2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
# GUI modules
import audioread
import base64
import gui_data . sv_ttk
import hashlib
import json
import librosa
import logging
import math
import natsort
import onnx
import os
import pickle # Save Data
import psutil
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from pyglet import font
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
import pyperclip
import base64
import queue
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import soundfile as sf
import time
#import timeit
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter . filedialog
import tkinter . font
import tkinter . messagebox
import tkinter . ttk as ttk
import torch
import urllib . request
import webbrowser
import wget
import traceback
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
from __version__ import VERSION , PATCH , PATCH_MAC , PATCH_LINUX
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
from cryptography . fernet import Fernet
from cryptography . hazmat . primitives import hashes
from cryptography . hazmat . primitives . kdf . pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
from datetime import datetime
from gui_data . app_size_values import ImagePath , AdjustedValues as av
from gui_data . constants import *
from gui_data . error_handling import error_text , error_dialouge
from gui_data . old_data_check import file_check , remove_unneeded_yamls , remove_temps
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
from gui_data . tkinterdnd2 import TkinterDnD , DND_FILES
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
from lib_v5 . vr_network . model_param_init import ModelParameters
from kthread import KThread
from lib_v5 import spec_utils
from pathlib import Path
from separate import SeperateDemucs , SeperateMDX , SeperateVR , save_format
from playsound import playsound
from tkinter import *
from tkinter . tix import *
import re
from typing import List
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
import ssl
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
logging . basicConfig ( format = ' %(asctime)s - %(message)s ' , level = logging . INFO )
logging . info ( ' UVR BEGIN ' )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
is_dnd_compatible = True
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
banner_placement = - 2
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
if OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Darwin " :
OPEN_FILE_func = lambda input_string : subprocess . Popen ( [ " open " , input_string ] )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
dnd_path_check = MAC_DND_CHECK
banner_placement = - 8
current_patch = PATCH_MAC
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
is_windows = False
right_click_button = ' <Button-2> '
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
application_extension = " .dmg "
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
elif OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Linux " :
OPEN_FILE_func = lambda input_string : subprocess . Popen ( [ " open " , input_string ] )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
dnd_path_check = LINUX_DND_CHECK
current_patch = PATCH_LINUX
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
is_windows = False
right_click_button = ' <Button-3> '
application_extension = " .zip "
elif OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Windows " :
OPEN_FILE_func = lambda input_string : os . startfile ( input_string )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
dnd_path_check = WINDOWS_DND_CHECK
current_patch = PATCH
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
is_windows = True
right_click_button = ' <Button-3> '
application_extension = " .exe "
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
def right_click_release_linux ( window , top_win = None ) :
if OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Linux " :
root . bind ( ' <Button-1> ' , lambda e : window . destroy ( ) )
if top_win :
top_win . bind ( ' <Button-1> ' , lambda e : window . destroy ( ) )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
if not is_windows :
ssl . _create_default_https_context = ssl . _create_unverified_context
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
try :
with open ( os . path . join ( os . getcwd ( ) , ' tmp ' , ' splash.txt ' ) , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( ' 1 ' )
except :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
print ( ' No splash screen. ' )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def save_data ( data ) :
Saves given data as a . pkl ( pickle ) file
Paramters :
data ( dict ) :
Dictionary containing all the necessary data to save
# Open data file, create it if it does not exist
with open ( ' data.pkl ' , ' wb ' ) as data_file :
pickle . dump ( data , data_file )
def load_data ( ) - > dict :
Loads saved pkl file and returns the stored data
Returns ( dict ) :
Dictionary containing all the saved data
try :
with open ( ' data.pkl ' , ' rb ' ) as data_file : # Open data file
data = pickle . load ( data_file )
return data
except ( ValueError , FileNotFoundError ) :
# Data File is corrupted or not found so recreate it
save_data ( data = DEFAULT_DATA )
return load_data ( )
def load_model_hash_data ( dictionary ) :
''' Get the model hash dictionary '''
2023-01-01 20:16:12 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
with open ( dictionary ) as d :
data = d . read ( )
return json . loads ( data )
# Change the current working directory to the directory
# this file sits in
if getattr ( sys , ' frozen ' , False ) :
# If the application is run as a bundle, the PyInstaller bootloader
# extends the sys module by a flag frozen=True and sets the app
# path into variable _MEIPASS'.
else :
BASE_PATH = os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) )
os . chdir ( BASE_PATH ) # Change the current working directory to the base path
debugger = [ ]
MODELS_DIR = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' models ' )
VR_MODELS_DIR = os . path . join ( MODELS_DIR , ' VR_Models ' )
MDX_MODELS_DIR = os . path . join ( MODELS_DIR , ' MDX_Net_Models ' )
DEMUCS_MODELS_DIR = os . path . join ( MODELS_DIR , ' Demucs_Models ' )
DEMUCS_NEWER_REPO_DIR = os . path . join ( DEMUCS_MODELS_DIR , ' v3_v4_repo ' )
#Cache & Parameters
VR_HASH_DIR = os . path . join ( VR_MODELS_DIR , ' model_data ' )
VR_HASH_JSON = os . path . join ( VR_MODELS_DIR , ' model_data ' , ' model_data.json ' )
MDX_HASH_DIR = os . path . join ( MDX_MODELS_DIR , ' model_data ' )
MDX_HASH_JSON = os . path . join ( MDX_MODELS_DIR , ' model_data ' , ' model_data.json ' )
ENSEMBLE_CACHE_DIR = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' gui_data ' , ' saved_ensembles ' )
SETTINGS_CACHE_DIR = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' gui_data ' , ' saved_settings ' )
VR_PARAM_DIR = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' lib_v5 ' , ' vr_network ' , ' modelparams ' )
SAMPLE_CLIP_PATH = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' temp_sample_clips ' )
ENSEMBLE_TEMP_PATH = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' ensemble_temps ' )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
ICON_IMG_PATH = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' gui_data ' , ' img ' , ' GUI-Icon.ico ' )
if not is_windows :
MAIN_ICON_IMG_PATH = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' gui_data ' , ' img ' , ' GUI-Icon.png ' )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
FONT_PATH = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' gui_data ' , ' fonts ' , ' centurygothic ' , ' GOTHIC.TTF ' ) #ensemble_temps
COMPLETE_CHIME = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' gui_data ' , ' complete_chime.wav ' )
FAIL_CHIME = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' gui_data ' , ' fail_chime.wav ' )
CHANGE_LOG = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' gui_data ' , ' change_log.txt ' )
SPLASH_DOC = os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' tmp ' , ' splash.txt ' )
file_check ( os . path . join ( MODELS_DIR , ' Main_Models ' ) , VR_MODELS_DIR )
file_check ( os . path . join ( DEMUCS_MODELS_DIR , ' v3_repo ' ) , DEMUCS_NEWER_REPO_DIR )
remove_unneeded_yamls ( DEMUCS_MODELS_DIR )
remove_temps ( ENSEMBLE_TEMP_PATH )
remove_temps ( SAMPLE_CLIP_PATH )
remove_temps ( os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , ' img ' ) )
if not os . path . isdir ( ENSEMBLE_TEMP_PATH ) :
os . mkdir ( ENSEMBLE_TEMP_PATH )
if not os . path . isdir ( SAMPLE_CLIP_PATH ) :
os . mkdir ( SAMPLE_CLIP_PATH )
model_hash_table = { }
data = load_data ( )
def drop ( event , accept_mode : str = ' files ' ) :
""" Drag & Drop verification process """
path = event . data
if accept_mode == ' folder ' :
path = path . replace ( ' { ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' } ' , ' ' )
if not os . path . isdir ( path ) :
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
tk . messagebox . showerror ( parent = root ,
title = ' Invalid Folder ' ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
message = ' Your given export path is not a valid folder! ' )
# Set Variables
root . export_path_var . set ( path )
elif accept_mode == ' files ' :
# Clean path text and set path to the list of paths
path = path . replace ( " { " , " " ) . replace ( " } " , " " )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
for dnd_file in dnd_path_check :
path = path . replace ( f " { dnd_file } " , f " ; { dnd_file } " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
path = path . split ( ' ; ' )
path [ - 1 ] = path [ - 1 ] . replace ( ' ; ' , ' ' )
# Set Variables
root . inputPaths = tuple ( path )
root . process_input_selections ( )
root . update_inputPaths ( )
else :
# Invalid accept mode
class ModelData ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , model_name : str ,
selected_process_method = ENSEMBLE_MODE ,
is_secondary_model = False ,
primary_model_primary_stem = None ,
is_primary_model_primary_stem_only = False ,
is_primary_model_secondary_stem_only = False ,
is_pre_proc_model = False ,
is_dry_check = False ) :
self . is_gpu_conversion = 0 if root . is_gpu_conversion_var . get ( ) else - 1
self . is_normalization = root . is_normalization_var . get ( )
self . is_primary_stem_only = root . is_primary_stem_only_var . get ( )
self . is_secondary_stem_only = root . is_secondary_stem_only_var . get ( )
self . is_denoise = root . is_denoise_var . get ( )
self . wav_type_set = root . wav_type_set
self . mp3_bit_set = root . mp3_bit_set_var . get ( )
self . save_format = root . save_format_var . get ( )
self . is_invert_spec = root . is_invert_spec_var . get ( )
self . demucs_stems = root . demucs_stems_var . get ( )
self . demucs_source_list = [ ]
self . demucs_stem_count = 0
self . model_name = model_name
self . process_method = selected_process_method
self . model_status = False if self . model_name == CHOOSE_MODEL or self . model_name == NO_MODEL else True
self . primary_stem = None
self . secondary_stem = None
self . is_ensemble_mode = False
self . ensemble_primary_stem = None
self . ensemble_secondary_stem = None
self . primary_model_primary_stem = primary_model_primary_stem
self . is_secondary_model = is_secondary_model
self . secondary_model = None
self . secondary_model_scale = None
self . demucs_4_stem_added_count = 0
self . is_demucs_4_stem_secondaries = False
self . is_4_stem_ensemble = False
self . pre_proc_model = None
self . pre_proc_model_activated = False
self . is_pre_proc_model = is_pre_proc_model
self . is_dry_check = is_dry_check
self . model_samplerate = 44100
self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix = False
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . manual_download_Button = None
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . secondary_model_4_stem = [ ]
self . secondary_model_4_stem_scale = [ ]
self . secondary_model_4_stem_names = [ ]
self . secondary_model_4_stem_model_names_list = [ ]
self . all_models = [ ]
self . secondary_model_other = None
self . secondary_model_scale_other = None
self . secondary_model_bass = None
self . secondary_model_scale_bass = None
self . secondary_model_drums = None
self . secondary_model_scale_drums = None
if selected_process_method == ENSEMBLE_MODE :
partitioned_name = model_name . partition ( ENSEMBLE_PARTITION )
self . process_method = partitioned_name [ 0 ]
self . model_name = partitioned_name [ 2 ]
self . model_and_process_tag = model_name
self . ensemble_primary_stem , self . ensemble_secondary_stem = root . return_ensemble_stems ( )
self . is_ensemble_mode = True if not is_secondary_model and not is_pre_proc_model else False
self . is_4_stem_ensemble = True if root . ensemble_main_stem_var . get ( ) == FOUR_STEM_ENSEMBLE and self . is_ensemble_mode else False
self . pre_proc_model_activated = root . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_var . get ( ) if not self . ensemble_primary_stem == VOCAL_STEM else False
if self . process_method == VR_ARCH_TYPE :
self . is_secondary_model_activated = root . vr_is_secondary_model_activate_var . get ( ) if not self . is_secondary_model else False
self . aggression_setting = float ( int ( root . aggression_setting_var . get ( ) ) / 100 )
self . is_tta = root . is_tta_var . get ( )
self . is_post_process = root . is_post_process_var . get ( )
self . window_size = int ( root . window_size_var . get ( ) )
self . batch_size = int ( root . batch_size_var . get ( ) )
self . crop_size = int ( root . crop_size_var . get ( ) )
self . is_high_end_process = ' mirroring ' if root . is_high_end_process_var . get ( ) else ' None '
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . post_process_threshold = float ( root . post_process_threshold_var . get ( ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . model_path = os . path . join ( VR_MODELS_DIR , f " { self . model_name } .pth " )
self . get_model_hash ( )
if self . model_hash :
self . model_data = self . get_model_data ( VR_HASH_DIR , root . vr_hash_MAPPER )
if self . model_data :
vr_model_param = os . path . join ( VR_PARAM_DIR , " {} .json " . format ( self . model_data [ " vr_model_param " ] ) )
self . primary_stem = self . model_data [ " primary_stem " ]
self . secondary_stem = STEM_PAIR_MAPPER [ self . primary_stem ]
self . vr_model_param = ModelParameters ( vr_model_param )
self . model_samplerate = self . vr_model_param . param [ ' sr ' ]
else :
self . model_status = False
if self . process_method == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
self . is_secondary_model_activated = root . mdx_is_secondary_model_activate_var . get ( ) if not is_secondary_model else False
self . margin = int ( root . margin_var . get ( ) )
self . chunks = root . determine_auto_chunks ( root . chunks_var . get ( ) , self . is_gpu_conversion )
self . get_mdx_model_path ( )
self . get_model_hash ( )
if self . model_hash :
self . model_data = self . get_model_data ( MDX_HASH_DIR , root . mdx_hash_MAPPER )
if self . model_data :
self . compensate = self . model_data [ " compensate " ] if root . compensate_var . get ( ) == AUTO_SELECT else float ( root . compensate_var . get ( ) )
self . mdx_dim_f_set = self . model_data [ " mdx_dim_f_set " ]
self . mdx_dim_t_set = self . model_data [ " mdx_dim_t_set " ]
self . mdx_n_fft_scale_set = self . model_data [ " mdx_n_fft_scale_set " ]
self . primary_stem = self . model_data [ " primary_stem " ]
self . secondary_stem = STEM_PAIR_MAPPER [ self . primary_stem ]
else :
self . model_status = False
if self . process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
self . is_secondary_model_activated = root . demucs_is_secondary_model_activate_var . get ( ) if not is_secondary_model else False
if not self . is_ensemble_mode :
self . pre_proc_model_activated = root . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_var . get ( ) if not root . demucs_stems_var . get ( ) in [ VOCAL_STEM , INST_STEM ] else False
self . overlap = float ( root . overlap_var . get ( ) )
self . margin_demucs = int ( root . margin_demucs_var . get ( ) )
self . chunks_demucs = root . determine_auto_chunks ( root . chunks_demucs_var . get ( ) , self . is_gpu_conversion )
self . shifts = int ( root . shifts_var . get ( ) )
self . is_split_mode = root . is_split_mode_var . get ( )
self . segment = root . segment_var . get ( )
self . is_chunk_demucs = root . is_chunk_demucs_var . get ( )
self . is_demucs_combine_stems = root . is_demucs_combine_stems_var . get ( )
self . is_primary_stem_only = root . is_primary_stem_only_var . get ( ) if self . is_ensemble_mode else root . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_var . get ( )
self . is_secondary_stem_only = root . is_secondary_stem_only_var . get ( ) if self . is_ensemble_mode else root . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_var . get ( )
self . get_demucs_model_path ( )
self . get_demucs_model_data ( )
self . model_basename = os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( self . model_path ) ) [ 0 ] if self . model_status else None
self . pre_proc_model_activated = self . pre_proc_model_activated if not self . is_secondary_model else False
self . is_primary_model_primary_stem_only = is_primary_model_primary_stem_only
self . is_primary_model_secondary_stem_only = is_primary_model_secondary_stem_only
if self . is_secondary_model_activated and self . model_status :
if ( not self . is_ensemble_mode and root . demucs_stems_var . get ( ) == ALL_STEMS and self . process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE ) or self . is_4_stem_ensemble :
for key in DEMUCS_4_SOURCE_LIST :
self . secondary_model_data ( key )
self . secondary_model_4_stem . append ( self . secondary_model )
self . secondary_model_4_stem_scale . append ( self . secondary_model_scale )
self . secondary_model_4_stem_names . append ( key )
self . demucs_4_stem_added_count = sum ( i is not None for i in self . secondary_model_4_stem )
self . is_secondary_model_activated = False if all ( i is None for i in self . secondary_model_4_stem ) else True
self . demucs_4_stem_added_count = self . demucs_4_stem_added_count - 1 if self . is_secondary_model_activated else self . demucs_4_stem_added_count
if self . is_secondary_model_activated :
self . secondary_model_4_stem_model_names_list = [ None if i is None else i . model_basename for i in self . secondary_model_4_stem ]
self . is_demucs_4_stem_secondaries = True
else :
primary_stem = self . ensemble_primary_stem if self . is_ensemble_mode and self . process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE else self . primary_stem
self . secondary_model_data ( primary_stem )
if self . process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE and not is_secondary_model :
if self . demucs_stem_count > = 3 and self . pre_proc_model_activated :
self . pre_proc_model_activated = True
self . pre_proc_model = root . process_determine_demucs_pre_proc_model ( self . primary_stem )
self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix = root . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_var . get ( ) if self . pre_proc_model else False
def secondary_model_data ( self , primary_stem ) :
secondary_model_data = root . process_determine_secondary_model ( self . process_method , primary_stem , self . is_primary_stem_only , self . is_secondary_stem_only )
self . secondary_model = secondary_model_data [ 0 ]
self . secondary_model_scale = secondary_model_data [ 1 ]
self . is_secondary_model_activated = False if not self . secondary_model else True
if self . secondary_model :
self . is_secondary_model_activated = False if self . secondary_model . model_basename == self . model_basename else True
def get_mdx_model_path ( self ) :
for file_name , chosen_mdx_model in MDX_NAME_SELECT . items ( ) :
if self . model_name in chosen_mdx_model :
self . model_path = os . path . join ( MDX_MODELS_DIR , f " { file_name } .onnx " )
else :
self . model_path = os . path . join ( MDX_MODELS_DIR , f " { self . model_name } .onnx " )
self . mixer_path = os . path . join ( MDX_MODELS_DIR , f " mixer_val.ckpt " )
def get_demucs_model_path ( self ) :
demucs_newer = [ True for x in DEMUCS_NEWER_TAGS if x in self . model_name ]
demucs_model_dir = DEMUCS_NEWER_REPO_DIR if demucs_newer else DEMUCS_MODELS_DIR
for file_name , chosen_model in DEMUCS_NAME_SELECT . items ( ) :
if self . model_name in chosen_model :
self . model_path = os . path . join ( demucs_model_dir , file_name )
else :
self . model_path = os . path . join ( DEMUCS_NEWER_REPO_DIR , f ' { self . model_name } .yaml ' )
def get_demucs_model_data ( self ) :
self . demucs_version = DEMUCS_V4
for key , value in DEMUCS_VERSION_MAPPER . items ( ) :
if value in self . model_name :
self . demucs_version = key
self . demucs_source_list = DEMUCS_2_SOURCE if DEMUCS_UVR_MODEL in self . model_name else DEMUCS_4_SOURCE
self . demucs_source_map = DEMUCS_2_SOURCE_MAPPER if DEMUCS_UVR_MODEL in self . model_name else DEMUCS_4_SOURCE_MAPPER
self . demucs_stem_count = 2 if DEMUCS_UVR_MODEL in self . model_name else 4
if not self . is_ensemble_mode :
self . primary_stem = PRIMARY_STEM if self . demucs_stems == ALL_STEMS else self . demucs_stems
self . secondary_stem = STEM_PAIR_MAPPER [ self . primary_stem ]
def get_model_data ( self , model_hash_dir , hash_mapper ) :
model_settings_json = os . path . join ( model_hash_dir , " {} .json " . format ( self . model_hash ) )
if os . path . isfile ( model_settings_json ) :
return json . load ( open ( model_settings_json ) )
else :
for hash , settings in hash_mapper . items ( ) :
if self . model_hash in hash :
return settings
else :
return self . get_model_data_from_popup ( )
def get_model_data_from_popup ( self ) :
if not self . is_dry_check :
confirm = tk . messagebox . askyesno ( title = UNRECOGNIZED_MODEL [ 0 ] ,
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
message = f " \" { self . model_name } \" { UNRECOGNIZED_MODEL [ 1 ] } " ,
parent = root )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if confirm :
if self . process_method == VR_ARCH_TYPE :
root . pop_up_vr_param ( self . model_hash )
return root . vr_model_params
if self . process_method == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
root . pop_up_mdx_model ( self . model_hash , self . model_path )
return root . mdx_model_params
else :
return None
else :
return None
def get_model_hash ( self ) :
self . model_hash = None
if not os . path . isfile ( self . model_path ) :
self . model_status = False
self . model_hash is None
else :
if model_hash_table :
for ( key , value ) in model_hash_table . items ( ) :
if self . model_path == key :
self . model_hash = value
if not self . model_hash :
with open ( self . model_path , ' rb ' ) as f :
f . seek ( - 10000 * 1024 , 2 )
self . model_hash = hashlib . md5 ( f . read ( ) ) . hexdigest ( )
table_entry = { self . model_path : self . model_hash }
model_hash_table . update ( table_entry )
class Ensembler ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , is_manual_ensemble = False ) :
self . is_save_all_outputs_ensemble = root . is_save_all_outputs_ensemble_var . get ( )
chosen_ensemble_name = ' {} ' . format ( root . chosen_ensemble_var . get ( ) . replace ( " " , " _ " ) ) if not root . chosen_ensemble_var . get ( ) == CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION else ' Ensembled '
ensemble_algorithm = root . ensemble_type_var . get ( ) . partition ( " / " )
ensemble_main_stem_pair = root . ensemble_main_stem_var . get ( ) . partition ( " / " )
time_stamp = round ( time . time ( ) )
self . audio_tool = MANUAL_ENSEMBLE
self . main_export_path = Path ( root . export_path_var . get ( ) )
self . chosen_ensemble = f " _ { chosen_ensemble_name } " if root . is_append_ensemble_name_var . get ( ) else ' '
ensemble_folder_name = self . main_export_path if self . is_save_all_outputs_ensemble else ENSEMBLE_TEMP_PATH
self . ensemble_folder_name = os . path . join ( ensemble_folder_name , ' {} _Outputs_ {} ' . format ( chosen_ensemble_name , time_stamp ) )
self . is_testing_audio = f " { time_stamp } _ " if root . is_testing_audio_var . get ( ) else ' '
self . primary_algorithm = ensemble_algorithm [ 0 ]
self . secondary_algorithm = ensemble_algorithm [ 2 ]
self . ensemble_primary_stem = ensemble_main_stem_pair [ 0 ]
self . ensemble_secondary_stem = ensemble_main_stem_pair [ 2 ]
self . is_normalization = root . is_normalization_var . get ( )
self . wav_type_set = root . wav_type_set
self . mp3_bit_set = root . mp3_bit_set_var . get ( )
self . save_format = root . save_format_var . get ( )
if not is_manual_ensemble :
os . mkdir ( self . ensemble_folder_name )
def ensemble_outputs ( self , audio_file_base , export_path , stem , is_4_stem = False , is_inst_mix = False ) :
""" Processes the given outputs and ensembles them with the chosen algorithm """
if is_4_stem :
algorithm = root . ensemble_type_var . get ( )
stem_tag = stem
else :
if is_inst_mix :
algorithm = self . secondary_algorithm
stem_tag = f " { self . ensemble_secondary_stem } { INST_STEM } "
else :
algorithm = self . primary_algorithm if stem == PRIMARY_STEM else self . secondary_algorithm
stem_tag = self . ensemble_primary_stem if stem == PRIMARY_STEM else self . ensemble_secondary_stem
stem_outputs = self . get_files_to_ensemble ( folder = export_path , prefix = audio_file_base , suffix = f " _( { stem_tag } ).wav " )
audio_file_output = f " { self . is_testing_audio } { audio_file_base } { self . chosen_ensemble } _( { stem_tag } ) "
stem_save_path = os . path . join ( ' {} ' . format ( self . main_export_path ) , ' {} .wav ' . format ( audio_file_output ) )
if stem_outputs :
spec_utils . ensemble_inputs ( stem_outputs , algorithm , self . is_normalization , self . wav_type_set , stem_save_path )
save_format ( stem_save_path , self . save_format , self . mp3_bit_set )
if self . is_save_all_outputs_ensemble :
for i in stem_outputs :
save_format ( i , self . save_format , self . mp3_bit_set )
else :
for i in stem_outputs :
try :
os . remove ( i )
except Exception as e :
print ( e )
def ensemble_manual ( self , audio_inputs , audio_file_base ) :
""" Processes the given outputs and ensembles them with the chosen algorithm """
algorithm = root . choose_algorithm_var . get ( )
stem_save_path = os . path . join ( ' {} ' . format ( self . main_export_path ) , ' {} {} _( {} ).wav ' . format ( self . is_testing_audio , audio_file_base , algorithm ) )
spec_utils . ensemble_inputs ( audio_inputs , algorithm , self . is_normalization , self . wav_type_set , stem_save_path )
save_format ( stem_save_path , self . save_format , self . mp3_bit_set )
def get_files_to_ensemble ( self , folder = " " , prefix = " " , suffix = " " ) :
2022-12-23 01:45:18 -06:00
""" Grab all the files to be ensembled """
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
return [ os . path . join ( folder , i ) for i in os . listdir ( folder ) if i . startswith ( prefix ) and i . endswith ( suffix ) ]
class AudioTools ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , audio_tool ) :
time_stamp = round ( time . time ( ) )
self . audio_tool = audio_tool
self . main_export_path = Path ( root . export_path_var . get ( ) )
self . wav_type_set = root . wav_type_set
self . is_normalization = root . is_normalization_var . get ( )
self . is_testing_audio = f " { time_stamp } _ " if root . is_testing_audio_var . get ( ) else ' '
self . save_format = lambda save_path : save_format ( save_path , root . save_format_var . get ( ) , root . mp3_bit_set_var . get ( ) )
def align_inputs ( self , audio_inputs , audio_file_base , audio_file_2_base , command_Text ) :
audio_file_base = f " { self . is_testing_audio } { audio_file_base } "
audio_file_2_base = f " { self . is_testing_audio } { audio_file_2_base } "
aligned_path = os . path . join ( ' {} ' . format ( self . main_export_path ) , ' {} _aligned.wav ' . format ( audio_file_2_base ) )
inverted_path = os . path . join ( ' {} ' . format ( self . main_export_path ) , ' {} _inverted.wav ' . format ( audio_file_base ) )
spec_utils . align_audio ( audio_inputs [ 0 ] , audio_inputs [ 1 ] , aligned_path , inverted_path , self . wav_type_set , self . is_normalization , command_Text , root . progress_bar_main_var , self . save_format )
def pitch_or_time_shift ( self , audio_file , audio_file_base ) :
rate = float ( root . time_stretch_rate_var . get ( ) ) if self . audio_tool == TIME_STRETCH else float ( root . pitch_rate_var . get ( ) )
is_pitch = False if self . audio_tool == TIME_STRETCH else True
file_text = TIME_TEXT if self . audio_tool == TIME_STRETCH else PITCH_TEXT
save_path = os . path . join ( self . main_export_path , f " { self . is_testing_audio } { audio_file_base } { file_text } .wav " )
spec_utils . augment_audio ( save_path , audio_file , rate , self . is_normalization , self . wav_type_set , self . save_format , is_pitch = is_pitch )
class ToolTip ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , widget ) :
self . widget = widget
self . tipwindow = None
self . id = None
self . x = self . y = 0
def showtip ( self , text ) :
" Display text in tooltip window "
self . text = text
if self . tipwindow or not self . text :
x , y , cx , cy = self . widget . bbox ( " insert " )
x = x + self . widget . winfo_rootx ( ) + 57
y = y + cy + self . widget . winfo_rooty ( ) + 27
self . tipwindow = tw = Toplevel ( self . widget )
tw . wm_overrideredirect ( 1 )
tw . wm_geometry ( " + %d + %d " % ( x , y ) )
label = Label ( tw , text = self . text , justify = LEFT ,
2022-12-23 01:45:18 -06:00
background = " #151515 " , foreground = " #dedede " , highlightcolor = " #898b8e " , relief = SOLID , borderwidth = 1 ,
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " , " normal " ) ) #('Century Gothic', FONT_SIZE_4)
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
label . pack ( ipadx = 1 )
def hidetip ( self ) :
tw = self . tipwindow
self . tipwindow = None
if tw :
tw . destroy ( )
class ThreadSafeConsole ( tk . Text ) :
Text Widget which is thread safe for tkinter
def __init__ ( self , master , * * options ) :
tk . Text . __init__ ( self , master , * * options )
self . queue = queue . Queue ( )
self . update_me ( )
def write ( self , line ) :
self . queue . put ( line )
def clear ( self ) :
self . queue . put ( None )
def update_me ( self ) :
self . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
try :
while 1 :
line = self . queue . get_nowait ( )
if line is None :
self . delete ( 1.0 , tk . END )
else :
self . insert ( tk . END , str ( line ) )
self . see ( tk . END )
self . update_idletasks ( )
except queue . Empty :
self . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . after ( 100 , self . update_me )
def copy_text ( self ) :
hightlighted_text = self . selection_get ( )
self . clipboard_clear ( )
self . clipboard_append ( hightlighted_text )
def select_all_text ( self ) :
self . tag_add ( ' sel ' , ' 1.0 ' , ' end ' )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
class MainWindow ( TkinterDnD . Tk if is_dnd_compatible else tk . Tk ) :
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
# --Constants--
# Layout
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2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
COL1_ROWS = 11
COL2_ROWS = 11
def __init__ ( self ) :
#Run the __init__ method on the tk.Tk class
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
gui_data . sv_ttk . set_theme ( " dark " )
gui_data . sv_ttk . use_dark_theme ( ) # Set dark theme
# Calculate window height
height = self . IMAGE_HEIGHT + self . FILEPATHS_HEIGHT + self . OPTIONS_HEIGHT
height + = self . PADDING * 5 # Padding
width = 680
self . main_window_width = width
self . main_window_height = height
# --Window Settings--
self . title ( ' Ultimate Vocal Remover ' )
# Set Geometry and Center Window
self . geometry ( ' {width} x {height} + {xpad} + {ypad} ' . format (
width = self . main_window_width ,
height = height ,
xpad = int ( self . winfo_screenwidth ( ) / 2 - width / 2 ) ,
ypad = int ( self . winfo_screenheight ( ) / 2 - height / 2 - 30 ) ) )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . iconbitmap ( ICON_IMG_PATH ) if is_windows else self . tk . call ( ' wm ' , ' iconphoto ' , self . _w , tk . PhotoImage ( file = MAIN_ICON_IMG_PATH ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . configure ( bg = ' #0e0e0f ' ) # Set background color to #0c0c0d
self . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . save_values )
self . resizable ( False , False )
self . update ( )
#Load Images
img = ImagePath ( BASE_PATH )
self . logo_img = img . open_image ( path = img . banner_path , size = ( self . winfo_width ( ) , 9999 ) )
self . efile_img = img . efile_img
self . stop_img = img . stop_img
self . help_img = img . help_img
self . download_img = img . download_img
self . donate_img = img . donate_img
self . key_img = img . key_img
self . credits_img = img . credits_img
self . error_log_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . vr_secondary_model_names = [ ]
self . mdx_secondary_model_names = [ ]
self . demucs_secondary_model_names = [ ]
self . vr_primary_model_names = [ ]
self . mdx_primary_model_names = [ ]
self . demucs_primary_model_names = [ ]
self . vr_cache_source_mapper = { }
self . mdx_cache_source_mapper = { }
self . demucs_cache_source_mapper = { }
# -Tkinter Value Holders-
try :
self . load_saved_vars ( data )
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( error_text ( ' Loading Saved Variables ' , e ) )
self . load_saved_vars ( DEFAULT_DATA )
self . cached_sources_clear ( )
self . method_mapper = {
VR_ARCH_PM : self . vr_model_var ,
MDX_ARCH_TYPE : self . mdx_net_model_var ,
DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE : self . demucs_model_var }
self . vr_secondary_model_vars = { ' voc_inst_secondary_model ' : self . vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_var ,
' other_secondary_model ' : self . vr_other_secondary_model_var ,
' bass_secondary_model ' : self . vr_bass_secondary_model_var ,
' drums_secondary_model ' : self . vr_drums_secondary_model_var ,
' is_secondary_model_activate ' : self . vr_is_secondary_model_activate_var ,
' voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' : self . vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var ,
' other_secondary_model_scale ' : self . vr_other_secondary_model_scale_var ,
' bass_secondary_model_scale ' : self . vr_bass_secondary_model_scale_var ,
' drums_secondary_model_scale ' : self . vr_drums_secondary_model_scale_var }
self . demucs_secondary_model_vars = { ' voc_inst_secondary_model ' : self . demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_var ,
' other_secondary_model ' : self . demucs_other_secondary_model_var ,
' bass_secondary_model ' : self . demucs_bass_secondary_model_var ,
' drums_secondary_model ' : self . demucs_drums_secondary_model_var ,
' is_secondary_model_activate ' : self . demucs_is_secondary_model_activate_var ,
' voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' : self . demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var ,
' other_secondary_model_scale ' : self . demucs_other_secondary_model_scale_var ,
' bass_secondary_model_scale ' : self . demucs_bass_secondary_model_scale_var ,
' drums_secondary_model_scale ' : self . demucs_drums_secondary_model_scale_var }
self . mdx_secondary_model_vars = { ' voc_inst_secondary_model ' : self . mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_var ,
' other_secondary_model ' : self . mdx_other_secondary_model_var ,
' bass_secondary_model ' : self . mdx_bass_secondary_model_var ,
' drums_secondary_model ' : self . mdx_drums_secondary_model_var ,
' is_secondary_model_activate ' : self . mdx_is_secondary_model_activate_var ,
' voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' : self . mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var ,
' other_secondary_model_scale ' : self . mdx_other_secondary_model_scale_var ,
' bass_secondary_model_scale ' : self . mdx_bass_secondary_model_scale_var ,
' drums_secondary_model_scale ' : self . mdx_drums_secondary_model_scale_var }
#Main Application Vars
self . progress_bar_main_var = tk . IntVar ( value = 0 )
self . inputPathsEntry_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . conversion_Button_Text_var = tk . StringVar ( value = START_PROCESSING )
self . chosen_ensemble_var = tk . StringVar ( value = CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION )
self . ensemble_main_stem_var = tk . StringVar ( value = CHOOSE_STEM_PAIR )
self . ensemble_type_var = tk . StringVar ( value = MAX_MIN )
self . save_current_settings_var = tk . StringVar ( value = SELECT_SAVED_SET )
self . demucs_stems_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ALL_STEMS )
self . is_primary_stem_only_Text_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Text_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Text_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Text_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . scaling_var = tk . DoubleVar ( value = 1.0 )
self . active_processing_thread = None
self . verification_thread = None
self . is_menu_settings_open = False
self . is_open_menu_advanced_vr_options = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
self . is_open_menu_advanced_demucs_options = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
self . is_open_menu_advanced_mdx_options = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
self . is_open_menu_advanced_ensemble_options = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
self . is_open_menu_view_inputs = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
self . is_open_menu_help = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
self . is_open_menu_error_log = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
self . mdx_model_params = None
self . vr_model_params = None
self . current_text_box = None
self . wav_type_set = None
self . is_online_model_menu = None
self . progress_bar_var = tk . IntVar ( value = 0 )
self . is_confirm_error_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
self . clear_cache_torch = False
self . vr_hash_MAPPER = load_model_hash_data ( VR_HASH_JSON )
self . mdx_hash_MAPPER = load_model_hash_data ( MDX_HASH_JSON )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . is_gpu_available = torch . cuda . is_available ( ) if not OPERATING_SYSTEM == ' Darwin ' else torch . backends . mps . is_available ( )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . is_process_stopped = False
self . inputs_from_dir = [ ]
self . iteration = 0
self . vr_primary_source = None
self . vr_secondary_source = None
self . mdx_primary_source = None
self . mdx_secondary_source = None
self . demucs_primary_source = None
self . demucs_secondary_source = None
#Download Center Vars
self . online_data = { }
self . is_online = False
self . lastest_version = ' '
self . model_download_demucs_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . model_download_mdx_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . model_download_vr_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . selected_download_var = tk . StringVar ( value = NO_MODEL )
self . select_download_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . download_progress_info_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . download_progress_percent_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . download_progress_bar_var = tk . IntVar ( value = 0 )
self . download_stop_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . app_update_status_Text_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . app_update_button_Text_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . user_code_validation_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . download_link_path_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . download_save_path_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . download_update_link_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . download_update_path_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
self . download_demucs_models_list = [ ]
self . download_demucs_newer_models = [ ]
self . refresh_list_Button = None
self . stop_download_Button_DISABLE = None
self . enable_tabs = None
self . is_download_thread_active = False
self . is_process_thread_active = False
self . is_active_processing_thread = False
self . active_download_thread = None
# Font
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font . add_file ( FONT_PATH )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
self . font = tk . font . Font ( family = MAIN_FONT_NAME , size = FONT_SIZE_F1 )
self . font_smaller = tk . font . Font ( family = MAIN_FONT_NAME , size = FONT_SIZE_F2 )
self . fontRadio = tk . font . Font ( family = MAIN_FONT_NAME , size = FONT_SIZE_F3 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
#Model Update
self . last_found_ensembles = ENSEMBLE_OPTIONS
self . last_found_settings = ENSEMBLE_OPTIONS
self . last_found_models = ( )
self . model_data_table = ( )
self . ensemble_model_list = ( )
# --Widgets--
self . fill_main_frame ( )
self . bind_widgets ( )
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2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
# --Update Widgets--
self . update_available_models ( )
self . update_main_widget_states ( )
self . update_loop ( )
self . update_button_states ( )
self . delete_temps ( )
self . download_validate_code ( )
self . ensemble_listbox_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . command_Text . write ( f ' Ultimate Vocal Remover { VERSION } [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] ' )
self . update_checkbox_text = lambda : self . selection_action_process_method ( self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
self . online_data_refresh ( user_refresh = False )
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# Menu Functions
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def main_window_LABEL_SET ( self , master , text ) : return ttk . Label ( master = master , text = text , background = ' #0e0e0f ' , font = self . font_smaller , foreground = ' #13849f ' , anchor = tk . CENTER )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
def menu_title_LABEL_SET ( self , frame , text , width = 35 ) : return ttk . Label ( master = frame , text = text , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_5 } " , " underline " ) , justify = " center " , foreground = " #13849f " , width = width , anchor = tk . CENTER )
def menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( self , frame , text , font_size = FONT_SIZE_2 ) : return ttk . Label ( master = frame , text = text , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { font_size } " ) , foreground = ' #13849f ' , anchor = tk . CENTER )
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def menu_FRAME_SET ( self , frame , thickness = 20 ) : return Frame ( frame , highlightbackground = ' #0e0e0f ' , highlightcolor = ' #0e0e0f ' , highlightthicknes = thickness )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def check_is_menu_settings_open ( self ) : self . menu_settings ( ) if not self . is_menu_settings_open else None
def check_is_open_menu_advanced_vr_options ( self ) :
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
try :
if not self . is_open_menu_advanced_vr_options . get ( ) :
self . menu_advanced_vr_options ( )
else :
self . menu_advanced_vr_options_close_window ( )
self . menu_advanced_vr_options ( )
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( " {} " . format ( error_text ( ' VR Menu ' , e ) ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def check_is_open_menu_advanced_demucs_options ( self ) :
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
try :
if not self . is_open_menu_advanced_demucs_options . get ( ) :
self . menu_advanced_demucs_options ( )
else :
self . menu_advanced_demucs_options_close_window ( )
self . menu_advanced_demucs_options ( )
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( " {} " . format ( error_text ( ' Demucs Menu ' , e ) ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def check_is_open_menu_advanced_mdx_options ( self ) :
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
try :
if not self . is_open_menu_advanced_mdx_options . get ( ) :
self . menu_advanced_mdx_options ( )
else :
self . menu_advanced_mdx_options_close_window ( )
self . menu_advanced_mdx_options ( )
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( " {} " . format ( error_text ( ' MDX-Net Menu ' , e ) ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def check_is_open_menu_advanced_ensemble_options ( self ) :
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
try :
if not self . is_open_menu_advanced_ensemble_options . get ( ) :
self . menu_advanced_ensemble_options ( )
else :
self . menu_advanced_ensemble_options_close_window ( )
self . menu_advanced_ensemble_options ( )
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( " {} " . format ( error_text ( ' Ensemble Menu ' , e ) ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def check_is_open_menu_help ( self ) :
if not self . is_open_menu_help . get ( ) :
self . menu_help ( )
else :
self . menu_help_close_window ( )
self . menu_help ( )
def check_is_open_menu_error_log ( self ) :
if not self . is_open_menu_error_log . get ( ) :
self . menu_error_log ( )
else :
self . menu_error_log_close_window ( )
self . menu_error_log ( )
def check_is_open_menu_view_inputs ( self ) :
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
try :
if not self . is_open_menu_view_inputs . get ( ) :
self . menu_view_inputs ( )
else :
self . menu_view_inputs_close_window ( )
self . menu_view_inputs ( )
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( " {} " . format ( error_text ( ' Inputs Menu ' , e ) ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
#Ensemble Listbox Functions
def ensemble_listbox_get_all_selected_models ( self ) : return [ self . ensemble_listbox_Option . get ( i ) for i in self . ensemble_listbox_Option . curselection ( ) ]
def ensemble_listbox_select_from_indexs ( self , indexes ) : return [ self . ensemble_listbox_Option . selection_set ( i ) for i in indexes ]
def ensemble_listbox_clear_and_insert_new ( self , model_ensemble_updated ) : return ( self . ensemble_listbox_Option . delete ( 0 , ' end ' ) , [ self . ensemble_listbox_Option . insert ( tk . END , models ) for models in model_ensemble_updated ] )
def ensemble_listbox_get_indexes_for_files ( self , updated , selected ) : return [ updated . index ( model ) for model in selected if model in updated ]
def process_iteration ( self ) :
self . iteration = self . iteration + 1
def assemble_model_data ( self , model = None , arch_type = ENSEMBLE_MODE , is_dry_check = False ) :
if arch_type == ENSEMBLE_STEM_CHECK :
model_data = self . model_data_table
missing_models = [ model . model_status for model in model_data if not model . model_status ]
if missing_models or not model_data :
model_data : List [ ModelData ] = [ ModelData ( model_name , is_dry_check = is_dry_check ) for model_name in self . ensemble_model_list ]
self . model_data_table = model_data
if arch_type == ENSEMBLE_MODE :
model_data : List [ ModelData ] = [ ModelData ( model_name ) for model_name in self . ensemble_listbox_get_all_selected_models ( ) ]
if arch_type == ENSEMBLE_CHECK :
model_data : List [ ModelData ] = [ ModelData ( model ) ]
if arch_type == VR_ARCH_TYPE or arch_type == VR_ARCH_PM :
model_data : List [ ModelData ] = [ ModelData ( model , VR_ARCH_TYPE ) ]
if arch_type == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
model_data : List [ ModelData ] = [ ModelData ( model , MDX_ARCH_TYPE ) ]
if arch_type == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
model_data : List [ ModelData ] = [ ModelData ( model , DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE ) ]
return model_data
def clear_cache ( self , network ) :
if network == VR_ARCH_TYPE :
if network == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
[ os . remove ( os . path . join ( dir , x ) ) for x in os . listdir ( dir ) if x not in ' model_data.json ' ]
self . vr_model_var . set ( CHOOSE_MODEL )
self . mdx_net_model_var . set ( CHOOSE_MODEL )
self . model_data_table . clear ( )
self . chosen_ensemble_var . set ( CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION )
self . ensemble_main_stem_var . set ( CHOOSE_STEM_PAIR )
self . ensemble_listbox_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . update_checkbox_text ( )
def thread_check ( self , thread_to_check ) :
''' Checks if thread is alive '''
is_running = False
if type ( thread_to_check ) is KThread :
if thread_to_check . is_alive ( ) :
is_running = True
return is_running
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
# -Widget Methods--
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def fill_main_frame ( self ) :
""" Creates root window widgets """
self . title_Label = tk . Label ( master = self , image = self . logo_img , compound = tk . TOP )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
self . title_Label . place ( x = - 2 , y = banner_placement )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
button_y = self . IMAGE_HEIGHT + self . FILEPATHS_HEIGHT + self . OPTIONS_HEIGHT - 8 + self . PADDING * 2
self . fill_filePaths_Frame ( )
self . fill_options_Frame ( )
self . conversion_Button = ttk . Button ( master = self , textvariable = self . conversion_Button_Text_var , command = self . process_initialize )
self . conversion_Button . place ( x = 50 , y = button_y , width = - 100 , height = 35 ,
relx = 0 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 1 , relheight = 0 )
self . conversion_Button_enable = lambda : ( self . conversion_Button_Text_var . set ( START_PROCESSING ) , self . conversion_Button . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) )
self . conversion_Button_disable = lambda message : ( self . conversion_Button_Text_var . set ( message ) , self . conversion_Button . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED ) )
self . stop_Button = ttk . Button ( master = self , image = self . stop_img , command = self . confirm_stop_process )
self . stop_Button . place ( x = - 10 - 35 , y = button_y , width = 35 , height = 35 ,
relx = 1 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 0 , relheight = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . stop_Button , text = STOP_HELP )
self . settings_Button = ttk . Button ( master = self , image = self . help_img , command = self . check_is_menu_settings_open )
self . settings_Button . place ( x = - 670 , y = button_y , width = 35 , height = 35 ,
relx = 1 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 0 , relheight = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . settings_Button , text = SETTINGS_HELP )
self . progressbar = ttk . Progressbar ( master = self , variable = self . progress_bar_main_var )
self . progressbar . place ( x = 25 , y = self . IMAGE_HEIGHT + self . FILEPATHS_HEIGHT + self . OPTIONS_HEIGHT + self . CONVERSIONBUTTON_HEIGHT + self . COMMAND_HEIGHT + self . PADDING * 4 , width = - 50 , height = self . PROGRESS_HEIGHT ,
relx = 0 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 1 , relheight = 0 )
# Select Music Files Option
self . console_Frame = Frame ( master = self , highlightbackground = ' #101012 ' , highlightcolor = ' #101012 ' , highlightthicknes = 2 )
self . console_Frame . place ( x = 15 , y = self . IMAGE_HEIGHT + self . FILEPATHS_HEIGHT + self . OPTIONS_HEIGHT + self . CONVERSIONBUTTON_HEIGHT + self . PADDING + 5 * 3 , width = - 30 , height = self . COMMAND_HEIGHT + 7 ,
relx = 0 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 1 , relheight = 0 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
self . command_Text = ThreadSafeConsole ( master = self . console_Frame , background = ' #0c0c0d ' , fg = ' #898b8e ' , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_4 ) , borderwidth = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . command_Text . pack ( fill = BOTH , expand = 1 )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . command_Text . bind ( right_click_button , lambda e : self . right_click_console ( e ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def fill_filePaths_Frame ( self ) :
""" Fill Frame with neccessary widgets """
# Select Music Files Option
self . filePaths_Frame = ttk . Frame ( master = self )
self . filePaths_Frame . place ( x = 10 , y = 155 , width = - 20 , height = self . FILEPATHS_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 1 , relheight = 0 )
self . filePaths_musicFile_Button = ttk . Button ( master = self . filePaths_Frame , text = ' Select Input ' , command = self . input_select_filedialog )
self . filePaths_musicFile_Button . place ( x = 0 , y = 5 , width = 0 , height = - 5 , relx = 0 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 0.3 , relheight = 0.5 )
self . filePaths_musicFile_Entry = ttk . Entry ( master = self . filePaths_Frame , textvariable = self . inputPathsEntry_var , font = self . fontRadio , state = tk . DISABLED )
self . filePaths_musicFile_Entry . place ( x = 7.5 , y = 5 , width = - 50 , height = - 5 , relx = 0.3 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 0.7 , relheight = 0.5 )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . filePaths_musicFile_Open = ttk . Button ( master = self , image = self . efile_img , command = lambda : OPEN_FILE_func ( os . path . dirname ( self . inputPaths [ 0 ] ) ) if self . inputPaths and os . path . isdir ( os . path . dirname ( self . inputPaths [ 0 ] ) ) else self . error_dialoge ( INVALID_INPUT ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . filePaths_musicFile_Open . place ( x = - 45 , y = 160 , width = 35 , height = 33 , relx = 1 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 0 , relheight = 0 )
self . filePaths_musicFile_Entry . configure ( cursor = " hand2 " )
self . help_hints ( self . filePaths_musicFile_Button , text = INPUT_FOLDER_ENTRY_HELP )
2022-12-23 01:45:18 -06:00
self . help_hints ( self . filePaths_musicFile_Entry , text = INPUT_FOLDER_ENTRY_HELP_2 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . help_hints ( self . filePaths_musicFile_Open , text = INPUT_FOLDER_BUTTON_HELP )
# Save To Option
self . filePaths_saveTo_Button = ttk . Button ( master = self . filePaths_Frame , text = ' Select Output ' , command = self . export_select_filedialog )
self . filePaths_saveTo_Button . place ( x = 0 , y = 5 , width = 0 , height = - 5 , relx = 0 , rely = 0.5 , relwidth = 0.3 , relheight = 0.5 )
self . filePaths_saveTo_Entry = ttk . Entry ( master = self . filePaths_Frame , textvariable = self . export_path_var , font = self . fontRadio , state = tk . DISABLED )
self . filePaths_saveTo_Entry . place ( x = 7.5 , y = 5 , width = - 50 , height = - 5 , relx = 0.3 , rely = 0.5 , relwidth = 0.7 , relheight = 0.5 )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . filePaths_saveTo_Open = ttk . Button ( master = self , image = self . efile_img , command = lambda : OPEN_FILE_func ( Path ( self . export_path_var . get ( ) ) ) if os . path . isdir ( self . export_path_var . get ( ) ) else self . error_dialoge ( INVALID_EXPORT ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . filePaths_saveTo_Open . place ( x = - 45 , y = 197.5 , width = 35 , height = 33 , relx = 1 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 0 , relheight = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . filePaths_saveTo_Button , text = OUTPUT_FOLDER_ENTRY_HELP )
self . help_hints ( self . filePaths_saveTo_Entry , text = OUTPUT_FOLDER_ENTRY_HELP )
self . help_hints ( self . filePaths_saveTo_Open , text = OUTPUT_FOLDER_BUTTON_HELP )
def fill_options_Frame ( self ) :
""" Fill Frame with neccessary widgets """
self . options_Frame = ttk . Frame ( master = self )
self . options_Frame . place ( x = 10 , y = 250 , width = - 20 , height = self . OPTIONS_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 0 , relwidth = 1 , relheight = 0 )
# -Create Widgets-
## Save Format
self . wav_button = ttk . Radiobutton ( master = self . options_Frame , text = WAV , variable = self . save_format_var , value = WAV )
self . wav_button . place ( x = 457 , y = - 5 , width = 0 , height = 6 , relx = 0 , rely = 0 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . wav_button , text = f ' { FORMAT_SETTING_HELP } { WAV } ' )
self . flac_button = ttk . Radiobutton ( master = self . options_Frame , text = FLAC , variable = self . save_format_var , value = FLAC )
self . flac_button . place ( x = 300 , y = - 5 , width = 0 , height = 6 , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 0 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . flac_button , text = f ' { FORMAT_SETTING_HELP } { FLAC } ' )
self . mp3_button = ttk . Radiobutton ( master = self . options_Frame , text = MP3 , variable = self . save_format_var , value = MP3 )
self . mp3_button . place ( x = 143 , y = - 5 , width = 0 , height = 6 , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 0 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . mp3_button , text = f ' { FORMAT_SETTING_HELP } { MP3 } ' )
# Choose Conversion Method
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . chosen_process_method_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_PROC_METHOD_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . chosen_process_method_Label . place ( x = 0 , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 0 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 2 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . chosen_process_method_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . chosen_process_method_var , None , * PROCESS_METHODS , command = lambda s : self . selection_action_process_method ( s , from_widget = True ) )
self . chosen_process_method_Option . place ( x = 0 , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 1 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 3 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . chosen_process_method_var . trace_add ( ' write ' , lambda * args : self . update_main_widget_states ( ) )
self . help_hints ( self . chosen_process_method_Label , text = CHOSEN_PROCESS_METHOD_HELP )
# Choose Settings Option
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . save_current_settings_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , SELECT_SAVED_SETTINGS_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . save_current_settings_Label_place = lambda : self . save_current_settings_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 0 ] , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 6 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . save_current_settings_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . save_current_settings_var )
self . save_current_settings_Option_place = lambda : self . save_current_settings_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 1 ] , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 7 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . save_current_settings_Label , text = SAVE_CURRENT_SETTINGS_HELP )
### MDX-NET ###
# Choose MDX-Net Model
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . mdx_net_model_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_MDX_MODEL_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . mdx_net_model_Label_place = lambda : self . mdx_net_model_Label . place ( x = 0 , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 0 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 6 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . mdx_net_model_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . mdx_net_model_var )
self . mdx_net_model_Option_place = lambda : self . mdx_net_model_Option . place ( x = 0 , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 1 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 7 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . mdx_net_model_Label , text = CHOOSE_MODEL_HELP )
# MDX-chunks
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . chunks_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHUNKS_MDX_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . chunks_Label_place = lambda : self . chunks_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 2 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . chunks_Option = ttk . Combobox ( self . options_Frame , value = CHUNKS , textvariable = self . chunks_var )
self . chunks_Option_place = lambda : self . chunks_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 3 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . chunks_Option , self . chunks_var , REG_CHUNKS , CHUNKS )
self . help_hints ( self . chunks_Label , text = CHUNKS_HELP )
# MDX-Margin
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . margin_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , MARGIN_MDX_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . margin_Label_place = lambda : self . margin_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_2_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 2 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . margin_Option = ttk . Combobox ( self . options_Frame , value = MARGIN_SIZE , textvariable = self . margin_var )
self . margin_Option_place = lambda : self . margin_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_2_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 3 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . margin_Option , self . margin_var , REG_MARGIN , MARGIN_SIZE )
self . help_hints ( self . margin_Label , text = MARGIN_HELP )
### VR ARCH ###
# Choose VR Model
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . vr_model_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , SELECT_VR_MODEL_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . vr_model_Label_place = lambda : self . vr_model_Label . place ( x = 0 , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 0 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 6 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . vr_model_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . vr_model_var )
self . vr_model_Option_place = lambda : self . vr_model_Option . place ( x = 0 , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 1 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 7 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . vr_model_Label , text = CHOOSE_MODEL_HELP )
# Aggression Setting
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . aggression_setting_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , AGGRESSION_SETTING_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . aggression_setting_Label_place = lambda : self . aggression_setting_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_2_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 2 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . aggression_setting_Option = ttk . Combobox ( self . options_Frame , value = VR_AGGRESSION , textvariable = self . aggression_setting_var )
self . aggression_setting_Option_place = lambda : self . aggression_setting_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_2_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 3 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . aggression_setting_Option , self . aggression_setting_var , REG_AGGRESSION , [ ' 10 ' ] )
self . help_hints ( self . aggression_setting_Label , text = AGGRESSION_SETTING_HELP )
# Window Size
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . window_size_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , WINDOW_SIZE_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . window_size_Label_place = lambda : self . window_size_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 2 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . window_size_Option = ttk . Combobox ( self . options_Frame , value = VR_WINDOW , textvariable = self . window_size_var )
self . window_size_Option_place = lambda : self . window_size_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 3 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . window_size_Option , self . window_size_var , REG_WINDOW , VR_WINDOW )
self . help_hints ( self . window_size_Label , text = WINDOW_SIZE_HELP )
### DEMUCS ###
# Choose Demucs Model
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . demucs_model_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_DEMUCS_MODEL_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . demucs_model_Label_place = lambda : self . demucs_model_Label . place ( x = 0 , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 0 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 6 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . demucs_model_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . demucs_model_var )
self . demucs_model_Option_place = lambda : self . demucs_model_Option . place ( x = 0 , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 1 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 7 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . demucs_model_Label , text = CHOOSE_MODEL_HELP )
# Choose Demucs Stems
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . demucs_stems_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_DEMUCS_STEMS_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . demucs_stems_Label_place = lambda : self . demucs_stems_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 2 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . demucs_stems_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . demucs_stems_var , None )
self . demucs_stems_Option_place = lambda : self . demucs_stems_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 3 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . demucs_stems_Label , text = DEMUCS_STEMS_HELP )
# Demucs-Segment
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . segment_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_SEGMENT_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . segment_Label_place = lambda : self . segment_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_2_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 2 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . segment_Option = ttk . Combobox ( self . options_Frame , value = DEMUCS_SEGMENTS , textvariable = self . segment_var )
self . segment_Option_place = lambda : self . segment_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_2_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 3 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . segment_Option , self . segment_var , REG_SEGMENTS , DEMUCS_SEGMENTS )
self . help_hints ( self . segment_Label , text = SEGMENT_HELP )
# Stem A
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( master = self . options_Frame , textvariable = self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Text_var , variable = self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_var , command = lambda : self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option_toggle ( ) )
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option_place = lambda : self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option . place ( x = CHECK_BOX_X , y = CHECK_BOX_Y , width = CHECK_BOX_WIDTH , height = CHECK_BOX_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 6 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option_toggle = lambda : self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_var . set ( False ) if self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_var . get ( ) else self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . help_hints ( self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option , text = SAVE_STEM_ONLY_HELP )
# Stem B
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( master = self . options_Frame , textvariable = self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Text_var , variable = self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_var , command = lambda : self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option_toggle ( ) )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option_place = lambda : self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option . place ( x = CHECK_BOX_X , y = CHECK_BOX_Y , width = CHECK_BOX_WIDTH , height = CHECK_BOX_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 7 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option_toggle = lambda : self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_var . set ( False ) if self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_var . get ( ) else self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . is_stem_only_Demucs_Options_Enable = lambda : ( self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) , self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) )
self . help_hints ( self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option , text = SAVE_STEM_ONLY_HELP )
# Ensemble Mode
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . chosen_ensemble_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , ENSEMBLE_OPTIONS_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . chosen_ensemble_Label_place = lambda : self . chosen_ensemble_Label . place ( x = 0 , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 0 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 6 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . chosen_ensemble_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . chosen_ensemble_var )
self . chosen_ensemble_Option_place = lambda : self . chosen_ensemble_Option . place ( x = 0 , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 1 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 7 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . chosen_ensemble_Label , text = CHOSEN_ENSEMBLE_HELP )
# Ensemble Main Stems
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . ensemble_main_stem_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_MAIN_PAIR_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . ensemble_main_stem_Label_place = lambda : self . ensemble_main_stem_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 2 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . ensemble_main_stem_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . ensemble_main_stem_var , None , * ENSEMBLE_MAIN_STEM , command = self . selection_action_ensemble_stems )
self . ensemble_main_stem_Option_place = lambda : self . ensemble_main_stem_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 3 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . ensemble_main_stem_Label , text = ENSEMBLE_MAIN_STEM_HELP )
# Ensemble Algorithm
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . ensemble_type_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_ALGORITHM_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . ensemble_type_Label_place = lambda : self . ensemble_type_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_2_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 2 / 11 , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . ensemble_type_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . ensemble_type_var , None , * ENSEMBLE_TYPE )
self . ensemble_type_Option_place = lambda : self . ensemble_type_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_2_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 3 / 11 , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . ensemble_type_Label , text = ENSEMBLE_TYPE_HELP )
# Select Music Files Option
# Ensemble Save Ensemble Outputs
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . ensemble_listbox_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , AVAILABLE_MODELS_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . ensemble_listbox_Label_place = lambda : self . ensemble_listbox_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_2_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_2_Y [ 1 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 5 / 11 , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . ensemble_listbox_Frame = Frame ( self . options_Frame , highlightbackground = ' #04332c ' , highlightcolor = ' #04332c ' , highlightthicknes = 1 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
self . ensemble_listbox_Option = tk . Listbox ( self . ensemble_listbox_Frame , selectmode = tk . MULTIPLE , activestyle = ' dotbox ' , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , background = ' #070708 ' , exportselection = 0 , relief = SOLID , borderwidth = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . ensemble_listbox_scroll = ttk . Scrollbar ( self . options_Frame , orient = VERTICAL )
self . ensemble_listbox_Option . config ( yscrollcommand = self . ensemble_listbox_scroll . set )
self . ensemble_listbox_scroll . configure ( command = self . ensemble_listbox_Option . yview )
self . ensemble_listbox_Option_place = lambda : ( self . ensemble_listbox_Frame . place ( x = - 25 , y = - 20 , width = 0 , height = 67 , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 6 / 11 , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS ) ,
self . ensemble_listbox_scroll . place ( x = 195 , y = - 20 , width = - 48 , height = 69 , relx = 2 / 3 , rely = 6 / 11 , relwidth = 1 / 10 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS ) )
self . ensemble_listbox_Option_pack = lambda : self . ensemble_listbox_Option . pack ( fill = BOTH , expand = 1 )
self . help_hints ( self . ensemble_listbox_Label , text = ENSEMBLE_LISTBOX_HELP )
# Chosen Audio Tool
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . chosen_audio_tool_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_AUDIO_TOOLS_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . chosen_audio_tool_Label_place = lambda : self . chosen_audio_tool_Label . place ( x = 0 , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 0 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 6 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . chosen_audio_tool_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . chosen_audio_tool_var , None , * AUDIO_TOOL_OPTIONS )
self . chosen_audio_tool_Option_place = lambda : self . chosen_audio_tool_Option . place ( x = 0 , y = LOW_MENU_Y [ 1 ] , width = LEFT_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 0 , rely = 7 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL1_ROWS )
self . chosen_audio_tool_var . trace_add ( ' write ' , lambda * args : self . update_main_widget_states ( ) )
self . help_hints ( self . chosen_audio_tool_Label , text = AUDIO_TOOLS_HELP )
# Choose Agorithim
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . choose_algorithm_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_MANUAL_ALGORITHM_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . choose_algorithm_Label_place = lambda : self . choose_algorithm_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 2 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . choose_algorithm_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( self . options_Frame , self . choose_algorithm_var , None , * MANUAL_ENSEMBLE_OPTIONS )
self . choose_algorithm_Option_place = lambda : self . choose_algorithm_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 3 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
# Time Stretch
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . time_stretch_rate_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_RATE_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . time_stretch_rate_Label_place = lambda : self . time_stretch_rate_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 2 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . time_stretch_rate_Option = ttk . Combobox ( self . options_Frame , value = TIME_PITCH , textvariable = self . time_stretch_rate_var )
self . time_stretch_rate_Option_place = lambda : self . time_stretch_rate_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 3 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . time_stretch_rate_Option , self . time_stretch_rate_var , REG_TIME , TIME_PITCH )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
# Pitch Rate
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . pitch_rate_Label = self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( self . options_Frame , CHOOSE_SEMITONES_MAIN_LABEL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . pitch_rate_Label_place = lambda : self . pitch_rate_Label . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 0 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 0 ] , width = 0 , height = LABEL_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 2 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . pitch_rate_Option = ttk . Combobox ( self . options_Frame , value = TIME_PITCH , textvariable = self . pitch_rate_var )
self . pitch_rate_Option_place = lambda : self . pitch_rate_Option . place ( x = MAIN_ROW_X [ 1 ] , y = MAIN_ROW_Y [ 1 ] , width = MAIN_ROW_WIDTH , height = OPTION_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 3 / self . COL1_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . pitch_rate_Option , self . pitch_rate_var , REG_PITCH , TIME_PITCH )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
# GPU Selection
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . is_gpu_conversion_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( master = self . options_Frame , text = GPU_CONVERSION_MAIN_LABEL , variable = self . is_gpu_conversion_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . is_gpu_conversion_Option_place = lambda : self . is_gpu_conversion_Option . place ( x = CHECK_BOX_X , y = CHECK_BOX_Y , width = CHECK_BOX_WIDTH , height = CHECK_BOX_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 5 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . is_gpu_conversion_Disable = lambda : ( self . is_gpu_conversion_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED ) , self . is_gpu_conversion_var . set ( False ) )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . is_gpu_conversion_Enable = lambda : self . is_gpu_conversion_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . help_hints ( self . is_gpu_conversion_Option , text = IS_GPU_CONVERSION_HELP )
# Vocal Only
self . is_primary_stem_only_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( master = self . options_Frame , textvariable = self . is_primary_stem_only_Text_var , variable = self . is_primary_stem_only_var , command = lambda : self . is_primary_stem_only_Option_toggle ( ) )
self . is_primary_stem_only_Option_place = lambda : self . is_primary_stem_only_Option . place ( x = CHECK_BOX_X , y = CHECK_BOX_Y , width = CHECK_BOX_WIDTH , height = CHECK_BOX_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 6 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . is_primary_stem_only_Option_toggle = lambda : self . is_secondary_stem_only_var . set ( False ) if self . is_primary_stem_only_var . get ( ) else self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . help_hints ( self . is_primary_stem_only_Option , text = SAVE_STEM_ONLY_HELP )
# Instrumental Only
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( master = self . options_Frame , textvariable = self . is_secondary_stem_only_Text_var , variable = self . is_secondary_stem_only_var , command = lambda : self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option_toggle ( ) )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option_place = lambda : self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option . place ( x = CHECK_BOX_X , y = CHECK_BOX_Y , width = CHECK_BOX_WIDTH , height = CHECK_BOX_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = 7 / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option_toggle = lambda : self . is_primary_stem_only_var . set ( False ) if self . is_secondary_stem_only_var . get ( ) else self . is_primary_stem_only_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . is_stem_only_Options_Enable = lambda : ( self . is_primary_stem_only_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) , self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) )
self . help_hints ( self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option , text = SAVE_STEM_ONLY_HELP )
# Sample Mode
self . model_sample_mode_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( master = self . options_Frame , textvariable = self . model_sample_mode_duration_checkbox_var , variable = self . model_sample_mode_var ) #f'Sample ({self.model_sample_mode_duration_var.get()} Seconds)'
self . model_sample_mode_Option_place = lambda rely = 8 : self . model_sample_mode_Option . place ( x = CHECK_BOX_X , y = CHECK_BOX_Y , width = CHECK_BOX_WIDTH , height = CHECK_BOX_HEIGHT , relx = 1 / 3 , rely = rely / self . COL2_ROWS , relwidth = 1 / 3 , relheight = 1 / self . COL2_ROWS )
self . help_hints ( self . model_sample_mode_Option , text = MODEL_SAMPLE_MODE_HELP )
self . GUI_LIST = ( self . vr_model_Label ,
self . vr_model_Option ,
self . aggression_setting_Label ,
self . aggression_setting_Option ,
self . window_size_Label ,
self . window_size_Option ,
self . demucs_model_Label ,
self . demucs_model_Option ,
self . demucs_stems_Label ,
self . demucs_stems_Option ,
self . segment_Label ,
self . segment_Option ,
self . mdx_net_model_Label ,
self . mdx_net_model_Option ,
self . chunks_Label ,
self . chunks_Option ,
self . margin_Label ,
self . margin_Option ,
self . chosen_ensemble_Label ,
self . chosen_ensemble_Option ,
self . save_current_settings_Label ,
self . save_current_settings_Option ,
self . ensemble_main_stem_Label ,
self . ensemble_main_stem_Option ,
self . ensemble_type_Label ,
self . ensemble_type_Option ,
self . ensemble_listbox_Label ,
self . ensemble_listbox_Frame ,
self . ensemble_listbox_Option ,
self . ensemble_listbox_scroll ,
self . chosen_audio_tool_Label ,
self . chosen_audio_tool_Option ,
self . choose_algorithm_Label ,
self . choose_algorithm_Option ,
self . time_stretch_rate_Label ,
self . time_stretch_rate_Option ,
self . pitch_rate_Label ,
self . pitch_rate_Option ,
self . is_gpu_conversion_Option ,
self . is_primary_stem_only_Option ,
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option ,
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option ,
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option ,
self . model_sample_mode_Option )
REFRESH_VARS = ( self . mdx_net_model_var ,
self . vr_model_var ,
self . demucs_model_var ,
self . demucs_stems_var ,
self . is_chunk_demucs_var ,
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_var ,
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_var ,
self . is_primary_stem_only_var ,
self . is_secondary_stem_only_var ,
self . model_download_demucs_var ,
self . model_download_mdx_var ,
self . model_download_vr_var ,
self . select_download_var ,
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Text_var ,
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Text_var ,
self . chosen_process_method_var ,
self . ensemble_main_stem_var )
# Change States
for var in REFRESH_VARS :
var . trace_add ( ' write ' , lambda * args : self . update_button_states ( ) )
def combobox_entry_validation ( self , combobox : ttk . Combobox , var : tk . StringVar , pattern , default ) :
""" Verifies valid input for comboboxes """
validation = lambda value : False if re . fullmatch ( pattern , value ) is None else True
invalid = lambda : ( var . set ( default [ 0 ] ) )
combobox . config ( validate = ' focus ' , validatecommand = ( self . register ( validation ) , ' % P ' ) , invalidcommand = ( self . register ( invalid ) , ) )
def bind_widgets ( self ) :
""" Bind widgets to the drag & drop mechanic """
self . chosen_audio_tool_align = tk . BooleanVar ( value = True )
add_align = lambda e : ( self . chosen_audio_tool_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = ALIGN_INPUTS , command = tk . _setit ( self . chosen_audio_tool_var , ALIGN_INPUTS ) ) , self . chosen_audio_tool_align . set ( False ) ) if self . chosen_audio_tool_align else None
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
if is_dnd_compatible :
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . filePaths_saveTo_Button . drop_target_register ( DND_FILES )
self . filePaths_saveTo_Entry . drop_target_register ( DND_FILES )
self . drop_target_register ( DND_FILES )
self . dnd_bind ( ' <<Drop>> ' , lambda e : drop ( e , accept_mode = ' files ' ) )
self . filePaths_saveTo_Button . dnd_bind ( ' <<Drop>> ' , lambda e : drop ( e , accept_mode = ' folder ' ) )
self . filePaths_saveTo_Entry . dnd_bind ( ' <<Drop>> ' , lambda e : drop ( e , accept_mode = ' folder ' ) )
self . ensemble_listbox_Option . bind ( ' <<ListboxSelect>> ' , lambda e : self . chosen_ensemble_var . set ( CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION ) )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . options_Frame . bind ( right_click_button , lambda e : self . right_click_menu_popup ( e , main_menu = True ) )
self . filePaths_musicFile_Entry . bind ( right_click_button , lambda e : self . input_right_click_menu ( e ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . filePaths_musicFile_Entry . bind ( ' <Button-1> ' , lambda e : self . check_is_open_menu_view_inputs ( ) )
#--Input/Export Methods--
def input_select_filedialog ( self ) :
""" Make user select music files """
if self . lastDir is not None :
if not os . path . isdir ( self . lastDir ) :
self . lastDir = None
paths = tk . filedialog . askopenfilenames (
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
parent = root ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
title = f ' Select Music Files ' ,
initialfile = ' ' ,
initialdir = self . lastDir )
if paths : # Path selected
self . inputPaths = paths
self . process_input_selections ( )
self . update_inputPaths ( )
def export_select_filedialog ( self ) :
""" Make user select a folder to export the converted files in """
export_path = None
path = tk . filedialog . askdirectory (
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
parent = root ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
title = f ' Select Folder ' , )
if path : # Path selected
self . export_path_var . set ( path )
export_path = self . export_path_var . get ( )
return export_path
def update_inputPaths ( self ) :
""" Update the music file entry """
if self . inputPaths :
if len ( self . inputPaths ) == 1 :
text = self . inputPaths [ 0 ]
else :
count = len ( self . inputPaths ) - 1
file_text = ' file ' if len ( self . inputPaths ) == 2 else ' files '
text = f " { self . inputPaths [ 0 ] } , + { count } { file_text } "
else :
# Empty Selection
text = ' '
self . inputPathsEntry_var . set ( text )
#--Utility Methods--
def restart ( self ) :
""" Restart the application after asking for confirmation """
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
confirm = tk . messagebox . askyesno ( parent = root ,
title = ' Restart Confirmation ' ,
message = ' This will restart the application and halt any running processes. Your current settings will be saved. \n \n Are you sure you wish to continue? ' )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if confirm :
try :
subprocess . Popen ( f ' UVR_Launcher.exe ' )
except Exception :
logging . exception ( " Restart " )
subprocess . Popen ( f ' python " { __file__ } " ' , shell = True )
self . destroy ( )
def delete_temps ( self ) :
""" Deletes temp files """
EXTENSIONS = ( ( ' .aes ' , ' .txt ' , ' .tmp ' ) )
try :
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
if os . path . isfile ( f " { current_patch } { application_extension } " ) :
os . remove ( f " { current_patch } { application_extension } " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if os . path . isfile ( SPLASH_DOC ) :
os . remove ( SPLASH_DOC )
for dir in DIRECTORIES :
for temp_file in os . listdir ( dir ) :
if temp_file . endswith ( EXTENSIONS ) :
if os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( dir , temp_file ) ) :
os . remove ( os . path . join ( dir , temp_file ) )
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( error_text ( ' Temp File Deletion ' , e ) )
def get_files_from_dir ( self , directory , ext ) :
""" Gets files from specified directory that ends with specified extention """
return tuple ( os . path . splitext ( x ) [ 0 ] for x in os . listdir ( directory ) if x . endswith ( ext ) )
def determine_auto_chunks ( self , chunks , gpu ) :
""" Determines appropriate chunk size based on user computer specs """
2022-12-27 21:38:17 -06:00
if OPERATING_SYSTEM == ' Darwin ' :
gpu = - 1
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if chunks == ' Full ' :
chunk_set = 0
elif chunks == ' Auto ' :
if gpu == 0 :
gpu_mem = round ( torch . cuda . get_device_properties ( 0 ) . total_memory / 1.074e+9 )
if gpu_mem < = int ( 6 ) :
chunk_set = int ( 5 )
if gpu_mem in [ 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 ] :
chunk_set = int ( 10 )
if gpu_mem > = int ( 16 ) :
chunk_set = int ( 40 )
if gpu == - 1 :
sys_mem = psutil . virtual_memory ( ) . total >> 30
if sys_mem < = int ( 4 ) :
chunk_set = int ( 1 )
if sys_mem in [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ] :
chunk_set = int ( 10 )
if sys_mem in [ 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ] :
chunk_set = int ( 25 )
if sys_mem > = int ( 17 ) :
chunk_set = int ( 60 )
elif chunks == ' 0 ' :
chunk_set = 0
else :
chunk_set = int ( chunks )
return chunk_set
def return_ensemble_stems ( self , is_primary = False ) :
""" Grabs and returns the chosen ensemble stems. """
ensemble_stem = self . ensemble_main_stem_var . get ( ) . partition ( " / " )
if is_primary :
return ensemble_stem [ 0 ]
else :
return ensemble_stem [ 0 ] , ensemble_stem [ 2 ]
def message_box ( self , message ) :
""" Template for confirmation box """
confirm = tk . messagebox . askyesno ( title = message [ 0 ] ,
message = message [ 1 ] ,
parent = root )
return confirm
def error_dialoge ( self , message ) :
""" Template for messagebox that informs user of error """
tk . messagebox . showerror ( master = self ,
title = message [ 0 ] ,
message = message [ 1 ] ,
parent = root )
def model_list ( self , primary_stem : str , secondary_stem : str , is_4_stem_check = False , is_dry_check = False , is_no_demucs = False ) :
stem_check = self . assemble_model_data ( arch_type = ENSEMBLE_STEM_CHECK , is_dry_check = is_dry_check )
if is_no_demucs :
return [ model . model_and_process_tag for model in stem_check if model . primary_stem == primary_stem or model . primary_stem == secondary_stem ]
else :
if is_4_stem_check :
return [ model . model_and_process_tag for model in stem_check if model . demucs_stem_count == 4 ]
else :
return [ model . model_and_process_tag for model in stem_check if model . primary_stem == primary_stem or model . primary_stem == secondary_stem or primary_stem . lower ( ) in model . demucs_source_list ]
def help_hints ( self , widget , text ) :
toolTip = ToolTip ( widget )
def enter ( event ) :
if self . help_hints_var . get ( ) :
toolTip . showtip ( text )
def leave ( event ) :
toolTip . hidetip ( )
widget . bind ( ' <Enter> ' , enter )
widget . bind ( ' <Leave> ' , leave )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
widget . bind ( right_click_button , lambda e : copy_help_hint ( e ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def copy_help_hint ( event ) :
if self . help_hints_var . get ( ) :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
right_click_menu = Menu ( self , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_1 ) , tearoff = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Copy Help Hint Text ' , command = right_click_menu_copy_hint )
try :
right_click_menu . tk_popup ( event . x_root , event . y_root )
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
right_click_release_linux ( right_click_menu )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
finally :
right_click_menu . grab_release ( )
else :
self . right_click_menu_popup ( event , main_menu = True )
def right_click_menu_copy_hint ( ) :
pyperclip . copy ( text )
def input_right_click_menu ( self , event ) :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
right_click_menu = Menu ( self , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_1 ) , tearoff = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' See All Inputs ' , command = self . check_is_open_menu_view_inputs )
try :
right_click_menu . tk_popup ( event . x_root , event . y_root )
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
right_click_release_linux ( right_click_menu )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
finally :
right_click_menu . grab_release ( )
def cached_sources_clear ( self ) :
self . vr_cache_source_mapper = { }
self . mdx_cache_source_mapper = { }
self . demucs_cache_source_mapper = { }
def cached_model_source_holder ( self , process_method , sources , model_name = None ) :
if process_method == VR_ARCH_TYPE :
self . vr_cache_source_mapper = { * * self . vr_cache_source_mapper , * * { model_name : sources } }
if process_method == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
self . mdx_cache_source_mapper = { * * self . mdx_cache_source_mapper , * * { model_name : sources } }
if process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
self . demucs_cache_source_mapper = { * * self . demucs_cache_source_mapper , * * { model_name : sources } }
def cached_source_callback ( self , process_method , model_name = None ) :
model , sources = None , None
if process_method == VR_ARCH_TYPE :
mapper = self . vr_cache_source_mapper
if process_method == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
mapper = self . mdx_cache_source_mapper
if process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
mapper = self . demucs_cache_source_mapper
for key , value in mapper . items ( ) :
if model_name in key :
model = key
sources = value
return model , sources
def cached_source_model_list_check ( self , model_list : list [ ModelData ] ) :
model : ModelData
primary_model_names = lambda process_method : [ model . model_basename if model . process_method == process_method else None for model in model_list ]
secondary_model_names = lambda process_method : [ model . secondary_model . model_basename if model . is_secondary_model_activated and model . process_method == process_method else None for model in model_list ]
self . vr_primary_model_names = primary_model_names ( VR_ARCH_TYPE )
self . mdx_primary_model_names = primary_model_names ( MDX_ARCH_TYPE )
self . demucs_primary_model_names = primary_model_names ( DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE )
self . vr_secondary_model_names = secondary_model_names ( VR_ARCH_TYPE )
self . mdx_secondary_model_names = secondary_model_names ( MDX_ARCH_TYPE )
self . demucs_secondary_model_names = [ model . secondary_model . model_basename if model . is_secondary_model_activated and model . process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE and not model . secondary_model is None else None for model in model_list ]
self . demucs_pre_proc_model_name = [ model . pre_proc_model . model_basename if model . pre_proc_model else None for model in model_list ] #list(dict.fromkeys())
for model in model_list :
if model . process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE and model . is_demucs_4_stem_secondaries :
if not model . is_4_stem_ensemble :
self . demucs_secondary_model_names = model . secondary_model_4_stem_model_names_list
else :
for i in model . secondary_model_4_stem_model_names_list :
self . demucs_secondary_model_names . append ( i )
self . all_models = self . vr_primary_model_names + self . mdx_primary_model_names + self . demucs_primary_model_names + self . vr_secondary_model_names + self . mdx_secondary_model_names + self . demucs_secondary_model_names + self . demucs_pre_proc_model_name
def verify_audio ( self , audio_file , is_process = True , sample_path = None ) :
is_good = False
error_data = ' '
if os . path . isfile ( audio_file ) :
try :
librosa . load ( audio_file , duration = 3 , mono = False , sr = 44100 ) if not type ( sample_path ) is str else self . create_sample ( audio_file , sample_path )
is_good = True
except Exception as e :
error_name = f ' { type ( e ) . __name__ } '
traceback_text = ' ' . join ( traceback . format_tb ( e . __traceback__ ) )
message = f ' { error_name } : " { e } " \n { traceback_text } " '
if is_process :
audio_base_name = os . path . basename ( audio_file )
self . error_log_var . set ( f ' Error Loading the Following File: \n \n \" { audio_base_name } \" \n \n Raw Error Details: \n \n { message } ' )
else :
error_data = AUDIO_VERIFICATION_CHECK ( audio_file , message )
if is_process :
return is_good
else :
return is_good , error_data
def create_sample ( self , audio_file , sample_path = SAMPLE_CLIP_PATH ) :
try :
with audioread . audio_open ( audio_file ) as f :
track_length = int ( f . duration )
except Exception as e :
print ( ' Audioread failed to get duration. Trying Librosa... ' )
y , sr = librosa . load ( audio_file , mono = False , sr = 44100 )
track_length = int ( librosa . get_duration ( y = y , sr = sr ) )
clip_duration = int ( self . model_sample_mode_duration_var . get ( ) )
if track_length > = clip_duration :
offset_cut = track_length / / 3
off_cut = offset_cut + track_length
if not off_cut > = clip_duration :
offset_cut = 0
name_apped = f ' { clip_duration } _second_ '
else :
offset_cut , clip_duration = 0 , track_length
name_apped = ' '
sample = librosa . load ( audio_file , offset = offset_cut , duration = clip_duration , mono = False , sr = 44100 ) [ 0 ] . T
audio_sample = os . path . join ( sample_path , f ' { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( audio_file ) ) [ 0 ] } _ { name_apped } sample.wav ' )
sf . write ( audio_sample , sample , 44100 )
return audio_sample
#--Right Click Menu Pop-Ups--
def right_click_select_settings_sub ( self , parent_menu , process_method ) :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
saved_settings_sub_menu = Menu ( parent_menu , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_1 ) , tearoff = False )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
settings_options = self . last_found_settings + SAVE_SET_OPTIONS
for settings_options in settings_options :
settings_options = settings_options . replace ( " _ " , " " )
saved_settings_sub_menu . add_command ( label = settings_options , command = lambda o = settings_options : self . selection_action_saved_settings ( o , process_method = process_method ) )
saved_settings_sub_menu . insert_separator ( len ( self . last_found_settings ) )
return saved_settings_sub_menu
def right_click_menu_popup ( self , event , text_box = False , main_menu = False ) :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
right_click_menu = Menu ( self , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_1 ) , tearoff = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
ENSEMBLE_MODE : self . check_is_open_menu_advanced_ensemble_options ,
VR_ARCH_PM : self . check_is_open_menu_advanced_vr_options ,
MDX_ARCH_TYPE : self . check_is_open_menu_advanced_mdx_options ,
DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE : self . check_is_open_menu_advanced_demucs_options }
VR_ARCH_PM : self . vr_is_secondary_model_activate_var . get ( ) ,
MDX_ARCH_TYPE : self . mdx_is_secondary_model_activate_var . get ( ) ,
DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE : self . demucs_is_secondary_model_activate_var . get ( ) }
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
saved_settings_sub_load_for_menu = Menu ( right_click_menu , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_1 ) , tearoff = False )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
saved_settings_sub_load_for_menu . add_cascade ( label = VR_ARCH_SETTING_LOAD , menu = self . right_click_select_settings_sub ( saved_settings_sub_load_for_menu , VR_ARCH_PM ) )
saved_settings_sub_load_for_menu . add_cascade ( label = MDX_SETTING_LOAD , menu = self . right_click_select_settings_sub ( saved_settings_sub_load_for_menu , MDX_ARCH_TYPE ) )
saved_settings_sub_load_for_menu . add_cascade ( label = DEMUCS_SETTING_LOAD , menu = self . right_click_select_settings_sub ( saved_settings_sub_load_for_menu , DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE ) )
saved_settings_sub_load_for_menu . add_cascade ( label = ALL_ARCH_SETTING_LOAD , menu = self . right_click_select_settings_sub ( saved_settings_sub_load_for_menu , None ) )
if not main_menu :
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Copy ' , command = self . right_click_menu_copy )
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Paste ' , command = lambda : self . right_click_menu_paste ( text_box = text_box ) )
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Delete ' , command = lambda : self . right_click_menu_delete ( text_box = text_box ) )
else :
for method_type , option in PM_RIGHT_CLICK_MAPPER . items ( ) :
if method_type == self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) :
if PM_RIGHT_CLICK_VAR_MAPPER [ method_type ] or ( method_type == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE and self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_var . get ( ) ) :
right_click_menu . add_cascade ( label = ' Select Saved Settings ' , menu = saved_settings_sub_load_for_menu )
right_click_menu . add_separator ( )
for method_type_sub , option_sub in PM_RIGHT_CLICK_MAPPER . items ( ) :
if method_type_sub == ENSEMBLE_MODE and not self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == ENSEMBLE_MODE :
else :
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = f ' Advanced { method_type_sub } Settings ' , command = option_sub )
else :
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = f ' Advanced { method_type } Settings ' , command = option )
if not self . is_menu_settings_open :
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Additional Settings ' , command = lambda : self . menu_settings ( select_tab_2 = True ) )
help_hints_label = ' Enable ' if self . help_hints_var . get ( ) == False else ' Disable '
help_hints_bool = True if self . help_hints_var . get ( ) == False else False
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = f ' { help_hints_label } Help Hints ' , command = lambda : self . help_hints_var . set ( help_hints_bool ) )
if self . error_log_var . get ( ) :
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Error Log ' , command = self . check_is_open_menu_error_log )
try :
right_click_menu . tk_popup ( event . x_root , event . y_root )
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
right_click_release_linux ( right_click_menu )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
finally :
right_click_menu . grab_release ( )
def right_click_menu_copy ( self ) :
hightlighted_text = self . current_text_box . selection_get ( )
self . clipboard_clear ( )
self . clipboard_append ( hightlighted_text )
def right_click_menu_paste ( self , text_box = False ) :
clipboard = self . clipboard_get ( )
self . right_click_menu_delete ( text_box = True ) if text_box else self . right_click_menu_delete ( )
self . current_text_box . insert ( self . current_text_box . index ( tk . INSERT ) , clipboard )
def right_click_menu_delete ( self , text_box = False ) :
if text_box :
try :
s0 = self . current_text_box . index ( " sel.first " )
s1 = self . current_text_box . index ( " sel.last " )
self . current_text_box . tag_configure ( ' highlight ' )
self . current_text_box . tag_add ( " highlight " , s0 , s1 )
start_indexes = self . current_text_box . tag_ranges ( " highlight " ) [ 0 : : 2 ]
end_indexes = self . current_text_box . tag_ranges ( " highlight " ) [ 1 : : 2 ]
for start , end in zip ( start_indexes , end_indexes ) :
self . current_text_box . tag_remove ( " highlight " , start , end )
for start , end in zip ( start_indexes , end_indexes ) :
self . current_text_box . delete ( start , end )
except Exception as e :
print ( ' RIGHT-CLICK-DELETE ERROR: \n ' , e )
else :
self . current_text_box . delete ( 0 , END )
def right_click_console ( self , event ) :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
right_click_menu = Menu ( self , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_1 ) , tearoff = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Copy ' , command = self . command_Text . copy_text )
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Select All ' , command = self . command_Text . select_all_text )
try :
right_click_menu . tk_popup ( event . x_root , event . y_root )
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
right_click_release_linux ( right_click_menu )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
finally :
right_click_menu . grab_release ( )
#--Secondary Window Methods--
def menu_placement ( self , window : Toplevel , title , pop_up = False , is_help_hints = False , close_function = None ) :
""" Prepares and centers each secondary window relative to the main window """
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
window . wm_attributes ( ' -alpha ' , 0.0 ) if not is_windows else None
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
window . geometry ( " + %d + %d " % ( 8000 , 5000 ) )
window . resizable ( False , False )
window . wm_transient ( root )
window . title ( title )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
window . iconbitmap ( ICON_IMG_PATH if is_windows else None )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
window . update ( )
window . deiconify ( )
root_location_x = root . winfo_x ( )
root_location_y = root . winfo_y ( )
root_x = root . winfo_width ( )
root_y = root . winfo_height ( )
sub_menu_x = window . winfo_width ( )
sub_menu_y = window . winfo_height ( )
menu_offset_x = ( root_x - sub_menu_x ) / / 2
menu_offset_y = ( root_y - sub_menu_y ) / / 2
window . geometry ( " + %d + %d " % ( root_location_x + menu_offset_x , root_location_y + menu_offset_y ) )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
window . wm_attributes ( ' -alpha ' , 1.0 ) if not is_windows else None
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def right_click_menu ( event ) :
help_hints_label = ' Enable ' if self . help_hints_var . get ( ) == False else ' Disable '
help_hints_bool = True if self . help_hints_var . get ( ) == False else False
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
right_click_menu = Menu ( self , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_1 ) , tearoff = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if is_help_hints :
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = f ' { help_hints_label } Help Hints ' , command = lambda : self . help_hints_var . set ( help_hints_bool ) )
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Exit Window ' , command = close_function )
try :
right_click_menu . tk_popup ( event . x_root , event . y_root )
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
right_click_release_linux ( right_click_menu , window )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
finally :
right_click_menu . grab_release ( )
if close_function :
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
window . bind ( right_click_button , lambda e : right_click_menu ( e ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if pop_up :
2022-12-30 04:52:37 -06:00
window . attributes ( ' -topmost ' , ' true ' ) if OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Linux " else None
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
window . grab_set ( )
root . wait_window ( window )
def menu_tab_control ( self , toplevel , ai_network_vars , is_demucs = False ) :
""" Prepares the tabs setup for some windows """
tabControl = ttk . Notebook ( toplevel )
tab1 = ttk . Frame ( tabControl )
tab2 = ttk . Frame ( tabControl )
tabControl . add ( tab1 , text = ' Settings Guide ' )
tabControl . add ( tab2 , text = ' Secondary Model ' )
tabControl . pack ( expand = 1 , fill = " both " )
tab1 . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab1 . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab2 . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab2 . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
self . menu_secondary_model ( tab2 , ai_network_vars )
if is_demucs :
tab3 = ttk . Frame ( tabControl )
tabControl . add ( tab3 , text = ' Pre-process Model ' )
tab3 . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab3 . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
return tab1 , tab3
else :
return tab1
def menu_view_inputs ( self ) :
menu_view_inputs_top = Toplevel ( root )
self . is_open_menu_view_inputs . set ( True )
self . menu_view_inputs_close_window = lambda : close_window ( )
menu_view_inputs_top . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . menu_view_inputs_close_window )
input_length_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
input_info_text_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
is_widen_box_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
is_play_file_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
varification_text_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' Verify Inputs ' )
reset_list = lambda : ( input_files_listbox_Option . delete ( 0 , ' end ' ) , [ input_files_listbox_Option . insert ( tk . END , inputs ) for inputs in self . inputPaths ] )
audio_input_total = lambda : input_length_var . set ( f ' Audio Input Total: { len ( self . inputPaths ) } ' )
audio_input_total ( )
def list_diff ( list1 , list2 ) : return list ( set ( list1 ) . symmetric_difference ( set ( list2 ) ) )
def list_to_string ( list1 ) : return ' \n ' . join ( ' ' . join ( sub ) for sub in list1 )
def close_window ( ) :
self . verification_thread . kill ( ) if self . thread_check ( self . verification_thread ) else None
self . is_open_menu_view_inputs . set ( False )
menu_view_inputs_top . destroy ( )
def drag_n_drop ( e ) :
input_info_text_var . set ( ' ' )
drop ( e , accept_mode = ' files ' )
reset_list ( )
audio_input_total ( )
def selected_files ( is_remove = False ) :
if not self . thread_check ( self . active_processing_thread ) :
items_list = [ input_files_listbox_Option . get ( i ) for i in input_files_listbox_Option . curselection ( ) ]
inputPaths = list ( self . inputPaths ) # if is_remove else items_list
if is_remove :
[ inputPaths . remove ( i ) for i in items_list if items_list ]
else :
[ inputPaths . remove ( i ) for i in self . inputPaths if i not in items_list ]
removed_files = list_diff ( self . inputPaths , inputPaths )
[ input_files_listbox_Option . delete ( input_files_listbox_Option . get ( 0 , tk . END ) . index ( i ) ) for i in removed_files ]
starting_len = len ( self . inputPaths )
self . inputPaths = tuple ( inputPaths )
self . update_inputPaths ( )
audio_input_total ( )
input_info_text_var . set ( f ' { starting_len - len ( self . inputPaths ) } input(s) removed. ' )
else :
input_info_text_var . set ( ' You cannot remove inputs during an active process. ' )
def box_size ( ) :
input_info_text_var . set ( ' ' )
input_files_listbox_Option . config ( width = 230 , height = 25 ) if is_widen_box_var . get ( ) else input_files_listbox_Option . config ( width = 110 , height = 17 )
self . menu_placement ( menu_view_inputs_top , ' Selected Inputs ' , pop_up = True )
def input_options ( is_select_inputs = True ) :
input_info_text_var . set ( ' ' )
if is_select_inputs :
self . input_select_filedialog ( )
else :
self . inputPaths = ( )
reset_list ( )
self . update_inputPaths ( )
audio_input_total ( )
def pop_open_file_path ( is_play_file = False ) :
if self . inputPaths :
track_selected = self . inputPaths [ input_files_listbox_Option . index ( tk . ACTIVE ) ]
if os . path . isfile ( track_selected ) :
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
OPEN_FILE_func ( track_selected if is_play_file else os . path . dirname ( track_selected ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def get_export_dir ( ) :
if os . path . isdir ( self . export_path_var . get ( ) ) :
export_dir = self . export_path_var . get ( )
else :
export_dir = self . export_select_filedialog ( )
return export_dir
def verify_audio ( is_create_samples = False ) :
inputPaths = list ( self . inputPaths )
iterated_list = self . inputPaths if not is_create_samples else [ input_files_listbox_Option . get ( i ) for i in input_files_listbox_Option . curselection ( ) ]
removed_files = [ ]
export_dir = None
total_audio_count , current_file = len ( iterated_list ) , 0
if iterated_list :
for i in iterated_list :
current_file + = 1
input_info_text_var . set ( f ' { SAMPLE_BEGIN if is_create_samples else VERIFY_BEGIN } { current_file } / { total_audio_count } ' )
if is_create_samples :
export_dir = get_export_dir ( )
if not export_dir :
input_info_text_var . set ( f ' No export directory selected. ' )
is_good , error_data = self . verify_audio ( i , is_process = False , sample_path = export_dir )
if not is_good :
inputPaths . remove ( i )
removed_files . append ( error_data ) #sample = self.create_sample(i)
varification_text_var . set ( ' Verify Inputs ' )
input_files_listbox_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
if removed_files :
input_info_text_var . set ( f ' { len ( removed_files ) } Broken or Incompatible File(s) Removed. Check Error Log for details. ' )
error_text = ' '
for i in removed_files :
error_text + = i
removed_files = list_diff ( self . inputPaths , inputPaths )
[ input_files_listbox_Option . delete ( input_files_listbox_Option . get ( 0 , tk . END ) . index ( i ) ) for i in removed_files ]
self . error_log_var . set ( REMOVED_FILES ( list_to_string ( removed_files ) , error_text ) )
self . inputPaths = tuple ( inputPaths )
self . update_inputPaths ( )
else :
input_info_text_var . set ( f ' No errors found! ' )
audio_input_total ( )
else :
input_info_text_var . set ( f ' No Files { SELECTED_VER if is_create_samples else DETECTED_VER } ' )
varification_text_var . set ( ' Verify Inputs ' )
input_files_listbox_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
audio_input_total ( )
def verify_audio_start_thread ( is_create_samples = False ) :
if not self . thread_check ( self . active_processing_thread ) :
if not self . thread_check ( self . verification_thread ) :
varification_text_var . set ( ' Stop Progress ' )
input_files_listbox_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . verification_thread = KThread ( target = lambda : verify_audio ( is_create_samples = is_create_samples ) )
self . verification_thread . start ( )
else :
input_files_listbox_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
varification_text_var . set ( ' Verify Inputs ' )
input_info_text_var . set ( ' Process Stopped ' )
self . verification_thread . kill ( )
else :
input_info_text_var . set ( ' You cannot verify inputs during an active process. ' )
def right_click_menu ( event ) :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
right_click_menu = Menu ( self , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_1 ) , tearoff = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Remove Selected Items Only ' , command = lambda : selected_files ( is_remove = True ) )
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Keep Selected Items Only ' , command = lambda : selected_files ( is_remove = False ) )
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Clear All Input(s) ' , command = lambda : input_options ( is_select_inputs = False ) )
right_click_menu . add_separator ( )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
right_click_menu_sub = Menu ( right_click_menu , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_1 ) , tearoff = False )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Verify and Create Samples of Selected Inputs ' , command = lambda : verify_audio_start_thread ( is_create_samples = True ) )
right_click_menu . add_cascade ( label = ' Preferred Double Click Action ' , menu = right_click_menu_sub )
if is_play_file_var . get ( ) :
right_click_menu_sub . add_command ( label = ' Enable: Open Audio File Directory ' , command = lambda : ( input_files_listbox_Option . bind ( ' <Double-Button> ' , lambda e : pop_open_file_path ( ) ) , is_play_file_var . set ( False ) ) )
else :
right_click_menu_sub . add_command ( label = ' Enable: Open Audio File ' , command = lambda : ( input_files_listbox_Option . bind ( ' <Double-Button> ' , lambda e : pop_open_file_path ( is_play_file = True ) ) , is_play_file_var . set ( True ) ) )
try :
right_click_menu . tk_popup ( event . x_root , event . y_root )
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
right_click_release_linux ( right_click_menu , menu_view_inputs_top )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
finally :
right_click_menu . grab_release ( )
menu_view_inputs_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( menu_view_inputs_top )
menu_view_inputs_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . main_window_LABEL_SET ( menu_view_inputs_Frame , ' Selected Inputs ' ) . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
tk . Label ( menu_view_inputs_Frame , textvariable = input_length_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , foreground = ' #13849f ' ) . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
if not OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Linux " :
ttk . Button ( menu_view_inputs_Frame , text = ' Select Input(s) ' , command = lambda : input_options ( ) ) . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
input_files_listbox_Option = tk . Listbox ( menu_view_inputs_Frame , selectmode = tk . EXTENDED , activestyle = ' dotbox ' , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , background = ' #101414 ' , exportselection = 0 , width = 110 , height = 17 , relief = SOLID , borderwidth = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
input_files_listbox_vertical_scroll = ttk . Scrollbar ( menu_view_inputs_Frame , orient = VERTICAL )
input_files_listbox_Option . config ( yscrollcommand = input_files_listbox_vertical_scroll . set )
input_files_listbox_vertical_scroll . configure ( command = input_files_listbox_Option . yview )
input_files_listbox_Option . grid ( row = 4 , sticky = W )
input_files_listbox_vertical_scroll . grid ( row = 4 , column = 1 , sticky = NS )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
tk . Label ( menu_view_inputs_Frame , textvariable = input_info_text_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , foreground = ' #13849f ' ) . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
ttk . Checkbutton ( menu_view_inputs_Frame , text = ' Widen Box ' , variable = is_widen_box_var , command = lambda : box_size ( ) ) . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
verify_audio_Button = ttk . Button ( menu_view_inputs_Frame , textvariable = varification_text_var , command = lambda : verify_audio_start_thread ( ) )
verify_audio_Button . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
ttk . Button ( menu_view_inputs_Frame , text = ' Close Window ' , command = lambda : menu_view_inputs_top . destroy ( ) ) . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
if is_dnd_compatible :
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
menu_view_inputs_top . drop_target_register ( DND_FILES )
menu_view_inputs_top . dnd_bind ( ' <<Drop>> ' , lambda e : drag_n_drop ( e ) )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
input_files_listbox_Option . bind ( right_click_button , lambda e : right_click_menu ( e ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
input_files_listbox_Option . bind ( ' <Double-Button> ' , lambda e : pop_open_file_path ( ) )
input_files_listbox_Option . bind ( ' <Delete> ' , lambda e : selected_files ( is_remove = True ) )
input_files_listbox_Option . bind ( ' <BackSpace> ' , lambda e : selected_files ( is_remove = False ) )
reset_list ( )
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . menu_placement ( menu_view_inputs_top , ' Selected Inputs ' , pop_up = True )
def menu_settings ( self , select_tab_2 = False , select_tab_3 = False ) :
""" Open Settings and Download Center """
settings_menu = Toplevel ( )
option_var = tk . StringVar ( value = SELECT_SAVED_SETTING )
self . is_menu_settings_open = True
tabControl = ttk . Notebook ( settings_menu )
tab1 = ttk . Frame ( tabControl )
tab2 = ttk . Frame ( tabControl )
tab3 = ttk . Frame ( tabControl )
tabControl . add ( tab1 , text = ' Settings Guide ' )
tabControl . add ( tab2 , text = ' Additional Settings ' )
tabControl . add ( tab3 , text = ' Download Center ' )
tabControl . pack ( expand = 1 , fill = " both " )
tab1 . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab1 . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab2 . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab2 . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab3 . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab3 . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
self . disable_tabs = lambda : ( tabControl . tab ( 0 , state = " disabled " ) , tabControl . tab ( 1 , state = " disabled " ) )
self . enable_tabs = lambda : ( tabControl . tab ( 0 , state = " normal " ) , tabControl . tab ( 1 , state = " normal " ) )
self . main_menu_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' Choose Option ' )
model_sample_mode_duration_label_var = tk . StringVar ( value = f ' { self . model_sample_mode_duration_var . get ( ) } Seconds ' )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . download_progress_bar_var . set ( 0 )
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( ' ' )
self . download_progress_percent_var . set ( ' ' )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
VR_OPTION : self . check_is_open_menu_advanced_vr_options ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
MDX_OPTION : self . check_is_open_menu_advanced_mdx_options ,
DEMUCS_OPTION : self . check_is_open_menu_advanced_demucs_options ,
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
ENSEMBLE_OPTION : self . check_is_open_menu_advanced_ensemble_options ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
HELP_OPTION : self . check_is_open_menu_help ,
ERROR_OPTION : self . check_is_open_menu_error_log }
def set_vars_for_sample_mode ( event ) :
value = int ( float ( event ) )
value = round ( value / 5 ) * 5
self . model_sample_mode_duration_var . set ( value )
self . model_sample_mode_duration_checkbox_var . set ( SAMPLE_MODE_CHECKBOX ( value ) )
model_sample_mode_duration_label_var . set ( f ' { value } Seconds ' )
#Settings Tab 1
settings_menu_main_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( tab1 )
settings_menu_main_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
settings_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_main_Frame , " General Menu " )
settings_title_Label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 15 )
select_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_main_Frame , ' Additional Menus & Information ' )
select_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
select_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( settings_menu_main_Frame , self . main_menu_var , None , * OPTION_LIST . keys ( ) , command = lambda selection : ( OPTION_LIST [ selection ] ( ) , close_window ( ) ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
select_Option . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
help_hints_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( settings_menu_main_Frame , text = ' Enable Help Hints ' , variable = self . help_hints_var , width = HELP_HINT_CHECKBOX_WIDTH )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
help_hints_Option . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
open_app_dir_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_main_Frame , text = ' Open Application Directory ' , command = lambda : OPEN_FILE_func ( BASE_PATH ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
open_app_dir_Button . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
reset_all_app_settings_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_main_Frame , text = ' Reset All Settings to Default ' , command = lambda : self . load_to_default_confirm ( ) )
reset_all_app_settings_Button . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
if is_windows :
restart_app_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_main_Frame , text = ' Restart Application ' , command = lambda : self . restart ( ) )
restart_app_Button . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
close_settings_win_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_main_Frame , text = ' Close Window ' , command = lambda : close_window ( ) )
close_settings_win_Button . grid ( row = 9 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
app_update_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_main_Frame , " Application Updates " )
app_update_Label . grid ( row = 10 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 15 )
self . app_update_button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_main_Frame , textvariable = self . app_update_button_Text_var , command = lambda : self . pop_up_update_confirmation ( ) )
self . app_update_button . grid ( row = 11 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
self . app_update_status_Label = tk . Label ( settings_menu_main_Frame , textvariable = self . app_update_status_Text_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_5 } " ) , width = 35 , justify = " center " , relief = " ridge " , fg = " #13849f " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . app_update_status_Label . grid ( row = 12 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 20 )
donate_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_main_Frame , image = self . donate_img , command = lambda : webbrowser . open_new_tab ( DONATE_LINK_BMAC ) )
donate_Button . grid ( row = 13 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . help_hints ( donate_Button , text = DONATE_HELP )
#Settings Tab 2
settings_menu_format_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( tab2 )
settings_menu_format_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
audio_format_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_format_Frame , " Audio Format Settings " , width = 20 )
audio_format_title_Label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
self . wav_type_set_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_format_Frame , ' Wav Type ' )
self . wav_type_set_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . wav_type_set_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( settings_menu_format_Frame , self . wav_type_set_var , None , * WAV_TYPE )
self . wav_type_set_Option . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 5 )
self . mp3_bit_set_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_format_Frame , ' Mp3 Bitrate ' )
self . mp3_bit_set_Label . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . mp3_bit_set_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( settings_menu_format_Frame , self . mp3_bit_set_var , None , * MP3_BIT_RATES )
self . mp3_bit_set_Option . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 5 )
audio_format_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_format_Frame , " General Process Settings " )
audio_format_title_Label . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . is_testing_audio_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( settings_menu_format_Frame , text = ' Settings Test Mode ' , width = GEN_SETTINGS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_testing_audio_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . is_testing_audio_Option . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . is_testing_audio_Option , text = IS_TESTING_AUDIO_HELP )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . is_add_model_name_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( settings_menu_format_Frame , text = ' Model Test Mode ' , width = GEN_SETTINGS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_add_model_name_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . is_add_model_name_Option . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . is_add_model_name_Option , text = IS_MODEL_TESTING_AUDIO_HELP )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . is_create_model_folder_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( settings_menu_format_Frame , text = ' Generate Model Folders ' , width = GEN_SETTINGS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_create_model_folder_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . is_create_model_folder_Option . grid ( row = 9 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . is_create_model_folder_Option , text = IS_CREATE_MODEL_FOLDER_HELP )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . is_accept_any_input_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( settings_menu_format_Frame , text = ' Accept Any Input ' , width = GEN_SETTINGS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_accept_any_input_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . is_accept_any_input_Option . grid ( row = 10 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . is_accept_any_input_Option , text = IS_ACCEPT_ANY_INPUT_HELP )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . is_task_complete_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( settings_menu_format_Frame , text = ' Notification Chimes ' , width = GEN_SETTINGS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_task_complete_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . is_task_complete_Option . grid ( row = 11 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . is_task_complete_Option , text = IS_TASK_COMPLETE_HELP )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
is_normalization_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( settings_menu_format_Frame , text = ' Normalize Output ' , width = GEN_SETTINGS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_normalization_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
is_normalization_Option . grid ( row = 12 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( is_normalization_Option , text = IS_NORMALIZATION_HELP )
model_sample_mode_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_format_Frame , " Model Sample Mode Settings " )
model_sample_mode_Label . grid ( row = 13 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
self . model_sample_mode_duration_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_format_Frame , ' Sample Clip Duration ' )
self . model_sample_mode_duration_Label . grid ( row = 14 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
tk . Label ( settings_menu_format_Frame , textvariable = model_sample_mode_duration_label_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , foreground = ' #13849f ' ) . grid ( row = 15 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 2 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
model_sample_mode_duration_Option = ttk . Scale ( settings_menu_format_Frame , variable = self . model_sample_mode_duration_var , from_ = 5 , to = 120 , command = set_vars_for_sample_mode , orient = ' horizontal ' )
model_sample_mode_duration_Option . grid ( row = 16 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 2 )
delete_your_settings_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_format_Frame , " Delete User Saved Setting " )
delete_your_settings_Label . grid ( row = 17 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
self . help_hints ( delete_your_settings_Label , text = DELETE_YOUR_SETTINGS_HELP )
delete_your_settings_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( settings_menu_format_Frame , option_var )
delete_your_settings_Option . grid ( row = 18 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 5 )
self . deletion_list_fill ( delete_your_settings_Option , option_var , self . last_found_settings , SETTINGS_CACHE_DIR , SELECT_SAVED_SETTING )
#Settings Tab 3
settings_menu_download_center_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( tab3 )
settings_menu_download_center_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
download_center_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , " Application Download Center " )
download_center_title_Label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 10 )
select_download_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , " Select Download " )
select_download_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
self . model_download_vr_Button = ttk . Radiobutton ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , text = ' VR Arch ' , width = 8 , variable = self . select_download_var , value = ' VR Arc ' , command = lambda : self . download_list_state ( ) )
self . model_download_vr_Button . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . model_download_vr_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , self . model_download_vr_var )
self . model_download_vr_Option . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . model_download_mdx_Button = ttk . Radiobutton ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , text = ' MDX-Net ' , width = 8 , variable = self . select_download_var , value = ' MDX-Net ' , command = lambda : self . download_list_state ( ) )
self . model_download_mdx_Button . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . model_download_mdx_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , self . model_download_mdx_var )
self . model_download_mdx_Option . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . model_download_demucs_Button = ttk . Radiobutton ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , text = ' Demucs ' , width = 8 , variable = self . select_download_var , value = ' Demucs ' , command = lambda : self . download_list_state ( ) )
self . model_download_demucs_Button . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . model_download_demucs_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , self . model_download_demucs_var )
self . model_download_demucs_Option . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . download_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , image = self . download_img , command = lambda : self . download_item ( ) ) #, command=download_model)
self . download_Button . grid ( row = 9 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
self . download_progress_info_Label = tk . Label ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , textvariable = self . download_progress_info_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_2 } " ) , foreground = ' #13849f ' , borderwidth = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . download_progress_info_Label . grid ( row = 10 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
self . download_progress_percent_Label = tk . Label ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , textvariable = self . download_progress_percent_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_2 } " ) , wraplength = 350 , foreground = ' #13849f ' )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . download_progress_percent_Label . grid ( row = 11 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . download_progress_bar_Progressbar = ttk . Progressbar ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , variable = self . download_progress_bar_var )
self . download_progress_bar_Progressbar . grid ( row = 12 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . stop_download_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , textvariable = self . download_stop_var , width = 15 , command = lambda : self . download_post_action ( DOWNLOAD_STOPPED ) )
self . stop_download_Button . grid ( row = 13 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . stop_download_Button_DISABLE = lambda : ( self . download_stop_var . set ( " " ) , self . stop_download_Button . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED ) )
self . stop_download_Button_ENABLE = lambda : ( self . download_stop_var . set ( " Stop Download " ) , self . stop_download_Button . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) )
self . refresh_list_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , text = ' Refresh List ' , command = lambda : ( self . online_data_refresh ( refresh_list_Button = True ) , self . download_list_state ( ) ) ) #, command=refresh_list)
self . refresh_list_Button . grid ( row = 14 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . download_key_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , image = self . key_img , command = lambda : self . pop_up_user_code_input ( ) )
self . download_key_Button . grid ( row = 15 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
self . manual_download_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_menu_download_center_Frame , text = ' Try Manual Download ' , command = self . menu_manual_downloads )
self . manual_download_Button . grid ( row = 16 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . download_center_Buttons = ( self . model_download_vr_Button ,
self . model_download_mdx_Button ,
self . model_download_demucs_Button ,
self . download_Button ,
self . download_key_Button )
self . download_lists = ( self . model_download_vr_Option ,
self . model_download_mdx_Option ,
self . model_download_demucs_Option )
self . download_list_vars = ( self . model_download_vr_var ,
self . model_download_mdx_var ,
self . model_download_demucs_var )
self . online_data_refresh ( )
self . download_list_state ( )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . menu_placement ( settings_menu , " Settings Guide " , is_help_hints = True , close_function = lambda : close_window ( ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if self . is_online :
self . download_list_fill ( )
if select_tab_2 :
tabControl . select ( tab2 )
if select_tab_3 :
tabControl . select ( tab3 )
def close_window ( ) :
self . active_download_thread . terminate ( ) if self . thread_check ( self . active_download_thread ) else None
self . is_menu_settings_open = False
settings_menu . destroy ( )
settings_menu . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , close_window )
def menu_advanced_vr_options ( self ) :
""" Open Advanced VR Options """
vr_opt = Toplevel ( )
tab1 = self . menu_tab_control ( vr_opt , self . vr_secondary_model_vars )
self . is_open_menu_advanced_vr_options . set ( True )
self . menu_advanced_vr_options_close_window = lambda : ( self . is_open_menu_advanced_vr_options . set ( False ) , vr_opt . destroy ( ) )
vr_opt . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . menu_advanced_vr_options_close_window )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
toggle_post_process = lambda : self . post_process_threshold_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) if self . is_post_process_var . get ( ) else self . post_process_threshold_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
vr_opt_frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( tab1 )
vr_opt_frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
vr_title = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( vr_opt_frame , " Advanced VR Options " )
vr_title . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
if not self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == VR_ARCH_PM :
window_size_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( vr_opt_frame , ' Window Size ' )
window_size_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
window_size_Option = ttk . Combobox ( vr_opt_frame , value = VR_WINDOW , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . window_size_var )
window_size_Option . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( window_size_Option , self . window_size_var , REG_WINDOW , VR_WINDOW )
self . help_hints ( window_size_Label , text = WINDOW_SIZE_HELP )
aggression_setting_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( vr_opt_frame , ' Aggression Setting ' )
aggression_setting_Label . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
aggression_setting_Option = ttk . Combobox ( vr_opt_frame , value = VR_BATCH , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . aggression_setting_var )
aggression_setting_Option . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( aggression_setting_Option , self . aggression_setting_var , REG_WINDOW , VR_BATCH )
self . help_hints ( aggression_setting_Label , text = AGGRESSION_SETTING_HELP )
self . crop_size_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( vr_opt_frame , ' Crop Size ' )
self . crop_size_Label . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . crop_size_sub_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( vr_opt_frame , ' (Works with select models only) ' , font_size = FONT_SIZE_1 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . crop_size_sub_Label . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . crop_size_Option = ttk . Combobox ( vr_opt_frame , value = VR_CROP , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . crop_size_var )
self . crop_size_Option . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . crop_size_Option , self . crop_size_var , REG_WINDOW , VR_CROP )
self . help_hints ( self . crop_size_Label , text = CROP_SIZE_HELP )
self . batch_size_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( vr_opt_frame , ' Batch Size ' )
self . batch_size_Label . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . batch_size_sub_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( vr_opt_frame , ' (Works with select models only) ' , font_size = FONT_SIZE_1 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . batch_size_sub_Label . grid ( row = 9 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . batch_size_Option = ttk . Combobox ( vr_opt_frame , value = VR_BATCH , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . batch_size_var )
self . batch_size_Option . grid ( row = 10 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . batch_size_Option , self . batch_size_var , REG_WINDOW , VR_BATCH )
self . help_hints ( self . batch_size_Label , text = BATCH_SIZE_HELP )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . post_process_threshold_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( vr_opt_frame , ' Post-process Threshold ' )
self . post_process_threshold_Label . grid ( row = 11 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . post_process_threshold_Option = ttk . Combobox ( vr_opt_frame , value = POST_PROCESSES_THREASHOLD_VALUES , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . post_process_threshold_var )
self . post_process_threshold_Option . grid ( row = 12 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . post_process_threshold_Option , self . post_process_threshold_var , REG_THES_POSTPORCESS , POST_PROCESSES_THREASHOLD_VALUES )
self . help_hints ( self . post_process_threshold_Label , text = POST_PROCESS_THREASHOLD_HELP )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
self . is_tta_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( vr_opt_frame , text = ' Enable TTA ' , width = VR_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_tta_var )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . is_tta_Option . grid ( row = 13 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . help_hints ( self . is_tta_Option , text = IS_TTA_HELP )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
self . is_post_process_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( vr_opt_frame , text = ' Post-Process ' , width = VR_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_post_process_var , command = toggle_post_process )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . is_post_process_Option . grid ( row = 14 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . help_hints ( self . is_post_process_Option , text = IS_POST_PROCESS_HELP )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
self . is_high_end_process_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( vr_opt_frame , text = ' High-End Process ' , width = VR_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_high_end_process_var )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . is_high_end_process_Option . grid ( row = 15 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . help_hints ( self . is_high_end_process_Option , text = IS_HIGH_END_PROCESS_HELP )
self . vr_clear_cache_Button = ttk . Button ( vr_opt_frame , text = ' Clear Auto-Set Cache ' , command = lambda : self . clear_cache ( VR_ARCH_TYPE ) )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . vr_clear_cache_Button . grid ( row = 16 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . help_hints ( self . vr_clear_cache_Button , text = CLEAR_CACHE_HELP )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . open_vr_model_dir_Button = ttk . Button ( vr_opt_frame , text = ' Open VR Models Folder ' , command = lambda : OPEN_FILE_func ( VR_MODELS_DIR ) )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . open_vr_model_dir_Button . grid ( row = 17 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . vr_return_Button = ttk . Button ( vr_opt_frame , text = BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU , command = lambda : ( self . menu_advanced_vr_options_close_window ( ) , self . check_is_menu_settings_open ( ) ) )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . vr_return_Button . grid ( row = 18 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . vr_close_Button = ttk . Button ( vr_opt_frame , text = ' Close Window ' , command = lambda : self . menu_advanced_vr_options_close_window ( ) )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . vr_close_Button . grid ( row = 19 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
toggle_post_process ( )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . menu_placement ( vr_opt , " Advanced VR Options " , is_help_hints = True , close_function = self . menu_advanced_vr_options_close_window )
def menu_advanced_demucs_options ( self ) :
""" Open Advanced Demucs Options """
demuc_opt = Toplevel ( )
self . is_open_menu_advanced_demucs_options . set ( True )
self . menu_advanced_demucs_options_close_window = lambda : ( self . is_open_menu_advanced_demucs_options . set ( False ) , demuc_opt . destroy ( ) )
demuc_opt . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . menu_advanced_demucs_options_close_window )
pre_proc_list = self . model_list ( VOCAL_STEM , INST_STEM , is_dry_check = True , is_no_demucs = True )
tab1 , tab3 = self . menu_tab_control ( demuc_opt , self . demucs_secondary_model_vars , is_demucs = True )
demucs_frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( tab1 )
demucs_frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
demucs_pre_model_frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( tab3 )
demucs_pre_model_frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
demucs_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( demucs_frame , " Advanced Demucs Options " )
demucs_title_Label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
enable_chunks = lambda : ( self . margin_demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) , self . chunks_demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) )
disable_chunks = lambda : ( self . margin_demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED ) , self . chunks_demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED ) )
chunks_toggle = lambda : enable_chunks ( ) if self . is_chunk_demucs_var . get ( ) else disable_chunks ( )
enable_pre_proc_model = lambda : ( is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) , demucs_pre_proc_model_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) )
disable_pre_proc_model = lambda : ( is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED ) , demucs_pre_proc_model_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED ) , self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_var . set ( False ) )
pre_proc_model_toggle = lambda : enable_pre_proc_model ( ) if self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_var . get ( ) else disable_pre_proc_model ( )
if not self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
segment_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( demucs_frame , ' Segments ' )
segment_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
segment_Option = ttk . Combobox ( demucs_frame , value = DEMUCS_SEGMENTS , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . segment_var )
segment_Option . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( segment_Option , self . segment_var , REG_SEGMENTS , DEMUCS_SEGMENTS )
self . help_hints ( segment_Label , text = SEGMENT_HELP )
self . shifts_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( demucs_frame , ' Shifts ' )
self . shifts_Label . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . shifts_Option = ttk . Combobox ( demucs_frame , value = DEMUCS_SHIFTS , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . shifts_var )
self . shifts_Option . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . shifts_Option , self . shifts_var , REG_SHIFTS , DEMUCS_SHIFTS )
self . help_hints ( self . shifts_Label , text = SHIFTS_HELP )
self . overlap_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( demucs_frame , ' Overlap ' )
self . overlap_Label . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . overlap_Option = ttk . Combobox ( demucs_frame , value = DEMUCS_OVERLAP , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . overlap_var )
self . overlap_Option . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . overlap_Option , self . overlap_var , REG_OVERLAP , DEMUCS_OVERLAP )
self . help_hints ( self . overlap_Label , text = OVERLAP_HELP )
self . chunks_demucs_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( demucs_frame , ' Chunks ' )
self . chunks_demucs_Label . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . chunks_demucs_Option = ttk . Combobox ( demucs_frame , value = CHUNKS , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . chunks_demucs_var )
self . chunks_demucs_Option . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . chunks_demucs_Option , self . chunks_demucs_var , REG_CHUNKS , CHUNKS )
self . help_hints ( self . chunks_demucs_Label , text = CHUNKS_HELP )
self . margin_demucs_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( demucs_frame , ' Chunk Margin ' )
self . margin_demucs_Label . grid ( row = 9 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . margin_demucs_Option = ttk . Combobox ( demucs_frame , value = MARGIN_SIZE , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . margin_demucs_var )
self . margin_demucs_Option . grid ( row = 10 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( self . margin_Option , self . margin_demucs_var , REG_MARGIN , MARGIN_SIZE )
self . help_hints ( self . margin_demucs_Label , text = MARGIN_HELP )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
self . is_chunk_demucs_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( demucs_frame , text = ' Enable Chunks ' , width = DEMUCS_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_chunk_demucs_var , command = chunks_toggle )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . is_chunk_demucs_Option . grid ( row = 11 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . is_chunk_demucs_Option , text = IS_CHUNK_DEMUCS_HELP )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
self . is_split_mode_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( demucs_frame , text = ' Split Mode ' , width = DEMUCS_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_split_mode_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . is_split_mode_Option . grid ( row = 12 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . is_split_mode_Option , text = IS_SPLIT_MODE_HELP )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
self . is_demucs_combine_stems_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( demucs_frame , text = ' Combine Stems ' , width = DEMUCS_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_demucs_combine_stems_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . is_demucs_combine_stems_Option . grid ( row = 13 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( self . is_demucs_combine_stems_Option , text = IS_DEMUCS_COMBINE_STEMS_HELP )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
is_invert_spec_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( demucs_frame , text = ' Spectral Inversion ' , width = DEMUCS_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_invert_spec_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
is_invert_spec_Option . grid ( row = 14 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( is_invert_spec_Option , text = IS_INVERT_SPEC_HELP )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . open_demucs_model_dir_Button = ttk . Button ( demucs_frame , text = ' Open Demucs Model Folder ' , command = lambda : OPEN_FILE_func ( DEMUCS_MODELS_DIR ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . open_demucs_model_dir_Button . grid ( row = 15 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . demucs_return_Button = ttk . Button ( demucs_frame , text = BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU , command = lambda : ( self . menu_advanced_demucs_options_close_window ( ) , self . check_is_menu_settings_open ( ) ) )
self . demucs_return_Button . grid ( row = 16 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . demucs_close_Button = ttk . Button ( demucs_frame , text = ' Close Window ' , command = lambda : self . menu_advanced_demucs_options_close_window ( ) )
self . demucs_close_Button . grid ( row = 17 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
demucs_pre_proc_model_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( demucs_pre_model_frame , " Pre-process Model " )
demucs_pre_proc_model_title_Label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 15 )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
demucs_pre_proc_model_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( demucs_pre_model_frame , ' Select Model ' , font_size = FONT_SIZE_3 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
demucs_pre_proc_model_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
demucs_pre_proc_model_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( demucs_pre_model_frame , self . demucs_pre_proc_model_var , None , NO_MODEL , * pre_proc_list )
demucs_pre_proc_model_Option . configure ( width = 33 )
demucs_pre_proc_model_Option . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( demucs_pre_model_frame , text = ' Save Instrumental Mixture ' , width = DEMUCS_PRE_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_Option . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_Option , text = PRE_PROC_MODEL_INST_MIX_HELP )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( demucs_pre_model_frame , text = ' Activate Pre-process Model ' , width = DEMUCS_PRE_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_var , command = pre_proc_model_toggle )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_Option . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_Option , text = PRE_PROC_MODEL_ACTIVATE_HELP )
chunks_toggle ( )
pre_proc_model_toggle ( )
self . menu_placement ( demuc_opt , " Advanced Demucs Options " , is_help_hints = True , close_function = self . menu_advanced_demucs_options_close_window )
def menu_advanced_mdx_options ( self ) :
""" Open Advanced MDX Options """
mdx_net_opt = Toplevel ( )
self . is_open_menu_advanced_mdx_options . set ( True )
self . menu_advanced_mdx_options_close_window = lambda : ( self . is_open_menu_advanced_mdx_options . set ( False ) , mdx_net_opt . destroy ( ) )
mdx_net_opt . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . menu_advanced_mdx_options_close_window )
tab1 = self . menu_tab_control ( mdx_net_opt , self . mdx_secondary_model_vars )
mdx_net_frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( tab1 )
mdx_net_frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
mdx_opt_title = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( mdx_net_frame , " Advanced MDX-Net Options " )
mdx_opt_title . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
if not self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
chunks_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( mdx_net_frame , ' Chunks ' )
chunks_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
chunks_Option = ttk . Combobox ( mdx_net_frame , value = CHUNKS , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . chunks_var )
chunks_Option . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( chunks_Option , self . chunks_var , REG_CHUNKS , CHUNKS )
self . help_hints ( chunks_Label , text = CHUNKS_HELP )
margin_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( mdx_net_frame , ' Chunk Margin ' )
margin_Label . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
margin_Option = ttk . Combobox ( mdx_net_frame , value = MARGIN_SIZE , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . margin_var )
margin_Option . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( margin_Option , self . margin_var , REG_MARGIN , MARGIN_SIZE )
self . help_hints ( margin_Label , text = MARGIN_HELP )
compensate_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( mdx_net_frame , ' Volume Compensation ' )
compensate_Label . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
compensate_Option = ttk . Combobox ( mdx_net_frame , value = VOL_COMPENSATION , width = MENU_COMBOBOX_WIDTH , textvariable = self . compensate_var )
compensate_Option . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . combobox_entry_validation ( compensate_Option , self . compensate_var , REG_COMPENSATION , VOL_COMPENSATION )
self . help_hints ( compensate_Label , text = COMPENSATE_HELP )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
is_denoise_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( mdx_net_frame , text = ' Denoise Output ' , width = MDX_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_denoise_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
is_denoise_Option . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( is_denoise_Option , text = IS_DENOISE_HELP )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
is_invert_spec_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( mdx_net_frame , text = ' Spectral Inversion ' , width = MDX_CHECKBOXS_WIDTH , variable = self . is_invert_spec_var )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
is_invert_spec_Option . grid ( row = 9 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( is_invert_spec_Option , text = IS_INVERT_SPEC_HELP )
clear_mdx_cache_Button = ttk . Button ( mdx_net_frame , text = ' Clear Auto-Set Cache ' , command = lambda : self . clear_cache ( MDX_ARCH_TYPE ) )
clear_mdx_cache_Button . grid ( row = 10 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . help_hints ( clear_mdx_cache_Button , text = CLEAR_CACHE_HELP )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
open_mdx_model_dir_Button = ttk . Button ( mdx_net_frame , text = ' Open MDX-Net Models Folder ' , command = lambda : OPEN_FILE_func ( MDX_MODELS_DIR ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
open_mdx_model_dir_Button . grid ( row = 11 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
mdx_return_Button = ttk . Button ( mdx_net_frame , text = BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU , command = lambda : ( self . menu_advanced_mdx_options_close_window ( ) , self . check_is_menu_settings_open ( ) ) )
mdx_return_Button . grid ( row = 12 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
mdx_close_Button = ttk . Button ( mdx_net_frame , text = ' Close Window ' , command = lambda : self . menu_advanced_mdx_options_close_window ( ) )
mdx_close_Button . grid ( row = 13 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . menu_placement ( mdx_net_opt , " Advanced MDX-Net Options " , is_help_hints = True , close_function = self . menu_advanced_mdx_options_close_window )
def menu_advanced_ensemble_options ( self ) :
""" Open Ensemble Custom """
custom_ens_opt = Toplevel ( )
self . is_open_menu_advanced_ensemble_options . set ( True )
self . menu_advanced_ensemble_options_close_window = lambda : ( self . is_open_menu_advanced_ensemble_options . set ( False ) , custom_ens_opt . destroy ( ) )
custom_ens_opt . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . menu_advanced_ensemble_options_close_window )
option_var = tk . StringVar ( value = SELECT_SAVED_ENSEMBLE )
custom_ens_opt_frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( custom_ens_opt )
custom_ens_opt_frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
settings_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( custom_ens_opt_frame , " Advanced Option Menu " )
settings_title_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
delete_entry_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( custom_ens_opt_frame , ' Remove Saved Ensemble ' )
delete_entry_Label . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
delete_entry_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( custom_ens_opt_frame , option_var )
delete_entry_Option . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 5 )
is_save_all_outputs_ensemble_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( custom_ens_opt_frame , text = ' Save All Outputs ' , width = 25 , variable = self . is_save_all_outputs_ensemble_var )
is_save_all_outputs_ensemble_Option . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( is_save_all_outputs_ensemble_Option , text = IS_SAVE_ALL_OUTPUTS_ENSEMBLE_HELP )
is_append_ensemble_name_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( custom_ens_opt_frame , text = ' Append Ensemble Name ' , width = 25 , variable = self . is_append_ensemble_name_var )
is_append_ensemble_name_Option . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
self . help_hints ( is_append_ensemble_name_Option , text = IS_APPEND_ENSEMBLE_NAME_HELP )
ensemble_return_Button = ttk . Button ( custom_ens_opt_frame , text = " Back to Main Menu " , command = lambda : ( self . menu_advanced_ensemble_options_close_window ( ) , self . check_is_menu_settings_open ( ) ) )
ensemble_return_Button . grid ( row = 10 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
ensemble_close_Button = ttk . Button ( custom_ens_opt_frame , text = ' Close Window ' , command = lambda : self . menu_advanced_ensemble_options_close_window ( ) )
ensemble_close_Button . grid ( row = 11 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . deletion_list_fill ( delete_entry_Option , option_var , self . last_found_ensembles , ENSEMBLE_CACHE_DIR , SELECT_SAVED_ENSEMBLE )
self . menu_placement ( custom_ens_opt , " Advanced Ensemble Options " , is_help_hints = True , close_function = self . menu_advanced_ensemble_options_close_window )
def menu_help ( self ) :
""" Open Help Guide """
help_guide_opt = Toplevel ( )
self . is_open_menu_help . set ( True )
self . menu_help_close_window = lambda : ( self . is_open_menu_help . set ( False ) , help_guide_opt . destroy ( ) )
help_guide_opt . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . menu_help_close_window )
tabControl = ttk . Notebook ( help_guide_opt )
tab1 = ttk . Frame ( tabControl )
tab2 = ttk . Frame ( tabControl )
tab3 = ttk . Frame ( tabControl )
tab4 = ttk . Frame ( tabControl )
tabControl . add ( tab1 , text = ' Credits ' )
tabControl . add ( tab2 , text = ' Resources ' )
tabControl . add ( tab3 , text = ' Application License & Version Information ' )
tabControl . add ( tab4 , text = ' Application Change Log ' )
tabControl . pack ( expand = 1 , fill = " both " )
tab1 . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab1 . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab2 . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab2 . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab3 . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab3 . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab4 . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
tab4 . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
section_title_Label = lambda place , frame , text , font_size = FONT_SIZE_4 : tk . Label ( master = frame , text = text , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { font_size } " , " bold " ) , justify = " center " , fg = " #F4F4F4 " ) . grid ( row = place , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 3 )
description_Label = lambda place , frame , text , font = FONT_SIZE_2 : tk . Label ( master = frame , text = text , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { font } " ) , justify = " center " , fg = " #F6F6F7 " ) . grid ( row = place , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 3 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def credit_label ( place , frame , text , link = None , message = None , is_link = False , is_top = False ) :
if is_top :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
thank = tk . Label ( master = frame , text = text , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_3 } " , " bold " ) , justify = " center " , fg = " #13849f " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
else :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
thank = tk . Label ( master = frame , text = text , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_3 } " , " underline " if is_link else " normal " ) , justify = " center " , fg = " #13849f " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
thank . configure ( cursor = " hand2 " ) if is_link else None
thank . grid ( row = place , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 1 )
if link :
thank . bind ( " <Button-1> " , lambda e : webbrowser . open_new_tab ( link ) )
if message :
description_Label ( place + 1 , frame , message )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
def Link ( place , frame , text , link , description , font = FONT_SIZE_2 ) :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
link_label = tk . Label ( master = frame , text = text , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_4 } " , " underline " ) , foreground = ' #13849f ' , justify = " center " , cursor = " hand2 " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
link_label . grid ( row = place , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
link_label . bind ( " <Button-1> " , lambda e : webbrowser . open_new_tab ( link ) )
description_Label ( place + 1 , frame , description , font = font )
def right_click_menu ( event ) :
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
right_click_menu = Menu ( self , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , FONT_SIZE_1 ) , tearoff = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Return to Settings Menu ' , command = lambda : ( self . menu_help_close_window ( ) , self . check_is_menu_settings_open ( ) ) )
right_click_menu . add_command ( label = ' Exit Window ' , command = lambda : self . menu_help_close_window ( ) )
try :
right_click_menu . tk_popup ( event . x_root , event . y_root )
2022-12-30 05:49:26 -06:00
right_click_release_linux ( right_click_menu , help_guide_opt )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
finally :
right_click_menu . grab_release ( )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
help_guide_opt . bind ( right_click_button , lambda e : right_click_menu ( e ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
credits_Frame = Frame ( tab1 , highlightthicknes = 50 )
credits_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
tk . Label ( credits_Frame , image = self . credits_img ) . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
section_title_Label ( place = 0 ,
frame = credits_Frame ,
text = " Core UVR Developers " )
credit_label ( place = 2 ,
frame = credits_Frame ,
text = " Anjok07 \n Aufr33 " ,
is_top = True )
section_title_Label ( place = 3 ,
frame = credits_Frame ,
text = " Special Thanks " )
credit_label ( place = 6 ,
frame = credits_Frame ,
text = " Tsurumeso " ,
message = " Developed the original VR Architecture AI code. " ,
link = " https://github.com/tsurumeso/vocal-remover " ,
is_link = True )
credit_label ( place = 8 ,
frame = credits_Frame ,
text = " Kuielab & Woosung Choi " ,
message = " Developed the original MDX-Net AI code. " ,
link = " https://github.com/kuielab " ,
is_link = True )
credit_label ( place = 10 ,
frame = credits_Frame ,
text = " Adefossez & Demucs " ,
message = " Core developer of Facebook ' s Demucs Music Source Separation. " ,
link = " https://github.com/facebookresearch/demucs " ,
is_link = True )
credit_label ( place = 12 ,
frame = credits_Frame ,
text = " Bas Curtiz " ,
message = " Designed the official UVR logo, icon, banner, splash screen. " )
credit_label ( place = 14 ,
frame = credits_Frame ,
text = " DilanBoskan " ,
message = " Your contributions at the start of this project were essential to the success of UVR. Thank you! " )
credit_label ( place = 16 ,
frame = credits_Frame ,
text = " Audio Separation and CC Karokee & Friends Discord Communities " ,
message = " Thank you for the support! " )
more_info_tab_Frame = Frame ( tab2 , highlightthicknes = 30 )
more_info_tab_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
section_title_Label ( place = 3 ,
frame = more_info_tab_Frame ,
text = " Resources " )
Link ( place = 4 ,
frame = more_info_tab_Frame ,
text = " Ultimate Vocal Remover (Official GitHub) " ,
link = " https://github.com/Anjok07/ultimatevocalremovergui " ,
description = " You can find updates, report issues, and give us a shout via our official GitHub. " ,
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
font = FONT_SIZE_3 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
Link ( place = 8 ,
frame = more_info_tab_Frame ,
text = " X-Minus AI " ,
link = " https://x-minus.pro/ai " ,
description = " Many of the models provided are also on X-Minus. \n " + \
" X-Minus benefits users without the computing resources to run the GUI or models locally. " ,
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
font = FONT_SIZE_3 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
Link ( place = 12 ,
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
frame = more_info_tab_Frame ,
text = " MVSep " ,
link = " https://mvsep.com/quality_checker/leaderboard.php " ,
description = " Some of our models are also on MVSep. \n " + \
" Click the link above for a list of some of the best settings \n and model combinations recorded by fellow UVR users. " ,
font = FONT_SIZE_3 )
Link ( place = 18 ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
frame = more_info_tab_Frame ,
text = " FFmpeg " ,
link = " https://www.wikihow.com/Install-FFmpeg-on-Windows " ,
description = " UVR relies on FFmpeg for processing non-wav audio files. \n " + \
" If you are missing FFmpeg, please see the installation guide via the link provided. " ,
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
font = FONT_SIZE_3 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
Link ( place = 22 ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
frame = more_info_tab_Frame ,
text = " Rubber Band Library " ,
link = " https://breakfastquay.com/rubberband/ " ,
description = " UVR uses the Rubber Band library for the sound stretch and pitch shift tool. \n " + \
" You can get more information on it via the link provided. " ,
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
font = FONT_SIZE_3 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
Link ( place = 26 ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
frame = more_info_tab_Frame ,
text = " Official UVR Patreon " ,
description = " If you wish to support and donate to this project, click the link above and become a Patreon! " ,
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
font = FONT_SIZE_3 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
appplication_license_tab_Frame = Frame ( tab3 )
appplication_license_tab_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
appplication_license_Label = tk . Label ( appplication_license_tab_Frame , text = ' UVR License Information ' , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_6 } " , " bold " ) , justify = " center " , fg = " #f4f4f4 " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
appplication_license_Label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 25 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
appplication_license_Text = tk . Text ( appplication_license_tab_Frame , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_4 } " ) , fg = " white " , bg = " black " , width = 80 , wrap = WORD , borderwidth = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
appplication_license_Text . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
appplication_license_Text_scroll = ttk . Scrollbar ( appplication_license_tab_Frame , orient = VERTICAL )
appplication_license_Text . config ( yscrollcommand = appplication_license_Text_scroll . set )
appplication_license_Text_scroll . configure ( command = appplication_license_Text . yview )
appplication_license_Text . grid ( row = 4 , sticky = W )
appplication_license_Text_scroll . grid ( row = 4 , column = 1 , sticky = NS )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
appplication_license_Text . insert ( " insert " , LICENSE_TEXT ( VERSION , current_patch ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
appplication_license_Text . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
application_change_log_tab_Frame = Frame ( tab4 )
application_change_log_tab_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
if os . path . isfile ( CHANGE_LOG ) :
with open ( CHANGE_LOG , ' r ' ) as file :
change_log_text = file . read ( )
else :
change_log_text = ' Change log unavailable. '
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
change_log_text = f " { CHANGE_LOG_HEADER ( current_patch ) } \n \n { change_log_text } " . replace ( " ~ " , " • " )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
application_change_log_Label = tk . Label ( application_change_log_tab_Frame , text = ' UVR Change Log ' , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_6 } " , " bold " ) , justify = " center " , fg = " #f4f4f4 " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
application_change_log_Label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 25 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
application_change_log_Text = tk . Text ( application_change_log_tab_Frame , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_4 } " ) , fg = " white " , bg = " black " , width = 80 , wrap = WORD , borderwidth = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
application_change_log_Text . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
application_change_log_Text_scroll = ttk . Scrollbar ( application_change_log_tab_Frame , orient = VERTICAL )
application_change_log_Text . config ( yscrollcommand = application_change_log_Text_scroll . set )
application_change_log_Text_scroll . configure ( command = application_change_log_Text . yview )
application_change_log_Text . grid ( row = 4 , sticky = W )
application_change_log_Text_scroll . grid ( row = 4 , column = 1 , sticky = NS )
application_change_log_Text . insert ( " insert " , change_log_text )
application_change_log_Text . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . menu_placement ( help_guide_opt , " Information Guide " )
def menu_error_log ( self ) :
""" Open Error Log """
self . is_confirm_error_var . set ( False )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
copied_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
error_log_screen = Toplevel ( )
self . is_open_menu_error_log . set ( True )
self . menu_error_log_close_window = lambda : ( self . is_open_menu_error_log . set ( False ) , error_log_screen . destroy ( ) )
error_log_screen . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . menu_error_log_close_window )
error_log_frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( error_log_screen )
error_log_frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
error_consol_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( error_log_frame , " Error Console " )
error_consol_title_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 10 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
error_details_Text = tk . Text ( error_log_frame , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , fg = " #D37B7B " , bg = " black " , width = 110 , wrap = WORD , borderwidth = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
error_details_Text . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
error_details_Text . insert ( " insert " , self . error_log_var . get ( ) )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
error_details_Text . bind ( right_click_button , lambda e : self . right_click_menu_popup ( e , text_box = True ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . current_text_box = error_details_Text
error_details_Text_scroll = ttk . Scrollbar ( error_log_frame , orient = VERTICAL )
error_details_Text . config ( yscrollcommand = error_details_Text_scroll . set )
error_details_Text_scroll . configure ( command = error_details_Text . yview )
error_details_Text . grid ( row = 4 , sticky = W )
error_details_Text_scroll . grid ( row = 4 , column = 1 , sticky = NS )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
copy_text_Label = tk . Label ( error_log_frame , textvariable = copied_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_0 } " ) , justify = " center " , fg = " #f4f4f4 " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
copy_text_Label . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 0 )
copy_text_Button = ttk . Button ( error_log_frame , text = " Copy All Text " , command = lambda : ( pyperclip . copy ( error_details_Text . get ( 1.0 , tk . END + " -1c " ) ) , copied_var . set ( ' Copied! ' ) ) )
copy_text_Button . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 5 )
report_issue_Button = ttk . Button ( error_log_frame , text = " Report Issue " , command = lambda : webbrowser . open_new_tab ( ISSUE_LINK ) )
report_issue_Button . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 5 )
error_log_return_Button = ttk . Button ( error_log_frame , text = " Back to Main Menu " , command = lambda : ( self . menu_error_log_close_window ( ) , self . menu_settings ( ) ) )
error_log_return_Button . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 5 )
error_log_close_Button = ttk . Button ( error_log_frame , text = ' Close Window ' , command = lambda : self . menu_error_log_close_window ( ) )
error_log_close_Button . grid ( row = 9 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 5 )
self . menu_placement ( error_log_screen , " UVR Error Log " )
def menu_secondary_model ( self , tab , ai_network_vars : dict ) :
#Settings Tab 1
secondary_model_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( tab )
secondary_model_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
settings_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( secondary_model_Frame , " Secondary Model " )
settings_title_Label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 15 )
voc_inst_list = self . model_list ( VOCAL_STEM , INST_STEM , is_dry_check = True )
other_list = self . model_list ( OTHER_STEM , NO_OTHER_STEM , is_dry_check = True )
bass_list = self . model_list ( BASS_STEM , NO_BASS_STEM , is_dry_check = True )
drum_list = self . model_list ( DRUM_STEM , NO_DRUM_STEM , is_dry_check = True )
voc_inst_secondary_model_var = ai_network_vars [ " voc_inst_secondary_model " ]
other_secondary_model_var = ai_network_vars [ " other_secondary_model " ]
bass_secondary_model_var = ai_network_vars [ " bass_secondary_model " ]
drums_secondary_model_var = ai_network_vars [ " drums_secondary_model " ]
voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var = ai_network_vars [ ' voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' ]
other_secondary_model_scale_var = ai_network_vars [ ' other_secondary_model_scale ' ]
bass_secondary_model_scale_var = ai_network_vars [ ' bass_secondary_model_scale ' ]
drums_secondary_model_scale_var = ai_network_vars [ ' drums_secondary_model_scale ' ]
is_secondary_model_activate_var = ai_network_vars [ " is_secondary_model_activate " ]
change_state_lambda = lambda : change_state ( NORMAL if is_secondary_model_activate_var . get ( ) else DISABLED )
init_convert_to_percentage = lambda raw_value : f " { int ( float ( raw_value ) * 100 ) } % "
voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_LABEL_var = tk . StringVar ( value = init_convert_to_percentage ( voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ) )
other_secondary_model_scale_LABEL_var = tk . StringVar ( value = init_convert_to_percentage ( other_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ) )
bass_secondary_model_scale_LABEL_var = tk . StringVar ( value = init_convert_to_percentage ( bass_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ) )
drums_secondary_model_scale_LABEL_var = tk . StringVar ( value = init_convert_to_percentage ( drums_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ) )
def change_state ( change_state ) :
for child_widget in secondary_model_Frame . winfo_children ( ) :
if type ( child_widget ) is ttk . OptionMenu or type ( child_widget ) is ttk . Scale :
child_widget . configure ( state = change_state )
def convert_to_percentage ( raw_value , scale_var : tk . StringVar , label_var : tk . StringVar ) :
raw_value = ' %0.2f ' % float ( raw_value )
scale_var . set ( raw_value )
label_var . set ( f " { int ( float ( raw_value ) * 100 ) } % " )
def build_widgets ( stem_pair : str , model_list : list , option_var : tk . StringVar , label_var : tk . StringVar , scale_var : tk . DoubleVar , placement : tuple ) :
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
secondary_model_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( secondary_model_Frame , f ' { stem_pair } ' , font_size = FONT_SIZE_3 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
secondary_model_Label . grid ( row = placement [ 0 ] , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
secondary_model_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( secondary_model_Frame , option_var , None , NO_MODEL , * model_list )
secondary_model_Option . configure ( width = 33 )
secondary_model_Option . grid ( row = placement [ 1 ] , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
secondary_scale_info_Label = tk . Label ( secondary_model_Frame , textvariable = label_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , foreground = ' #13849f ' )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
secondary_scale_info_Label . grid ( row = placement [ 2 ] , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
secondary_model_scale_Option = ttk . Scale ( secondary_model_Frame , variable = scale_var , from_ = 0.01 , to = 0.99 , command = lambda s : convert_to_percentage ( s , scale_var , label_var ) , orient = ' horizontal ' )
secondary_model_scale_Option . grid ( row = placement [ 3 ] , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 2 )
self . help_hints ( secondary_model_Label , text = SECONDARY_MODEL_HELP )
self . help_hints ( secondary_scale_info_Label , text = SECONDARY_MODEL_SCALE_HELP )
build_widgets ( stem_pair = VOCAL_PAIR ,
model_list = voc_inst_list ,
option_var = voc_inst_secondary_model_var ,
label_var = voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_LABEL_var ,
scale_var = voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var ,
build_widgets ( stem_pair = OTHER_PAIR ,
model_list = other_list ,
option_var = other_secondary_model_var ,
label_var = other_secondary_model_scale_LABEL_var ,
scale_var = other_secondary_model_scale_var ,
build_widgets ( stem_pair = BASS_PAIR ,
model_list = bass_list ,
option_var = bass_secondary_model_var ,
label_var = bass_secondary_model_scale_LABEL_var ,
scale_var = bass_secondary_model_scale_var ,
build_widgets ( stem_pair = DRUM_PAIR ,
model_list = drum_list ,
option_var = drums_secondary_model_var ,
label_var = drums_secondary_model_scale_LABEL_var ,
scale_var = drums_secondary_model_scale_var ,
is_secondary_model_activate_Option = ttk . Checkbutton ( secondary_model_Frame , text = ' Activate Secondary Model ' , variable = is_secondary_model_activate_var , command = change_state_lambda )
is_secondary_model_activate_Option . grid ( row = 21 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . help_hints ( is_secondary_model_activate_Option , text = SECONDARY_MODEL_ACTIVATE_HELP )
change_state_lambda ( )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
def menu_manual_downloads ( self ) :
manual_downloads_menu = Toplevel ( )
model_selection_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' Select Model ' )
info_text_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
def create_link ( link ) :
final_link = lambda : webbrowser . open_new_tab ( link )
return final_link
def get_links ( ) :
for widgets in manual_downloads_link_Frame . winfo_children ( ) :
widgets . destroy ( )
main_selection = model_selection_var . get ( )
self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( manual_downloads_link_Frame , ' Download Link(s) ' ) . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 3 )
if VR_ARCH_TYPE in main_selection :
main_selection = FULL_DOWNLOAD_LIST_VR [ main_selection ]
2022-12-31 04:31:10 -06:00
model_dir = VR_MODELS_DIR
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
elif MDX_ARCH_TYPE in main_selection :
main_selection = FULL_DOWNLOAD_LIST_MDX [ main_selection ]
2022-12-31 04:31:10 -06:00
model_dir = MDX_MODELS_DIR
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
elif DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE in main_selection :
2022-12-31 04:31:10 -06:00
model_dir = DEMUCS_NEWER_REPO_DIR if ' v3 ' in main_selection or ' v4 ' in main_selection else DEMUCS_MODELS_DIR
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
main_selection = FULL_DOWNLOAD_LIST_DEMUCS [ main_selection ]
2022-12-31 04:31:10 -06:00
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
if type ( main_selection ) is dict :
for links in main_selection . values ( ) :
MAIN_ROW + = 1
button_text = f " - Item { MAIN_ROW } " if len ( main_selection . keys ( ) ) > = 2 else ' '
link = create_link ( links )
link_button = ttk . Button ( manual_downloads_link_Frame , text = f " Open Link to Model { button_text } " , command = link ) . grid ( row = MAIN_ROW , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
else :
link = f " { NORMAL_REPO } { main_selection } "
link_button = ttk . Button ( manual_downloads_link_Frame , text = " Open Link to Model " , command = lambda : webbrowser . open_new_tab ( link ) )
link_button . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
2022-12-31 04:31:10 -06:00
self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( manual_downloads_link_Frame , ' Selected Model Placement Path ' ) . grid ( row = MAIN_ROW + 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 3 )
ttk . Button ( manual_downloads_link_Frame , text = " Open Model Directory " , command = lambda : OPEN_FILE_func ( model_dir ) ) . grid ( row = MAIN_ROW + 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
manual_downloads_menu_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( manual_downloads_menu )
manual_downloads_menu_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
manual_downloads_link_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( manual_downloads_menu , thickness = 5 )
manual_downloads_link_Frame . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
manual_downloads_menu_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( manual_downloads_menu_Frame , " Manual Downloads " , width = 45 )
manual_downloads_menu_title_Label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 15 )
manual_downloads_menu_select_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( manual_downloads_menu_Frame , ' Select Model ' )
manual_downloads_menu_select_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
manual_downloads_menu_select_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( manual_downloads_menu_Frame , model_selection_var )
manual_downloads_menu_select_VR_Option = tk . Menu ( manual_downloads_menu_select_Option [ ' menu ' ] )
manual_downloads_menu_select_MDX_Option = tk . Menu ( manual_downloads_menu_select_Option [ ' menu ' ] )
manual_downloads_menu_select_DEMUCS_Option = tk . Menu ( manual_downloads_menu_select_Option [ ' menu ' ] )
manual_downloads_menu_select_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_cascade ( label = ' VR Models ' , menu = manual_downloads_menu_select_VR_Option )
manual_downloads_menu_select_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_cascade ( label = ' MDX-Net Models ' , menu = manual_downloads_menu_select_MDX_Option )
manual_downloads_menu_select_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_cascade ( label = ' Demucs Models ' , menu = manual_downloads_menu_select_DEMUCS_Option )
for model_selection_vr in FULL_DOWNLOAD_LIST_VR . keys ( ) :
manual_downloads_menu_select_VR_Option . add_radiobutton ( label = model_selection_vr , variable = model_selection_var , command = get_links )
for model_selection_mdx in FULL_DOWNLOAD_LIST_MDX . keys ( ) :
manual_downloads_menu_select_MDX_Option . add_radiobutton ( label = model_selection_mdx , variable = model_selection_var , command = get_links )
for model_selection_demucs in FULL_DOWNLOAD_LIST_DEMUCS . keys ( ) :
manual_downloads_menu_select_DEMUCS_Option . add_radiobutton ( label = model_selection_demucs , variable = model_selection_var , command = get_links )
manual_downloads_menu_select_Option . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-31 04:31:10 -06:00
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . menu_placement ( manual_downloads_menu , " Manual Downloads " , pop_up = True , close_function = lambda : manual_downloads_menu . destroy ( ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def pop_up_save_current_settings ( self ) :
""" Save current application settings as... """
settings_save = Toplevel ( root )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
settings_save_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
entry_validation_header_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' Input Notes ' )
settings_save_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( settings_save )
settings_save_Frame . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
validation = lambda value : False if re . fullmatch ( REG_SAVE_INPUT , value ) is None and settings_save_var . get ( ) else True
invalid = lambda : ( entry_validation_header_var . set ( INVALID_ENTRY ) )
save_func = lambda : ( self . pop_up_save_current_settings_sub_json_dump ( settings_save_var . get ( ) ) , settings_save . destroy ( ) )
settings_save_title = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( settings_save_Frame , " Save Current Settings " )
settings_save_title . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
settings_save_name_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( settings_save_Frame , ' Name Settings ' )
settings_save_name_Label . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
settings_save_name_Entry = ttk . Entry ( settings_save_Frame , textvariable = settings_save_var , justify = ' center ' , width = 25 )
settings_save_name_Entry . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
settings_save_name_Entry . config ( validate = ' focus ' , validatecommand = ( self . register ( validation ) , ' % P ' ) , invalidcommand = ( self . register ( invalid ) , ) )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
settings_save_name_Entry . bind ( right_click_button , self . right_click_menu_popup )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . current_text_box = settings_save_name_Entry
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
entry_validation_header_Label = tk . Label ( settings_save_Frame , textvariable = entry_validation_header_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , foreground = ' #868687 ' , justify = " left " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
entry_validation_header_Label . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
entry_rules_Label = tk . Label ( settings_save_Frame , text = ENSEMBLE_INPUT_RULE , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , foreground = ' #868687 ' , justify = " left " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
entry_rules_Label . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
settings_save_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_save_Frame , text = " Save " , command = lambda : save_func ( ) if validation ( settings_save_var . get ( ) ) else None )
settings_save_Button . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
stop_process_Button = ttk . Button ( settings_save_Frame , text = " Cancel " , command = lambda : settings_save . destroy ( ) )
stop_process_Button . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . menu_placement ( settings_save , " Save Current Settings " , pop_up = True )
def pop_up_save_current_settings_sub_json_dump ( self , settings_save_name : str ) :
""" Dumps current application settings to a json named after user input """
if settings_save_name :
self . save_current_settings_var . set ( settings_save_name )
settings_save_name = settings_save_name . replace ( " " , " _ " )
current_settings = self . save_values ( app_close = False )
saved_data_dump = json . dumps ( current_settings , indent = 4 )
with open ( os . path . join ( SETTINGS_CACHE_DIR , f ' { settings_save_name } .json ' ) , " w " ) as outfile :
outfile . write ( saved_data_dump )
def pop_up_update_confirmation ( self ) :
""" Ask user is they want to update """
is_new_update = self . online_data_refresh ( confirmation_box = True )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
is_download_in_app_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = False )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
def update_type ( ) :
if is_download_in_app_var . get ( ) :
self . download_item ( is_update_app = True )
else :
webbrowser . open_new_tab ( self . download_update_link_var . get ( ) )
update_confirmation_win . destroy ( )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if is_new_update :
update_confirmation_win = Toplevel ( )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
update_confirmation_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( update_confirmation_win )
update_confirmation_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
update_found_label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( update_confirmation_Frame , ' Update Found ' , width = 15 )
update_found_label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
confirm_update_label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( update_confirmation_Frame , ' Are you sure you want to continue? \n \n The application will need to be restarted. \n ' , font_size = FONT_SIZE_3 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
confirm_update_label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
yes_button = ttk . Button ( update_confirmation_Frame , text = ' Yes ' , command = update_type )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
yes_button . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
no_button = ttk . Button ( update_confirmation_Frame , text = ' No ' , command = lambda : ( update_confirmation_win . destroy ( ) ) )
no_button . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-28 17:53:15 -06:00
if is_windows :
download_outside_application_button = ttk . Checkbutton ( update_confirmation_Frame , variable = is_download_in_app_var , text = ' Download Update in Application ' )
download_outside_application_button . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . menu_placement ( update_confirmation_win , " Confirm Update " , pop_up = True )
def pop_up_user_code_input ( self ) :
""" Input VIP Code """
self . user_code_validation_var . set ( ' ' )
self . user_code = Toplevel ( )
user_code_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( self . user_code )
user_code_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
user_code_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( user_code_Frame , ' User Download Codes ' , width = 20 )
user_code_title_Label . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
user_code_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( user_code_Frame , ' Download Code ' )
user_code_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . user_code_Entry = ttk . Entry ( user_code_Frame , textvariable = self . user_code_var , justify = ' center ' )
self . user_code_Entry . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . user_code_Entry . bind ( right_click_button , self . right_click_menu_popup )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . current_text_box = self . user_code_Entry
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
validation_Label = tk . Label ( user_code_Frame , textvariable = self . user_code_validation_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_0 } " ) , foreground = ' #868687 ' )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
validation_Label . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
user_code_confrim_Button = ttk . Button ( user_code_Frame , text = ' Confirm ' , command = lambda : self . download_validate_code ( confirm = True ) )
user_code_confrim_Button . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
user_code_cancel_Button = ttk . Button ( user_code_Frame , text = ' Cancel ' , command = lambda : self . user_code . destroy ( ) )
user_code_cancel_Button . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
support_title_Label = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( user_code_Frame , text = ' Support UVR ' , width = 20 )
support_title_Label . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
support_sub_Label = tk . Label ( user_code_Frame , text = " Obtain codes by visiting one of the following links below. " + \
" \n From there you can donate, pledge, " + \
" or just obatain the code! \n (Donations are not required to obtain VIP code) " ,
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , foreground = ' #13849f ' )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
support_sub_Label . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
uvr_patreon_Button = ttk . Button ( user_code_Frame , text = ' UVR Patreon Link ' , command = lambda : webbrowser . open_new_tab ( DONATE_LINK_PATREON ) )
uvr_patreon_Button . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
bmac_patreon_Button = ttk . Button ( user_code_Frame , text = ' UVR \" Buy Me a Coffee \" Link ' , command = lambda : webbrowser . open_new_tab ( DONATE_LINK_BMAC ) )
bmac_patreon_Button . grid ( row = 9 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . menu_placement ( self . user_code , " Input Code " , pop_up = True )
def pop_up_mdx_model ( self , mdx_model_hash , model_path ) :
""" Opens MDX-Net model settings """
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
is_onnx_model = True
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
try :
model = onnx . load ( model_path )
model_shapes = [ [ d . dim_value for d in _input . type . tensor_type . shape . dim ] for _input in model . graph . input ] [ 0 ]
dim_f = model_shapes [ 2 ]
dim_t = int ( math . log ( model_shapes [ 3 ] , 2 ) )
except Exception as e :
dim_f = 0
dim_t = 0
self . error_dialoge ( INVALID_ONNX_MODEL_ERROR )
self . error_log_var . set ( " {} " . format ( error_text ( ' MDX-Net Model Settings ' , e ) ) )
is_onnx_model = False
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
if is_onnx_model :
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
mdx_model_set = Toplevel ( root )
mdx_n_fft_scale_set_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' 6144 ' )
mdx_dim_f_set_var = tk . StringVar ( value = dim_f )
mdx_dim_t_set_var = tk . StringVar ( value = dim_t )
primary_stem_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' Vocals ' )
mdx_compensate_var = tk . StringVar ( value = 1.035 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
mdx_model_set_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( mdx_model_set )
mdx_model_set_Frame . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
mdx_model_set_title = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( mdx_model_set_Frame , " Specify MDX-Net Model Parameters " )
mdx_model_set_title . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 15 )
set_stem_name_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( mdx_model_set_Frame , ' Primary Stem ' )
set_stem_name_Label . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
set_stem_name_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( mdx_model_set_Frame , primary_stem_var , None , * STEM_SET_MENU )
set_stem_name_Option . configure ( width = 12 )
set_stem_name_Option . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . help_hints ( set_stem_name_Label , text = SET_STEM_NAME_HELP )
mdx_dim_t_set_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( mdx_model_set_Frame , ' Dim_t ' )
mdx_dim_t_set_Label . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
mdx_dim_f_set_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( mdx_model_set_Frame , ' (Leave this setting as is if you are unsure.) ' )
mdx_dim_f_set_Label . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
mdx_dim_t_set_Option = ttk . Combobox ( mdx_model_set_Frame , value = ( ' 7 ' , ' 8 ' ) , textvariable = mdx_dim_t_set_var )
mdx_dim_t_set_Option . configure ( width = 12 )
mdx_dim_t_set_Option . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . help_hints ( mdx_dim_t_set_Label , text = MDX_DIM_T_SET_HELP )
mdx_dim_f_set_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( mdx_model_set_Frame , ' Dim_f ' )
mdx_dim_f_set_Label . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
mdx_dim_f_set_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( mdx_model_set_Frame , ' (Leave this setting as is if you are unsure.) ' )
mdx_dim_f_set_Label . grid ( row = 9 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
mdx_dim_f_set_Option = ttk . Combobox ( mdx_model_set_Frame , value = ( MDX_POP_DIMF ) , textvariable = mdx_dim_f_set_var )
mdx_dim_f_set_Option . configure ( width = 12 )
mdx_dim_f_set_Option . grid ( row = 10 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . help_hints ( mdx_dim_f_set_Label , text = MDX_DIM_F_SET_HELP )
mdx_n_fft_scale_set_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( mdx_model_set_Frame , ' N_FFT Scale ' )
mdx_n_fft_scale_set_Label . grid ( row = 11 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
mdx_n_fft_scale_set_Option = ttk . Combobox ( mdx_model_set_Frame , values = ( MDX_POP_NFFT ) , textvariable = mdx_n_fft_scale_set_var )
mdx_n_fft_scale_set_Option . configure ( width = 12 )
mdx_n_fft_scale_set_Option . grid ( row = 12 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . help_hints ( mdx_n_fft_scale_set_Label , text = MDX_N_FFT_SCALE_SET_HELP )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
mdx_compensate_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( mdx_model_set_Frame , ' Volume Compensation ' )
mdx_compensate_Label . grid ( row = 13 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
mdx_compensate_Entry = ttk . Combobox ( mdx_model_set_Frame , value = ( ' 1.035 ' , ' 1.08 ' ) , textvariable = mdx_compensate_var )
mdx_compensate_Entry . configure ( width = 14 )
mdx_compensate_Entry . grid ( row = 15 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . help_hints ( mdx_compensate_Label , text = POPUP_COMPENSATE_HELP )
mdx_param_set_Button = ttk . Button ( mdx_model_set_Frame , text = " Confirm " , command = lambda : pull_data ( ) )
mdx_param_set_Button . grid ( row = 16 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
stop_process_Button = ttk . Button ( mdx_model_set_Frame , text = " Cancel " , command = lambda : cancel ( ) )
stop_process_Button . grid ( row = 17 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
def pull_data ( ) :
mdx_model_params = {
' compensate ' : float ( mdx_compensate_var . get ( ) ) ,
' mdx_dim_f_set ' : int ( mdx_dim_f_set_var . get ( ) ) ,
' mdx_dim_t_set ' : int ( mdx_dim_t_set_var . get ( ) ) ,
' mdx_n_fft_scale_set ' : int ( mdx_n_fft_scale_set_var . get ( ) ) ,
' primary_stem ' : primary_stem_var . get ( )
self . pop_up_mdx_model_sub_json_dump ( mdx_model_params , mdx_model_hash )
mdx_model_set . destroy ( )
def cancel ( ) :
mdx_model_set . destroy ( )
mdx_model_set . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , cancel )
self . menu_placement ( mdx_model_set , " Specify Parameters " , pop_up = True )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def pop_up_mdx_model_sub_json_dump ( self , mdx_model_params , mdx_model_hash ) :
""" Dumps current selected MDX-Net model settings to a json named after model hash """
self . mdx_model_params = mdx_model_params
mdx_model_params_dump = json . dumps ( mdx_model_params , indent = 4 )
with open ( os . path . join ( MDX_HASH_DIR , f ' { mdx_model_hash } .json ' ) , " w " ) as outfile :
outfile . write ( mdx_model_params_dump )
def pop_up_vr_param ( self , vr_model_hash ) :
""" Opens VR param settings """
vr_param_menu = Toplevel ( )
get_vr_params = lambda dir , ext : tuple ( os . path . splitext ( x ) [ 0 ] for x in os . listdir ( dir ) if x . endswith ( ext ) )
new_vr_params = get_vr_params ( VR_PARAM_DIR , ' .json ' )
vr_model_param_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' None Selected ' )
vr_model_stem_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' Vocals ' )
def pull_data ( ) :
vr_model_params = {
' vr_model_param ' : vr_model_param_var . get ( ) ,
' primary_stem ' : vr_model_stem_var . get ( ) }
if not vr_model_param_var . get ( ) == ' None Selected ' :
self . pop_up_vr_param_sub_json_dump ( vr_model_params , vr_model_hash )
vr_param_menu . destroy ( )
else :
self . vr_model_params = None
def cancel ( ) :
self . vr_model_params = None
vr_param_menu . destroy ( )
vr_param_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( vr_param_menu )
vr_param_Frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
vr_param_title_title = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( vr_param_Frame , " Specify VR Model Parameters " , width = 25 )
vr_param_title_title . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
vr_model_stem_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( vr_param_Frame , ' Primary Stem ' )
vr_model_stem_Label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
vr_model_stem_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( vr_param_Frame , vr_model_stem_var , None , * STEM_SET_MENU )
vr_model_stem_Option . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 5 )
self . help_hints ( vr_model_stem_Label , text = SET_STEM_NAME_HELP )
vr_model_param_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( vr_param_Frame , ' Select Model Param ' )
vr_model_param_Label . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
vr_model_param_Option = ttk . OptionMenu ( vr_param_Frame , vr_model_param_var )
vr_model_param_Option . configure ( width = 30 )
vr_model_param_Option . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 5 )
self . help_hints ( vr_model_param_Label , text = VR_MODEL_PARAM_HELP )
vr_param_confrim_Button = ttk . Button ( vr_param_Frame , text = ' Confirm ' , command = lambda : pull_data ( ) )
vr_param_confrim_Button . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
vr_param_cancel_Button = ttk . Button ( vr_param_Frame , text = ' Cancel ' , command = cancel )
vr_param_cancel_Button . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
for option_name in new_vr_params :
vr_model_param_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = option_name , command = tk . _setit ( vr_model_param_var , option_name ) )
vr_param_menu . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , cancel )
self . menu_placement ( vr_param_menu , " Choose Model Param " , pop_up = True )
def pop_up_vr_param_sub_json_dump ( self , vr_model_params , vr_model_hash ) :
""" Dumps current selected VR model settings to a json named after model hash """
self . vr_model_params = vr_model_params
vr_model_params_dump = json . dumps ( vr_model_params , indent = 4 )
with open ( os . path . join ( VR_HASH_DIR , f ' { vr_model_hash } .json ' ) , " w " ) as outfile :
outfile . write ( vr_model_params_dump )
def pop_up_save_ensemble ( self ) :
Save Ensemble as . . .
ensemble_save = Toplevel ( root )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
ensemble_save_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' ' )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
entry_validation_header_var = tk . StringVar ( value = ' Input Notes ' )
ensemble_save_Frame = self . menu_FRAME_SET ( ensemble_save )
ensemble_save_Frame . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
validation = lambda value : False if re . fullmatch ( REG_SAVE_INPUT , value ) is None and ensemble_save_var . get ( ) else True
invalid = lambda : ( entry_validation_header_var . set ( INVALID_ENTRY ) )
save_func = lambda : ( self . pop_up_save_ensemble_sub_json_dump ( self . ensemble_listbox_get_all_selected_models ( ) , ensemble_save_var . get ( ) ) , ensemble_save . destroy ( ) )
if len ( self . ensemble_listbox_get_all_selected_models ( ) ) < = 1 :
ensemble_save_title = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( ensemble_save_Frame , " Not Enough Models " , width = 20 )
ensemble_save_title . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
ensemble_save_title = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( ensemble_save_Frame , " You must select 2 or more models to save an ensemble. " )
ensemble_save_title . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
stop_process_Button = ttk . Button ( ensemble_save_Frame , text = " OK " , command = lambda : ensemble_save . destroy ( ) )
stop_process_Button . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 10 )
else :
ensemble_save_title = self . menu_title_LABEL_SET ( ensemble_save_Frame , " Save Current Ensemble " )
ensemble_save_title . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
ensemble_name_Label = self . menu_sub_LABEL_SET ( ensemble_save_Frame , ' Ensemble Name ' )
ensemble_name_Label . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
ensemble_name_Entry = ttk . Entry ( ensemble_save_Frame , textvariable = ensemble_save_var , justify = ' center ' , width = 25 )
ensemble_name_Entry . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
ensemble_name_Entry . config ( validate = ' focus ' , validatecommand = ( self . register ( validation ) , ' % P ' ) , invalidcommand = ( self . register ( invalid ) , ) )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
entry_validation_header_Label = tk . Label ( ensemble_save_Frame , textvariable = entry_validation_header_var , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , foreground = ' #868687 ' , justify = " left " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
entry_validation_header_Label . grid ( row = 5 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
2022-12-28 17:48:28 -06:00
entry_rules_Label = tk . Label ( ensemble_save_Frame , text = ENSEMBLE_INPUT_RULE , font = ( MAIN_FONT_NAME , f " { FONT_SIZE_1 } " ) , foreground = ' #868687 ' , justify = " left " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
entry_rules_Label . grid ( row = 6 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 0 )
mdx_param_set_Button = ttk . Button ( ensemble_save_Frame , text = " Save " , command = lambda : save_func ( ) if validation ( ensemble_save_var . get ( ) ) else None )
mdx_param_set_Button . grid ( row = 7 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
stop_process_Button = ttk . Button ( ensemble_save_Frame , text = " Cancel " , command = lambda : ensemble_save . destroy ( ) )
stop_process_Button . grid ( row = 8 , column = 0 , padx = 0 , pady = 5 )
self . menu_placement ( ensemble_save , " Save Current Ensemble " , pop_up = True )
def pop_up_save_ensemble_sub_json_dump ( self , selected_ensemble_model , ensemble_save_name : str ) :
""" Dumps current ensemble settings to a json named after user input """
if ensemble_save_name :
self . chosen_ensemble_var . set ( ensemble_save_name )
ensemble_save_name = ensemble_save_name . replace ( " " , " _ " )
saved_data = {
' ensemble_main_stem ' : self . ensemble_main_stem_var . get ( ) ,
' ensemble_type ' : self . ensemble_type_var . get ( ) ,
' selected_models ' : selected_ensemble_model ,
saved_data_dump = json . dumps ( saved_data , indent = 4 )
with open ( os . path . join ( ENSEMBLE_CACHE_DIR , f ' { ensemble_save_name } .json ' ) , " w " ) as outfile :
outfile . write ( saved_data_dump )
def deletion_list_fill ( self , option_menu : ttk . OptionMenu , selection_var : tk . StringVar , selection_list , selection_dir , var_set ) :
""" Fills the saved settings menu located in tab 2 of the main settings window """
option_menu [ ' menu ' ] . delete ( 0 , ' end ' )
for selection in selection_list :
selection = selection . replace ( " _ " , " " )
option_menu [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = selection ,
command = tk . _setit ( selection_var ,
selection ,
lambda s : ( self . deletion_entry ( s , option_menu , selection_dir ) ,
selection_var . set ( var_set ) ) ) )
def deletion_entry ( self , selection : str , option_menu , path ) :
""" Deletes selected user saved application settings """
if selection not in [ SELECT_SAVED_SET , SELECT_SAVED_ENSEMBLE ] :
saved_path = os . path . join ( path , f ' { selection . replace ( " " , " _ " ) } .json ' )
confirm = self . message_box ( DELETE_ENS_ENTRY )
if confirm :
if os . path . isfile ( saved_path ) :
os . remove ( saved_path )
r_index = option_menu [ ' menu ' ] . index ( selection ) # index of selected option.
option_menu [ ' menu ' ] . delete ( r_index ) # deleted the option
#--Download Center Methods--
def online_data_refresh ( self , user_refresh = True , confirmation_box = False , refresh_list_Button = False ) :
""" Checks for application updates """
def online_check ( ) :
self . app_update_status_Text_var . set ( ' Loading version information... ' )
self . app_update_button_Text_var . set ( ' Check for Updates ' )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
is_new_update = False
try :
self . online_data = json . load ( urllib . request . urlopen ( DOWNLOAD_CHECKS ) )
self . is_online = True
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
if user_refresh :
self . download_list_state ( )
self . download_list_fill ( )
for widget in self . download_center_Buttons : widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
if refresh_list_Button :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( ' Download List Refreshed! ' )
if OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Darwin " :
self . lastest_version = self . online_data [ " current_version_mac " ]
elif OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Linux " :
self . lastest_version = self . online_data [ " current_version_linux " ]
else :
self . lastest_version = self . online_data [ " current_version " ]
if self . lastest_version == current_patch :
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . app_update_status_Text_var . set ( ' UVR Version Current ' )
else :
is_new_update = True
self . app_update_status_Text_var . set ( f " Update Found: { self . lastest_version } " )
self . app_update_button_Text_var . set ( ' Click Here to Update ' )
2023-01-01 20:16:12 -06:00
if OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Windows " :
self . download_update_link_var . set ( ' {} {} {} ' . format ( UPDATE_REPO , self . lastest_version , application_extension ) )
self . download_update_path_var . set ( os . path . join ( BASE_PATH , f ' { self . lastest_version } { application_extension } ' ) )
elif OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Darwin " :
self . download_update_link_var . set ( UPDATE_MAC_ARM_REPO if SYSTEM_PROC == ARM or ARM in SYSTEM_ARCH else UPDATE_MAC_X86_64_REPO )
elif OPERATING_SYSTEM == " Linux " :
self . download_update_link_var . set ( UPDATE_LINUX_REPO )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if not user_refresh :
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
self . command_Text . write ( f " \n \n New Update Found: { self . lastest_version } \n \n Click the update button in the \" Settings \" menu to download and install! " )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . download_model_settings ( )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( error_text ( ' Online Data Refresh ' , e ) )
self . offline_state_set ( )
is_new_update = False
if user_refresh :
self . download_list_state ( disable_only = True )
for widget in self . download_center_Buttons : widget . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
return is_new_update
if confirmation_box :
return online_check ( )
else :
self . current_thread = KThread ( target = online_check )
2022-12-27 04:31:41 -06:00
self . current_thread . setDaemon ( True ) if not is_windows else None
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . current_thread . start ( )
def offline_state_set ( self ) :
""" Changes relevent settings and " Download Center " buttons if no internet connection is available """
self . app_update_status_Text_var . set ( f ' Version Status: { NO_CONNECTION } ' )
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( NO_CONNECTION )
self . app_update_button_Text_var . set ( ' Refresh ' )
self . refresh_list_Button . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) if self . refresh_list_Button else None
self . stop_download_Button_DISABLE ( ) if self . stop_download_Button_DISABLE else None
self . enable_tabs ( ) if self . enable_tabs else None
self . is_online = False
def download_validate_code ( self , confirm = False ) :
""" Verifies the VIP download code """
self . decoded_vip_link = vip_downloads ( self . user_code_var . get ( ) )
if confirm :
if not self . decoded_vip_link == NO_CODE :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( ' VIP Models Added! ' )
self . user_code . destroy ( )
else :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( ' Incorrect Code ' )
self . user_code_validation_var . set ( ' Code Incorrect ' )
self . download_list_fill ( )
def download_list_fill ( self ) :
""" Fills the download lists with the data retrieved from the update check. """
self . download_demucs_models_list . clear ( )
for list_option in self . download_lists :
list_option [ ' menu ' ] . delete ( 0 , ' end ' )
self . vr_download_list = self . online_data [ " vr_download_list " ]
self . mdx_download_list = self . online_data [ " mdx_download_list " ]
self . demucs_download_list = self . online_data [ " demucs_download_list " ]
if not self . decoded_vip_link is NO_CODE :
self . vr_download_list . update ( self . online_data [ " vr_download_vip_list " ] )
self . mdx_download_list . update ( self . online_data [ " mdx_download_vip_list " ] )
for ( selectable , model ) in self . vr_download_list . items ( ) :
if not os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( VR_MODELS_DIR , model ) ) :
self . model_download_vr_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = selectable , command = tk . _setit ( self . model_download_vr_var , selectable , lambda s : self . download_model_select ( s , VR_ARCH_TYPE ) ) )
for ( selectable , model ) in self . mdx_download_list . items ( ) :
if not os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( MDX_MODELS_DIR , model ) ) :
self . model_download_mdx_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = selectable , command = tk . _setit ( self . model_download_mdx_var , selectable , lambda s : self . download_model_select ( s , MDX_ARCH_TYPE ) ) )
for ( selectable , model ) in self . demucs_download_list . items ( ) :
for name in model . items ( ) :
if [ True for x in DEMUCS_NEWER_ARCH_TYPES if x in selectable ] :
if not os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( DEMUCS_NEWER_REPO_DIR , name [ 0 ] ) ) :
self . download_demucs_models_list . append ( selectable )
else :
if not os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( DEMUCS_MODELS_DIR , name [ 0 ] ) ) :
self . download_demucs_models_list . append ( selectable )
self . download_demucs_models_list = list ( dict . fromkeys ( self . download_demucs_models_list ) )
for option_name in self . download_demucs_models_list :
self . model_download_demucs_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = option_name , command = tk . _setit ( self . model_download_demucs_var , option_name , lambda s : self . download_model_select ( s , DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE ) ) )
if self . model_download_vr_Option [ ' menu ' ] . index ( " end " ) is None :
self . model_download_vr_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = NO_NEW_MODELS , command = tk . _setit ( self . model_download_vr_var , NO_MODEL , lambda s : self . download_model_select ( s , MDX_ARCH_TYPE ) ) )
if self . model_download_mdx_Option [ ' menu ' ] . index ( " end " ) is None :
self . model_download_mdx_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = NO_NEW_MODELS , command = tk . _setit ( self . model_download_mdx_var , NO_MODEL , lambda s : self . download_model_select ( s , MDX_ARCH_TYPE ) ) )
if self . model_download_demucs_Option [ ' menu ' ] . index ( " end " ) is None :
self . model_download_demucs_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = NO_NEW_MODELS , command = tk . _setit ( self . model_download_demucs_var , NO_MODEL , lambda s : self . download_model_select ( s , DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE ) ) )
def download_model_settings ( self ) :
''' Update the newest model settings '''
self . vr_hash_MAPPER = json . load ( urllib . request . urlopen ( VR_MODEL_DATA_LINK ) )
self . mdx_hash_MAPPER = json . load ( urllib . request . urlopen ( MDX_MODEL_DATA_LINK ) )
try :
vr_hash_MAPPER_dump = json . dumps ( self . vr_hash_MAPPER , indent = 4 )
with open ( VR_HASH_JSON , " w " ) as outfile :
outfile . write ( vr_hash_MAPPER_dump )
mdx_hash_MAPPER_dump = json . dumps ( self . mdx_hash_MAPPER , indent = 4 )
with open ( MDX_HASH_JSON , " w " ) as outfile :
outfile . write ( mdx_hash_MAPPER_dump )
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( e )
print ( e )
def download_list_state ( self , reset = True , disable_only = False ) :
""" Makes sure only the models from the chosen AI network are selectable. """
for widget in self . download_lists : widget . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
if reset :
for download_list_var in self . download_list_vars :
if self . is_online :
download_list_var . set ( NO_MODEL )
self . download_Button . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
else :
download_list_var . set ( NO_CONNECTION )
self . download_Button . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
if not disable_only :
self . download_Button . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
if self . select_download_var . get ( ) == VR_ARCH_TYPE :
self . model_download_vr_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . selected_download_var = self . model_download_vr_var
if self . select_download_var . get ( ) == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
self . model_download_mdx_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . selected_download_var = self . model_download_mdx_var
if self . select_download_var . get ( ) == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
self . model_download_demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . selected_download_var = self . model_download_demucs_var
self . stop_download_Button_DISABLE ( )
def download_model_select ( self , selection , type ) :
""" Prepares the data needed to download selected model. """
self . download_demucs_newer_models . clear ( )
model_repo = self . decoded_vip_link if VIP_SELECTION in selection else NORMAL_REPO
is_demucs_newer = [ True for x in DEMUCS_NEWER_ARCH_TYPES if x in selection ]
if type == VR_ARCH_TYPE :
for selected_model in self . vr_download_list . items ( ) :
if selection in selected_model :
self . download_link_path_var . set ( " {} {} " . format ( model_repo , selected_model [ 1 ] ) )
self . download_save_path_var . set ( os . path . join ( VR_MODELS_DIR , selected_model [ 1 ] ) )
if type == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
for selected_model in self . mdx_download_list . items ( ) :
if selection in selected_model :
self . download_link_path_var . set ( " {} {} " . format ( model_repo , selected_model [ 1 ] ) )
self . download_save_path_var . set ( os . path . join ( MDX_MODELS_DIR , selected_model [ 1 ] ) )
if type == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
for selected_model , model_data in self . demucs_download_list . items ( ) :
if selection == selected_model :
for key , value in model_data . items ( ) :
if is_demucs_newer :
self . download_demucs_newer_models . append ( [ os . path . join ( DEMUCS_NEWER_REPO_DIR , key ) , value ] )
else :
self . download_save_path_var . set ( os . path . join ( DEMUCS_MODELS_DIR , key ) )
self . download_link_path_var . set ( value )
def download_item ( self , is_update_app = False ) :
""" Downloads the model selected. """
if not is_update_app :
if self . selected_download_var . get ( ) == NO_MODEL :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( NO_MODEL )
for widget in self . download_center_Buttons : widget . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . refresh_list_Button . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
self . manual_download_Button . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
is_demucs_newer = [ True for x in DEMUCS_NEWER_ARCH_TYPES if x in self . selected_download_var . get ( ) ]
self . download_list_state ( reset = False , disable_only = True )
self . stop_download_Button_ENABLE ( )
self . disable_tabs ( )
def download_progress_bar ( current , total , model = 80 ) :
progress = ( ' %s ' % ( 100 * current / / total ) )
self . download_progress_bar_var . set ( int ( progress ) )
self . download_progress_percent_var . set ( progress + ' % ' )
def push_download ( ) :
self . is_download_thread_active = True
try :
if is_update_app :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( DOWNLOADING_UPDATE )
if os . path . isfile ( self . download_update_path_var . get ( ) ) :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( FILE_EXISTS )
else :
wget . download ( self . download_update_link_var . get ( ) , self . download_update_path_var . get ( ) , bar = download_progress_bar )
self . download_post_action ( DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_COMPLETE )
else :
if self . select_download_var . get ( ) == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE and is_demucs_newer :
for model_num , model_data in enumerate ( self . download_demucs_newer_models , start = 1 ) :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( ' {} {} / {} ... ' . format ( DOWNLOADING_ITEM , model_num , len ( self . download_demucs_newer_models ) ) )
if os . path . isfile ( model_data [ 0 ] ) :
else :
wget . download ( model_data [ 1 ] , model_data [ 0 ] , bar = download_progress_bar )
else :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( SINGLE_DOWNLOAD )
if os . path . isfile ( self . download_save_path_var . get ( ) ) :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( FILE_EXISTS )
else :
wget . download ( self . download_link_path_var . get ( ) , self . download_save_path_var . get ( ) , bar = download_progress_bar )
self . download_post_action ( DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE )
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( error_text ( DOWNLOADING_ITEM , e ) )
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( DOWNLOAD_FAILED )
if type ( e ) . __name__ == ' URLError ' :
self . offline_state_set ( )
else :
self . download_progress_percent_var . set ( f " { type ( e ) . __name__ } " )
self . download_post_action ( DOWNLOAD_FAILED )
self . active_download_thread = KThread ( target = push_download )
self . active_download_thread . start ( )
def download_post_action ( self , action ) :
""" Resets the widget variables in the " Download Center " based on the state of the download. """
for widget in self . download_center_Buttons : widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . refresh_list_Button . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
self . manual_download_Button . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . enable_tabs ( )
self . stop_download_Button_DISABLE ( )
if action == DOWNLOAD_FAILED :
try :
self . active_download_thread . terminate ( )
finally :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( DOWNLOAD_FAILED )
self . download_list_state ( reset = False )
if action == DOWNLOAD_STOPPED :
try :
self . active_download_thread . terminate ( )
finally :
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( DOWNLOAD_STOPPED )
self . download_list_state ( reset = False )
if action == DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE :
self . online_data_refresh ( )
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE )
self . download_list_state ( )
self . download_progress_info_var . set ( DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_COMPLETE )
if os . path . isfile ( self . download_update_path_var . get ( ) ) :
subprocess . Popen ( self . download_update_path_var . get ( ) )
self . download_list_state ( )
self . is_download_thread_active = False
self . delete_temps ( )
#--Refresh/Loop Methods--
def update_loop ( self ) :
""" Update the model dropdown menus """
if self . clear_cache_torch :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
self . clear_cache_torch = False
if self . is_process_stopped :
if self . thread_check ( self . active_processing_thread ) :
self . conversion_Button_Text_var . set ( STOP_PROCESSING )
self . conversion_Button . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . stop_Button . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
else :
self . stop_Button . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . conversion_Button_Text_var . set ( START_PROCESSING )
self . conversion_Button . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . progress_bar_main_var . set ( 0 )
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
self . is_process_stopped = False
if self . is_confirm_error_var . get ( ) :
self . check_is_open_menu_error_log ( )
self . is_confirm_error_var . set ( False )
self . update_available_models ( )
self . after ( 600 , self . update_loop )
def update_available_models ( self ) :
Loops through all models in each model directory and adds them to the appropriate model menu .
Also updates ensemble listbox and user saved settings list .
def fix_names ( file , name_mapper : dict ) : return tuple ( new_name for ( old_name , new_name ) in name_mapper . items ( ) if file in old_name )
new_vr_models = self . get_files_from_dir ( VR_MODELS_DIR , ' .pth ' )
new_mdx_models = self . get_files_from_dir ( MDX_MODELS_DIR , ' .onnx ' )
new_demucs_models = self . get_files_from_dir ( DEMUCS_MODELS_DIR , ( ' .ckpt ' , ' .gz ' , ' .th ' ) ) + self . get_files_from_dir ( DEMUCS_NEWER_REPO_DIR , ' .yaml ' )
new_ensembles_found = self . get_files_from_dir ( ENSEMBLE_CACHE_DIR , ' .json ' )
new_settings_found = self . get_files_from_dir ( SETTINGS_CACHE_DIR , ' .json ' )
new_models_found = new_vr_models + new_mdx_models + new_demucs_models
is_online = self . is_online_model_menu
def loop_directories ( option_menu , option_var , model_list , model_type , name_mapper ) :
option_list = model_list
option_menu [ ' menu ' ] . delete ( 0 , ' end ' )
if name_mapper :
option_list = [ ]
for file_name in model_list :
if fix_names ( file_name , name_mapper ) :
file = fix_names ( file_name , name_mapper ) [ 0 ]
else :
file = file_name
option_list . append ( file )
option_list = tuple ( option_list )
for option_name in natsort . natsorted ( option_list ) :
option_menu [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = option_name , command = tk . _setit ( option_var , option_name , self . selection_action_models ) )
if self . is_online :
option_menu [ ' menu ' ] . insert_separator ( len ( model_list ) )
option_menu [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = DOWNLOAD_MORE , command = tk . _setit ( option_var , DOWNLOAD_MORE , self . selection_action_models ) )
return tuple ( f " { model_type } { ENSEMBLE_PARTITION } { model_name } " for model_name in natsort . natsorted ( option_list ) )
if new_models_found != self . last_found_models or is_online != self . is_online :
self . model_data_table = [ ]
vr_model_list = loop_directories ( self . vr_model_Option , self . vr_model_var , new_vr_models , VR_ARCH_TYPE , name_mapper = None )
mdx_model_list = loop_directories ( self . mdx_net_model_Option , self . mdx_net_model_var , new_mdx_models , MDX_ARCH_TYPE , name_mapper = MDX_NAME_SELECT )
demucs_model_list = loop_directories ( self . demucs_model_Option , self . demucs_model_var , new_demucs_models , DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE , name_mapper = DEMUCS_NAME_SELECT )
self . ensemble_model_list = vr_model_list + mdx_model_list + demucs_model_list
self . last_found_models = new_models_found
self . is_online_model_menu = self . is_online
if not self . chosen_ensemble_var . get ( ) == CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION :
self . selection_action_chosen_ensemble ( self . chosen_ensemble_var . get ( ) )
else :
if not self . ensemble_main_stem_var . get ( ) == CHOOSE_STEM_PAIR :
self . selection_action_ensemble_stems ( self . ensemble_main_stem_var . get ( ) , auto_update = self . ensemble_listbox_get_all_selected_models ( ) )
else :
self . ensemble_listbox_clear_and_insert_new ( self . ensemble_model_list )
if new_ensembles_found != self . last_found_ensembles :
ensemble_options = new_ensembles_found + ENSEMBLE_OPTIONS
self . chosen_ensemble_Option [ ' menu ' ] . delete ( 0 , ' end ' )
for saved_ensemble in ensemble_options :
saved_ensemble = saved_ensemble . replace ( " _ " , " " )
self . chosen_ensemble_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = saved_ensemble ,
command = tk . _setit ( self . chosen_ensemble_var , saved_ensemble , self . selection_action_chosen_ensemble ) )
self . chosen_ensemble_Option [ ' menu ' ] . insert_separator ( len ( new_ensembles_found ) )
self . last_found_ensembles = new_ensembles_found
if new_settings_found != self . last_found_settings :
settings_options = new_settings_found + SAVE_SET_OPTIONS
self . save_current_settings_Option [ ' menu ' ] . delete ( 0 , ' end ' )
for settings_options in settings_options :
settings_options = settings_options . replace ( " _ " , " " )
self . save_current_settings_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = settings_options ,
command = tk . _setit ( self . save_current_settings_var , settings_options , self . selection_action_saved_settings ) )
self . save_current_settings_Option [ ' menu ' ] . insert_separator ( len ( new_settings_found ) )
self . last_found_settings = new_settings_found
def update_main_widget_states ( self ) :
""" Updates main widget states based on chosen process method """
for widget in self . GUI_LIST :
widget . place_forget ( )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
general_shared_Buttons_place = lambda : ( self . is_gpu_conversion_Option_place ( ) , self . model_sample_mode_Option_place ( ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
stem_save_Options_place = lambda : ( self . is_primary_stem_only_Option_place ( ) , self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option_place ( ) )
stem_save_demucs_Options_place = lambda : ( self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option_place ( ) , self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option_place ( ) )
no_ensemble_shared = lambda : ( self . save_current_settings_Label_place ( ) , self . save_current_settings_Option_place ( ) )
if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
self . mdx_net_model_Label_place ( )
self . mdx_net_model_Option_place ( )
self . chunks_Label_place ( )
self . chunks_Option_place ( )
self . margin_Label_place ( )
self . margin_Option_place ( )
general_shared_Buttons_place ( )
stem_save_Options_place ( )
no_ensemble_shared ( )
elif self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == VR_ARCH_PM :
self . vr_model_Label_place ( )
self . vr_model_Option_place ( )
self . aggression_setting_Label_place ( )
self . aggression_setting_Option_place ( )
self . window_size_Label_place ( )
self . window_size_Option_place ( )
general_shared_Buttons_place ( )
stem_save_Options_place ( )
no_ensemble_shared ( )
elif self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
self . demucs_model_Label_place ( )
self . demucs_model_Option_place ( )
self . demucs_stems_Label_place ( )
self . demucs_stems_Option_place ( )
self . segment_Label_place ( )
self . segment_Option_place ( )
general_shared_Buttons_place ( )
stem_save_demucs_Options_place ( )
no_ensemble_shared ( )
elif self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == AUDIO_TOOLS :
self . chosen_audio_tool_Label_place ( )
self . chosen_audio_tool_Option_place ( )
if self . chosen_audio_tool_var . get ( ) == MANUAL_ENSEMBLE :
self . choose_algorithm_Label_place ( )
self . choose_algorithm_Option_place ( )
elif self . chosen_audio_tool_var . get ( ) == TIME_STRETCH :
self . model_sample_mode_Option_place ( rely = 5 )
self . time_stretch_rate_Label_place ( )
self . time_stretch_rate_Option_place ( )
elif self . chosen_audio_tool_var . get ( ) == CHANGE_PITCH :
self . model_sample_mode_Option_place ( rely = 5 )
self . pitch_rate_Label_place ( )
self . pitch_rate_Option_place ( )
elif self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == ENSEMBLE_MODE :
self . chosen_ensemble_Label_place ( )
self . chosen_ensemble_Option_place ( )
self . ensemble_main_stem_Label_place ( )
self . ensemble_main_stem_Option_place ( )
self . ensemble_type_Label_place ( )
self . ensemble_type_Option_place ( )
self . ensemble_listbox_Label_place ( )
self . ensemble_listbox_Option_place ( )
self . ensemble_listbox_Option_pack ( )
general_shared_Buttons_place ( )
stem_save_Options_place ( )
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
self . is_gpu_conversion_Disable ( ) if not self . is_gpu_available else None
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . update_inputPaths ( )
def update_button_states ( self ) :
""" Updates the available stems for selected Demucs model """
if self . demucs_stems_var . get ( ) == ALL_STEMS :
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( PRIMARY_STEM , demucs = True )
elif self . demucs_stems_var . get ( ) == VOCAL_STEM :
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( VOCAL_STEM , demucs = True , is_disable_demucs_boxes = False )
self . is_stem_only_Demucs_Options_Enable ( )
else :
self . is_stem_only_Demucs_Options_Enable ( )
self . demucs_stems_Option [ ' menu ' ] . delete ( 0 , ' end ' )
if not self . demucs_model_var . get ( ) == CHOOSE_MODEL :
if DEMUCS_UVR_MODEL in self . demucs_model_var . get ( ) :
elif DEMUCS_6_STEM_MODEL in self . demucs_model_var . get ( ) :
else :
for stem in stems :
self . demucs_stems_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_radiobutton ( label = stem ,
command = tk . _setit ( self . demucs_stems_var , stem , lambda s : self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( s , demucs = True ) ) )
def update_stem_checkbox_labels ( self , selection , demucs = False , disable_boxes = False , is_disable_demucs_boxes = True ) :
""" Updates the " save only " checkboxes based on the model selected """
stem_text = self . is_primary_stem_only_Text_var , self . is_secondary_stem_only_Text_var
if disable_boxes :
self . is_primary_stem_only_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . is_primary_stem_only_var . set ( False )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_var . set ( False )
if demucs :
stem_text = self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Text_var , self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Text_var
if is_disable_demucs_boxes :
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_var . set ( False )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_var . set ( False )
for primary_stem , secondary_stem in STEM_PAIR_MAPPER . items ( ) :
if selection == primary_stem :
stem_text [ 0 ] . set ( f " { primary_stem } Only " )
stem_text [ 1 ] . set ( f " { secondary_stem } Only " )
def update_ensemble_algorithm_menu ( self , is_4_stem = False ) :
self . ensemble_type_Option [ ' menu ' ] . delete ( 0 , ' end ' )
options = ENSEMBLE_TYPE_4_STEM if is_4_stem else ENSEMBLE_TYPE
if not " / " in self . ensemble_type_var . get ( ) or is_4_stem :
self . ensemble_type_var . set ( options [ 0 ] )
for choice in options :
self . ensemble_type_Option [ ' menu ' ] . add_command ( label = choice , command = tk . _setit ( self . ensemble_type_var , choice ) )
def selection_action_models ( self , selection ) :
""" Accepts model names and verifies their state """
if selection in DOWNLOAD_MORE :
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( PRIMARY_STEM , disable_boxes = True )
self . menu_settings ( select_tab_3 = True ) if not self . is_menu_settings_open else None
for method_type , model_var in self . method_mapper . items ( ) :
if method_type == self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) :
model_var . set ( CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION ) if method_type in ENSEMBLE_MODE else model_var . set ( CHOOSE_MODEL )
elif selection in CHOOSE_MODEL :
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( PRIMARY_STEM , disable_boxes = True )
else :
self . is_stem_only_Options_Enable ( )
for method_type , model_var in self . method_mapper . items ( ) :
if method_type == self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) :
self . selection_action_models_sub ( selection , method_type , model_var )
if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == ENSEMBLE_MODE :
model_data = self . assemble_model_data ( selection , ENSEMBLE_CHECK ) [ 0 ]
if not model_data . model_status :
return self . model_stems_list . index ( selection )
else :
return False
def selection_action_models_sub ( self , selection , ai_type , var : tk . StringVar ) :
""" Takes input directly from the selection_action_models parent function """
model_data = self . assemble_model_data ( selection , ai_type ) [ 0 ]
if not model_data . model_status :
var . set ( CHOOSE_MODEL )
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( PRIMARY_STEM , disable_boxes = True )
else :
if ai_type == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
if not self . demucs_stems_var . get ( ) . lower ( ) in model_data . demucs_source_list :
self . demucs_stems_var . set ( ALL_STEMS if model_data . demucs_stem_count == 4 else VOCAL_STEM )
else :
stem = model_data . primary_stem
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( stem )
def selection_action_process_method ( self , selection , from_widget = False ) :
""" Checks model and variable status when toggling between process methods """
if from_widget :
self . save_current_settings_var . set ( CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION )
if selection == ENSEMBLE_MODE :
if self . ensemble_main_stem_var . get ( ) in [ CHOOSE_STEM_PAIR , FOUR_STEM_ENSEMBLE ] :
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( PRIMARY_STEM , disable_boxes = True )
else :
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( self . return_ensemble_stems ( is_primary = True ) )
self . is_stem_only_Options_Enable ( )
else :
for method_type , model_var in self . method_mapper . items ( ) :
if method_type in selection :
self . selection_action_models ( model_var . get ( ) )
def selection_action_chosen_ensemble ( self , selection ) :
""" Activates specific actions depending on selected ensemble option """
if selection not in ENSEMBLE_OPTIONS :
self . selection_action_chosen_ensemble_load_saved ( selection )
if selection == SAVE_ENSEMBLE :
self . chosen_ensemble_var . set ( CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION )
self . pop_up_save_ensemble ( )
if selection == MENU_SEPARATOR :
self . chosen_ensemble_var . set ( CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION )
if selection == CLEAR_ENSEMBLE :
self . ensemble_listbox_Option . selection_clear ( 0 , ' end ' )
self . chosen_ensemble_var . set ( CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION )
def selection_action_chosen_ensemble_load_saved ( self , saved_ensemble ) :
""" Loads the data from selected saved ensemble """
saved_data = None
saved_ensemble = saved_ensemble . replace ( " " , " _ " )
saved_ensemble_path = os . path . join ( ENSEMBLE_CACHE_DIR , f ' { saved_ensemble } .json ' )
if os . path . isfile ( saved_ensemble_path ) :
saved_data = json . load ( open ( saved_ensemble_path ) )
if saved_data :
self . selection_action_ensemble_stems ( saved_data [ ' ensemble_main_stem ' ] , from_menu = False )
self . ensemble_main_stem_var . set ( saved_data [ ' ensemble_main_stem ' ] )
self . ensemble_type_var . set ( saved_data [ ' ensemble_type ' ] )
self . saved_model_list = saved_data [ ' selected_models ' ]
for saved_model in self . saved_model_list :
status = self . assemble_model_data ( saved_model , ENSEMBLE_CHECK ) [ 0 ] . model_status
if not status :
self . saved_model_list . remove ( saved_model )
indexes = self . ensemble_listbox_get_indexes_for_files ( self . model_stems_list , self . saved_model_list )
for i in indexes :
self . ensemble_listbox_Option . selection_set ( i )
def selection_action_ensemble_stems ( self , selection : str , from_menu = True , auto_update = None ) :
""" Filters out all models from ensemble listbox that are incompatible with selected ensemble stem """
if not selection == CHOOSE_STEM_PAIR :
if selection == FOUR_STEM_ENSEMBLE :
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( PRIMARY_STEM , disable_boxes = True )
self . update_ensemble_algorithm_menu ( is_4_stem = True )
self . ensemble_primary_stem = PRIMARY_STEM
self . ensemble_secondary_stem = SECONDARY_STEM
is_4_stem_check = True
else :
self . update_ensemble_algorithm_menu ( )
self . is_stem_only_Options_Enable ( )
stems = selection . partition ( " / " )
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( stems [ 0 ] )
self . ensemble_primary_stem = stems [ 0 ]
self . ensemble_secondary_stem = stems [ 2 ]
is_4_stem_check = False
self . model_stems_list = self . model_list ( self . ensemble_primary_stem , self . ensemble_secondary_stem , is_4_stem_check = is_4_stem_check )
self . ensemble_listbox_Option . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . ensemble_listbox_clear_and_insert_new ( self . model_stems_list )
if auto_update :
indexes = self . ensemble_listbox_get_indexes_for_files ( self . model_stems_list , auto_update )
self . ensemble_listbox_select_from_indexs ( indexes )
else :
self . ensemble_listbox_Option . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( PRIMARY_STEM , disable_boxes = True )
self . model_stems_list = ( )
if from_menu :
self . chosen_ensemble_var . set ( CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION )
def selection_action_saved_settings ( self , selection , process_method = None ) :
""" Activates specific action based on the selected settings from the saved settings selections """
if self . thread_check ( self . active_processing_thread ) :
self . error_dialoge ( SET_TO_ANY_PROCESS_ERROR )
else :
saved_data = None
chosen_process_method = self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) if not process_method else process_method
if selection not in SAVE_SET_OPTIONS :
selection = selection . replace ( " " , " _ " )
saved_ensemble_path = os . path . join ( SETTINGS_CACHE_DIR , f ' { selection } .json ' )
if os . path . isfile ( saved_ensemble_path ) :
saved_data = json . load ( open ( saved_ensemble_path ) )
if saved_data :
self . load_saved_settings ( saved_data , chosen_process_method )
if selection == SAVE_SETTINGS :
self . save_current_settings_var . set ( SELECT_SAVED_SET )
self . pop_up_save_current_settings ( )
if selection == RESET_TO_DEFAULT :
self . save_current_settings_var . set ( SELECT_SAVED_SET )
self . load_saved_settings ( DEFAULT_DATA , chosen_process_method )
self . update_checkbox_text ( )
#--Processing Methods--
def process_input_selections ( self ) :
""" Grabbing all audio files from selected directories. """
input_list = [ ]
ext = FFMPEG_EXT if not self . is_accept_any_input_var . get ( ) else ANY_EXT
for i in self . inputPaths :
if os . path . isfile ( i ) :
if i . endswith ( ext ) :
input_list . append ( i )
for root , dirs , files in os . walk ( i ) :
for file in files :
if file . endswith ( ext ) :
file = os . path . join ( root , file )
if os . path . isfile ( file ) :
input_list . append ( file )
self . inputPaths = tuple ( input_list )
def process_preliminary_checks ( self ) :
""" Verifies a valid model is chosen """
if self . wav_type_set_var . get ( ) == ' 32-bit Float ' :
self . wav_type_set = ' FLOAT '
elif self . wav_type_set_var . get ( ) == ' 64-bit Float ' :
self . wav_type_set = ' FLOAT ' if not self . save_format_var . get ( ) == WAV else ' DOUBLE '
else :
self . wav_type_set = self . wav_type_set_var . get ( )
if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == ENSEMBLE_MODE :
continue_process = lambda : False if len ( self . ensemble_listbox_get_all_selected_models ( ) ) < = 1 else True
if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == VR_ARCH_PM :
continue_process = lambda : False if self . vr_model_var . get ( ) == CHOOSE_MODEL else True
if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
continue_process = lambda : False if self . mdx_net_model_var . get ( ) == CHOOSE_MODEL else True
if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
continue_process = lambda : False if self . demucs_model_var . get ( ) == CHOOSE_MODEL else True
return continue_process ( )
def process_storage_check ( self ) :
""" Verifies storage requirments """
total , used , free = shutil . disk_usage ( " / " )
space_details = f ' Detected Total Space: { int ( total / 1.074e+9 ) } GB \' s \n ' + \
f ' Detected Used Space: { int ( used / 1.074e+9 ) } GB \' s \n ' + \
f ' Detected Free Space: { int ( free / 1.074e+9 ) } GB \' s \n '
appropriate_storage = True
if int ( free / 1.074e+9 ) < = int ( 2 ) :
self . error_dialoge ( [ STORAGE_ERROR [ 0 ] , f ' { STORAGE_ERROR [ 1 ] } { space_details } ' ] )
appropriate_storage = False
if int ( free / 1.074e+9 ) in [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ] :
appropriate_storage = self . message_box ( [ STORAGE_WARNING [ 0 ] , f ' { STORAGE_WARNING [ 1 ] } { space_details } { CONFIRM_WARNING } ' ] )
return appropriate_storage
def process_initialize ( self ) :
""" Verifies the input/output directories are valid and prepares to thread the main process. """
if self . inputPaths :
if not os . path . isfile ( self . inputPaths [ 0 ] ) :
self . error_dialoge ( INVALID_INPUT )
else :
self . error_dialoge ( INVALID_INPUT )
if not os . path . isdir ( self . export_path_var . get ( ) ) :
self . error_dialoge ( INVALID_EXPORT )
if not self . process_storage_check ( ) :
if not self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == AUDIO_TOOLS :
if not self . process_preliminary_checks ( ) :
self . error_dialoge ( INVALID_ENSEMBLE if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == ENSEMBLE_MODE else INVALID_MODEL )
self . active_processing_thread = KThread ( target = self . process_start )
self . active_processing_thread . start ( )
else :
self . active_processing_thread = KThread ( target = self . process_tool_start )
self . active_processing_thread . start ( )
def process_button_init ( self ) :
self . command_Text . clear ( )
self . conversion_Button_Text_var . set ( WAIT_PROCESSING )
self . conversion_Button . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED )
def process_get_baseText ( self , total_files , file_num ) :
""" Create the base text for the command widget """
text = ' File {file_num} / {total_files} ' . format ( file_num = file_num ,
total_files = total_files )
return text
def process_update_progress ( self , model_count , total_files , step : float = 1 ) :
""" Calculate the progress for the progress widget in the GUI """
total_count = model_count * total_files
base = ( 100 / total_count )
progress = base * self . iteration - base
progress + = base * step
self . progress_bar_main_var . set ( progress )
self . conversion_Button_Text_var . set ( f ' Process Progress: { int ( progress ) } % ' )
def confirm_stop_process ( self ) :
""" Asks for confirmation before halting active process """
if self . thread_check ( self . active_processing_thread ) :
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
confirm = tk . messagebox . askyesno ( parent = root , title = STOP_PROCESS_CONFIRM [ 0 ] , message = STOP_PROCESS_CONFIRM [ 1 ] )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if confirm :
try :
self . active_processing_thread . terminate ( )
finally :
self . is_process_stopped = True
self . command_Text . write ( ' \n \n Process stopped by user. ' )
else :
self . clear_cache_torch = True
def process_end ( self , error = None ) :
""" End of process actions """
self . cached_sources_clear ( )
self . clear_cache_torch = True
self . conversion_Button_Text_var . set ( START_PROCESSING )
self . conversion_Button . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL )
self . progress_bar_main_var . set ( 0 )
if error :
error_message_box_text = f ' { error_dialouge ( error ) } { ERROR_OCCURED [ 1 ] } '
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
confirm = tk . messagebox . askyesno ( parent = root ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
title = ERROR_OCCURED [ 0 ] ,
message = error_message_box_text )
if confirm :
self . is_confirm_error_var . set ( True )
self . clear_cache_torch = True
self . clear_cache_torch = True
if MODEL_MISSING_CHECK in error_message_box_text :
self . update_checkbox_text ( )
def process_tool_start ( self ) :
""" Start the conversion for all the given mp3 and wav files """
multiple_files = False
stime = time . perf_counter ( )
time_elapsed = lambda : f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } '
self . process_button_init ( )
inputPaths = self . inputPaths
is_verified_audio = True
is_model_sample_mode = self . model_sample_mode_var . get ( )
try :
total_files = len ( inputPaths )
if self . chosen_audio_tool_var . get ( ) == TIME_STRETCH :
audio_tool = AudioTools ( TIME_STRETCH )
self . progress_bar_main_var . set ( 2 )
if self . chosen_audio_tool_var . get ( ) == CHANGE_PITCH :
audio_tool = AudioTools ( CHANGE_PITCH )
self . progress_bar_main_var . set ( 2 )
if self . chosen_audio_tool_var . get ( ) == MANUAL_ENSEMBLE :
audio_tool = Ensembler ( is_manual_ensemble = True )
multiple_files = True
if total_files < = 1 :
self . command_Text . write ( " Not enough files to process. \n " )
self . process_end ( )
if self . chosen_audio_tool_var . get ( ) == ALIGN_INPUTS :
multiple_files = True
audio_tool = AudioTools ( ALIGN_INPUTS )
if not total_files == 2 :
self . command_Text . write ( " You must select exactly 2 inputs! \n " )
self . process_end ( )
for file_num , audio_file in enumerate ( inputPaths , start = 1 ) :
base = ( 100 / total_files )
if audio_tool . audio_tool in [ MANUAL_ENSEMBLE , ALIGN_INPUTS ] :
audio_file_base = f ' { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( inputPaths [ 0 ] ) ) [ 0 ] } '
else :
audio_file_base = f ' { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( audio_file ) ) [ 0 ] } '
self . base_text = self . process_get_baseText ( total_files = total_files , file_num = total_files if multiple_files else file_num )
command_Text = lambda text : self . command_Text . write ( self . base_text + text )
if self . verify_audio ( audio_file ) :
if not audio_tool . audio_tool in [ MANUAL_ENSEMBLE , ALIGN_INPUTS ] :
audio_file = self . create_sample ( audio_file ) if is_model_sample_mode else audio_file
self . command_Text . write ( f ' { NEW_LINE if not file_num == 1 else NO_LINE } { self . base_text } " { os . path . basename ( audio_file ) } \" . { NEW_LINES } ' )
elif audio_tool . audio_tool == ALIGN_INPUTS :
self . command_Text . write ( ' File 1 " {} " {} ' . format ( os . path . basename ( inputPaths [ 0 ] ) , NEW_LINE ) )
self . command_Text . write ( ' File 2 " {} " {} ' . format ( os . path . basename ( inputPaths [ 1 ] ) , NEW_LINES ) )
elif audio_tool . audio_tool == MANUAL_ENSEMBLE :
for n , i in enumerate ( inputPaths ) :
self . command_Text . write ( ' File {} " {} " {} ' . format ( n + 1 , os . path . basename ( i ) , NEW_LINE ) )
self . command_Text . write ( NEW_LINE )
is_verified_audio = True
else :
error_text_console = f ' { self . base_text } " { os . path . basename ( audio_file ) } \" is missing or currupted. \n '
self . command_Text . write ( f ' \n { error_text_console } ' ) if total_files > = 2 else None
is_verified_audio = False
command_Text ( ' Process starting... ' ) if not audio_tool . audio_tool == ALIGN_INPUTS else None
if audio_tool . audio_tool == MANUAL_ENSEMBLE :
self . progress_bar_main_var . set ( 50 )
audio_tool . ensemble_manual ( inputPaths , audio_file_base )
self . progress_bar_main_var . set ( 100 )
self . command_Text . write ( DONE )
if audio_tool . audio_tool == ALIGN_INPUTS :
command_Text ( ' Process starting... \n ' )
audio_file_2_base = f ' { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( inputPaths [ 1 ] ) ) [ 0 ] } '
audio_tool . align_inputs ( inputPaths , audio_file_base , audio_file_2_base , command_Text )
self . command_Text . write ( DONE )
if audio_tool . audio_tool in [ TIME_STRETCH , CHANGE_PITCH ] :
audio_tool . pitch_or_time_shift ( audio_file , audio_file_base )
self . progress_bar_main_var . set ( base * file_num )
self . command_Text . write ( DONE )
if total_files == 1 and not is_verified_audio :
self . command_Text . write ( f ' { error_text_console } \n { PROCESS_FAILED } ' )
self . command_Text . write ( time_elapsed ( ) )
playsound ( FAIL_CHIME ) if self . is_task_complete_var . get ( ) else None
else :
self . command_Text . write ( ' \n Process complete \n {} ' . format ( time_elapsed ( ) ) )
playsound ( COMPLETE_CHIME ) if self . is_task_complete_var . get ( ) else None
self . process_end ( )
except Exception as e :
self . error_log_var . set ( error_text ( self . chosen_audio_tool_var . get ( ) , e ) )
self . command_Text . write ( f ' \n \n { PROCESS_FAILED } ' )
self . command_Text . write ( time_elapsed ( ) )
playsound ( FAIL_CHIME ) if self . is_task_complete_var . get ( ) else None
self . process_end ( error = e )
def process_determine_secondary_model ( self , process_method , main_model_primary_stem , is_primary_stem_only = False , is_secondary_stem_only = False ) :
""" Obtains the correct secondary model data for conversion. """
secondary_model_scale = None
secondary_model = StringVar ( value = NO_MODEL )
if process_method == VR_ARCH_TYPE :
secondary_model_vars = self . vr_secondary_model_vars
if process_method == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
secondary_model_vars = self . mdx_secondary_model_vars
if process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
secondary_model_vars = self . demucs_secondary_model_vars
if main_model_primary_stem in [ VOCAL_STEM , INST_STEM ] :
secondary_model = secondary_model_vars [ " voc_inst_secondary_model " ]
secondary_model_scale = secondary_model_vars [ " voc_inst_secondary_model_scale " ] . get ( )
if main_model_primary_stem in [ OTHER_STEM , NO_OTHER_STEM ] :
secondary_model = secondary_model_vars [ " other_secondary_model " ]
secondary_model_scale = secondary_model_vars [ " other_secondary_model_scale " ] . get ( )
if main_model_primary_stem in [ DRUM_STEM , NO_DRUM_STEM ] :
secondary_model = secondary_model_vars [ " drums_secondary_model " ]
secondary_model_scale = secondary_model_vars [ " drums_secondary_model_scale " ] . get ( )
if main_model_primary_stem in [ BASS_STEM , NO_BASS_STEM ] :
secondary_model = secondary_model_vars [ " bass_secondary_model " ]
secondary_model_scale = secondary_model_vars [ " bass_secondary_model_scale " ] . get ( )
if secondary_model_scale :
secondary_model_scale = float ( secondary_model_scale )
if not secondary_model . get ( ) == NO_MODEL :
secondary_model = ModelData ( secondary_model . get ( ) ,
is_secondary_model = True ,
primary_model_primary_stem = main_model_primary_stem ,
is_primary_model_primary_stem_only = is_primary_stem_only ,
is_primary_model_secondary_stem_only = is_secondary_stem_only )
if not secondary_model . model_status :
secondary_model = None
else :
secondary_model = None
return secondary_model , secondary_model_scale
def process_determine_demucs_pre_proc_model ( self , primary_stem = None ) :
""" Obtains the correct secondary model data for conversion. """
pre_proc_model = None
if not self . demucs_pre_proc_model_var . get ( ) == NO_MODEL and self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_var . get ( ) :
pre_proc_model = ModelData ( self . demucs_pre_proc_model_var . get ( ) ,
primary_model_primary_stem = primary_stem ,
is_pre_proc_model = True )
if not pre_proc_model . model_status :
pre_proc_model = None
else :
pre_proc_model = None
return pre_proc_model
def process_start ( self ) :
""" Start the conversion for all the given mp3 and wav files """
stime = time . perf_counter ( )
time_elapsed = lambda : f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } '
export_path = self . export_path_var . get ( )
is_ensemble = False
true_model_count = 0
self . iteration = 0
is_verified_audio = True
self . process_button_init ( )
inputPaths = self . inputPaths
inputPath_total_len = len ( inputPaths )
is_model_sample_mode = self . model_sample_mode_var . get ( )
try :
if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == ENSEMBLE_MODE :
model , ensemble = self . assemble_model_data ( ) , Ensembler ( )
export_path , is_ensemble = ensemble . ensemble_folder_name , True
if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == VR_ARCH_PM :
model = self . assemble_model_data ( self . vr_model_var . get ( ) , VR_ARCH_TYPE )
if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
model = self . assemble_model_data ( self . mdx_net_model_var . get ( ) , MDX_ARCH_TYPE )
if self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
model = self . assemble_model_data ( self . demucs_model_var . get ( ) , DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE )
self . cached_source_model_list_check ( model )
true_model_4_stem_count = sum ( m . demucs_4_stem_added_count if m . process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE else 0 for m in model )
true_model_pre_proc_model_count = sum ( 2 if m . pre_proc_model_activated else 0 for m in model )
true_model_count = sum ( 2 if m . is_secondary_model_activated else 1 for m in model ) + true_model_4_stem_count + true_model_pre_proc_model_count
for file_num , audio_file in enumerate ( inputPaths , start = 1 ) :
self . cached_sources_clear ( )
base_text = self . process_get_baseText ( total_files = inputPath_total_len , file_num = file_num )
if self . verify_audio ( audio_file ) :
audio_file = self . create_sample ( audio_file ) if is_model_sample_mode else audio_file
self . command_Text . write ( f ' { NEW_LINE if not file_num == 1 else NO_LINE } { base_text } " { os . path . basename ( audio_file ) } \" . { NEW_LINES } ' )
is_verified_audio = True
else :
error_text_console = f ' { base_text } " { os . path . basename ( audio_file ) } \" is missing or currupted. \n '
self . command_Text . write ( f ' \n { error_text_console } ' ) if inputPath_total_len > = 2 else None
self . iteration + = true_model_count
is_verified_audio = False
for current_model_num , current_model in enumerate ( model , start = 1 ) :
self . iteration + = 1
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2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if is_ensemble :
self . command_Text . write ( f ' Ensemble Mode - { current_model . model_basename } - Model { current_model_num } / { len ( model ) } { NEW_LINES } ' )
model_name_text = f ' ( { current_model . model_basename } ) ' if not is_ensemble else ' '
self . command_Text . write ( base_text + f ' Loading model { model_name_text } ... ' )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
progress_kwargs = { ' model_count ' : true_model_count ,
' total_files ' : inputPath_total_len }
set_progress_bar = lambda step , inference_iterations = 0 : self . process_update_progress ( * * progress_kwargs , step = ( step + ( inference_iterations ) ) )
write_to_console = lambda progress_text , base_text = base_text : self . command_Text . write ( base_text + progress_text )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
audio_file_base = f " { file_num } _ { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( audio_file ) ) [ 0 ] } "
audio_file_base = audio_file_base if not self . is_testing_audio_var . get ( ) or is_ensemble else f " { round ( time . time ( ) ) } _ { audio_file_base } "
audio_file_base = audio_file_base if not is_ensemble else f " { audio_file_base } _ { current_model . model_basename } "
audio_file_base = audio_file_base if not self . is_add_model_name_var . get ( ) else f " { audio_file_base } _ { current_model . model_basename } "
if self . is_create_model_folder_var . get ( ) and not is_ensemble :
export_path = os . path . join ( Path ( self . export_path_var . get ( ) ) , current_model . model_basename , os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( audio_file ) ) [ 0 ] )
if not os . path . isdir ( export_path ) : os . makedirs ( export_path )
process_data = {
' model_data ' : current_model ,
' export_path ' : export_path ,
' audio_file_base ' : audio_file_base ,
' audio_file ' : audio_file ,
' set_progress_bar ' : set_progress_bar ,
' write_to_console ' : write_to_console ,
' process_iteration ' : self . process_iteration ,
' cached_source_callback ' : self . cached_source_callback ,
' cached_model_source_holder ' : self . cached_model_source_holder ,
' list_all_models ' : self . all_models ,
' is_ensemble_master ' : is_ensemble ,
' is_4_stem_ensemble ' : True if self . ensemble_main_stem_var . get ( ) == FOUR_STEM_ENSEMBLE and is_ensemble else False }
if current_model . process_method == VR_ARCH_TYPE :
seperator = SeperateVR ( current_model , process_data )
if current_model . process_method == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
seperator = SeperateMDX ( current_model , process_data )
if current_model . process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
seperator = SeperateDemucs ( current_model , process_data )
seperator . seperate ( )
if is_ensemble :
self . command_Text . write ( ' \n ' )
if is_ensemble :
audio_file_base = audio_file_base . replace ( f " _ { current_model . model_basename } " , " " )
self . command_Text . write ( base_text + ENSEMBLING_OUTPUTS )
if self . ensemble_main_stem_var . get ( ) == FOUR_STEM_ENSEMBLE :
for output_stem in DEMUCS_4_SOURCE_LIST :
ensemble . ensemble_outputs ( audio_file_base , export_path , output_stem , is_4_stem = True )
else :
if not self . is_secondary_stem_only_var . get ( ) :
ensemble . ensemble_outputs ( audio_file_base , export_path , PRIMARY_STEM )
if not self . is_primary_stem_only_var . get ( ) :
ensemble . ensemble_outputs ( audio_file_base , export_path , SECONDARY_STEM )
ensemble . ensemble_outputs ( audio_file_base , export_path , SECONDARY_STEM , is_inst_mix = True )
self . command_Text . write ( DONE )
if is_model_sample_mode :
if os . path . isfile ( audio_file ) :
os . remove ( audio_file )
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
shutil . rmtree ( export_path ) if is_ensemble and len ( os . listdir ( export_path ) ) == 0 else None
if inputPath_total_len == 1 and not is_verified_audio :
self . command_Text . write ( f ' { error_text_console } \n { PROCESS_FAILED } ' )
self . command_Text . write ( time_elapsed ( ) )
playsound ( FAIL_CHIME ) if self . is_task_complete_var . get ( ) else None
else :
set_progress_bar ( 1.0 )
self . command_Text . write ( ' \n Process Complete \n ' )
self . command_Text . write ( time_elapsed ( ) )
playsound ( COMPLETE_CHIME ) if self . is_task_complete_var . get ( ) else None
self . process_end ( )
except Exception as e :
2022-12-19 16:26:47 -06:00
self . error_log_var . set ( " {} {} " . format ( error_text ( self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) , e ) , self . get_settings_list ( ) ) )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . command_Text . write ( f ' \n \n { PROCESS_FAILED } ' )
self . command_Text . write ( time_elapsed ( ) )
playsound ( FAIL_CHIME ) if self . is_task_complete_var . get ( ) else None
self . process_end ( error = e )
#--Varible Methods--
def load_to_default_confirm ( self ) :
""" Reset settings confirmation after asking for confirmation """
if self . thread_check ( self . active_processing_thread ) :
self . error_dialoge ( SET_TO_DEFAULT_PROCESS_ERROR )
else :
2022-12-28 03:52:35 -06:00
confirm = tk . messagebox . askyesno ( parent = root , title = RESET_ALL_TO_DEFAULT_WARNING [ 0 ] ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if confirm :
self . load_saved_settings ( DEFAULT_DATA )
def load_saved_vars ( self , data ) :
""" Initializes primary Tkinter vars """
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
for key , value in DEFAULT_DATA . items ( ) :
if not key in data . keys ( ) :
data = { * * data , * * { key : value } }
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . chosen_process_method_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' chosen_process_method ' ] )
#VR Architecture Vars
self . vr_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' vr_model ' ] )
self . aggression_setting_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' aggression_setting ' ] )
self . window_size_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' window_size ' ] )
self . batch_size_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' batch_size ' ] )
self . crop_size_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' crop_size ' ] )
self . is_tta_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_tta ' ] )
self . is_output_image_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_output_image ' ] )
self . is_post_process_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_post_process ' ] )
self . is_high_end_process_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_high_end_process ' ] )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . post_process_threshold_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' post_process_threshold ' ] )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' vr_voc_inst_secondary_model ' ] )
self . vr_other_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' vr_other_secondary_model ' ] )
self . vr_bass_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' vr_bass_secondary_model ' ] )
self . vr_drums_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' vr_drums_secondary_model ' ] )
self . vr_is_secondary_model_activate_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' vr_is_secondary_model_activate ' ] )
self . vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . vr_other_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' vr_other_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . vr_bass_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' vr_bass_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . vr_drums_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' vr_drums_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
#Demucs Vars
self . demucs_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_model ' ] )
self . segment_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' segment ' ] )
self . overlap_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' overlap ' ] )
self . shifts_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' shifts ' ] )
self . chunks_demucs_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' chunks_demucs ' ] )
self . margin_demucs_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' margin_demucs ' ] )
self . is_chunk_demucs_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_chunk_demucs ' ] )
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_primary_stem_only_Demucs ' ] )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs ' ] )
self . is_split_mode_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_split_mode ' ] )
self . is_demucs_combine_stems_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_demucs_combine_stems ' ] )
self . demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model ' ] )
self . demucs_other_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_other_secondary_model ' ] )
self . demucs_bass_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_bass_secondary_model ' ] )
self . demucs_drums_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_drums_secondary_model ' ] )
self . demucs_is_secondary_model_activate_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_is_secondary_model_activate ' ] )
self . demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . demucs_other_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_other_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . demucs_bass_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_bass_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . demucs_drums_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_drums_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . demucs_pre_proc_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' demucs_pre_proc_model ' ] )
self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate ' ] )
self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix ' ] )
#MDX-Net Vars
self . mdx_net_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' mdx_net_model ' ] )
self . chunks_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' chunks ' ] )
self . margin_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' margin ' ] )
self . compensate_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' compensate ' ] )
self . is_denoise_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_denoise ' ] )
self . is_invert_spec_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_invert_spec ' ] )
self . mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model ' ] )
self . mdx_other_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' mdx_other_secondary_model ' ] )
self . mdx_bass_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' mdx_bass_secondary_model ' ] )
self . mdx_drums_secondary_model_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' mdx_drums_secondary_model ' ] )
self . mdx_is_secondary_model_activate_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' mdx_is_secondary_model_activate ' ] )
self . mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . mdx_other_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' mdx_other_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . mdx_bass_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' mdx_bass_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . mdx_drums_secondary_model_scale_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' mdx_drums_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
#Ensemble Vars
self . is_save_all_outputs_ensemble_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_save_all_outputs_ensemble ' ] )
self . is_append_ensemble_name_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_append_ensemble_name ' ] )
#Audio Tool Vars
self . chosen_audio_tool_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' chosen_audio_tool ' ] )
self . choose_algorithm_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' choose_algorithm ' ] )
self . time_stretch_rate_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' time_stretch_rate ' ] )
self . pitch_rate_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' pitch_rate ' ] )
#Shared Vars
self . mp3_bit_set_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' mp3_bit_set ' ] )
self . save_format_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' save_format ' ] )
self . wav_type_set_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' wav_type_set ' ] )
self . user_code_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' user_code ' ] )
self . is_gpu_conversion_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_gpu_conversion ' ] )
self . is_primary_stem_only_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_primary_stem_only ' ] )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_secondary_stem_only ' ] )
self . is_testing_audio_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_testing_audio ' ] )
self . is_add_model_name_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_add_model_name ' ] )
self . is_accept_any_input_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_accept_any_input ' ] )
self . is_task_complete_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_task_complete ' ] )
self . is_normalization_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_normalization ' ] )
self . is_create_model_folder_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' is_create_model_folder ' ] )
self . help_hints_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' help_hints_var ' ] )
self . model_sample_mode_var = tk . BooleanVar ( value = data [ ' model_sample_mode ' ] )
self . model_sample_mode_duration_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' model_sample_mode_duration ' ] )
self . model_sample_mode_duration_checkbox_var = tk . StringVar ( value = SAMPLE_MODE_CHECKBOX ( self . model_sample_mode_duration_var . get ( ) ) )
#Path Vars
self . export_path_var = tk . StringVar ( value = data [ ' export_path ' ] )
self . inputPaths = data [ ' input_paths ' ]
self . lastDir = data [ ' lastDir ' ]
def load_saved_settings ( self , loaded_setting : dict , process_method = None ) :
""" Loads user saved application settings or resets to default """
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
for key , value in DEFAULT_DATA . items ( ) :
if not key in loaded_setting . keys ( ) :
loaded_setting = { * * loaded_setting , * * { key : value } }
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
if not process_method or process_method == VR_ARCH_PM :
self . vr_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' vr_model ' ] )
self . aggression_setting_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' aggression_setting ' ] )
self . window_size_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' window_size ' ] )
self . batch_size_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' batch_size ' ] )
self . crop_size_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' crop_size ' ] )
self . is_tta_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_tta ' ] )
self . is_output_image_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_output_image ' ] )
self . is_post_process_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_post_process ' ] )
self . is_high_end_process_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_high_end_process ' ] )
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
self . post_process_threshold_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' post_process_threshold ' ] )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
self . vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' vr_voc_inst_secondary_model ' ] )
self . vr_other_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' vr_other_secondary_model ' ] )
self . vr_bass_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' vr_bass_secondary_model ' ] )
self . vr_drums_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' vr_drums_secondary_model ' ] )
self . vr_is_secondary_model_activate_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' vr_is_secondary_model_activate ' ] )
self . vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . vr_other_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' vr_other_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . vr_bass_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' vr_bass_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . vr_drums_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' vr_drums_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
if not process_method or process_method == DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE :
self . demucs_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_model ' ] )
self . segment_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' segment ' ] )
self . overlap_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' overlap ' ] )
self . shifts_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' shifts ' ] )
self . chunks_demucs_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' chunks_demucs ' ] )
self . margin_demucs_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' margin_demucs ' ] )
self . is_chunk_demucs_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_chunk_demucs ' ] )
self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_primary_stem_only_Demucs ' ] )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs ' ] )
self . is_split_mode_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_split_mode ' ] )
self . is_demucs_combine_stems_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_demucs_combine_stems ' ] )
self . demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model ' ] )
self . demucs_other_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_other_secondary_model ' ] )
self . demucs_bass_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_bass_secondary_model ' ] )
self . demucs_drums_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_drums_secondary_model ' ] )
self . demucs_is_secondary_model_activate_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_is_secondary_model_activate ' ] )
self . demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . demucs_other_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_other_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . demucs_bass_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_bass_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . demucs_drums_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_drums_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . demucs_stems_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' demucs_stems ' ] )
self . update_stem_checkbox_labels ( self . demucs_stems_var . get ( ) , demucs = True )
self . demucs_pre_proc_model_var . set ( data [ ' demucs_pre_proc_model ' ] )
self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_var . set ( data [ ' is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate ' ] )
self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_var . set ( data [ ' is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix ' ] )
if not process_method or process_method == MDX_ARCH_TYPE :
self . mdx_net_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mdx_net_model ' ] )
self . chunks_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' chunks ' ] )
self . margin_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' margin ' ] )
self . compensate_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' compensate ' ] )
self . is_denoise_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_denoise ' ] )
self . is_invert_spec_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_invert_spec ' ] )
self . mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model ' ] )
self . mdx_other_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mdx_other_secondary_model ' ] )
self . mdx_bass_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mdx_bass_secondary_model ' ] )
self . mdx_drums_secondary_model_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mdx_drums_secondary_model ' ] )
self . mdx_is_secondary_model_activate_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mdx_is_secondary_model_activate ' ] )
self . mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . mdx_other_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mdx_other_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . mdx_bass_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mdx_bass_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
self . mdx_drums_secondary_model_scale_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mdx_drums_secondary_model_scale ' ] )
if not process_method :
self . is_save_all_outputs_ensemble_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_save_all_outputs_ensemble ' ] )
self . is_append_ensemble_name_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_append_ensemble_name ' ] )
self . chosen_audio_tool_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' chosen_audio_tool ' ] )
self . choose_algorithm_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' choose_algorithm ' ] )
self . time_stretch_rate_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' time_stretch_rate ' ] )
self . pitch_rate_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' pitch_rate ' ] )
self . is_primary_stem_only_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_primary_stem_only ' ] )
self . is_secondary_stem_only_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_secondary_stem_only ' ] )
self . is_testing_audio_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_testing_audio ' ] )
self . is_add_model_name_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_add_model_name ' ] )
self . is_accept_any_input_var . set ( loaded_setting [ " is_accept_any_input " ] )
self . is_task_complete_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_task_complete ' ] )
self . is_create_model_folder_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_create_model_folder ' ] )
self . mp3_bit_set_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' mp3_bit_set ' ] )
self . save_format_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' save_format ' ] )
self . wav_type_set_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' wav_type_set ' ] )
self . user_code_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' user_code ' ] )
self . is_gpu_conversion_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_gpu_conversion ' ] )
self . is_normalization_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' is_normalization ' ] )
self . help_hints_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' help_hints_var ' ] )
self . model_sample_mode_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' model_sample_mode ' ] )
self . model_sample_mode_duration_var . set ( loaded_setting [ ' model_sample_mode_duration ' ] )
self . model_sample_mode_duration_checkbox_var . set ( SAMPLE_MODE_CHECKBOX ( self . model_sample_mode_duration_var . get ( ) ) )
def save_values ( self , app_close = True ) :
""" Saves application data """
# -Save Data-
main_settings = {
' vr_model ' : self . vr_model_var . get ( ) ,
' aggression_setting ' : self . aggression_setting_var . get ( ) ,
' window_size ' : self . window_size_var . get ( ) ,
' batch_size ' : self . batch_size_var . get ( ) ,
' crop_size ' : self . crop_size_var . get ( ) ,
' is_tta ' : self . is_tta_var . get ( ) ,
' is_output_image ' : self . is_output_image_var . get ( ) ,
' is_post_process ' : self . is_post_process_var . get ( ) ,
' is_high_end_process ' : self . is_high_end_process_var . get ( ) ,
2022-12-21 04:18:16 -06:00
' post_process_threshold ' : self . post_process_threshold_var . get ( ) ,
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
' vr_voc_inst_secondary_model ' : self . vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' vr_other_secondary_model ' : self . vr_other_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' vr_bass_secondary_model ' : self . vr_bass_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' vr_drums_secondary_model ' : self . vr_drums_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' vr_is_secondary_model_activate ' : self . vr_is_secondary_model_activate_var . get ( ) ,
' vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' : self . vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' vr_other_secondary_model_scale ' : self . vr_other_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' vr_bass_secondary_model_scale ' : self . vr_bass_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' vr_drums_secondary_model_scale ' : self . vr_drums_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_model ' : self . demucs_model_var . get ( ) ,
' segment ' : self . segment_var . get ( ) ,
' overlap ' : self . overlap_var . get ( ) ,
' shifts ' : self . shifts_var . get ( ) ,
' chunks_demucs ' : self . chunks_demucs_var . get ( ) ,
' margin_demucs ' : self . margin_demucs_var . get ( ) ,
' is_chunk_demucs ' : self . is_chunk_demucs_var . get ( ) ,
' is_primary_stem_only_Demucs ' : self . is_primary_stem_only_Demucs_var . get ( ) ,
' is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs ' : self . is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs_var . get ( ) ,
' is_split_mode ' : self . is_split_mode_var . get ( ) ,
' is_demucs_combine_stems ' : self . is_demucs_combine_stems_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model ' : self . demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_other_secondary_model ' : self . demucs_other_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_bass_secondary_model ' : self . demucs_bass_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_drums_secondary_model ' : self . demucs_drums_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_is_secondary_model_activate ' : self . demucs_is_secondary_model_activate_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' : self . demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_other_secondary_model_scale ' : self . demucs_other_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_bass_secondary_model_scale ' : self . demucs_bass_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_drums_secondary_model_scale ' : self . demucs_drums_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' demucs_pre_proc_model ' : self . demucs_pre_proc_model_var . get ( ) ,
' is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate ' : self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate_var . get ( ) ,
' is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix ' : self . is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix_var . get ( ) ,
' mdx_net_model ' : self . mdx_net_model_var . get ( ) ,
' chunks ' : self . chunks_var . get ( ) ,
' margin ' : self . margin_var . get ( ) ,
' compensate ' : self . compensate_var . get ( ) ,
' is_denoise ' : self . is_denoise_var . get ( ) ,
' is_invert_spec ' : self . is_invert_spec_var . get ( ) ,
' mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model ' : self . mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' mdx_other_secondary_model ' : self . mdx_other_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' mdx_bass_secondary_model ' : self . mdx_bass_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' mdx_drums_secondary_model ' : self . mdx_drums_secondary_model_var . get ( ) ,
' mdx_is_secondary_model_activate ' : self . mdx_is_secondary_model_activate_var . get ( ) ,
' mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale ' : self . mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' mdx_other_secondary_model_scale ' : self . mdx_other_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' mdx_bass_secondary_model_scale ' : self . mdx_bass_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' mdx_drums_secondary_model_scale ' : self . mdx_drums_secondary_model_scale_var . get ( ) ,
' is_save_all_outputs_ensemble ' : self . is_save_all_outputs_ensemble_var . get ( ) ,
' is_append_ensemble_name ' : self . is_append_ensemble_name_var . get ( ) ,
' chosen_audio_tool ' : self . chosen_audio_tool_var . get ( ) ,
' choose_algorithm ' : self . choose_algorithm_var . get ( ) ,
' time_stretch_rate ' : self . time_stretch_rate_var . get ( ) ,
' pitch_rate ' : self . pitch_rate_var . get ( ) ,
' is_gpu_conversion ' : self . is_gpu_conversion_var . get ( ) ,
' is_primary_stem_only ' : self . is_primary_stem_only_var . get ( ) ,
' is_secondary_stem_only ' : self . is_secondary_stem_only_var . get ( ) ,
' is_testing_audio ' : self . is_testing_audio_var . get ( ) ,
' is_add_model_name ' : self . is_add_model_name_var . get ( ) ,
' is_accept_any_input ' : self . is_add_model_name_var . get ( ) ,
' is_task_complete ' : self . is_task_complete_var . get ( ) ,
' is_normalization ' : self . is_normalization_var . get ( ) ,
' is_create_model_folder ' : self . is_create_model_folder_var . get ( ) ,
' mp3_bit_set ' : self . mp3_bit_set_var . get ( ) ,
' save_format ' : self . save_format_var . get ( ) ,
' wav_type_set ' : self . wav_type_set_var . get ( ) ,
' user_code ' : self . user_code_var . get ( ) ,
' help_hints_var ' : self . help_hints_var . get ( ) ,
' model_sample_mode ' : self . model_sample_mode_var . get ( ) ,
' model_sample_mode_duration ' : self . model_sample_mode_duration_var . get ( )
other_data = {
' chosen_process_method ' : self . chosen_process_method_var . get ( ) ,
' input_paths ' : self . inputPaths ,
' lastDir ' : self . lastDir ,
' export_path ' : self . export_path_var . get ( ) ,
' model_hash_table ' : model_hash_table ,
user_saved_extras = {
' demucs_stems ' : self . demucs_stems_var . get ( ) }
if app_close :
save_data ( data = { * * main_settings , * * other_data } )
if self . thread_check ( self . active_download_thread ) :
self . error_dialoge ( EXIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR )
if self . thread_check ( self . active_processing_thread ) :
if self . is_process_stopped :
self . error_dialoge ( EXIT_HALTED_PROCESS_ERROR )
else :
self . error_dialoge ( EXIT_PROCESS_ERROR )
remove_temps ( ENSEMBLE_TEMP_PATH )
remove_temps ( SAMPLE_CLIP_PATH )
self . delete_temps ( )
self . destroy ( )
else :
return { * * main_settings , * * user_saved_extras }
2022-12-19 16:26:47 -06:00
def get_settings_list ( self ) :
settings_dict = self . save_values ( app_close = False )
settings_list = ' \n ' . join ( ' ' . join ( f " { key } : { value } " ) for key , value in settings_dict . items ( ) if not key == ' user_code ' )
return f " \n Full Application Settings: \n \n { settings_list } "
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
def secondary_stem ( stem ) :
""" Determines secondary stem """
for key , value in STEM_PAIR_MAPPER . items ( ) :
if stem in key :
secondary_stem = value
return secondary_stem
def vip_downloads ( password , link_type = VIP_REPO ) :
""" Attempts to decrypt VIP model link with given input code """
try :
kdf = PBKDF2HMAC (
algorithm = hashes . SHA256 ( ) ,
length = 32 ,
salt = link_type [ 0 ] ,
iterations = 390000 , )
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
key = base64 . urlsafe_b64encode ( kdf . derive ( bytes ( password , ' utf-8 ' ) ) )
f = Fernet ( key )
return str ( f . decrypt ( link_type [ 1 ] ) , ' UTF-8 ' )
except Exception :
return NO_CODE
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
try :
from ctypes import windll , wintypes
windll . user32 . SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext ( wintypes . HANDLE ( - 1 ) )
except Exception as e :
2022-12-29 21:07:23 -06:00
if OPERATING_SYSTEM == ' Windows ' :
print ( e )
2022-12-18 21:18:56 -06:00
root = MainWindow ( )
root . update_checkbox_text ( )
2022-12-30 04:09:22 -06:00
root . mainloop ( )