#Model Types VR_ARCH_TYPE = 'VR Arc' MDX_ARCH_TYPE = 'MDX-Net' DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE = 'Demucs' VR_ARCH_PM = 'VR Architecture' ENSEMBLE_MODE = 'Ensemble Mode' ENSEMBLE_STEM_CHECK = 'Ensemble Stem' SECONDARY_MODEL = 'Secondary Model' DEMUCS_6_STEM_MODEL = 'htdemucs_6s' DEMUCS_V3_ARCH_TYPE = 'Demucs v3' DEMUCS_V4_ARCH_TYPE = 'Demucs v4' DEMUCS_NEWER_ARCH_TYPES = [DEMUCS_V3_ARCH_TYPE, DEMUCS_V4_ARCH_TYPE] DEMUCS_V1 = 'v1' DEMUCS_V2 = 'v2' DEMUCS_V3 = 'v3' DEMUCS_V4 = 'v4' DEMUCS_V1_TAG = 'v1 | ' DEMUCS_V2_TAG = 'v2 | ' DEMUCS_V3_TAG = 'v3 | ' DEMUCS_V4_TAG = 'v4 | ' DEMUCS_NEWER_TAGS = [DEMUCS_V3_TAG, DEMUCS_V4_TAG] DEMUCS_VERSION_MAPPER = { DEMUCS_V1:DEMUCS_V1_TAG, DEMUCS_V2:DEMUCS_V2_TAG, DEMUCS_V3:DEMUCS_V3_TAG, DEMUCS_V4:DEMUCS_V4_TAG} #Download Center DOWNLOAD_FAILED = 'Download Failed' DOWNLOAD_STOPPED = 'Download Stopped' DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE = 'Download Complete' DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_COMPLETE = 'Update Download Complete' SETTINGS_MENU_EXIT = 'exit' NO_CONNECTION = 'No Internet Connection' VIP_SELECTION = 'VIP:' DEVELOPER_SELECTION = 'VIP:' NO_NEW_MODELS = 'All Available Models Downloaded' ENSEMBLE_PARTITION = ': ' NO_MODEL = 'No Model Selected' CHOOSE_MODEL = 'Choose Model' SINGLE_DOWNLOAD = 'Downloading Item 1/1...' DOWNLOADING_ITEM = 'Downloading Item' FILE_EXISTS = 'File already exists!' DOWNLOADING_UPDATE = 'Downloading Update...' DOWNLOAD_MORE = 'Download More Models' #Menu Options AUTO_SELECT = 'Auto' #LINKS DOWNLOAD_CHECKS = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TRvlvr/application_data/main/filelists/download_checks.json" MDX_MODEL_DATA_LINK = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TRvlvr/application_data/main/mdx_model_data/model_data.json" VR_MODEL_DATA_LINK = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TRvlvr/application_data/main/vr_model_data/model_data.json" DONATE_LINK_BMAC = "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/uvr5" DONATE_LINK_PATREON = "https://www.patreon.com/uvr" #DOWNLOAD REPOS NORMAL_REPO = "https://github.com/TRvlvr/model_repo/releases/download/all_public_uvr_models/" UPDATE_REPO = "https://github.com/TRvlvr/model_repo/releases/download/uvr_update_patches/" ISSUE_LINK = 'https://github.com/Anjok07/ultimatevocalremovergui/issues/new' VIP_REPO = b'\xf3\xc2W\x19\x1foI)\xc2\xa9\xcc\xb67(Z\xf5',\ b'gAAAAABjQAIQ-NpNMMxMedpKHHb7ze_nqB05hw0YhbOy3pFzuzDrfqumn8_qvraxEoUpZC5ZXC0gGvfDxFMqyq9VWbYKlA67SUFI_wZB6QoVyGI581vs7kaGfUqlXHIdDS6tQ_U-BfjbEAK9EU_74-R2zXjz8Xzekw==' NO_CODE = 'incorrect_code' #Extensions ONNX = '.onnx' YAML = '.yaml' PTH = '.pth' JSON = '.json' #GUI Buttons START_PROCESSING = 'Start Processing' WAIT_PROCESSING = 'Please wait...' STOP_PROCESSING = 'Halting process, please wait...' LOADING_MODELS = 'Loading models...' #---Messages and Logs---- MISSING_MODEL = 'missing' MODEL_PRESENT = 'present' UNRECOGNIZED_MODEL = 'Unrecognized Model Detected', ' is an unrecognized model.\n\n' + \ 'Would you like to select the correct parameters before continuing?' STOP_PROCESS_CONFIRM = 'Confirmation', 'You are about to stop all active processes.\n\nAre you sure you wish to continue?' NO_ENSEMBLE_SELECTED = 'No Models Selected', 'Please select ensemble and try again.' PICKLE_CORRU = 'File Corrupted', 'Unable to load this ensemble.\n\n' + \ 'Would you like to remove this ensemble from your list?' DELETE_ENS_ENTRY = 'Confirm Removal', 'Are you sure you want to remove this entry?' ALL_STEMS = 'All Stems' VOCAL_STEM = 'Vocals' INST_STEM = 'Instrumental' OTHER_STEM = 'Other' BASS_STEM = 'Bass' DRUM_STEM = 'Drums' GUITAR_STEM = 'Guitar' PIANO_STEM = 'Piano' SYNTH_STEM = 'Synthesizer' STRINGS_STEM = 'Strings' WOODWINDS_STEM = 'Woodwinds' NO_OTHER_STEM = 'No Other' NO_BASS_STEM = 'No Bass' NO_DRUM_STEM = 'No Drums' NO_GUITAR_STEM = 'No Guitar' NO_PIANO_STEM = 'No Piano' NO_SYNTH_STEM = 'No Synthesizer' NO_STRINGS_STEM = 'No Strings' NO_WOODWINDS_STEM = 'No Woodwinds' PRIMARY_STEM = 'Primary Stem' SECONDARY_STEM = 'Secondary Stem' #Other Constants DEMUCS_2_SOURCE = ["instrumental", "vocals"] DEMUCS_4_SOURCE = ["drums", "bass", "other", "vocals"] DEMUCS_2_SOURCE_MAPPER = { INST_STEM: 0, VOCAL_STEM: 1} DEMUCS_4_SOURCE_MAPPER = { BASS_STEM: 0, DRUM_STEM: 1, OTHER_STEM: 2, VOCAL_STEM: 3} DEMUCS_6_SOURCE_MAPPER = { BASS_STEM: 0, DRUM_STEM: 1, OTHER_STEM: 2, VOCAL_STEM: 3, GUITAR_STEM:4, PIANO_STEM:5} DEMUCS_4_SOURCE_LIST = [BASS_STEM, DRUM_STEM, OTHER_STEM, VOCAL_STEM] DEMUCS_6_SOURCE_LIST = [BASS_STEM, DRUM_STEM, OTHER_STEM, VOCAL_STEM, GUITAR_STEM, PIANO_STEM] DEMUCS_UVR_MODEL = 'UVR_Model' CHOOSE_STEM_PAIR = 'Choose Stem Pair' STEM_SET_MENU = (VOCAL_STEM, INST_STEM, OTHER_STEM, BASS_STEM, DRUM_STEM, GUITAR_STEM, PIANO_STEM, SYNTH_STEM, STRINGS_STEM, WOODWINDS_STEM, NO_OTHER_STEM, NO_BASS_STEM, NO_DRUM_STEM, NO_GUITAR_STEM, NO_PIANO_STEM, NO_SYNTH_STEM, NO_STRINGS_STEM, NO_WOODWINDS_STEM) STEM_PAIR_MAPPER = { VOCAL_STEM: INST_STEM, INST_STEM: VOCAL_STEM, OTHER_STEM: NO_OTHER_STEM, BASS_STEM: NO_BASS_STEM, DRUM_STEM: NO_DRUM_STEM, GUITAR_STEM: NO_GUITAR_STEM, PIANO_STEM: NO_PIANO_STEM, NO_OTHER_STEM: OTHER_STEM, NO_BASS_STEM: BASS_STEM, NO_DRUM_STEM: DRUM_STEM, PRIMARY_STEM: SECONDARY_STEM, NO_GUITAR_STEM: GUITAR_STEM, NO_PIANO_STEM: PIANO_STEM, SYNTH_STEM: NO_SYNTH_STEM, STRINGS_STEM: NO_STRINGS_STEM, WOODWINDS_STEM: NO_WOODWINDS_STEM} MDX_NET_FREQ_CUT = [VOCAL_STEM, INST_STEM] DEMUCS_4_STEM_OPTIONS = (ALL_STEMS, VOCAL_STEM, OTHER_STEM, BASS_STEM, DRUM_STEM) DEMUCS_6_STEM_OPTIONS = (ALL_STEMS, VOCAL_STEM, OTHER_STEM, BASS_STEM, DRUM_STEM, GUITAR_STEM, PIANO_STEM) DEMUCS_2_STEM_OPTIONS = (VOCAL_STEM, INST_STEM) DEMUCS_4_STEM_CHECK = (OTHER_STEM, BASS_STEM, DRUM_STEM) #Menu Dropdowns VOCAL_PAIR = f'{VOCAL_STEM}/{INST_STEM}' INST_PAIR = f'{INST_STEM}/{VOCAL_STEM}' OTHER_PAIR = f'{OTHER_STEM}/{NO_OTHER_STEM}' DRUM_PAIR = f'{DRUM_STEM}/{NO_DRUM_STEM}' BASS_PAIR = f'{BASS_STEM}/{NO_BASS_STEM}' FOUR_STEM_ENSEMBLE = '4 Stem Ensemble' ENSEMBLE_MAIN_STEM = (CHOOSE_STEM_PAIR, VOCAL_PAIR, OTHER_PAIR, DRUM_PAIR, BASS_PAIR, FOUR_STEM_ENSEMBLE) MIN_SPEC = 'Min Spec' MAX_SPEC = 'Max Spec' AUDIO_AVERAGE = 'Average' MAX_MIN = f'{MAX_SPEC}/{MIN_SPEC}' MAX_MAX = f'{MAX_SPEC}/{MAX_SPEC}' MAX_AVE = f'{MAX_SPEC}/{AUDIO_AVERAGE}' MIN_MAX = f'{MIN_SPEC}/{MAX_SPEC}' MIN_MIX = f'{MIN_SPEC}/{MIN_SPEC}' MIN_AVE = f'{MIN_SPEC}/{AUDIO_AVERAGE}' AVE_MAX = f'{AUDIO_AVERAGE}/{MAX_SPEC}' AVE_MIN = f'{AUDIO_AVERAGE}/{MIN_SPEC}' AVE_AVE = f'{AUDIO_AVERAGE}/{AUDIO_AVERAGE}' ENSEMBLE_TYPE = (MAX_MIN, MAX_MAX, MAX_AVE, MIN_MAX, MIN_MIX, MIN_AVE, AVE_MAX, AVE_MIN, AVE_AVE) ENSEMBLE_TYPE_4_STEM = (MAX_SPEC, MIN_SPEC, AUDIO_AVERAGE) CHUNKS = (AUTO_SELECT, '1', '5', '10', '15', '20', '25', '30', '35', '40', '45', '50', '55', '60', '65', '70', '75', '80', '85', '90', '95', 'Full') VOL_COMPENSATION = (AUTO_SELECT, '1.035', '1.08') MARGIN_SIZE = ('44100', '22050', '11025') AUDIO_TOOLS = 'Audio Tools' MANUAL_ENSEMBLE = 'Manual Ensemble' TIME_STRETCH = 'Time Stretch' CHANGE_PITCH = 'Change Pitch' ALIGN_INPUTS = 'Align Inputs' AUDIO_TOOL_OPTIONS = (MANUAL_ENSEMBLE, TIME_STRETCH, CHANGE_PITCH) MANUAL_ENSEMBLE_OPTIONS = (MIN_SPEC, MAX_SPEC, AUDIO_AVERAGE) PROCESS_METHODS = (VR_ARCH_PM, MDX_ARCH_TYPE, DEMUCS_ARCH_TYPE, ENSEMBLE_MODE, AUDIO_TOOLS) DEMUCS_SEGMENTS = ('Default', '1', '5', '10', '15', '20', '25', '30', '35', '40', '45', '50', '55', '60', '65', '70', '75', '80', '85', '90', '95', '100') DEMUCS_SHIFTS = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20) DEMUCS_OVERLAP = (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.99) VR_AGGRESSION = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20) VR_WINDOW = ('320', '512','1024') VR_CROP = ('256', '512', '1024') VR_BATCH = ('4', '6', '8') MDX_POP_PRO = ('MDX-NET_Noise_Profile_14_kHz', 'MDX-NET_Noise_Profile_17_kHz', 'MDX-NET_Noise_Profile_Full_Band') MDX_POP_STEMS = ('Vocals', 'Instrumental', 'Other', 'Drums', 'Bass') MDX_POP_NFFT = ('4096', '5120', '6144', '7680', '8192', '16384') MDX_POP_DIMF = ('2048', '3072', '4096') SAVE_ENSEMBLE = 'Save Ensemble' CLEAR_ENSEMBLE = 'Clear Selection(s)' MENU_SEPARATOR = 35*'•' CHOOSE_ENSEMBLE_OPTION = 'Choose Option' INVALID_ENTRY = 'Invalid Input, Please Try Again' ENSEMBLE_INPUT_RULE = '1. Only letters, numbers, spaces, and dashes allowed.\n2. No dashes or spaces at the start or end of input.' ENSEMBLE_OPTIONS = (SAVE_ENSEMBLE, CLEAR_ENSEMBLE) ENSEMBLE_CHECK = 'ensemble check' SELECT_SAVED_ENSEMBLE = 'Select Saved Ensemble' SELECT_SAVED_SETTING = 'Select Saved Setting' ENSEMBLE_OPTION = "Ensemble Customization Options" MDX_OPTION = "Advanced MDX-Net Options" DEMUCS_OPTION = "Advanced Demucs Options" VR_OPTION = "Advanced VR Options" HELP_OPTION = "Open Information Guide" ERROR_OPTION = "Open Error Log" VERIFY_BEGIN = 'Verifying file ' SAMPLE_BEGIN = 'Creating Sample ' MODEL_MISSING_CHECK = 'Model Missing:' # Audio Player PLAYING_SONG = ": Playing" PAUSE_SONG = ": Paused" STOP_SONG = ": Stopped" SELECTED_VER = 'Selected' DETECTED_VER = 'Detected' SAMPLE_MODE_CHECKBOX = lambda v:f'Sample Mode ({v}s)' REMOVED_FILES = lambda r, e:f'Audio Input Verification Report:\n\nRemoved Files:\n\n{r}\n\nError Details:\n\n{e}' ADVANCED_SETTINGS = (ENSEMBLE_OPTION, MDX_OPTION, DEMUCS_OPTION, VR_OPTION, HELP_OPTION, ERROR_OPTION) WAV = 'WAV' FLAC = 'FLAC' MP3 = 'MP3' MP3_BIT_RATES = ('96k', '128k', '160k', '224k', '256k', '320k') WAV_TYPE = ('PCM_U8', 'PCM_16', 'PCM_24', 'PCM_32', '32-bit Float', '64-bit Float') SELECT_SAVED_SET = 'Choose Option' SAVE_SETTINGS = 'Save Current Settings' RESET_TO_DEFAULT = 'Reset to Default' RESET_FULL_TO_DEFAULT = 'Reset to Default' RESET_PM_TO_DEFAULT = 'Reset All Application Settings to Default' SAVE_SET_OPTIONS = (SAVE_SETTINGS, RESET_TO_DEFAULT) TIME_PITCH = ('1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0') TIME_TEXT = '_time_stretched' PITCH_TEXT = '_pitch_shifted' #RegEx Input Validation REG_TIME_PITCH = r'^[-+]?(1[0]|[0-9]([.][0-9]*)?)$' REG_COMPENSATION = r'\b^(1[0]|[0-9]([.][0-9]*)?|Auto|None)$\b' REG_COMPENSATION = r'\b^(1[0]|[0-9]([.][0-9]*)?|Auto|None)$\b' REG_CHUNKS = r'\b^(200|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]?|Auto|Full)$\b' REG_MARGIN = r'\b^[0-9]*$\b' REG_SEGMENTS = r'\b^(200|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]?|Default)$\b' REG_SAVE_INPUT = r'\b^([a-zA-Z0-9 -]{0,25})$\b' REG_AGGRESSION = r'^[-+]?[0-9]\d*?$' REG_WINDOW = r'\b^[0-9]{0,4}$\b' REG_SHIFTS = r'\b^[0-9]*$\b' REG_OVERLAP = r'\b^([0]([.][0-9]{0,6})?|None)$\b' # Sub Menu VR_ARCH_SETTING_LOAD = 'Load for VR Arch' MDX_SETTING_LOAD = 'Load for MDX-Net' DEMUCS_SETTING_LOAD = 'Load for Demucs' ALL_ARCH_SETTING_LOAD = 'Load for Full Application' # Mappers MDX_NAME_SELECT = { "UVR_MDXNET_1_9703": 'UVR-MDX-NET 1', "UVR_MDXNET_2_9682": 'UVR-MDX-NET 2', "UVR_MDXNET_3_9662": 'UVR-MDX-NET 3', "UVR_MDXNET_KARA": 'UVR-MDX-NET Karaoke', "UVR_MDXNET_Main": 'UVR-MDX-NET Main', "UVR-MDX-NET-Inst_1": 'UVR-MDX-NET Inst 1', "UVR-MDX-NET-Inst_2": 'UVR-MDX-NET Inst 2', "UVR-MDX-NET-Inst_3": 'UVR-MDX-NET Inst 3', "UVR-MDX-NET-Inst_Main": 'UVR-MDX-NET Inst Main'} DEMUCS_NAME_SELECT = { 'tasnet.th': 'v1 | Tasnet', 'tasnet_extra.th': 'v1 | Tasnet_extra', 'demucs.th': 'v1 | Demucs', 'demucs_extra.th': 'v1 | Demucs_extra', 'light.th': 'v1 | Light', 'light_extra.th': 'v1 | Light_extra', 'tasnet.th.gz': 'v1 | Tasnet.gz', 'tasnet_extra.th.gz': 'v1 | Tasnet_extra.gz', 'demucs.th.gz': 'v1 | Demucs_extra.gz', 'light.th.gz': 'v1 | Light.gz', 'light_extra.th.gz': "v1 | Light_extra.gz'", 'tasnet-beb46fac.th': 'v2 | Tasnet', 'tasnet_extra-df3777b2.th': 'v2 | Tasnet_extra', 'demucs48_hq-28a1282c.th': 'v2 | Demucs48_hq', 'demucs_extra-3646af93.th': 'v2 | Demucs_extra', 'demucs_unittest-09ebc15f.th': 'v2 | Demucs_unittest', 'mdx.yaml': 'v3 | mdx', 'mdx_extra.yaml': 'v3 | mdx_extra', 'mdx_extra_q.yaml': 'v3 | mdx_extra_q', 'mdx_q.yaml': 'v3 | mdx_q', 'repro_mdx_a.yaml': 'v3 | repro_mdx_a', 'repro_mdx_a_hybrid_only.yaml': 'v3 | repro_mdx_a_hybrid', 'repro_mdx_a_time_only.yaml': 'v3 | repro_mdx_a_time', 'UVR_Demucs_Model_1.yaml': 'v3 | UVR_Model_1', 'UVR_Demucs_Model_2.yaml': 'v3 | UVR_Model_2', 'UVR_Demucs_Model_Bag.yaml': 'v3 | UVR_Model_Bag', 'hdemucs_mmi.yaml': 'v4 | hdemucs_mmi', 'htdemucs.yaml': 'v4 | htdemucs', 'htdemucs_ft.yaml': 'v4 | htdemucs_ft', 'htdemucs_6s.yaml': 'v4 | htdemucs_6s' } DEFAULT_DATA = { 'chosen_process_method': MDX_ARCH_TYPE, 'vr_model': CHOOSE_MODEL, 'aggression_setting': 10, 'window_size': 512, 'batch_size': 4, 'crop_size': 256, 'is_tta': False, 'is_output_image': False, 'is_post_process': False, 'is_high_end_process': False, 'vr_voc_inst_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'vr_other_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'vr_bass_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'vr_drums_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'vr_is_secondary_model_activate': False, 'vr_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale': 0.9, 'vr_other_secondary_model_scale': 0.7, 'vr_bass_secondary_model_scale': 0.5, 'vr_drums_secondary_model_scale': 0.5, 'demucs_model': CHOOSE_MODEL, 'demucs_stems': ALL_STEMS, 'segment': DEMUCS_SEGMENTS[0], 'overlap': DEMUCS_OVERLAP[0], 'shifts': 2, 'chunks_demucs': CHUNKS[0], 'margin_demucs': 44100, 'is_chunk_demucs': False, 'is_primary_stem_only_Demucs': False, 'is_secondary_stem_only_Demucs': False, 'is_split_mode': True, 'is_demucs_combine_stems': True, 'demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'demucs_other_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'demucs_bass_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'demucs_drums_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'demucs_is_secondary_model_activate': False, 'demucs_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale': 0.9, 'demucs_other_secondary_model_scale': 0.7, 'demucs_bass_secondary_model_scale': 0.5, 'demucs_drums_secondary_model_scale': 0.5, 'demucs_stems': ALL_STEMS, 'demucs_pre_proc_model': NO_MODEL, 'is_demucs_pre_proc_model_activate': False, 'is_demucs_pre_proc_model_inst_mix': False, 'mdx_net_model': CHOOSE_MODEL, 'chunks': CHUNKS[0], 'margin': 44100, 'compensate': AUTO_SELECT, 'is_denoise': False, 'is_invert_spec': False, 'mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'mdx_other_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'mdx_bass_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'mdx_drums_secondary_model': NO_MODEL, 'mdx_is_secondary_model_activate': False, 'mdx_voc_inst_secondary_model_scale': 0.9, 'mdx_other_secondary_model_scale': 0.7, 'mdx_bass_secondary_model_scale': 0.5, 'mdx_drums_secondary_model_scale': 0.5, 'is_save_all_outputs_ensemble': True, 'is_append_ensemble_name': False, 'chosen_audio_tool': AUDIO_TOOL_OPTIONS[0], 'choose_algorithm': MANUAL_ENSEMBLE_OPTIONS[0], 'time_stretch_rate': 2.0, 'pitch_rate': 2.0, 'is_gpu_conversion': False, 'is_primary_stem_only': False, 'is_secondary_stem_only': False, 'is_testing_audio': False, 'is_add_model_name': False, 'is_accept_any_input': False, 'is_task_complete': False, 'is_normalization': False, 'is_create_model_folder': False, 'mp3_bit_set': '320k', 'save_format': WAV, 'wav_type_set': 'PCM_16', 'user_code': '', 'export_path': '', 'input_paths': [], 'lastDir': None, 'export_path': '', 'model_hash_table': None, 'help_hints_var': False, 'model_sample_mode': False, 'model_sample_mode_duration': 30 } # Message Box Text INVALID_INPUT = 'Invalid Input', 'The input is invalid.\n\nPlease verify the input still exists or is valid and try again.' INVALID_EXPORT = 'Invalid Export Directory', 'You have selected an invalid export directory.\n\nPlease make sure the selected directory still exists.' INVALID_ENSEMBLE = 'Not Enough Models', 'You must select 2 or more models to run ensemble.' INVALID_MODEL = 'No Model Chosen', 'You must select an model to continue.' MISSING_MODEL = 'Model Missing', 'The selected model is missing or not valid.' ERROR_OCCURED = 'Error Occured', '\n\nWould you like to open the error log for more details?\n' # GUI Text Constants BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU = 'Back to Main Menu' # Help Hint Text INTERNAL_MODEL_ATT = 'Internal model attribute. \n\n ***Do not change this setting if you are unsure!***' STOP_HELP = 'Halts any running processes. \n A pop-up window will ask the user to confirm the action.' SETTINGS_HELP = 'Opens the main settings guide. This window includes the \"Download Center\"' COMMAND_TEXT_HELP = 'Provides information on the progress of the current process.' SAVE_CURRENT_SETTINGS_HELP = 'Allows the user to open any saved settings or save the current application settings.' CHUNKS_HELP = ('This option allows the user to reduce (or increase) RAM or V-RAM usage.\n\n' + \ '• Smaller chunk sizes use less RAM or V-RAM but can also increase processing times.\n' + \ '• Larger chunk sizes use more RAM or V-RAM but can also reduce processing times.\n' + \ '• Selecting \"Auto\" calculates an appropriate chuck size based on how much RAM or V-RAM your system has.\n' + \ '• Selecting \"Full\" will process the track as one whole chunk.\n' + \ '• This option is only recommended for those with powerful PCs.\n' +\ '• The default selection is \"Auto\".') MARGIN_HELP = 'Selects the frequency margins to slice the chunks from.\n\n• The recommended margin size is 44100.\n• Other values can give unpredictable results.' AGGRESSION_SETTING_HELP = ('This option allows you to set how strong the primary stem extraction will be.\n\n' + \ '• The range is 0-100.\n' + \ '• Higher values perform deeper extractions.\n' + \ '• The default is 10 for instrumental & vocal models.\n' + \ '• Values over 10 can result in muddy-sounding instrumentals for the non-vocal models') WINDOW_SIZE_HELP = ('The smaller your window size, the better your conversions will be. \nHowever, a smaller window means longer conversion times and heavier resource usage.\n\n' + \ 'Breakdown of the selectable window size values:\n' + \ '• 1024 - Low conversion quality, shortest conversion time, low resource usage.\n' + \ '• 512 - Average conversion quality, average conversion time, normal resource usage.\n' + \ '• 320 - Better conversion quality.') DEMUCS_STEMS_HELP = ('Here, you can choose which stem to extract using the selected model.\n\n' +\ 'Stem Selections:\n\n' +\ '• All Stems - Saves all of the stems the model is able to extract.\n' +\ '• Vocals - Pulls vocal stem only.\n' +\ '• Other - Pulls other stem only.\n' +\ '• Bass - Pulls bass stem only.\n' +\ '• Drums - Pulls drum stem only.\n') SEGMENT_HELP = ('This option allows the user to reduce (or increase) RAM or V-RAM usage.\n\n' + \ '• Smaller segment sizes use less RAM or V-RAM but can also increase processing times.\n' + \ '• Larger segment sizes use more RAM or V-RAM but can also reduce processing times.\n' + \ '• Selecting \"Default\" uses the recommended segment size.\n' + \ '• It is recommended that you not use segments with \"Chunking\".') ENSEMBLE_MAIN_STEM_HELP = 'Allows the user to select the type of stems they wish to ensemble.\n\nOptions:\n\n' +\ f'• {VOCAL_PAIR} - The primary stem will be the vocals and the secondary stem will be the the instrumental\n' +\ f'• {OTHER_PAIR} - The primary stem will be other and the secondary stem will be no other (the mixture without the \'other\' stem)\n' +\ f'• {BASS_PAIR} - The primary stem will be bass and the secondary stem will be no bass (the mixture without the \'bass\' stem)\n' +\ f'• {DRUM_PAIR} - The primary stem will be drums and the secondary stem will be no drums (the mixture without the \'drums\' stem)\n' +\ f'• {FOUR_STEM_ENSEMBLE} - This option will gather all the 4 stem Demucs models and ensemble all of the outputs.\n' ENSEMBLE_TYPE_HELP = 'Allows the user to select the ensemble algorithm to be used to generate the final output.\n\nExample & Other Note:\n\n' +\ f'• {MAX_MIN} - If this option is chosen, the primary stem outputs will be processed through \nthe \'Max Spec\' algorithm, and the secondary stem will be processed through the \'Min Spec\' algorithm.\n' +\ f'• Only a single algorithm will be shown when the \'4 Stem Ensemble\' option is chosen.\n\nAlgorithm Details:\n\n' +\ f'• {MAX_SPEC} - This algorithm combines the final results and generates the highest possible output from them.\nFor example, if this algorithm were processing vocal stems, you would get the fullest possible \n' +\ 'result making the ensembled vocal stem sound cleaner. However, it might result in more unwanted artifacts.\n' +\ f'• {MIN_SPEC} - This algorithm combines the results and generates the lowest possible output from them.\nFor example, if this algorithm were processing instrumental stems, you would get the cleanest possible result \n' +\ 'result, eliminating more unwanted artifacts. However, the result might also sound \'muddy\' and lack a fuller sound.\n' +\ f'• {AUDIO_AVERAGE} - This algorithm simply combines the results and averages all of them together. \n' ENSEMBLE_LISTBOX_HELP = 'List of the all the models available for the main stem pair selected.' IS_GPU_CONVERSION_HELP = ('When checked, the application will attempt to use your GPU (if you have one).\n' +\ 'If you do not have a GPU but have this checked, the application will default to your CPU.\n\n' +\ 'Note: CPU conversions are much slower than those processed through the GPU.') SAVE_STEM_ONLY_HELP = 'Allows the user to save only the selected stem.' IS_NORMALIZATION_HELP = 'Normalizes output to prevent clipping.' CROP_SIZE_HELP = '**Only compatible with select models only!**\n\n Setting should match training crop-size value. Leave as is if unsure.' BATCH_SIZE_HELP = '**Only compatible with select models only!**\n\n Lower values allows for less resource usage but longer conversion times.' IS_TTA_HELP = ('This option performs Test-Time-Augmentation to improve the separation quality.\n\n' +\ 'Note: Having this selected will increase the time it takes to complete a conversion') IS_POST_PROCESS_HELP = ('This option can potentially identify leftover instrumental artifacts within the vocal outputs. \nThis option may improve the separation of some songs.\n\n' +\ 'Note: Selecting this option can adversely affect the conversion process, depending on the track. Because of this, it is only recommended as a last resort.') IS_HIGH_END_PROCESS_HELP = 'The application will mirror the missing frequency range of the output.' SHIFTS_HELP = ('Performs multiple predictions with random shifts of the input and averages them.\n\n' +\ '• The higher number of shifts, the longer the prediction will take. \n- Not recommended unless you have a GPU.') OVERLAP_HELP = 'This option controls the amount of overlap between prediction windows (for Demucs one window is 10 seconds)' IS_CHUNK_DEMUCS_HELP = '• Enables the using \"Chunks\".\n• We recommend you not enable this option with \"Split Mode\" enabled or with the Demucs v4 Models.' IS_SPLIT_MODE_HELP = ('• Enables \"Segments\". \n• We recommend you not enable this option with \"Enable Chunks\".\n' +\ '• Deselecting this option is only recommended for those with powerful PCs or if using \"Chunk\" mode instead.') IS_DEMUCS_COMBINE_STEMS_HELP = 'The application will create the secondary stem by combining the remaining stems \ninstead of inverting the primary stem with the mixture.' COMPENSATE_HELP = 'Compensates the audio of the primary stems to allow for a better secondary stem.' IS_DENOISE_HELP = '\n• This option removes a majority of the noise generated by the MDX-Net models.\n• The conversion will take nearly twice as long with this enabled.' CLEAR_CACHE_HELP = 'Clears any user selected model settings for previously unrecognized models.' IS_SAVE_ALL_OUTPUTS_ENSEMBLE_HELP = 'Enabling this option will keep all indivudual outputs generated by an ensemble.' IS_APPEND_ENSEMBLE_NAME_HELP = 'The application will append the ensemble name to the final output \nwhen this option is enabled.' DONATE_HELP = 'Takes the user to an external web-site to donate to this project!' IS_INVERT_SPEC_HELP = '• This option may produce a better secondary stem.\n• Inverts primary stem with mixture using spectragrams instead of wavforms.\n• This inversion method is slightly slower.' IS_TESTING_AUDIO_HELP = 'Appends a unique 10 digit number to output files so the user \ncan compare results with different settings.' IS_MODEL_TESTING_AUDIO_HELP = 'Appends the model name to output files so the user \ncan compare results with different settings.' IS_ACCEPT_ANY_INPUT_HELP = 'The application will accept any input when enabled, even if it does not have an audio format extension.\n\nThis is for experimental purposes, and having it enabled is not recommended.' IS_TASK_COMPLETE_HELP = 'When enabled, chimes will be heard when a process completes or fails.' IS_CREATE_MODEL_FOLDER_HELP = 'Two new directories will be generated for the outputs in \nthe export directory after each conversion.\n\n' +\ '• First directory - Named after the model.\n' +\ '• Second directory - Named after the track.\n\n' +\ '• Example: \n\n' +\ '─ Export Directory\n' +\ ' └── First Directory\n' +\ ' └── Second Directory\n' +\ ' └── Output File(s)' DELETE_YOUR_SETTINGS_HELP = 'This menu contains your saved settings. You will be asked to \nconfirm if you wish to delete the selected setting.' SET_STEM_NAME_HELP = 'Choose the primary stem for the selected model.' MDX_DIM_T_SET_HELP = INTERNAL_MODEL_ATT MDX_DIM_F_SET_HELP = INTERNAL_MODEL_ATT MDX_N_FFT_SCALE_SET_HELP = 'Set the N_FFT size the model was trained with.' POPUP_COMPENSATE_HELP = f'Choose the appropriate voluem compensattion for the selected model\n\nReminder: {COMPENSATE_HELP}' VR_MODEL_PARAM_HELP = 'Choose the parameters needed to run the selected model.' CHOSEN_ENSEMBLE_HELP = 'Select saved enselble or save current ensemble.\n\nDefault Selections:\n\n• Save the current ensemble.\n• Clears all current model selections.' CHOSEN_PROCESS_METHOD_HELP = 'Here, you choose between different Al networks and algorithms to process your track.\n\n' +\ 'There are four options:\n\n' +\ '• VR Architecture - These models use magnitude spectrograms for Source Separation.\n' +\ '• MDX-Net - These models use Hybrid Spectrogram/Waveform for Source Separation.\n' +\ '• Demucs v3 - These models use Hybrid Spectrogram/Waveform for Source Separation.\n' +\ '• Ensemble Mode - Here, you can get the best results from multiple models and networks.\n' +\ '• Audio Tools - These are additional tools for added convenience.' INPUT_FOLDER_ENTRY_HELP = 'Select Input:\n\nHere is where you select the audio files(s) you wish to process.' OUTPUT_FOLDER_ENTRY_HELP = 'Select Output:\n\nHere is where you select the directory where your processed files are to be saved.' INPUT_FOLDER_BUTTON_HELP = 'Open Input Folder Button: \n\nOpens the directory containing the selected input audio file(s).' OUTPUT_FOLDER_BUTTON_HELP = 'Open Output Folder Button: \n\nOpens the selected output folder.' CHOOSE_MODEL_HELP = 'Each process method comes with its own set of options and models.\n\nHere is where you choose the model associated with the selected process method.' FORMAT_SETTING_HELP = 'Save outputs as ' SECONDARY_MODEL_ACTIVATE_HELP = 'When enabled, the application will run an additional inference with the selected model(s) above.' SECONDARY_MODEL_HELP = 'Choose the secondary model associated with this stem you wish to run with the current process method.' SECONDARY_MODEL_SCALE_HELP = 'The scale determines how the final audio outputs will be averaged between the primary and secondary models.\n\nFor example:\n\n' +\ '• 10% - 10 percent of the main model result will be factored into the final result.\n' +\ '• 50% - The results from the main and secondary models will be averaged evenly.\n' +\ '• 90% - 90 percent of the main model result will be factored into the final result.' PRE_PROC_MODEL_ACTIVATE_HELP = 'The application will run an inference with the selected model above, pulling only the instrumental stem when enabled. \nFrom there, all of the non-vocal stems will be pulled from the generated instrumental.\n\nNotes:\n\n' +\ '• This option can significantly reduce vocal bleed within the non-vocal stems.\n' +\ '• It is only available in Demucs.\n' +\ '• It is only compatible with non-vocal and non-instrumental stem outputs.\n' +\ '• This will increase thetotal processing time.\n' +\ '• Only VR and MDX-Net Vocal or Instrumental models are selectable above.' AUDIO_TOOLS_HELP = 'Here, you choose between different audio tools to process your track.\n\n' +\ '• Manual Ensemble - You must have 2 or more files selected as your inputs. Allows the user to run their tracks through \nthe same algorithms used in Ensemble Mode.\n' +\ '• Align Inputs - You must have exactly 2 files selected as your inputs. The second input will be aligned with the first input.\n' +\ '• Time Stretch - The user can speed up or slow down the selected inputs.\n' +\ '• Change Pitch - The user can change the pitch for the selected inputs.\n' PRE_PROC_MODEL_INST_MIX_HELP = 'When enabled, the application will generate a third output without the selected stem and vocals.' MODEL_SAMPLE_MODE_HELP = 'Allows the user to process only part of a track to sample settings or a model without \nrunning a full conversion.\n\nNotes:\n\n' +\ '• The number in the parentheses is the current number of seconds the generated sample will be.\n' +\ '• You can choose the number of seconds to extract from the track in the \"Additional Settings\" menu.' # Warning Messages STORAGE_ERROR = 'Insufficient Storage', 'There is not enough storage on main drive to continue. Your main drive must have at least 3 GB\'s of storage in order for this application function properly. \n\nPlease ensure your main drive has at least 3 GB\'s of storage and try again.\n\n' STORAGE_WARNING = 'Available Storage Low', 'Your main drive is running low on storage. Your main drive must have at least 3 GB\'s of storage in order for this application function properly.\n\n' CONFIRM_WARNING = '\nAre you sure you wish to continue?' PROCESS_FAILED = 'Process failed, please see error log\n' EXIT_PROCESS_ERROR = 'Active Process', 'Please stop the active process or wait for it to complete before you exit.' EXIT_HALTED_PROCESS_ERROR = 'Halting Process', 'Please wait for the application to finish halting the process before exiting.' EXIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR = 'Active Download', 'Please stop the download or wait for it to complete before you exit.' SET_TO_DEFAULT_PROCESS_ERROR = 'Active Process', 'You cannot reset all of the application settings during an active process.' SET_TO_ANY_PROCESS_ERROR = 'Active Process', 'You cannot reset the application settings during an active process.' RESET_ALL_TO_DEFAULT_WARNING = 'Reset Settings Confirmation', 'All application settings will be set to factory default.\n\nAre you sure you wish to continue?' AUDIO_VERIFICATION_CHECK = lambda i, e:f'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\nBroken File Removed: \n\n{i}\n\nError Details:\n\n{e}\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' # Separation Text LOADING_MODEL = 'Loading model...' INFERENCE_STEP_1 = 'Running inference...' INFERENCE_STEP_1_SEC = 'Running inference (secondary model)...' INFERENCE_STEP_1_4_STEM = lambda stem:f'Running inference (secondary model for {stem})...' INFERENCE_STEP_1_PRE = 'Running inference (pre-process model)...' INFERENCE_STEP_2_PRE = lambda pm, m:f'Loading pre-process model ({pm}: {m})...' INFERENCE_STEP_2_SEC = lambda pm, m:f'Loading secondary model ({pm}: {m})...' INFERENCE_STEP_2_SEC_CACHED_MODOEL = lambda pm, m:f'Secondary model ({pm}: {m}) cache loaded.\n' INFERENCE_STEP_2_PRE_CACHED_MODOEL = lambda pm, m:f'Pre-process model ({pm}: {m}) cache loaded.\n' INFERENCE_STEP_2_SEC_CACHED = 'Loading cached secondary model source(s)... Done!\n' INFERENCE_STEP_2_PRIMARY_CACHED = 'Model cache loaded.\n' INFERENCE_STEP_2 = 'Inference complete.' SAVING_STEM = 'Saving ', ' stem...' SAVING_ALL_STEMS = 'Saving all stems...' ENSEMBLING_OUTPUTS = 'Ensembling outputs...' DONE = ' Done!\n' ENSEMBLES_SAVED = 'Ensembled outputs saved!\n\n' NEW_LINES = "\n\n" NEW_LINE = "\n" NO_LINE = '' # Widget Placements MAIN_ROW_Y = -15, -17 MAIN_ROW_X = -4, 21 MAIN_ROW_WIDTH = -53 MAIN_ROW_2_Y = -15, -17 MAIN_ROW_2_X = -28, 1 CHECK_BOX_Y = 0 CHECK_BOX_X = 20 CHECK_BOX_WIDTH = -50 CHECK_BOX_HEIGHT = 2 LEFT_ROW_WIDTH = -10 LABEL_HEIGHT = -5 OPTION_HEIGHT = 7 LOW_MENU_Y = 18, 16 FFMPEG_EXT = (".aac", ".aiff", ".alac" ,".flac", ".mov", ".mp4", ".m4a", ".mp2", ".mp3", ".mp4", ".mpc", ".mpc8", ".mpeg", ".ogg", ".tta", ".wav", ".wma") FFMPEG_MORE_EXT = (".aa", ".aac", ".ac3", ".aiff", ".alac", ".avi", ".f4v",".flac", ".flic", ".flv", ".m4v",".mlv", ".mov", ".mp4", ".m4a", ".mp2", ".mp3", ".mp4", ".mpc", ".mpc8", ".mpeg", ".ogg", ".tta", ".tty", ".vcd", ".wav", ".wma") ANY_EXT = "" # Secondary Menu Constants VOCAL_PAIR_PLACEMENT = 1, 2, 3, 4 OTHER_PAIR_PLACEMENT = 5, 6, 7, 8 BASS_PAIR_PLACEMENT = 9, 10, 11, 12 DRUMS_PAIR_PLACEMENT = 13, 14, 15, 16 LICENSE_TEXT = lambda a, p:f'Current Application Version: Ultimate Vocal Remover {a}\n' +\ f'Current Patch Version: {p}\n\n' +\ 'Copyright (c) 2022 Ultimate Vocal Remover\n\n' +\ 'UVR is free and open-source, but MIT licensed. Please credit us if you use our\n' +\ 'models or code for projects unrelated to UVR.\n\n' +\ '• This application is intended for those running Windows 10 or higher.\n' +\ '• Application functionality for systems running Windows 7 or lower.\n' +\ '• Application functionality for Intel Pentium & Celeron CPUs systems is not guaranteed.\n\n' +\ 'This bundle contains the UVR interface, Python, PyTorch, and other\n' +\ 'dependencies needed to run the application effectively.\n\n' +\ 'Website Links: This application, System or Service(s) may contain links to\n' +\ 'other websites and downloads, and they are solely provided to you as an\n' +\ 'additional convenience. You understand and acknowledge that by clicking\n' +\ 'or activating such links you are accessing a site or service outside of\n' +\ 'this application, and that we do not screen, review, approve, or otherwise\n' +\ 'endorse any content or information contained in these linked websites.\n' +\ 'You acknowledge and agree that we, our affiliates and partners are not\n' +\ 'responsible for the contents of any of these linked websites, including\n' +\ 'the accuracy or availability of information provided by the linked websites,\n' +\ 'and we make no representations or warranties regarding your use of\n' +\ 'the linked websites.\n\n' +\ 'This application is MIT Licensed\n\n' +\ 'Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n' +\ 'of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal\n' +\ 'in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n' +\ 'to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n' +\ 'copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n' +\ 'furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\n' +\ 'The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\n' +\ 'copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\n' +\ 'THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n' +\ 'IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n' +\ 'FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n' +\ 'AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n' +\ 'LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n' +\ 'OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\n' +\ 'SOFTWARE.' # INTERNAL_MODEL_ATT = '内部模型属性 \n\n ***如果不确定,请勿更改此设置!***' # STOP_HELP = '停止任何正在运行的进程 \n 弹出窗口将要求用户确认操作' # SETTINGS_HELP = '打开设置指南此窗口包括\"下载中心\"' # COMMAND_TEXT_HELP = '提供有关当前进程进度的信息' # SAVE_CURRENT_SETTINGS_HELP = '允许用户打开任何保存的设置或保存当前应用程序设置' # CHUNKS_HELP = ('此选项允许用户减少(或增加)RAM或VRAM\n\n' + \ # '• 较小的块大小使用较少的RAM或VRAM,但也会增加处理时间\n' + \ # '• 较大的块大小使用更多的RAM或VRAM,但也可以减少处理时间\n' + \ # '• 选择“自动”可根据系统的RAM或VRAM大小计算适当的运行内存\n' + \ # '• 选择“完整”将使用全部电脑可用资源处理曲目\n' + \ # '• 此选项仅适用于具有强大pc的用户,不要对自己电脑过于自信\n' +\ # '• 默认选择为“自动”.') # MARGIN_HELP = '选择要从中分割块的频率\n\n- 建议的频率大小为44100\n- 其他值可能会产生不可预测的结果' # AGGRESSION_SETTING_HELP = ('该选项允许您设置主轨道提取的强度\n\n' + \ # '• 范围为0-100\n' + \ # '• 值越高,提取程度越高\n' + \ # '• 乐器和声乐模型的默认值为10\n' + \ # '• 超过10的值可能会导致非发声模型的乐器发出浑浊的声音') # WINDOW_SIZE_HELP = ('分块大小越小,转换效果越好 \n然而,较小的分块意味着更长的转换时间和更重的资源使用\n\n' + \ # '可选窗口大小值的细分:\n' + \ # '• 1024 - 转换质量低,转换时间短,资源使用率低\n' + \ # '• 512 - 平均转换质量、平均转换时间、正常资源使用\n' + \ # '• 320 - 更好的转换质量') # DEMUCS_STEMS_HELP = ('在这里,您可以选择使用所选模型提取某个轨道\n\n' +\ # '轨道选择:\n\n' +\ # '• All Stems - 保存模型能够提取的所有轨道.\n' +\ # '• Vocals -仅人声轨道.\n' +\ # '• Other - 仅其他轨道.\n' +\ # '• Bass - 仅贝斯轨道.\n' +\ # '• Drums - 仅鼓轨道.\n') # SEGMENT_HELP = ('此选项允许用户减少(或增加)RAM或VRAM使用\n\n' + \ # '• 较小的段大小使用较少的RAM或VRAM,但也会增加处理时间.\n' + \ # '• 较大的段大小使用更多的RAM或VRAM,但也可以减少处理时间\n' + \ # '• 选择“默认值”使用建议的段大小\n' + \ # '• 建议不要使用带有“分段”的段".') # ENSEMBLE_MAIN_STEM_HELP = '允许用户选择要集成的阀杆类型\n\n示例:主阀杆/次阀杆' # ENSEMBLE_TYPE_HELP = '允许用户选择用于生成最终输出的集成算法' # ENSEMBLE_LISTBOX_HELP = '所选主阀杆对的所有可用型号列表' # IS_GPU_CONVERSION_HELP = ('选中后,应用程序将尝试使用您的GPU(如果您有).\n' +\ # '如果您没有GPU,但选中了此项,则应用程序将默认为CPU\n\n' +\ # '注:CPU转换比通过GPU处理的转换慢得多.') # SAVE_STEM_ONLY_HELP = '允许用户仅保存选定的阀杆' # IS_NORMALIZATION_HELP = '规格化输出以防止剪裁' # CROP_SIZE_HELP = '**仅与部分型号兼容!**\n\n 设置应与训练作物大小值相匹配,如果不确定,则保持原样' # BATCH_SIZE_HELP = '**仅与部分型号兼容!**\n\n 值越低,资源使用量越少,但转换时间越长' # IS_TTA_HELP = ('此选项执行测试时间增强以提高分离质量\n\n' +\ # '注意:选择此选项将增加完成转换所需的时间') # IS_POST_PROCESS_HELP = ('该选项可以潜在地识别声音输出中残留的乐器伪影 \n此选项可能会改进某些歌曲的分离.\n\n' +\ # '注意:选择此选项可能会对转换过程产生不利影响,具体取决于曲目。因此,建议将其作为最后救命稻草') # IS_HIGH_END_PROCESS_HELP = '应用程序将镜像输出的缺失频率范围' # SHIFTS_HELP = ('使用输入的随机移位执行多个预测,并对其进行平均.\n\n' +\ # '• 移位次数越多,预测所需时间越长\n- 除非您有GPU最低8g,否则别瞎选电脑爆炸概不负责') # OVERLAP_HELP = '此选项控制预测窗口之间的重叠量(对于demucs,一个窗口为10秒)' # IS_CHUNK_DEMUCS_HELP = '启用使用“块”.\n\n请注意:我们建议您不要在启用“拆分模式”的情况下启用此选项' # IS_SPLIT_MODE_HELP = ('启用“分段”. \n\n请注意:我们建议您不要使用“启用区块”来启用此选项.\n' +\ # '仅建议具有强大pc或使用“块”模式.再次提醒别瞎点,要对自己电脑负责.别选!不负责任的狗男人') # IS_DEMUCS_COMBINE_STEMS_HELP = '应用程序将通过组合剩余的阀杆来创建第二阀杆\n而不是用混合物反转主茎' # COMPENSATE_HELP = '补偿主杆的音频,以获得更好的辅助杆' # IS_DENOISE_HELP = '该选项消除了MDX-NET模型产生的大部分噪声\n\n请注意:启用此选项后,转换所需的时间几乎是原来的两倍' # CLEAR_CACHE_HELP = '清除以前无法识别的模型的任何用户选择的模型设置' # IS_SAVE_ALL_OUTPUTS_ENSEMBLE_HELP = '启用此选项将保留集成生成的所有单独输出' # IS_APPEND_ENSEMBLE_NAME_HELP = '应用程序将在最终输出中附加集成名称 \n启用此选项时' # DONATE_HELP = '将用户带到外部网站为该项目捐款!' # IS_INVERT_SPEC_HELP = '相反,使用光谱图用混合物反转主阀杆 \n这种反演方法稍慢' # IS_TESTING_AUDIO_HELP = '在输出文件中附加一个唯一的10位数字,以便用户\nc不同设置的比较结果' # IS_CREATE_MODEL_FOLDER_HELP = '将为中的输出生成两个新目录 \n每次转换后的导出目录' # DELETE_YOUR_SETTINGS_HELP = '此菜单包含您保存的设置,系统将要求您\n确认是否要删除所选设置' # SET_STEM_NAME_HELP = '为所选模型选择主阀杆' # MDX_DIM_T_SET_HELP = INTERNAL_MODEL_ATT # MDX_DIM_F_SET_HELP = INTERNAL_MODEL_ATT # MDX_N_FFT_SCALE_SET_HELP = '设置训练模型的N_FFT大小' # POPUP_COMPENSATE_HELP = f'为所选模型选择适当的体积补偿\n\n提醒: {COMPENSATE_HELP}' # VR_MODEL_PARAM_HELP = '选择运行所选模型所需的参数' # CHOSEN_ENSEMBLE_HELP = '选择保存的集合或保存当前集合\n\n默认选择:\n\n- 保存当前集合\n- 清除所有当前模型选择' # CHOSEN_PROCESS_METHOD_HELP = '选择要运行曲目的进程' # FORMAT_SETTING_HELP = '将输出另存为'