import { atom } from "jotai"; import en from "../locales/en.json"; import ru from "../locales/ru.json"; import ja from "../locales/ja.json"; import zh from "../locales/zh.json"; import es from "../locales/es.json"; import fr from "../locales/fr.json"; import vi from "../locales/vi.json"; import { atomWithStorage } from "jotai/utils"; // Define the shape of the translations type Translations = typeof en; type Locales = "en" | "ru" | "ja" | "zh" | "es" | "fr" | "vi"; const translations: Record = { en, ru, ja, zh, es, fr, vi, }; // Create a type for nested key paths type NestedKeyOf = Object extends object ? { [Key in keyof Object]: Key extends string | number ? Key | `${Key}.${NestedKeyOf}` : never; }[keyof Object] : never; // Utility function to access nested translation keys const getNestedTranslation = ( obj: Translations, key: NestedKeyOf, ): string => { // Split the key into an array of nested parts const keyParts = key.split("."); // Traverse the object using the key parts const result = keyParts.reduce((currentObj, part) => { // If currentObj is falsy or doesn't have the property, return undefined return currentObj && currentObj[part]; }, obj); // Return the found translation or the original key if not found return result || key; }; // Atom to store the current locale export const localeAtom = atomWithStorage("language", "en"); // Atom to get the translation function based on the current locale export const translationAtom = atom((get) => { const locale = get(localeAtom); return ( key: NestedKeyOf, params: Record = {}, ): string => { const template = getNestedTranslation(translations[locale], key); // Replace placeholders with parameters, e.g., {name} => John return Object.keys(params).reduce( (str, paramKey) => str.replace(`{${paramKey}}`, params[paramKey]), template, ); }; });