org.upscayl.Upscayl Upscayl Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler FSFAP AGPL-3.0

Upscayl is a free and open source AI Image Upscaler.

org.upscayl.Upscayl.desktop Banner Science Fiction to Reality 5+ Upscaling Modes Upscale Transparent PNGs Upscale thousands of images at once Fully Customizable


  • Updated dependencies ⚡️
  • Squashed bugs


  • Updated electron version ⚡️
  • Fixed scaling and conversion ⚖️
  • Added 4:4:4 subsampling by default 🌈
  • Added the option to switch off post-processing ⌥
  • MacOS builds are now signed, which means no weird security warnings (App Store soon 😉)
  • Fixed macOS issue with closed Windows (#471) ❌
  • Fixed grainy picture issue (#474) 💥
  • Fixed compression 🗜️


  • We're introducing MacOS Apple Chip support in v2.8.1 🥳
  • HUGE codebase refactor, to save us devs some time 🥇
  • Batch upscale will now show you progress 💯
  • We've integrated better compression and scaling ♻️
  • Fixed the empty upscaled image bug 🗑️
  • Added helpful tips for Upscayl options in settings 💁🏻‍♀️
  • Added performance mode reminder for Windows users 🏇🏻
  • Fix large image upscale performance bug 🐌
  • Auto-update for MacOS, sorry for ignoring for so long 😅
  • Fixed the annoying Upscayl Cloud bug. It won't appear again and again and you can make it disappear like it's MAGIC! 🪄
  • Fix re-upscayl folder progress bug 🐞


  • Added wiki option in the settings 📚
  • Added warnings for Scale issue ⚠
  • Fixed upscale resolution warning above 32k 🧐
  • Fixed batch folder output folder bug 📁
  • Disabled auto install on new updates ⚡


  • New Settings tab!
  • Upscayl now allows you to import your own models! (Refer GitHub Wiki)
  • Reduced size since v2.0.1
  • Updated Ultrasharp model
  • Added FAST Real-ESRGAN Model
  • A cancel upscaling button, finally!
  • More visible progress bar
  • New log area. Now you can directly see the logs and report bugs.
  • Batch Mode is now persisted across sessions.
  • Output Folder is now persisted across sessions.
  • New experimental scale option.
  • Removed sharpen option (it was useless tbh)
  • Fixed issue with upscaling images with special characters in their name.
  • Massively improved logging.
  • Bug fixes
  • Bug additions