2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
import os
from pathlib import Path
import os . path
from datetime import datetime
import pydub
import shutil
from random import randrange
import soundfile as sf
import torch
import numpy as np
from demucs . pretrained import get_model as _gm
from demucs . hdemucs import HDemucs
from demucs . apply import BagOfModels , apply_model
from demucs . audio import AudioFile
import time
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import warnings
import sys
import librosa
import psutil
from lib_v5 import spec_utils
from lib_v5 . model_param_init import ModelParameters
import torch
# Command line text parsing and widget manipulation
import tkinter as tk
import traceback # Error Message Recent Calls
import time # Timer
class Predictor ( ) :
def __init__ ( self ) :
def prediction_setup ( self ) :
global device
if data [ ' gpu ' ] > = 0 :
device = torch . device ( ' cuda:0 ' if torch . cuda . is_available ( ) else ' cpu ' )
if data [ ' gpu ' ] == - 1 :
device = torch . device ( ' cpu ' )
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
self . demucs = HDemucs ( sources = [ " drums " , " bass " , " other " , " vocals " ] )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Loading Demucs model... ' )
update_progress ( * * progress_kwargs ,
step = 0.05 )
path_d = Path ( ' models/Demucs_Models ' )
print ( ' What Demucs model was chosen? ' , data [ ' DemucsModel ' ] )
self . demucs = _gm ( name = data [ ' DemucsModel ' ] , repo = path_d )
widget_text . write ( ' Done! \n ' )
if ' UVR ' in data [ ' DemucsModel ' ] :
widget_text . write ( base_text + " 2 stem model selected. \n " )
if isinstance ( self . demucs , BagOfModels ) :
widget_text . write ( base_text + f " Selected model is a bag of { len ( self . demucs . models ) } models. \n " )
if data [ ' segment ' ] == ' None ' :
segment = None
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
if isinstance ( self . demucs , BagOfModels ) :
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
if segment is not None :
for sub in self . demucs . models :
sub . segment = segment
else :
if segment is not None :
sub . segment = segment
else :
try :
segment = int ( data [ ' segment ' ] )
if isinstance ( self . demucs , BagOfModels ) :
if segment is not None :
for sub in self . demucs . models :
sub . segment = segment
else :
if segment is not None :
sub . segment = segment
widget_text . write ( base_text + " Segments set to " f " { segment } . \n " )
except :
segment = None
if isinstance ( self . demucs , BagOfModels ) :
if segment is not None :
for sub in self . demucs . models :
sub . segment = segment
else :
if segment is not None :
sub . segment = segment
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
self . demucs . to ( device )
self . demucs . eval ( )
update_progress ( * * progress_kwargs ,
step = 0.1 )
def prediction ( self , m ) :
mix , samplerate = librosa . load ( m , mono = False , sr = 44100 )
if mix . ndim == 1 :
mix = np . asfortranarray ( [ mix , mix ] )
mix = mix . T
sources = self . demix ( mix . T )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Inferences complete! \n ' )
#Main Save Path
save_path = os . path . dirname ( _basename )
vocals_name = ' (Vocals) '
other_name = ' (Other) '
drums_name = ' (Drums) '
bass_name = ' (Bass) '
vocals_path = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .wav ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { vocals_name } ' , )
vocals_path_mp3 = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .mp3 ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { vocals_name } ' , )
vocals_path_flac = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .flac ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { vocals_name } ' , )
other_path = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .wav ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { other_name } ' , )
other_path_mp3 = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .mp3 ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { other_name } ' , )
other_path_flac = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .flac ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { other_name } ' , )
drums_path = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .wav ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { drums_name } ' , )
drums_path_mp3 = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .mp3 ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { drums_name } ' , )
drums_path_flac = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .flac ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { drums_name } ' , )
bass_path = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .wav ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { bass_name } ' , )
bass_path_mp3 = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .mp3 ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { bass_name } ' , )
bass_path_flac = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .flac ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { bass_name } ' , )
#If not 'All Stems'
if stemset_n == ' (Vocals) ' :
vocal_name = ' (Vocals) '
elif stemset_n == ' (Other) ' :
vocal_name = ' (Other) '
elif stemset_n == ' (Drums) ' :
vocal_name = ' (Drums) '
elif stemset_n == ' (Bass) ' :
vocal_name = ' (Bass) '
elif stemset_n == ' (Instrumental) ' :
vocal_name = ' (Instrumental) '
vocal_path = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .wav ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { vocal_name } ' , )
vocal_path_mp3 = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .mp3 ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { vocal_name } ' , )
vocal_path_flac = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .flac ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { vocal_name } ' , )
#Instrumental Path
if stemset_n == ' (Vocals) ' :
Instrumental_name = ' (Instrumental) '
elif stemset_n == ' (Other) ' :
Instrumental_name = ' (No_Other) '
elif stemset_n == ' (Drums) ' :
Instrumental_name = ' (No_Drums) '
elif stemset_n == ' (Bass) ' :
Instrumental_name = ' (No_Bass) '
elif stemset_n == ' (Instrumental) ' :
if data [ ' demucs_stems ' ] == ' All Stems ' :
Instrumental_name = ' (Instrumental) '
else :
Instrumental_name = ' (Vocals) '
Instrumental_path = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .wav ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { Instrumental_name } ' , )
Instrumental_path_mp3 = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .mp3 ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { Instrumental_name } ' , )
Instrumental_path_flac = ' {save_path} / {file_name} .flac ' . format (
save_path = save_path ,
file_name = f ' { os . path . basename ( _basename ) } _ { Instrumental_name } ' , )
if os . path . isfile ( vocal_path ) :
file_exists_n = ' there '
else :
file_exists_n = ' not_there '
if os . path . isfile ( vocal_path ) :
file_exists_v = ' there '
else :
file_exists_v = ' not_there '
if os . path . isfile ( Instrumental_path ) :
file_exists_i = ' there '
else :
file_exists_i = ' not_there '
if not data [ ' demucs_stems ' ] == ' All Stems ' :
if data [ ' inst_only_b ' ] :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Preparing mixture without selected stem... ' )
else :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Saving Stem(s)... ' )
else :
if data [ ' demucs_stems ' ] == ' All Stems ' :
if data [ ' saveFormat ' ] == ' Wav ' :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Saving Stem(s)... ' )
else :
if ' UVR ' in model_set_name :
sf . write ( Instrumental_path , sources [ 0 ] . T , samplerate )
sf . write ( vocals_path , sources [ 1 ] . T , samplerate )
else :
sf . write ( bass_path , sources [ 0 ] . T , samplerate )
sf . write ( drums_path , sources [ 1 ] . T , samplerate )
sf . write ( other_path , sources [ 2 ] . T , samplerate )
sf . write ( vocals_path , sources [ 3 ] . T , samplerate )
if data [ ' saveFormat ' ] == ' Mp3 ' :
try :
if ' UVR ' in model_set_name :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Saving Stem(s) as Mp3(s)... ' )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( vocals_path )
musfile . export ( vocals_path_mp3 , format = " mp3 " , bitrate = " 320k " )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( Instrumental_path )
musfile . export ( Instrumental_path_mp3 , format = " mp3 " , bitrate = " 320k " )
try :
os . remove ( Instrumental_path )
os . remove ( vocals_path )
except :
else :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Saving Stem(s) as Mp3(s)... ' )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( drums_path )
musfile . export ( drums_path_mp3 , format = " mp3 " , bitrate = " 320k " )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( bass_path )
musfile . export ( bass_path_mp3 , format = " mp3 " , bitrate = " 320k " )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( other_path )
musfile . export ( other_path_mp3 , format = " mp3 " , bitrate = " 320k " )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( vocals_path )
musfile . export ( vocals_path_mp3 , format = " mp3 " , bitrate = " 320k " )
try :
os . remove ( drums_path )
os . remove ( bass_path )
os . remove ( other_path )
os . remove ( vocals_path )
except :
except Exception as e :
traceback_text = ' ' . join ( traceback . format_tb ( e . __traceback__ ) )
errmessage = f ' Traceback Error: " { traceback_text } " \n { type ( e ) . __name__ } : " { e } " \n '
if " ffmpeg " in errmessage :
widget_text . write ( ' \n ' + base_text + ' Failed to save output(s) as Mp3(s). \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' FFmpeg might be missing or corrupted, please check error log. \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Moving on... \n ' )
else :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Failed to save output(s) as Mp3(s). \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Please check error log. \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Moving on... \n ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while attempting to save file as mp3 " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' FFmpeg might be missing or corrupted. \n \n ' +
f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' +
f ' Raw error details: \n \n ' +
errmessage + f ' \n Error Time Stamp: [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
elif data [ ' saveFormat ' ] == ' Flac ' :
try :
if ' UVR ' in model_set_name :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Saving Stem(s) as flac(s)... ' )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( vocals_path )
musfile . export ( vocals_path_flac , format = " flac " )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( Instrumental_path )
musfile . export ( Instrumental_path_flac , format = " flac " )
try :
os . remove ( Instrumental_path )
os . remove ( vocals_path )
except :
else :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Saving Stem(s) as Flac(s)... ' )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( drums_path )
musfile . export ( drums_path_flac , format = " flac " )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( bass_path )
musfile . export ( bass_path_flac , format = " flac " )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( other_path )
musfile . export ( other_path_flac , format = " flac " )
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( vocals_path )
musfile . export ( vocals_path_flac , format = " flac " )
try :
os . remove ( drums_path )
os . remove ( bass_path )
os . remove ( other_path )
os . remove ( vocals_path )
except :
except Exception as e :
traceback_text = ' ' . join ( traceback . format_tb ( e . __traceback__ ) )
errmessage = f ' Traceback Error: " { traceback_text } " \n { type ( e ) . __name__ } : " { e } " \n '
if " ffmpeg " in errmessage :
widget_text . write ( ' \n ' + base_text + ' Failed to save output(s) as Flac(s). \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' FFmpeg might be missing or corrupted, please check error log. \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Moving on... \n ' )
else :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Failed to save output(s) as flac(s). \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Please check error log. \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Moving on... \n ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while attempting to save file as flac " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' FFmpeg might be missing or corrupted. \n \n ' +
f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' +
f ' Raw error details: \n \n ' +
errmessage + f ' \n Error Time Stamp: [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
elif data [ ' saveFormat ' ] == ' Wav ' :
widget_text . write ( ' Done! \n ' )
else :
if ' UVR ' in model_set_name :
if stemset_n == ' (Vocals) ' :
sf . write ( vocal_path , sources [ 1 ] . T , samplerate )
else :
sf . write ( vocal_path , sources [ source_val ] . T , samplerate )
else :
sf . write ( vocal_path , sources [ source_val ] . T , samplerate )
widget_text . write ( ' Done! \n ' )
update_progress ( * * progress_kwargs ,
step = ( 0.9 ) )
if data [ ' demucs_stems ' ] == ' All Stems ' :
else :
if data [ ' voc_only_b ' ] and not data [ ' inst_only_b ' ] :
else :
finalfiles = [
' model_params ' : ' lib_v5/modelparams/1band_sr44100_hl512.json ' ,
' files ' : [ str ( music_file ) , vocal_path ] ,
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Saving Instrumental... ' )
for i , e in tqdm ( enumerate ( finalfiles ) ) :
wave , specs = { } , { }
mp = ModelParameters ( e [ ' model_params ' ] )
for i in range ( len ( e [ ' files ' ] ) ) :
spec = { }
for d in range ( len ( mp . param [ ' band ' ] ) , 0 , - 1 ) :
bp = mp . param [ ' band ' ] [ d ]
if d == len ( mp . param [ ' band ' ] ) : # high-end band
wave [ d ] , _ = librosa . load (
e [ ' files ' ] [ i ] , bp [ ' sr ' ] , False , dtype = np . float32 , res_type = bp [ ' res_type ' ] )
if len ( wave [ d ] . shape ) == 1 : # mono to stereo
wave [ d ] = np . array ( [ wave [ d ] , wave [ d ] ] )
else : # lower bands
wave [ d ] = librosa . resample ( wave [ d + 1 ] , mp . param [ ' band ' ] [ d + 1 ] [ ' sr ' ] , bp [ ' sr ' ] , res_type = bp [ ' res_type ' ] )
spec [ d ] = spec_utils . wave_to_spectrogram ( wave [ d ] , bp [ ' hl ' ] , bp [ ' n_fft ' ] , mp . param [ ' mid_side ' ] , mp . param [ ' mid_side_b2 ' ] , mp . param [ ' reverse ' ] )
specs [ i ] = spec_utils . combine_spectrograms ( spec , mp )
del wave
ln = min ( [ specs [ 0 ] . shape [ 2 ] , specs [ 1 ] . shape [ 2 ] ] )
specs [ 0 ] = specs [ 0 ] [ : , : , : ln ]
specs [ 1 ] = specs [ 1 ] [ : , : , : ln ]
X_mag = np . abs ( specs [ 0 ] )
y_mag = np . abs ( specs [ 1 ] )
max_mag = np . where ( X_mag > = y_mag , X_mag , y_mag )
v_spec = specs [ 1 ] - max_mag * np . exp ( 1. j * np . angle ( specs [ 0 ] ) )
update_progress ( * * progress_kwargs ,
step = ( 1 ) )
sf . write ( Instrumental_path , spec_utils . cmb_spectrogram_to_wave ( - v_spec , mp ) , mp . param [ ' sr ' ] )
if data [ ' inst_only_b ' ] :
if file_exists_v == ' there ' :
else :
try :
os . remove ( vocal_path )
except :
widget_text . write ( ' Done! \n ' )
if not data [ ' demucs_stems ' ] == ' All Stems ' :
if data [ ' saveFormat ' ] == ' Mp3 ' :
try :
if data [ ' inst_only_b ' ] == True :
else :
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( vocal_path )
musfile . export ( vocal_path_mp3 , format = " mp3 " , bitrate = " 320k " )
if file_exists_v == ' there ' :
else :
try :
os . remove ( vocal_path )
except :
if data [ ' voc_only_b ' ] == True :
else :
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( Instrumental_path )
musfile . export ( Instrumental_path_mp3 , format = " mp3 " , bitrate = " 320k " )
if file_exists_i == ' there ' :
else :
try :
os . remove ( Instrumental_path )
except :
except Exception as e :
traceback_text = ' ' . join ( traceback . format_tb ( e . __traceback__ ) )
errmessage = f ' Traceback Error: " { traceback_text } " \n { type ( e ) . __name__ } : " { e } " \n '
if " ffmpeg " in errmessage :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Failed to save output(s) as Mp3(s). \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' FFmpeg might be missing or corrupted, please check error log. \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Moving on... \n ' )
else :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Failed to save output(s) as Mp3(s). \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Please check error log. \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Moving on... \n ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while attempting to save file as mp3 " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' FFmpeg might be missing or corrupted. \n \n ' +
f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' +
f ' Raw error details: \n \n ' +
errmessage + f ' \n Error Time Stamp: [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
if data [ ' saveFormat ' ] == ' Flac ' :
try :
if data [ ' inst_only_b ' ] == True :
else :
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( vocal_path )
musfile . export ( vocal_path_flac , format = " flac " )
if file_exists_v == ' there ' :
else :
try :
os . remove ( vocal_path )
except :
if data [ ' voc_only_b ' ] == True :
else :
musfile = pydub . AudioSegment . from_wav ( Instrumental_path )
musfile . export ( Instrumental_path_flac , format = " flac " )
if file_exists_i == ' there ' :
else :
try :
os . remove ( Instrumental_path )
except :
except Exception as e :
traceback_text = ' ' . join ( traceback . format_tb ( e . __traceback__ ) )
errmessage = f ' Traceback Error: " { traceback_text } " \n { type ( e ) . __name__ } : " { e } " \n '
if " ffmpeg " in errmessage :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Failed to save output(s) as Flac(s). \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' FFmpeg might be missing or corrupted, please check error log. \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Moving on... \n ' )
else :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Failed to save output(s) as Flac(s). \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Please check error log. \n ' )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Moving on... \n ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while attempting to save file as flac " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' FFmpeg might be missing or corrupted. \n \n ' +
f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' +
f ' Raw error details: \n \n ' +
errmessage + f ' \n Error Time Stamp: [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
if data [ ' inst_only_b ' ] :
if file_exists_n == ' there ' :
else :
try :
os . remove ( vocal_path )
except :
else :
try :
os . remove ( vocal_path )
except :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Completed Seperation! \n ' )
def demix ( self , mix ) :
# 1 = demucs only
# 0 = onnx only
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
if data [ ' chunks_d ' ] == ' Full ' :
if split_mode == True :
chunk_set = 0
else :
widget_text . write ( base_text + " Chunk size set to full... \n " )
chunk_set = 0
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
else :
chunk_set = data [ ' chunks ' ]
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
if data [ ' chunks_d ' ] == ' Auto ' :
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
if split_mode == True :
widget_text . write ( base_text + " Split Mode is on (Chunks disabled). \n " )
chunk_set = 0
else :
widget_text . write ( base_text + " Split Mode is off (Chunks enabled). \n " )
if data [ ' gpu ' ] == 0 :
try :
gpu_mem = round ( torch . cuda . get_device_properties ( 0 ) . total_memory / 1.074e+9 )
except :
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' NVIDIA GPU Required for conversion! \n ' )
if int ( gpu_mem ) < = int ( 6 ) :
chunk_set = int ( 10 )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Chunk size auto-set to 10... \n ' )
if gpu_mem in [ 7 , 8 , 9 ] :
chunk_set = int ( 30 )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Chunk size auto-set to 30... \n ' )
if gpu_mem in [ 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 ] :
chunk_set = int ( 50 )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Chunk size auto-set to 50... \n ' )
if int ( gpu_mem ) > = int ( 16 ) :
chunk_set = int ( 0 )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Chunk size auto-set to Full... \n ' )
if data [ ' gpu ' ] == - 1 :
sys_mem = psutil . virtual_memory ( ) . total >> 30
if int ( sys_mem ) < = int ( 4 ) :
chunk_set = int ( 5 )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Chunk size auto-set to 5... \n ' )
if sys_mem in [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ] :
chunk_set = int ( 10 )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Chunk size auto-set to 10... \n ' )
if sys_mem in [ 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 32 ] :
chunk_set = int ( 40 )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Chunk size auto-set to 40... \n ' )
if int ( sys_mem ) > = int ( 33 ) :
chunk_set = int ( 0 )
widget_text . write ( base_text + ' Chunk size auto-set to Full... \n ' )
else :
if split_mode == True :
widget_text . write ( base_text + " Split Mode is on (Chunks disabled). \n " )
chunk_set = 0
else :
widget_text . write ( base_text + " Split Mode is off (Chunks enabled). \n " )
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
chunk_set = int ( data [ ' chunks_d ' ] )
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
widget_text . write ( base_text + " Chunk size user-set to " f " { chunk_set } ... \n " )
samples = mix . shape [ - 1 ]
margin = margin_set
chunk_size = chunk_set * 44100
assert not margin == 0 , ' margin cannot be zero! '
if margin > chunk_size :
margin = chunk_size
segmented_mix = { }
if chunk_set == 0 or samples < chunk_size :
chunk_size = samples
counter = - 1
for skip in range ( 0 , samples , chunk_size ) :
counter + = 1
s_margin = 0 if counter == 0 else margin
end = min ( skip + chunk_size + margin , samples )
start = skip - s_margin
segmented_mix [ skip ] = mix [ : , start : end ] . copy ( )
if end == samples :
sources = self . demix_demucs ( segmented_mix , margin_size = margin )
return sources
def demix_demucs ( self , mix , margin_size ) :
processed = { }
demucsitera = len ( mix )
demucsitera_calc = demucsitera * 2
gui_progress_bar_demucs = 0
widget_text . write ( base_text + " Running Demucs Inference... \n " )
widget_text . write ( base_text + " Processing " f " { len ( mix ) } slices... " )
print ( ' Running Demucs Inference... ' )
for nmix in mix :
gui_progress_bar_demucs + = 1
update_progress ( * * progress_kwargs ,
step = ( 0.1 + ( 1.7 / demucsitera_calc * gui_progress_bar_demucs ) ) )
cmix = mix [ nmix ]
cmix = torch . tensor ( cmix , dtype = torch . float32 )
ref = cmix . mean ( 0 )
cmix = ( cmix - ref . mean ( ) ) / ref . std ( )
with torch . no_grad ( ) :
sources = apply_model ( self . demucs , cmix [ None ] , split = split_mode , device = device , overlap = overlap_set , shifts = shift_set , progress = False ) [ 0 ]
sources = ( sources * ref . std ( ) + ref . mean ( ) ) . cpu ( ) . numpy ( )
sources [ [ 0 , 1 ] ] = sources [ [ 1 , 0 ] ]
start = 0 if nmix == 0 else margin_size
end = None if nmix == list ( mix . keys ( ) ) [ : : - 1 ] [ 0 ] else - margin_size
if margin_size == 0 :
end = None
processed [ nmix ] = sources [ : , : , start : end ] . copy ( )
sources = list ( processed . values ( ) )
sources = np . concatenate ( sources , axis = - 1 )
widget_text . write ( ' Done! \n ' )
return sources
data = {
# Paths
' input_paths ' : None ,
' export_path ' : None ,
' saveFormat ' : ' Wav ' ,
# Processing Options
' demucsmodel ' : True ,
' gpu ' : - 1 ,
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
' chunks_d ' : ' Full ' ,
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
' modelFolder ' : False ,
' voc_only_b ' : False ,
' inst_only_b ' : False ,
' overlap_b ' : 0.25 ,
' shifts_b ' : 2 ,
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
' segment ' : ' None ' ,
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
' margin ' : 44100 ,
' split_mode ' : False ,
' compensate ' : 1.03597672895 ,
' demucs_stems ' : ' All Stems ' ,
' DemucsModel ' : ' mdx_extra ' ,
' audfile ' : True ,
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
default_chunks = data [ ' chunks_d ' ]
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
def update_progress ( progress_var , total_files , file_num , step : float = 1 ) :
""" Calculate the progress for the progress widget in the GUI """
base = ( 100 / total_files )
progress = base * ( file_num - 1 )
progress + = base * step
progress_var . set ( progress )
def get_baseText ( total_files , file_num ) :
""" Create the base text for the command widget """
text = ' File {file_num} / {total_files} ' . format ( file_num = file_num ,
total_files = total_files )
return text
warnings . filterwarnings ( " ignore " )
cpu = torch . device ( ' cpu ' )
def hide_opt ( ) :
with open ( os . devnull , " w " ) as devnull :
old_stdout = sys . stdout
sys . stdout = devnull
try :
finally :
sys . stdout = old_stdout
def main ( window : tk . Wm , text_widget : tk . Text , button_widget : tk . Button , progress_var : tk . Variable ,
* * kwargs : dict ) :
global widget_text
global gui_progress_bar
global music_file
global default_chunks
global _basename
global _mixture
global progress_kwargs
global base_text
global model_set_name
global stemset_n
global channel_set
global margin_set
global overlap_set
global shift_set
global source_val
global split_mode
# Update default settings
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
default_chunks = data [ ' chunks_d ' ]
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
widget_text = text_widget
gui_progress_bar = progress_var
#Error Handling
onnxmissing = " [ONNXRuntimeError] : 3 : NO_SUCHFILE "
onnxmemerror = " onnxruntime::CudaCall CUDA failure 2: out of memory "
onnxmemerror2 = " onnxruntime::BFCArena::AllocateRawInternal "
systemmemerr = " DefaultCPUAllocator: not enough memory "
runtimeerr = " CUDNN error executing cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor "
cuda_err = " CUDA out of memory "
mod_err = " ModuleNotFoundError "
file_err = " FileNotFoundError "
ffmp_err = """ audioread \ __init__.py " , line 116, in audio_open """
sf_write_err = " sf.write "
model_adv_set_err = " Got invalid dimensions for input "
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' No errors to report at this time. ' + f ' \n \n Last Process Method Used: MDX-Net ' +
f ' \n Last Conversion Time Stamp: [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
timestampnum = round ( datetime . utcnow ( ) . timestamp ( ) )
randomnum = randrange ( 100000 , 1000000 )
data . update ( kwargs )
stime = time . perf_counter ( )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
text_widget . clear ( )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . DISABLED ) # Disable Button
try : #Load File(s)
for file_num , music_file in tqdm ( enumerate ( data [ ' input_paths ' ] , start = 1 ) ) :
model_set_name = data [ ' DemucsModel ' ]
if data [ ' demucs_stems ' ] == ' Vocals ' :
source_val = 3
stemset_n = ' (Vocals) '
if data [ ' demucs_stems ' ] == ' Other ' :
if ' UVR ' in model_set_name :
source_val = 0
stemset_n = ' (Instrumental) '
else :
source_val = 2
stemset_n = ' (Other) '
if data [ ' demucs_stems ' ] == ' Drums ' :
if ' UVR ' in model_set_name :
text_widget . write ( ' You can only choose " Vocals " or " Other " stems when using this model. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( ' Please select one of the stock Demucs models and try again. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
else :
source_val = 1
stemset_n = ' (Drums) '
if data [ ' demucs_stems ' ] == ' Bass ' :
if ' UVR ' in model_set_name :
text_widget . write ( ' You can only choose " Vocals " or " Other " stems when using this model. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( ' Please select one of the stock Demucs models and try again. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
else :
source_val = 0
stemset_n = ' (Bass) '
if data [ ' demucs_stems ' ] == ' All Stems ' :
source_val = 3
stemset_n = ' (Instrumental) '
overlap_set = float ( data [ ' overlap_b ' ] )
channel_set = int ( data [ ' channel ' ] )
margin_set = int ( data [ ' margin ' ] )
shift_set = int ( data [ ' shifts_b ' ] )
split_mode = data [ ' split_mode ' ]
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
def determinemusicfileFolderName ( ) :
Determine the name that is used for the folder and appended
to the back of the music files
songFolderName = ' '
if str ( music_file ) :
songFolderName + = os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( music_file ) ) [ 0 ]
if songFolderName :
songFolderName = ' / ' + songFolderName
return songFolderName
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
def determinemodelFolderName ( ) :
Determine the name that is used for the folder and appended
to the back of the music files
modelFolderName = ' '
if str ( model_set_name ) :
modelFolderName + = os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( model_set_name ) ) [ 0 ]
if modelFolderName :
modelFolderName = ' / ' + modelFolderName
return modelFolderName
if data [ ' audfile ' ] == True :
modelFolderName = determinemodelFolderName ( )
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
songFolderName = determinemusicfileFolderName ( )
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
if modelFolderName :
folder_path = f ' { data [ " export_path " ] } { modelFolderName } '
if not os . path . isdir ( folder_path ) :
os . mkdir ( folder_path )
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
if songFolderName :
folder_path = f ' { data [ " export_path " ] } { modelFolderName } { songFolderName } '
if not os . path . isdir ( folder_path ) :
os . mkdir ( folder_path )
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
_mixture = f ' { data [ " input_paths " ] } '
if data [ ' modelFolder ' ] :
try :
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
_basename = f ' { data [ " export_path " ] } { modelFolderName } { songFolderName } / { file_num } _ { str ( timestampnum ) } _ { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( music_file ) ) [ 0 ] } '
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
except :
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
_basename = f ' { data [ " export_path " ] } { modelFolderName } { songFolderName } / { file_num } _ { str ( randomnum ) } _ { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( music_file ) ) [ 0 ] } '
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
else :
2022-07-03 20:18:27 -05:00
_basename = f ' { data [ " export_path " ] } { modelFolderName } { songFolderName } / { file_num } _ { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( music_file ) ) [ 0 ] } '
2022-06-13 02:07:19 -05:00
else :
_mixture = f ' { data [ " input_paths " ] } '
if data [ ' modelFolder ' ] :
try :
_basename = f ' { data [ " export_path " ] } / { file_num } _ { str ( timestampnum ) } _ { model_set_name } _ { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( music_file ) ) [ 0 ] } '
except :
_basename = f ' { data [ " export_path " ] } / { file_num } _ { str ( randomnum ) } _ { model_set_name } _ { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( music_file ) ) [ 0 ] } '
else :
_basename = f ' { data [ " export_path " ] } / { file_num } _ { os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( music_file ) ) [ 0 ] } '
#if ('models/MDX_Net_Models/' + model_set + '.onnx')
# -Get text and update progress-
base_text = get_baseText ( total_files = len ( data [ ' input_paths ' ] ) ,
file_num = file_num )
progress_kwargs = { ' progress_var ' : progress_var ,
' total_files ' : len ( data [ ' input_paths ' ] ) ,
' file_num ' : file_num }
try :
total , used , free = shutil . disk_usage ( " / " )
total_space = int ( total / 1.074e+9 )
used_space = int ( used / 1.074e+9 )
free_space = int ( free / 1.074e+9 )
if int ( free / 1.074e+9 ) < = int ( 2 ) :
text_widget . write ( ' Error: Not enough storage on main drive to continue. Your main drive must have \n at least 3 GB \' s of storage in order for this application function properly. \n \n Please ensure your main drive has at least 3 GB \' s of storage and try again. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( ' Detected Total Space: ' + str ( total_space ) + ' GB ' + ' \n ' )
text_widget . write ( ' Detected Used Space: ' + str ( used_space ) + ' GB ' + ' \n ' )
text_widget . write ( ' Detected Free Space: ' + str ( free_space ) + ' GB ' + ' \n ' )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if int ( free / 1.074e+9 ) in [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ] :
text_widget . write ( ' Warning: Your main drive is running low on storage. Your main drive must have \n at least 3 GB \' s of storage in order for this application function properly. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( ' Detected Total Space: ' + str ( total_space ) + ' GB ' + ' \n ' )
text_widget . write ( ' Detected Used Space: ' + str ( used_space ) + ' GB ' + ' \n ' )
text_widget . write ( ' Detected Free Space: ' + str ( free_space ) + ' GB ' + ' \n \n ' )
except :
update_progress ( * * progress_kwargs ,
step = 0 )
e = os . path . join ( data [ " export_path " ] )
demucsmodel = ' models/Demucs_Models/ ' + str ( data [ ' DemucsModel ' ] )
pred = Predictor ( )
pred . prediction_setup ( )
# split
pred . prediction (
m = music_file ,
except Exception as e :
traceback_text = ' ' . join ( traceback . format_tb ( e . __traceback__ ) )
message = f ' Traceback Error: " { traceback_text } " \n { type ( e ) . __name__ } : " { e } " \n '
if runtimeerr in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Your PC cannot process this audio file with the chunk size selected. \n Please lower the chunk size and try again. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' Your PC cannot process this audio file with the chunk size selected. \n Please lower the chunk size and try again. \n \n ' +
f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' +
f ' Raw error details: \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp: [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if cuda_err in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' The application was unable to allocate enough GPU memory to use this model. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Please close any GPU intensive applications and try again. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' If the error persists, your GPU might not be supported. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' The application was unable to allocate enough GPU memory to use this model. \n ' +
f ' Please close any GPU intensive applications and try again. \n ' +
f ' If the error persists, your GPU might not be supported. \n \n ' +
f ' Raw error details: \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if mod_err in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Application files(s) are missing. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( " \n " + f ' { type ( e ) . __name__ } - " { e } " ' + " \n \n " )
text_widget . write ( f ' Please check for missing files/scripts in the app directory and try again. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' If the error persists, please reinstall application or contact the developers. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' Application files(s) are missing. \n ' +
f ' Please check for missing files/scripts in the app directory and try again. \n ' +
f ' If the error persists, please reinstall application or contact the developers. \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if file_err in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Missing file error raised. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( " \n " + f ' { type ( e ) . __name__ } - " { e } " ' + " \n \n " )
text_widget . write ( " \n " + f ' Please address the error and try again. ' + " \n " )
text_widget . write ( f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' Missing file error raised. \n ' +
" \n " + f ' Please address the error and try again. ' + " \n " +
f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if ffmp_err in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' The input file type is not supported or FFmpeg is missing. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Please select a file type supported by FFmpeg and try again. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' If FFmpeg is missing or not installed, you will only be able to process \" .wav \" files \n until it is available on this system. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' See the \" More Info \" tab in the Help Guide. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' The input file type is not supported or FFmpeg is missing. \n Please select a file type supported by FFmpeg and try again. \n \n ' +
f ' If FFmpeg is missing or not installed, you will only be able to process \" .wav \" files until it is available on this system. \n \n ' +
f ' See the \" More Info \" tab in the Help Guide. \n \n ' +
f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if onnxmissing in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' The application could not detect this MDX-Net model on your system. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Please make sure all the models are present in the correct directory. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' If the error persists, please reinstall application or contact the developers. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' The application could not detect this MDX-Net model on your system. \n ' +
f ' Please make sure all the models are present in the correct directory. \n ' +
f ' If the error persists, please reinstall application or contact the developers. \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if onnxmemerror in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' The application was unable to allocate enough GPU memory to use this model. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Please do the following: \n \n 1. Close any GPU intensive applications. \n 2. Lower the set chunk size. \n 3. Then try again. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' If the error persists, your GPU might not be supported. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' The application was unable to allocate enough GPU memory to use this model. \n ' +
f ' Please do the following: \n \n 1. Close any GPU intensive applications. \n 2. Lower the set chunk size. \n 3. Then try again. \n \n ' +
f ' If the error persists, your GPU might not be supported. \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if onnxmemerror2 in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' The application was unable to allocate enough GPU memory to use this model. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Please do the following: \n \n 1. Close any GPU intensive applications. \n 2. Lower the set chunk size. \n 3. Then try again. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' If the error persists, your GPU might not be supported. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' The application was unable to allocate enough GPU memory to use this model. \n ' +
f ' Please do the following: \n \n 1. Close any GPU intensive applications. \n 2. Lower the set chunk size. \n 3. Then try again. \n \n ' +
f ' If the error persists, your GPU might not be supported. \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if sf_write_err in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Could not write audio file. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' This could be due to low storage on target device or a system permissions issue. \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f " \n For raw error details, go to the Error Log tab in the Help Guide. \n " )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n If the error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' Could not write audio file. \n ' +
f ' This could be due to low storage on target device or a system permissions issue. \n ' +
f ' If the error persists, please contact the developers. \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if systemmemerr in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' The application was unable to allocate enough system memory to use this \n model. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Please do the following: \n \n 1. Restart this application. \n 2. Ensure any CPU intensive applications are closed. \n 3. Then try again. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Please Note: Intel Pentium and Intel Celeron processors do not work well with \n this application. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' If the error persists, the system may not have enough RAM, or your CPU might \n not be supported. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' The application was unable to allocate enough system memory to use this model. \n ' +
f ' Please do the following: \n \n 1. Restart this application. \n 2. Ensure any CPU intensive applications are closed. \n 3. Then try again. \n \n ' +
f ' Please Note: Intel Pentium and Intel Celeron processors do not work well with this application. \n \n ' +
f ' If the error persists, the system may not have enough RAM, or your CPU might \n not be supported. \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if model_adv_set_err in message :
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' The current ONNX model settings are not compatible with the selected \n model. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Please re-configure the advanced ONNX model settings accordingly and try \n again. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' The current ONNX model settings are not compatible with the selected model. \n \n ' +
f ' Please re-configure the advanced ONNX model settings accordingly and try again. \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
print ( traceback_text )
print ( type ( e ) . __name__ , e )
print ( message )
try :
with open ( ' errorlog.txt ' , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( f ' Last Error Received: \n \n ' +
f ' Error Received while processing " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " : \n ' +
f ' Process Method: Demucs v3 \n \n ' +
f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers with the error details. \n \n ' +
message + f ' \n Error Time Stamp [ { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) } ] \n ' )
except :
tk . messagebox . showerror ( master = window ,
title = ' Error Details ' ,
message = message )
progress_var . set ( 0 )
text_widget . write ( " \n " + base_text + f ' Separation failed for the following audio file: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( base_text + f ' " { os . path . basename ( music_file ) } " \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Error Received: \n ' )
text_widget . write ( " \n For raw error details, go to the Error Log tab in the Help Guide. \n " )
text_widget . write ( " \n " + f ' Please address the error and try again. ' + " \n " )
text_widget . write ( f ' If this error persists, please contact the developers with the error details. \n \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' )
try :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
except :
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
progress_var . set ( 0 )
text_widget . write ( f ' \n Conversion(s) Completed! \n ' )
text_widget . write ( f ' Time Elapsed: { time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time . gmtime ( int ( time . perf_counter ( ) - stime ) ) ) } ' ) # nopep8
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
button_widget . configure ( state = tk . NORMAL ) # Enable Button
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
start_time = time . time ( )
main ( )
print ( " Successfully completed music demixing. " ) ; print ( ' Total time: { 0:. {1} f}s ' . format ( time . time ( ) - start_time , 1 ) )