import argparse import os import cv2 import librosa import numpy as np import soundfile as sf from tqdm import tqdm from lib_v2 import dataset from lib_v2 import nets from lib_v2 import spec_utils import torch # Variable manipulation and command line text parsing from collections import defaultdict import tkinter as tk import time # Timer import traceback # Error Message Recent Calls class Namespace: """ Replaces ArgumentParser """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) data = { # Paths 'input_paths': None, 'export_path': None, # Processing Options 'gpu': -1, 'postprocess': True, 'tta': True, 'output_image': True, # Models 'instrumentalModel': None, 'vocalModel': None, 'stackModel': None, 'useModel': None, # Stack Options 'stackPasses': 0, 'stackOnly': False, 'saveAllStacked': False, # Model Folder 'modelFolder': False, # Constants 'sr': 44_100, 'hop_length': 1_024, 'window_size': 320, 'n_fft': 2_048, } default_sr = data['sr'] default_hop_length = data['hop_length'] default_window_size = data['window_size'] default_n_fft = data['n_fft'] def update_progress(progress_var, total_files, total_loops, file_num, loop_num, step: float = 1): """Calculate the progress for the progress widget in the GUI""" base = (100 / total_files) progress = base * (file_num - 1) progress += (base / total_loops) * (loop_num + step) progress_var.set(progress) def get_baseText(total_files, total_loops, file_num, loop_num): """Create the base text for the command widget""" text = 'File {file_num}/{total_files}:{loop} '.format(file_num=file_num, total_files=total_files, loop='' if total_loops <= 1 else f' ({loop_num+1}/{total_loops})') return text def update_constants(model_name): """ Decode the conversion settings from the model's name """ global data text = model_name.replace('.pth', '') text_parts = text.split('_')[1:] # First set everything to default -> # If file name is not decodeable (invalid or no text_parts), constants stay at default data['sr'] = default_sr data['hop_length'] = default_hop_length data['window_size'] = default_window_size data['n_fft'] = default_n_fft for text_part in text_parts: if 'sr' in text_part: text_part = text_part.replace('sr', '') if text_part.isdecimal(): try: data['sr'] = int(text_part) continue except ValueError: # Cannot convert string to int pass if 'hl' in text_part: text_part = text_part.replace('hl', '') if text_part.isdecimal(): try: data['hop_length'] = int(text_part) continue except ValueError: # Cannot convert string to int pass if 'w' in text_part: text_part = text_part.replace('w', '') if text_part.isdecimal(): try: data['window_size'] = int(text_part) continue except ValueError: # Cannot convert string to int pass if 'nf' in text_part: text_part = text_part.replace('nf', '') if text_part.isdecimal(): try: data['n_fft'] = int(text_part) continue except ValueError: # Cannot convert string to int pass def determineModelFolderName(): """ Determine the name that is used for the folder and appended to the back of the music files """ modelFolderName = '' if not data['modelFolder']: # Model Test Mode not selected return modelFolderName # -Instrumental- if os.path.isfile(data['instrumentalModel']): modelFolderName += os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data['instrumentalModel']))[0] # -Vocal- elif os.path.isfile(data['vocalModel']): modelFolderName += os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data['vocalModel']))[0] # -Stack- if os.path.isfile(data['stackModel']): modelFolderName += '-' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data['stackModel']))[0] return modelFolderName def main(window: tk.Wm, text_widget: tk.Text, button_widget: tk.Button, progress_var: tk.Variable, **kwargs: dict): def load_models(): text_widget.write('Loading models...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text models = defaultdict(lambda: None) devices = defaultdict(lambda: None) # -Instrumental- if os.path.isfile(data['instrumentalModel']): device = torch.device('cpu') model = nets.CascadedASPPNet() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(data['instrumentalModel'], map_location=device)) if torch.cuda.is_available() and data['gpu'] >= 0: device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(data['gpu'])) models['instrumental'] = model devices['instrumental'] = device # -Vocal- elif os.path.isfile(data['vocalModel']): device = torch.device('cpu') model = nets.CascadedASPPNet() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(data['vocalModel'], map_location=device)) if torch.cuda.is_available() and data['gpu'] >= 0: device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(data['gpu'])) models['vocal'] = model devices['vocal'] = device # -Stack- if os.path.isfile(data['stackModel']): device = torch.device('cpu') model = nets.CascadedASPPNet() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(data['stackModel'], map_location=device)) if torch.cuda.is_available() and data['gpu'] >= 0: device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(data['gpu'])) models['stack'] = model devices['stack'] = device text_widget.write('Done!\n') return models, devices def load_wave_source(): X, sr = librosa.load(music_file, data['sr'], False, dtype=np.float32, res_type='kaiser_fast') return X, sr def stft_wave_source(X, model, device): X = spec_utils.calc_spec(X, data['hop_length']) X, phase = np.abs(X), np.exp(1.j * np.angle(X)) coeff = X.max() X /= coeff offset = model.offset l, r, roi_size = dataset.make_padding( X.shape[2], data['window_size'], offset) X_pad = np.pad(X, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (l, r)), mode='constant') X_roll = np.roll(X_pad, roi_size // 2, axis=2) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): masks = [] masks_roll = [] length = int(np.ceil(X.shape[2] / roi_size)) for i in tqdm(range(length)): update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=0.1 + 0.5*(i/(length - 1))) start = i * roi_size X_window = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray([ X_pad[:, :, start:start + data['window_size']], X_roll[:, :, start:start + data['window_size']] ])).to(device) pred = model.predict(X_window) pred = pred.detach().cpu().numpy() masks.append(pred[0]) masks_roll.append(pred[1]) mask = np.concatenate(masks, axis=2)[:, :, :X.shape[2]] mask_roll = np.concatenate(masks_roll, axis=2)[ :, :, :X.shape[2]] mask = (mask + np.roll(mask_roll, -roi_size // 2, axis=2)) / 2 if data['postprocess']: vocal = X * (1 - mask) * coeff mask = spec_utils.mask_uninformative(mask, vocal) inst = X * mask * coeff vocal = X * (1 - mask) * coeff return inst, vocal, phase, mask def invert_instrum_vocal(inst, vocal, phase): wav_instrument = spec_utils.spec_to_wav(inst, phase, data['hop_length']) # nopep8 wav_vocals = spec_utils.spec_to_wav(vocal, phase, data['hop_length']) # nopep8 return wav_instrument, wav_vocals def save_files(wav_instrument, wav_vocals): """Save output music files""" vocal_name = None instrumental_name = None save_path = os.path.dirname(base_name) # Get the Suffix Name if (not loop_num or loop_num == (total_loops - 1)): # First or Last Loop if data['stackOnly']: if loop_num == (total_loops - 1): # Last Loop if not (total_loops - 1): # Only 1 Loop vocal_name = '(Vocals)' instrumental_name = '(Instrumental)' else: vocal_name = '(Vocal_Final_Stacked_Output)' instrumental_name = '(Instrumental_Final_Stacked_Output)' elif data['useModel'] == 'instrumental': if not loop_num: # First Loop vocal_name = '(Vocals)' if loop_num == (total_loops - 1): # Last Loop if not (total_loops - 1): # Only 1 Loop instrumental_name = '(Instrumental)' else: instrumental_name = '(Instrumental_Final_Stacked_Output)' elif data['useModel'] == 'vocal': if not loop_num: # First Loop instrumental_name = '(Instrumental)' if loop_num == (total_loops - 1): # Last Loop if not (total_loops - 1): # Only 1 Loop vocal_name = '(Vocals)' else: vocal_name = '(Vocals_Final_Stacked_Output)' if data['useModel'] == 'vocal': # Reverse names vocal_name, instrumental_name = instrumental_name, vocal_name elif data['saveAllStacked']: folder_name = os.path.basename(base_name) + ' Stacked Outputs' # nopep8 save_path = os.path.join(save_path, folder_name) if not os.path.isdir(save_path): os.mkdir(save_path) if data['stackOnly']: vocal_name = f'(Vocal_{loop_num}_Stacked_Output)' instrumental_name = f'(Instrumental_{loop_num}_Stacked_Output)' elif (data['useModel'] == 'vocal' or data['useModel'] == 'instrumental'): vocal_name = f'(Vocals_{loop_num}_Stacked_Output)' instrumental_name = f'(Instrumental_{loop_num}_Stacked_Output)' if data['useModel'] == 'vocal': # Reverse names vocal_name, instrumental_name = instrumental_name, vocal_name # Save Temp File # For instrumental the instrumental is the temp file # and for vocal the instrumental is the temp file due # to reversement sf.write(f'temp.wav', wav_instrument.T, sr) # -Save files- # Instrumental if instrumental_name is not None: instrumental_path = os.path.join(save_path, f'{os.path.basename(base_name)}_{instrumental_name}_{modelFolderName}.wav') sf.write(instrumental_path, wav_instrument.T, sr) # Vocal if vocal_name is not None: vocal_path = os.path.join(save_path, f'{os.path.basename(base_name)}_{vocal_name}_{modelFolderName}.wav') sf.write(vocal_path, wav_vocals.T, sr) def output_image(): norm_mask = np.uint8((1 - mask) * 255).transpose(1, 2, 0) norm_mask = np.concatenate([ np.max(norm_mask, axis=2, keepdims=True), norm_mask], axis=2)[::-1] _, bin_mask = cv2.imencode('.png', norm_mask) text_widget.write(base_text + 'Saving Mask...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text with open(f'{base_name}_(Mask).png', mode='wb') as f: bin_mask.tofile(f) data.update(kwargs) # Update default settings global default_sr global default_hop_length global default_window_size global default_n_fft default_sr = data['sr'] default_hop_length = data['hop_length'] default_window_size = data['window_size'] default_n_fft = data['n_fft'] stime = time.perf_counter() progress_var.set(0) text_widget.clear() button_widget.configure(state=tk.DISABLED) # Disable Button models, devices = load_models() modelFolderName = determineModelFolderName() if modelFolderName: folder_path = os.path.join(data["export_path"], modelFolderName) if not os.path.isdir(folder_path): os.mkdir(folder_path) # Determine Loops total_loops = data['stackPasses'] if not data['stackOnly']: total_loops += 1 for file_num, music_file in enumerate(data['input_paths'], start=1): try: # Determine File Name base_name = os.path.join(folder_path, f'{file_num}_{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(music_file))[0]}') for loop_num in range(total_loops): # -Determine which model will be used- if not loop_num: # First Iteration if data['stackOnly']: if os.path.isfile(data['stackModel']): model_name = os.path.basename(data['stackModel']) model = models['stack'] device = devices['stack'] else: raise ValueError(f'Selected stack only model, however, stack model path file cannot be found\nPath: "{data["stackModel"]}"') # nopep8 else: model_name = os.path.basename(data[f'{data["useModel"]}Model']) model = models[data['useModel']] device = devices[data['useModel']] else: model_name = os.path.basename(data['stackModel']) # Every other iteration model = models['stack'] device = devices['stack'] # Reference new music file music_file = 'temp.wav' # -Get text and update progress- base_text = get_baseText(total_files=len(data['input_paths']), total_loops=total_loops, file_num=file_num, loop_num=loop_num) progress_kwargs = {'progress_var': progress_var, 'total_files': len(data['input_paths']), 'total_loops': total_loops, 'file_num': file_num, 'loop_num': loop_num} update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=0) update_constants(model_name) # -Go through the different steps of seperation- # Wave source text_widget.write(base_text + 'Loading wave source...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text X, sr = load_wave_source() text_widget.write(base_text + 'Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=0.1) # Stft of wave source text_widget.write(base_text + 'Stft of wave source...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text inst, vocal, phase, mask = stft_wave_source(X, model, device) text_widget.write(base_text + 'Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=0.6) # Inverse stft text_widget.write(base_text + 'Inverse stft of instruments and vocals...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text wav_instrument, wav_vocals = invert_instrum_vocal(inst, vocal, phase) # nopep8 text_widget.write(base_text + 'Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=0.7) # Save Files text_widget.write(base_text + 'Saving Files...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text save_files(wav_instrument, wav_vocals) text_widget.write(base_text + 'Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text update_progress(**progress_kwargs, step=0.8) else: # Save Output Image (Mask) if data['output_image']: text_widget.write(base_text + 'Creating Mask...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text output_image() text_widget.write(base_text + 'Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text text_widget.write(base_text + 'Completed Seperation!\n\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text except Exception as e: traceback_text = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)) message = f'Traceback Error: "{traceback_text}"\n{type(e).__name__}: "{e}"\nFile: {music_file}\nLoop: {loop_num}\nPlease contact the creator and attach a screenshot of this error with the file and settings that caused it!' tk.messagebox.showerror(master=window, title='Untracked Error', message=message) print(traceback_text) print(type(e).__name__, e) print(message) progress_var.set(0) button_widget.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) # Enable Button return os.remove('temp.wav') progress_var.set(0) # Update Progress text_widget.write(f'Conversion(s) Completed and Saving all Files!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text text_widget.write(f'Time Elapsed: {time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(time.perf_counter() - stime)))}') # nopep8 torch.cuda.empty_cache() button_widget.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) # Enable Button