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Please make sure you downloaded your data from an appropriate source.
This guide is unable to troubleshoot any problems related to bad or poorly managed data.

My game crashes on launch!

Could be due to many things, the most common of which are:

  • amdaemon crashing in the background. Make sure that the config_*.json files have valid syntax, your ICF files are correct, and the OpenSSL fix is applied on Intel Core 10th Gen CPUs and newer.
  • Using the incorrect dipswitch settings for your refresh rate (e.g. dipsw3=0 on a 60Hz screen). Refer to the setup guide to fix it.
  • Enabling 120FPS on a monitor that is not exactly 120Hz or exactly 1080p. If you cannot set your monitor's refresh rate to 120Hz, apply the "Bypass 120Hz monitor check"/"Bypass 1080p monitor check" on a CHUNITHM web patcher (see Resources).
Capturing logs from amdaemon for troubleshooting

To assist with troubleshooting, a script can be used to capture logs from amdaemon. Create a file named amdaemontest.bat in App\bin, then paste the code block below into the file.

@echo off
echo Attempting to run AM Daemon ...
echo Window should close after 30 seconds
echo Log will be generated at amdaemontest.txt
call :sub >amdaemontest.txt
exit /b

set OPENSSL_ia32cap=:~0x20000000
pushd %~dp0
start /b "AM Daemon" /min inject_x64 -d -k chusanhook_x64.dll amdaemon.exe -c config_common.json config_server.json config_client.json config_cvt.json config_sp.json config_hook.json
ping -n 31 > nul && taskkill /im amdaemon.exe

Double-click it to run. The script should run for 30 seconds, and you will get a file named amdaemontest.txt in App\bin, which you can send to help people troubleshoot your issue.

My game takes a long time to boot!

CHUNITHM game files consist of thousands of small XML files, which Windows Defender takes a long time to scan through. Add your game folder to the Windows Defender exclusion list.


Doing this will prevent Windows Defender from scanning your game folder for viruses. Only do this if you trust the source of the data.

My game is running too slow/fast

The game could be running under or over its required refresh rate.

  • Make sure V-Sync isn't disabled in your graphics settings (called "Vertical sync" in NVIDIA Control Panel and "Wait for Vertical Refresh" in AMD Control Panel.)
  • Make sure your monitor's refresh rate is set to 60Hz or 120Hz.

It could also be that your computer's performance isn't good enough to keep a steady framerate.

My game is stuttering

For NVIDIA users, create an override for chusanApp.exe in NVIDIA Control Panel and change "Power management mode" to "Prefer maximum performance".

My game crashes when I tab out of fullscreen!

As the game is intended to run on arcade hardware, it doesn't like being minimized.

One workaround for this is to use DXVK. Download the latest version from releases. This will be a dxvk-x.y.z.tar.gz file, which you can open using 7zip. Navigate to the x32 folder, and copy the d3d9.dll file to your game's App\bin folder, agreeing to overwrite when asked.

You should now be able to tab out of fullscreen without crashing the game.


The game will not ignore inputs when out of focus.

This means any controller inputs will still be accepted, so try not to lean onto your slider whilst tabbed out!

This also means that you can accidentally enter the service menu by hitting your Test key even if the game is minimised. If you were in the middle of a credit, your scores will be lost.

When I run the game all other audio is gone!

CHUNITHM uses WASAPI exclusive mode for audio to get better latency.

You can apply the "Shared Audio" patch on a CHUNITHM web patcher (see Resources) to hear audio outside of the game at the cost of audio latency.