from functools import total_ordering import pprint import argparse import os import importlib from statistics import mode import cv2 import librosa import math import numpy as np import soundfile as sf from tqdm import tqdm from lib_v5 import dataset from lib_v5 import spec_utils from lib_v5.model_param_init import ModelParameters import torch # Command line text parsing and widget manipulation from collections import defaultdict import tkinter as tk import traceback # Error Message Recent Calls import time # Timer class VocalRemover(object): def __init__(self, data, text_widget: tk.Text): = data self.text_widget = text_widget self.models = defaultdict(lambda: None) self.devices = defaultdict(lambda: None) # self.offset = model.offset data = { # Paths 'input_paths': None, 'export_path': None, # Processing Options 'gpu': -1, 'postprocess': True, 'tta': True, 'output_image': True, # Models 'instrumentalModel': None, 'useModel': None, # Constants 'window_size': 512, 'agg': 10 } default_window_size = data['window_size'] default_agg = data['agg'] def update_progress(progress_var, total_files, file_num, step: float = 1): """Calculate the progress for the progress widget in the GUI""" base = (100 / total_files) progress = base * (file_num - 1) progress += base * step progress_var.set(progress) def get_baseText(total_files, file_num): """Create the base text for the command widget""" text = 'File {file_num}/{total_files} '.format(file_num=file_num, total_files=total_files) return text def determineModelFolderName(): """ Determine the name that is used for the folder and appended to the back of the music files """ modelFolderName = '' if not data['modelFolder']: # Model Test Mode not selected return modelFolderName # -Instrumental- if os.path.isfile(data['instrumentalModel']): modelFolderName += os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data['instrumentalModel']))[0] if modelFolderName: modelFolderName = '/' + modelFolderName return modelFolderName def main(window: tk.Wm, text_widget: tk.Text, button_widget: tk.Button, progress_var: tk.Variable, **kwargs: dict): global args global model_params_d global nn_arch_sizes nn_arch_sizes = [ 31191, # default 33966, 123821, 123812, 537238 # custom ] p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('--paramone', type=str, default='lib_v5/modelparams/4band_44100.json') p.add_argument('--paramtwo', type=str, default='lib_v5/modelparams/4band_v2.json') p.add_argument('--paramthree', type=str, default='lib_v5/modelparams/3band_44100_msb2.json') p.add_argument('--paramfour', type=str, default='lib_v5/modelparams/4band_v2_sn.json') p.add_argument('--aggressiveness',type=float, default=data['agg']/100) p.add_argument('--nn_architecture', type=str, choices= ['auto'] + list('{}KB'.format(s) for s in nn_arch_sizes), default='auto') p.add_argument('--high_end_process', type=str, default='mirroring') args = p.parse_args() def save_files(wav_instrument, wav_vocals): """Save output music files""" vocal_name = '(Vocals)' instrumental_name = '(Instrumental)' save_path = os.path.dirname(base_name) # Swap names if vocal model VModel="Vocal" if VModel in model_name: # Reverse names vocal_name, instrumental_name = instrumental_name, vocal_name # Save Temp File # For instrumental the instrumental is the temp file # and for vocal the instrumental is the temp file due # to reversement sf.write(f'temp.wav', wav_instrument, mp.param['sr']) appendModelFolderName = modelFolderName.replace('/', '_') # -Save files- # Instrumental if instrumental_name is not None: instrumental_path = '{save_path}/{file_name}.wav'.format( save_path=save_path, file_name=f'{os.path.basename(base_name)}_{instrumental_name}{appendModelFolderName}', ) sf.write(instrumental_path, wav_instrument, mp.param['sr']) # Vocal if vocal_name is not None: vocal_path = '{save_path}/{file_name}.wav'.format( save_path=save_path, file_name=f'{os.path.basename(base_name)}_{vocal_name}{appendModelFolderName}', ) sf.write(vocal_path, wav_vocals, mp.param['sr']) data.update(kwargs) # Update default settings global default_window_size global default_agg default_window_size = data['window_size'] default_agg = data['agg'] stime = time.perf_counter() progress_var.set(0) text_widget.clear() button_widget.configure(state=tk.DISABLED) # Disable Button vocal_remover = VocalRemover(data, text_widget) modelFolderName = determineModelFolderName() if modelFolderName: folder_path = f'{data["export_path"]}{modelFolderName}' if not os.path.isdir(folder_path): os.mkdir(folder_path) # Separation Preperation try: #Load File(s) for file_num, music_file in enumerate(data['input_paths'], start=1): # Determine File Name base_name = f'{data["export_path"]}{modelFolderName}/{file_num}_{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(music_file))[0]}' model_name = os.path.basename(data[f'{data["useModel"]}Model']) model = vocal_remover.models[data['useModel']] device = vocal_remover.devices[data['useModel']] # -Get text and update progress- base_text = get_baseText(total_files=len(data['input_paths']), file_num=file_num) progress_kwargs = {'progress_var': progress_var, 'total_files': len(data['input_paths']), 'file_num': file_num} update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=0) #Load Model(s) text_widget.write(base_text + 'Loading models...') if 'auto' == args.nn_architecture: model_size = math.ceil(os.stat(data['instrumentalModel']).st_size / 1024) args.nn_architecture = '{}KB'.format(min(nn_arch_sizes, key=lambda x:abs(x-model_size))) nets = importlib.import_module('lib_v5.nets' + f'_{args.nn_architecture}'.replace('_{}KB'.format(nn_arch_sizes[0]), ''), package=None) ModelName=(data['instrumentalModel']) ModelParam1="4BAND_44100" ModelParam2="4BAND_44100_B" ModelParam3="MSB2" ModelParam4="4BAND_44100_SN" if ModelParam1 in ModelName: model_params_d=args.paramone if ModelParam2 in ModelName: model_params_d=args.paramtwo if ModelParam3 in ModelName: model_params_d=args.paramthree if ModelParam4 in ModelName: model_params_d=args.paramfour print('Model Parameters:', model_params_d) mp = ModelParameters(model_params_d) # -Instrumental- if os.path.isfile(data['instrumentalModel']): device = torch.device('cpu') model = nets.CascadedASPPNet(mp.param['bins'] * 2) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(data['instrumentalModel'], map_location=device)) if torch.cuda.is_available() and data['gpu'] >= 0: device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(data['gpu'])) vocal_remover.models['instrumental'] = model vocal_remover.devices['instrumental'] = device text_widget.write(' Done!\n') model_name = os.path.basename(data[f'{data["useModel"]}Model']) mp = ModelParameters(model_params_d) # -Go through the different steps of seperation- # Wave source text_widget.write(base_text + 'Loading wave source...') X_wave, y_wave, X_spec_s, y_spec_s = {}, {}, {}, {} bands_n = len(mp.param['band']) for d in range(bands_n, 0, -1): bp = mp.param['band'][d] if d == bands_n: # high-end band X_wave[d], _ = librosa.load( music_file, bp['sr'], False, dtype=np.float32, res_type=bp['res_type']) if X_wave[d].ndim == 1: X_wave[d] = np.asarray([X_wave[d], X_wave[d]]) else: # lower bands X_wave[d] = librosa.resample(X_wave[d+1], mp.param['band'][d+1]['sr'], bp['sr'], res_type=bp['res_type']) # Stft of wave source X_spec_s[d] = spec_utils.wave_to_spectrogram_mt(X_wave[d], bp['hl'], bp['n_fft'], mp.param['mid_side'], mp.param['mid_side_b2'], mp.param['reverse']) if d == bands_n and args.high_end_process != 'none': input_high_end_h = (bp['n_fft']//2 - bp['crop_stop']) + (mp.param['pre_filter_stop'] - mp.param['pre_filter_start']) input_high_end = X_spec_s[d][:, bp['n_fft']//2-input_high_end_h:bp['n_fft']//2, :] text_widget.write('Done!\n') update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=0.1) text_widget.write(base_text + 'Stft of wave source...') text_widget.write(' Done!\n') text_widget.write(base_text + "Please Wait...\n") X_spec_m = spec_utils.combine_spectrograms(X_spec_s, mp) del X_wave, X_spec_s def inference(X_spec, device, model, aggressiveness): def _execute(X_mag_pad, roi_size, n_window, device, model, aggressiveness): model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): preds = [] iterations = [n_window] total_iterations = sum(iterations) text_widget.write(base_text + "Processing "f"{total_iterations} Slices... ") for i in tqdm(range(n_window)): update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=(0.1 + (0.8/n_window * i))) start = i * roi_size X_mag_window = X_mag_pad[None, :, :, start:start + data['window_size']] X_mag_window = torch.from_numpy(X_mag_window).to(device) pred = model.predict(X_mag_window, aggressiveness) pred = pred.detach().cpu().numpy() preds.append(pred[0]) pred = np.concatenate(preds, axis=2) text_widget.write('Done!\n') return pred def preprocess(X_spec): X_mag = np.abs(X_spec) X_phase = np.angle(X_spec) return X_mag, X_phase X_mag, X_phase = preprocess(X_spec) coef = X_mag.max() X_mag_pre = X_mag / coef n_frame = X_mag_pre.shape[2] pad_l, pad_r, roi_size = dataset.make_padding(n_frame, data['window_size'], model.offset) n_window = int(np.ceil(n_frame / roi_size)) X_mag_pad = np.pad( X_mag_pre, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (pad_l, pad_r)), mode='constant') pred = _execute(X_mag_pad, roi_size, n_window, device, model, aggressiveness) pred = pred[:, :, :n_frame] if data['tta']: pad_l += roi_size // 2 pad_r += roi_size // 2 n_window += 1 X_mag_pad = np.pad( X_mag_pre, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (pad_l, pad_r)), mode='constant') pred_tta = _execute(X_mag_pad, roi_size, n_window, device, model, aggressiveness) pred_tta = pred_tta[:, :, roi_size // 2:] pred_tta = pred_tta[:, :, :n_frame] return (pred + pred_tta) * 0.5 * coef, X_mag, np.exp(1.j * X_phase) else: return pred * coef, X_mag, np.exp(1.j * X_phase) aggressiveness = {'value': args.aggressiveness, 'split_bin': mp.param['band'][1]['crop_stop']} if data['tta']: text_widget.write(base_text + "Running Inferences (TTA)...\n") else: text_widget.write(base_text + "Running Inference...\n") pred, X_mag, X_phase = inference(X_spec_m, device, model, aggressiveness) update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=0.9) # Postprocess if data['postprocess']: text_widget.write(base_text + 'Post processing...') pred_inv = np.clip(X_mag - pred, 0, np.inf) pred = spec_utils.mask_silence(pred, pred_inv) text_widget.write(' Done!\n') update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=0.95) # Inverse stft text_widget.write(base_text + 'Inverse stft of instruments and vocals...') # nopep8 y_spec_m = pred * X_phase v_spec_m = X_spec_m - y_spec_m if args.high_end_process.startswith('mirroring'): input_high_end_ = spec_utils.mirroring(args.high_end_process, y_spec_m, input_high_end, mp) wav_instrument = spec_utils.cmb_spectrogram_to_wave(y_spec_m, mp, input_high_end_h, input_high_end_) else: wav_instrument = spec_utils.cmb_spectrogram_to_wave(y_spec_m, mp) if args.high_end_process.startswith('mirroring'): input_high_end_ = spec_utils.mirroring(args.high_end_process, v_spec_m, input_high_end, mp) wav_vocals = spec_utils.cmb_spectrogram_to_wave(v_spec_m, mp, input_high_end_h, input_high_end_) else: wav_vocals = spec_utils.cmb_spectrogram_to_wave(v_spec_m, mp) text_widget.write('Done!\n') update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=1) # Save output music files text_widget.write(base_text + 'Saving Files...') save_files(wav_instrument, wav_vocals) text_widget.write(' Done!\n') update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=1) # Save output image if data['output_image']: with open('{}_Instruments.jpg'.format(base_name), mode='wb') as f: image = spec_utils.spectrogram_to_image(y_spec_m) _, bin_image = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image) bin_image.tofile(f) with open('{}_Vocals.jpg'.format(base_name), mode='wb') as f: image = spec_utils.spectrogram_to_image(v_spec_m) _, bin_image = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image) bin_image.tofile(f) text_widget.write(base_text + 'Completed Seperation!\n\n') except Exception as e: traceback_text = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)) message = f'Traceback Error: "{traceback_text}"\n{type(e).__name__}: "{e}"\nFile: {music_file}\nPlease contact the creator and attach a screenshot of this error with the file and settings that caused it!' tk.messagebox.showerror(master=window, title='Untracked Error', message=message) print(traceback_text) print(type(e).__name__, e) print(message) progress_var.set(0) button_widget.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) # Enable Button return os.remove('temp.wav') progress_var.set(0) text_widget.write(f'\nConversion(s) Completed!\n') text_widget.write(f'Time Elapsed: {time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(time.perf_counter() - stime)))}') # nopep8 torch.cuda.empty_cache() button_widget.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) # Enable Button