import fs from "fs"; import { getMainWindow } from "../main-window"; import { childProcesses, customModelsFolderPath, noImageProcessing, outputFolderPath, saveOutputFolder, setStopped, stopped, } from "../utils/config-variables"; import logit from "../utils/logit"; import { spawnUpscayl } from "../utils/spawn-upscayl"; import { getBatchArguments } from "../utils/get-arguments"; import slash from "../utils/slash"; import { modelsPath } from "../utils/get-resource-paths"; import COMMAND from "../constants/commands"; import convertAndScale from "../utils/convert-and-scale"; import DEFAULT_MODELS from "../constants/models"; const batchUpscayl = async (event, payload) => { const mainWindow = getMainWindow(); if (!mainWindow) return; // GET THE MODEL const model = payload.model; const gpuId = payload.gpuId; const saveImageAs = payload.saveImageAs; // const scale = payload.scale as string; // GET THE IMAGE DIRECTORY let inputDir = payload.batchFolderPath; // GET THE OUTPUT DIRECTORY let outputDir = payload.outputPath; if (saveOutputFolder === true && outputFolderPath) { outputDir = outputFolderPath; } const isDefaultModel = DEFAULT_MODELS.includes(model); let scale = "4"; if (model.includes("x2")) { scale = "2"; } else if (model.includes("x3")) { scale = "3"; } else { scale = "4"; } outputDir += slash + `upscayl_${model}_x${payload.scale}`; if (!fs.existsSync(outputDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(outputDir, { recursive: true }); } // Delete .DS_Store files fs.readdirSync(inputDir).forEach((file) => { if (file === ".DS_Store") { logit("🗑️ Deleting .DS_Store file"); fs.unlinkSync(inputDir + slash + file); } }); // UPSCALE const upscayl = spawnUpscayl( "realesrgan", getBatchArguments( inputDir, outputDir, isDefaultModel ? modelsPath : customModelsFolderPath ?? modelsPath, model, gpuId, "png", scale ), logit ); childProcesses.push(upscayl); setStopped(false); let failed = false; const onData = (data: any) => { if (!mainWindow) return; data = data.toString(); mainWindow.webContents.send( COMMAND.FOLDER_UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data.toString() ); if (data.includes("invalid") || data.includes("failed")) { logit("❌ INVALID GPU OR INVALID FILES IN FOLDER - FAILED"); failed = true; upscayl.kill(); } }; const onError = (data: any) => { if (!mainWindow) return; mainWindow.setProgressBar(-1); mainWindow.webContents.send( COMMAND.FOLDER_UPSCAYL_PROGRESS, data.toString() ); failed = true; upscayl.kill(); mainWindow && mainWindow.webContents.send( COMMAND.UPSCAYL_ERROR, "Error upscaling image. Error: " + data ); return; }; const onClose = () => { if (!mainWindow) return; if (!failed && !stopped) { logit("💯 Done upscaling"); logit("♻ Scaling and converting now..."); upscayl.kill(); mainWindow && mainWindow.webContents.send(COMMAND.SCALING_AND_CONVERTING); if (noImageProcessing) { logit("🚫 Skipping scaling and converting"); mainWindow.setProgressBar(-1); mainWindow.webContents.send(COMMAND.FOLDER_UPSCAYL_DONE, outputDir); return; } // Get number of files in output folder const files = fs.readdirSync(inputDir); try { files.forEach(async (file) => { console.log("Filename: ", file.slice(0, -3)); await convertAndScale( inputDir + slash + file, outputDir + slash + file.slice(0, -3) + "png", outputDir + slash + file.slice(0, -3) + saveImageAs, payload.scale, saveImageAs, onError ); // Remove the png file (default) if the saveImageAs is not png if (saveImageAs !== "png") { fs.unlinkSync(outputDir + slash + file.slice(0, -3) + "png"); } }); mainWindow.webContents.send(COMMAND.FOLDER_UPSCAYL_DONE, outputDir); } catch (error) { logit("❌ Error processing (scaling and converting) the image.", error); upscayl.kill(); mainWindow && mainWindow.webContents.send( COMMAND.UPSCAYL_ERROR, "Error processing (scaling and converting) the image. Please report this error on Upscayl GitHub Issues page.\n" + error ); } } else { upscayl.kill(); } }; upscayl.process.stderr.on("data", onData); upscayl.process.on("error", onError); upscayl.process.on("close", onClose); }; export default batchUpscayl;