mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 06:38:47 +01:00
580 lines
22 KiB
580 lines
22 KiB
import os
import librosa
import torch
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
import math
import json
import hashlib
import threading
from tqdm import tqdm
def crop_center(h1, h2):
h1_shape = h1.size()
h2_shape = h2.size()
if h1_shape[3] == h2_shape[3]:
return h1
elif h1_shape[3] < h2_shape[3]:
raise ValueError('h1_shape[3] must be greater than h2_shape[3]')
# s_freq = (h2_shape[2] - h1_shape[2]) // 2
# e_freq = s_freq + h1_shape[2]
s_time = (h1_shape[3] - h2_shape[3]) // 2
e_time = s_time + h2_shape[3]
h1 = h1[:, :, :, s_time:e_time]
return h1
def wave_to_spectrogram(wave, hop_length, n_fft, mp, multithreading):
wave_left = np.asfortranarray(wave[0])
wave_right = np.asfortranarray(wave[1])
if multithreading:
def run_thread(**kwargs):
global spec_left_mt
spec_left_mt = librosa.stft(**kwargs)
thread = threading.Thread(target=run_thread, kwargs={'y': wave_left, 'n_fft': n_fft, 'hop_length': hop_length})
spec_right = librosa.stft(wave_right, n_fft, hop_length=hop_length)
spec = np.asfortranarray([spec_left_mt, spec_right])
spec_left = librosa.stft(wave_left, n_fft, hop_length=hop_length)
spec_right = librosa.stft(wave_right, n_fft, hop_length=hop_length)
spec = np.asfortranarray([spec_left, spec_right])
return spec
def convert_channels(spec, mp, band):
cc = mp.param['band'][band].get('convert_channels')
if mp.param['reverse']:
spec_left = np.flip(spec[0])
spec_right = np.flip(spec[1])
elif mp.param['mid_side_b'] or 'mid_side_b' == cc:
spec_left = np.add(spec[0], spec[1] * .5)
spec_right = np.subtract(spec[1], spec[0] * .5)
elif mp.param['mid_side_b2'] or 'mid_side_b2' == cc:
spec_left = np.add(spec[1], spec[0] * .5)
spec_right = np.subtract(spec[0], spec[1] * .5)
elif 'mid_side_c' == cc:
spec_left = np.add(spec[0], spec[1] * .25)
spec_right = np.subtract(spec[1], spec[0] * .25)
elif mp.param['mid_side'] or 'mid_side' == cc:
spec_left = np.add(spec[0], spec[1]) / 2
spec_right = np.subtract(spec[0], spec[1])
#elif mp.param['stereo_w']:
# spec_left = np.subtract(spec[0], spec[1] * .25)
# spec_right = np.subtract(spec[1], spec[0] * .25)
return spec
return np.asfortranarray([spec_left, spec_right])
def combine_spectrograms(specs, mp):
l = min([specs[i].shape[2] for i in specs])
spec_c = np.zeros(shape=(2, mp.param['bins'] + 1, l), dtype=np.complex64)
offset = 0
bands_n = len(mp.param['band'])
for d in range(1, bands_n + 1):
h = mp.param['band'][d]['crop_stop'] - mp.param['band'][d]['crop_start']
s = specs[d][:, mp.param['band'][d]['crop_start']:mp.param['band'][d]['crop_stop'], :l]
#if 'flip' in mp.param['band'][d]:
# s = np.flip(s, 1)
spec_c[:, offset:offset+h, :l] = s
offset += h
if offset > mp.param['bins']:
raise ValueError('Too much bins')
if mp.param['pre_filter_start'] > 0:
#if bands_n == 1:
spec_c *= get_lp_filter_mask(spec_c.shape[1], mp.param['pre_filter_start'], mp.param['pre_filter_stop'])
gp = 1
for b in range(mp.param['pre_filter_start'] + 1, mp.param['pre_filter_stop']):
g = math.pow(10, -(b - mp.param['pre_filter_start']) * (3.5 - gp) / 20.0)
gp = g
spec_c[:, b, :] *= g
return np.asfortranarray(spec_c)
def spectrogram_to_image(spec, mode='magnitude'):
if mode == 'magnitude':
if np.iscomplexobj(spec):
y = np.abs(spec)
y = spec
y = np.log10(y ** 2 + 1e-8)
elif mode == 'phase':
if np.iscomplexobj(spec):
y = np.angle(spec)
y = spec
y -= y.min()
y *= 255 / y.max()
img = np.uint8(y)
if y.ndim == 3:
img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0)
img = np.concatenate([
np.max(img, axis=2, keepdims=True), img
], axis=2)
return img
def reduce_vocal_aggressively(X, y, softmask):
v = X - y
y_mag_tmp = np.abs(y)
v_mag_tmp = np.abs(v)
v_mask = v_mag_tmp > y_mag_tmp
y_mag = np.clip(y_mag_tmp - v_mag_tmp * v_mask * softmask, 0, np.inf)
return y_mag * np.exp(1.j * np.angle(y))
def mask_silence(mag, ref, thres=0.2, min_range=64, fade_size=32):
if min_range < fade_size * 2:
raise ValueError('min_range must be >= fade_area * 2')
mag = mag.copy()
idx = np.where(ref.mean(axis=(0, 1)) < thres)[0]
starts = np.insert(idx[np.where(np.diff(idx) != 1)[0] + 1], 0, idx[0])
ends = np.append(idx[np.where(np.diff(idx) != 1)[0]], idx[-1])
uninformative = np.where(ends - starts > min_range)[0]
if len(uninformative) > 0:
starts = starts[uninformative]
ends = ends[uninformative]
old_e = None
for s, e in zip(starts, ends):
if old_e is not None and s - old_e < fade_size:
s = old_e - fade_size * 2
if s != 0:
weight = np.linspace(0, 1, fade_size)
mag[:, :, s:s + fade_size] += weight * ref[:, :, s:s + fade_size]
s -= fade_size
if e != mag.shape[2]:
weight = np.linspace(1, 0, fade_size)
mag[:, :, e - fade_size:e] += weight * ref[:, :, e - fade_size:e]
e += fade_size
mag[:, :, s + fade_size:e - fade_size] += ref[:, :, s + fade_size:e - fade_size]
old_e = e
return mag
def trim_specs(a, b):
l = min([a.shape[2], b.shape[2]])
return a[:,:,:l], b[:,:,:l]
def cache_or_load(mix_path, inst_path, mp):
mix_basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mix_path))[0]
inst_basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inst_path))[0]
# the cache will be common for some model types
mpp2 = dict(mp.param)
mpp2.update(dict.fromkeys(['mid_side', 'mid_side_b', 'mid_side_b2', 'reverse'], False))
for d in mpp2['band']:
mpp2['band'][d]['convert_channels'] = ''
cache_dir = 'mp{}'.format(hashlib.sha1(json.dumps(mpp2, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
mix_cache_dir = os.path.join('cache', cache_dir)
inst_cache_dir = os.path.join('cache', cache_dir)
os.makedirs(mix_cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(inst_cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
mix_cache_path = os.path.join(mix_cache_dir, mix_basename + '.npy')
inst_cache_path = os.path.join(inst_cache_dir, inst_basename + '.npy')
if os.path.exists(mix_cache_path) and os.path.exists(inst_cache_path):
X_spec_m = np.load(mix_cache_path)
y_spec_m = np.load(inst_cache_path)
X_wave, y_wave, X_spec_s, y_spec_s = {}, {}, {}, {}
for d in range(len(mp.param['band']), 0, -1):
bp = mp.param['band'][d]
if d == len(mp.param['band']): # high-end band
X_wave[d], _ = librosa.load(
mix_path, bp['sr'], False, dtype=np.float32, res_type=bp['res_type'])
y_wave[d], _ = librosa.load(
inst_path, bp['sr'], False, dtype=np.float32, res_type=bp['res_type'])
else: # lower bands
X_wave[d] = librosa.resample(X_wave[d+1], mp.param['band'][d+1]['sr'], bp['sr'], res_type=bp['res_type'])
y_wave[d] = librosa.resample(y_wave[d+1], mp.param['band'][d+1]['sr'], bp['sr'], res_type=bp['res_type'])
X_wave[d], y_wave[d] = align_wave_head_and_tail(X_wave[d], y_wave[d])
X_spec_s[d] = wave_to_spectrogram(X_wave[d], bp['hl'], bp['n_fft'], mp, False)
y_spec_s[d] = wave_to_spectrogram(y_wave[d], bp['hl'], bp['n_fft'], mp, False)
del X_wave, y_wave
X_spec_m = combine_spectrograms(X_spec_s, mp)
y_spec_m = combine_spectrograms(y_spec_s, mp)
X_spec_m = spec_from_file(mix_path, mp)
y_spec_m = spec_from_file(inst_path, mp)
X_spec_m, y_spec_m = trim_specs(X_spec_m, y_spec_m)
if X_spec_m.shape != y_spec_m.shape:
raise ValueError('The combined spectrograms are different: ' + mix_path)
_, ext = os.path.splitext(mix_path)
np.save(mix_cache_path, X_spec_m)
np.save(inst_cache_path, y_spec_m)
return X_spec_m, y_spec_m
def spectrogram_to_wave(spec, hop_length, mp, band, multithreading):
import threading
spec_left = np.asfortranarray(spec[0])
spec_right = np.asfortranarray(spec[1])
cc = mp.param['band'][band].get('convert_channels')
if multithreading:
def run_thread(**kwargs):
global wave_left_mt
wave_left_mt = librosa.istft(**kwargs)
thread = threading.Thread(target=run_thread, kwargs={'stft_matrix': spec_left, 'hop_length': hop_length})
wave_right = librosa.istft(spec_right, hop_length=hop_length)
wave_left = wave_left_mt
wave_left = librosa.istft(spec_left, hop_length=hop_length)
wave_right = librosa.istft(spec_right, hop_length=hop_length)
if mp.param['reverse']:
return np.asfortranarray([np.flip(wave_left), np.flip(wave_right)])
elif mp.param['mid_side_b'] or 'mid_side_b' == cc:
return np.asfortranarray([np.subtract(wave_left / 1.25, .4 * wave_right), np.add(wave_right / 1.25, .4 * wave_left)])
elif mp.param['mid_side_b2'] or 'mid_side_b2' == cc:
return np.asfortranarray([np.add(wave_right / 1.25, .4 * wave_left), np.subtract(wave_left / 1.25, .4 * wave_right)])
elif 'mid_side_c' == cc:
return np.asfortranarray([np.subtract(wave_left / 1.0625, wave_right / 4.25), np.add(wave_right / 1.0625, wave_left / 4.25)])
elif mp.param['mid_side'] or 'mid_side' == cc:
return np.asfortranarray([np.add(wave_left, wave_right / 2), np.subtract(wave_left, wave_right / 2)])
#elif mp.param['stereo_w']:
# return np.asfortranarray([np.add(wave_left, wave_right * .25) / 0.9375, np.add(wave_right, wave_left * .25) / 0.9375])
return np.asfortranarray([wave_left, wave_right])
def cmb_spectrogram_to_wave(spec_m, mp, extra_bins_h=None, extra_bins=None):
wave_band = {}
bands_n = len(mp.param['band'])
offset = 0
for d in range(1, bands_n + 1):
bp = mp.param['band'][d]
spec_s = np.zeros(shape=(2, bp['n_fft'] // 2 + 1, spec_m.shape[2]), dtype=complex)
h = bp['crop_stop'] - bp['crop_start']
#if 'flip' in mp.param['band'][d]:
# spec_s[:, bp['crop_start']:bp['crop_stop'], :] = np.flip(spec_m[:, offset:offset+h, :], 1)
spec_s[:, bp['crop_start']:bp['crop_stop'], :] = spec_m[:, offset:offset+h, :]
offset += h
if d == bands_n: # high-end
if extra_bins_h:
max_bin = bp['n_fft'] // 2
spec_s[:, max_bin-extra_bins_h:max_bin, :] = extra_bins[:, :extra_bins_h, :]
if bp['hpf_start'] > 0:
spec_s *= get_hp_filter_mask(spec_s.shape[1], bp['hpf_start'], bp['hpf_stop'] - 1)
if bands_n == 1:
wave = spectrogram_to_wave(spec_s, bp['hl'], mp, d, False)
wave = np.add(wave, spectrogram_to_wave(spec_s, bp['hl'], mp, d, False))
sr = mp.param['band'][d+1]['sr']
if d == 1: # low-end
spec_s *= get_lp_filter_mask(spec_s.shape[1], bp['lpf_start'], bp['lpf_stop'])
wave = librosa.resample(spectrogram_to_wave(spec_s, bp['hl'], mp, d, False), bp['sr'], sr, res_type="sinc_fastest")
else: # mid
spec_s *= get_hp_filter_mask(spec_s.shape[1], bp['hpf_start'], bp['hpf_stop'] - 1)
spec_s *= get_lp_filter_mask(spec_s.shape[1], bp['lpf_start'], bp['lpf_stop'])
wave2 = np.add(wave, spectrogram_to_wave(spec_s, bp['hl'], mp, d, False))
wave = librosa.resample(wave2, bp['sr'], sr, res_type="sinc_fastest")
return wave.T
def cmb_spectrogram_to_wave_ffmpeg(spec_m, mp, tmp_basename, extra_bins_h=None, extra_bins=None):
import subprocess
bands_n = len(mp.param['band'])
offset = 0
ffmprc = {}
for d in range(1, bands_n + 1):
bp = mp.param['band'][d]
spec_s = np.zeros(shape=(2, bp['n_fft'] // 2 + 1, spec_m.shape[2]), dtype=complex)
h = bp['crop_stop'] - bp['crop_start']
spec_s[:, bp['crop_start']:bp['crop_stop'], :] = spec_m[:, offset:offset+h, :]
tmp_wav = os.path.join('tmp', '{}_cstw_b{}_sr{}'.format(tmp_basename, d, str(bp['sr']) + '.wav'))
tmp_wav2 = os.path.join('tmp', '{}_cstw_b{}_sr{}'.format(tmp_basename, d, str(mp.param['sr']) + '.wav'))
offset += h
if d == bands_n: # high-end
if extra_bins_h:
max_bin = bp['n_fft'] // 2
spec_s[:, max_bin-extra_bins_h:max_bin, :] = extra_bins[:, :extra_bins_h, :]
if bp['hpf_start'] > 0:
spec_s *= get_hp_filter_mask(spec_s.shape[1], bp['hpf_start'], bp['hpf_stop'] - 1)
if bands_n == 1:
wave = spectrogram_to_wave(spec_s, bp['hl'], mp, d, True)
wave = spectrogram_to_wave(spec_s, bp['hl'], mp, d, True)
if d == 1: # low-end
spec_s *= get_lp_filter_mask(spec_s.shape[1], bp['lpf_start'], bp['lpf_stop'])
else: # mid
spec_s *= get_hp_filter_mask(spec_s.shape[1], bp['hpf_start'], bp['hpf_stop'] - 1)
spec_s *= get_lp_filter_mask(spec_s.shape[1], bp['lpf_start'], bp['lpf_stop'])
sf.write(tmp_wav, spectrogram_to_wave(spec_s, bp['hl'], mp, d, True).T, bp['sr'])
ffmprc[d] = subprocess.Popen(['ffmpeg', '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'panic', '-y', '-i', tmp_wav, '-ar', str(mp.param['sr']), '-ac', '2', '-c:a', 'pcm_s16le', tmp_wav2])
for s in ffmprc:
for d in range(bands_n - 1, 0, -1):
os.remove(os.path.join('tmp', f'{tmp_basename}_cstw_b{d}_sr' + str(mp.param['band'][d]['sr']) + '.wav'))
tmp_wav2 = os.path.join('tmp', f'{tmp_basename}_cstw_b{d}_sr' + str(mp.param['sr']) + '.wav')
wave2, _ = librosa.load(tmp_wav2, mp.param['sr'], False, dtype=np.float32, res_type="sinc_fastest")
wave = np.add(wave, wave2)
return wave.T
def fft_lp_filter(spec, bin_start, bin_stop):
g = 1.0
for b in range(bin_start, bin_stop):
g -= 1 / (bin_stop - bin_start)
spec[:, b, :] = g * spec[:, b, :]
spec[:, bin_stop:, :] *= 0
return spec
def fft_hp_filter(spec, bin_start, bin_stop):
g = 1.0
for b in range(bin_start, bin_stop, -1):
g -= 1 / (bin_start - bin_stop)
spec[:, b, :] = g * spec[:, b, :]
spec[:, 0:bin_stop+1, :] *= 0
return spec
def get_lp_filter_mask(bins_n, bin_start, bin_stop):
mask = np.concatenate([
np.ones((bin_start - 1, 1)),
np.linspace(1, 0, bin_stop - bin_start + 1)[:, None],
np.zeros((bins_n - bin_stop, 1))
], axis=0)
return mask
def get_hp_filter_mask(bins_n, bin_start, bin_stop):
mask = np.concatenate([
np.zeros((bin_stop + 1, 1)),
np.linspace(0, 1, 1 + bin_start - bin_stop)[:, None],
np.ones((bins_n - bin_start - 2, 1))
], axis=0)
return mask
def mirroring(a, spec_m, input_high_end, mp):
if 'mirroring' == a:
mirror = np.flip(np.abs(spec_m[:, mp.param['pre_filter_start']-10-input_high_end.shape[1]:mp.param['pre_filter_start']-10, :]), 1)
mirror = mirror * np.exp(1.j * np.angle(input_high_end))
return np.where(np.abs(input_high_end) <= np.abs(mirror), input_high_end, mirror)
if 'mirroring2' == a:
mirror = np.flip(np.abs(spec_m[:, mp.param['pre_filter_start']-10-input_high_end.shape[1]:mp.param['pre_filter_start']-10, :]), 1)
mi = np.multiply(mirror, input_high_end * 1.7)
return np.where(np.abs(input_high_end) <= np.abs(mi), input_high_end, mi)
def adjust_aggr(mask, params):
aggr = params.get('aggr_value', 0.0)
if aggr != 0:
if params.get('is_vocal_model'):
aggr = 1 - aggr
aggr_l = aggr_r = aggr
if params['aggr_correction'] is not None:
aggr_l += params['aggr_correction']['left']
aggr_r += params['aggr_correction']['right']
mask[:, 0, :params['aggr_split_bin']] = torch.pow(mask[:, 0, :params['aggr_split_bin']], 1 + aggr_l / 3)
mask[:, 0, params['aggr_split_bin']:] = torch.pow(mask[:, 0, params['aggr_split_bin']:], 1 + aggr_l)
mask[:, 1, :params['aggr_split_bin']] = torch.pow(mask[:, 1, :params['aggr_split_bin']], 1 + aggr_r / 3)
mask[:, 1, params['aggr_split_bin']:] = torch.pow(mask[:, 1, params['aggr_split_bin']:], 1 + aggr_r)
return mask
def ensembling(a, specs):
for i in range(1, len(specs)):
if i == 1:
spec = specs[0]
ln = min([spec.shape[2], specs[i].shape[2]])
spec = spec[:,:,:ln]
specs[i] = specs[i][:,:,:ln]
if 'min_mag' == a:
spec = np.where(np.abs(specs[i]) <= np.abs(spec), specs[i], spec)
if 'max_mag' == a:
spec = np.where(np.abs(specs[i]) >= np.abs(spec), specs[i], spec)
return spec
def spec_from_file(filename, mp):
wave, spec = {}, {}
for d in range(len(mp.param['band']), 0, -1):
bp = mp.param['band'][d]
if d == len(mp.param['band']): # high-end band
wave, _ = librosa.load(
filename, bp['sr'], False, dtype=np.float32, res_type=bp['res_type'])
if len(wave.shape) == 1: # mono to stereo
wave = np.array([wave, wave])
else: # lower bands
wave = librosa.resample(wave, mp.param['band'][d+1]['sr'], bp['sr'], res_type=bp['res_type'])
spec[d] = wave_to_spectrogram(wave, bp['hl'], bp['n_fft'], mp, False)
spec[d] = convert_channels(spec[d], mp, d)
return combine_spectrograms(spec, mp)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import cv2
import sys
import time
import argparse
from model_param_init import ModelParameters
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('--algorithm', '-a', type=str, choices=['invert', 'invert_p', 'min_mag', 'max_mag', 'deep', 'align'], default='min_mag')
p.add_argument('--model_params', '-m', type=str, default=os.path.join('modelparams', '1band_sr44100_hl512.json'))
p.add_argument('--output_name', '-o', type=str, default='output')
p.add_argument('--vocals_only', '-v', action='store_true')
p.add_argument('input', nargs='+')
args = p.parse_args()
start_time = time.time()
if args.algorithm.startswith('invert') and len(args.input) != 2:
raise ValueError('There should be two input files.')
if not args.algorithm.startswith('invert') and len(args.input) < 2:
raise ValueError('There must be at least two input files.')
specs = {}
mp = ModelParameters(args.model_params)
for i in range(len(args.input)):
specs[i] = spec_from_file(args.input[i], mp)
specs[0], specs[1] = trim_specs(specs[0], specs[1])
if args.algorithm == 'deep':
d_spec = np.where(np.abs(specs[0]) <= np.abs(specs[1]), specs[0], specs[1])
v_spec = d_spec - specs[1]
sf.write(os.path.join('{}.wav'.format(args.output_name)), cmb_spectrogram_to_wave(v_spec, mp), mp.param['sr'])
if args.algorithm.startswith('invert'):
if 'invert_p' == args.algorithm:
X_mag = np.abs(specs[0])
y_mag = np.abs(specs[1])
max_mag = np.where(X_mag >= y_mag, X_mag, y_mag)
v_spec = specs[1] - max_mag * np.exp(1.j * np.angle(specs[0]))
specs[1] = reduce_vocal_aggressively(specs[0], specs[1], 0.2)
v_spec = specs[0] - specs[1]
if not args.vocals_only:
X_mag = np.abs(specs[0])
y_mag = np.abs(specs[1])
v_mag = np.abs(v_spec)
X_image = spectrogram_to_image(X_mag)
y_image = spectrogram_to_image(y_mag)
v_image = spectrogram_to_image(v_mag)
cv2.imwrite('{}_X.png'.format(args.output_name), X_image)
cv2.imwrite('{}_y.png'.format(args.output_name), y_image)
cv2.imwrite('{}_v.png'.format(args.output_name), v_image)
sf.write('{}_X.wav'.format(args.output_name), cmb_spectrogram_to_wave(specs[0], mp), mp.param['sr'])
sf.write('{}_y.wav'.format(args.output_name), cmb_spectrogram_to_wave(specs[1], mp), mp.param['sr'])
sf.write('{}_v.wav'.format(args.output_name), cmb_spectrogram_to_wave(v_spec, mp), mp.param['sr'])
if not args.algorithm == 'deep':
sf.write(os.path.join('ensembled','{}.wav'.format(args.output_name)), cmb_spectrogram_to_wave(ensembling(args.algorithm, specs), mp), mp.param['sr'])
#print('Total time: {0:.{1}f}s'.format(time.time() - start_time, 1))
if args.algorithm == 'align':
trackalignment = [
for i,e in tqdm(enumerate(trackalignment), desc="Performing Alignment..."):
os.system(f"python lib/align_tracks.py {e['file1']} {e['file2']}")