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201 lines
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import argparse
import os
import cv2
import librosa
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
from tqdm import tqdm
from lib import dataset
from lib import nets
from lib import spec_utils
# Variable manipulation and command line text parsing
import torch
import tkinter as tk
import traceback # Error Message Recent Calls
class Namespace:
Replaces ArgumentParser
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def main(window: tk.Wm, input_paths: list, gpu: bool = -1,
model: str = 'models/baseline.pth', sr: int = 44100, hop_length: int = 1024,
window_size: int = 512, out_mask: bool = False, postprocess: bool = False,
export_path: str = '', loops: int = 1,
# Other Variables (Tkinter)
progress_var: tk.Variable = None, button_widget: tk.Button = None, command_widget: tk.Text = None,
def load_model():
args.command_widget.write('Loading model...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
device = torch.device('cpu')
model = nets.CascadedASPPNet()
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model, map_location=device))
if torch.cuda.is_available() and args.gpu >= 0:
device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(args.gpu))
args.command_widget.write('Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
return model, device
def load_wave_source():
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Loading wave source...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
X, sr = librosa.load(music_file,
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
return X, sr
def stft_wave_source(X):
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Stft of wave source...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
X = spec_utils.calc_spec(X, args.hop_length)
X, phase = np.abs(X), np.exp(1.j * np.angle(X))
coeff = X.max()
X /= coeff
offset = model.offset
l, r, roi_size = dataset.make_padding(
X.shape[2], args.window_size, offset)
X_pad = np.pad(X, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (l, r)), mode='constant')
X_roll = np.roll(X_pad, roi_size // 2, axis=2)
with torch.no_grad():
masks = []
masks_roll = []
length = int(np.ceil(X.shape[2] / roi_size))
for i in tqdm(range(length)):
progress_var.set(base_progress + max_progress * (0.1 + (0.6/length * i))) # nopep8 Update Progress
start = i * roi_size
X_window = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray([
X_pad[:, :, start:start + args.window_size],
X_roll[:, :, start:start + args.window_size]
pred = model.predict(X_window)
pred = pred.detach().cpu().numpy()
mask = np.concatenate(masks, axis=2)[:, :, :X.shape[2]]
mask_roll = np.concatenate(masks_roll, axis=2)[
:, :, :X.shape[2]]
mask = (mask + np.roll(mask_roll, -roi_size // 2, axis=2)) / 2
if args.postprocess:
vocal = X * (1 - mask) * coeff
mask = spec_utils.mask_uninformative(mask, vocal)
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
inst = X * mask * coeff
vocal = X * (1 - mask) * coeff
return inst, vocal, phase, mask
def invert_instrum_vocal(inst, vocal, phase):
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Inverse stft of instruments and vocals...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
wav_instrument = spec_utils.spec_to_wav(inst, phase, args.hop_length) # nopep8
wav_vocals = spec_utils.spec_to_wav(vocal, phase, args.hop_length) # nopep8
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
return wav_instrument, wav_vocals
def save_files(wav_instrument, wav_vocals):
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Saving Files...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
wav_instrument.T, sr)
if cur_loop == 0:
wav_vocals.T, sr)
if (cur_loop == (args.loops - 1) and
args.loops > 1):
wav_vocals.T, sr)
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
def create_mask():
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Creating Mask...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
norm_mask = np.uint8((1 - mask) * 255).transpose(1, 2, 0)
norm_mask = np.concatenate([
np.max(norm_mask, axis=2, keepdims=True),
norm_mask], axis=2)[::-1]
_, bin_mask = cv2.imencode('.png', norm_mask)
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Saving Mask...\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
with open(f'{export_path}/{base_name}_(Mask).png', mode='wb') as f:
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Done!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
args = Namespace(input=input_paths, gpu=gpu, model=model,
sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length, window_size=window_size,
out_mask=out_mask, postprocess=postprocess, export=export_path,
# Other Variables (Tkinter)
window=window, progress_var=progress_var,
button_widget=button_widget, command_widget=command_widget,
args.command_widget.clear() # Clear Command Text
args.button_widget.configure(state=tk.DISABLED) # Disable Button
total_files = len(args.input) # Used to calculate progress
model, device = load_model()
for file_num, music_file in enumerate(args.input, start=1):
base_name = f'{file_num}_{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(music_file))[0]}'
for cur_loop in range(args.loops):
if cur_loop > 0:
args.command_widget.write(f'File {file_num}/{total_files}: ' + 'Next Pass!\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
music_file = f'{export_path}/{base_name}_(Instrumental).wav'
base_progress = 100 / \
(total_files*args.loops) * \
((file_num*args.loops)-((args.loops-1) - cur_loop)-1)
base_text = 'File {file_num}/{total_files}:{loop} '.format(
loop='' if args.loops <= 1 else f' ({cur_loop+1}/{args.loops})')
max_progress = 100 / (total_files*args.loops)
progress_var.set(base_progress + max_progress * 0.05) # nopep8 Update Progress
X, sr = load_wave_source()
progress_var.set(base_progress + max_progress * 0.1) # nopep8 Update Progress
inst, vocal, phase, mask = stft_wave_source(X)
progress_var.set(base_progress + max_progress * 0.7) # nopep8 Update Progress
wav_instrument, wav_vocals = invert_instrum_vocal(inst, vocal, phase) # nopep8
progress_var.set(base_progress + max_progress * 0.8) # nopep8 Update Progress
save_files(wav_instrument, wav_vocals)
progress_var.set(base_progress + max_progress * 0.9) # nopep8 Update Progress
if args.out_mask:
progress_var.set(base_progress + max_progress * 1) # nopep8 Update Progress
args.command_widget.write(base_text + 'Completed Seperation!\n\n') # nopep8 Write Command Text
except Exception as e:
traceback_text = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__))
print(type(e).__name__, e)
title='Untracked Error',
message=f'Traceback Error: "{traceback_text}"\n{type(e).__name__}: "{e}"\nFile: {music_file}\n\nPlease contact the creator and attach a screenshot of this error with the file which caused it!')
args.button_widget.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) # Enable Button
progress_var.set(100) # Update Progress
args.command_widget.write(f'Conversion(s) Completed and Saving all Files!') # nopep8 Write Command Text
args.button_widget.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) # Enable Button