import { Notification } from "electron/main"; import { turnOffNotifications } from "./config-variables"; import fs from 'fs'; export default function showNotification(title: string, body: string) { if (turnOffNotifications) return; const iconPaths = [ "/app/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/org.upscayl.Upscayl.png", // flatpak icon "__appImage-x64/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/upscayl.png", // appimage icon "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/upscayl.png", // deb & rpm icon "resources/128x128.png", // win icon "build/icon.icns", // mac icon ]; // Find the first available icon path let iconPath = ''; for (const path of iconPaths) { if (fs.existsSync(path)) { iconPath = path; break; } } const notification = new Notification({ title, body, closeButtonText: "Close", icon: iconPath, }).show(); }