module.exports = { content: [ "./renderer/pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", "./renderer/components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", ], safelist: [ "group-hover:scale-[100%]", "group-hover:scale-[125%]", "group-hover:scale-[150%]", "group-hover:scale-[175%]", "group-hover:scale-[200%]", ], theme: { extend: { spacing: { 128: "28rem", }, }, }, plugins: [require("daisyui"), require("tailwind-scrollbar")], daisyui: { themes: [ { upscayl: { primary: "#334155", secondary: "#4f46e5", accent: "#6d28d9", neutral: "#475569", "base-100": "#1e293b", "base-200": "#0f172a", "base-300": "#020617", "--rounded-btn": "2rem", // border radius rounded-btn utility class, used in buttons and similar element "--rounded-badge": "2rem", // border radius rounded-badge utility class, used in badges and similar "--animation-btn": "0.5s", // duration of animation when you click on button "--animation-input": "0.5s", // duration of animation for inputs like checkbox, toggle, radio, etc "--btn-text-case": "uppercase", // set default text transform for buttons "--btn-focus-scale": "0.95", // scale transform of button when you focus on it "--border-btn": "1px", // border width of buttons "--tab-border": "1px", // border width of tabs "--tab-radius": "0.5rem", // border radius of tabs }, }, "light", "dark", "cupcake", "bumblebee", "emerald", "corporate", "synthwave", "retro", "cyberpunk", "valentine", "halloween", "garden", "forest", "aqua", "lofi", "pastel", "fantasy", "wireframe", "black", "luxury", "dracula", "cmyk", "autumn", "business", "acid", "lemonade", "night", "coffee", "winter", ], }, };