Pop'n Peace': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/popnpeace/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/popnpeace/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/popnpeace/' - 'HELLO Pop'n': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/hellopopn/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/hellopopn/' - 'DDR': - 'DDR Ace': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/ddrace/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/ddrace/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/ddrace/' - 'Jubeat': - 'Jubeat Clan': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/jubeatclan/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/jubeatclan/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/jubeatclan/' - 'GITADORA': - 'GITADORA Matixx': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/gitamatixx/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/gitamatixx/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/gitamatixx/' - 'GITADORA EXCHAIN': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/exchain/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/exchain/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/exchain/' - 'Reflec Beat': - 'Reflec Beat: Reflesia': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/reflesia/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/reflesia/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/reflesia/' - 'NOSTALGIA': - 'Nostalgia FORTE': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/nostforte/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/nostforte/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/nostforte/' - 'Nostalgia Op.2': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/nostop2/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/nostop2/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/nostop2/' - 'BeatStream アニムトライヴ': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/beatstreamfinal/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/beatstreamfinal/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/beatstreamfinal/' - 'MÚSECA 1+1/2': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/musecafinal/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/musecafinal/' - 'Hex Edits': 'games/musecafinal/' - SEGA: - 'CHUNITHM': - 'SUN PLUS': - 'First Time Setup': 'games/chunithmsunplus/' - 'Controllers': 'games/chunithmsunplus/' - 'Networks': 'games/chunithmsunplus/' - 'Common Problems/Tips': 'games/chunithmsunplus/' - Error Codes: - Extras: - 'How to use Patcher Websites': 'extras/' - 'Beginner Guide to Hex Editing': 'extras/' - 'How to setup Asphyxia CORE': 'extras/' - 'Notes on the Most Common ASCs and Vendors': 'extras/' - 'Arcade Parts List and Documentation': 'extras/' - 'SpiceTools Usage, Parameters, and Functionality': 'extras/' - 'SpiceTools Error Messages': 'extras/' - 'List of Touchscreen Monitors and their Polling Rates': 'extras/' - 'What is WASAPI and ASIO?': 'extras/' - 'Exclusive Audio Workarounds': 'extras/' - External Resources: - About & Credits: theme: name: material logo: img/logo/website-logo.svg favicon: img/favicon.ico navigation_depth: 3 palette: primary: deep purple scheme: slate markdown_extensions: - admonition - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.highlight: anchor_linenums: true line_spans: __span pygments_lang_class: true - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.snippets - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.keys - pymdownx.critic - pymdownx.caret - pymdownx.keys - pymdownx.mark - pymdownx.tilde - attr_list - md_in_html plugins: - material/search