# Other Resources !!! info "Last updated: July 11th, 2024" This section contains a variety of resources. --- ### Spice2x Patchers !!! tip "See [Spice2x Patching](./extras/patchsp2x.md)." - **TWO-TORIAL** - `https://sp2x.two-torial.xyz/` - **Our [open-source](https://github.com/two-torial/sp2xpatcher) patcher for Spice2x compatible games.** - **DJTrackers** - `https://djtrackers.com/bemanipatcher/2x` - **Recommended for anything we don't yet support** --- ### Web Patchers !!! tip "See [Web Patching](./extras/patchweb.md)." - [TWO-TORIAL](https://patcher.two-torial.xyz/) - **Our [open-source](https://github.com/two-torial/webpatcher) web patcher** *(based on mon's)* **for games incompatible with Spice2x.** - [mon's](https://mon.im/bemanipatcher/) - Supports a variety of **old games** - [Scribblers Chuni Only Patcher](https://scrib-bler.github.io/patcher/) - Has every version of **Chunithm** available --- ### General !!! tip "" - [Spice2x Wiki](https://github.com/spice2x/spice2x.github.io/wiki) - Contains a bunch of useful info - [Remywiki](https://remywiki.com/Main_Page) - Generalized BEMANI content wiki - [GameRepair.info](https://gamerepair.info/) - Repository of arcade part repair & misc information - [Cons&Stuff](https://consandstuff.github.io/) - Community resource for DIY controllers - [Rhythm Game Cabs](https://discord.gg/MNcMGCE8sk) - Discord server for arcade cabs --- ### IIDX !!! tip "" - [iidx.org](https://iidx.org/) - The go to guide for mechanics and skill related things - [sp12](https://sp12.iidx.app/) - IIDX SP☆12 reference site/difficulty tier list - [iidx.insane.pe.kr](https://iidx.insane.pe.kr/!/) - IIDX difficulty tier list - [Statistik](http://statistik.benhgreen.com/) - IIDX difficulty tier list - [atwiki](https://w.atwiki.jp/bemani2sp/sp/) - IIDX wiki in JP (includes tier lists) - [textage.cc](https://textage.cc/score/) - Chart viewing resource - [DJ DAO IIDX troubleshooting guide](https://github.com/minsang-github/rhythmgame-docs/wiki/DJ-DAO-IIDX-controller-troubleshooting) - Step-by-step guide for FPS, FP7, PEE, RES, RED controllers. --- ### SDVX !!! tip "" - [SDVX Index](https://sdvxindex.com/) - SDVX chart viewer and reference - [sdvx.in](https://sdvx.in/) - worse alternative to SDVX Index (but can be used for Chunithm and Ongeki too) - [SDVX Progress Chart](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cFltguBvPplBem-x1STHnG3k4TZzFfyNEZ-RwsQszoo/edit#gid=0) - Functions as a generalized tier list - [SDVX Unlock Guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VBYWSUaKqHUOyfCtvkHFYBSnEPwxhTh8-m4UlU8zUL0/) - Translated guide for unlocks --- ### GITADORA !!! tip "" - [573Controller](https://github.com/limyz/573controller) - DIY guitar solution for converting official cab guitars to USB home-use - [Drummania English Menu Translation](https://twitter.com/approvedtx/status/1174028743989317632?s=21) - Handy for beginners, lots of options! --- ### CHUNITHM !!! tip "" - [sdvx.in](https://sdvx.in/chunithm.html) - Chart viewer for CHUNITHM - [CHUNITHM Humen](https://www.youtube.com/@chunithm_humen) - Screen captures of all CHUNITHM charts - Codex's [English Chunithm Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bsVv3-cOuk_0ZMlLq8joqcwa5YUM_Ff4VnQCgJIkUOk/view) - Handy CHUNITHM resource for players of all skill levels