This application uses state-of-the-art source separation models to remove vocals from audio files. UVR's core developers trained all of the models provided in this package (except for the Demucs helper model).
This installation bundle contains the UVR interface, Python (stripped to the bare essentials), PyTorch, and other dependencies needed to run the application effectively. No prerequisite installs required.
- The Model Expansion Pack can be downloaded [here](
This application can be run on Mac & Linux by performing a manual install (see the **Manual Developer Installation** section below for more information). Some features may not be available on non-Windows platforms.
- The application will automatically remember your settings when closed.
- Conversion times will significantly depend on your hardware.
- These models are computationally intensive. Processing times might be slow on older or budget hardware. Please proceed with caution and pay attention to your PC to ensure it doesn't overheat. ***We are not responsible for any hardware damage.***
Please be as detailed as possible when posting a new issue.
If possible, click the "Help Guide" button to the left of the "Start Processing" button and navigate to the "Error Log" tab for detailed error information that can be provided to us.
5. Extract the the folders within the to the *ultimatevocalremovergui-master/models* directory.
6. Download the SoX archive [here]( and extract the contents into the *ultimatevocalremovergui-master/lib_v5/sox* directory.
7. Open the command prompt from the ultimatevocalremovergui-master directory and run the following commands, separately -
- FFmpeg must be installed and configured for the application to process any track that isn't a *.wav* file. You will need to look up instruction on how to configure it on your operating system.
- **Please Note:** For all third-party application developers who wish to use our models, please honor the MIT license by providing credit to UVR and its developers.
- For anyone interested in the ongoing development of **Ultimate Vocal Remover GUI**, please send us a pull request, and we will review it. This project is 100% open-source and free for anyone to use and modify as they wish.