help='Path to instrumental model. Constants are extracted from the file name (to disable, set --customParameters to True)')
# -Settings-
'help':'Use GPU acceleration (CUDA).',
'help':'[Only v4] This option can potentially identify leftover instrumental artifacts within the vocal outputs. This option may improve the separation on some songs.',
'help':'This option performs Test-Time-Augmentation to improve the separation quality.',
'help':'Selecting this option will include the spectrograms in .jpg format for the instrumental & vocal audio outputs.',
'help':"(Choose from 'kaiser_fast', 'kaiser_best', 'scipy') Type of spectogram used by the program.",
'help':'This option structures the model testing process by creating a folder in the export path named after the model/s used in the seperation and saving the audio files there.',
'help':'Path to stack model used in the stack passes. Constants are extracted from the file name (to disable, set --customParameters to True)',
'help':'Set the number of times a track runs through a stacked model.',
'help':'Selecting this option allows the user to bypass the main model and run a track through a stacked model only.',
'help':'Having this option selected will auto-generate a new folder named after the track being processed to your export path. The new folder will contain all of the outputs that were generated after each stack pass.',
'help':'Allows you to set custom parameters (SR, HOP LENGNTH, & N_FFT) instead of using the ones appended to the model filenames',
f'Extracted Keys do not equal keys set by default converter!\nExtracted Keys: {sorted(list(seperation_data.keys()))}\nShould be Keys: {sorted(list(default_data.keys()))}')