import { BrowserWindow, shell } from "electron"; import { getPlatform } from "./utils/get-device-specs"; import { join } from "path"; import COMMAND from "./constants/commands"; import { overwrite, setCustomModelsFolderPath, setFolderPath, setImagePath, setOutputFolderPath, setOverwrite, setQuality, setSaveOutputFolder, } from "./utils/config-variables"; import electronIsDev from "electron-is-dev"; let mainWindow: BrowserWindow | null; const createMainWindow = () => { mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ icon: join(__dirname, "build", "icon.png"), width: 1300, height: 940, minHeight: 500, minWidth: 500, show: false, backgroundColor: "#171717", webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, nodeIntegrationInWorker: true, webSecurity: false, preload: join(__dirname, "preload.js"), }, titleBarStyle: getPlatform() === "mac" ? "hiddenInset" : "default", }); const url = electronIsDev ? "http://localhost:8000" : (new URL("file:///").pathname = join( __dirname, "../renderer/out/index.html" )).toString(); mainWindow.loadURL(url); mainWindow.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(({ url }) => { shell.openExternal(url); return { action: "deny" }; }); mainWindow.once("ready-to-show", () => { if (!mainWindow) return;; }); // GET LAST IMAGE PATH TO LOCAL STORAGE mainWindow.webContents .executeJavaScript('localStorage.getItem("lastImagePath");', true) .then((lastImagePath: string | null) => { if (lastImagePath && lastImagePath.length > 0) { setImagePath(lastImagePath); } }); // GET LAST FOLDER PATH TO LOCAL STORAGE mainWindow.webContents .executeJavaScript('localStorage.getItem("lastFolderPath");', true) .then((lastFolderPath: string | null) => { if (lastFolderPath && lastFolderPath.length > 0) { setFolderPath(lastFolderPath); } }); // GET LAST CUSTOM MODELS FOLDER PATH TO LOCAL STORAGE mainWindow.webContents .executeJavaScript( 'localStorage.getItem("lastCustomModelsFolderPath");', true ) .then((lastCustomModelsFolderPath: string | null) => { if (lastCustomModelsFolderPath && lastCustomModelsFolderPath.length > 0) { setCustomModelsFolderPath(lastCustomModelsFolderPath); } }); // GET LAST CUSTOM MODELS FOLDER PATH TO LOCAL STORAGE mainWindow.webContents .executeJavaScript('localStorage.getItem("lastOutputFolderPath");', true) .then((lastOutputFolderPath: string | null) => { if (lastOutputFolderPath && lastOutputFolderPath.length > 0) { setOutputFolderPath(lastOutputFolderPath); } }); // GET LAST SAVE OUTPUT FOLDER (BOOLEAN) TO LOCAL STORAGE mainWindow.webContents .executeJavaScript('localStorage.getItem("rememberOutputFolder");', true) .then((lastSaveOutputFolder: boolean | null) => { if (lastSaveOutputFolder !== null) { setSaveOutputFolder(lastSaveOutputFolder); } }); // GET IMAGE QUALITY (NUMBER) TO LOCAL STORAGE mainWindow.webContents .executeJavaScript('localStorage.getItem("quality");', true) .then((lastSavedQuality: string | null) => { if (lastSavedQuality !== null) { if (parseInt(lastSavedQuality) === 100) { setQuality(99); } else { setQuality(parseInt(lastSavedQuality)); } } }); // GET IMAGE QUALITY (NUMBER) TO LOCAL STORAGE mainWindow.webContents .executeJavaScript('localStorage.getItem("overwrite");', true) .then((lastSavedOverwrite: string | null) => { if (lastSavedOverwrite !== null) { setOverwrite(lastSavedOverwrite === "true"); } }); mainWindow.webContents.send(COMMAND.OS, getPlatform()); mainWindow.setMenuBarVisibility(false); }; const getMainWindow = () => { return mainWindow; }; export { createMainWindow, getMainWindow };