INVALID_INPUT='Invalid Input','The input is invalid.\n\nPlease verify the input still exists or is valid and try again.'
INVALID_EXPORT='Invalid Export Directory','You have selected an invalid export directory.\n\nPlease make sure the selected directory still exists.'
INVALID_ENSEMBLE='Not Enough Models','You must select 2 or more models to run ensemble.'
INVALID_MODEL='No Model Chosen','You must select an model to continue.'
MISSING_MODEL='Model Missing','The selected model is missing or not valid.'
ERROR_OCCURED='Error Occured','\n\nWould you like to open the error log for more details?\n'
# GUI Text Constants
BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU='Back to Main Menu'
# Help Hint Text
INTERNAL_MODEL_ATT='Internal model attribute. \n\n ***Do not change this setting if you are unsure!***'
STOP_HELP='Halts any running processes. \n A pop-up window will ask the user to confirm the action.'
SETTINGS_HELP='Opens the main settings guide. This window includes the \"Download Center\"'
COMMAND_TEXT_HELP='Provides information on the progress of the current process.'
SAVE_CURRENT_SETTINGS_HELP='Allows the user to open any saved settings or save the current application settings.'
CHUNKS_HELP=('This option allows the user to reduce (or increase) RAM or V-RAM usage.\n\n'+ \
'• Smaller chunk sizes use less RAM or V-RAM but can also increase processing times.\n'+ \
'• Larger chunk sizes use more RAM or V-RAM but can also reduce processing times.\n'+ \
'• Selecting \"Auto\" calculates an appropriate chuck size based on how much RAM or V-RAM your system has.\n'+ \
'• Selecting \"Full\" will process the track as one whole chunk.\n'+ \
'• This option is only recommended for those with powerful PCs.\n'+\
'• The default selection is \"Auto\".')
MARGIN_HELP='Selects the frequency margins to slice the chunks from.\n\n• The recommended margin size is 44100.\n• Other values can give unpredictable results.'
AGGRESSION_SETTING_HELP=('This option allows you to set how strong the primary stem extraction will be.\n\n'+ \
'• The default is 10 for instrumental & vocal models.\n'+ \
'• Values over 10 can result in muddy-sounding instrumentals for the non-vocal models')
WINDOW_SIZE_HELP=('The smaller your window size, the better your conversions will be. \nHowever, a smaller window means longer conversion times and heavier resource usage.\n\n'+ \
'Breakdown of the selectable window size values:\n'+ \
'• 512 - Average conversion quality, average conversion time, normal resource usage.\n'+ \
'• 320 - Better conversion quality.')
DEMUCS_STEMS_HELP=('Here, you can choose which stem to extract using the selected model.\n\n'+\
'Stem Selections:\n\n'+\
'• All Stems - Saves all of the stems the model is able to extract.\n'+\
'• Vocals - Pulls vocal stem only.\n'+\
'• Other - Pulls other stem only.\n'+\
'• Bass - Pulls bass stem only.\n'+\
'• Drums - Pulls drum stem only.\n')
SEGMENT_HELP=('This option allows the user to reduce (or increase) RAM or V-RAM usage.\n\n'+ \
'• Smaller segment sizes use less RAM or V-RAM but can also increase processing times.\n'+ \
'• Larger segment sizes use more RAM or V-RAM but can also reduce processing times.\n'+ \
'• Selecting \"Default\" uses the recommended segment size.\n'+ \
'• It is recommended that you not use segments with \"Chunking\".')
ENSEMBLE_MAIN_STEM_HELP='Allows the user to select the type of stems they wish to ensemble.\n\nOptions:\n\n'+\
f'• {VOCAL_PAIR} - The primary stem will be the vocals and the secondary stem will be the the instrumental\n'+\
f'• {OTHER_PAIR} - The primary stem will be other and the secondary stem will be no other (the mixture without the \'other\' stem)\n'+\
f'• {BASS_PAIR} - The primary stem will be bass and the secondary stem will be no bass (the mixture without the \'bass\' stem)\n'+\
f'• {DRUM_PAIR} - The primary stem will be drums and the secondary stem will be no drums (the mixture without the \'drums\' stem)\n'+\
f'• {FOUR_STEM_ENSEMBLE} - This option will gather all the 4 stem Demucs models and ensemble all of the outputs.\n'
ENSEMBLE_TYPE_HELP='Allows the user to select the ensemble algorithm to be used to generate the final output.\n\nExample & Other Note:\n\n'+\
f'• {MAX_MIN} - If this option is chosen, the primary stem outputs will be processed through \nthe \'Max Spec\' algorithm, and the secondary stem will be processed through the \'Min Spec\' algorithm.\n'+\
f'• Only a single algorithm will be shown when the \'4 Stem Ensemble\' option is chosen.\n\nAlgorithm Details:\n\n'+\
f'• {MAX_SPEC} - This algorithm combines the final results and generates the highest possible output from them.\nFor example, if this algorithm were processing vocal stems, you would get the fullest possible \n'+\
'result making the ensembled vocal stem sound cleaner. However, it might result in more unwanted artifacts.\n'+\
f'• {MIN_SPEC} - This algorithm combines the results and generates the lowest possible output from them.\nFor example, if this algorithm were processing instrumental stems, you would get the cleanest possible result \n'+\
'result, eliminating more unwanted artifacts. However, the result might also sound \'muddy\' and lack a fuller sound.\n'+\
f'• {AUDIO_AVERAGE} - This algorithm simply combines the results and averages all of them together. \n'
ENSEMBLE_LISTBOX_HELP='List of the all the models available for the main stem pair selected.'
IS_GPU_CONVERSION_HELP=('When checked, the application will attempt to use your GPU (if you have one).\n'+\
'If you do not have a GPU but have this checked, the application will default to your CPU.\n\n'+\
'Note: CPU conversions are much slower than those processed through the GPU.')
SAVE_STEM_ONLY_HELP='Allows the user to save only the selected stem.'
IS_NORMALIZATION_HELP='Normalizes output to prevent clipping.'
CROP_SIZE_HELP='**Only compatible with select models only!**\n\n Setting should match training crop-size value. Leave as is if unsure.'
BATCH_SIZE_HELP='**Only compatible with select models only!**\n\n Lower values allows for less resource usage but longer conversion times.'
IS_TTA_HELP=('This option performs Test-Time-Augmentation to improve the separation quality.\n\n'+\
'Note: Having this selected will increase the time it takes to complete a conversion')
IS_POST_PROCESS_HELP=('This option can potentially identify leftover instrumental artifacts within the vocal outputs. \nThis option may improve the separation of some songs.\n\n'+\
'Note: Selecting this option can adversely affect the conversion process, depending on the track. Because of this, it is only recommended as a last resort.')
IS_HIGH_END_PROCESS_HELP='The application will mirror the missing frequency range of the output.'
SHIFTS_HELP=('Performs multiple predictions with random shifts of the input and averages them.\n\n'+\
'• The higher number of shifts, the longer the prediction will take. \n- Not recommended unless you have a GPU.')
OVERLAP_HELP='This option controls the amount of overlap between prediction windows (for Demucs one window is 10 seconds)'
IS_CHUNK_DEMUCS_HELP='• Enables the using \"Chunks\".\n• We recommend you not enable this option with \"Split Mode\" enabled or with the Demucs v4 Models.'
IS_SPLIT_MODE_HELP=('• Enables \"Segments\". \n• We recommend you not enable this option with \"Enable Chunks\".\n'+\
'• Deselecting this option is only recommended for those with powerful PCs or if using \"Chunk\" mode instead.')
IS_DEMUCS_COMBINE_STEMS_HELP='The application will create the secondary stem by combining the remaining stems \ninstead of inverting the primary stem with the mixture.'
COMPENSATE_HELP='Compensates the audio of the primary stems to allow for a better secondary stem.'
IS_DENOISE_HELP='• This option removes a majority of the noise generated by the MDX-Net models.\n• The conversion will take nearly twice as long with this enabled.'
CLEAR_CACHE_HELP='Clears any user selected model settings for previously unrecognized models.'
IS_SAVE_ALL_OUTPUTS_ENSEMBLE_HELP='Enabling this option will keep all indivudual outputs generated by an ensemble.'
IS_APPEND_ENSEMBLE_NAME_HELP='The application will append the ensemble name to the final output \nwhen this option is enabled.'
DONATE_HELP='Takes the user to an external web-site to donate to this project!'
IS_INVERT_SPEC_HELP='• This option may produce a better secondary stem.\n• Inverts primary stem with mixture using spectragrams instead of wavforms.\n• This inversion method is slightly slower.'
IS_TESTING_AUDIO_HELP='Appends a unique 10 digit number to output files so the user \ncan compare results with different settings.'
IS_MODEL_TESTING_AUDIO_HELP='Appends the model name to output files so the user \ncan compare results with different settings.'
IS_ACCEPT_ANY_INPUT_HELP='The application will accept any input when enabled, even if it does not have an audio format extension.\n\nThis is for experimental purposes, and having it enabled is not recommended.'
IS_TASK_COMPLETE_HELP='When enabled, chimes will be heard when a process completes or fails.'
IS_CREATE_MODEL_FOLDER_HELP='Two new directories will be generated for the outputs in \nthe export directory after each conversion.\n\n'+\
'• First directory - Named after the model.\n'+\
'• Second directory - Named after the track.\n\n'+\
'• Example: \n\n'+\
'─ Export Directory\n'+\
' └── First Directory\n'+\
' └── Second Directory\n'+\
' └── Output File(s)'
DELETE_YOUR_SETTINGS_HELP='This menu contains your saved settings. You will be asked to \nconfirm if you wish to delete the selected setting.'
SET_STEM_NAME_HELP='Choose the primary stem for the selected model.'
MDX_N_FFT_SCALE_SET_HELP='Set the N_FFT size the model was trained with.'
POPUP_COMPENSATE_HELP=f'Choose the appropriate voluem compensattion for the selected model\n\nReminder: {COMPENSATE_HELP}'
VR_MODEL_PARAM_HELP='Choose the parameters needed to run the selected model.'
CHOSEN_ENSEMBLE_HELP='Select saved enselble or save current ensemble.\n\nDefault Selections:\n\n• Save the current ensemble.\n• Clears all current model selections.'
CHOSEN_PROCESS_METHOD_HELP='Here, you choose between different Al networks and algorithms to process your track.\n\n'+\
OUTPUT_FOLDER_ENTRY_HELP='Select Output:\n\nHere is where you select the directory where your processed files are to be saved.'
INPUT_FOLDER_BUTTON_HELP='Open Input Folder Button: \n\nOpens the directory containing the selected input audio file(s).'
OUTPUT_FOLDER_BUTTON_HELP='Open Output Folder Button: \n\nOpens the selected output folder.'
CHOOSE_MODEL_HELP='Each process method comes with its own set of options and models.\n\nHere is where you choose the model associated with the selected process method.'
FORMAT_SETTING_HELP='Save outputs as '
SECONDARY_MODEL_ACTIVATE_HELP='When enabled, the application will run an additional inference with the selected model(s) above.'
SECONDARY_MODEL_HELP='Choose the secondary model associated with this stem you wish to run with the current process method.'
SECONDARY_MODEL_SCALE_HELP='The scale determines how the final audio outputs will be averaged between the primary and secondary models.\n\nFor example:\n\n'+\
'• 10% - 10 percent of the main model result will be factored into the final result.\n'+\
'• 50% - The results from the main and secondary models will be averaged evenly.\n'+\
'• 90% - 90 percent of the main model result will be factored into the final result.'
PRE_PROC_MODEL_ACTIVATE_HELP='The application will run an inference with the selected model above, pulling only the instrumental stem when enabled. \nFrom there, all of the non-vocal stems will be pulled from the generated instrumental.\n\nNotes:\n\n'+\
'• This option can significantly reduce vocal bleed within the non-vocal stems.\n'+\
'• It is only available in Demucs.\n'+\
'• It is only compatible with non-vocal and non-instrumental stem outputs.\n'+\
'• This will increase thetotal processing time.\n'+\
'• Only VR and MDX-Net Vocal or Instrumental models are selectable above.'
AUDIO_TOOLS_HELP='Here, you choose between different audio tools to process your track.\n\n'+\
'• Manual Ensemble - You must have 2 or more files selected as your inputs. Allows the user to run their tracks through \nthe same algorithms used in Ensemble Mode.\n'+\
'• Align Inputs - You must have exactly 2 files selected as your inputs. The second input will be aligned with the first input.\n'+\
'• Time Stretch - The user can speed up or slow down the selected inputs.\n'+\
'• Change Pitch - The user can change the pitch for the selected inputs.\n'
PRE_PROC_MODEL_INST_MIX_HELP='When enabled, the application will generate a third output without the selected stem and vocals.'
MODEL_SAMPLE_MODE_HELP='Allows the user to process only part of a track to sample settings or a model without \nrunning a full conversion.\n\nNotes:\n\n'+\
'• The number in the parentheses is the current number of seconds the generated sample will be.\n'+\
'• You can choose the number of seconds to extract from the track in the \"Additional Settings\" menu.'
STORAGE_ERROR='Insufficient Storage','There is not enough storage on main drive to continue. Your main drive must have at least 3 GB\'s of storage in order for this application function properly. \n\nPlease ensure your main drive has at least 3 GB\'s of storage and try again.\n\n'
STORAGE_WARNING='Available Storage Low','Your main drive is running low on storage. Your main drive must have at least 3 GB\'s of storage in order for this application function properly.\n\n'
CONFIRM_WARNING='\nAre you sure you wish to continue?'
PROCESS_FAILED='Process failed, please see error log\n'
EXIT_PROCESS_ERROR='Active Process','Please stop the active process or wait for it to complete before you exit.'
EXIT_HALTED_PROCESS_ERROR='Halting Process','Please wait for the application to finish halting the process before exiting.'
EXIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR='Active Download','Please stop the download or wait for it to complete before you exit.'
SET_TO_DEFAULT_PROCESS_ERROR='Active Process','You cannot reset all of the application settings during an active process.'
SET_TO_ANY_PROCESS_ERROR='Active Process','You cannot reset the application settings during an active process.'
RESET_ALL_TO_DEFAULT_WARNING='Reset Settings Confirmation','All application settings will be set to factory default.\n\nAre you sure you wish to continue?'